Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto D1740 del fabbricante Fujitsu
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Technical Manual Mainboard D1740 English answers 2.
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Mainboard D1740 Technisches Handbuch Technical M anual Deutsch English Français A usgabe April 2004 A pril 2004 edition.
Intel, Pentium und Celeron si nd eingetragene W arenzei chen der Intel Corporation, US A. Microsoft , MS, MS-DOS und W indows sind einget ragene W arenzeichen der Mic rosoft Corporation. PS/2 und OS /2 W arp si nd eingetragene W arenzei chen von Internat ional Bus iness Machi nes, Inc.
Übersicht/Ov erv iew Mainboard D1740 Interne A nschlüsse und S teckplätze / internal connectors and slots 1 = Strom versorgung / Power Supply 2 = Bedienfeld / Frontpanel 3 = Disket tenlaufwerk / Fl.
Contents Übersicht/Overview Mainboard D1740 ... ........................................................................................ 1 Mainboard D1740 .. ............................................................................................
Mainboard D 1740 Mainboard D1740 A26361-D1740-Z120-1-6319, Edi tion: 3 Englis h - 1 Your mai nboard is availabl e in different confi guration levels . Depending on the c onfigurati on chosen, som e of the hardware com ponents des cribed m ay not be available on your m ainboard.
Important notes Important notes W ith t he mainboard i nstalled you m ust open the sys tem t o acces s the m ainboard. How to dis mantl e and reassem ble the s ystem is des cribed in the operat ing manual accom panying the s ystem . ! Observe the s afety notes in the operating m anual of your system .
List of features List of features Onboard features D1740-A D1740-C * Chipset Intel ® 845GV Intel ® 845GV Board size µATX µATX VGA ü ü Audio / 6-c hannel / S/ PDIF 5.
List of features Internal ports (c ontinued) D1740-A D1740-C CD / AUX audio input - / - - / 1 Front panel Audio (9-pi n for headphone, m icrophone) - 1 FireW ire™ * (9-Pi n, Intel s tandard header) - - USB Port s* (2.
List of features Silent Dri ves Har d disks and optical drives (CD-ROM, CD-RW , DVD et c.) are bes ides the f ans som e of the greates t sourc es of nois e in a PC. The BIOS-Setup can be us ed to switc h these drives into a quieter m ode. Recovery BIOS If an error occ urs during a B IOS update (e.
Prior to installation Brief instructions on installing mainboard If you have purc hased a separate m ainboard, you can inst all the m ainboard in your s ystem in accordanc e with the following brief instruc tions. The activi ties des cribed here ass ume a bas ic knowledge of P Cs and cannot be carried out by a layperson.
Prior to installation ► Should no suit able connec tion fiel d be provided in the c ase, then you m ust instal l the connec tion fi eld (1) provided. Ensure the pl ate is al igned properly so that the connec tions are s uitable for t he mainboard l ater.
External ports Interfaces and connectors The positi ons of the i nterfaces and connect ors are shown on page "Cover". The com ponents and connec tors m arked are not necessari ly present on t he mainboard. External ports The positi ons of the external port s are shown on page "Cover".
External ports A udio ports and a udio configuration A udio ports Blue Green Red 1 2 3 Connecting loudspeakers The mainboard s upports 2, 4 or 6-channel audio m ode. For surround s ound it is possible t o connect up to 6 analogue speak ers and use t he digital S /PDIF out put.
External ports A udio configuration The mainboard s upports 2, 4 or 6-channel audio m ode. For surround s ound it is possible t o connect up to 6 analogue speak ers and use t he digital S /PDIF out put (see " Audio ports " sect ion).
Internal ports and connectors Graphics port - Supported screen resolutions Depending on the operating s ystem used, the screen res olutions in the fol lowing table refer to t he mainboard s creen cont roller.
Pin assignment of internal ports Pin assignment of internal ports The pin assi gnment of som e internal connec tions is shown in Engli sh in the f ollowing. i Som e of the fol lowing connectors may be opt ional! Front panel W atch t he poling of t he LEDs.
Pin assignment of internal ports A udio port front 1 2 Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Micro input 2 Analogue GND 3 Micro bias 4 Analogue VCC 5 Right li ne output 6 Right li ne return 7 not connect ed 8 Key 9 Left li ne output 10 Left line ret urn If the audi o front panel is not used, you mus t plug jum pers on pin pairs 5/6 and 9/10.
Pin assignment of internal ports Power supply A TX 1 11 Pin S ignal Pin Signal 1 +3.3 V (P3V3P) 11 +3,3 V (P3V 3P) 2 +3,3 V (P3V3P) 12 -12 V (P12VN) 3 GND 13 GND 4 +5 V (VCC) 14 PS on (low assert ed) .
Pin assignment of internal ports Settings w ith sw itches and jumpers Setting via control- panel plug connector A C 1 2 1 2 B 1 2 Pin pair A i nserted = Skipping s ystem and BIOS Setup pass word Pin p.
Installing and removing processors A dd-on module s / Upgrading ! Exit energy-saving m ode, s witch off t he syst em and rem ove the power plug from the mains outlet, before carryi ng out any of the proc edures desc ribed in this chapter! Even when you have switched off the device, parts (e.
Installing and removing processors Mounting heat sink Be sure to us e heat conduc ting m aterial bet ween the processor and t he heat sink . If a heat conduct ing pad (rubber-like f oil) is al ready applied to the heat sink, then use i t. Otherwise you m ust apply a very thin layer of heat conduc ting pas te.
Installing and removing processors Upgrading main memory Technical data Technology: DDR 200, DDR 266 or DDR 333 unbuffered DI MM modules 184-Pin; 2. 5 V; 64 Bi t, no ECC Size: 128 Mbytes up to 2 Gbyt .
Adding PCI cards Removing a memory module 1 1 ► Push the c lips on t he right and lef t of the m em ory slot out ward (1). ► Pull t he mem ory modul e out of the m em ory slot (2). A dding PCI car ds Technical data: 32 bit / 33 MHz PCI slots 5 V and 3.
Adding PCI cards Multi functional expansion cards or expansion cards w ith integrat ed PCI-PCI bridge : These expansion cards requi re up to four PCI i nterrupts: INT A, I NT B, INT C, I NT D. How many and which of thes e interrupts are used is s pecifi ed in the docum entati on provided with the card.
Adding PCI cards The lithium batt ery holder exists in di fferent des igns t hat funct ion in the s ame way. 2 3 3 1 2 3 ► Press t he lock ing lug in the direc tion of the arrow; the battery j umps s omewhat out of the holder (1). ► Remove t he battery (2).
BIOS update BIOS update When should a BIOS update be carried out? Fujitsu Siemens Co mputers makes new BIOS versions av ailable to ensure compatib ility to new operating sys tems , new software or new hardware. In addition, new BIOS funct ions can als o be integrated.
BIOS Recovery - Recovering System BIOS BIOS Recovery - Recovering Sy stem BIOS i All BI OS set tings are res et to the def ault values . ► Open the cas ing as desc ribed in the operati ng manual. ► Set the jum per for "Res tore sys tem B IOS" t o ON .
Drivers Safety for processor on Fujitsu Siemens Computers m ainboards If the proc essor us es an old or inc orrect m icroc ode, error-free operati on cannot be ens ured.
Electrical Properties A nn ex Electrical Properties Loadability for connections and fuses i Make sure that the connec ted devices do not overload the c onnections .
APM and AC PI system status, energy-saving modes A PM and A CPI sy stem status, energy -saving modes Sy stem status AC P I Status ) 1 AP M Status Power LED I ) 2 Power LED II ) 3 Sleep LED Power consu.
Mainboard R evision and BIOS Version Ma inboard Revision and BI OS Versi on The com patibility, e.g. with new processors, c an be independent of t he BIOS version or t he revision status of the m ainboard used. The CPU and B IOS com patibility lis ts are available on the I nternet at www.
Error messages Error messages This chapt er contains error mes sages generat ed by the m ainboard. Available CPUs do not support the same bus frequency – System halted! Memory type mixing detected N.
Error Messages DMA test failed EISA CMOS not writable Extended RAM Failed at offset: nnnn Extended RAM Failed at address line: nnnn Failing Bits: nnnn Fail-Safe Timer NMI failed Multiple-bit ECC error.
Error Messages Missing or invalid NVRAM token Switch the device off and on again. If t he mess age is still dis played, please cont act your sales outlet or c ustom er servic e centre. Monitor type does not match CMOS - RUN SETUP Correct t he entry for the m onitor t ype in the Main m enu of the BIOS Setup .
DOS error messages System battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP Replace the l ithium battery on t he mainboard and redo t he sett ings in the BIOS Setup . System Cache Error - Cache disabled Switch the device off and on again. If t he mess age is still dis played, please cont act your sales outlet or c ustom er servic e centre.
SmartCard reader - error messages SmartCard reader - error messages This chapt er contains error mes sages generat ed by the Sm artCard reader (chipc ard reader).
Glossary Glossary The technic al term s and abbreviat ions given below represent onl y a select ion of the f ull lis t of com mon tec hnical t erms and abbreviations . Not all t echnical terms and abbreviations list ed here are valid for t he described m ainboard.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Fujitsu D1740 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Fujitsu D1740 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Fujitsu D1740 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Fujitsu D1740 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Fujitsu D1740, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Fujitsu D1740.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Fujitsu D1740. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Fujitsu D1740 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.