Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto EXB-8505 8mm del fabbricante Exabyte
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510504-002 (;% 0;538#)# (;% 0;838#; PP # 7DSH # 'ULYHV VWDQGDUG # DQG # H;WHQGHG 0 /HQJ WK # FRQILJXUDWLRQV 3URGXFW 6SHFLILFDWLRQ.
Copyright Copyright 1994 by Exabyte Corporation. A ll rights reserved. This item and the information contained herein are the p roperty of Exabyte Corporation.
Changes and Enhancements to This Manual This revision (510504-002) of the EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 Product Specification for Standard and eXten ded Length (XL) Configurations replaces the EXB-8205 8mm Cartridge Tape Sub system Product Specification (510703) and the EXB-8505 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem Product Specification (510504).
Product Warranty Caution The EXB-8205, EXB-8205X L, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL 8mm Cartridge Tap e Subsystems ar e warranted to be free from defects in materials, parts, and workm anship and will conform to the current product specification u pon delivery.
Contents About This Manual xii I n t e n d e d A u d i e n c e ........ .......... ........ .......... ... x i i H o w T h i s M a n u a l i s O r g a n i z e d ........ ........ ........ ........ x i i R e l a t e d P u b l i c a t i o n s ..........
3 Functional Descr iption 3-1 W r i t e O p e r a t i o n s ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... 3 - 2 D a t a F l o w a n d D a t a C o m p r e s s i o n .. ........ ........ ....... 3 - 2 S t r e a m i n g a n d S t a r t / S t o p M o d e s.
6 Functional Specifications 6-1 P e r f o r m a n c e S p e c i f i c a t i o n s .......... ........ ........ ....... 6 - 2 W r i t e A c c e s s T i m e ......... ........ ........ ........ . 6 - 2 R e a d A c c e s s T i m e ........ ........ .....
Figures Featur es Figure 1-1 C o m p a r i s o n o f t h e f o u r t a p e d r i v e s ................ ...... 1 - 3 Figure 1-2 F r o n t p a n e l .............. ........ .......... .... 1 - 9 Figure 1-3 L a b e l l o c a t i o n a n d c o n t e n t .
Functional Specifications Figure 6-1 P o w e r c o n n e c t o r l o c a t i o n o n t h e b a c k p a n e l .............. ... 6 - 1 3 Figure 6-2 C h a s s i s g r o u n d l o c a t i o n o n b a c k p a n e l .... ........ ........ 6 - 1 4 Figure 6-3 T e m p e r a t u r e a n d h u m i d i t y r a n g e s f o r o p e r a t i o n .
Tables Featur es Table 1-1 C o m p a r i s o n o f t a p e d r i v e f e a t u r e s ............ ........ ... 1 - 4 Table 1-2 Read/write co mpatibility of Exabyte 8m m tape drives . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Table 1-3 D a t a f o r m a t f e a t u r e s .
About This Manual This product specification describes the functional, performance, and environmental specifi cations for the follo wing EXABY TE ® 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystems (tape dr ives): EXB-8.
Chapter 7 describes compliance with regulatory and safety agency standards, i ncluding electro magnetic susceptibility (EM I), susceptibility to el ectrostatic discharge (ESD), and rad iated susceptibility. This product specification contains a g lossary and an i ndex.
Standards For information about the standard s used for the tape d rives, refer to the following publications: ANSI Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), X3.
Notes: xiv EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504 (Standard and XL).
1 Features This chapter provides an overview of the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL, including: Features Physical description Related products May 1994 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 1-1 (Standa.
Features The EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL are enhanced 8mm digital helical-scan cartridge tape subsystems (tape drives). The tape drives are packaged in the industry standard 5.25-inch half-high form factor, which allows for ease o f integration across a multitude of platforms.
The EXB-8205XL and EXB-8505XL are fully c ompatible with the EXB-8205 and EXB -8505; each extended length tape drive supports all of the tape sizes and data formats supported by the corresponding standard tape drive. You can distinguish an extended length tape drive from a standard tape drive by checking the u nload button.
EXB-8505 and EXB-8505 XL EXB-8205 and EXB-8205XL Form factor Half-h igh 5.25 in ches Data formats supported 8200, 8200c, 8 500, 8500c 8200, 8200c Buffer size 1.
At a p e written in this format.. . Can be read and written by an ... EXB-8205 EXB-8205 XL EXB-8505 EXB-8505 XL 8200 444 4 8200c 4444 8500 44 8500c 44 8200 format 8200 c format* 8500 format (EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL) 8500c format* (EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL) Maximum sustained data transfe r rate 262 KBytes/sec 500 KBytes/sec 1.
Determining the Tape F ormat When writing data to tape, the tape drive does one o f the following: If the tape is positioned at the logical beginning of tape (LBOT), the tape drive writes data in the default format or whatever format you select with the SCSI MODE SELECT (15h) command.
Custom EEPROM Options When the tape drive is manufactured , a number of operating features and default values are programmed i n the electronically erasable programmable read-only memory (EE PROM).
Storage Capacity Table 1-4 lists the approximate storage capacities of 8mm data cartridges written in the four logical formats. For more information on EXATAPE 8mm data cartridges, see page 1-20.
Physical Description This section des cribes the physical features of the tape drive, including the following: External features Size and weight Internal components Front Panel Controls and Indicators Figure 1-2 shows the controls and indicators on the front panel of the tape drive.
Unload Button The unload button is the only o perator control on the tape drive. Pushing this button starts the unload procedure. On the EXB-8205 and EXB-8505, the unload button is smooth and has an oval-shaped indentation. On the EXB- 8205XL and EXB-8505XL, the unload button has a diamond texture.
Back Panel Components Figure 1-4 shows the back panel of a single-ended tape drive. The differential tape drives loo k similar except that there are no SCSI terminator R-packs (resistor terminators). Ground Tab and Grounding Hole The tape drive includes a ground tab and grounding hole to use if you want a dditional chass is grounding.
SCSI ID Jumper Block The SCSI ID jumper block on the tape drive enables you to set the SCSI ID either by using a remote switch or by installing jumpers.
Internal Components of the Tape Drive This section des cribes the internal components of the tap e drive, includ ing the tape transport mechanism, th e rotating drum assembly , and each of the four main cards. Figure 1-5 shows the internal components of the EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL.
Tape Transpor t Mechanis m The 8mm tape transport mechanism is manufactured by Sony to Exabyte specifications. It is compatible with 8mm data cartridges that meet the ECMA-145 standard. Rotating Drum Assembly The rotating drum assembly in the E XB-8205 and EXB-8205XL has one write head, one read head, and one servo head.
The drum rotates constantly at 1831 rpm in the default format (8500c format for the EXB- 8505 and EXB-8505XL; 8200c format for the EXB-8205 and EXB -8205XL). This speed of rotatio n results in a nominal effective head-to-tape speed of approximately 150.
Preamp and Upper Analog Cards A Preamp card (SPR card) contains preamplifier, motor, and write driver c ircuit ry. The Upper Analog card (SUA card in the EXB-8505 and E XB-8505XL; VUA card in the EXB-8205 and E XB-8205XL) contains analog filters, equalization, and clock-dete ct circuitry.
Size and Weight Designed to meet industry-standard 5.25-inch half-high fo rm factor mounting requirements, the tape dr ive is 1.62 inches high × 5.75 inches wide × 8.00 inches deep (41.2 × 146.0 × 203.2 mm) and weigh 2.6 pounds (1.2 kilograms). Figure 1-7 shows the external dimensions of the tape drive.
Related Products This section des cribes products related to the tape dri ves. Integration with Other Exabyte Products You can purchase the tape drive separately or already integrated with one of the .
Designed as an easily integrated d ata management solution, the EXB-210 pro vides automated data storage in a SCSI-2 enviro nment. Operating with an EXB-8505XL and assuming a d ata compression ratio of 2:1, the EXB-210 can store up to 154 GBytes on eleven 160m XL data cartridges.
The Mini Tabletop CTS i s lightweight and completely enclosed. It has an internal, self-switching universal power supp ly, which allows continuous operation d uring limited power interruptions or surges. The Mini Tabletop CTS als o offers maximum EMI/RFI shielding.
EXATAPE Length Thickness Compatible 8mm Tape Drives EXB-8200 and EXB-8200SX EXB-8500 and EXB-8500c EXB-820 5 and EXB-8505 EXB-8205XL and EXB-8505XL 15m 13 µ m 4444 54m 13 µ m 4444 112m 10 µ m 4444 160m XL 7.
Exabyte Cleaning Cartridges Use an Exabyte 8mm Cleaning Cartridge to c lean the tape drive. The Exabyte 8mm Cleaning Cartridge contains a shed-free fabric tape that traps and removes debris from tape drive heads and tape paths.
2 Recording Format This chapter describes the recording formats used by the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL. It includes information about the fo llowing: Helical-scan r ecording Physic.
Helical-Scan Recording To increase the amount of data that can be recorded o n the tape, the tape drive implements advanc ed helical-scan rec ording techno logy. Helical-scan recorders write very narrow tracks at an acute angle to the edge of the tape, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Physical Format This section def ines the phys ical track structure of the tape, i ncluding the types of physical track structures, physical blocks, search fields, and servo areas. Physical Track Structure The EXB-8205 and EXB-8205XL can write data to tape in two types of physical track structures: 8200 and 8200c.
Figure 2-2 Relationship of 8mm physical track structures to logical data formats 2-4 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504 (Standard and XL) 2 Recording Format.
8500/8500c Physical Track Structure In 8500/8500c format, an EXB-8505 or EXB-8505XL u ses the W1 and W2 heads to write two partially overlapping physical tracks on the tape for each revolutio n of its head/d rum assembly. Th e width of each track is 15.
Figure 2-4 shows the position of the EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL’s write (W1, W2), read ( R1, R2), and servo heads, relative to the tracks as the heads pass across the tape when the tape drive is writing or reading 8500 and 8500c format tapes.
Figure 2-5 P hysical track structure for 8200c track format Figure 2-6 P hysical track structure for 8200 trac k format May 1994 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 2-7 (Standard and XL) 2 Recording Format.
Figure 2-7 shows the position of the tape drive’s write head, read head, and servo head relative to the tracks as the heads pass across the tape when the tape driv e is reading and writing 8200c forma t tapes. (For the EXB -8505 and EXB-8505XL, the W2 write head and R2 read head positions are shown.
Physical Blocks For all three physical track formats, each physical track contains eight physical blocks. A physical block can contain u ser data or other information.
Search Fields For 8500/8500c and 8200c track structures, each track contains search fields used for high-speed search. (Figure 2-8 sho ws where search fields are located in a track.) The search fields are the o nly areas of the tape that are read during a high-speed search.
Recording Parameters Table 2-1 shows the recording parameters for the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL. The table includes the parameters for tape drives writing and reading data in three physical formats. Parameter Tape drives reading and writing i n this physical format: 8500/8500 c a 8200c 820 0 Tape width 8.
Logical Format The following sections describe the logical characteristics of the information recorded on the tape. The log ical tape format consists of the logical beginning of t ape (LBOT) mark, followed by any number of tracks up to the limit for the data cartrid ge.
Logical Blocks A logi cal block contains user data that is transferred from the host to the tape drive. Logical blocks can have fixed or variable lengths, which can be intermixed on the tape. The tape drive supports uncompressed logical block sizes from 1 to 240 KBytes.
In 8200 format, each physical block contains one header and one logical block. In 8200c, 8500, and 8500c formats, each physical block includ es a 14-byte header that can define only two lo gical blo cks.
Gap Bytes A gap byte is a byte containi ng undefined data that the tape drive uses to fill empty sp ace in a physical blo ck. The tape drive may automatically write gap bytes in the following cases : At the end of a write operation. Before writing a filemark.
Gap Blocks and Gap Tracks A gap block is a physical block containing 1,024 gap bytes. A gap track is a physical track co ntaining eight gap blocks. When the tape drive stops at the end of a write operation, it writes at least one gap track following the l ast track containing data blocks.
Filemarks Filemarks enable the initiato r to locate particular blocks of data on the tape quickly during a high-speed search. By using a SPACE filemark (11h) command, the initiator can position the tape to the data marked by filemarks at up to 75 times the normal tape speed (or up to 10 times the normal tape speed when reading an 8200 format tape).
Short Filemarks In 8500, 8500c, and 8200c formats, a s hort filemark consists of a single, 1-KByte physical block. This b lock contains information identifying the filemark’s number and locatio n on the tape. In 8200 format, a short filemark consists of 21 tracks of information.
Track and Block Counts The number of tracks and physical blocks on the tape depend on the following markers: Physical beginning of tape (PBOT). P BOT is loca ted at t he point on the tape where the translucent leader material is attached to the media.
EXATAPE Size LBOT to LEOT LEOT to PEOT * Number of tracks Number of blocks Number of track s Number of blocks Hex Decimal Hex Decimal Hex Dec imal Hex Decimal 15m 8C44h 35,908 46220h 287,264 11A9h 4,5.
3 Functional Description This chapter describes the functional features of the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL, including write and read operations.
Write Operations Figure 3-1 provides a high-level overview of the tape drive’s flow of data during a write operation. Data Flow and Data Compression The data-flow pro cess during a write operatio n is outlined belo w. (The steps below correspond to the circled numbers in Figure 3-1.
If data compression is turned on, the data goes from the SCSI bus to the compression integrated circuit where it is compressed and then decompressed. The tape drive performs a Compression Integrity Check™ by comparing the dec ompressed data to the original data.
Data Compression Monitoring The tape drive constantly monitors the compression ratio to determine whether compressing the data will actually decrease the size of the data set. When a logical block expands (as it might, for example, when it has already been compressed by the initiator), the tape drive automatically switches to uncompressed format.
Thresholds During a Write Operation In start/stop mode, the motio n threshold controls the starting and stopping of tape motion. In s treaming mode, the re connect thre shold controls the rate of d isconnects and reconnects between the tape drive and the initiator.
Error Detection, Correction, and Recovery Procedures As the tape drive writes data to tape, it integrates error correction code (ECC) and phys ical-block cyclic redundancy che ck (CRC) bytes with each physical block. After it writes data, the tape drive uses the ECC and CRC to p erform a read-after-write c heck to ensure d ata reliability.
Read Operations Figure 3-2 provides a high-level overview of the tape drive’s flow of data during a read o peration. The process for reading logical blo cks of user data is outlined below. ¬ The tape drive reads data from tape, uses ECC to correct errors as necessary for each physical blo ck, and transfers data to the data buffer.
Thresholds During a Read Operation The motion thresh old controls the starting and stopping of tape motion. The reconnect threshold controls the rate of d isconnects and reconnects between the tape drive and the initiator.
4 Requirements for Use This chapter specif ies the requirements for i nstalling, operating , maintaining, and shipping the EXB- 8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL.
Installation Requirements Installing the tape d rive involves the following s teps: Setting the SCSI ID Mounting the tape drive in a mounting frame (if desired) Terminating the tape d rive (if necessa.
Note that chang es in the SCSI ID setting will not take eff ect until one of the fo llowing condition s occur: Normal power-on The tape drive is reset by a SCSI bus reset The tape drive receives a Bus.
Figure 4-2 Mounting holes on the sides Figure 4-3 Mounting holes on the bottom 4-4 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504 (Standard and XL) 4 Requirements for Use.
The mounting holes accommodate M3 × 0.5 × 6 mm screws and are designed for standard 5.25-inch half-high fo rm factor mounting requirements. The holes are 0.31 inches (7.9 mm) deep. Figure 4-4 shows the dimensions for the tape drive’s mounting holes.
Requirements for SCSI Bus Termination I f t h et a p ed r i v ei st h el a s td e v i c eo nt h eS C S Ib u s ,i tm u s tb e terminated. As described in this section, the termination requirements for the tape drive d epend on whether it uses a single-ended or differential SCSI c onfiguration.
Requirements for Connecting a SCSI Cable The cable for connectin g the tape drive to the SCSI bus is not provided with the tape drive. You must prov ide a cable that complies with the appropriate safety and regulatory agency requirements.
Primary Conductor A minimum primary conductor size of 28 AWG is recommended to minimize noise effects and ensure proper distribution of terminator power. SCSI Cable Connector Requirements The SCSI connector i s located at the back of the tape d rive, as shown in Figure 4-5.
Signal Pin Number Signal SHIELD GROUND 1 2 GROUND +DB(0) 3 4 –DB(0) +DB(1) 5 6 –DB(1) +DB(2) 7 8 –DB(2) +DB(3) 9 10 –DB(3) +DB(4) 11 12 –DB(4) +DB(5) 13 14 –DB(5) +DB(6) 15 16 –DB(6) +DB.
Signal Pin Number * +DB(0) 2 +DB(1) 4 +DB(2) 6 +DB(3) 8 +DB(4) 1 0 +DB(5) 1 2 +DB(6) 1 4 +DB(7) 1 6 +DB(P) 18 GROUND 20 GROUND 22 GROUND 24 TERMPWR 26 GROUND 28 GROUND 30 –ATN 32 GROUND 34 –BSY 36 –ACK 3 8 –RST 4 0 –MSG 42 –SEL 44 –C/D 46 –REQ 4 8 –I/O 50 * All odd pins except pin 2 5 are connected to gr ound.
Operation This section provides general info rmation about operating the tape drive . For more de taile d inst ruct ions , refer to EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 Installation and Operation . Power-On Mode In its normal power-on mode, the tape drive completes a power-on self-test in approximately 30 seconds.
Figure 4-6 LEDs on the faceplate of th e EXB-8505 and EX B-8505XL Figure 4-7 LEDs on the faceplate of th e EXB-8205 and EX B-8205XL 4-12 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 5 10504 (Standard and XL) 4 Requirements .
Different LED combinations indicate the tape d rive’s operating state, as follows: When t he top (am ber) LED is on or flashi ng, the t ape dr ive ei the r has an error or needs to be cleaned. When the middle LED is on or flashing, SCSI bus activity is occurring.
Note: Table 4-3 documents the LED combinations that you are likely to observe during normal tape drive operation. You may occasionally observe other LED combinations and sequences. These other combinations represent special or unusual conditions that are beyond the scope of this table.
Refer to EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 Installation and Operation for instructions for setting the write-protect switch and loading data cartridges in the tape drive. Refer to the EXB -8205 and EXB-8505 SCSI Reference for information abo ut the MODE SEL ECT and LOAD commands.
Effect of PREVENT/ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL Comman d If an initiato r has issued a PREVENT MEDIUM REMOVAL (1Eh) command to prevent the removal of the d ata cartridge, the tape drive will not eject the data cartridg e until the initiator sends an ALLOW MEDIUM REMOVAL (1Eh) command to allow you to remove the data cartridge.
Using SCSI Commands You can use SCSI commands to read, write, erase, and search for d ata. You can also copy microcode, inquire about tape drive status, set operating parameters, and perform diagnostic tests u sing SCSI commands. For inf ormation on these commands and how to use them, see Chapter 5.
Determining When the Tape Drive Needs Cleaning You should clean the tape drive’s heads and tape path after every 30 tape motion hours. This cleaning fr equency does not dep end on the format in which you write a nd read data.
Use the READ BUF FER command to copy the new code f rom a tape drive across the SCSI bus to an initiator. You can then use the WRITE BUF FER command to c opy the co de from the initiato r to another tape drive. For more information about the CTS M onitor program, refer to the CTS Monitor documentation.
Both the single-pack and the multi-pack shippi ng cartons and internal packing mat erials are designed so that an enclosed tape d rive does not receive a shock greater than 45 g wh en the carton is dro pped on any surface, corner, or edge from the following heights: 48 inches (121.
5 Interface Specifications This chapter describes the tape drive’s SCSI interface, including the following sectio ns: SCSI features Physical pa th SCSI messages SCSI commands Using SCSI command s Ma.
SCSI Features Implementation characteristics of the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) controller include the following: Support for single-en ded or differential SCSI con figurations. SCSI bus parity checking configurable through the MODE SELECT command.
SCSI Messages The SCSI message system supported b y the tape drive allows communication between the initiator and the tape d rive for physical path management. Table 5-1 lists the SCSI messages supported by the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL.
SCSI Commands The SCSI-2 command set supported by the tape drive consists of 19 six-byte comman ds (Group 0 command set) and 6 ten-byte commands (Group 1 command set). These commands are listed in Table 5-2. Note: Tapes written and read in 8200 format use the SCSI-1 command set.
Command OP Code Description READ BU FFER 3Ch Copie s the tape drive’s m icrocode across the SCSI bus to the init iator. Used in c onjunctio n with the WRITE BUFFER command. READ PO SITION 34h Report s the tape driv e’s curren t logical position b ut does not cause tape moti on to occur.
Using SCSI Commands This section describes the SCSI commands used to write, read, erase, and search for data, and to copy microcode, inquire about tape drive status, set operating parameters, and p erform diagnostic tests. Writing Data To transfer bytes or blocks of data from the initiator to the tape drive, use the WRITE (0Ah) command.
Searching for Data To enable the tape drive to perform forward or backward searches, use the SPACE (11h) or LOCATE (2Bh) commands. The tape d rive moves the tape at its high-speed search speed, which is up to 75 times the nominal tape speed. The tape drive can space over both fixed and variable blocks.
Fault Symptom Co de (FSC) that ind icates the specific nature of hardware and software errors or other events (the FSC is an Exabyte-unique b yte) INQUIRY (12h) C ommand You can use the INQUIRY (12h) co mmand to obtain information about the tape drive’s firmware level, the version of SCSI supported by the tape drive, and so on.
6 Functional Specifications This chapter includ es functional speci fications fo r the tape drive, includ ing the following sections: Performance specifications Reliability specifications Power spe ci.
Performance Specifications This section des cribes the performance sp ecifications for the tape drive . Write and Read Access Times W r i t ea c c e s st i m es t a r t sw h e nt h et a p ed r i v er .
Tape Speed Table 6-2 lists the nominal tape speed at which data can be written and read by the tape d rives. Format Speed EXB-8205 and EXB-8205XL EXB-8505 and EXB-8505XL 8500c — 11.079 mm/sec (0.436 inch/sec) 8500 — 8200c 11.079 mm/sec (0.436 i nch/sec) 8200 11.
8200 Format If the tape is written in 8200 format, the tape drive can perform forward file-search o perations at 10 times the nominal tape speed and backward file-search operatio ns at 7.5 times the nominal tape speed. Rewind Tape Spe ed Table 6-4 lists maximum rewind times for the tape d rives for four sizes of EXATAPE 8mm data cartridges.
Drum Rotation Period Table 6-5 shows the drum rotation perio d for the tape drives read ing and writing tapes in all formats. Format Drum rotation period Nominal effective head-to-tape speed 8500c* 32.77 msec (1831.055 rpm) 3.824 m/sec (150.548 i nch/sec) 8500* 8200c 8200 31.
Data Transfer Rate The maximum obtainable data transfer rates for the tape drive depend on what mode it is operating in. Table 6-6 shows the data transfer rates for each of the four formats.
Reliability Specifications This section lists the reliability s pecifications for the tape drive. Service Life The tape drive has been designed to exceed a useful service life of five years, during which time all performance and reliability specifications are applicable.
Test Conditions The MTBF value fo r the tape drive is determined under the following conditions: MTBF is specified for a maximum duty cycle of 10% , where duty cycle is define d as: Duty Cycle = Total.
Restrictions for the MTBF Value The following types of failures are excluded from the calculation of MTBF: Failures arising from incorrect operating procedures Cable failures, power suppl y failures, .
Data Reliability Data reliability is specified as a bit error rate (BER) in units of one error per total number of bits transferred to the host. Conditions for Data Reliability The condition s under wh ich the specifications for data reliability apply are as follows: The EXATAPE data cartridges used must comply with Standard ISO/IEC 12246.
Write Reliability Write reliability is determined by the rate of permanent write errors. During a write operation, the tape drive uses read-after-write checking to determine whether physical data b locks are correctly written to tape. When the read-after-write check criteria are not met for a data block, the tape drive rewrites the block.
Power Specifications This section lists the power specifications for the tape drive. Voltages The tape drive operates from standard +5 VDC and +12 VDC supply voltages, as specified in Table 6-7. All specified voltages are DC; no external AC power is used by the tape drive.
Power Connector The power co nnector used in the tape drive is co mpatible with the power connector used for standard 5.25-inch, half-high devices. Figure 6-1 shows the location of the power connector on the rear of the tape drive and the pin assignments.
Grounding Hole and Ground Tab The rear panel of the EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 includes a grounding hole and a ground tab, as shown in Figure 6-2. These can be used to provide additional chassis grounding if desired. The grounding hole uses an M3 0.5 6mm self-tapping screw, while the ground tab uses a 1 ⁄ 4 -inch female spade connector.
Environmental Specifications This chapter descr ibes the following environmental specifications for the tape drive: Operating environment Air flow requirements Particulate contamination limits Shock and vibration specifications Acoustic noise limi ts Table 6-9 sho ws the overall environm ental spec ifications fo r the tape drive .
Operating Environment The psychrometric chart, Figure 6-3, shows the operating temperature and humidity ranges for the tape drive. The dotted line represents the operating environment. Table 6-10 defines the temperature and humidity points shown in Figure 6-3.
Air Flow Requirements Adequate air flow must be p rovided in the enclosure for the tape drive to dissipate heat resulting fro m approximately 15.0 watts of power consump tion. The air f low around the entire tap e drive must be sufficient to prevent the tape path temperature from exceeding 40 ° C (104 ° F).
Shock Specifications Table 6-12 lists the shock s pecifications for the tape drive. The operating sho ck levels indicate ho w much shock the tape dri ve can withstand while it is rea ding and writing data. The non-operating and storage shock levels indicate how much shock the tape driv e can withstand when i t is not o perating.
Vibration Specifications Table 6-13 lists the vibration specifications for the tape drive during operation, non-operation, storage, and transportation. The operating specifications listed in this table indicate the amount of vibration that the tape drive can withstand while reading and writing data.
Acoustic Noise The overall, averaged A-weighted sound power levels (decibels) for the tape drive do not exceed the upper limits specified in Table 6-14. Operating mode LWA* The tape drive is po wered on an d idle. 40 dBA The tape drive is f ully operat ional and opera ting in streaming mode for a read o r write operati on.
7 Safety and Regulatory Agency Compliance This chapter d escribes the followi ng: Safety agency standards Electrostatic disch arge (ESD) s tandards Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Radiated suscept.
Safety Agency Standards When purchased from Exabyte Corporation, the tape drive is certified as a component by the following domestic and international product safety stan dards. UL Standard 1950, 1st Editio n, Information Technology Equipment CAN/CSA Standard C22.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) When properly installed with a shielded cabinet, shielded cable and adequate grounding of the SCSI bus and the input power, the tape drive meets the requirements fo.
Notes: 7-4 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504 (Standard and XL) 7 Safety and Regu latory Agency Complia nce.
Glossary 8200 format One of the data formats written and read by the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL. Tapes written i n 8200 format can also be read by any EXB-8200, EXB-8200SX, EXB-8500, or EXB-8500c. 8200c format One of the data formats written and read b y the EXB-8205, EXB-8205XL, EXB-8505, and EXB-8505XL.
disconnect The termination of communications between the initiator and the target. During a disconnect, the target releases control o f the SCSI bus, allowing the bus to become free. ECC Error correction code. ECMA European Com puter Manufacturers Association.
EXB-8505 The EXB-8505 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem. The EXB-8505 is a half-high 8mm cartrid ge tape subsystem that can store 10 gigabytes of data on a single EXATAPE 112m 8mm data cartridge, assuming an average 2:1 compression ratio. EXB-8505XL The EXB-8505XL 8mm Cartridge Tape Subsystem.
mm Millimeter (0.03937 inches). ms or msec Milliseco nd. ns Nanosec ond. NSTA National Safe Transit Association. PBOT Physical beginning of tape. PEOT Physical end of tape. POST Power-on self-test ; the process that oc curs when the tape drive performs it s initial power-on diagnostic s.
Index A acoustic noise specifications 6-20 agency standards 7-1 – 7-4 air flow requirements 6-17 B back panel components 1-11 bit error rate read errors 6-11 write errors 6-11 blocks gap 2-16 logica.
F filemarks long filemarks 2 -17 short filemarks 2-18 formats, data description 1-5 front bezel 1-9 G gap blocks 2-16 gap bytes 2-15 gap tracks 2-16 ground 6-14 ground tab and hole 1-11, 6-14 H heads .
R read access time 6-2 read operations 3-7 read reliability 6-11 read-after-write c hecking 3-6 reconnect threshold during a read opera tion 3-8 during a write operatio n 3-5 recording format 2-1 – .
Notes: I-4 EXB-8205 and EXB-8505 510504 (Standard and XL) Index.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Exabyte EXB-8505 8mm insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.