Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 del fabbricante Excalibur electronic
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A-MNL-NI OSPROG- 01.1 Nios Embedded Processor 101 Innov atio n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 (408) 544 -7000 http:// Programm er’s Refere nce Man ual July 2001 Version 1.
ii Altera Corporat ion Nios Embedde d Processor Progra mmer ’ s R efer ence Man ual Copyrig ht 2001 A ltera Corporation. Alter a, The Programmable So lutions Company, the s tylized Altera logo, .
Alt era Corporat ion iii Abo ut this Ma nu al This ma nual pro vides compre hensiv e informati on about t he Nios TM em bedded pro ces sor. The terms Ni os p roces sor o r Ni os em be dded proce sso r are us ed wh en referring to the Altera soft core micropro cessor in a general or abstract contex t.
iv Altera Corporat ion About this Man ual How to C ontact Altera For the most up -to-dat e infor mation a bout Altera p roducts, g o to the Alter a worl d-wi de web site at htt p://w tera .com . For addition al information about Alte ra product s, consult the sources shown in Table 2 .
Altera Corporat ion v Getting About this Manual T ypo graphic Convent ions The Nios E mbe dde d P roc essor P rogr amme r’ s Re fere nc e Ma nual uses the typogr aphic c onvent ions show n in T able 3.
Notes: vi Altera Corporat ion.
Alt era Corporat ion vii Cont ents How t o Contac t Al tera ....... ........ ......... ........ ..... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... .... ........ ...... ... ...... iv Typog raphic Co nventions ..... ......... ........ ......
vi ii Alt era Corporat ion Content s 32-Bit In struction Set .......... .......... .... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ........ 33 ABS .. ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... .... ........ ......... ........ ...
ix Alt era Corporat ion Content s RET ...... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... .... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ....... ..... ......... ...... 79 RLC...... ........ ......... .... .........
Notes: x Altera Corporat ion.
Alt era Corporat ion xi List o f T able s Table 1. Revision His tory ............ ........ ......... ........ .... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... .. ...... ......... .... .. iii Table 2. How to C ontact Altera .....
Notes: xii Altera Corp oration.
Alt era Corporat ion 1 Overvi ew 1 Overview Introdu ction The Nios TM embedde d proces sor is a s oft cor e CPU o ptimized for programmable log ic and s ystem-on-a-pr ogrammable chip (SOPC) integrati on.
2 Altera Corporat ion Over view The Nios C PU ship s with the GNUPro c ompiler an d debugger from Cygnus, a n industr y-stand ard open -source C/C ++ compiler , linker an d debugger too lkit. The GNUPro t oolkit inclu des a C/C++ c ompiler, macr o- assemble r, linke r, debu gger, binar y utilitie s, an d librarie s.
Altera Corporat ion 3 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 . Table 6. Pr ogr am mer’ s Mo del 31 16 15 0 I N %i7 %r 31 SAVE D return -add ress %i6 %r30 %fp — frame pointer %i5 %r29 %i4 %r28 %i3 %r27 %i.
4 Altera Corporat ion Over view The K Regi ster The K r egister is an 11-bit p refix va lue and is always se t to 0 by ever y instruct ion excep t PFX. A PFX inst ruction se ts K directly from the I MM11 instruct ion field. Register K contai ns a non-z ero value on ly for an instruct ion immediat ely followin g PFX.
Altera Corporat ion 5 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Interrrupt Enable (IE) IE is the interr upt enable bi t. When IE=1, it enab les extern al interrup ts and interna l exc eptions . IE=0 disabl es ex ternal i nter rupts an d ex cepti ons. Software T RAP instr uctions w ill still execute no rmally ev en when IE =0.
6 Altera Corporat ion Over view Condition Code Flags Some ins tructions modify the co ndition code fla gs. These flags are the four le ast s ignifica nt bi ts of th e stat us reg ister as shown in Table 7. ISTATUS (%ctl1) ISTAT US is the saved copy of the STATUS reg ister.
Altera Corporat ion 7 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 CLR_IE(%ctl 8) Any WR CTL ope ratio n to the CLR_I E regist er c lear s the I E bit in the STATUS r egiste r (IE ← 0) and the WRCTL va lue is ignored. A RDCTL operat ion from CLR_IE produ ces an undefined res ult.
8 Altera Corporat ion Over view Read ing from Me mor y (or Peri pherals ) The Nios C PU can only perform al igned memory acc esses. A 32-bit read operati on can only read a full wor d star ting at a b yte add ress th at is a multiple of 4. A 16-bit r ead operati on can on ly read a half-w ord startin g at a byte a ddress t hat is a multiple of 2.
Altera Corporat ion 9 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Writing to Memor y (or Peripherals) The Nios C PU can pe rform aligne d writes to memory in w idths of b yte, half-word, or word (only the 32-bit Nios CPU can write a word). A word (32-bit N ios CPU) ca n be writ ten t o any ad dress th at is a mult iple of 4 in one ins truction.
10 Altera Corporat ion Over view Code E xample 2 sho ws ho w to write a single byte to m emory, eve n if th e address of the b yte is n ot nativ e-word-alig ned.
Altera Corporat ion 11 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 The followin g example show s an ADDI instr uction being used both with and wi tho u t a PF X. Code E xample 3: The AD DI Instructio n Used with .
12 Altera Corporat ion Over view Full W idth Regist er -Indirec t The LD and ST inst ructi ons can load and st ore, respe ctively, a full na tive- word t o or from a reg ister u sing a nother re giste r to spe cify th e ad dress.
Altera Corporat ion 13 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Full W idth Regist er -Indir ect with Off set The LDP, LDS, STP and STS ins tructions can loa d or s tore a full na tive- word t o or from a regist er u sing anoth er re gister to spe cify an a ddress, and an immediate value to specify an offset, in native words, from that address .
14 Altera Corporat ion Over view Thes e in stru ctions m ay each only u se t he sta ck po inte r, re gist er %sp (eq uiva lent t o %o6 ), a s t heir addr ess r egis ter, and may o nly u se regi ster %r0 (e quival ent to %g0, but must be call ed %r0 in the asse mbly instruct ion) as the dat a regis ter.
Altera Corporat ion 15 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Abs olu te-Jump I nst ruct ion s There are two absolut e (computed) jump instruct ions: JMP a nd CALL. The jump- tar get a ddre ss is giv en by the cont ents o f a gene ral- purp ose regi ster . Th e re giste r c ontents ar e lef t-s hift ed by one and t rans ferr ed into the PC.
16 Altera Corporat ion Over view Except ions The topi cs i n this sec tion inc lude a de scription of the fo llowing: ■ Except ion vect or tabl e ■ How e xternal hard ware interru pts, interna l e.
Altera Corporat ion 17 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Exte rnal Hardw are Inte rrupt So urces An ex ternal sourc e can re ques t a ha rdware interr upt by d riving a 6-b it interrupt number on the Ni os CPU ir q_number input s while simultan eously asse rting tru e (1) th e Nios CPU ir q input p in.
18 Altera Corporat ion Over view When a SAV E inst ructi on causes a reg ister w indow und erflow e xception , CWP is decremen ted o nly once be fore contr ol is passed to the excepti on- handling subrou tine. T he unde rflow ex cepti on handle r wil l see CWP = LO_LIM IT – 1.
Altera Corporat ion 19 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 The act ion take n by the overflow excepti on hand ler subr outine depends upon the requir ements of the sy stem.
20 Altera Corporat ion Over view 3. IE is se t to 0, disabling inte rrupt s. 4. IPRI i s set with th e 6-b it num ber of the e xception. 5. The ad dre ss of th e n ext non- execut ed i nstru ction i n the inter rupted progra m is transferr ed into %o7.
Altera Corporat ion 21 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Inter rupts are autom atical ly disa bled upon en try to an exception ha ndler, so the re is no danger o f ISTAT US being overwritt en by a subseq uent interrupt or e xception.
22 Altera Corporat ion Over view Comp lex Ex cepti on Ha ndlers An exce ption ha ndler is cons idered comple x if it viola tes a ny of the requireme nts of a simple ex ceptio n handler , listed above. Comple x except ion handle rs allow nested ex cepti on handlin g and th e execution of more complex code (e.
Altera Corporat ion 23 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Pipe line Op erati on The Nios CPU is p ipeline d RISC arch itecture . The pi peline implementat ion is hidden fr om softw are except for bra nch del ay slots and when CWP is mo difi ed by a WRC TL direc t w rite.
24 Altera Corporat ion Over view After b ranch instr uction (b) is take n, inst ructio n (c) is ex ecuted befor e contr ol is tra nsfer red to the br anch t arget (e). The ex ecution sequ ence o f the above code fragment would be (a), (b), (c ), and (e).
Altera Corporat ion 25 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 Table 16 . Notat ion D eta ils Not ati on Me aning Not ati on Me ani ng X ← Y X is w ritten with Y X >> n T he value X af ter be ing righ.
26 Altera Corporat ion Over view In struc tion Form at (S heet 1 of 2) RR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 op6 B A R i 5 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 98765 43210 op6 IMM5 A R i 4 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1.
Altera Corporat ion 27 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 i 8 v 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 98765 43210 op6 op2v IMM8v i 6 v 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 98765 43210 op6 op2v 0 0 IMM6v Rw 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 .
28 Altera Corporat ion Over view Table 17 . 3 2- bit Maj or Opco de Table (S hee t 1 of 3) Opco de M nem on ic For mat Su mma ry 000000 ADD RR RA ← RA + RB Flags af fected: N, V, C, Z 000001 ADDI Ri5 RA ← RA + (0 × 0 0.
Altera Corporat ion 29 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 010111 ST RR Mem32 [align 32( RB + ( σ (K) × 4))] ← RA 011000 STS8s i10 b n Mem3 2 [align32( %sp + IMM10 )] ← b n %r0 where n = IMM 10[1..0] 011001 STS 16s i9 h n Mem32 [ align32( %sp + IM M9 × 2)] ← hn %r0 where n = IMM9[ 0] 011010 EXT16d RR RA ← (0 × 00.
30 Altera Corporat ion Over view 011111 01111 011111 10000 ST8d R w b n Mem3 2 [alig n32(RA +( σ (K ) × 4))] ← b n %r0 where n = RA[1 ..0] 011111 10001 ST1 6d Rw h n Mem3 2 [alig n32(RA + ( σ (K).
Altera Corporat ion 31 Gettin g Ov ervi ew Overvi ew 1 The follow ing pseudo-in struc tions are g enerated b y nios-e lf-gcc (GNU compiler) a nd underst ood by nios-elf-a s (GNU asse mbler).
Notes: 32 Altera Corporat ion.
Alt era Corporat ion 33 2 32-Bit Instruction Set This sec tion provid es a det ailed de scription of th e 32-bit Ni os CPU instruct ions. T he descr iptions are arran ged in a lphabet ical order accord ing to inst ruct ion mnemoni c.
34 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ABS Absolute Va lue Operati on: RA ← |RA| Assembl er Syn tax: ABS %r A Example: AB S %r6 Descripti on: Calculate t he absolu te value of RA; store the result in RA.
Altera Corporat ion 35 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set AD D Add Without Carr y Operati on: RA ← RA + RB Assembl er Syn tax: ADD %r A,%rB Example: AD D %L3,%g 0 ; ADD %g0 to %L3 Descripti on: Adds t he c ontents of regi ster A to registe r B a nd stores t he res ult in r egiste r A.
36 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ADDI Add Immediate Operati on: RA ← RA + (0x0 0.00 : K : IMM5) Assembl er Syn tax: ADDI % rA,IMM5 Example: Not prece ded by PFX: ADDI % L5,6 ; a .
Altera Corporat ion 37 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set AN D Bitwise Logi cal AND Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← RA & RB Prec eded by PFX: RA ← RA & (0x00 .
38 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ANDN Bi twise Logi cal A ND NOT Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← RA & ~RB Prec eded by PFX: RA ← RA & ~(0x00.
Altera Corporat ion 39 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set ASR Arithmetic Shift Ri ght Operati on: RA ← (RA >> RB[4..0]), fill from left with RA[3 1] Assembl er Syn ta.
40 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ASRI Arithmetic Shift R ight Immediate Operati on: RA ← (RA >> IMM 5), fil l from left with R A[31] Assembl er Syn tax: ASRI % rA,IMM5 Example: AS RI %i5,6 ; shift %i5 right 6 bits Descripti on: Arithme tically shif t righ t the cont ents of RA by IM M5 bi ts.
Altera Corporat ion 41 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set BGEN Bit Gen erat e Operati on: RA ← 2 IMM5 Assembl er Syn tax: BGEN % rA,IMM5 Example: BG EN %g7,6 ; set %g7 t o 64 Descripti on: Sets RA to an intege r power-of -two with t he exponent given by IMM5 .
42 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t BR Branc h Operati on: PC ← PC + (( σ (IMM11) + 1) << 1) Assembl er Sy ntax: BR add r Example: BR Mai nLoop NOP ; (del ay s lot) Descripti.
Altera Corporat ion 43 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set BSR Bran ch T o Subr outin e Operati on: %o7 ← ((PC + 4) >> 1) PC ← PC + (( σ ( I M M 1 1 )+1 )< <1.
44 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t CALL Call Subroutine Operati on: %o7 ← ((P C + 4) >> 1) PC ← (RA << 1) Assembl er Syn tax: CALL % rA Example: CA LL %g0 NOP ; (del ay s lot) Descripti on: The value of RA is shifted left by on e and transfe rred into PC.
Altera Corporat ion 45 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set CMP Com par e Operati on: ∅← RA − RB Assembl er Sy ntax: CM P %r A,%rB Example: CM P %g0,%g 1 ; set flag s by %g0 - % g1 Descripti on: Subtrac t the conte nts of R B f rom RA, and discar d the re sult.
46 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t CMPI Com pare I m medi ate Operati on: ∅← R A–( 0 x 0 0 . 0 0:K :I M M 5 ) Assembl er Syn tax: CMPI & %rA ,IMM 5 Example: Not prece ded b.
Altera Corporat ion 47 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set EXT16d Half-Word Extract (Dynamic) Operati on: RA ← (0x00.0 0 : hn RA) where n = RB[1] Assembl er Syn tax: EXT16d %rA ,%rB Example: LD %i3 ,[%i4] ; get 32 bits from [%i4 & 0xFF.
48 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t EXT16s Half-Wor d Extract (Static) Operati on: RA ← (0x0 0.00 : hn RA) w here n = IM M1 Assembl er Syn tax: EXT16s %rA ,IMM1 Example: EX T16s %L3,1 ; %L3 gets upper shor t int of itself Descripti on: Extracts one of the two ha lf-words in RA.
Altera Corporat ion 49 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set EXT8d Byte-Ext ract (Dyn amic) Operati on: RA ← (0x0 0.00.00 : bn RA) where n = RB [1..0] Assembl er Syn tax: EXT8d %rA, %rB Example: LD %g4 ,[%i0] ; get 32 bits from [%i0 & 0xFF.
50 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t EXT8s Byte-E xtract (Static) Operati on: RA ← (0x0 0.00.00 : bn RA) where n = IM M2 Assembl er Syn tax: EXT8s % rA,IMM2 Example: EX T8s %g6,3 ; %g6 gets the 3rd byte of itself Descripti on: Extracts one of the fou r bytes in R A.
Altera Corporat ion 51 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set FI LL1 6 Hal f-W ord Fi ll Operati on: R0 ← ( h0 RA : h0 RA) Assembl er Syn tax: FILL16 %r0 ,%rA Example: FI LL16 %r0,%i3 ; %r0 gets 2 copies of %i3[ 0.
52 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t FILL8 Byte -Fi ll Operati on: R0 ← ( b0 RA : b0 RA : b0 RA : b0 RA) Assembl er Syn tax: FILL8 %r 0,%rA Example: FI LL8 %r0, %o3 ; %r 0 gets 4 copies of % o3[0 ..7] ; fi rst oper and must be %r0 Descripti on: The least-s ignificant byte of RA is copied int o all four byte-pos itions in %r0.
Altera Corporat ion 53 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set IF0 Equi valent to SK P1 Instruc tio n Operati on: if (RA [IMM5] = = 1) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the.
54 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t IF1 Equiva lent to SK P0 I nstru ction Operati on: if (RA [IMM5] = = 0) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n PC ← PC + 6 else PC ← PC.
Altera Corporat ion 55 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set IF Rn z Equival ent t o SKPR z Instruc tion Operati on: i f ( R A==0 ) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the .
56 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t IFRz Equi valent to SK PRn z Inst ruc tion Operati on: if (RA ! = 0) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n PC ← PC + 6 else PC ← PC + .
Altera Corporat ion 57 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set IFS Con ditiona lly Execut e Ne xt Instr uctio n Operati on: if ( con di tion IM M4 is fal se ) then begi n if (Mem .
58 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t JMP Comp uted Jum p Operati on: PC ← (RA < < 1) Assembl er Syn tax: JMP %rA Example: JM P %o7 ; return NOP ; (del ay s lot) Descripti on: Jump to the targe t-addres s given by (RA << 1 ).
Altera Corporat ion 59 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set LD Load 3 2-bit Data From Memo r y Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← Mem3 2[alig n32(RB) ] Prec eded by PFX: .
60 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t LDP Load 32- bit D ata Fr om M emor y ( Point er Add ressing Mo de) Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← Mem3 2[alig n32(RP + (IMM5 × 4)) ] Pr.
Altera Corporat ion 61 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set LDS Load 32- bit Da ta F rom Me mor y (Stack Addr essing Mod e) Operati on: RA ← Mem32[a lign32(% sp + (IMM8 × 4).
62 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t LRET Equiva lent to JM P %o 7 Operati on: PC ← (%o7 << 1) Assembl er Syn tax: LRET Example: LR ET ; ret urn NOP ; (del ay s lot) Descripti on: Jump to th e target-ad dress given by (% o7 << 1 ).
Altera Corporat ion 63 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set LSL Logi cal Shi ft Left Operati on: RA ← (RA << RB [4..0]), zero -fill from rig ht Assembl er Syn tax: LSL .
64 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t LSLI Logical Shift Left Immediate Operati on: RA ← (RA << IM M5), zero -fill fr om right Assembl er Syn tax: LSLI %r A,IMM5 Example: LS LI %i1,6 ; Shift %i1 left by 6 b its Descripti on: The value in RA is shifted-le ft by the numbe r of bits indicated by IMM5.
Altera Corporat ion 65 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set LSR Logical Shift Ri ght Operati on: RA ← (RA >> RB [4..0]), zero -fill from left Assembl er Syn tax: LSR %r.
66 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t LSRI Logi cal Sh ift R ight Immedi ate Operati on: RA ← (RA >> IM M5), zero -fill fr om left Assembl er Syn tax: LSRI %r A,IMM5 Example: LS RI %g1,6 ; Right-shi ft %g1 by 6 bits Descripti on: The value in RA is shifted-rig ht by the number of bits indicated by IMM5.
Altera Corporat ion 67 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set MOV Regi ster-to-Reg ister M ove Operati on: RA ← RB Assembl er Syn tax: MOV %rA,% rB Example: MO V %o0,%L 3 ; copy %L3 into %o0 Descripti on: Copy the con tents of RB to RA .
68 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t MOVHI Move Immediate Into High Half-Wo rd Operati on: h1 RA ← (K : IMM5), h0 RA unaffected Assembl er Syn tax: MOVHI %rA, IMM5 Example: Not prece.
Altera Corporat ion 69 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set MOVI Mov e Imme di ate Operati on: RA ← (0x0 0.00 : K : IMM5) Assembl er Syn tax: MOVI %r A,IMM5 Example: Not prec.
70 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t MSTEP Multiply-Step Operati on: If (R0[ 31] = = 1) then R0 ← (R 0 << 1 ) + RA el se R0 ← (R0 << 1) Assembl er Sy ntax: MS TEP %rA Example: MS TEP %g1 ; accumulate par tial -product Descripti on: Implement s a single step of an unsign ed multiply.
Altera Corporat ion 71 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set MUL Multiply Operati on: R0 ← (R0 & 0x0 000.f f ff) x ( RA & 0x0000. ff ff ) Assembl er Sy ntax: MU L %r A Example: MU L %i5 Descripti on: Multiply the low half-word s of %r0 and %rA toge ther, and put the 32 bit resu lt into %r0.
72 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t NEG Arithmetic Negation Operati on: RA ← 0 – RA Assembl er Sy ntax: NE G %rA Example: NE G %o4 Descripti on: Negate the v alue of RA.
Altera Corporat ion 73 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set NOP Equi valent to MO V %g0 , %g 0 Operati on: None Assembl er Syn tax: NOP Example: NO P ; do n othi ng Descripti on: No operat ion.
74 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t NOT Logica l N ot Operati on: RA ← ~RA Assembl er Syn tax: NOT %rA Example: NO T %o4 Descripti on: Bitwise-inv ert the val ue of RA.
Altera Corporat ion 75 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set OR Bitwise Logical OR Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← RA | RB Prec eded by PFX: RA ← RA | (0 x00.
76 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t PFX Prefix Operati on: K ← IMM11 (K set to z ero b y all oth er instru ctions) Assembl er Syn tax: PFX IM M11 Example: PF X 3 ; af fect s next i nstructi on Descripti on: Loads t he 11 -bit c onstant value IMM11 into the K-registe r.
Altera Corporat ion 77 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set RDCTL Read Contr ol Re gister Operati on: RA ← CTLk Assembl er Syn tax: RDCTL %rA Example: Not prece ded by PFX: R.
78 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t RE STORE Res tore C aller’ s Reg ister Wind ow Operati on: CWP ← CWP + 1 if (old- CWP = = HI_LIM IT) then TRAP #2 Assembl er Syn tax: RESTOR E Example: RE STORE ; bump up the register win dow Descripti on: Moves C WP up by one position in the reg ister file.
Altera Corporat ion 79 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set RET Equi valent to J MP % i7 Operati on: PC ← (% i7 << 1 ) Assembl er Syn tax: RET Example: RE T ; retu rn RESTOR E ; (res tore s caller ’ s regis ter window) Descripti on: Jump to t he targe t-address giv en by (%i7 << 1 ).
80 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t RLC Rota te Le ft T hrough Ca rr y Operati on: C ← RA[31] RA ← (RA << 1 ) : C Assembl er Syn tax: RLC %rA Example: RL C %i4 ; rotate %i4 l eft one bit Descripti on: Rotates the bits of RA left by one pos ition throug h the carry flag.
Altera Corporat ion 81 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set RRC Rot ate Ri ght Through C arr y Operati on: C ← RA[0] RA ← C:( R A> > 1 ) Assembl er Syn tax: RRC %rA Example: RRC %i4 ; rotat e %i4 right one bit Descripti on: Rotates the bit s of RA right by one position thro ugh the carry flag .
82 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t SA VE Sav e Calle r ’ s R egiste r Wind ow Operati on: CWP ← CWP – 1 %sp ← %fp – (IMM8 × 4) If (o ld-CWP = = LO _LIMIT) then TRAP #1 Ass.
Altera Corporat ion 83 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SEXT16 Sign Extend 16-b it Valu e Operati on: RA ←σ ( h0 RA ) Assembl er Syn tax: SEXT16 %rA Example: SE XT16 %g3 ; convert s igne d short to s igne d long Descripti on: Replace bits 16.
84 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t SEXT8 Sign Exten d 8- bit Value Operati on: RA ←σ ( b0 RA ) Assembl er Syn tax: SEXT8 %rA Example: SE XT8 %o3 ; convert signed byt e to signed long Descripti on: Re pl ace bi t s 8. .3 1 of RA wit h bi t 7 of RA.
Altera Corporat ion 85 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SKP0 Skip If Register Bit Is 0 Operati on: if (RA [IMM5] = = 0) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n PC �.
86 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t SKP1 Skip If Register Bit Is 1 Operati on: if (RA [IMM5] = = 1) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n PC ← PC + 6 else PC ← PC + 4 en .
Altera Corporat ion 87 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SKPRnz Skip If R egi ster N ot Equa l T o 0 Operati on: if (RA ! = 0) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n.
88 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t SKPRz Skip If Reg ister Equa ls 0 Operati on: i f ( R A==0 ) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the n PC ← PC + 6 else PC ← PC + 4 en d A.
Altera Corporat ion 89 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SKPS Skip On Condition Code Operati on: if (condit ion IM M4 is true ) then begi n if (Mem 16[PC + 2 ] is PF X) the .
90 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ST Stor e 32-b it Dat a T o Memo r y Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: Me m3 2[a li gn3 2( RB) ] ← RA Preced ed by PFX: Me m3 2[a li gn3 2( RB + .
Altera Corporat ion 91 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set ST16d Stor e 16-B it Data T o Mem or y (C omp uted Half -Word Po inter Addre ss) Operati on: Not precede d by PFX : .
92 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ST16s Stor e 16-B it Da ta T o Mem or y (S tatic Half -Word-Off set A ddress) Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: hn Mem32[a lign3 2(RA)] ← hn R0 w.
Altera Corporat ion 93 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set ST8d St ore 8- Bit Da ta T o Memo r y (C omp uted By te- Point er Addr ess) Operati on: Not p receded by PFX: bn M em32[a lign32 (RA)] ← bn R0 where n = R A[1..0 ] Preceded by PFX : bn M em32[a lign32 (RA + σ (K) × 4))] ← bn R0 where n = RA[1 .
94 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t ST8s Store 8-bit Data T o Memory (Static Byte-Offset Address) Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: bn Mem32[a lign3 2(RA)] ← bn R0 where n = IMM2 Pr.
Altera Corporat ion 95 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set STP Sto re 32- bit D ata T o M em ory (Poin ter Addre ssing Mod e) Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: Me m3 2[a li gn.
96 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t STS Stor e 32-b it Data T o Memo ry ( Stack A ddr essing M ode) Operati on: Mem32[a lign3 2(%sp + (IM M8 × 4))] ← RA Assembl er Syn tax: STS [%s.
Altera Corporat ion 97 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set STS16s Stor e 16-bi t Data T o M emo ry (Stack- Addre ssing Mod e) Operati on: hn Mem32[a lign3 2(%sp + IMM9 × 2)] .
98 Altera Corporat ion 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t STS8s Stor e 8-bi t Dat a T o Me mor y (Stac k-Addr essin g Mode ) Operati on: bn Mem32[a lign3 2(%sp + IMM1 0)] ← bn R0 wher e n = IMM10[1.
Altera Corporat ion 99 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SUB Subt ract Operati on: RA ← RA − RB Assembl er Syn tax: SUB %r A,%rB Example: SU B %i3,%g0 ; SUB %g0 from %i3 Descripti on: Subtrac ts the conten ts of RB from RA, store s result in RA.
100 Al tera Corp oration 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t SUBI Subtract Immediate Operati on: RA ← RA − (0x00 .00 : K : IMM5) Assembl er Syn tax: subi % rB,IMM5 Example: Not prece ded by PFX: SUBI % .
Altera Corporat ion 101 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set SW AP Sw ap Regist er Half- Words Operati on: RA ← h0 RA : h1 RA Assembl er Sy ntax: SW AP %r A Example: SW AP %g3 ; Exchange tw o ha lf-words in %g3 Descripti on: Swaps (exc hanges positions ) of the two 16-bit half-word va lues in RA.
102 Al tera Corp oration 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t TRAP Unconditional T rap Operati on: IST A TUS ← ST A TUS IE ← 0 CWP ← CWP − 1 IPRI ← I MM6 %o7 ← ((PC + 2) >> 1) PC ← Mem 32.
Altera Corporat ion 103 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set TRET Tr a p R e t u r n Operati on: PC ← (RA << 1) ST A TUS ← IST A T US Assembl er Syn tax: TRET % ra Example: TR ET %o7 ; return from TRA P Descripti on: Execution is trans ferred to the addres s give n by (RA << 1).
104 Al tera Corp oration 32- Bi t Ins tr uct i on Se t WRCTL Wr ite Cont rol Reg ister Operati on: CTLk ← RA Assembl er Syn tax: WRCTL %rA Example: Not prece ded by PFX: WRCTL %g7 ; writes %g7 to ST.
Altera Corporat ion 105 32323 232 32- Bit Instru ction Se t 2 32-Bit Instruction Set XO R Bitw ise L ogical Exclu sive OR Operati on: Not precede d by PFX: RA ← RA ⊕ RB Prec eded by PFX: RA ← RA ⊕ (0x00 .
Notes: 106 Altera C orporat ion.
Alt era Corporat ion 107 Inde x 3 Num eri cs 5/1 6-bit Imm edi ate V alue 10 A About T his Manu al iii ABS ins truct ion 34 Absolute Value 34 Absolute -Jump I nstruction s 15 Add Immediate 36 ADD ins .
Inde x 108 Alt era Co rporati on F FILL16 ins truct ion 51 FILL8 instr uction 52 Full Wid th Reg ister- Indire ct with Offse t 13 G General-Purp ose Registers 2 GNU Compiler /Assembler Pseudo -Instru .
Index Altera Corporat ion 109 Inde x 3 Rota te Righ t Throug h Car ry 81 RRC ins truction 8 1 S Save Caller ’ s Reg ister Windo w 82 SAVE i nstructio n 8 SET_IE (%ctl9) 7 SEXT8 in struction 84 Sign .
11 0 Altera Corp oration Notes:.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Excalibur electronic A-MNL-NIOSPROG-01.1 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.