Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DCP-135C del fabbricante Brother
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If yo u n eed to c all Cu stomer S ervice Ple ase com plete the fol lowin g inform ation for futu re refere nce: Model Number: DCP-135C a nd DCP-150C (Circle your mode l number) Ser ial N umb er: 1 Da te of P u rch a se : P lac e o f P urc h as e: 1 The seria l number is on the back of the unit.
i Compilation and Public ation Notice Under the supervision of Brother Indust ri es Ltd., this manual has been compi l ed and published, coverin g the latest product descriptions and specificat i ons. The conte nt s of this manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change without not i ce .
ii Tab le of Con ten ts Se cti on I Ge ner al 1 Genera l Informa t io n 2 Usi ng th e docum enta ti on ..... .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. 2 Sy mbols an d conven tio ns used in th e docume ntati on .
iii Section III Direct Photo Prin ting 4 Print ing phot os from a me mo ry car d o r USB Fla sh me m ory dri ve 2 8 Photo Cap ture Cente r ™ Operat ions ... ..... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .. .... 28 Printing from a memory card or US B Flash memory drive without a PC .
iv Sect ion V Appe ndix es A Safet y and L ega l 46 Choosing a location ... ........................................ ............................................. ..... 46 To use the mach ine sa fel y ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ... .. ..
v D Specifi cation s 77 General . . .................. ............................................. ............................................. .. 77 Prin t media .... .. .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ... .... ..... .. ..... ..
Section I Genera l I General Information 2 Loading documents and pa per 9.
2 1 Using the documen tation 1 Thank y ou for bu y ing a Brother m achine! Reading the docu m entation will help you make the mos t of your machine. Sy mbo l s and co nv en tion s used in th e docu menta ti o n 1 The f ol lowing symbols an d conventions are used throughou t t he documentat ion.
General Informat ion 3 1 Acces sing the Software Use r’s Guide 1 This User ’ s Guide does not contain all the information about the machine such as ho w to use the advanced f eat ures of the Printer and S canner.
Chapter 1 4 How to f i nd Scanning instruc tions 1 There are several ways you can scan document s. You c an find the instructions as follo ws: Softwa r e User’s Guide Scannin g ( For Window s ®.
General Informat ion 5 1 How to find Scanning ins tructions 1 There are several way s you can scan docu m ents. Y ou can f ind the instructions as follo ws: So f tware User’ s Guide Scanni ng (For Mac OS ® X 10.2.4 or greater) ControlCent er2 (For Mac OS ® X 10.
Chapter 1 6 Control panel over view 1 The D CP-135C and DCP-150C have the same control panel keys. 1 Copy keys : Lets y ou temporari ly ch ange the copy set tings when in copy mode. Copy Options You can quickly and ea sily se lect temporar y setti ngs f or copyi ng.
General Informat ion 7 1 7 Sca n Lets you acce ss Scan mode. 8 PhotoCaptur e Lets you acce ss PhotoCapture Center™ mode. 9 LCD (liqui d crystal displ ay) Displa ys messag es on the screen to hel p you set up and us e your machine. 10 Warning LED Turns re d when t he LCD displ ays an er r or or an import ant stat us messag e.
Chapter 1 8 War ning LED indic at ions 1 The st atus LED (Light Emitting D iode) is a light that shows the DCP s tatus. The LCD shows t he c urrent machine s tat us when the ma chine is idle. Prin ting R epo rts 1 The f ol lowing reports are av ai lable: Help List A h elp list about how to qu ick ly program your machine.
9 2 2 Loading do cuments 2 You can ma k e copies and sc an f rom the scanne r glass. Us ing the scan ner glas s 2 You can use the scanner glass t o copy or scan page s of a book or one page at a time. Document Size s Supported 2 Size : Up to A4 size [215.
Chapter 2 10 Sc an na ble a rea 2 The sc annable area depends on the settings in the application you are using. The figures below sho w the areas you cannot sca n on Letter and A4 paper. Acceptab le paper a nd other med ia 2 The print quality can be affected by the type of pa per you are using in the machin e.
Loading doc uments and paper 11 2 Recomme nd ed med ia 2 To get t he best print quality, w e suggest using Brother p aper. (See table below.) If B rot her pa per is not a vailable in y our coun t ry, we recommen d t est ing various papers before purchas i ng la r ge qu antities.
Chapter 2 12 Ch oosi ng t he righ t me dia 2 Paper t ype and s ize fo r each ope ration 2 Paper Type Paper Si ze Usage Copy Photo Captur e Printer Cut Sheet Letter 216 × 279 mm (8 1/ 2 × 11 in. ) Yes Yes Yes A4 210 × 297 mm ( 8.3 × 1 1.7 in . ) Yes Yes Yes Legal 216 × 356 mm ( 8 1/2 × 14 in.
Loading doc uments and paper 13 2 Paper weight , thickne ss and c apacity 2 1 Up to 50 s heet s for Le ga l si ze pa per 8 0 gsm (20 l b). Up to 1 00 s heet s of 80 gsm (2 0 lb) pape r. Paper T ype Weight Thickness No. of sheets Cut Sheet Plai n Paper 64 to 120 gsm (17 to 32 lb) 0.
Chapter 2 14 Loading pape r , envelop es and ot her media 2 Load ing pape r and othe r medi a 2 a Pull the paper tray co m plete l y out of the machine. Lift t he output paper tray cover (1). b Pr es s and slide t he paper s ide guid es (1 ) and p aper len gth gu ide ( 2) to fi t the pap er size.
Loading doc uments and paper 15 2 e Gently adjust the pape r s ide guides to the pa per with both hands. Make s ure the pa per side gu ides touch the sid es of the paper. Note Be caref ul that you do not push the pape r in too f ar; it may lift at t he bac k of the t ray and c ause feed problems.
Chapter 2 16 Lo adin g envel opes an d post car d s 2 Loading e nvelopes 2 Use envelopes that weigh from 7 5 to 95 gsm. Som e envelopes need margin settings to be set in the application.
Loading doc uments and paper 17 2 If y ou have p robl ems when printi ng o n envelop es, try the following suggestion s: 2 a Open t he envelop e flap. b Make s ure the op en flap is either to th e side of t he envelope or to t he back edge of the envelope whe n printing.
Chapter 2 18 Pr intable area 2 The printable area depend s on the settings in the application you are using. The figures below show the unprintable areas on cut sheet paper and envel opes. The machi ne c an only print in the shade d area s when the B ord erl ess print f e at ure is av ai lable and turned on.
Section I I Copy II Making copies 20.
20 3 How to c opy 3 You can use your mach i ne as a copier, making up to 99 copies at a time. Ma king a sin gle copy 3 a Load your docume nt . b Pre ss Mono S tart for Monoc hrome Copy o r Colour Start for Colour Copy. Mak ing mu ltiple copies 3 You can make up to 99 copie s.
Making cop ies 21 3 Cha ngi ng copy s peed and qu ality 3 You can select f rom a range of quality se tti ngs . Th e de fau lt se ttin g is Normal . To temporaril y c hange the quality setting, follow the instructions below: a Load your docum ent . b Pr ess Copy Qu ality repeate dly to choose Fast , Normal or Best .
Chapter 3 22 To en large or redu c e the next copy follow the in s tr uctio n belo w: a Load your docume nt . b Pre ss Enlarge/Red uce . c Do one o f the following: Pre ss a or b to choose the enlargemen t or redu ction ratio y ou want. Press OK .
Making cop ies 23 3 f Put the n ext doc ument on the scann er gla ss. Press OK . Repeat e and f fo r eac h p age of t he layout. Set Next Page Then Press OK g After all the p ages ha v e been scanned, press b ( No ) to fin ish.
Chapter 3 24 Contrast 3 Adjust the contra s t t o help an image look sharper and more vivid. a Pre ss Men u . b Pre ss a or b t o choose 1.Copy . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss a or b t o choose 5.Contrast . Pre ss OK . d Pre ss a or b t o increase or decrease the co ntr as t.
Making cop ies 25 3 Pap er si ze 3 If c opying on paper other t han A 4 size, y ou will need to change the pape r s i ze setting. You can copy on Letter, Legal, A4, A5 or Photo Card (10 × 15 cm) paper. a Load your docum ent . b Pr ess Copy Optio ns a nd a or b to choose Paper Size .
Chapter 3 26.
Section II I Direct Phot o Printing III Printing photos from a mem ory card or USB Flash memory dri ve 28 Printing photos from a cam era 39.
28 4 PhotoCapture Cente r™ Operatio ns 4 Note The DCP-135C only supports USB Flash memo ry dr iv e. Pr intin g from a m emory ca rd or USB Fla sh mem ory dri v e wi thout a PC 4 Even if y our machine i s not connected to your comput er, you can print photos directly f rom digital camera media or a USB Flash memory drive.
Pri nting phot os f r om a me mory card or USB Fla sh memory driv e 29 4 Mem or y ca rd s o r U SB Flas h me mory d rive fo lder st ructur e 4 Your m achine i s designed to be compatible with m odern digital c amera image f iles and mem ory cards; ho wever, plea s e read the points below to avoid errors: The im age f ile extension must be .
Chapter 4 30 Getting starte d Firmly put a mem ory card or USB Flash mem ory drive into the correct slot. 1 USB F l ash memor y d r ive 2 Compact Flash ® 3 S ecu reDi gita l™, M ultiM edia Car d™.
Pri nting phot os f r om a me mory card or USB Fla sh memory driv e 31 4 How to print from a memory card or USB Flash me mory drive 4 Before printing a p hoto you must first p r int a thum bnail index to cho ose the number of t he photo y ou want to print.
Chapter 4 32 Pr inting Im ages 4 Before y ou can print an i ndi vidual image, you have to know the image num ber. a Make sure you have put the memory card or USB F lash m emory drive in the correct sl ot . b Print the i ndex first. (See Pr i nt Index (Thumbnai l s) on page 31 .
Pri nting phot os f r om a me mory card or USB Fla sh memory driv e 33 4 DP OF pri nti ng 4 DPO F stands for Di gital Print Order Format. Majo r dig it al camera manuf act urers (Canon Inc., Eastm an K odak Com pany, Fuji Photo Film Co. Ltd., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
Chapter 4 34 PhotoCapture Cente r™ print settin gs 4 Thes e s ettings will r e main until you cha nge them again. Pr int qua lity 4 a Pre ss Men u . b Pre ss a or b t o choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss a or b t o choose 1.Print Quality .
Pri nting phot os f r om a me mory card or USB Fla sh memory driv e 35 4 Adju sting Brig htnes s, Cont rast an d Col ou r 4 Brightness 4 a Pr ess Me nu . b Pr ess a or b t o choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pr ess OK . c Pr ess a or b to c hoose 5.Brightness .
Chapter 4 36 Crop ping 4 If your p hoto is t oo l ong or wide t o fit the available space on yo ur c hosen layout, part of the image wi ll be automatically cr opped. The d efault setting i s On . If you wan t to print the whole image, t urn this setting t o Off .
Pri nting phot os f r om a me mory card or USB Fla sh memory driv e 37 4 Scan to a memor y car d or USB Flash me mory drive 4 You can sca n m onochrome and colour doc um ent s i nt o a me mo ry c a r d o r US B F las h me mor y dri ve. Mo noch rome docu men ts w ill be s tor ed i n PDF ( *.
Chapter 4 38 Ch angi ng t he mon och rom e file fo rmat 4 a Pre ss Men u . b Pre ss a or b t o choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pre ss OK . c Pre ss a or b t o choose 0.Scan to Media . Pre ss OK . d Pre ss a or b t o choose 2.B/W File Type . Pre ss OK . e Pre ss a or b t o choose TIFF or PDF .
39 5 5 Printing photos direct ly from a PictBridge camera 5 Your Brothe r machine supports t he PictB r i dge standard, allowing you to c onnect to and print photos directly from any PictB r i dge compatible digital camera. If your camera supports the USB Mass Storage s t andard, you can also print photos from a digital camera without P i ctBridge.
Chapter 5 40 Pr inting Im ages Note Remove any m emory cards or USB Flash mem ory drive from t he m achine before conne c ting a digital cam era. a Make sure that your camera is turned off. Connect your camera to the USB direct interface (1) port on the machine using the USB cab le.
Pri nting pho t os from a camer a 41 5 Printing photos direct ly from a di gital camer a (witho ut PictBridge) 5 If your camera supports (an d is currently using) the USB Mass Stora ge s tandard, you can connect you r c amera in st orage mode. This enable s you to print photos from your camera.
Chapter 5 42 Understandi ng the Error Messages 5 O nce y ou are f amilia r with the t ype s of e rrors that c an occur while you a r e using PictB r i dge, you can easily identify and troublesho ot any problem s . Out of Memory This message will appear if you are working with images t ha t are too large for the machine's m emory.
Sectio n IV Software IV Software features 44.
44 6 The CD - R OM includes the Software User’s Guide for f eat ures avail able when c onnec ted to a computer (for e xample, printing and scannin g). The guide has easy to use links that, when clicked, will ta ke you directly to a parti cul ar sect ion.
Section V Appendix es V Safety and Legal 46 Troubleshooting and Routin e Maintenance 54 Menu and Features 71 Specifications 77 Glossary 86.
46 A Choosing a location A Put you r m achi ne on a flat, stable surface that is free of vibration and sho cks, such as a desk. Put the ma chine near a s tandard, gro unded el ectrical socket. Ch oose a l ocation where the temperatu r e rem ai ns between 10 ° C and 35 ° C.
Safety an d L egal 47 A To use the machine sa fely A Ple ase k eep these instructions for l ater reference and read them before attempting any main t enanc e. WARNIN G There are high voltage electrodes inside the machi ne. Before you clean the inside of the machine, m ake sure you have unplugg ed the power cord f rom the electrical socket.
48 DO NOT put your hands on the edge of the machine under the scanner cove r . Doi ng this may cause injury. DO NOT put your hands on the e dge of t he paper t ray under the output paper tray cover. Doing this may cause injury. DO NOT touch the paper feed roller.
Safety an d L egal 49 A DO NOT touch the area shade d i n the illustrat i on. Do i ng thi s may caus e injury . When moving the machine you must l if t it f rom the base, by placing a hand at each s ide of the unit as shown in the illustration. DO NOT carry the machine by holding the scanner cover.
50 WARNIN G • This product must be installed near an el ect rical socket that is easily accessible. In case of an emergency, you must unp lug t he power cord from the el ec trical socket to shut off the power completely. • Always make sure the plug is fully inserted.
Safety an d L egal 51 A If t he product doe s not o perate normal l y whe n the operating instructions are f ollowed , adjust onl y those controls that are covered by the operating instructions.
52 Legal li mitations for copying It is an offence to mak e reprod ucti o ns of c ertain i tems or docum ents with the i ntent to commit fraud. T his memorandu m is int ended to be a guide rat her than a complete l i st. We sugge s t y ou check with relevant legal authorities i f in doubt about a particular item or document .
Safety an d L egal 53 A Trade marks A The Brother logo is a re gi stered t rademark of B rother I ndus t ries, Ltd. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Industries , Ltd. Multi-F unct ion Link is a registered tradem ark of Brother International Corporation.
54 B Troublesh ooting B If you think there is a problem with your machine, check the chart below and follow the troublesho ot ing t i ps. Most problems c an be e as i ly resolved by yourself. I f y o u need a dditional he lp, the Brother Solution s Center offers latest FA Qs and troubles hooting t ips.
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 55 B Pr in ted tex t or ima ges ar e s kewe d. Ma ke sure the pa per is loa ded p rope rly i n the pa per t ray an d the pa per si de gu i de is ad just ed cor re ctly . (See Loa din g pa pe r a nd o the r medi a on page 14 .
56 Copying Dif ficult ies Difficulty Su gg es t ion s Ve rtical str eak s ap pear on c opie s. If y ou s ee ve rtic al s treak s on cop ies, cle an th e sc anne r. ( See C lea ning the s can ner on page 64.) Scanning Dif ficult ies Difficulty Su gg es t ion s TW AIN/W IA erro rs ap pear whe n st arting t o sca n.
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 57 B Error mes sages B As with any soph i sticated office product, errors may occur. If t his h appens, your machine identifies the error and show s an error m essage. T he most c ommon error messages are sho wn below.
58 No Ca rtri d ge An ink car tridg e is not instal led proper ly. Take out the in k car tridg e and put it in agai n seat i ng it pr operl y. ( See R e placi ng t he ink c art ri dg es on page 62. ) No Fi le The m emory c ar d or USB Fl ash memor y d rive in t he medi a dri ve does not con t ai n a .
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 59 B Cha nging LCD lang uage B You can change th e L CD l anguage . a Pr ess Me nu . b Pr ess a or b t o choose 0.Initial Setup . Pr ess OK . c Pr ess a or b t o choose 0.Local Language . Pr ess OK . d Pr ess a or b t o choose your languag e.
60 Print er j a m or paper jam B Take out the jammed paper depe nding on where it i s jamm ed in the m ach i ne. Open and close the scanner cover to clear the error. a Pull the paper tray (1) out of the machine. b Pull out the jammed pap er (1) and press Sto p/ Exit .
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 61 B d Put the Jam Clear Cover back on. Make sure the Cover i s set properly. e Lift the s canner cover (1) from t he f ront of the machine until it locks securel y into the op en position. Make sure that there is no j amm ed paper left inside the machine.
62 Routine ma intenance B Rep laci ng the ink c artri dg es B Your machine is equipped with an ink dot counter. The ink do t counter au tomatically monitors t he level of ink in eac h of t he 4 cartridges. When the machine dete c ts an ink cartridge is running out of ink, the ma c h ine will tell you with a m essage on the LCD .
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 63 B f Lift each lock release lever and p ush it until it c l icks, and then close the ink cart ridge cover.
64 Cl ea ning t he ou tsi de of t he mach ine B CAUTION Use neutral detergents. Cleaning with volatile liquids s uch as thin ner or benzin e will dam age the outsid e surfac e of the machine. DO NOT use cleaning materials that contain a mmonia. DO NOT use isopropyl alcohol to remove dirt f r om the control panel.
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 65 B Cl eanin g the m ach ine pri nter plat en B WARNIN G Unplug the machine from the electrical socket before cleaning the printer platen (1). a Clean the machi ne pri nter platen (1) and the area around it, wi ping off any scattered ink wit h a soft, dry, lint-free cloth.
66 c Clean the P aper Pick-up Roll er (1) wi t h isopropyl alcohol on a cotton swab. d Put the J am Clear C over back on. Make sure t he Co ver is set pr operly.
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 67 B Ch ecki ng the prin t qu ality B If f aded or streak ed colours and t ext ap pear on your output , some of the nozzles may be clogged. You c an check t his by printing the Print Q uality Check S heet and looking at the nozzl e check pat t ern.
68 Ch ecking the p rint a lignm ent B You m ay need to adjust t he print alignmen t. I f after transporting the mac hi ne your printed text becomes b lurred or images becom e faded then adjust m ents may need to be made. a Pre ss Ink Man agement . b Pre ss a or b t o choose Test Print .
Troub l es hooting and Rout ine Maint enance 69 B Machine Information B Ch ecki ng the seria l numb er B You can see t he machine’s serial number on the LCD. a Pr ess Me nu . b Pr ess a or b t o choose 4.Machine Info. . Pr ess OK . c Pr ess a or b to c hoose 1.
70 CAUTION If you are not ab le to find t he y el low protective parts, DO NOT remove the ink cartridges before shipping. It is essential that the machine be shipped with either the yellow protective parts or the i nk cartri dges in pos it ion. Ship ping without them w ill cause da mage to y our m achine and may vo id yo u r wa rr ant y.
71 C C On -scree n programming C Your m achine i s designed to be easy to use with LCD on-screen program m ing using the menu keys. Us er-friendly p rogramming helps you take full adv antage of all the m enu selec t ions your machine has to offer.
72 To acc ess the menu mo de: a Pre ss Men u . b Choose an option. You can scroll more quickly through each menu level b y pres sing a or b for the direction you want. 1.Copy 2.PhotoCapture 3.Print Reports 4.Machine Info. 0.Initial Setup c Pre ss OK when that option appears on the LCD.
Menu a nd Feature s 73 C Menu Ta ble C The me nu t able will hel p you understand the menu s el ections and options t hat are found in the machin e's programs. T he factory set t ings are shown in Bold with an asterisk. Choose & OK Cho ose & OK to accept to exit Mai n Menu Subme nu Menu Se lectio ns Op tions De s cript ions Page 1.
74 1.Copy (Con ti nued ) 6 .C olor Adj ust 1.Red R:- nnnno + R:- nnnon + R:- nnonn + * R:- nonnn + R:- onnnn + Adj usts the am ount of Red in c opi es. 24 2.Green G:- nnnno + G:- nnnon + G:- nnonn + * G:- nonnn + G:- onnnn + Adj usts the am ount of Gre en in co pies .
Menu a nd Feature s 75 C 2. Ph ot oCapt ure (Co nti nued ) 4.Print Size — 10 x 8cm 13 x 9cm 15 x 10cm 18 x 13cm 20 x 15cm Max. Size * Sele cts th e p rint s ize. (A ppe ars wh en A4 or Lett er is sel ected i n the Pa per S ize m enu .) 34 5.Brightness — - nnnn o + - nnno n + - n no nn + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Ad just s the br ight ness .
76 2 .P hot oCapt ure (Con ti nued ) 8.Cropping — On * Off Cro ps the im age ar oun d the ma rgin to fit the pape r size or pr int si ze. T u rn this featu re of f if you want to pri nt who l e im ages o r pr even t unwa nt ed cr oppi ng. 36 9.Borderless — On * Off Ex pand s th e prin tabl e ar ea to fit th e ed ges o f t he pape r.
77 D D Ge ne ra l D 1 T his de pend s on prin ting co nditi on s. Sp eci fic ati on s D Memor y Capacity 16 MB Pap er Tray 100 S heets [80 gsm (20 lb)] Prin ter Ty pe In k Je t Print Method Black: Col.
78 Print media D 1 Use onl y t ran spa ren cies re commen de d for in kjet print i ng . 2 For gl oss y pa per or tr a ns pare nc ie s, w e reco mmend remo vi ng prin t ed pag es from th e output paper tr a y imm ed iate ly aft er the y exi t th e machin e to av oid smu dgi ng.
Specif icati ons 79 D Copy D 1 Base d o n Brot her st an dar d p atter n ( Fast m o d e/Sta ck C op y). Co py spee ds vary with the comp lexi ty of t he doc ument. Colour / Mo nochr ome Yes/Ye s Document S iz e Scanner Glass Widt h: Max. 216 mm Scanner Glass Height : Max.
80 PhotoCapture Ce nter™ D Note The DCP-135C only supp orts USB Fl ash memory drive. 1 Mem or y ca rds, adap ter s an d US B Flas h m emor y dr ive are n ot in clud ed. 2 xD- Pic t u re Ca rd™ Conv ention al Car d fr om 16MB t o 512M B xD- Picture Card™ Type M from 2 56M B to 2 GB xD- Picture Card™ Type H f rom 2 56MB to 2GB 3 US B 2.
Specif icati ons 81 D PictBridge D Compat ibil ity Sup port s the Camera & Imaging Products Associa t ion PictB ri dge s t andard CIP A DC-001. Visit http://www.
82 Scanner D 1 Wind ows ® XP in t his U se r’s G uide incl udes Wind ows ® XP Hom e Edit i on, Win dows ® XP Pr ofe ssion al , an d Windo ws ® XP Pr of es sion al x64 Edit i on .
Specif icati ons 83 D Printer D 1 B ased on B rot her s tanda rd pa tte rn. A 4 size in dr aft mod e. 2 When y ou set th e Bord erl ess fe atur e to O n. 3 Se e Pap er type an d size f or e ach op era ti on o n page 1 2. Interfa ces D 1 Your mach ine ha s a ful l-spe ed USB 2.
84 Computer requ irements D SUPPORTED OP ERATING SYST EMS AND S O F TWARE FUNCTIONS Operati n g Systems Supp orted Func t ion s Interface Mini mum Processo r Recomm en ded RA M Req ui red HARD Di sk S.
Specif icati ons 85 D Consumable items D Ink The machine uses individual Black, Yellow, Cyan and Magen t a ink cartridges that are separat e from the print head a s sembl y . Service Life of I nk Cartridge Replacemen t Ink Cartridges The first time y ou install the i nk cartridges the m achine will use extra ink to f ill the ink del ive r y t ubes.
86 E This is a co mprehens ive list of f eatures and t e rm s t hat appear in Broth er manuals. Availab ility of these features depend s on t he model you purchased. Glos sary E Brightness Changing t he B ri ghtne s s makes the whole image l ighter or darker.
I nde x 87 F F A Appl e ® M acintosh ® See Sof tware User's Gui de on the CD-ROM. ..... ....... ..... .. ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ... C Cleanin g paper pick-up roller .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .. . 65 print head ....... ....
88 si ze .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. 12 typ e . ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... .. 12 PaperPort ™ 11SE with OCR See Softwa r e User's G ui de on the CD-ROM an d PaperPort™ 11SE wit h O CR How-to-Guides.
For Austr alia Only: W arrant y & Repair – For details about warranty on your Brother Product, the details are listed on the following link: www.
Vi sit us on the W orl d Wi de Web http: // other .com This mac hi n e is appro v ed for use i n the country of pu rchase o nly . Local Brother comp anies or their dealer s will only sup port machines pur chased in their own cou nt r i e s.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother DCP-135C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother DCP-135C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother DCP-135C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother DCP-135C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother DCP-135C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother DCP-135C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother DCP-135C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother DCP-135C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.