Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ST4000 del fabbricante Fujitsu
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Copyrig ht Fuj itsu PC Co rporation has made every eff ort to en sure the accuracy and c omple teness of this docume nt. Because ongoing dev elopment efforts ar e made to co ntinually improve the cap .
Styli stic ST 4000 Se ries Tabl et P C - Us er’s Guid e Alb_UG_Active Page ii Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 PM.
T able of Con tents T able of Contents PREFACE Preface About Thi s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Fujitsu Conta ct Informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Warranty Info rmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Styli stic ST40 00 Se ries Tablet PC Use r’s Guide APPENDIX Wireless LAN User’ s Guide FCC Regu latory Informa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Before Usi ng This Devic e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Connect ing Windo ws 2000 System s .
Preface Alb_UG_Active Page iii Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 P M.
Styli stic ST 4000 Se ries T abl et P C U ser’ s G uide – Pr efac e Alb_UG_Active Page iv Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 PM.
Preface Preface ABOUT TH IS GUIDE The St ylis tic ST4000 Series T ablet PC is a high- perf orma nce, pe n-bas ed computer that h as be en desig ne d to su ppor t Microso ft Wi n d ow s XP T ablet PC Edition.
Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Pref ace Alb_UG_Active Page vi Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 PM.
1 Getting Started with Y our T ablet PC Alb_UG_Active Page vii Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 P M.
Styli stic ST 4000 Se ries T abl et P C U ser’ s G uide – Se ctio n O ne Alb_UG_Active Page vii i Monday, October 21, 2002 12:15 P M.
1 Getting Started Getting Started with Y our Stylistic T ablet PC Figu re 1- 1 Styl istic ST40 00 Ser ies T a blet P C The St ylis tic ST4000 Series T ablet PC is a high- perf orma nce, pe n-bas ed computer that h as be en desig ne d to supp or t Mic rosof t W indo ws XP T ablet PC Edition.
2 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne OPTIONA L ACCESSO RIES The following optional ac cessories can be used with the Stylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC. Refer to the instruc tions provided w ith these accessor ies for details on their use.
3 Getting Started STYLI STIC T ABLET PC FE ATURES Fe atures and c ontrols that y ou use to operat e the Stylistic ST4000 Series T able t PC are outlined belo w and illustrated in Figures 1-1 thro ugh 1-5. Details on using these features and controls are pro vided later in this manual.
4 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne Figure 1-3 Styl isti c ST4000 Serie s T ablet PC Feat ures ( Back View) * The system is configured w ith one of two m odules: a st andard modem module or an opt ional w ireless LAN/LAN/m odem combo module.
5 Getting Started Figure 1-4 Stylis tic ST4000 Series T ablet P C Feature s (T op View) T op Featu res: 1 • Pen : T he ma in input devi ce tha t you us e to execut e programs and enter data. A pen holder is built into the Tabl et PC to store the pe n when not in use.
6 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne Figure 1 -5 St ylist ic ST40 00 Ser ies T abl et PC Featu res (L eft Sid e View) * The system is configured w ith one of two modules: a standard modem module or an optional wireless L AN/LAN/modem combo module.
7 Getting Started Figure 1 -6 St ylist ic ST40 00 Ser ies T abl et PC Featu res (R ight Side View) Right- Side Feat ures: 1 • Pe n : The main po inting devi ce that yo u use to execu te programs and en ter data. A pen holder is buil t into the Tab let PC to stor e the p en when not in use.
8 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne STATUS D ISPLAY Ic ons appe ar in the s tatus displ ay ind icating the statu s of syst em func tions suc h as syst em powe r and ba tte r y charge level. The location of ic ons in the Status displa y is shown in Figur e 1-7.
9 Getting Started T able 1- 2 System St atus I ndica tors Battery • On State • Idle Mode Green, continuous Battery char ge is between 50%-100% Amber , continuous Battery charge is between 13% -49% Red, continuous Battery charge is between 0% -12% Red, blinking There is a battery error .
10 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne APPLICA TION BUTTONS The s ix app lic ation b utt on s are l ocat ed on t he uppe r right-hand side of a ve rtically-oriented syst em. (See figure 1-2 on page 3 for locat ion) .
11 Getting Started T able 1-3 Appl ication B uttons - Primary a nd Sec ondary F unctions * The Fn button has a handy “s ticky” feat ure that allows you to press two buttons in immediat e successio n, rather than at ex actly the s ame time. After pressing the Fn button, y ou have a short t ime (2 to 3 seconds) to press the second button.
12 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne NAVIGATION BUTT ONS The two navigation buttons are located on the lower right-hand side of a ve rtically-oriented syst em. (See figure 1- 2 on page 3 for locat ion) . Each of the buttons can be togg led by pressing e ither end of the button.
13 Getting Started T ERTIARY FUNCTIONS OF APPLIC ATION AND NAVIGATION BUTTONS W hile you ar e booting up your system, the Ap plication Butt ons a nd N avigation bu tt ons can be u sed fo r ent ering a.
14 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne CONNECTORS AND P ERIPHERAL INTERFACES Connect ors and periphe ral interfaces on the Stylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC allow the connection of a variety of dev ices. Specific locations are illustrated in Figures 1-2 through 1-5.
15 Getting Started T ab le 1- 6 Peri phera l Co nne ctors /Int er face s IEEE 1 394 jack The IE EE 1394 j ack allow s you to connect between your T ablet PC a nd periphera ls such as a di gital video cam era.
16 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction O ne Alb_UG_Active Page 16 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
17 2 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC Alb_UG_Active Page 17 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
18 Stylist ic ST 4000 Series Tabl et PC U ser’s Guide – Se ction T wo Alb_UG_Active Page 18 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
19 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000 Using the Stylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC Thi s cha p ter cove rs t he fu nd am en t al co ncep t s, ba s ic syst em operation and us e, and sy ste m functio ns of the Stylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC. Y ou should familiariz e yo urself with this information before y ou attempt t o opera te the system.
20 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T wo T able 2 -1 Chan ging Sy stem St ates * Information in T able 2-1 on page 20 is supplied to help y ou understand which system states your syste m can ente r from the current system state .
21 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000 T o suspend sy stem operation : 1. P ress the Suspend/Resume button, or carr y o ut the Stan dby comma nd from your oper at ing system or pow e r manage ment pr ogram.
22 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T wo • If your system is equi pped w ith a PC Card that all ows you to con n ec t to a w ire d or w i re l es s ne t wor k , yo u may be logged off th e netwo rk after a pe riod of inactivity while syste m operation is suspen ded.
23 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000 sponds to the r ight mouse button. The rear togg le of the barrel butto n switch acts as an electronic ink “ eraser” . Here are some h ints tha t may he lp you us e the p en more effectively: • T o activ at e the tip swit ch , ta p or hold the pen tip against the screen.
24 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T wo CHARGING THE BATTERY The S tyl ist ic ST 4000 Ser ies bat ter y can be charg ed wh ile it is installed in the T ablet PC. To d o s o : 1 . C o n n e c t a D C po w er s ou rc e, s uc h a s t h e AC a d a pt e r, to t he DC inp ut co nnect or on the T ab let PC.
25 Using Y our Stylistic ST4000 T IPS FOR CONSERVING BATTERY POWER Y ou can ex ten d the c har ge li fe of yo ur bat tery by cons er v i ng ba tt er y power. ( Y ou r res ul ts m ay v ar y depending on y our application and how the system is configured .
26 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T wo Figu re 2-6. Re moving a PC C ard REMOVING AND INSTALLI NG MEMORY MOD ULES There is one DIMM slot in your T ablet PC and 256MB on the motherboar d. 256MB and 512MB modules a re av ailable, so you can install a combina tion of up to 768MB in the syst e m.
27 3 Care and Maintenance Alb_UG_Active Page 27 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
28 Styli stic ST 4000 Se ries Tabl et PC User ’s Guide – Se ction Three Alb_UG_Active Page 28 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
29 Care and Mainte nance Care and Maintenance This chapter gives you pointers on how to care for and maintain y our Stylistic ST4000 Series T able t PC. PROTECT ING THE DI SPLAY SCR EEN The Stylistic ST4000 Series T able t PC is designed to provide you with year s of ser v ice.
30 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T hree 7. Clean an y residue left behind by the prot ective coatin g from th e exp ose d sur face o f the screen prote ctor by wiping gently with a soft cotton cloth damp ened w ith i sopropyl alcohol .
31 Care and Mainte nance T ablet PC is Not Responding to the Pen If the T ablet PC does not r e spond to the pen, c onnect an external ke ybo ard to th e system to see if it res ponds to k eyboard comman ds.
32 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction T hree Alb_UG_Active Page 32 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
33 4 Specifications Alb_UG_Active Page 33 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
34 Styli stic ST40 00 Se ries Tablet PC Use r’s Guide – Sect ion Four Alb_UG_Active Page 34 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
35 System Specifications Stylistic ST4000 Series Ha rdware Specifications The following table pro vides general hardwa re specifica- tions of the St ylistic ST4000 Series T ablet PC by categor y . Stylistic S T4000 Specificati ons Phy sica l Spec ific ati ons Dimensions 8.
36 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction F our Status Indicators (LEDs) • Power • Charge/DC-In • Battery leve l • HDD Power Specifications Main Battery • 6-c ell • Removable, L ithium ion • 10.8 V @ 4000 mAh • W arm-swappable •R e c h a r g e T i m e : Suspend/Off: 3.
37 5 Agency Notices Alb_UG_Active Page 37 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
38 Styli stic ST40 00 Se ries Tablet PC Use r’s Guide – Sect ion Five Alb_UG_Active Page 38 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
39 Agency Notices Regulatory Information NOTICE Chan ges or modific ations not expr essly appr ov ed by Fujitsu could vo id this user ’ s au thority to operate the equipmen t.
40 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction F ive ■ Public transpor tation terminals where telephone s are used to cal l taxis or to reser ve lodging o r rental cars .
41 Agency Notices UL Notice This un it requi res an AC adapter to op era te. Use only UL Lis t ed Cl as s 2 Adap te rs w i th an ou tp ut ra t in g o f 1 6 VD C , with a cur rent of 3.
42 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Se ction F ive Alb_UG_Active Page 42 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
43 Appendix Wireless LAN* User’ s Guide * Option al device Alb_UG_Active Page 43 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
44 Styli stic ST 4000 Se ries T abl et P C U ser’ s G uide – Ap pen dix Alb_UG_Active Page 44 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
45 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide FCC REGULATORY INFORMATION Please note the follo wing regulator y information relate d to the optional wi reless LAN dev ice. Regula tory Notes an d Sta tem ents W ireless LA N, Health and A uthoriz ati on for use Radio freq ue ncy el ectr omagneti c ener gy is em itte d fr om W ireless LAN d ev ices.
46 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix BEFORE USING THIS DEVICE Thank y o u for pur chasing a Fujitsu S T4000 Series T ablet PC with the optio nal Integrated Wir eless LAN.
47 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide CONNECTING WINDOWS 2000 SYSTEM S This cha pter describe s how t o set the wirel ess LAN con nection for comput ers running W indows 2000. Wo r k f l o w The pr ope r setup of the wirele ss LAN r equir es sev eral steps which m ust b e pe rfor med in th e prop er order.
48 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix T able 2: Encryption K ey Setup 7. W hen yo u finish your entry , click [A pply]. 8. Click [OK]. [PRIS M W ireless Settings] closes. Y ou h ave co mp le te d th e p ar am e ter s et t in gs .
49 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T a ble 3: Setting a n IP Addres s 6. Click [O K]. The [Lo cal Area Con nec tion Proper t ies] window ap pears again. 7. Click [OK]. W hen a message app ears pr ompting y ou to restar t the com puter , click [Y es ]. Check ing the full com puter nam e and workgroup 1.
50 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix Shar ing File s The fo llowing ex ample sh ows h ow t o set sharing the “W ork” fo lder on t he c: dri ve. 1. On the de sktop , double-click [M y Compute r]-> C: drive. 2. Rig ht- click the “W or k” fol der , th en cli ck [S har in g] from the men u.
51 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T able 7: Checking connectivity CONNECTING WINDOWS XP SYSTEM S This cha pter describe s how t o set up the wir e less LAN connection for comp uters that are running W indows XP . Wo r k f l o w The proper setup of the wireless LAN co nnection req uire s that sev eral st eps be pe rformed in the pr oper order .
52 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix T able 8: Setting parameters 8. When y ou finish y our entr y , click [OK]. [W ireless N etwork C onnection 2 P roperties] ap pears again. 9. Mak e sure the network nam e you specified for the SSID in S tep 7 is a dde d under [Prefer red netwo rks ].
53 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T able 10: Setting com puter name and workgroup T o change the setting, click [Change], and follo w t he inst ruc tions o n the screen . [System Properti es] a ppear s aga in. 5. Click [OK]. W hen a message app ears pr ompting y ou to restar t the com puter , click [Y es ].
54 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix 6. Select 'Shar e this printer'. 7. Enter the sharing printer name in 'Share name'. 8. Click ‘OK’ . The printer will be shared, and the printer ico n will become a sharing icon.
55 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide T ROUBLESHOO TING This section c ontains troubleshooting i nformation, inclu ding causes and actions, for pr oblems y ou may find while u sing this device. T roublesho oting T able Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution An exclam ation mark (!) or cross (x) is attached to [Inter sil PRISM Wire less LAN PCI Card].
56 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix IP packet isn’t reaching its destination Run the PING command to check the connection Perform the following steps to run the PING command to check if the IP packet is c orrectly delivered to the destination.
57 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide I want to remov e the driver (Windows 2000) Windows 2000: When remo ving the driver , make sure the device is att ached to the computer . If you try to remove the driver w hile the dev ice is detache d from the computer , the driver is not removed.
58 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix ABOUT I P ADDRESS ES Setting IP Addresse s If you are not sure how to set the IP address , refer to the foll owing pr ocedur e.
59 Wireless LAN User’ s Guide SPECIFICATIO NS T echnical Specific ations for Inte grated W ireless LAN Device Item Description Network T y pe IEEE 802.
60 Stylist ic ST 4000 Se ries Tablet PC U ser’s G uide – Ap pendix Alb_UG_Active Page 60 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
61 Index Index A adjusting the display brightness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 air flow vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 7 application buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 application A .
62 Styli stic ST40 00 Se ries Tablet PC interfaces connectors and peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 IrDA port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IrDA/FIR port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
63 Index Susp end/ Resu me disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Suspend/Resume button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 suspending system oper ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Suspend-to-RAM .
64 Styli stic ST40 00 Se ries Tablet PC Alb_UG_Active Page 64 Monday , October 21, 200 2 12:15 PM.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fujitsu ST4000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fujitsu ST4000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fujitsu ST4000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fujitsu ST4000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fujitsu ST4000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fujitsu ST4000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fujitsu ST4000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fujitsu ST4000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.