Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1400 del fabbricante Epson
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Epson Stylus Photo 1400 User’s Guide ®.
2 Copyright Notice All rights reserved. No part o f this publication ma y be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, o r transmitted in any form or by any means, el ectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission o f Seiko Epson Corporation.
3 Contents Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Exif Pri nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About Your Documentation . . .
4 Contents Aligning the Print Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Cleaning the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Transpor ting the Prin ter . . . . . . .
Welcome 5 Welcome Y our E pson S t ylus ® Photo 1400 is a ful l-featur ed, wide-fo rmat photo pri nter . Wit h its ex ceptional spe ed and pri nt res oluti on, you can prin t superi or photographs and enlar gements and use it for all of your everyday printing.
6 Wel com e About Your Documentation T o set up your pr inter an d ins tall its so ftware, see the Start H ere sheet. This boo k contains instructions on load ing paper , printing wi th Wind ows and M.
Printing from Start to F inish 7 Printing from St art to Finish F ollow the ste ps in thes e sect ions to load p aper , CDs , or DVDs, and prin t from your compu ter , digital ca mera, or camera phone.
8 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 2. Open the front flap, then pull out the output tray and i ts extension . 3. P ress in the release bu tton on the left edge guide and slide th e guide to the lef t.
Loading Paper 9 4. Insert the p aper , printable s ide up, against the right edge guide and behind the tab. The printable side is usually whiter or glossier than the other side . Y ou can load abo ut 120 sheets of plain pa per . (S e e page 13 f or capacity guidel ines on sp ecial pap er , s uch as phot o or mat te pape r .
10 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh F ollow these guidelines when load ing paper : ■ Don ’ t load paper above the arrow mark on the left edge guide. Make sure the paper is un der the tabs on the left and right ed ge gui des. ■ Loa d the pr intable si de fac e-up.
Loading Paper 11 Epson P remium Photo Pa per Glo ssy Epson P remium Glossy Photo Pap er Borderless 4 × 6 inche s S041808 S041727 Borderless 5 × 7 inche s S041464 Borderless 8 × 1 0 inch es S041465 Letter (8 .5 × 11 in ches) S041286 S041667 Borderless 11 × 14 inche s S041466 US B (11 × 17 inch es) S041290 A3 (11.
12 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Y ou can pur chase ge nuine E pson ink and paper fr om an E pson author ized resel ler . T o find the nearest re seller , call 800-GO-EPSON (800 -463-7766 ). Or yo u can purchase onli ne at www .epsons (U.
Loading Paper 13 When lo ading E pso n special papers , foll ow t hese cap acity guid elines: Paper name Loadin g ca pacity Epson P resentatio n Paper Matte Epso n Photo Qualit y Ink J et Pap er A3 or.
14 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Printing with Windows F ollow the ins tr uctio ns in this se ction to pr int a ba sic do cumen t or p hot o. F o r instructions on printing borderless photos, see pag e 23. F or more advanced printi ng ins truc tion s, see your o n-screen Refer ence Gu ide .
Printing with W indows 15 4. On the Main tab, select the basic print settings: Se le c t f ro m th e s e Quality Opti on settings: Draft : F or rough drafts with reduced print qualit y Text : F or tex.
16 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 9. For more printing optio ns, cli ck the Ad vanced bu tton. Then s elect the follow ing s etting s as n ecess ar y . Note: When you select Photo RPM fo r the hi ghest prin t qual ity , printing will ta ke long er .
Printing with W indows 17 During pri nti ng, t he foll owing w ind ow appe ars an d sh ows the p rogress of your print job. Y ou can use these buttons to ca ncel, pause, or r esume printing. Y ou can also see an estimate o f your ink level s. Tip: Y ou c an al so pre ss t he ) paper button on your p rinter to ca ncel prin ting.
18 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Printing with a Macintosh F ollow the ins tr uctio ns in this se ction to pr int a ba sic do cumen t or p hot o. F o r instructions on printing borderless photos, see pag e 23. F or more advanced printi ng ins truc tion s, see your o n-screen Refer ence Gu ide .
Printing with a Ma cintosh 19 Note: In certa in progra ms you may need to selec t Advanced befo re y ou can se lect Print Settings . 9. Sele ct the fo llowin g Print Settin gs a s neces sar y: Note: For more informat ion abou t printer se ttings, cl ick the ? button.
20 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 11. Click the Advanced button and select the following settings as ne cessar y . Note: When you select Photo RPM fo r the hi ghest qua lity , printin g will ta ke longe r .
Selecting the Correct Paper Type 21 The fol lo wing windo w appears and s hows t he pr ogr ess of your p rint job . If necessar y , you can clic k the print jo b to select it, then use these buttons to cancel, pause, or resume printing. Tip: Y ou can also p ress th e ) paper bu tton on your pr inter to cancel p rinting .
22 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Epson P remium Photo Pa per Glo ssy Epson P remium Glossy Photo Pap er Premium P hoto Pa per Glossy Epson P hoto Paper Glossy Epson G lossy Photo P a per Photo.
Printing Borderless Phot os 23 Printing Bo rderless Photos Y ou can print your pho tos with n o margins, extendi ng the image all the w ay to the edges of the p age. Al though bo rde rless p rin ting is a bit slo wer , you get beautiful snapshots and enlargements, with out trimming.
24 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh See these se ctions fo r inst ructions on s electing printer settings: ■ “Borderless P rinting with Windows ” below ■ “Borderless P rinting with a Ma.
Printing Borderless Phot os 25 3. Click the P rint icon at the bottom of the screen. 4. Click Ne xt . Y ou see a Pictur e Selecti on window: 5. Select the photo(s) you w ant to prin t and click Next .
26 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 6. S elect EPSON Stylus Photo 14 00 Seri es and click Printing Preferences . Y ou see the p rinter settings wind ow: 7.
Printing Borderless Phot os 27 11. S elec t Por trait or Landscape as the Orientation setting. Note: If you ne ed to a djust the amoun t of ima ge expa nsion necessa ry for bord erless printi ng, clic k the P age Lay out tab and adju st the Expa nsion sli der .
28 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 4. Select your P aper Size setting to match the p aper you ’ re using. See the list of support ed bor derle ss si zes begi nning on pag e 23. 5. Sele ct portr ait or landsc ape as the Orie nta tion se ttin g.
Printing Borderless Phot os 29 10. Select one of the f ollowing M edia T ypes to match the paper you ’ re using: ■ Ultra Premium Photo Paper Glos sy ■ Premium Photo Pa per Glossy ■ Photo Paper.
30 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Printing o n CDs and DVDs Y our pr inter incl udes a special tray that le ts yo u print c ustomiz ed text, graphic s, and phot os dir ectly o n any ink j et-print able C D or D VD.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 31 Inserting a CD or DVD Mak e sur e the da ta, musi c, or video is burne d on yo ur ink je t-pri ntable CDs o r D VDs befo re y o u print. Otherwise, dirt or scratche s on th e surface may cause errors when you burn the data.
32 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 6. Place t he CD or DVD on the CD /DVD tray with the white or pr intable side face- up. M ak e sure the di sc lies flat in the tray . T o print on a small CD or D VD (8-cm), place the small CD/DVD ring on the tray first, then plac e the CD or DVD inside th e ring.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 33 Designin g an d Printing a C D/DVD with W indows Y ou can use Ep son P rint CD to creat e and print a disc de sign with i mages, graphics, and text. Designing a CD/DVD with Windows 1. Dou ble-click the EPSON Print CD icon on your desktop .
34 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 4. T o add text, clic k the button. Enter your text and use the tabs to app ly formatt ing and spec ial effec ts, the n click OK .
Printing on CDs and DVDs 35 2. Make sur e EPSON Stylus Photo 1400 Series is sele cted. 3. S elect CD /DVD or CD/D VD Premium S urface as the Media T ype setting.
36 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 4. Make sur e EPSON Stylus Photo 1400 Series is sele cted, th en click Prin t Position Confirmation Pattern . 5.
Printing on CDs and DVDs 37 6. After the patter n is prin ted, examine the print. If you need to adjust the color , make the Print Color Corr ection setting lighter or da rker as necessar y .
38 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 5. T o add text, click the button. I n the T ext Settings wind ow , type your te xt, then use any of the opti ons in the wi ndow to format it. Y ou can also use options i n the Color Settings and Object Settings windows .
Printing on CDs and DVDs 39 5. Click Print . Note: When you set the copi es settin g to 2 or more, remo ve each CD or DV D from the tray afte r it has been pri nted, a nd then pla ce th e next dis c on t he tray (s ee page 31 ). Press the ) pape r button to re sume p rinting .
40 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh 3. Open the File menu and select Print . 4. Make sur e Stylus Photo 1400 is selected, then cl ick Print Position Check Pattern .
Printing on CDs and DVDs 41 Adjusting the Print Density with a Macintosh If i nk smear s on your p rinte d CDs or DVDs, you may need to adjus t the color satura tion or ink d ensity . CDs a nd DVDs fro m diff erent manu factu rers ma y absorb i nk diff erently , so you may need to ad just the d ensity fo r eac h type of disc .
42 Pr inti ng f rom S t art t o F ini sh Direct Printing from a Digital Camera or Camera Phone Y ou c an con nect a dig ital cam era or cam era ph one th at su ppor ts Pict Bridge o r USB DIRECT -PRINT printing to the Epson Stylus Photo 1400 and use the ca m e r a o r p h o n e to co n t ro l p r in ti n g o f y o u r p h o t o s .
Maintaining Your Prin ter 43 Maintaining Your Printer F ollow the steps in these s ections to keep your Epson Stylus Photo 1400 in great shape and transport it, if necessary .
44 Maintaining Your Print er 4. F ollow the instruct ions on the screen to print the noz zle check pattern. 5. If there are no gaps or lines, clic k Finish . If there are gaps or lines, or the test patte rns are faint, click Cle an and follo w the on-screen i nstructi ons to clea n the print head.
Cleaning the Print Head 45 1. Make sure the printe r is turned o n but not pr inting, and the red H ink light is off. (If the red H ink light is flashing or on, you need to replace a cartri dge; see page 46 for d etails .
46 Maintaining Your Print er Replaci ng an Ink Car tridg e When t he r ed H in k light flashes, o ne or more ink cartrid ges ar e low on ink . When t he r ed H ink light stays on, you need to replace one or more cartridges. Y ou ’ll also see a me ssag e on your s creen w hen you print tell ing you whic h cartr idg e is low or ex pended.
Replacing an Ink Ca rtridge 47 ■ Maci nto sh: Open the Applications folder and s elect EPS ON Printer Utility2 . Select SP 1400 S eries in the printer list, c lick OK , then select EPSON StatusM onitor .
48 Maintaining Your Print er Y ou can purc hase genuine Ep son ink and pap er from an aut horize d Epso n resel ler . T o find the nearest re seller , please call 800- GO-EPSON (800 -463-7766 ). Or yo u can purchase online at http ://www .epsons tore.
Replacing an Ink Ca rtridge 49 Note: Y ou cannot continue printi ng with on e ink ca rtridge ex pended , even if t he othe r cartridg es still contain i nk.
50 Maintaining Your Print er If one of the car tridges is low o r expended, the p rint head moves that cartr idge to the _ mark. Go to step 5. If no car tridges are low or expended, the ca rtridge ho lder m oves directly to the ink cartr idge replacement posi tion.
Replacing an Ink Ca rtridge 51 6. O pen t he cart rid ge co ver . 7. Squeeze the tab at the back of the cartri dge and lift it s traight out. Dispose o f it carefully . Don ’ t take the use d cartri dge apart or try to ref ill it. Warning: If in k ge ts on your ha nds, w as h the m th orou ghl y wit h soa p a nd wa ter .
52 Maintaining Your Print er 9. Remo ve the yello w tape from the bottom of the ink c artridge. Caution: Y ou must remove the yellow tape from the cartrid ge befo re you in stall it; otherwis e, prin t quality may decline o r you m ay not be able to p rint.
Aligning the Print Head 53 12. Clo se the car tridge c over . 13. Close the pr inter cover and press the H ink button. The printer begins cha rging ink . The green P power light flashes and th e printer makes noise. C harging tak es about two minutes.
54 Maintaining Your Print er 3. Make sur e the ) paper and H i nk lights are not flashing or on. 4. D o one of th e fol lowi ng: ■ Win d ows : Ri ght-click the p rinter i con on your taskbar ( in the lower right co rner of your s creen). Select Print Hea d Alignment .
Transporting the Pr inter 55 4. If ink acc identally gets insid e the printer , wi pe it off w ith a da m p c l o t h i n th e are a s h ow n. Warning: Don’ t touch the gears or an y other pa rts inside the pri nter .
56 Maintaining Your Print er.
Solving Problems 57 Solving Problems If y our Ep son S tylus Pho to 1400 has any pr oblems, se e these secti ons for soluti ons: ■ “Diagn os ing Print er Problem s ” below ■ “P ro blems and .
58 Solving Problems Red ) pape r light flashes and gree n P power ligh t flashes If yo u’re printin g on p aper, it is jammed in the p rinter. Pres s the ) pap er button to e ject the pap er. If that doesn’ t work, turn off the printer, ope n the c over, and p ull the pap er out from th e front, inc luding a ny torn pie ces.
Diagnosing Printer Problems 59 Running a Pr inter Check Y ou can run a prin ter check to det ermine wh ether a problem c omes from the printe r or so me oth er sourc e. Before you run a printer ch eck, make sure th e CD/DVD tray is not i nserted in the printer .
60 Solving Problems Problems and Soluti ons Tip: If you do n’t f ind the informa tion y ou’re look ing fo r in this s ectio n, please check t he on-sc ree n Reference Guide . Setup an d Soft ware Inst allation Pr oblems Tip: Periodic ally , it ’ s a go od ide a to chec k Epson’ s support webs ite at epson.
Problems and Solutio ns 61 ■ If you are using a M acintosh and you d o not see the printer name in the F or mat for menu on the P age Setup scr een, you may need to set up your printer i n the P rinter Setup Utility or Print Center . See the Start H ere sheet for instr uc tio ns.
62 Solving Problems The printer sounds as thou gh it is printing, but nothin g prints. ■ If y ou ’ re using Windo ws, make sure y our pr inter is select ed. If you ’ re using a Maci ntosh, make sure y o ur printe r is sele cted in th e P age Setup and P rint windows.
Problems and Solutio ns 63 Print Q uality Pr oblems You see banding (l ight lines). ■ The print head nozzles may need cleaning; see pag e 44 for in stru ctio ns . ■ Select a higher print q uality and turn off High Speed mo de; see pag e 15 ( Wind ows) or pag e 19 (Mac intosh ) for i nstr ucti ons.
64 Solving Problems ■ Make sure y ou ’ re usin g genu ine Epson ink c ar tridge s and you u se the m wi thin six months afte r you open the p ackages. ■ The printer won ’ t operate properly if it’ s tilted or at an angle. Place i t on a flat, stable su rface that extends beyond t he pr inter b ase in all d ire ctions.
Problems and Solutio ns 65 Your p rinto ut is g rainy . ■ Make sure the printable s ide of the paper is face-up. It ’ s usually brighter or whiter . ■ T r y using a higher quality paper or select a higher Quality Option or P rint Qualit y sett ing; see page 15 (Win dows ) or pag e 19 (M acinto sh) for instr uc tio ns.
66 Solving Problems Paper do esn’t fe ed correc tly or jam s in the pri nter. ■ Mak e sur e the pape r support e xtension is pulled up. ■ If paper does n ’ t feed, remove it f rom the she et feeder , rel oad it against the right edge, then slide th e left edge guide agains t the pape r .
Problems and Solutio ns 67 3. P ositio n the cleani ng sheet in the printer’ s s heet fe eder w ith the cut corner in the lo wer left. Mak e sur e the sti cky side of the cle aning sheet i s face up . 4. P ress the ) paper button to feed the she et through the prin ter .
68 Solving Problems Printed CDs or DVDs are dirty. Clean the ro llers as d escribed on page 30. The CD /DVD won ’t fee d into th e pri nter . T urn on your printer and gently insert the CD/DVD tray along the tray guide until the arrows on the CD /DVD tray and tray guide match eac h other .
Problems and Solutio ns 69 ■ Us e th e Print Previ ew opti on i n your printer so ftware to ch eck yo ur ma rgin s befor e you print. ■ Make sure the paper is positione d all the way to the right of the sheet fee der . Slide the left edge guid e against the pa per .
70 Solving Problems Uninstalling Printe r Software Y ou may need to unin stall and then r einstall your printer drive r and uti litie s. F or exampl e, this mi gh t be nece ssa r y whe n you up grad e your op erat ing sy stem . Y ou don ’ t n eed to un instal l Epson Print CD or your on -screen Reference Gu ide .
Where To Ge t Help 71 Where To Get Help Epson Tec hnical Su pport Epson provides these techni cal suppo rt ser vice s: Internet Support Vi sit E p son ’ s support webs ite at and select your p roduct for solutions to common pr oblems.
72 Solving Problems Other So ftwa re Techn ical Suppo rt Adobe Photoshop Elem ents T elephone: (206) 675-6358 W eb: www .adob ort.
Requirements and No tices 73 Requirements and Notices Windows System Requirements To use your printer and its software , your system sho uld have: ■ A Microsoft ® Wi ndows co mpatib le PC with a Pe.
74 Requirements a nd Notices Import ant Safety In struct ions Before u sing th e prin ter, r ead and foll ow th ese safe ty ins truct ions. ■ Be sure to foll ow all warn ings an d inst ruct ions m arked on the printe r. ■ Use onl y the type of power so urce indica ted on the prin ter’s la bel.
Important Safe ty Instructio ns 75 ■ Before tr ansporti ng the pri nter, make sure that t he print head is in the home (f ar right) position an d the ink cartri dges are in place. ■ Leave the ink cartridges insta lled. Removi ng the car tridges can dehydrate the pri nt head and may prevent the print er from printing.
76 Requirements a nd Notices ■ The IC chip on these ink cartr idges retains a variety of cart ridge rela ted-information, such as the i nk cartridge stat us, so that the car tridge may be removed an d reinserted freely.
Declaration of Conformity 77 W ARNIN G: The connection o f a non-shi eld ed equipment interface cable t o this equipment will invali date the FCC Certification of t his device and may cause interference levels whi ch exceed the li mits establi shed by the FCC for thi s equipment.
78 Requirements a nd Notices Epson Am erica, In c. L imited Warrant y What Is Co vered: Epson Americ a, Inc. (“Ep son”) warra nts to the ori ginal retail p urchas er that the E pson printer covere.
Epson America, Inc. Limite d Warranty 79 fail to be pro perly mai ntained or fa il to functi on properly as a result of misuse, a buse, imprope r ins talla tion, negle ct, im proper shipp i ng, damage.
80 Requirements a nd Notices.
Ind ex 81 Index A Accessories, 71 Aligning print head, 53 to 54 Automatic mode, Ma cintosh, 19 B Bandin g, 63 Basic print ing Macint osh, 18 to 21 Windows, 14 to 17 Blank pages, 68 Blurry im ages, 63 .
82 Index F Faint i mage s, 64 FCC Complianc e, 76 to 7 7 Full bl eed print ing, 23 to 29 G Gamma setting, Macintosh, 19 Grainy prints, 6 5 H Head Cleani ng utility , 44 to 45 Help, Epson , 71 to 72 I .
Ind ex 83 Pri nt he ad alig ning , 5 3 to 5 4 cleaning , 44 to 45 Prin t Hea d Align ment ut ilit y, 53 to 54 Print q uali ty prob lems, 63 to 65 Pri nt wi ndo w Macintosh, 18 Windows, 14 Pri nter che.
4108129 Rev .1 1-B C 4108129 Rev .1 1-B M 4108129 Rev .1 1-B Y 4108129 Rev .1 1-B K Epson Paper and Ink— Designed to W ork T ogether For the best prints, use genuine Epson paper and ink. Y ou can purchase them online at www (U.S. sales) or www .
4108129 Rev .1 1-B C 4108129 Rev .1 1-B M 4108129 Rev .1 1-B Y 4108129 Rev .1 1-B K Epson Paper and Ink— Designed to W ork T ogether For the best prints, use genuine Epson paper and ink. Y ou can purchase them online at www (U.S. sales) or www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Epson 1400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Epson 1400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Epson 1400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Epson 1400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Epson 1400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Epson 1400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Epson 1400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Epson 1400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.