Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CSX7000 del fabbricante Enterasys Networks
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C ENT RA L S IT E R EM OTE A CC ESS S WITC H U SER ’ S G UIDE Release 7.4 Cabletron Systems (603) 332-94 00 p ho n e (603) 337-30 75 fax suppo rt@c tron.
USER’S GU IDE 2 CyberSWITCH NOT ICE Y o u m a y p o s t t h i s d o c u m e n t o n a n e t w o r k s e r v e r f o r p u b l i c u s e a s l o n g a s n o mod i fi ca ti on s ar e m a de to th e do cu m e nt .
Centra l Site Re mote Ac cess Sw i tch 3 TRAD EMARKS Cabl etro n Sys tems , Cyber SWI TCH , M MA C-Pl us, S mar tSW ITCH , SPE CT RUM , and SecureFast Vir tual Remote Access Ma nager are tradema rks of Cabletron Sy st ems , In c.
USER’S GU IDE 4 CyberSWITCH WA RNING : Ch anges o r mo d if icati ons mad e to thi s devic e which are not e xpressl y approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Centra l Site Re mote Ac cess Sw i tch 5 CONT ENT S U SIN G THIS G UIDE 25 Document a tion Set 26 Guide Convent ions 27 S YSTEM O VER VI EW 29 T he Cybe rSWI TCH 30 Unique System Feat ures 31 Interop .
USER’S GU IDE 6 CyberSWITCH Sys tem Adapte rs 58 Eth ern e t Ada p t ers 58 Eth ern et-2 A dapt er 5 8 Eth ern et-1 A dapt er 5 8 Ha rdwar e Ch aract erist ics 59 LA N Conne c ti on 59 Basi c Ra te .
Centra l Site Re mote Ac cess Sw i tch 7 Hardw are Installatio n 83 Overview 83 Pr e-Install ation Requir ements 83 Selec ting Slo ts for the Ad ap te r s 84 Adapte r Settings 85 Ada p te r Inte r rup.
USER’S GU IDE 8 CyberSWITCH B ASIC C ON FIGUR ATIO N 110 Configuratio n Tools 111 Overview 111 CFGEDI T 111 Executi ng CFGEDIT 112 Savi ng CFGEDIT Changes 112 Dy n amic Ma n ageme nt 112 Executing D.
Centra l Site Re mote Ac cess Sw i tch 9 IP Net w or k In ter faces 133 Confi gu ri ng Interfac es 133 Network Interface Configuration Elements 135 IP Netw ork Inter face Back g round I nf ormation 14.
USER’S GU IDE 10 CyberSWITCH Configuring Sys tem Options and Information 174 Overview 174 Sy ste m Op ti on s 174 Configu ring System Opt ions 1 74 Sy st e m Op ti on s Co nf i g u r a ti o n El e m.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 11 Co nf igu r ing Of f-n o d e Server I n fo rm a t io n 207 Overview 207 Multiple Adm inistrat ion Log in Na mes 207 CSM Au th entica tion Se rver 208 Configu rin.
USER’S GU IDE 12 CyberSWITCH Co nf igu r ing Enc ryp t io n 231 Confi gu rat ion 231 Con f i gu r i ng an Encryp ti on adapter 23 1 Con figuri ng Sec urit y Asso ciat ions a nd Auth entic ation (IP .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 13 Co nf igu r ing Adv an c e d Br idgin g 2 64 Overview 264 Brid ge Dial Out 264 Configu ring th e Dev ice Lis t for B ridge D ial O ut 265 Spa n ning Tree Protoc .
USER’S GU IDE 14 CyberSWITCH IP F ilters 291 Initiatin g the IP Filter Configur ation 292 Configu ring Pa cket T ypes 29 2 Configu ring the Comm o n IP Portion 293 Configu ring TCP 294 Configu ring .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 15 IPX Net w or k Inter faces 325 Conf i gu r i ng IPX Network Inter faces 325 IPX Network Interfac e Configuration Elements 327 Gene ral IPX Netw ork Inter face C .
USER’S GU IDE 16 CyberSWITCH Co nf igu r ing SNM P 35 0 Overview 350 Confi gu ri ng SNM P 350 SNMP Configurati on E lement s 352 SNMP B ackgro u nd In formation 353 Usin g Cabletron NM S Syst ems 35.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 17 Call Re stric ti ons 372 Configu ring Call R estric tion s 372 Call Re stricti on Conf ig urat ion Element s 373 Call R e st ric ti ons Ba ck g ro un d Inf o rm .
USER’S GU IDE 18 CyberSWITCH Defau l t Line Protoc ol 399 Con f i guring Defau l t Line Pro tocol 39 9 Defau lt Line P ro tocol Con f i gurati on E l ements 40 0 Defau l t Line Protoc ol Back grou n.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 19 Alter n ate Accesses 429 Ded ic at ed Connec ti ons 429 Frame Rela y Conne ctions 430 PPP Link Failur e Detectio n 430 X.
USER’S GU IDE 20 CyberSWITCH Modem Callb ac k 470 Verifyin g a Semiper manen t Connec tion 471 Proxy AR P 472 T ROU BLESHO OTI NG 474 LCD Messages 475 Overview 475 LC D M e ss ag e G r oup s 47 5 In.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 21 TFT P 56 8 Inst allation and C o n fig ur ation 568 Usage I nstruct ions 569 Car bon C opy 570 Inst allation and C o n fig ur ation 570 Ch anging CA RBO N COPY C.
USER’S GU IDE 22 CyberSWITCH Telnet Commands 618 Te rminal Comman ds 620 TFTP C om mands 621 Trace Commands 622 UD P C omma n ds 623 User Lev el Secur ity C omm ands 623 WA N Co m m an ds 624 X.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 23 RIP Sta tisti cs 651 RIP Gl obal Statist i c s 651 RIP In ter face Statist ics 651 Seri al Int erface Stati stics 652 SNMP Sta ti st i c s 652 TCP Stat istics 65.
USER’S GU IDE 24 CyberSWITCH System Work sheets 683 Network T opology 68 4 Sys tem Detai l s 685 Res ou rces 685 Lin es 685 Acce ss es 686 Device Info rmati on 687 Brid g i n g and Rout ing I n form.
U SING THI S G UI DE Th e Use r’s Guid e is divided into the fo llow ing par ts: S YSTEM O VERVIEW We begin with an overvi e w of bridging, routing, and speci f i c CyberSWITCH features. Next, we provide an overview for both the system software and hardware.
USER’S GU IDE 26 CyberSWITCH A PPEN DICES Th e Use r’s Guid e pr ovides th e following appendices: N ETW ORK W OR KS HEE T S These worksheets are pr ov ided to help you gat h er pertin ent in for mat i on for co nfi guring your system .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 27 Guide Conventi ons Th e Qui ck S tar t pro v ides abbr eviat ed insta llati on and co nfigu ra tion instr uc tions for exper ienced use rs. Speci fic inst ruc ti ons for s e tt ing up vari ous ty pes of remo te devi ce s ar e al so inclu ded .
USER’S GU IDE 28 CyberSWITCH D OCUME NTATION T IT LES All ref erences t o Cyber SWIT CH doc umen tation title s will use t he sa me font as no rmal t ext, but w ill be italicized.
S YSTEM O VERVIEW We in c l u de th e f ol low i n g c ha pte r s i n th e Sy stem Overv i ew segment of th e User’s G uide . • The Cyb erSWIT CH Provides the “big picture” view of a CyberSW ITCH network.
T HE C YBER SWITCH The C y berSWITCH fam ily o f products r epresents the lat est in high-speed rem o te access hardware and so ftw are to ols. Thes e p rod ucts all ow c usto me rs t o i mple ment t .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 31 T HE C YBER SWITC H Unique System Features U NIQU E S YSTEM F EA TURES The C y berSW ITCH combines uni que featur es that impr o ve cost-effec tiveness, rel iability, and performance for wide area network connections to remote devices.
USER’S GU IDE 32 CyberSWITCH • Dat a Encry ption The Cy b erSWITC H en cryp ti on option p r ovid e s d ata encr yption th roug h th e Dat a Encry p ti on Stan dard ( DES) a lgori thm. DES p r ovides dat a se curity for transmi ssion s ov er the WAN bet ween en crypti on devi ces.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 33 T HE C YBER SWITC H Unique System Features •I P S e c u r i t y Th e Cy b e rS W I TC H e n cr y p t ion op ti on i m p l e m e n ts En c ap su la t i n g S e cu r i ty Pa y l o a d (E S P ) pr oto col.
USER’S GU IDE 34 CyberSWITCH • U s er n a me a nd p a ss w or d • Callin g Line ID ( CLID) • Ethernet Ad d ress • User Authe nticati on • Device Authenticatio n • C on ne c tio n S e rv .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 35 T HE C YBER SWITC H Interoperability Ov erview • Authe nticatio n Protoc ols Cha l lenge Hand shake Authe n ticati on Protoc ol (C HAP) Pas sword Authen ticati.
USER’S GU IDE 36 CyberSWITCH E NCRY PTION O VERVIEW Cabletron’s enc ryption optio n s provide t wo popular approaches fo r encrypting W A N commu nica tions, e ach wi th dist inct advantag es in certain applic ations . The se opti ons are: Netwo rk Laye r En cr ypti on a nd Link Lay er E ncry ptio n.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 37 T HE C YBER SWITC H Securi ty Ov ervie w Link layer encrypti on is i ndependent o f any network layer pr otocols. Since PPP provides transpo rt of IP, IPX, Apple T alk, and othe r pr otocols , l ink l ayer encr yption based on E CP p rovid es mul ti- pr otocol en cryption by defau lt.
USER’S GU IDE 38 CyberSWITCH • WAN IP Netw ork Inter face • WAN ( Direct Host) IP Network Inter face • WAN RL A N IP Networ k Inte rface • W AN RL AN IPX Ne two rk I nt erf a ce • WAN (UnN umbered ) Network Interface The varie ty of n e twork interfa ces al lows th e ins talla ti on of a wid e range of devi ces a t remot e sit es.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 39 T HE C YBER SWITC H Remote ISD N Devices Mor e detai led desc riptio ns of syst em sof tware and h a rdware are inc lu d ed in t h e ne xt two ch apters . The fol l owi ng se ction descr ibes remo te ISD N d ev ices.
USER’S GU IDE 40 CyberSWITCH S WIT CHES S UPPOR TED Switch types supported by the CyberSWITCH’s basic rate and primary rate ISDN adapters: Swi tc h s upp ort m ay v a ry fro m co un tr y t o co unt ry .
H ARDWARE O VERVIEW The pro d uc t y ou h av e purchased i s integrat ed on the following pl atforms: the CSX55 00, CSX6000, and CS X7 000. Th rou gh th e u se o f a dap te rs, th ese pl atfo rm s s upp ort rem ote ro ut ing an d brid gin g of local ar ea networks using I SDN B RI or PRI services.
USER’S GU IDE 42 CyberSWITCH T HE CS X5500 P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The CSX5500 is a h i gh capac ity, c entral s i te commun icati ons plat form. T h is plat form is a LAN/ WAN b rid ge/r outer bui lt t o ac co mmodate mu lti ple WAN te chn ologi es.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 43 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms The CSX5500 is a rack-mountable platform. The front panel has an air-intake gr ill, an auxiliary key board ja ck, and a periph eral acce ss door, wh ich ma y be latch ed.
USER’S GU IDE 44 CyberSWITCH To clean the air filter: 1. Pow er down the sy s tem and d isconn e c t the sy stem’s pow er cord fr om the power s ource. 2. Ope n the door l oc ated on the ri ght si d e o f the fr ont chas sis. 3. Onc e t h e door is o pe ned, you can slide the ai r filte r out fro m th e lef t s ide of the ch assis.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 45 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms C AUTION FOR DC-P OWERED C SX550 0 S • Co n n ec t to a reli abl y- gro u nd e d SE LV so u r ce . • Use b ra nch ci rc uit over curre n t protec tion rat ed at 15A onl y.
USER’S GU IDE 46 CyberSWITCH T HE CS X6000 P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The CSX6000 is a high density, modular, central-s it e comm unications platform. It utilizes a built in CP U with 90 M Hz Penti um proce s sing . The CSX6000 is a rack-mo u nt abl e plat for m.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 47 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms C LEANING TH E CSX6000 A IR F IL TER The C SX6000 has a remova bl e air filter. This f i lter is provide d to ensure sys tem clea n liness and stabilit y in dusty op erating env ironment s.
USER’S GU IDE 48 CyberSWITCH En viro nm ental Char acte ri sti cs Ope rat ing Temp : 0 ° to 55 ° C ( 3 2 ° to 131 ° F) Ope rati ng Humid ity: 5 to 95% no n-con d ensi n g Operat ing A lt itude: .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 49 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms T HE CS X7000 P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The CSX7000 is desi g ne d for lar ge, central site s a n d Int e rnet Servic e Pr ovid ers. It is a high availab ility, rem ote acce ss switc h that offers modula rity and flexibil ity for t hese la rge s ites.
USER’S GU IDE 50 CyberSWITCH Phy si cal Charac te r istic s He ight : 21 8 mm (8 .60 in) Width: 483 m m (19.0 i n) Depth: 641 m m (25.25 i n) Weight: 36 kg max.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 51 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms T HE NE 200 0-II (A N ET WO RK E XPRE SS P LATFO RM ) P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The NE 2000-II platf orm has three slots fo r ad apter s.
USER’S GU IDE 52 CyberSWITCH P LAT FOR M C HARACT ERISTICS Phy si cal Charac te r istic s Height : 107 mm (4.2 in) Width: 437 mm (17.2 in) Depth: 411 mm (16.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 53 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms T HE NE 4000 (A N ET WORK E XP RESS P LA TFO RM ) P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The N E 4000 platf or m has six s lots fo r adapter s. You c an place t he plat form eithe r on it s feet or stan ding on a s ide.
USER’S GU IDE 54 CyberSWITCH En viro nm ental Char acte ri sti cs Ope rat ing Temp : 10 ° to 35 ° C ( 5 0 ° to 95 ° F) Ope rati ng Humid ity: 80% no n - cond e ns ing Operat in g Alt itude: 3,04.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 55 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms T HE NE 5000 P LATFOR M (A N ETWORK E XP RESS P LATFORM ) P LAT FOR M D ESCRIP TION The NE 5 000 is a r ack-moun table plat form whi ch provid es eigh t slo ts for ad apters.
USER’S GU IDE 56 CyberSWITCH C LEANING TH E NE 5000 A IR F IL TER The NE 5000 has a removable air fil ter . Th is filte r is prov ided to ensu re syst em c lean l i ness and stabilit y in dusty op erating env ironment s. The filter is loca ted just be hind the cha ssis’ fro nt panel.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 57 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW Sy ste m Pl atf or ms 6. Inse rt th e clea n a n d d r y ai r fil ter bac k into i ts slo t behin d t he chas sis fron t. Ti l t th e filt er forw ard into plac e un ti l it is flus h against the c ha ssis fron t p an el.
USER’S GU IDE 58 CyberSWITCH S YSTEM A DAP TER S Th is se c tion de scr ib es th e f ol low ing a dap te rs w hi ch are su ppo r ted by C ent ral Sit e C y berS W ITC H plat fo rms: •E t h e r n e t • Basi c Rate •P r i m a r y R a t e •E x p a n d e r •V .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 59 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters The Ether net-1 incorpor at es an Intel i 960 RI SC processor execut ing at 16Mhz. When coupled with the i ntegrated, h ig h-performanc e Ethernet c o ntroller, the adapt er can o perate at the ma x imum speed of the LAN (10Mbps ).
USER’S GU IDE 60 CyberSWITCH Hardware Characteristic s Pr ocessor : Inte l 80 C 186 Speed: 16 Mhz Nu mb e r of P orts: 4 Con n e ctor: RJ- 45 Inte rfac e : Point- to -Poi n t, Point- M ultip oi nt for si ngle d e vi ce MTBF: 75000 h o ur s MTTR: 0.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 61 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters P RIMARY R ATE A DAPT ERS Prima ry R ate is a communica ti on s service that pr ovides up to 23 B channels fo r d a ta an d a 64Kbps signaling D ch annel (for N orth Am erica and Japa n), or up t o 30 B ch annels for dat a and a 6 4 Kbps signaling D c hannel.
USER’S GU IDE 62 CyberSWITCH Th e PR I- 23 ad a pter is ful ly com pat ible wi th o ur oth e r WA N a dap te rs a nd th e di gita l mod em. It has bot h a TDM and an MVI P bus co nnector t o acc ommoda te connec tion to the se ad apters. Note: The PRI-2 3 adapter was for merly c alled PRI-23/ 30 in rel eases prio r to 7 .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 63 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters Hardware Characteristic s Pr ocessor : Inte l 80 C 186 Speed: 16 Mhz Nu mb e r of P orts: 1 Con n e ctor: RJ- 45 Inte rface: P oint-to -Point PRI-8, PR I-23, AND P RI- 23 /30 C ONNECTION The Primary Rat e adapte rs use four wire S/ T ISDN interfac e.
USER’S GU IDE 64 CyberSWITCH V.35 A DA PT ER The V.35 ad apter provides tw o V.35 ports. The car d con tai ns two femal e DB26 c onnectors. A V.35 adapt er cable conv erts the DB 26 connecti on t o a stan dard V.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 65 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters Pin and Signal Assi g nment s for the V.35 Connect io n RS232 A DA PT E R The RS232 ad apter provides four RS 232 ports. The c ard contains two fem ale DB26 connecto rs. An RS232 adapter cable con v erts the DB2 6 connect ion to t w o st andard RS2 32 connect ions.
USER’S GU IDE 66 CyberSWITCH H ARDWARE C HARA CTERISTICS Number of Por ts: 4 (usi n g RS23 2 adapt e r ca ble) Conn ector s: DB2 6 Inter face: RS232 DTE/ D CE (using RS232 ad apter cabl e) MTBF: 75000 h o ur s MTTR: 0.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 67 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters D IGITAL M ODEMS The CyberSWITCH support s th e D M-8, DM-24, DM-24+ and DM-30+ Digit a l M odem adapt ers. The se a dapt ers allo w t he C yberS WITC H to rec eive call s fr om a sync hron ous PPP remote de vices connect ed by m o dem.
USER’S GU IDE 68 CyberSWITCH T HE DM - 8 Hardware Characteristic s Proces sor: LSI LOGIC - LR33000R ISC Speed: 25 Mhz Nu mb e r of P orts: 8 Conn ector : MV IP MTBF: 100,000 hours MTTR: 0 .25 hours T HE DM -24 The D M -24 ad apter c onsists o f a mother board/daughter board combin ation.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 69 H ARDWARE O VER VI EW System Adapters E NCRYP T ION A DAPTER Th e Cyb erS W ITC H suppo r ts the DES /R S A Enc ry ptio n ad ap ter .
S OF TWARE O VERVIEW O VERVIEW The sys tem softwa re fi ts into one of th ree ca te g ories: • s ys tem softwa re for th e Sys tem, adapt er modu l es and admi ni s trati on functi ons • admi nist.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 71 S OFT WA RE O VER VI EW System F iles S YSTEM F ILES Th e syste m files con sist of t he r equired c onfigur ation files, a s we ll as t he ope rationa l files that t he Cyber SWIT CH maint ains . All of these files may be ac cessed by using availa ble admin istrative commands.
USER’S GU IDE 72 CyberSWITCH atalk.nei This file co ntains con f ig urat ion informat ion used when Ap pleTalk R outing is enab led. This file als o contains informa tion r egardi ng por ts and s tatic rout es. Inform ation from t his file is conf igured and used only w hen the AppleTalk routing is enabled.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 73 S OFT WA RE O VER VI EW System F iles U SE R L EVEL S ECURITY F ILES As adminis tr ator, you may create a welcome banner file as well as a mess age-of-the-day fi l e to displa y at login w ith user level security.
S YSTEM I NST ALL AT ION We include the fol lowin g chapter s in this segment of th e U ser’ s G uide : • Order ing IS DN Servi ce Provide s guide lines fo r ord ering ISDN se rvice in t he United States. • H ardwa re Ins talla tio n Step-by- step ins tructio ns for installin g hardw are co mponen ts.
O RDERING ISDN S ERVICE (US O NLY ) O VERVIEW This chapt er was de signe d to be a guideline for orde ring ISDN service in the Unite d State s. For BRI ISDN Servic e: If you are us i ng NI-1 lines, t ry using EZ -I SDN C ode s to order BRI service.
USER’S GU IDE 76 CyberSWITCH If the A T& T 5ESS switc h type is ava ilable, the ISDN services avail able w ill be one of the follow ing: •N I - 1 • Cu stom Po int-to- Poi n t If Nor thern Te lecom DM S-100 s witch t ype is a vaila ble, the ISD N serv ices av ailable w ill be one of the followin g : •N I - 1 • DMS-100 Cus tom 3.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 77 O RDERING ISDN S ERVICE (US O NLY ) Ordering BR I IS DN Lines using Pr ovisioning Settings AT&T 5ESS NI -1 S ERVICE Note th at some of th e elemen ts below ar e s et per dir e ct ory numb e r . With NI-1 Se r vice , you will typ ica l ly h a ve tw o d ire c to ry num b e r s.
USER’S GU IDE 78 CyberSWITCH AT&T 5ESS C UST OM P OINT - TO -P OINT S ERVICE Note th at some of th e elemen ts below ar e s et per dir e ct ory numb e r .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 79 O RDERING ISDN S ERVICE (US O NLY ) Ordering BR I IS DN Lines using Pr ovisioning Settings N ORTHERN T ELECOM DMS100 NI-1 S ERVICE Note th at you must s e t e ither EKTS or A CO to yes. You may not se t b oth of them to ye s.
USER’S GU IDE 80 CyberSWITCH N ORTHERN T ELECOM DMS1 00 C USTOM S ERV IC E Note th at you must s e t e ither EKTS or A CO to yes. You may not se t b oth of them to ye s.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 81 O RDERING ISDN S ERVICE (US O NLY ) Ordering BR I IS DN Lines using Pr ovisioning Settings is order ed, the c usto me r may be as ked fo r the F C C r egist rati on n um ber fo r the ty pe of CSU that i s being us ed .
USER’S GU IDE 82 CyberSWITCH 3. What type of switch is the line connected to? 4. Fo r # 4 ES S , wh at re le a se of so f t wa r e is ru n nin g on th e sw it ch ? When the phone company inst alls the li n e, they assign it certain char acteristics (someti mes called transla tions).
H ARDWARE I NST ALL ATI ON O VERVIEW This ch apter prov ides a descr iption of th e har dware in stalla tion proc ess. It i n c l udes: • pre-in stallation r equirem ents • selecting sl ots for ad.
USER’S GU IDE 84 CyberSWITCH • Verify admini stration con sole requi rements You w ill n eed an adminis tration console to inst all your system . (We d o no t prov ide thi s.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 85 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Adapter Settings c. If you are in st al li n g W AN ad ap t er s an d an En c r yp t i on ad a pte r : S e le ct slots f or a ll WAN ad ap te r s as descri bed in st ep a , th en selec t the next avai lable s lot fo r th e Encryp ti on adapter .
USER’S GU IDE 86 CyberSWITCH A DAP T ER I NTERRUPT AND I/O A DDRE SS S ET TIN GS WAN A D APTE RS The WAN adapter s (ex cept fo r the RS-232 and V.35) us e jumpers to s et the inter rupt and switches to se t the I /O ad dr ess .
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 87 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Adapter Settings fir st DM-8 inst all ed, 388 for th e secon d, 390 for the th ird, and 39 8 for the four th. Refer to th e System Adapter Ap pendix for j umpe r loc ation s; refer to the foll owin g ch art f or the r equi red ju mper sett ings .
USER’S GU IDE 88 CyberSWITCH DM-24+ AND THE DM-30+ A DAPTE R A DDRES S S ETTING S The D M -24+ and the DM-30+ adapters bot h use sw itches t o set the i n terrupt, I /O address , and MVIP cl ock ter mination. Swi tc h bloc ks SW1 and SW3 deter mine I/O addre ss, SW2 and SW4 dete rmine inter rupts, and SW5 det ermin es MV IP cl ock ter minati on.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 89 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Adapter Settings E NCRYP T ION A DAPTER S ETTINGS DES/RSA A dapter The DE S/RSA adapter is availabl e in the United St ates a nd Canada o nly. T he adapter has a s et of eight dip switches in a switch block labelled SW 1.
USER’S GU IDE 90 CyberSWITCH A DDITIONA L A DA PTER S ET TINGS On certai n adapte r s, ther e are specifi c jumper setti ng s which are in d ependent of slot configurat ion. These a d apters includ e the: •P R I - 8 •P R I - 2 3 •P R I - 2 3 / 3 0 Ref er to the System A dapter s Appendi x for th e locat ions o f var ious jumpers.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 91 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Adapter Settings PRI -23 Clock Sett in gs In add ition to the i nt errupt jump er and I/O addres s setti ngs, the PRI- 23 requires cl ock settin gs (JP4 through JP7) . Refer t o the f ollowing table fo r the co rrect s ettings.
USER’S GU IDE 92 CyberSWITCH PRI-23/30 In add i tion to the i n t errupt ju mper and I/O ad dr ess setti ngs, th e PRI- 23/30 req uires set tings f or: • chan nel s election (T1 o r E1) • MVIP b us ter m inatio n • Robbed Bit Signaling (RBS) • E1/R2 si gnaling Ref er to the fol l owing ch ar t for cor rect sett ings.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 93 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Inserting the Adapters into the C yberS WITCH I NSERTING THE A DAPTER S INTO TH E C Y BER SWITCH Now th at you’ ve se l ecte d t he sl ot s and set all swi tch e s an d jumpers, in sert t he ca rds in thi s way: 1.
USER’S GU IDE 94 CyberSWITCH C ONNEC TING A DAPTER I NT E R -B OARD C ABLES There are three possible cables used to connect adapters: flat, crossover, and LCD. Flat cables con nect adapte rs with l ike con n ec tors, an d crossove r cable s connec t the flat ca bles of adapt ers wit h differ i ng conn ect ors.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 95 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Connecting Adapter Inter- Board Cabl es If y ou have P RI-23/30 cards : Use an MVIP bus connectio n between cards whenever possible to ach ieve the b e st re sults.
USER’S GU IDE 96 CyberSWITCH Th e followin g graphic illus trates a cross over cable appl icat ion . The ada pter with the TDM connect or can be one of the following: BRI-4, PRI-8 or Expander.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 97 H AR DWA RE I NSTALLA TION Connecting Adapter Inter- Board Cabl es CA UTION : Fail u re t o line up tri angles on LCD cable and WAN adapter’s “1” l abel may re sul t in dam age to the LC D.
A CCESSIN G THE C YBER SWITCH O VERVIEW This chapt er des cribe s accessing yo ur Cyber S WIT CH, w hich include s: • making proper conn e ctions • es tab l ishin g an adm inistra tion se ss ion �.
Centra l Site Remote A ccess Switch 99 A CCESSING THE C YBER SWITC H Making Connecti ons 6. Turn on th e CyberSWITCH by pres sing t he POWER-ON button. 7. Tu r n on th e m o n it or . 8. Af te r a fe w sec on ds, power -on init ializ ation wi ll begin .
USER’S GU IDE 100 CyberSWITCH 4. En sure t hat th e admi nis trati on c onsol e is p rope rly co nnec ted to the ad min istr atio n port o n the Cyber SWI TCH . 5. Plug the pow er cord i nto a grounded electrical out let. 6. Power on the CyberSWITCH by pressing the PO WER-ON bu tto n .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 01 A CCESSING THE C YBER SWITC H Making Connecti ons After you mak e a Telnet conn ectio n, you will be present ed with a login p rom pt. Procee d to Establ ishing a n Adm inistra tive S ession . Fo r mo re inf orm a tion o n T eln et , re fer to the Re mo te M a n a g eme nt ch apt er.
USER’S GU IDE 102 CyberSWITCH Initiatin g a C all: 1. Execute Carbon Copy’ s cchelp program which invokes C arbon Copy for guest operation. 2. Select Ca ll CC Devic e < F1> f rom dis play ed men u. 3. Supply the telephone n umber to the modem conn e cted to th e CyberSWITCH.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 03 A CCESSING THE C YBER SWITC H Establi shing an Administration Sess ion E STABLISHING AN A DM INISTRATION S E SSION If a login pr o mpt is di splaye d a fter the po wer-o n initializ ation, the s ystem sof tware wa s preins talled.
USER’S GU IDE 104 CyberSWITCH A CCESSING THE R ELEA SE N OTES Th e Rele ase No tes pro vide rele ase hi ghligh ts and impo rtant inf orma tion rela ted to this release that sho u ld b e re viewed b e f ore you beg in the syst em’s inst alla ti on and co nfi gurati on.
U PGRADING S YSTEM S OFTWARE O VERVIEW This ch apter d escrib es how to i nstal l s y stem softwa re onto t he Cybe rSWITCH . In struct ions are included for the foll owing actions : • installi ng s.
USER’S GU IDE 106 CyberSWITCH machine b eing ins talled . If you cannot determ ine the pla tform b eing used , tempo raril y config ure the platform type as “CSX Se r ies, ” then call Technical Support to help you identify the pl atform type. If on e of the fol lowi n g mess ages is di sp l ayed: Couldn’t op en the file C:SYS TEMPLATFORM.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 07 U PG RADING S YSTEM S OFTW ARE Upgrading System Software U PGRA DING S YSTEM S OFTWARE L OCAL U PGRADE The system upgrad e pack age con sists of a set o f 3.5" disk ettes that contain the n ecess ary u pg rad e software.
USER’S GU IDE 108 CyberSWITCH Err or rea din g pl at form t ype: ty pe w as not co nver te d to a n int Err or rea din g pl at form t ype: th ere is no “pl at n am e” f ie ld The dis ke tt es you h ave a re corr upte d. Ca ll you r dist ri bu to r or Te chn ica l Su ppo rt fo r a new se t of diskett es.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 09 U PG RADING S YSTEM S OFTW ARE Acces s ing the Release Notes • TFTP feature i s enabled • TFTP server is enabled • TFTP server is as signed ADM IN file .
B ASIC C ONF IGURA TION We d efine bas ic configurat ion as the c onfigurat ion need ed by m ost users. B asic config uration will get yo ur system up and r unni ng.
C ONFI GURAT ION T OOLS O VERVIEW We p rovide the f oll owing c onfigur ation tools to set up and/or alter y our c onfigu r ati on: • CFGE DIT, the configur ation utili ty • Mana ge Mode, th e d y.
USER’S GU IDE 112 CyberSWITCH E XEC UTING CFGEDIT Afte r the sy stem s oftw are h as bee n loa ded, you can sta rt C FGEDIT by en teri ng t h e f ollo wing comma nd at the syst em promp t a s sh own.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 13 C ONF IGU RA TION T OOL S Dynamic Management Before using Dyn amic Management commands, you m ust first enter the special Manage Mode by t yp ing the foll owi.
USER’S GU IDE 114 CyberSWITCH U SING THE N ETWORK W ORKSH EETS Ple ase take th e ti me to fil l ou t t he re qu ir eme nts w o rksh ee ts loc a ted in System Wo rksheet s .
C ONFI GURING R ESOURCES AND L IN ES O VERVIEW This c h apter desc ribes t h e co nfigur atio n of ph y s ical res ources, lines an d subadd re sses. Resou rces refer t o the hard w are adapte r s that pl ug into th e CyberSWITCH. For example, a WAN re sou r ce is th e p hys ical com ponent ( i.
USER’S GU IDE 116 CyberSWITCH 4. For BRI and PRI resource types: select the proper BRI/PRI switch type for the lines you will be using. The table in the Overview ident ifies w hich s witch ty pes are availa ble; yo ur car rier will iden tify which pa rticul ar switch is used in your area.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 17 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Resources R EGIO N For NET3 and NET5 switchtypes. When configur i ng switches, fir st ident ify t he r egi on of operat i on, and then the country. C OUN TR Y For th e NE T3 and N ET5 switchtypes .
USER’S GU IDE 118 CyberSWITCH •1 T R 6 • TS0-14 The ex pand er resource pr ov ides additio n al connections t o th e PR I resource. It supports eight addi tiona l connec tions . The V.35 res ource provid es two standard V.35 c onnect ions when used with the V.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 19 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Lines a three card maximum for DM-24s or DM-30s. These cards may also be combined (for example, a DM- 8 al ong wit h tw o DM- 24s ), as lon g as yo u adh ere to the l ower car d maximum pe r system.
USER’S GU IDE 120 CyberSWITCH 3. S elect fo llowi ng line c harac teristics: • f r a m i n g t y p e • line coding type • T 1 si gna lin g me th od If y o u a re u nsure of y ou r line ' s ch aracte r istic s, try th e f ollowi ng defau l ts: 4.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 21 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Lines care th at the idle charact er is set to a v alue t hat th e receivi ng devic e will unders tand. F or example, CISCO devices require the flag data line idl e character.
USER’S GU IDE 122 CyberSWITCH datalink delete Delete s an existing dat a link. L INE C ONFIGURATION E LEMENTS L IN E N AME A 1 to 16 user-defi ned char acter stri ng (usi ng all non-blan k charac ters) t hat identifi es th e lin e. Ea ch line must have a un ique name.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 23 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Lines NI-1 and DMS100 switc h types , c ont act your Servi c e Provi der for the number of data li nks requ i red . The table belo w s ummarizes the n umber of da t a l i n ks and SPID s that ar e r equi red for eac h sw it ch typ e.
USER’S GU IDE 124 CyberSWITCH The SPID format for Nor the rn Telec om D MS-100 NI-1 Servi c e is: aaann nnnnns s where aaa is the 3 d igit ar ea code of t he BRI line nnnnnnn is t he 7 d igit ph one.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 25 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Lines L IN E E NCO DI NG For Pr i mary Rate lin es only. L ine encod i ng speci f i es the natu re of the si g n als that ar e us ed to represen t binary one and zero at the ph ysi cal l ayer.
USER’S GU IDE 126 CyberSWITCH decibel valu e o f 0.0 (meaning no attenuat ion). If the distance is muc h closer (for example, 1000 ft. ), the decibel value may be -15.0 (i.e ., the signal is str on g enough that i t needs a cer tain am ount of atten uation).
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 27 C ONFI GU RIN G R ESOURCES AND L IN ES Subaddresses R2 S IGNALING R2 Sign aling is a partic ular framing t ype com monly found in Korea a nd other loca tions outsid e of Nor th Americ a . With 7.3 softw are , this feature w ill be availa ble for Korean m ark ets on ly.
C ONFI GURING B ASIC B RIDG ING O VERVIEW This chapter provi des inform ation for configuring basic br idgi ng features . Basi c brid ging configur ation inc ludes : • ena bling/ dis ab ling brid ging A s ep ara te c ha pte r, Co nfi g ur i ng Adv an ce d B r id g i n g , provid es informat ion for configur ing adv anced bridging feat ur es.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 29 C ONF IGUR ING B ASIC B RIDGI NG MAC Layer Bridging O ption MA C L A YER B RIDGING B ACKGROUND I NFO RMATION You are g iven t h e option of either enabling o r disabling the MAC layer bridging feat ure.
C ONFI GURING B ASIC IP R OU TIN G O VERVIEW Th is ch ap t e r p ro vi de s info rm at ion for co n fi gu r i ng ba si c IP ro u t in g fea t u re s . Ba s ic I P ro utin g configur ation inc ludes : • enab l ing/di sablin g the In terne t Pr ot ocol (IP) When you enable th is option , the syst em ope rates as an IP Router .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 31 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Operating Mode IP O PTION C ONFIGURAT ION E LEMEN TS IP O PE RATIONAL S TA TU S You can e nable or d isable the I ntern et P r otoc ol ( IP) opt ion. The d ef ault i s d isabled .
USER’S GU IDE 132 CyberSWITCH b. If you select the IP h ost operat ing mode, an abbrev iated IP co nfigur ation is disp laye d: Notes : Static ARP entr ies, i solated mode, s tatic r oute look up via RA DIUS, a n d IP addres s pool capabilit ies are no t availa ble in IP h ost o peratin g mode.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 33 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces internally , whil e all o ther traffic i s bridge d. W ith IP ho st mo de, Appl eTAL K an d/or IPX routing may also be enabled. Off-node authentication servers are availabl e when IP is enabled regardless of the operating mode.
USER’S GU IDE 134 CyberSWITCH l. IP RI P rec eive co ntro l m. IP RIP v 2 au thenticat ion c ontr ol n. IP RIP v2 auth entic ation key (req uired only if the IP RIP v2 authent icati on con trol has .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 35 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces If IP RIP is enabled , enter the following ad ditio nal inf orm ation: h. IP RIP send co ntrol i. IP RIP resp on d c on trol j. IP R IP rec e ive con tro l k.
USER’S GU IDE 136 CyberSWITCH S UBNET M ASK The Subnet Ma sk value (t he number of si g n if i cant bi ts for the subn e t m ask) as sociate d with t h e I P address s pecified for this inter fac e. T he Subnet m a sk is s pec ified by en tering the number of con tiguou s bi ts that are set f or the mask .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 37 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces ente r ed for the interf ac e. F o r ex ampl e, if t h e I P addres s of the interfa ce is 199.
USER’S GU IDE 138 CyberSWITCH IP RIP S END C ON T ROL If IP RIP is enable d for a s pecific int erface (LA N, WA N RL AN, and /or num bered WAN i nterf aces), an IP RIP se nd cont rol mu st be sel ected. This e l em ent con trols how IP RIP update message s are se n t on an IP RIP interfac e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 39 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces The foll owi ng tab l e provi d es the po ssi ble choi ces for IP RI P r e sp on d contr ol. *T h e de faul t switch . IP RIP R ECEIV E C ONTROL If IP R IP is enabl ed for a specific interface, then this element is required.
USER’S GU IDE 140 CyberSWITCH The foll owi ng tab l e provi d es the po ssi ble choi ces for IP RI P v 2 aut henti cat ion con t r ol * This is the def ault s witch.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 41 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces An IP Ho st de vic e h as on ly on e n etw o rk int erf ace th at it us es fo r d ata tr an sfe r. T hi s n e two rk inte rfac e is as sign ed an IP addre ss and belon gs to one subnet.
USER’S GU IDE 142 CyberSWITCH Th e WAN IP N etwo rk Interfa ce is used to def ine rem ote IP devi ces (h osts or ro uters) th at requi r e acce s s to the cen t ral ne two rk. This netw ork inte r face re p re s ents a diff e r ent sub n et than that con nected t o a LAN netw ork inte rface .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 43 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces In example 1, w e show three differ ent types of netwo rk interfaces and th e IP subnets that are used.
USER’S GU IDE 144 CyberSWITCH In example 2, th e WAN Un Numbered interface is used to eliminate an un necessary IP Subnet. The RL AN in ter fa ce is uni q ue i n th at i t e xte nd s th e IP ne tw or k o ver t he W A N t o rem ote d evic e s w hi ch access t he network using a bridge device.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 45 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces IP R IP AND THE IP N ET WORK I NTERFACES Routing Informa tion Pr otocol (RIP) is a p rotocol us ed to exchange r outin g informat ion am ong IP devi ces.
USER’S GU IDE 146 CyberSWITCH See i ll ustr ation, Example 1. B ecause SITE1 is the onl y CyberSWITCH that is c o n nected to the logical netw ork, it i s reasonab le for SI T E1 to a d ve rtise th .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 47 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces For the WAN interfa ce to fu nction pr operly with IP RIP, add ition al WA N inter face info rmatio n is configur ed.
USER’S GU IDE 148 CyberSWITCH Cu rr ently , IP RIP is no t suppor te d acr oss an UnNumber ed WAN inte r face . F o r ex amp l e, in th e fo l lowing netwo rk set u p, SI TE1 c ou l d not adver ti se IP RIP inf or mation acro ss the UnN umb e re d WAN IP I nt erface to Rou t er 2 (R2).
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 49 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces Because ea c h IP WAN network i nterface on t h e CyberSWITCH is c onfigu red for a logical I P netw ork, vari ous type s of phy sical i nter faces (such as V.
USER’S GU IDE 150 CyberSWITCH IP H OST O PERATING M ODE AND THE IP N ETW ORK I NT ERFACES Only one network interface can be configured when the IP operating mode is host.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 51 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING IP Netw ork Interfaces wit h a remot e de vice on a diff erent su bnet, the l ocal dev ice wil l ARP fo r th e remote host’ s MAC addr ess.
USER’S GU IDE 152 CyberSWITCH Wh en a l ocal hos t AR Ps for a rem ote ho st, th e Cy berSW ITCH (with Prox y ARP enabled) determines if it prov ides the best route to the destin ation. If it does, it w ill reply to the ARP request w ith i t s ow n M A C ad dr e ss .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 53 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING Static Routes U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS iproute Disp l ays t h e curre n t IP st atic rou t ing c on figurati on data . The m eaning of e ac h displ ayed f ield fo r a rout e ent ry i s: D ES TIN ATIO N IP address for t he de stinati on netw ork or h ost.
USER’S GU IDE 154 CyberSWITCH IP RIP P ROPAGA TION C ONTR OL The IP RIP propagati o n c o ntro l deter mines how a stat ic ro ut e is propagat ed v ia IP RIP. The fol l owin g table prov i des an explanat i o n of how a IP RIP propagat ion contr ol flag is assigned to a st atic r oute.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 55 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING Static Routes reacha ble directl y a nd there fore no inter mediate rout er will be used . The def ault metric v a lue is 2. The range of metric values for stat i c routes is from 0 to 15.
USER’S GU IDE 156 CyberSWITCH S TA TIC R OUTE B ACK GROUND I NFORMAT IO N You only n e e d to conf i gure Sta tic Routing e n tries if you need to acces s a WAN n e t work th at is not di rectly connec ted to t he syst em, or if y ou need to acces s a LAN netwo rk thr ough a rout er tha t does not support IP RIP.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 57 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING Default Routes D EFAULT R OU TES C ONFIGU R IN G D EFA ULT R OUTES The de faul t r oute is a fo r m of s tatic route t h a t is useful when ther e ar e a large number o f n et wo rks th at c a n be a cc ess e d th r o u g h a ga te w a y .
USER’S GU IDE 158 CyberSWITCH con nectio n is ov er a WA N. Yo u may want to assi gn this route a h i gh n um b e r of h o ps to limit tol l ch arges, i n ca se there i s a l o cal rou te that cou ld be used. IP RIP P ROPAGA TION C ONTR OL This controls how a default route is propagated via IP RIP.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 59 C ONFIG URING B ASIC IP R OUT ING Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Option U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS iprip This comman d te lls you if IP RIP is c urrentl y enabled or disabled. iprip off If IP RIP is ena bled, this com mand allo ws yo u to d isable IP R IP.
S ECURITY AND E NCRYPT IO N O PTION S The Cybe rS WITCH pr oduc t a llo ws you t o d ecid e th e ext ent an d ty pe of se cur ity f or y our ne twor k. This sec uri ty m ay con sis t of sta ndar d s ecur ity optio ns , o r it c ould inc lu de data enc rypt ion thro ugh the p u rc hase of th e Cyber S WI T CH encry p ti on option .
S ECURITY O VERVIEW O VERVIEW Securit y is an important i ssue t o cons ider when you are setting up a network. The CyberSWITCH pr ovides s everal securi ty opti ons, and th is cha pter desc ribes the “Big Pi cture” o f how th ese opti ons work a nd intero perate.
USER’S GU IDE 162 CyberSWITCH Multilev el se curity p rovide s bot h u ser lev el secur ity an d dev ice level s ecurity for loc al (o n-node) databa se, Radius , an d CSM. Th is prov ides a dde d pro tectio n; fi rst, a d evice will be a uthent icate d, and then a parti cular use r (on the devic e ) wil l be authenti cated.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 1 63 S ECUR ITY O VER VI EW User Level Databases These env i r onments in c l ude a n on-n ode d atabase and a v ar iet y of off-node, c entral auth enti cat i on data bases.
C ONFI GURING S ECURITY L EVEL O VERVIEW Th e Cy b e rS W I TC H of f e r s th e f ol l ow i n g lev e l s of ne t wo rk se cu r i ty : n o se c u ri ty, dev i c e le v e l sec u ri ty , us e r le ve l se c u ri ty , or d e v i ce an d u ser lev e l se cur it y.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 65 C ONFIG URING S ECURITY L EVEL Overview Plan what level(s) of securi ty you will use, and configure them no w. You will later assign and con figu re au thenti c ation dat abase s t o th e networ k se cu rity lev el you co n f igure a nd to admi nistrat ion se ssion s.
USER’S GU IDE 166 CyberSWITCH N O S ECURIT Y C ONFIGU R IN G N O S E CURITY U SING CFGEDIT 1. To be g in the confi gurati on of an on-nod e database or any of the Sec urity D atabase op tions, sta rt at t he ma in me nu a n d pr ogress thro ugh the scre ens as sho wn below : 2.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 67 C ONFIG URING S ECURITY L EVEL Device Level Sec u r ity D EVICE L EVEL S ECURIT Y C ONFIGU R IN G D EVICE L EVEL S ECURI TY U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select D evice Le vel Security fr om the S ecu ri ty Lev el M e nu.
USER’S GU IDE 168 CyberSWITCH O VER VI EW OF D EVICE A UTHE NTICATION P ROCE SS When a r em ote d evice connects, t h e Cyber SWITCH n egotiat es the requi red aut hentication. It then col lect s th e info rmat ion whic h is used to i dentify and authen ti cate th e remote d evice .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 69 C ONFIG URING S ECURITY L EVEL User Level Security Th e fo ll owin g se ctio ns pro vi de inf orm ati on reg ar din g auth e nti cati on vi a S ecu rI d ca rd s, s ys tem re quiremen ts fo r u ser lev el se curit y, and the authe ntic ation process with use r l evel securi ty.
USER’S GU IDE 170 CyberSWITCH S YSTEM R EQUI REMENTS Whe n provid ing u ser lev el secur ity for the Cyb erSWIT CH, you mu st esta blish Re mote User-t o- LAN Conne cti vity (lik e term inal serv ers). You m ay no t estab lish LAN -to-LA N Conn ectivity a s routers usually do.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 71 C ONFIG URING S ECURITY L EVEL User Level Security A UTHENTICATION P ROCE SS WITH U SER L EVEL S ECURITY Making a Telnet Connect ion In order to a ccess user leve l secu rity , you m ust first est ablish a Te l net conn ection to t he CyberSWITCH.
USER’S GU IDE 172 CyberSWITCH TA CACS : wit h PI NP AD Sec ure I D Car d 1. E nter login Id (remote m achin e). 2. Enter p a ssw ord onto Sec urID car d, whic h gen e ra tes a dyna mi c passwo rd. 3. Enter dynami c pas sword ont o remo te mac hine’s pa ssword pr omp t .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 73 C ONFIG URING S ECURITY L EVEL Devic e and U ser Level S ecuri ty D EV ICE AND U SER L EV EL B ACKGROUND I NF ORMATION Multi-lev el se curity (dev ice and user leve l) provide s y ou with increas ed sec urity opt ions f or your netw ork.
C ONFI GURING S YSTEM O PTION S AND I NFORMATION O VERVIEW Sy ste m op ti on s inclu de secu r ity op ti ons for remote de v ices . The sec u r i ty requ ired f o r th e au th en ti c a ti o n o f ea ch de v i ce wil l de p en d on the info r ma t i o n you h a ve en te r e d for tha t d ev ice .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 75 C ON FIGU RIN G S YSTEM O PTIONS AND I NFO RM AT ION System Options Note: It is no t necessa ry to dis able a se curity opti on, even if y ou are not usi ng the op tion. The security requir ed for the authentication of each d evice will depen d on the informatio n you h ave enter ed for th at device .
USER’S GU IDE 176 CyberSWITCH Note: If a syst em is broug ht on line w ith a devic e tha t has a re q uir ed Ca lling L ine I d th at is a dupli cate of another d evice ’s Calling Lin e Id, and n o other type o f authe nticatio n is u sed, a warnin g mes sage is logge d at initia lizatio n.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 77 C ON FIGU RIN G S YSTEM O PTIONS AND I NFO RM AT ION System Options Th e ab ove proc e ss ap pl ie s to t he s ys te m’ s au th en tic atio n of th e rem ote dev ice .
USER’S GU IDE 178 CyberSWITCH The foll owin g table sum marizes t he identifying an d authentic at ing info r mation used by each re mot e devic e t ype to conn ect to th e sy stem: S YSTEM I N FORMAT ION C ONFIGU R IN G S YS TEM I NFORMATION U SING CFGEDIT 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 79 C ON FIGU RIN G S YSTEM O PTIONS AND I NFO RM AT ION Administr ative Sess ion S YSTEM P ASSWORD The System Password is a user-defined password that is only required if there are remote devices on the net work th at require t his infor mation f or system valid ation.
USER’S GU IDE 180 CyberSWITCH 4. You ma y spec ify an auth e n ticati on databas e locat ion for adm ini stra tive ses sions that is di ffere n t fr om t h e u ser a u th en ti cation data base l ocati on.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 81 C ON FIGU RIN G S YSTEM O PTIONS AND I NFO RM AT ION Administr ative Sess ion T IM EOUT V ALUE Allow s you to termin ate login s essions after the configur ed “time-o ut value” length in t ime. If “0” is ent ered, the value w ill b e dis abled.
USER’S GU IDE 182 CyberSWITCH E MERGENCY T ELNET S ERVER P ORT N UMBER B ACKGROUND I NFO RMATIO N There are some Telnet client pro grams that do not clear Telnet connectio n s when terminatin g Tel n et s e ss ions. Si n ce they do not c lear the Tel net co nne c tions, those co nne c tions st ay a live and soon all Telnet sessions are used up.
C ONFI GURING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES O VERVIEW Device lev el s ecur it y i s an auth entic atio n proces s be tween i n t ernet workin g device s, in whi ch aut h e n t icati on t a k e s p la ce automati call y. Both br i d ge s and route r s suppor t this for m of sec uri ty .
USER’S GU IDE 184 CyberSWITCH 2. Selec t option (1) On-n ode Devic e Database from the D evi ce lev el Datab as es m enu. The fol lo wing screen will b e dis played . Follo w the on -screen instru ctions t o ena ble the on-nod e dat abase dev ice: O N - NODE D EVI CE E NT RIES C ONFIGU R IN G O N - NODE D EVICE E NT RIE S 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 85 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries 4. The De vice Table menu w ill then be d ispl ayed s imilar to the e xample scre en sho wn be low : We s ugges t th at y ou firs t en ter th e in for mati on pe rtai ni ng t o the d ev ice’s a cc ess type( s) .
USER’S GU IDE 186 CyberSWITCH 6. Fo r Frame R elay device s: Note: Yo u mus t firs t config u re th e Frame Re la y Access. Instr u ct i ons fo r co nfigu r ing the access is found in the Frame R ela y Acc esses sectio n of the C onf igu ring Alter n ate Acc esses ch apte r.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 87 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries If y o u se l ect PVC , th e list of ava ilabl e PVCs are di sp l ayed.
USER’S GU IDE 188 CyberSWITCH 9. Enter t h e authentic a tion in fo rmation needed. To begin e n tering the i nformation, s elect Authenti ca tion from the Dev ice Table Menu. Th e following menu wi ll then be displayed: Pro v ide th e ne ces sar y de vi ce a uth en tic atio n in fo rm at ion for your se lec ted Li ne P rot o col .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 89 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries If y our devi ce requi res an IP add ress, ent er it n ow. Opti ons are: • none fo r Direc t Host or W AN links t hat pl an to us e dynamic a ddres s alloc a ti on • 0.
USER’S GU IDE 190 CyberSWITCH b. Press 2 at the abov e menu to enter the d ev ic e’s AppleTalk ad dress . If th e devic e i s o ver an unnumbered link, enter 0.0 . If t he device i s over a M AC dial-in port, yo u may either ent er an addr ess, or leave the value at “none”.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 91 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS device Displa ys the curre nt Device Ta ble.
USER’S GU IDE 192 CyberSWITCH • IP Host (RFC 1294 ) RFC 1 294 provi des a sim ple se curit y exch ange at connec tion time, a long wi th an e ncapsulat ion me thod for I P d atag rams . B ASE D ATA R ATE Only used for Dial-Out. This value represents the throughput o n a B-channel or pre-ISDN link conn ect i ng th e C yberSWITCH to a de vice.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 93 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries D IAL -O UT P HONE N U MBER ( S ) This configur a tion elem e nt is required when the Dial-O ut featur e is used. The dial-ou t capabilit y allows t he CyberS WITCH to initiate conn ections to PPP or HDLC d evices located at r emote s it es.
USER’S GU IDE 194 CyberSWITCH X.121 ADDRE S S If y o u ch oose an SVC for yo u r vi rtual ci rc uit, you mu st prov id e the X.12 1 add ress of th e re mot e devic e you are curren tly adding t o t h e Devi c e T able. (Th e X.121 addres ses for bot h lo c al an d r em ote devices are provided by your X.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 95 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries O UTB O UND A UTHENTICATION This par a meter allows yo u to enable or disable P PP outbound authenticati o n procedures.
USER’S GU IDE 196 CyberSWITCH compare the incoming CLID wi t h the v alue configured in the On-node D evice Tabl e. If t he numbers are identical the connection will be established.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 97 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries IPX E XTERNA L WA N N ET WOR K N UMBER Specif i e s a user- configurable IPX ext e rnal net wor k number on the WAN (necessar y with CSX200 and CSX400 plat forms only).
USER’S GU IDE 198 CyberSWITCH B RIDGE I NF OR MATIO N C ONFI GUR ATION E LE ME N TS IP (S UB ) N ET WOR K N U MBER If th e Cyber S WIT CH uses an IP RLAN inte rfac e to connec t to a remote b ri dge, y ou must provi de this inform atio n. This add ress asso ciat es the bri dge with th e IP netwo rk to which i t connec ts.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 1 99 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries C OMPRESS ION C O NFI GURA TIO N E LEME NTS D EVI CE C OM PRE SS ION S TATU S Allow s you t o ena ble or disable com press ion fo r the individ ual d evice .
USER’S GU IDE 200 CyberSWITCH The follo wing table ident ifie s the confi gurati on re quiremen ts fo r poss ible secu rity opti ons for re mote b ridg e de vices . * Con dition ally Requir ed mea ns you must s pecify at lea st one of either the C alling Line Id or the Ethernet Address.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 01 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES On-node Device Entries IP Routing with IP Host Devices (RFC1294) To al low an IP Host dev i c e to conn ect to the Cyb erSWITCH, you must hav e I P Ro u t ing and IP Ho st Security enabled.
USER’S GU IDE 202 CyberSWITCH Bridging with PPP Bridge Devices (Using BCP) To allow a PPP B ridge devi ce to connect to the CyberSW ITCH, you must hav e Bridging enabled. For each PPP B ridge device usin g this type of conn ection, you may need to ente r a PAP Passwo rd or a CHAP Sec ret, an d a Ca lling L ine Id.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 03 C ONFIG URING D EVICE L EVEL D ATABASES Off-node Devic e D atabase Location The follo wing table ident ifie s the confi gurati on re quiremen ts fo r poss ible secu rity opti ons for IP Routing with PPP Bridg e Devices.
USER’S GU IDE 204 CyberSWITCH O FF - NODE D EVI CE D ATAB ASE L OCATION C ON FIG URATI O N E LEMENT S D ATABASE L OC ATI ON The databa se l ocat ion fo r dev ice level securit y . The choices for the off-node database location are Non e (Use on-nod e), C SM , o r RADIUS.
C ONFI GURING U SER L EVEL D ATABASES O VERVIEW User level s ecurity is an authentic ation process between a s pecific user an d a device. T h e aut h e nticat ion pr ocess is intera ctiv e ; user s c onnect to a termi nal server and n e e d to intera ct w ith i t in ord er to comm unic ate with oth er devi c es bey o n d the ser ve r .
USER’S GU IDE 206 CyberSWITCH U SE R L EVEL A UT HENT I C AT ION D AT AB A SE L OC ATION C ONFIGURATION E LEM ENTS D ATABASE L OC ATI ON The databas e loc ation fo r use r l ev el secu rity . Choice s are : RADIUS Server , TACACS Server, or ACE Server.
C ONFI GURING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFORMAT ION O VERVIEW Th is chapt er pro vides inf orma tion o n co nfiguring the Cyb erS WITCH so t hat it will be able to commu nica te with an of f -node ser ver. This c ommunic ation may b e fo r Authent icat ion or Accounting purpos es .
USER’S GU IDE 208 CyberSWITCH CSM A UTHE NT ICA TI ON S ERVER C ONFIGU R IN G CSM A UTHENTIC ATION S ERV ER Notes : In or der for the C y ber SWITCH to r efer ence C S M fo r devi c e authe n ticati on, th e foll ow ing con figu rati on step s must fir st b e co mpleted : • IP Rou ting must b e enabled .
USER’S GU IDE 210 CyberSWITCH Fo r D evic e L eve l Secu ri ty: • S p e cif y De vic e Le vel S e cur ity (f ro m Main Men u, Security, Security Level ) • Select RADIUS from Off-N o de Devi ce D.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 11 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION RADI US S erve r U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS radius Disp l ays the cu rrent RAD I US server con figu ra tion dat a. radius change Allow s you t o cha nge the current RAD IUS serv er configu ration data .
USER’S GU IDE 212 CyberSWITCH The Re mote Authen ti cation Dial-I n Use r Servi ce ( R ADIUS) i s a centra l databas e suppor ted by the Cy berSWITC H. RADI U S op erates using two compone nts: an a u the n ticat ion s erv er and clien t pr otocols .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 13 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION RADI US S erve r 4. Select (1) Primary Server to enter the follow ing info rma tion: a. IP add re ss of the Ac cou n ting Se rv er b. shared secret between the C yberSWITCH and Accounting Server c.
USER’S GU IDE 214 CyberSWITCH radius Disp l ays the cu rrent RAD I US server con figu ra tion dat a. radacc Allow s you t o cha nge the current RAD IUS A ccounting S erver config uration da ta. After enterin g the radacc command, you w ill be presented w it h a RADIUS A ccounting Menu sim ilar to th at in CFGEDIT.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 15 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION RADIUS RFC2138 V ERIF ICATIO N AN D D I AGNOSIS After c onfig uring the RADIUS Accounting Ser ver, connect via a dial -in clien t, and then disconnect .
USER’S GU IDE 216 CyberSWITCH U SING M ANAGE M ODE offnode Allow s you to ch a n ge current se ttings for off-nod e server optio ns. You may us e this com mand to enable the RFC21 38 co mp lia n ce f eatur e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 17 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION Dynamic Device O ption U SING M ANAGE M ODE offnode Allow s you to ch a n ge current se ttings for off-nod e server optio ns. You may us e this com mand to enable and configure the dynamic d e v ice opti on.
USER’S GU IDE 218 CyberSWITCH If a specific set of parameters is required for a particular device, configure the specific device inde pendently, either locally (thr ough the on- node devi ce list) or in CSM .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 19 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION TACACS Authentication Server U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS tacacs Displays the c urrent TACACS o ff-node server config uratio n data. tacacs change Allows you to change the current T ACACS off-no de server configuration dat a .
USER’S GU IDE 220 CyberSWITCH ACE A UTHE NTICAT ION S ERVER C ONFIGU R IN G AN ACE A UTHE N T ICATION S ERVER Note: In ord er for th e Cy berSWI TC H to refere n ce an ACE ser ver , the fol lowi n g.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 21 C ONFIG URING O FF - NODE S ERVER I NFO RM AT ION ACE Authentication Server b. Specify the t i me between r etries. c. Choose b e tw een the D ES or S DI Enc ryptio n Method . The algori thm you sel ect mu st be com pa tible w ith the ACE Se rv er setu p.
USER’S GU IDE 222 CyberSWITCH T IM E BE TWEEN A CCE SS R EQUE ST R ETR IES The time between A ccess Request Retri es sen t from the sys tem. Th e init ial de fault v alue i s 1 sec ond. The acceptable r ange is from 1 to 10, 000. E NCRY PTION M ETH OD This opti on shoul d alwa ys indic a te SDI, an d i s not curre n tly con figura ble.
C ONFI GURING N ETWORK L OGIN I NFORMATION O VERVIEW The Cyber SW ITCH off ers a number of c onfi gurable option s t o contr ol the lo g in process fo r thi s system and for off-no de authentication servers.
USER’S GU IDE 224 CyberSWITCH Tel n et s es sio n for a uth e ntic a tio n. It em (11 ), Termin al Server Securi ty , all ows you to specify type of securi ty for this specia l connec ti on .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 25 C ONF IGUR ING N ETWORK L OG IN I NFO RM AT ION Network Login Banners N ETWO RK L OGI N G ENERAL C ONF I GURAT ION B ACKG ROUND I NFORMA TION Allow s you to change t he network lo gin p rompts.
USER’S GU IDE 226 CyberSWITCH netlogin change Allow s you to change t he current netw ork l ogin conf iguration d ata. Aft er entering the netlogin change command , you w ill be prompt ed for the typ e of login config uration informati on you want to change.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 27 C ONF IGUR ING N ETWORK L OG IN I NFO RM AT ION Login Configuration Specific to RAD IUS Server U SING M ANAGE M ODE netlogin Disp l ays the cu rrent ne tw ork log i n c onfig ur at ion data.
USER’S GU IDE 228 CyberSWITCH The password control charact er is a key sequen ce you specify to switch between the lo g in mode and the change pas s word mode. In order to enable this feature for the general user, yo u need to con figu re th is p as swo rd con tr ol ch a ract er.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 29 C ONF IGUR ING N ETWORK L OG IN I NFO RM AT ION Login Configuration Specific to TACA CS Server Note: There is no customization of Specific Device Login for the AC E Server. U SING M ANAGE M ODE netlogin Disp l ays the cu rrent ne tw ork log i n c onfig ur at ion data.
USER’S GU IDE 230 CyberSWITCH TACACS may provide retur n c od e messages upon user login. Y ou may cus tomize t h ese m ess ages th rou gh CF GE D IT.
C ONFI GURING E NCRYPT ION O VERVIEW The Cyber SWITCH enc ryptio n optio n provi des 56-b i t data en cr yption throu g h two di ffer e n t implementations : • I P (o r Ne t w or k La ye r) Sec u ri ty • PPP (or Link La yer) Encryption Th es e i mp l em e nt a ti on s u se th e Da t a En c ry p ti o n S ta nd ar d ( D ES ) alg or ith m.
USER’S GU IDE 232 CyberSWITCH C ONFIGU R IN G S ECURIT Y A SSO CIATIONS AND A UTHENTI CATION (IP S ECURITY O NLY ) IP Se c u ri t y en cr yp ti o n co nf i gu ra ti on cons is ts of th e f oll ow i .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 33 C ONFI GU RIN G E NCRYPT ION Configuration Note: For the F in al De st ina tio n and Sou rc e IP addresses, you may enter th e entire address (i.e. , 197.1.2 .2 vs. 197. 1.0.0); how ever, the s ubnet m ask will d eterm ine how many s ignifican t bits the s ystem will actual ly consid er.
USER’S GU IDE 234 CyberSWITCH 7. Enable t h e Decryp tion/Encr y ption feature. (T his se lection is a toggle swit ch). 8. Configure encryption key implementation: • I f y ou pl an to u se th e Cy be rSW I TC H’s a uto m ate d k ey exc ha ng e, en ab le P ropr i et ary Key E x- change .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 35 C ONFI GU RIN G E NCRYPT ION Configuration assoc iati on s for i n c omi ng and ou tg oing pac k ets. The i n c omi ng pack et secu ri ty assoc iation on site “A” must ma tch the outg oi ng packe t se c urit y as sociati on on site “B” and vi ce ve r sa.
USER’S GU IDE 236 CyberSWITCH S ECU RITY P ARAMETER I NDEX (S P I ) A 3 2-bit numb er (ei ght hex adeci mal di gits ) use d to ident ify t he s ecurit y assoc iati ons be tween CyberSWI T CH nodes. The SPI must be gr eater than or eq ual to 00000100h ex.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 37 C ONFI GU RIN G E NCRYPT ION Encrypti on B ackground Information The pee r must also h av e co rre spond ing Se cu rity A sso ciat ion s. (Not e that t he gateway add ress and the so urce/dest ination subnet addres ses are switc hed to ref l ect the peer s ubnet .
USER’S GU IDE 238 CyberSWITCH On the CyberSWITCH, AH is added to a packet aft er E SP applicati on. When a rem ote node receives the en c rypted packet, it f i rst proc es ses the aut h enticati on information in the AH. If the AH informat ion is valid, the node pr oc eeds to d ec rypt the packet.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 39 C ONFI GU RIN G E NCRYPT ION Encrypti on B ackground Information A UTOMATED K EY E XCHANGE The C y berSW ITCH’s aut om ated key exchan ge uses a pr o prietary pr o tocol d efin ed for use with Cab l etron re mot e acce ss produc ts.
USER’S GU IDE 240 CyberSWITCH M ULTIPLE MAC/ IP A DDRESSES For backup p urposes, yo u may want to consid er using t he mult iple MAC or mult iple IP add ress fea ture to se t u p r e du n dant con f igura tion s to u se in con junct ion wit h encry ption.
A DVANCED C ONFI GURAT ION We define advanced c onfig uration as the configuration you may us e to fine tune y our system, or to configure options that are not necessaril y needed by the m ajor i ty of users.
C ONFI GURING A LTE RN ATE A CCESSES O VERVIEW An ac cess def i n es the c onnect ion d etails the CyberSW ITCH us e s to r each th e ne two rk. T he de f a u l t acces s i s I SDN ac ces s, a sw i tc h ed-netw ork access.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 43 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Dedicated Access es D ED IC AT ED A CCESS C ONFIGURATION E LE MENTS L IN ES Th e line that w ill b e used for t he d edica ted a cces s. A de dicat ed ac cess can b e de fined on eit her a BRI, a PRI, a netwo rk V .
USER’S GU IDE 244 CyberSWITCH To define a Dedica ted Access , you mus t selec t a previousl y defi ned line. Th e n, input the details required t o us e the line. Notes : To ac hieve max imum ban dwidth, you coul d theor etica lly de d ic ate t wo T 1s to on e remote devic e (3072 Kbps).
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 45 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES X.25 Access es 4. Enter the X.121 ad d ress of th e local DTE (the CyberS WITCH). 5. Select the data rate f or the line. 6. Ent er a list of bea rers (a channe l map) . For PRI line s, the range of channels is fr om 1 to 24.
USER’S GU IDE 246 CyberSWITCH 3. Co nfigu re the X.2 5 Relia bilit y, Win dows , and Ac know le dgm ent Facilit ies. a. Select the type of sequence num ber s to be used for X.25: regular or extended. Extended sequence numbering allows for packets to be a ssigned sequence numbers from 0-127 (modulo 128 ), as opposed to 0-7 (modulo 8).
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 47 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES X.25 Access es P ERMANENT V IRT UAL C IRC UIT I NFO RMA TION Not e: S VCs and PVCs are spec ified in the X.2 5 Logic al Cha nnel As si gnm ents sec tion of th e configur ation.
USER’S GU IDE 248 CyberSWITCH B EAR ER C HANN E LS A list o f b earers (a channel map) that w ill b e used on the line a ssocia ted with this X .25 ac cess. For PRI l ines, the ran ge of chan nels is from 1 to 24.F or BRI lines , th e ran ge of chan ne ls is from 1 to 2.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 49 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES X.25 Access es X.25 A CCES S C ONFIGURATION E LEME NTS The X.25 A cce ss co nfigur ation elemen ts ar e divi ded i nto se ven d iffere nt c atego ries: • X .25 Logic al C hannel Assignm ents • X.
USER’S GU IDE 250 CyberSWITCH X.25 R ELIABIL ITY , W IN DOWS , AND A CKN OWL EDGM EN T X.25 S EQUEN CE N UM BER R ANGE The type of sequence numbers to be used for X.25; regular or extended. Extended sequen c e numberi n g allow s for packets to be ass igned sequence numbers fr om 0-127 ( m odulo 128), as op p ose d t o 0- 7 ( mod ulo 8).
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 51 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES X.25 Access es N ONSTAND ARD D E FAUL T T RA NSMIT W IND OW S IZE The number of frames that a DT E c an se nd wi thout recei ving an ack nowled g ment . Usi ng modulo 128, the DTEs c an send up to 12 7 frames w ithout rec eiving a n ac kn owledgment .
USER’S GU IDE 252 CyberSWITCH X.25 R ESTR ICTION F AC ILITIE S These fac ilitie s are used to place restrict ions upon incom ing and ou tgoing X .25 calls. B ARRING I NC OM IN G C ALLS Allow s to you ba r X.25 ca lls com ing in to t he system . The defa ult configu ration is to not bar in co min g X.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 53 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES X.25 Access es N ONSTAND ARD D E FAUL T R EC EIV E W INDO W S IZE Th e numbe r of frame s that a DTE ca n receiv e wit hout receiving an ac know ledgme nt. Us ing modulo 128, the DTEs c an send up to 12 7 frames w ithout rec eiving a n ac kn owledgment .
USER’S GU IDE 254 CyberSWITCH a virtual pat h , although it appears that a real circuit exit s , in reality, the network routes the device’s inf ormati on pack ets to the design ated de signati on. A ny gi ven p ath may be s h ared by several dev ices .
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 55 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Frame R elay Accesses C URRENT X .25 R ESTRICTIONS • X.25 vi rtual circu i ts must be two- way lo gic al chan n e ls; one- way incom ing and one -way out- going chan n els ar e not currently suppo rted.
USER’S GU IDE 256 CyberSWITCH 6. En te r a li st of b e ar ers (a cha n nel map). For T1 or PRI l ines, the ran ge of chan nels is f rom 1 to 24.For B R I l ines, the range of c h annels i s from 1 to 2. Separate bearer ch ann els by commas, and/ or list a range by using a dash (-).
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 57 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Frame R elay Accesses 8. Ind icat e whet her or not C ongesti on Cont rol should be en abled. 9. Enter t h e Rate Meas u rement Interva l in ms ec s. Note: Yo u mus t restar t the Cybe rS WITCH in or der to ass oc iate th e PVC wit h a d e vi ce.
USER’S GU IDE 258 CyberSWITCH have a per packet charge, therefore, the administrator should be cautious when enabling this feature. LM I Indicates whethe r or not this f r a m e relay access will su ppor t the Local Managem ent Interfac e (LM I ).
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 59 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Frame R elay Accesses network, the one to which the access lin e i s directly connec ted, routes the packet to the intended destinat ion based on the DLCI ther ein .
USER’S GU IDE 260 CyberSWITCH F RAM E R ELAY A CCESS B ACKGROUN D I NFORMAT ION Frame Relay is a frame m ode service in which data i s s witched on a per frame basis, as opposed to a ci rcuit mode ser vice th at del i ve rs pac kets on a call- by-call basis.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 61 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Frame R elay Accesses configur ed in the dev ice table . It will find the PVC a nd th e line prot oco l that correspo nd s to the PVC n ame an d ch ange its PVC na me to mat ch the co r res pondin g devi c e name .
USER’S GU IDE 262 CyberSWITCH -- t he r ate at which d ata fr ames may be sen t in to the n etw ork with out inc urr ing co nges ti on. T his is generally accept ed as the end-to-end available bandwidth at which frame relay service devices may enjo y sustain ed frame tr ansmiss ion.
Cent ral Si te Remot e Acces s Switch 2 63 C ONFIG URING A LTE RN AT E A CCESSES Frame R elay Accesses Howe v er, und er the abov e st ated cond ition s, the net work conf igurat ion shown be l ow would no t be a llowe d: Sw itch ed conn ect io ns can onl y be us ed a s a b acku p to fr ame re lay .
C ONFI GURING A DVANCED B RIDG ING O VERVIEW When bridging is enabled, opt i on al advanced features are available. Optional bridging features include: • bri dge di al o u t • Spa n nin g Tree Pro.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 65 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Dial Out C ONFIGU R IN G THE D EVICE L IS T FOR B RIDGE D IAL O UT Note: The C onfiguring Device Le vel Databases ch a p t e r co nt ai ns th e info rm a t ion nee d e d to comp letely co nfigure an on-nod e dev ice entry .
USER’S GU IDE 266 CyberSWITCH 9. Enable Bridgi ng . 10. Enable Make Ca lls for b ri dge data . You must h ave alre ady conf igur ed the devi ce’s ph one numb er (Step 6) before the system allows you to enable this featur e. Ret urn t o the C u rr ent D e vi ce Ta ble.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 67 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Spanning Tree Protocol S PAN NING T REE P ROTOCOL C ONFIG URATI ON E LEMENT S Only th e E thernet- 2 adapter supports t he Spanning Tree Protocol i n its ent i rety. O u tli n ed below ar e the Spanning Tree configuration el ements that the User can define.
USER’S GU IDE 268 CyberSWITCH B RI DGE M ODE OF O PER ATION C ONFIGU R IN G THE B RI DG E M ODE OF O PER ATION U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select Mode of O p e rati on from the Br idging m enu. 2. Select the bridge mode of operation. The unr es tr i ct ed bridge mode is the d efault .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 69 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters R ESTRICT ED B RIDGE M ODE If the Restricte d Br idge Mo de is sel ected , packet s will be disca r ded unless overrid den by a user- defined bridge filter. The bridge filters, therefore, allow you t o transfer only the packets that you specify.
USER’S GU IDE 270 CyberSWITCH 5. Con figure protoc ol f i lte r s. a. Selec t to add a protoc ol f ilter. b. Selec t a protocol defi nition Id. c. Se lect a d i str ibu ti on lis t. 6. Configure packet data filters. a. Select to add a packet data filt er.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 71 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters Destination MAC Filter Commands destfilt Displa ys the curre nt des tination addr ess f ilter c onfigurat ion d ata. destfilt add Allow s a des tinatio n addr ess filt er to b e ad ded to t he cu rrent co nfigu ration.
USER’S GU IDE 272 CyberSWITCH B RIDGE F IL TER C ONFIGURA TION E LE ME NTS P ROTOCOL D EF INIT ION C O NFI GURA TIO N E LEME NTS P RO TOCOL N AME A user-de fi ned name for t h e prot oc ol to be filtered. It can be fr om 1 to 17 alphanumeric character s in length.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 73 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters B RIDGE F IL TERS B ACKGROUND I NFORM ATION User-d efin ed brid ge filters allow you to filter unwant ed traffic out of t h e networ k.
USER’S GU IDE 274 CyberSWITCH Two of th e mor e comm on proto cols used today a re: •T h e IP P r otoc ol Id , which identifi es DOD Internet Protocol pac ke ts with Et hernet t ype equal t o hex adec i mal 800, or 802.3 LSAP equal to he xade cim al 6060.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 75 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters 3. DESTIN ATI ON MAC-addres s D I SC ARD < distri but ion list > This filt er allow s y ou to discard MAC frames addressed to the specified MAC ad dres s.
USER’S GU IDE 276 CyberSWITCH Th e followin g charts su mma rize the filt er actions ava ilab le for Unr estric ted Brid ging: Filter Action Distributio n List Resul t DISC ARD LAN A packet match ing this filter w ill not be fo rwarde d on any LAN port.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 77 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters For Unre s tri ct ed Bridgi ng, the f ol lowing a dd i tional f i lter acti ons are avai lable on ly on a s ystem with an Ethernet-2 adapte r executing the local bridge option.
USER’S GU IDE 278 CyberSWITCH Restricted Mode Bridge Filters 1. S OU RCE unicast- add res s FORWAR D <d istri bution lis t> This filter allo ws you to stipula te acc ess priv ileges of a g iven device.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 79 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters 5. PRO TOCOL proto col-I d FORWAR D < dist ribu tion l i st > This fil ter allows you to re strict pack ets ba sed on the Ether net protoc ol Id f i eld o r th e correspondin g 802.
USER’S GU IDE 280 CyberSWITCH Th e followin g chart sum mar iz es the forw ar d and co nnec t filter actio ns av aila ble for Rest ric ted Bridg i ng : Filter Action Distrib utio n List Resul t FO RWA RD LAN A pa cket ma tching this f ilter will o nly be forw ard- ed on the L AN ports.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 81 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters For Re st ric te d Bridgi n g, the fo llowi n g add itional filte r acti on s are avail able onl y on a sys.
USER’S GU IDE 282 CyberSWITCH * Dev ice List may be the on-node device database, or it m ay be located on an off-node authentic at ion ser ve r . Fo r Re s tri cte d Br idg i ng, th e fo llo wi ng a.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 83 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Bridge Filters D IA L O UT U SI NG B RIDGE F IL TERS Each ty pe of b ri dge fi lt er fo r ea ch oper ating mo de su pport s a di ffer ent se t of “for wardi ng ac tion s.
USER’S GU IDE 284 CyberSWITCH 3. From the B rid ging Menu, select Brid ge Fi lters . T he menus sim ilar to t he follow ing will then be displa yed. Fo llow t he item sele ction proces s sho wn in the s creens (the selection s are in bo ld).
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 85 C ONF IGUR ING A DVANCED B RIDGI NG Known Connect List Your filter is now configured for t h i s example. Remember, each type of filter for each operating mode supports a different set of “forwarding actio n s.
USER’S GU IDE 286 CyberSWITCH K NOWN C O NNECT L IST C ONFIGUR ATION E LEMEN TS D EVI CE N AME The name of a bridge device t hat has been preconfi gured i n th e On-node Device Datab ase sec ti on of th e Confi guring Device Le vel Databa ses ch apter.
C ONFI GURING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING O VERVIEW By de fault, I P routing is d isabled whe n yo u first in stall your system s oftware. After IP routing is enabled, ther e are optional advanc ed features avai lable.
USER’S GU IDE 288 CyberSWITCH S TAT IC AR P T ABLE E NT RIES C ONFIGU R IN G S TATI C ARP T ABL E E NTRIES U SING CFGEDIT Once IP has b een enabled, the ful l IP Configur ation m enu w ill be d isplay ed as s hown b elow : The adva nced IP routing options, including AR P table entrie s, are configured through th is menu.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 89 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING The Isolated Mode T HE I SOLATED M ODE C ONFIGU R IN G THE I SOLAT ED M ODE U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select Iso lated Mo de (E nable/Di sable) from the IP m en u. 2. Foll ow the onsc re en instr ucti ons to eithe r enab l e or disab le the is olated mode .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 91 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters IP A DDRES S P OOL B ACKGRO UND I NFORMATION The IP Addre ss Pool fe at ure all ows you to config ure a l ist of I P addre sse s that can be d y namicall y assi gn ed t o re mote IP d evi ce s as th ey c on nect to the sys tem.
USER’S GU IDE 292 CyberSWITCH I NITI ATING TH E IP F ILTER C ONFIGU RATION U SING CFGEDIT To begin t h e co nf iguration pro cess , IP must be enab led.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 93 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters The screen i dentifies the co mmon portion of t h e packet t y pe, which in clud es the IP addresses an d prot ocol informat ion. T o modify th ese values, refe r to the follow ing sectio n entitled Co nfiguring the Com mon IP Port ion .
USER’S GU IDE 294 CyberSWITCH 8. Select IP protocol. If you c hoose an upper-level protoc ol, re fer to the three following configur ation s ection s: Conf ig uri ng T CP , Co nfiguring UDP , an d Config uring ICMP . C ONFIGURING TCP If y ou have se l ecte d TC P a s yo u r I P pr otocol , a scre en simi l ar to th e followi ng is di sp l ayed.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 95 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters 1. Select UDP So urc e Po rt . Not e th at the por ts ar e s pecifie d in te rm s of an operat or.
USER’S GU IDE 296 CyberSWITCH C ONFIGU R IN G F ORWA RDING F ILTER S The conf igurat ion of For w ardin g Fil ters is a t wo-pa rt pr ocess. Fir st you must name the f ilter , and then you must create a list of c o nd it ion s for the filter.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 97 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters C ONFIGU R IN G C ONNECT ION F ILT ERS The I P C onnect ion Filte r is us ed at th e p oi nt when an IP packe t atte mp ts to estab lish an ou tboun d connec tion in order to cont inue th e forw arding p roces s.
USER’S GU IDE 298 CyberSWITCH C ONFIGU R IN G E XCEPT ION F ILT ER Th e IP E xcepti on Filte r is intended for tempo rary, sp ecia l condit ions w ithin a n e xisting fo rward ing filt er. When enabled, it is logically append ed to the beginning o f each forwarding filter in e ffec t .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 2 99 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters M ODIFYI NG THE F IN AL C O NDITI ON FOR A F IL T E R To change th e final condi tion for a f ilt er, sele ct Change Def ault Con dit ion (currently selection (5) on th e Conditio ns for Fi lter men u .
USER’S GU IDE 300 CyberSWITCH 6. Select IP Information . 7. Select ei th er IP In pu t F i lt e r or IP O utp ut filt er . 8. Provide th e filter n am e. IP F ILTERS C ONFIGURATION E LE ME NTS The following elements are described in terms of the individual comparisons which m ake up the packet types.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 01 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters EQ equ al to <p or t> NEQ not equa l to <port > LT less th an <por t> GT gr eater t han <por t> RANGE inclusive range <port1 > <= packet por t value> = < port2> Examples: EQ 23: TCP p ort f or the Tel n et protoc ol.
USER’S GU IDE 302 CyberSWITCH Sample packet passing thr ough a fil t er F IL TER C OM POS ITION The IP f i lteri n g mechan ism is co mposed of three fu n damen tal build ing bl oc ks: • Pack et Types The cri teria f or de scribi ng an IP datag r am’s con tent s: IP Sou rce and D e sti nat io n Add resses, Protocol (T CP, UDP, etc.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 03 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters attac hed netwo rk. • thr ough the Output Network Interface : applie s the filt er only to packet s which a re tra nsmitted on a sp ec if ic a tta ch ed n e tw ork (i.
USER’S GU IDE 304 CyberSWITCH Because the Packet Types within the conditions specify both so ur ce and destinat i on address inf ormati on, Global ap p l icati on may oft en be suffi c ient to f i lter IP tr affic ac ross the e nt ire syst em.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 05 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters Commo n Por tion: Protoco l-Specific Portion TCP : Protoco l-Specific Portion, UD P: Protoco l-Specific Portion, ICMP: L IMITATION S System perfor mance w ill be affect ed by the n umber o f pac kets, cond ition s and filters configured.
USER’S GU IDE 306 CyberSWITCH E XAMPL E OF AN IP F ILT ER C ONFIGU R A TION This ex ample provides a simple fi ltering scen ario in w hi ch a corporate LA N utilizes a Cy b e rSWITCH to pro vide WAN ac ce s s to both dial -in dev ices as we l l as th e global In t ernet.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 07 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING IP Filters The corpo rate di al -in acc ess is reali zed with a WAN Direc t Inter face, u si ng a pool of IP addr e ss es fr om th e corpor ate LAN fo r dy n amic a ssi gnmen t to th e dial- in devi ces.
USER’S GU IDE 308 CyberSWITCH Once the o ffsite mainten an ce is com pleted , the Ex cept io n filter woul d be disa bled. Con figurat io n control ov er the Ex cept io n filter is available both thr ough CFG E DIT a nd Ma nage Mode (wit h Man age Mod e be ing the most pract ical met hod due to its d ynami c na ture) .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 09 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DHCP Relay Agent DHCP C ONFIGUR ATION E LEMENTS DHCP/ BOOTP R ELAY A GE NT E N ABLE /D ISA BLE F LAG A globa l flag th at indic ates whet her the sy stem is re l aying the D HCP/ BOOTP BOOTRE QU EST me ssag es or not.
USER’S GU IDE 310 CyberSWITCH Bridge to Bridge Environm ent As sh own in the pi ct ure abov e, when a re mote LAN is con nec ted wi th bri dge devi ces, th e D HC P server and clients communicate with eac h other as if they were on the same LAN.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 11 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DHCP Relay Agent E XAMPL E DHCP C O NFIG URATI ON S Be low we h av e in clu ded two of th e more commo n DHCP sc ena rios. These may h elp yo u co nf igur e your own DHCP feature.
USER’S GU IDE 312 CyberSWITCH Rou ters shown in th e diagra m ab ove . Sample con f i gurati ons for th e o b je ct s in the abov e ne t work diag ram are as foll ow s : Note: The DHC P Ser ver must have a ro ute spe ci fied to g et back to t h e D HC P -e nabled router Ru by , or us e A lex a s its d ef au lt ga tew ay .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 13 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DHCP Relay Agent Remote B ridge to I P Ro ut er (w/Relay A gent) This configur a tion is useful when req u ests by a DHCP Clien t must be “bridg ed” to an IP Router th at i s al so a DHC P /B O OT P Re lay A ge nt.
USER’S GU IDE 314 CyberSWITCH Notes : The DHCP Serve r must have a ro ute spe ci fied to g et back to t he DHCP-e nabl ed rout er Ale x , or us e Al e x as i ts d e f au lt g a te w a y . When you are using a RLA N Interface, you are limited to one subnetwork.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 15 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DHCP Pro xy Cl ient DHCP P ROXY C LIENT C ONFIGU R IN G THE DHCP P ROXY C LIE NT In ord er to con figure th e DHCP Proxy .
USER’S GU IDE 316 CyberSWITCH DHCP C ONFIGUR ATION E LEMENTS DHCP P RO XY C LIEN T E NA BLE /D IS ABLE F LAG A globa l flag th at i ndicate s whe t her the DH CP Pr ox y Client fea ture is en ab l ed or not. The p ro xy client i s disabled by d efault.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 17 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DHCP Pro xy Cl ient Th e D HCP Prox y Clien t feature is not app licable fo r the Cy berSWI TCH r unning in IP HOST mode. DH CP ser ve rs mu s t su pp ort u se of the bro adcas t bit in order to obt ain IP addre sses for WAN (D irect Host ) inter faces.
USER’S GU IDE 318 CyberSWITCH S ECURITY A SSOCIATIO NS The s te p s t o conf i gure sec urity as soci ations a re mere l y lis te d here. Fo r mor e de tai led in f or mati on , ref e r to Configu ring Encrypti on . C ONFIGU R IN G S ECURIT Y A SSO CIATIONS U SING CFGEDIT 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 19 C ONFIG URING A DVANCED IP R OUT ING DNS and NetBIOS A ddresses DNS AND N ET BI OS A DDRESSE S C ONFIGU R IN G DNS AND N ET B IOS A DDRESSES U SING CFGEDIT 1. From the C FG ED IT Main Menu, select Op tio ns . 2.
USER’S GU IDE 320 CyberSWITCH U SING M ANAGE M ODE ipnamesv Th is comm an d disp lays the Name Server s me nu from whic h you can enab le, disa ble or change an IP addr ess for a name serv er . DNS/NBNS C ONFIGURAT ION E LEMEN TS IP A DDRESS The IP ad dress(es) fo r the n ame server(s) you wi sh t o configure.
C ONFI GURING IPX O VERVIEW IP X p rot o col ac cep ts da ta fr om r emo te dev i ce s an d fo rma t s th e dat a fo r tr an sm is si on on to the netw ork, an d conv ersel y , acc epts data fr om the LAN and for mats it so i t can be underst ood by re mote d evices.
USER’S GU IDE 322 CyberSWITCH C ONFI GURI NG IPX I NF OR MATI O N Note: IPX i s availabl e on ly if you hav e pur chased th e add i tional sof tware mod ule for ou r I PX feature. To help you conf igure your IPX info rmation, w e have in cluded an illustration of a sample n etwo rk.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 23 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Routing Option IPX R OU TI NG O PT ION E NAB L ING /D IS ABLING IPX Note: The Cyber SWITCH d oes n ot c urrent ly pr ovide IPX d ata t ransfe r over X.2 5 lin ks. U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select Op tio ns fr om the mai n menu .
USER’S GU IDE 324 CyberSWITCH IPX O PTION B A CKGROUND I NFORMA TION The In te r netwo rk Packe t E xchange ( I PX) prot ocol is a datag ram, con n ectio n le s s protoc ol in the NetWa re envi ronment analogous to the Intern et Prot ocol ( IP) in the TCP/I P envir onment.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 25 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Netw ork Interfaces IPX N ETWORK N UMBE R B ACKGROUND I NFO R M ATION Novell N etWar e networ k s use IPX external and in ternal network numbers.
USER’S GU IDE 326 CyberSWITCH 9. If I PX RIP has bee n enabl ed for th e syst e m, ente r the f ollowin g: a. RIP se n d control ( do not resp o nd or re sp on d) b. fre quency (in secon d s) of s ending RIP upd ates c. RIP rec eive co ntro l (do not re s pond or re sp on d) d.
USER’S GU IDE 328 CyberSWITCH S END F RE QUENC Y Specifies the frequency at which the system will t ransm it RIP packets, if t he Send c ontrol par ameter is set to send for this inte r f ac e. This paramet er is a decimal value speci fied in secon d s from 1 to 300.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 29 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Netw ork Interfaces IPX N ETWORK I NTERF ACE B ACKGRO UND I NFORMATION Tra ditional routi ng product s ask you to def ine the netwo rk interfaces to w hich the r outer is dire ctly connec ted: LA N I NTERF ACES LAN netwo rk i n terfaces ar e fixed broadcas t media ty pe i nt erfa ces.
USER’S GU IDE 330 CyberSWITCH IPX R OU TI NG P RO TOC OLS C ONFIGU R IN G IPX R OUTING P RO TO C OL S U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select Rout ing Prot oco ls f rom t h e I PX me nu.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 31 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Routing Protocols RIP/SAP N UMBER OF T ABLE E NTRIES Spec if ies t he m aximum num ber of rout i ng entr i es whi ch c an be stor ed i n the rou te o r s ervic e ta ble . You may sel ect a number between 20 and 3072.
USER’S GU IDE 332 CyberSWITCH Static ser vices are configured locally on the system. SAP entries are learned from incom ing SA P packets . All service s are stored, used internally and advertised to other routers. The sa me f actor s t h at affec t th e maximu m numb e r of rout es store d als o affec t the maximu m number of services stored.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 33 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Static Routes IPX S TAT IC R OUTES Note : With the availa bility of Trigger ed RIP/ SAP ( page 343 ), the con figuration o f static route s is no longe r nec essary bu t still su pported.
USER’S GU IDE 334 CyberSWITCH U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS ipxroute Displays the current IPX rou t es (bot h static al l y entered and "learned") .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 35 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Ne tWar e Static Se rvices IPX N ET W ARE S TA TI C S ER VICES Note : With the a vailability o f Trigge red RIP/ SAP ( page 34 3 ) , the co n f igurati o n of st atic se r vices is no lo nge r neces sary but still su pporte d.
USER’S GU IDE 336 CyberSWITCH IPX N ET W AR E S TA TIC S ERVI CES C ONFIGUR ATION E LEMEN TS S ERVI CE N AME Specifi es t h e NetWare serv ic e name t hat is the target of t hi s st atic service defin ition. This paramet er is a 48 charact er N etWare ser vice name.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 37 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Spoofing IPX N ET W AR E S TA TIC S ERVI CES B ACKGROUND I NF ORMATION This IPX feat ure allows you to confi gure service serv ers that a re on networks across t he WAN. The IPX NetWare Stat ic Services confi g urat i o n tells the sys tem which ser v ers are av ai lable for access.
USER’S GU IDE 338 CyberSWITCH b. Press 2 to s elect the system seria lization p acket handling level. The d efault values fo r all parameters will be displa yed. Enter the Id of any parameters you need t o change. Follow the onscre en instr ucti ons for c hangin g the d efault v alues.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 39 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Spoofing W ATCHDOG P ROT O C OL Watc hdog Pr otoco l is use d by NetWare Ser vers to det ect “dead” client s.
USER’S GU IDE 340 CyberSWITCH Some o f these <SYS> pack et s are overloaded in that they ar e not just keep-alive packets but are control pa ckets needed for the a pp lication to run suc c essfully an d hence have t o be r outed li ke regular SPX data pa ckets.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 41 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Isolated Mode I PX T YPE 20 P ACK ET H ANDLING D EV IC E C ONFI GUR ATION E LEME NT S Once you en able the featur e, you can t hen enter d ev ices to us e the feature. The fo l lowing config urat i on elements are entered for each device.
USER’S GU IDE 342 CyberSWITCH IPX T RIGGERED RIP/SAP IPX Tr iggered R IP/ SAP is a type of bro adc ast pro tocol u se d ove r WAN circ uits f or rou ter-t o-rou t e r exchange of r oute and s ervic e information. Its broadcast s a r e “tr i ggered” by event s such as u pdat es or ch anges to route and ser vice ta bles.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 43 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX Triggered RIP/SAP C ONFIGU R A TION E LEME NTS D ATA B AS E T IMER Th is tim er sta r ts w he n an u pd a te res pon se is rec e ived .
USER’S GU IDE 344 CyberSWITCH Spec ificall y, t riggere d RI P and SA P update s a r e on ly t r ansmi tted on the W AN: • w hen a specific request for a routing/se rvice up date h as b een rece i.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 45 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX-S pecific Information for Devices 7. Enabl e IPX ro uti ng . Sel ect IPX Routing a nd foll ow on- scr e en i nst ru cti on s.
USER’S GU IDE 346 CyberSWITCH c. Pre ss < RET> to ret urn to th e IPX D e vi ce Sp oof i ng menu. Pr e ss 2 to confi g ur e SPX Watch dog S poof ing. Th e follo wing m enu will be dis played: d. The s cr een includes default configurat i on values.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 47 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX-S pecific Information for Devices 3. Select O n-node Device Entri es f r om th e de v ice le ve l da ta b a s e s m en u . 4. Press 1 to ad d a d evi ce. 5. En te r t h e d e vice ’s n ame and pres s < R ET>.
USER’S GU IDE 348 CyberSWITCH Other wise, a W AN connect ion is not established. With triggere d R IP/SAP, t his field must also be enabled for an a ctive WAN peer type to function properly. IPXWA N PRO TOCOL The IPXWA N pr otocol optio n is n ot yet com p l etely f unc tional .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 49 C ONF IGUR ING IPX IPX-S pecific Information for Devices This par ameter is only n ecessar y f or IP X over Frame Relay when at le ast on e of the CyberSWI T CHes i n the F r ame Re l ay c o nnectio n is a CSX20 0 or CSX400.
C ONFI GURING SNMP O VERVIEW A Ne twork Man agement S tation (NM S) is a device that conta ins SNMP -specific s oftware, giv ing it the ability to query SN MPAgents using v arious SNMP c ommands.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 51 C ONFIG URING SNM P Configuring S N MP 1. Enabl e IP routi n g if you have not al r eady done so. 2. Select SNMP from the Op ti ons me n u. 3. Fo llow th e ons creen ins tructions t o enab le S NMP. The following SNM P menu w ill then be displa yed : 4.
USER’S GU IDE 352 CyberSWITCH U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS Currently yo u cannot configure SN MP using t he Manage M ode, but the followin g command is avail able: snmp This Ma nage Mo de command displays the current SN MP configu ration data.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 53 C ONFIG URING SNM P SNMP Background Information IP A DDRESS The IP ad dres s ass i gned to th e mana gement station that shoul d rece ive T rap PDUs . C OM MUN IT Y N AME A list of conf igured Commun ity Name s will be displa yed.
USER’S GU IDE 354 CyberSWITCH The SN MP Age nt will p rocess all S NMP Prot ocol Da ta Units (PDU s) whic h are receiv ed at a L AN po rt or wh i ch a re rece iv ed at a WA N p o rt . (A PD U co nta in s bot h da ta a n d co nt ro l (pr ot o co l) inf orm a tio n th at a ll ow s t he tw o pro ces s es to c o or din ate t hei r i n tera cti on s.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 55 C ONFIG URING SNM P SNMP Background Information Pr oto col (I CMP) group , t h e U se r Dat agram Pr otoc ol (UDP) g roup, th e Tra nsmissi on Contro l Pr otocol (TCP) group , and the Si mple Networ k Manag ement Protoc ol ( SNMP) gr oup.
USER’S GU IDE 356 CyberSWITCH • isdn U s ag e Nor mal Tr ap An SNM P A gent w ill gener ate a n isdnU sageNo rmal Trap PDU when the Agent det ects that the number o f B-Channels i n use has returned to a value below t h e confi g ured threshold value.
C ONFI GURING A PPLE T ALK R OUT IN G O VERVIEW The AppleTalk routing feature allows the CyberSWITCH to effi ciently rout e AppleTalk data as oppo sed t o bri d gin g all data relat ing to the proto col.
USER’S GU IDE 358 CyberSWITCH A PPLE T ALK R OUTING O PTION C ON FIG URATI ON E LEMENT A PPLE T ALK O PER ATI ONA L S TAT US You can enable or d is able the AppleTalk R outing option. When AppleTalk Routing is enabled, the CyberSWITCH act s as an AppleTalk Router, routing AppleTalk d atagrams based o n AppleTalk addr ess in f ormatio n.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 59 C ONF IGUR ING A PPLE T ALK R OUT ING AppleTalk Por ts 8. If you ar e configuring your sys tem in the no nd iscovery mod e ( y ou enter ed numb e rs other th an 0 or 0-0 f o r the netw ork range/number), c o mplete th e following: a.
USER’S GU IDE 360 CyberSWITCH A PPLE T ALK N ET WOR K R ANGE /N UM BE R The Appl eT alk network range (f or Extended net work) or t h e AppleTalk n etwork number (for NonExtended network) of the LA N segment that the port is co nnect ed to. Specifying 0.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 61 C ONF IGUR ING A PPLE T ALK R OUT ING AppleTalk Por ts T HE Z ONE C ONCEPT A zon e is a l og ical gro up of nod e s on an int ernet , much like th e conc e p t of subnett ing with the world of I P.
USER’S GU IDE 362 CyberSWITCH numb e r /rang e con figu r ed for th e Remote LA N po rt di f fers f r om the ne twork n u mb e r/rang e that is bein g broad casted in RTMP pac kets b y oth er r emote r oute r s, the po rt be comes unusabl e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 63 C ONF IGUR ING A PPLE T ALK R OUT ING AppleTalk Capaciti es A PPLE T ALK R OUTING S TA TIC R OUTES C ONFIGURATION E LE MENTS A PPLE T ALK N ET WOR K T YPE The AppleT alk network type used by the des tination net work of this sta tic ro ute.
USER’S GU IDE 364 CyberSWITCH A PPLE T ALK C A PACITIES B ACKGROUND I NF ORMATION This o ption allo ws you to con trol th e maxi mu m numb e r of tabl e e nt ries (r ou ting an d zone t ab les) for your net work. A PPLE T ALK I SOLATED M ODE C ONFIGU R IN G THE A PP LE T AL K I SO L AT ED M OD E U SING CFGEDIT 1.
C ONFI GURING C ALL C ON TR OL O VERVIEW Th e Cyb erSW ITC H offe r s a number o f configu rab le opt io ns to cont rol how the syst e m will ma ke and accept calls.
USER’S GU IDE 366 CyberSWITCH T HROUGHPU T M ONITO R C ONFIGU R IN G THE T HR OU GH PUT M ONITO R No te s: Th ro ug hpu t M on ito r ing p ara met ers d o n ot ap ply to D ig ital M ode ms . Ref er to th e Dig ital Modem Inacti vi ty Timeout featur e for an alter n a tive.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 67 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Throughput Monitor T HROUG HPUT M ONITOR C ONFI GURATION E LEME NTS S AMPLE R ATE A Sample Rate identifies the number of seconds for each sample period. The default setting for the sample rate is 5 seconds.
USER’S GU IDE 368 CyberSWITCH The defa ult Throug hput Monitor configur ation w ill w ork for initial installation. These param eters can b e cha ng e d to b e tt er ma t ch th e ban d wid th nee d s of yo ur l oc a tio n . Cor rectl y tu nin g these p ara meter s is impor tant in ord er to elimi nate un nec essary da ta calls.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 69 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Throughput Monitor U NDERLOAD C ON DITIO N M ONITO RI NG Th e unde rload condition is m onitor ed by com parin g the s ample s with a lo wer thr eshold .
USER’S GU IDE 370 CyberSWITCH After 5 sec onds the sampl e is check ed and th e ave rage ut iliza ti on for the 5 sec onds was 40 per ce nt. This is le ss than the c onfigured utilization pe rcentage of 50%, so no action is taken . For the secon d sample r ate peri od, the average throughput is 60%.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 71 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Call Interval Parame ters C ALL I NTER V AL P A R AMET E RS C ONFIGU R IN G THE C ALL I NTERVAL P A RAMET ERS U SING CFGEDIT 1. Select Call In t e rval s from th e Cal l Cont rol Opt ions men u .
USER’S GU IDE 372 CyberSWITCH M ONTHLY C AL L C HARGE C ONFIG URA TIO N E LEME NTS S TAT US Allow s you to enable or d isable th e monthl y call c harge optio n. M AXIMUM M ONT HLY C HARG E The maximum monthly char g e value . The lega l val ues are from 1 to 10,000, 000.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 73 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Call Rest rict ion s U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS alarm Displ ays the curr ent st atus of t he audibl e ala rm. I t is dis play ed a s eit her en abled or disa bled. If enable d, the aud ible ala rm wi ll so und w hen a call restrict ion co ndition h as been m et.
USER’S GU IDE 374 CyberSWITCH The following chart provides example entries for hours calls are allowed: M AXIMUM C ALLS PE R D AY Allow s you to limit the numb er of calls mad e per day by con f iguring a maxim um nu mber of calls. The default v alue is 300 calls per day.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 75 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Call Rest rict ion s Two actions are avail abl e if this li mit i s exceeded. These actions are: 1. The call w ill not be allow ed; a mess age wil l be dis played o n the LC D, an d writ ten to t he repo rt log.
USER’S GU IDE 376 CyberSWITCH C ALL R E STRICTIONS B ACKGRO UND I N FORMATI ON Th e Call Restric t ion featur e prov ides the ability to place lim its on the toll cos ts of oper ating the Cy b e rSWITCH.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 77 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Bandwidth Rese r vation Note that there are four lines in the default profile: (1,1), (1,2), (1,3 ), and (1,4). The leading “1” in t he pair of num bers repr es ents t he slot nu mber.
USER’S GU IDE 378 CyberSWITCH 5. Und er ISD N inf ormation, enter t he profile i nform ation. Thi s is a pr ofile na me yo u config ured in t he previous s ec tion. Remember from the previous section that each configured p rofile reserves s pecific lines.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 79 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Semipermanent Connecti ons B ANDW I DTH R E SERVATION B A CKGROUND I NFORMATION This featur e allo ws a portion of the possible connections to always be available to specific devi ces for both inb oun d and out bo und calls .
USER’S GU IDE 380 CyberSWITCH 6. De ter m ine i f th e C y be rSW ITC H sh ou ld alw a ys re tr y a ca ll. If ye s, th en con fi g ura tio n f or the device is done, the devic e is entered in to the semipermanen t device l ist, and appears a s shown below.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 81 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Semipermanent Connecti ons S EMI PERMANENT C ONNECTIONS C ONFIGURATION E LEMENT S D EVI CE N AME Spec ify th e devic e name (f rom the D evice List) that you w i s h to mak e a semiper manent c onnect ion.
USER’S GU IDE 382 CyberSWITCH Call R es t r ic tio ns Yo u may wi sh to disa b le ca ll res tri ct ion s whe n us in g semi perm an ent co nne cti ons. Call r est ric ti ons are mainly intended for use in areas w her e “per minute” ISDN tariffs are in place.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 83 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L CSM as a Call Contr ol Manager CSM AS A C ALL C ONTR OL M AN AGER This fea ture allo ws you to use th e CSM for call co ntrol m anagemen t only. T his feature a llows you to continue to use other au then tication ser ver s (e.
USER’S GU IDE 384 CyberSWITCH A UTHENTICATI ON T IM EOUT T IMER Th is time r repre sents t he a moun t of time the Cy be rSWI TCH w ill wa it for the Au thenti cati on Agent to h andle a login attempt befo re ti ming o ut.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 85 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L D Channel Callbac k If you use user leve l securit y for authentic ation: c onfigure devices on CSM a s well .
USER’S GU IDE 386 CyberSWITCH 3. Th e curren t status D Channel Ca llba c k will be displaye d . Select 1 to toggl e from di sabled to enabled (a s sh ow n b y the fo l lo w in g sc re e n ) . Note: In add i tion to the CF GE DIT confi gurati on chang e s, you mu st also do som e con figurat ion th ro u gh CS M for ca l lb a ck to wo rk .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 87 C ONFIG URING C ALL C ONTR O L Digital Modem Inactivity Timeout D IGITAL M ODEM I N ACTIVITY T IMEO UT This fe atur e allo ws the Cyber SWIT CH to di scon nect inac tive mo dem con necti o ns base d on lac k of acti vity f or a sp e c ifie d amount of tim e.
USER’S GU IDE 388 CyberSWITCH M ODEM I NACT IVITY T IME OUT B AC KG RO UN D I NFORMA TION The Modem I nacti vity Timeou t feat ure allows the C yberSW ITCH t o ter minate connec tions to di g i t al modem devic es ba se d on a l ack of data transf e r for a speci fied amo unt of time.
C ONFI GURING O THE R A DVANCED O PTION S O VERVIEW This chapt er provid es infor mation for c onfig uring adva nced sys tem opti ons that ar e not c overed in the previous chapters.
USER’S GU IDE 390 CyberSWITCH Rou ting c ha p te r ). No te th a t Di gi ta l Mo de m d o e s n o t su p p o r t W A N R L AN or WAN unNumbered inter faces.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 91 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS The Digital Modem The Digit al M odem softwar e i d entif ies , dir ects, and c onverts the data strea m app r opri ately.
USER’S GU IDE 392 CyberSWITCH R ELATI ONSHIPS BETWE EN D IGITA L M ODEM AND OTHER F E ATURES Note th e foll o wi ng: • RAD IUS Auth entica tion: Auth entica tion i s per forme d befo re th e cal l i s rout ed to the Digit al Mod em Adapte r.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 93 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Default Async Protocol T ERM INAL M ODE U SING CFGEDIT 1. Fr om Op ti ons , se le c t Default Async P ro tocol . 2. Select A ct i on on D a ta Tim eou t . 3. Select U se Term inal Mo de .
USER’S GU IDE 394 CyberSWITCH If no d ata is rec eived w ithin t he data tim eout duratio n, the follow ing events will occur: •I f Di sconnect i s conf igured, the C yberSW ITC H w ill disco nnect the call . •I f Use PP P Pro t ocol i s conf igu red, th e Cy berSWITC H will assi gn the call to a PPP subs y s te m.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 95 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Default Async Protocol Note: If the C yberSWITCH is c onfigured for PPP Mode, the caller at the r emote device c a n override th is through m an ua l intervent ion.
USER’S GU IDE 396 CyberSWITCH PPP C ON FIGURAT ION C ONFIGU R IN G PPP Note: A th oro ugh unde r stand i n g of P PP protoc ol is requ i red befo re y ou atte mp t to c hange th e PPP configuration. By changing the PPP configur ation, you are changing t he PPP protocol negotiation parameter s.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 97 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS PPP Configuration R ESTA RT T IMER Ti me s tr ansmis sions of Con f i gure - Re q u es t and Termin ate-Re q u e st packet s.
USER’S GU IDE 398 CyberSWITCH PPP B ACKGROUND I NFORMATI ON Poin t-to- Point Protoc ol (PPP) c an pr ovide stand ard i nte roperab ility fo r rem ote de vi ces. Intero perability wil l allow remo te dev ices m ade by d ifferent m anufa cturers to oper ate and exch ange i nformat ion o n the same n etwor k .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 3 99 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Default Line Protocol PPP Link Failur e Detection can be enabled o r disabled within t he PPP Option s configuration men u. When enabled, two other configurable parameters then control the mechanism.
USER’S GU IDE 400 CyberSWITCH U SING M ANAGE M ODE lineprot Disp l ays the curr ent def ault line p rot ocol con figurat ion. lineprot change Allow s you to change t he defa ult line protoc ol configurat ion. For the conf iguration s teps, refe r to the previous CFGEDIT section.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 01 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Log Options 2. Confi gu re a Syslog Se rver: a. Selec t Lo g Se rvers . (Note that upon selectio n, no configuratio n is needed for a local log file. Th e local log file name is prec o nfigured .
USER’S GU IDE 402 CyberSWITCH UDP P OR T The default por t n umber i s “514”, which should work for most inst allatio n s . Co ns ult your UNI X docu me n tati on i f y ou are u nsu re o f t he UDP p ort num be r.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 03 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Log Options • th e ea se of d a t a re t rie v a l • the m anage ment of a multi-n ode site; all node s can s end .
USER’S GU IDE 404 CyberSWITCH S YSTEM M ESSAGES The CyberSWITCH reports thr ee different types of s ystem messages: informat i onal , w arnin g, a n d error messages.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 05 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Log Options must configur e IP Routing, a L AN IP interfac e and an IP r oute to the l o g server.
USER’S GU IDE 406 CyberSWITCH Call D et a il R ec o rd i n g Ev en t s For swi tched ISDN serv ices: There are five ISDN CD R events: connect, disconnect , r eject , sys tem up, and verify. A con n ect eve nt occu rs w h en th e syste m a ut henti cates th e remo te dev ice of an IS DN c on nect ion.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 07 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Log Options Whe n mult iple system s are lo gging to a shared , central lo g serve r, the com binati on of NAS name, Even t an d Con nect ion Id all ows al l t he rec ords of a r epor t t o be pr oc esse d wit hout am bi guit y.
USER’S GU IDE 408 CyberSWITCH E VENT T YPE This field in dicates what type of event the assoc iated message is reporting. The possible va lues are ‘ CONNECT ’, ‘DIS CONNE CT’, ‘ REJEC T’,’ TER M CO NN’,’ TER M DI SC’, ’TERM SUC C’,’ TER M FAI L ’, ‘ S YST EM U P ’ an d ‘C D R V E RIF Y’ .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 09 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Log Options Th e du r a ti o n is cal c u la t ed by su b tr a ct i ng th e co nn e c t e ve n t ti m e fr om th e di s co n n ect tim e .
USER’S GU IDE 410 CyberSWITCH Example: Chic ag o- Schau mb urg SY STEM U P 1 O F 1 Verify Event Report Co ntents On a Verify event, only r ecord 1 is use d. The event t ype is C DR VERIFY. No d ata is f illed in for th e Rem ote Devic e N ame fiel d or t he Por t fiel d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 11 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Compression Options C OM PRESSION O P T IONS C ONFIGURA TION E LE MENT S C OMPR ESSION S UBSYST E M S TAT US You may enab le or disa ble the compr essi on s u bs ystem stat u s.
USER’S GU IDE 412 CyberSWITCH C OM PRESSION O P T IONS B AC KGROUND I NFOR MATION The system data c ompre ssion ca pabilit y allow s the s ystem t o nego tiate co mpressio n algor ithms wit h a remot e devi ce. T h is c ompressi on can be do n e u sing some p roprie tary bri dging p rotocol s and also th e PPP CC P protocol.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 13 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS Compression Options When using Sequence Num ber check mode and a non-zero number of histories, the STAC-LZS algorithm requires that i ncoming data packets be decompressed in the o rder they were compressed.
USER’S GU IDE 414 CyberSWITCH T FTP C ONFIGU R IN G TF TP Note : Y ou cann ot configure TFTP through CFGED IT. T he conf iguration c an only be don e through Manage M ode comma nds. U SING M ANAGE M ODE C OMMAN DS tftp Th is comm and d ispla ys the curren t TFT P conf iguration.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 15 C ONFI GURING O THER A DVANCED O PTIONS File Attributes Acces s to files o n an system will be cont rolled b y conf iguration t hrough Ma nage Mode. File acces s attr ibute s are associ ated with the exi sting syst em devic e id’s (GUEST and A DM IN) t o al l ow configur ation o f file access rights.
USER’S GU IDE 416 CyberSWITCH F IL E A TTRI BUT ES B ACK GROUND I NFORMAT IO N Th e tftp change M an age Mo de c omm an d a llo ws you to ass ign th e fi le acce ss rig hts fo r th e T FT P ser ve r ( see TFTP ).
V ERIFI C AT ION AND D IAGNO SIS Aft er c on fig urin g yo ur C ybe rSW ITC H an d bef ore pr oc eed in g wi th n or mal sys t em op er ati ons , w e sugg e s t you veri f y that the syst em is func tional.
V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM O VERVIEW This chapte r de sc ribe s t he veri f ica ti on proc e ss for the b a se syst e m. I t incl u des the veri fic atio n pr oc ess for: • hardwa re reso urces �.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 19 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM Hardware Resources Operati onal? Error mapping WAN adapter # into Host memory map Type mismatch of configured & installed ada.
USER’S GU IDE 420 CyberSWITCH To correct the prob lem, try the followi ng: a. Veri fy t h e r e sou r ce type and ad ap te r con f i gurati on setti ngs as de scr ibed in the Hard ware Overvi ew an d Hardwa re I nstallatio n chapte r. b. Che ck the co nfigu rati on for th e LAN Ada pter reso urc e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 21 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM WAN Lines Available for Use? a. If the system has been o per ati o nal for longer than 2 minutes, verify that the line is correct ly attach ed to the pro per system resource and port.
USER’S GU IDE 422 CyberSWITCH 3. To correct the problem, try the foll owi ng: Error mapping adapter # into Host memory map Type mismatch of configured & installed adapter # a. Te r mi n a te th e sy st e m sof t w ar e : Type: quit <retu rn> Chec k th e con fig ura t ion fo r the Ser ial A dapt er re sou rce .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 23 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM Bridge Initiali zed? Th is comm and w ill dis play a m essage s imilar to the follow ing : LAN port 1 Transmit was successful If th e syste m d isp l ays this mes sage, th en the tes t p a ck et was tr ansmitt ed corr ectl y .
USER’S GU IDE 424 CyberSWITCH 4. If you do NOT see the initia lization me ssage, check the configur ation to verify t hat IP r outing is ena bled . 5.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 25 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM Remote Device C onnectivity fix> ConnId=<connect Id> In - CONNECT Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot#> Port=<po.
USER’S GU IDE 426 CyberSWITCH M UL TI -L EVEL S ECURIT Y To verify d evice and user level securit y to the Cyber SWITCH, the WAN lines t hat are c onnect ed to the system must be available for use, and IP, AppleTalk, or bridging options must be proper l y initializ ed.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 27 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM IP Host Mode 3. Telnet f rom t he client PC i nto th e cent ral site. For exa mple, teln et t o 100. 0.0.1, port 7003. Follow the normal user level authentic ation process. 4. Once again, determine if the client PC can ping the Service Server.
USER’S GU IDE 428 CyberSWITCH Each sect i on below uses example ent r ies to v er ify IP Host mode operati o n. IP addresses ar e s peci fic to t he exa m ples. Subst i tute the IP addresses of your n etwork when you per for m t he IP Ho st mode fea ture ve r ifi cation steps.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 29 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM Alternate A ccesses V ERIF ICATIO N OVER A WAN CONNECT ION 1. Dete rmine i f a re mote IP Host ( Hos t B) can ac ce ss the sys tem.
USER’S GU IDE 430 CyberSWITCH F RAM E R ELAY C O NNECTIONS To ve r ify a f rame relay connect ion to th e Cyber S WIT CH, the WA N l i nes that a re connec ted to t he System must be available for use, and th e routing option mus t be p rope rly initia lized.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 31 V ERIFYING THE B ASE S YSTEM Alternate A ccesses 5. Displ ay th e system log ( dr co m mand). If t h e feat ure is operat i onal , some frames similar t o the follow ing will be displa yed : (I) 1 6: 28:4 9. 71 # C02 1: C on n=00 1 OUT-P PP :LCP EC HO RE Q Id=0 x5 0 Le n= 10 (I) 16:2 8:49 .
USER’S GU IDE 432 CyberSWITCH c. Wait 20 seco nds, th en enter th e dr c ommand t o di splay the report log. The stat u s log sh ou l d d is p l a y a seq u en ce of th e f oll ow in g me ss a g e s : (I) 17:33:35.38 #1067: Out - LAPB RR, Rx Sequence = 1 (I) 17:33:35.
V ERIFYING R OUTI NG P RO TOCO LS O VERVIEW This ch apter d escri bes the ve rif icati on p rocess for the foll owing C yberSW ITCH routi n g protoc ols: •I P R o u t i n g •I P X R o u t i n g • App leTalk Rout ing To perform the verification procedures, WAN lines must be available and ready to use.
USER’S GU IDE 434 CyberSWITCH You sh ou l d re ce iv e a re s p on se sim il a r to th e fo ll o win g : is alive If the system displays this message, then IP routing over that LAN port is operational. R epeat this s tep for each LA N port on your Ethernet reso urce.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 35 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? Below is an example of a config urat i on used to verify IP r o utin g over a WAN interf ace. It uses IP addresses specifi c t o the example. Substitute t he IP addresses of your networ k when you perform the verific ation steps .
USER’S GU IDE 436 CyberSWITCH 4. If th e remote I P hos t CANNOT pi n g to t he Cyb e r SWITCH , t ry th e foll ow in g : a. Verify t h at the L AN interfa c e is pr o perly c o nfigured by u sing the ipnetif com man d (a Manage Mode com mand ). If t h e proper L AN in t erface does not exist, use CFGEDIT to make c o rrections.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 37 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? 1. Dete rmi ne i f a remo te I P ho st can acc ess the C yber SWIT CH over the WAN conne cti on.
USER’S GU IDE 438 CyberSWITCH IP R OUTING O VER A WAN R EM OTE LAN I NTER FACE To ve r ify that IP ro utin g is p ro perly op e ra tion al over a WAN Remote LA N i n terfac e, a remo te IP Host mus t be ope rat ion a l and con nect ed to the re mote LAN .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 39 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? 3. Dete rmine i f a rem ote IP host ca n a ccess the LA N int erface of the Cybe rSWITCH over the WAN con nect ion. On the r emot e IP ho st type: ping 100.
USER’S GU IDE 440 CyberSWITCH 1. Dete r mine if SITE1 c an access SITE2 over the WAN c o nnectio n . On s y stem A type: ip ping <return> 2. Dete rmine i f s ys tem B can acces s syst em A over the WAN con nect i on. On syste m B ty pe: ip ping 100.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 41 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? 5. If no p ackets hav e been discarde d , check to see if the fil ters are pr o perly c o nfigured. Tr y th e fo llow in g : a. From Manage Mode, issue the i pfilt command.
USER’S GU IDE 442 CyberSWITCH If y ou se e th is IP RIP ini ti aliza tion mess age, the I P RIP ha s ini tializ e d success fully. 3. If th e Cyb erSWIT CH doe s n ot displa y the co rrect IP RI P I.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 43 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? 3. Dete rmine i f a l o cal I P Host A has learn ed t h e route t o from Sys tem A. On IP Hos t A ty pe: netstat -r <return> If the ro u te to 192.
USER’S GU IDE 444 CyberSWITCH 1. Dete rmine if the CyberSWITCH has learn ed the route to 131. 1.0.0 from Router 1. On the admi nistrat ion c onsole type: ip route <return> If th e foll owin g r oute e ntr y i s di splay ed amon g ot he r rou t e en tri es, th e I P RIP i nput pr oce ssin g is ope r atio n a l .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 45 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IP Routing Operational? perform the veri fi ca t ion s t eps. It also uses the show ip route com man d. Th e show ip route command is used by a specific router to display the IP r outin g table.
USER’S GU IDE 446 CyberSWITCH The same example that is used in the pr ev ious sec tion is used to veri fy IP RIP input process ing on a WAN interface. 1. Mak e sure that a de d ic ated co nnect ion be tween s ystem and Ro uter is up and opera tional.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 47 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IPX IPX R OU TIN G O PERATIONAL ? To v erify th at IPX routing fea ture is prope rly op erational, a loca l NetW are client , a lo cal Net Ware server and a remote NetWare server must be operationa l .
USER’S GU IDE 448 CyberSWITCH RI P. T he ou tp ut of a n ipx route command contains a protocol (P) fi eld for each r oute en- try, whi ch indic ate if it is static ( L- loca lly confi gured) or d ynam ically lear ned via R IP (R).
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 49 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IPX 4. Fr om the remo te bridge (SI T E2), att empt to acc ess the I P X rou t er by iss uing the f ol lowin g admi nist.
USER’S GU IDE 450 CyberSWITCH IPX R OU TIN G OVER A WAN C O NNECTION 1. Dete rmine i f Ne tWa re Clien t A c an see t h e re mote Ne tWar e Serve r “r emote.” T o do th is, activ ate NetWare Client A’s desktop network neighborhood feature. Then check t o see if “remo te” is i ncluded in Client A ’s ne twork ne ighborho od.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 51 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S IPX 6. Create a change in th e r oute (for example, shut down a server). Aga i n exam i ne st atistics ( ipx trigrip stats) to veri fy the ch ange is pr op ag at ed to other side.
USER’S GU IDE 452 CyberSWITCH const r ain t s . We rec o mmend thi s v alue be at least 10% more t h a n what you pr ed ic t to be needed (more than 10% with larger network topologies). To predict need, use the follow ing formula : (# configu red sta ti c servic es) + (# SAP ser vi ces) a.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 53 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S AppleTalk Routing Below is an example of a config urat i on used to verify AppleTalk Ro ut i n g operation. It uses AppleTalk addresses, zones and resource names specific to the example.
USER’S GU IDE 454 CyberSWITCH a. Verify that the AppleTalk LAN port that Local Mac i s at tached to is i n up sta t e by en tering t he fo l lo w i ng co nso l e co mma nd: atalk port b. If the c o mmand shows the port is not in up state, wait for a couple of minutes and repeat th i s st e p .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 55 V ER IFY I NG R OUT ING P ROTO CO L S AppleTalk Routing If the Network Ran ge is corr ect and the AppleTalk address is not within th at range, then try to close the AppleTalk co ntrol panel once, and then reopen it.
USER’S GU IDE 456 CyberSWITCH 2. If Remote Ma c appears in S ele c t a fi le ser ve r : box, th en AppleTalk R outing over the WAN connec tion is opera tiona l. 3. If Rem o te Mac IS NOT displayed, then Appl eTal k Routing feature over t he WAN connection is not op e r ationa l , try th e followi ng : a.
V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTION S O VERVIEW This c h apter desc ribes t h e ve rifi ca tion p roc ess fo r var ious sy st em option s. It i n c l udes the ve ri fic ation p ro cess f o r: •S N M P • D .
USER’S GU IDE 458 CyberSWITCH 4. However, if one of the foll owing messages appears, there is an unexpected condition present wit hin the Cy b e r SWITCH sof tware. Con tact Cus tomer Sup p ort . [SNMP] SNMP initialization failure - unable to allocate necessary memory [SNMP] SNMP initialization failure - unable to open UDP port 5.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 59 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS Dial Out c. En te r dr at the ad ministr ative con sole to disp lay the curr ent syst em messa ges. If one o f th e follo wing messages appears, the SNMP agent do es not have enough mem ory to generate all of th e Trap PDUs th at n eed to be gener a t ed.
USER’S GU IDE 460 CyberSWITCH 5. A mess age w ill be displayed ind icating wh ether o r not the c all wa s mad e succe ssfully. If the Di a l Out call was not co mp l ete d succes s ful ly, try the followin g : a.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 61 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS Call D etail R e cording • If th ere ar e no problems, check for the following system mes s ages: Fo r BR I re so u r ce : In - .
USER’S GU IDE 462 CyberSWITCH e. If sy slogd i s r unning b ut d oes n ot rece i ve an y log message s, ma ke sur e C DR is conf igured fo r the UDP por t that sy slogd is usi n g. Th e typical port is 514 , but so me versi ons of sys logd may use a d iffer en t port.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 63 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS Reserved Bandwidth • Peer Proto c ol- Reject s CCP If the peer does not actually support PPP com pression, it will m o st likely Pr otocol-Reject the Cy berS WI TC H’s att em pt to neg otia te CC P.
USER’S GU IDE 464 CyberSWITCH DHCP R EL AY A GENT Th e follow ing s ections prov ide ins tructio ns to verify t hat th e DH CP/BO OTP Rela y Age nt is working proper l y.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 65 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS DHCP Relay Agent 4. If an err or occur red whil e tr ying to en able th e Re la y Agent, th e foll owi ng mess age may be displa y.
USER’S GU IDE 466 CyberSWITCH In this con figuration, t he DHCP C lient is able to o btain its IP ad dress from the DHCP Server , using the Relay A gent contained in the IP Router on the client’s LAN (“R uby”). Shortly a fter a DHCP C lient is pow ered on, it will atte mpt to get its IP ad dress from a DHCP S erver .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 67 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS DHCP : P rox y Cli ent DHCP: P ROXY C LIENT Th e follow ing s ections prov ide ins tructio ns to verify t hat th e DH CP Pr oxy C lient is work ing properly.
USER’S GU IDE 468 CyberSWITCH c . If de sired , en t e r MANA GE mo de , and us e the dhcp change co mmand to e nable the Proxy C lient. ( Note: C FGEDIT c an als o be use d to change th e Proxy C lient c onfigur ation; but th e cha nges w ill no t take effe ct unti l the sys tem i s restar ted.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 69 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS D Channel Callbac k V ERIF ICATIO N OF IP A DDRES S P OOL As IP add ress es ar e obtain ed from DHCP ser ver s, t hey are placed into the system’s IP A ddress Pool. To v e r ify the presence of these DHCP-obtained IP addresses, perform the fol l owing: 1.
USER’S GU IDE 470 CyberSWITCH c. Conf igure a calling lin e ID f or the nu mber the d evice w ill b e using when c alling into t he CyberSWITCH (under the d evi ce’ s Tele ph one tab). d. Enab le ca llba c k (und e r the dev ice ’ s Access /Oth er tab).
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 71 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS Verifying a Semiper manent C onnection 3. On the CyberSWITCH: a. Enab l e t he c a l l trac e m e ssa ge opti on by issu i ng the trace on con so le c omm a nd . b. Era se th e curr ent system m essa g es ( issue the er co nsole comman d).
USER’S GU IDE 472 CyberSWITCH P ROXY ARP Use the fo llowing grap hic to help you in verifying that Proxy ARP is operational. When following the v er ification steps, substi t ute your ad dresses for t he addresses us ed in t he example.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 73 V ERIFYING S YSTEM O PTIONS Proxy ARP c. On bo th pla tf orm s, is su e th e iproute mana g e m ode co mma nd to ma k e sure th at ea ch sy ste m kno w s a bou t the I P s ub net a t t he ot he r E the rn et seg m ent .
T ROUBLESH OOTING We in c l u de th e f ol low i n g c ha pte r s i n th e Tro ublesh ootin g se g me n t of th e User’s Guid e : • LCD M essa ges Provides an explanation of the L CD messages. T hese messages can provide valuable inf ormati on fo r trou bleshoot ing.
LC D M ESSAGES O VERVIEW Th e Cybe rSW ITCH ha s an LCD dis play on its fron t panel, w hich dis plays informa tion in a two-line form at. Th e first line dis plays initiali zatio n and c urre nt statu s info rmation (wh ich inc ludes any errors that have been detected).
USER’S GU IDE 476 CyberSWITCH E RROR LC D M ESSAG ES The syst em keeps tr ac k of all active er ro rs an d di splays/r eco rds t h e m in a c ycle. When the syst em dete c ts an error , it dis p la ys the erro r on the fir st lin e of the L CD. ( T he “s” indic ates sl ot, “p” indicat es port, and “ c” indi cates bearer channe l.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 77 LCD M ESSAGES LCD Message Gr oups System unabl e to access fil e. Check fo r one o f the fo ll owing log er ror messages: Error opening file <file name>.
USER’S GU IDE 478 CyberSWITCH ISDN line failure. The line connected to slot “s” port “ p” is out of service for the reason indicated by # . 1 = No la y er 1 sync f or 5 seconds Th is proble m nor mally occurs due to W AN c abling p roble ms.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 79 LCD M ESSAGES LCD Message Gr oups Monthly call charges exceeded . Monthly call charge t ra cking is enabled and the c o nfigured maximum has been exceeded . Th ere is a n pro ble m w it h the se mip er ma nen t conn ec tio n.
S YSTEM M ESSAGES O VERVIEW System M essages pr ov ide useful sy stem i nformation. They a r e listed i n the s ystem ’s report lo g, a memory resident table.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 81 S YSTEM M ESSAGES Informational Messages I NFORMAT IONAL M ESSAGES The system records informational messages.
USER’S GU IDE 482 CyberSWITCH S YSTEM M ES SAGE S UMMARY Th e follo wing pa ges lis t all the info rmat ional, wa rning a nd error m essage s alpha betically. The te xt desc ribes t he messa g es , and inc ludes s ugge st ions f or prob lem reso luti on (if appl icable) .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 83 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [ACCT] Warning code: Timeout This m ess age is logged when t h ere is no communication wi t h the se rver. Either t h e ac c ounting se rver is no t up an d ru n ning , or it c annot access the IP a ddress.
USER’S GU IDE 484 CyberSWITCH AppleT alk suc cessful ly initia lized on WAN po rt wit h addres s <App leTalk addr ess>. Th is messa ge is posted when the sp ecif ied App leT a lk WAN por t has initializ ed suc cess fully. Attempted to start time r for inact ive Signal ing Se ssion .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 85 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [AUT H] AC E Er ror rec eivin g server log messa ge a cknowle dgment . A cli ent synt ax erro r occurr ed durin g an au th entic ation att empt v ia ACE . Th e se r ver did n ot re sp on d to the lo gging o f the mes sage.
USER’S GU IDE 486 CyberSWITCH [AUTH] RADIU S IP HOST rejecte d IP Host id: <IP h ost Id> The remot e Authe ntica tion se rver r ejecte d the IP H ost i d. T h is i ndicate s t hat one of t he fo l lo w ing has occurr ed: 1. The <IP H ost I d> is not in t h e r emote Authen ticati on se rver ’s datab ase.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 87 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [AUT H] TA CACS LOG IN rejected user: <u ser nam e> The remo te A uthe nti cati on ser ver rejec ted the named use r. T his indi cat es that on e of th e fol low ing has occurr ed: 1.
USER’S GU IDE 488 CyberSWITCH [AUTH] Warnin g code: 0010 Re ceived unexpect e d aut he n t ica tion response code from server A message was r eceive d fro m an authen ticati on server tha t conta ined an inval id respon se messag e identifi er .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 89 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Br idge is oper at i ng in REST RICTED mode Brid ge is o pera ting i n UNRE STRI CTE D m ode One o f the above m essage s will be displaye d to indicat e the configu red Br idge mode of op e ration.
USER’S GU IDE 490 CyberSWITCH Call Re stricti ons have bee n enabl ed by user com ma nd The user has enab led C all R estrict ions via the callrest on D ynami c Managem e nt comm and. Call Re stricti on stati sti cs reset for new day Call R e st ric ti on de v i ce inf o rm ati on.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 91 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Calls Active xxx to <si t ena me> Ban dwidth to ea c h site . Capab ility des cripti on proces sin g error - <caper ror >. System is in m inimal conf iguration mode.
USER’S GU IDE 492 CyberSWITCH Cause <cause code> receiv ed for DLCI < dlci i ndex> A C L LM me ssage was r eceiv ed in dicati ng t h at the PV C assoc iated with the indic ated D LCI is subject to the event denoted by the indicated cause code.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 93 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary CHANN EL in use in HO ST_CALL_ RE QUEST An erro r has been de tected in t he R2 or RB S signaling p rocedur e, and will typically res ult in a fail ed cal l. If p ro b le m per sists, con tact your Di st ributor or Custom er Suppor t.
USER’S GU IDE 494 CyberSWITCH Configur ed adap ter # ’ x ’ ty pe does not exist Th e in t e rf a ce a da p te r in dic a te d do e s not m a tc h the re s ou r ce co n f ig u r a ti o n i n th e sy st e m . C o rr ec t the c onfigur ation on th e sy stem.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 95 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Data li nk test succe ssful: D SL <port # >, CES 1 Th is message a pplies for 1TR6 BRI only . If Laye r 1 is es tablished , a test will be do ne to d eterm ine if the d ata lin k ca n be esta b li s hed.
USER’S GU IDE 496 CyberSWITCH [DHCP -P] Ig noring o ffers fr om DHCP server x.x.x.x; the ser ver MU ST b e on a primary L AN i nterface, or IP ad dresse s will n ot b e obt ained In order for the D .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 97 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [DHCP-R] Fail e d to cl o se UDP po r t (67 ), erc = < x> An erro r oc curred whil e the dev i ce was tr ying to d isable the D HCP R elay A gent f rom M anage Mo de.
USER’S GU IDE 498 CyberSWITCH DM card faile d FLASH downlo ad bad xx SRE C Th e Di g i ta l M o de m car d h a s fa il e d the f i rm w a re u p da te d ue to a co rr u p t f il e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 4 99 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary CFGEDIT. If th e bo ard is configured properly, a n d the m es sage still appears, contact yo ur Di stribu tor or Cu stomer Suppor t. DM card i n slot <slot # > will not come out of reset The re are pr ob l ems init iali z i ng the boar d.
USER’S GU IDE 500 CyberSWITCH Duplica te Call ing Line ID <Cal ling line I d> detected f or devices <devi ce name> and <device name> Th is mess age is lo gged at sy stem in itializa tion if any d evice s are fo und t o sha re dup licate Calling li n e Id s, and have n o ot h er authen ticati on metho d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 01 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Err or d u rin g c h an n e l ini t ia li z at io n A c ce s s < ac c e s s in d e x > An erro r has occu rred dur ing the init ializatio n of the in dicated Fr ame Re lay Acces s, or po rt .
USER’S GU IDE 502 CyberSWITCH (Direct Host) interfac e. Afterwards, configure a LAN interface and then read the WAN (Di rec t Host ) inter face. Error parsing WA N (D irect Ho st) int erface : no L AN interf ace f or spec ified na me <na me> The LAN netw ork i nterf ace as sociate d with this WAN (Di rect Host) inter face is not presen t.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 03 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Facility not subscribed - Slot=<slo t # > Port=<port # > Th is proba bly in dicates a SP ID con figuratio n erro r on t he in dicated line. The c onfigura tion s hould be co rrect ed on the sy stem or the swi tch.
USER’S GU IDE 504 CyberSWITCH Fa ilure d uri ng read of file <file nam e> fo r WAN c ard i n slo t <slo t # > If seen repeatedly, the above m essage indicates a problem with yo ur hard drive. Contact your Di stribu tor or Cu stomer Suppor t.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 05 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary B, D Th e Netw ork se nt a DM(F= 1) or a U A and will not allow estab lishme nt of the d ata li nk at this time. An attem pt will be mad e to re-establis h the dat a link after a switcht ype dependent delay.
USER’S GU IDE 506 CyberSWITCH File Access Err System unabl e to access fil e. Check fo r one o f the fo ll owing log er ror messages: Erro r openi ng fil e <fil e n ame> Erro r readi ng fil e .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 07 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary IePvcStatus: Received Status R eport for unknown PVC # <d lci index> Th e ind icate d unknown DLC I was indica ted in a STA TUS messa ge receive d f r om the ne twor k.
USER’S GU IDE 508 CyberSWITCH Invali d return code f rom SIG_get _ rsc_inbound Invali d return code f rom SIG_get _ rsc_outbound An e rror h as be en detec ted in the R 2 sign aling procedure, and will typically result in a failed call. The error was du e to unrecogniza ble or incorrect info rma tion.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 09 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [IP] C annot process incom ing remo te IP devi ce <IP addre ss>, no rsc ava il The IP sof t ware was u n a b le to ac ce pt the inco ming IP dev ice to a WAN (Dir ect Host ) inte rf ace be caus e it co uld no t o btai n nece ssar y r eso urc e.
USER’S GU IDE 510 CyberSWITCH [IP] Inv alid Pe er IP Add ress <IP a ddress>, W AN I P Strea m Closed A PPP o r RFC 1294 (IP Host) connection came up, and the IP ad dress of the peer d evi ce (pre- configured or negotiated) bel ongs t o a WAN (RLAN) Interface.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 11 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [IP] W A N (Dir e ct Host) Interface for network <network # > on LAN port <port # > initial i zed succes s fully Th is mess age is pos ted w hen WAN (Direc t Ho st) interfa ce for the in dic ated ne twor k is in itiali zed suc c e ssfull y.
USER’S GU IDE 512 CyberSWITCH [IP RIP] All network interfaces used All R IP inter face d ata struct ures ar e in us e. No RIP informa tion w ill be sent to a ny a dditional inte r faces.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 13 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [IP RIP] Unable to register with Network I n terf ace Maintenance The IP RI P pr otocol was un able to reg i ster wi t h the IP netw ork inte r face not ific a t ion sys tem.
USER’S GU IDE 514 CyberSWITCH [IPX SAP] Buffers allocated The IPX SAP suc cessfu lly alloc ated th e buff ers need ed to transmi t IPX SAP pac k ets. [IPX S AP] SA P Pro tocol Ini tializ ation successful The IPX SA P pr otocol wa s succ essfully initialize d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 15 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary LAN Ad apter Comm and Ti meo ut The sy stem expec ted a comman d fr om the LAN ada pter or s u bs ystem th at it did not recei ve. Check for proper LAN adapter configuration and hardware installation.
USER’S GU IDE 516 CyberSWITCH LAN Ad apter Re set This is an ini t ializ ation mess age. The Et hernet ad apter has been re s et as par t of the adapt e r initializ atio n seq uence. LA N A d ap t er Re s p ons e T im e out The system expected a command response from the adapter that it did not receive.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 17 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary LAN Port i s now in t he Listeni ng sta te The br id ge LAN port i s entering t h e speci fied st at e. LAN Port <p ort # > is no w in the <new sta te> sta te The bridge LAN po rt indicat ed is entering the specified new state.
USER’S GU IDE 518 CyberSWITCH Manu a l resta rt ini t ia ted on DM bo ard in slot <slo t # > The re was an at tempt to r estart the s pecifie d Di gital M od em wi th the modem restart co mmand. Ch eck su bs equ en t log m ess ag es to ver if y th e c o mma nd w as suc ces s ful .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 19 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Missing BEARER_CAPABILITY in HOST _C ALL_REQUEST Missing CALLED_ NUMBE R_IE in H OST_CAL L_REQU EST Missing CHANNE L.
USER’S GU IDE 520 CyberSWITCH Network s ent Cause - SP ID not s upported - <s l ot # , p ort # > The indicated line d oes not support SPIDs; however, a SPID is configured for use on the lin e. Is the SPID configured incorrectly? Do you have th e right switch type? Check the configurat i on.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 21 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary No Si tes Connected Cu rr ently , no s ites ar e con nect e d to t he sy s tem. Not eno ugh memor y for Security modu le Not en ough sys t e m memo ry avail able to oper ate se curit y modul e.
USER’S GU IDE 522 CyberSWITCH Out Svc # <slot # , port # > ISDN lin e failure. The line connected t o the i ndicated slot and port is out of s ervice for t h e r eas on indica ted by # . 1 = No l ayer 1 sync f or 5 seconds This probl e m no rmal ly oc cur s du e to WA N ca blin g prob lems .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 23 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary not be working properly. Check the confi g urat io n of the remote devic e an d reboot . If t h e problem re cu r s, con tac t your Dist ribu tor or Custom er Suppor t.
USER’S GU IDE 524 CyberSWITCH PVC for D LC I <dl ci inde x > no t ACTIVE A fr ame wa s r ecei v ed on t he P VC as soci ated with the i ndicat ed DLCI w hic h was not ac tiv e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 25 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary RBS: En countered unk nown source ID. RBS_o u t_SM<cha nn el # >: N O Dial Digits s upplied. RBS : Re c eived un known primit ive fr om CC. RBS : Re c eived un known primit ive fr om L1.
USER’S GU IDE 526 CyberSWITCH Re ce iv ed c h arg e am oun t - <ch ar ge amou n t> Th e s yst em ha s r e ceiv ed an a dvi ce of cha rg e f rom the ne two rk fo r t he ca ll jus t di sc on ne cte d. Th e charge for this call is indicat ed in the charg e amoun t para m eter.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 27 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Securit y Rej ection - Brid ge Add ress Secur ity ca nnot use Aut henticatio n Serv er Both op ti ons (Br idge Addr e ss Se c urity an d off -node Use r A uthenti cation ) are not supp or ted si mul tan eo us ly.
USER’S GU IDE 528 CyberSWITCH Semipe r man ent. Devi ce "x" dis conne cted by ad min The admin istrat or has iss ued a disc device <device name> command. T herefore, t he s ystem will no t atte mpt to call the ind icated d evic e again.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 29 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [SNMP] Authentication failure, improper access rights The re are two p oss ible ca uses for t h i s messag e: • The SNMP Agent rec eived a Se tReq uest P DU that c ontaine d a Communi ty Name wit h an MIB acce ss leve l of M IB GUES T o r MIB USE R.
USER’S GU IDE 530 CyberSWITCH SSB: i960 I/O mem or y copy differs fr om flash image at <addres s> Afte r loading th e i96 0 POS T tests i nt o the I/O memory , a value unex pecte d ly ch an g e d at the addr e s s given .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 31 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary SSB: Post 32 i960hdlc_1 FAILURE The i960 failed it s 80532 t est using the fir st HDL C cont roll er. The boot proc ess sh oul d c onti n ue; however, make note of the er ror message in the event o f a future problem.
USER’S GU IDE 532 CyberSWITCH Success fully Load ed Rel ease <X. Y> Iss ue <Z> Th e spe cified relea se o f Sys tem software was s ucces sfully loa ded in to m emo ry. Switch could not recognize p hone n umber nnn nnnn The switch did not a cc ept the phone number dialed as a co mplete number.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 33 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [TFTP] Local e rro r # 2: Fea ture not init ialized The TFTP f eatur e wa s not init i aliz ed p r ope r ly. No fi le tr ansfer wi l l b e atte mpted . Chec k the con figurat ion, and th e n con ta ct your Dist ributo r or Custo mer Suppor t.
USER’S GU IDE 534 CyberSWITCH [TF TP ] Lo c a l error # 14: Bad file na m e Th e local file (a s define d fr om a remo te ho st) wa s not recogn ized as a valid file na me. N o file trans fer will be a ttemp ted. [TFTP] Loca l e rr or # 15: Bad mode string Th e TF TP mod e s tring was not NET ASCII no r O CTET.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 35 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary [TFT P] Rem ote error # 1: (T ext f rom R emote H ost) Th e REM OTE HOS T co uld no t find the f ile s pecified o n its s ystem . No f ile trans f er w ill be atte mpted.
USER’S GU IDE 536 CyberSWITCH The confo rma n ce s el e ctio n i s prio r to CCIT T 1988 Verify t h at the f ac ilities provided by t he service provider are C CITT 1988. The RADI AC Fea ture is no l onger sup ported. T he R ADIAC feat ure has b een replaced by t he TA CACS Featu re.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 37 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Too many di gits in TN i n HOST_CALL_RE Q UEST (R2 Signaling ) This illegal event typic ally results in a failed call. Contac t your Distrib utor or Cu sto mer Suppo r t.
USER’S GU IDE 538 CyberSWITCH Unabl e to get Digi tal Mod em reso urce to place call A Digi tal Modem di al -out ca l l was atte m pted, an d th e sy st em was unab l e to op e n a re sou rce to place the c all. Using the modem status command, check to ensure that there are usa ble modems avail a ble.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 39 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Unable to send devi ce informati o n reque st to CSM af ter a terminal authe ntication. Unable t o sen d informa tion to CSM. Ve rify p roper configura tion of CS M a nd Call Co ntrol o ption s.
USER’S GU IDE 540 CyberSWITCH Us er L e v e l Auth entic at i on fl ag is enable d for Term in al User xxx . Settin g fl ag to disa bled. The device de fini tion for xxx should have User Leve l Auth enticat ion disab led. Th ese tw o m es sa ges a re d is pl aye d t og ethe r .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 41 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary X2 5 fa c il i t ie s e r r or , bad fa c i li t y le n g th Th e facilities length is missin g. Cont act your Distribut or or Cu stom er Suppo rt. X25 faci lities error , inva lid facili ties len gth Th e length of the facilitie s packet is invali d.
USER’S GU IDE 542 CyberSWITCH X25 faci litie s er r or, facil ity not a vaila ble A fac ility w as req uested wh ich is no t ena bled . Verify t hat t he sp ecific fa cility is enable d by bo th DT E’ s an d th e se r vi c e pr ov i d e r.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 43 S YSTEM M ESSAGES System M essage Summary Zone a l location f ailed, maxi m um capacity already con figured The ma xi mum number of Appl eTal k zone s hav e been sur passed. Con tact you r Di st ribu tor or Cu sto mer Suppo r t.
T RACE M ESSAGES O VERVIEW Trace messages include the following categories of messages: 1. Call T race Messages 2. IP Filt er Trac e Messag es 3. PPP Packet Trace Messages 4.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 45 T RACE M ESSAGES Call Trace Mess ages C ALL T RACE M ESS AGES A f ea tu re o f the C yb erS WI T CH cons o le i s th e a bil i ty t o sa ve an d d isp l ay a re cord o f th e h ig h le ve l ISDN calls between the syst em and th e local t eleph o ne switch .
USER’S GU IDE 546 CyberSWITCH C ALL T RAC E M ESS AGE S UMMAR Y Access info rma t ion discarded cause Cal l t race messa ge. This me ss age is use d to indic ate add itional d e tails on th e <c ause value> received in the “ call p rogress” infor matio n mes sage.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 47 T RACE M ESSAGES Call Trace Mess ages In - A BNORMAL RPT Call Id=<call Id> Slot=<slot # > Port=<port # > ConnId=<connect Id> Ces =<com mu n icat i on endp oint s u ffix> The system has detected an internal err or condit ion.
USER’S GU IDE 548 CyberSWITCH In - DISCON NECT C all Id=<call Id> Sl ot=<slot # > Port=<p ort # > Loc=<l ocation> Caus e=<cause va lue> Ces=<comm unication e ndpoint suff ix> ConnId=<co nnect Id> The sy stem has re ceived a discon nect mess age fr om the ne twork.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 49 T RACE M ESSAGES Call Trace Mess ages In - P ROGR ESS Call I d=<call I d> S lot=<slot # > P ort=<p ort # > Chans=< bea rer channel map &g.
USER’S GU IDE 550 CyberSWITCH Out - DL CFG Slot= <slot # > P ort=<p ort # > C es=<co mmunica tion endpo int suf fix> Th e system is in itializin g the indic ated da ta lin k. Out - DSL CFG Slot=<sl ot # > Port= <port # > Th e system is in itializin g the indic ated lin e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 51 T RACE M ESSAGES IP Filters Trace Mess ages IP F ILTERS T RAC E M ESSAGES You can trace packets that are discard ed as a result of IP Filters. Enable this feat ur e by using the ip filter trace discard com ma nd , an d dis ab le it with ip filter trace off .
USER’S GU IDE 552 CyberSWITCH PPP P ACKET T RACE M E SSAGES PPP Pa cket Trace allo ws you to display the PPP pro t ocol negotiation t hat takes place when a link is es tablished . This in format ion i s useful when d iagnos ing mism atches in configur ation betwee n two systems.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 53 T RACE M ESSAGES PPP Packet Trace Mess ages • Conf igure R equ est The Configure Request is used to indic ate t he options that are supported by this se n din g d evice . The Reques t co n tain s an op tion list and t he d esire d valu es i f the y are differ en t from t h e defaul t value.
USER’S GU IDE 554 CyberSWITCH •E c h o R e p l y The Echo Reply i s tran smi tted in r e sp on se to an Ec h o Re q uest . The Ec ho Reply packet con tains t he magic number of the sen ding de vice. Until t he magic number optio n ha s been neg o tiate d the v a l ue must be set to ze ro.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 55 T RACE M ESSAGES X.25 Trace Mess ages In - X 25 CONN ECTIO N CO NFIR MATIO N Co nnId=<co nnection Id> A ccess=<a ccess index> RemD teAd dr=<x1 21 add ress o r pro tocol/r oute id> The syst em h as r eceiv ed a con nec t mes sage fr om th e ne twork .
USER’S GU IDE 556 CyberSWITCH Out - X25 Call Acce pt LCN <logical chann el number>, <n umber of bytes > bytes Th e DTE is accept ing an SVC call. Out - X25 Call Reque s t LCN <logical cha nne l number>, <number of bytes > bytes The DT E is attemp ting to pl ace an SVC call .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 57 T RACE M ESSAGES X.25 ( LAPB) Trace Mess ages Out - X25 DT E RR LC N <logica l channel numbe r>, <number of bytes> bytes Th e DTE is acknow ledg ing 1 or more data p acket s rece ived from the DCE .
USER’S GU IDE 558 CyberSWITCH In - LAPB SABME Th e DCE is resetting th e link layer. In - LAPB UA Th e DC E is ackno w le dg ing a SABM or SAB M E fro m the DT E. Out - LAPB D ISC The DTE link lay er is going off-line. Out - LAPB DM Th e DTE is going off-line.
S YSTEM M AINTENANCE Th is grouping o f inform ation provide s inform ation t o help yo u maintain you r CyberSW ITC H onc e it is o perating. Note that th e includ ed sys tem statistics in format ion ma y also p rove v aluab le in trou bles h ooti ng.
R EMOTE M ANAGEMENT O VERVIEW On ce yo ur s yst em is i nit ial ly c on fig ured (an d t hu s a ssig n ed a n IP ad dre ss) , y ou may u se a v ari et y of met h ods to rem ote l y acce ss and ma na ge your sys tem. Thi s chapter d es cribe s ma n y of th e s e me thods.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 61 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T SNM P SNMP SNMP: The NMS gathe rs in forma tion ( incl uding p roble m repor ts) from an y Cyb erSWITC H SNMP (S i mple Net work Manag e me nt Prot oc ol) is a stan dard way of mon i tori n g c omm unic ati on dev ice s in IP net w ork s.
USER’S GU IDE 562 CyberSWITCH I NSTALLATION AND C ONFIGURAT ION SNMP h as t wo bas i c co mponen ts: the SNMP Ag e nt , which is executed on the CyberSWITCH , an d th e Network Management Station (NMS) , which yo u purchase s epar ately for t he environment.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 63 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T Telnet T ELNET Te l n et is t he st andard way of pr ovi din g r emote login serv ice. W ith T elne t, any user on the LAN or WAN executing a s tandard Tel net client pr ogram can remotely l ogin to t he CyberSWITCH and get an Cybe r SWITCH con sol e sessi on.
USER’S GU IDE 564 CyberSWITCH on th e same su b networ k as the Teln et clien t on Syst em 1 ’s L AN, a stati c route i s nee d ed to allo w Sys tem 2 to co mmunicat e wi th devi ces on Ne twork 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 65 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T Telnet IP add ress of th e Cy b e rSWITC H. You wi ll th en be pre s e n ted with t h e “ Enter Login id: ” prompt. N ow enter c ommand s a s if d irectly connect ed to t h e CyberSWITCH.
USER’S GU IDE 566 CyberSWITCH WIN95 D IAL -U P N ETWOR KING Many dial-up client software packages support a terminal type of connection. One such po pular package is Win95 Dial-Up Networking.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 67 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T WIN95 Dial-Up Networking D IALING O UT 1. Do uble clic k on your ne w dialin g ico n to brin g up th e Connect To sc reen . 2. En ter your use r na me and passwor d . Yo u may change optio n s by cli c king the box la belled Dialin g Pro pert ies , but th is isn’t ne c essary .
USER’S GU IDE 568 CyberSWITCH T FTP TF TP ( Trivial Fil e Transfe r Pr otocol) i s the sta nd ar d way of provi di n g f ile tran sf e r s betw e e n d e v i c e s . W i t h T F T P a n y W AN o r L A N u s e r e x e cu t in g a s ta nd a r d T F T P c l i e n t p r o g r a m c a n tr a n s f er fi les to an d fr om th e C y berS W ITC H.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 69 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T TFTP Th e de fault f ile acce ss for the GU EST us er is “rea d” ac cess t o all file s. The de fault f ile ac cess for the ADMIN user is “read” acc ess to the report and st atistics files, an d “rea d and wri te” acc e ss t o al l other file s.
USER’S GU IDE 570 CyberSWITCH C ARBON C OP Y The C a rbon Co py feat ure g i ves you com ple te remo te manag e ment. Any comm and tha t you can iss ue on a loca l consol e se ss ion can be i ssu ed with Car bon Copy. F i les can al so be tra ns ferred between the Manager PC and the CyberSWITCH .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 71 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T Carbon Copy En te r t h e fol lowi n g co mmand to star t up the CCI N ST AL progra m: C:a dmin> ccins tal The Carbon Copy Sys tem Parameters screen will appear. Follow the directions on the screen to cha n ge p ara me ter s ett ing s.
USER’S GU IDE 572 CyberSWITCH Bau d R ate If y ou wish t o e nt er a new ba ud rate, e n ter a me nu se l ecti on of “B “(f o r Baud Ra te ). Conti nue to pr e ss B unti l the ba ud rate yo u de sire is dis play ed.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 73 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T Carbon Copy The syste m wi ll pr ompt you for a pass wor d. The def ault pass word set on each Cyber SWIT CH is “CC ”. W e re com m end th at you ch an ge th is p as swo rd on ea ch C y berS W ITC H usi ng th e CCI NST AL pr ogr am.
USER’S GU IDE 574 CyberSWITCH To ini tiate th e Fil e Transf e r Pr og ram, pre ss the func tion key <F5> . Th e file t ransfer facility w ill display a o ne page tuto rial. T he adm inistrat ion c onsole PC is considered the L O CAL PC. T he Cyber SWITCH is co nsi dered the H OST.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 75 R EMOTE M ANAGEMEN T Carbon Copy Note: The abo v e graph represents the guar anteed t h roughpu t wi t hout CRC err o rs. The actual throughput m ay be high er. R EMOVING C ARBON C OPY To re mo ve Car b on Copy fro m yo u r sy stem: 1.
S YSTEM C OMMANDS O VERVIEW Two cl as ses of sys tem admi n is trati on comman ds are ava ilab le on the CyberSW ITCH: guest co mma nds an d a d minis trato r co mma n ds. Gue s t comman ds provi de cu rr ent op e r ation al inform ation only, and are av ailable to all security le vels .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 77 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Setting the IP Address exit Te rm inates t he ad ministr ation s ess io n by l ogging- o ut t he curre n t admini stra tor. You can st art anot her sessi on by using one of the two l og-in comm ands out lined above.
USER’S GU IDE 578 CyberSWITCH V IEWING O P ERATIONAL I N FORMAT ION The following commands are used to view system operational information: ? Disp l ays a help sc re e n outli n ing all of th e comm ands that are ava ila b le. br stats Disp l ays the cu rrent s y s te m packe t sta tist ics.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 79 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Viewing Operational Information system prompt after the entire file has been displayed. If you ar e viewing the Release Notes, pr e ss th e <escape> key to e xit the re lease no tes and con ti nue wit h the i nstall a tion .
USER’S GU IDE 580 CyberSWITCH Primary Rate (D-C hann el) Each Pr ima ry Rate lin e w hich c ontains at leas t one d ata lin k is c onsider ed a Primary Rate (D-Ch annel) in terfac e. A P rim ary Rate (D-C hannel ) interface is “up” if at least one da ta link assoc iated wi th the interf ace is “up.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 81 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Viewing Operational Information T RYING The s y ste m is att empt in g to call the de vi ce.
USER’S GU IDE 582 CyberSWITCH If th ere wa s e n ough memo ry for all con nec tions, t h e c on nect ion tab le wo uld ref lec t b oth potentia l and a ctual connec tions a s the same nu mber . wan stats Disp l ays the cu rrent s y s te m W AN co nnecti on stati st ics.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 83 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Viewing Throughput Infor m ation Note: If data co mpres si on is bein g us ed, an ex tr a li ne wil l be di sp layed on the Co nnecti on Monit or scree n that will pro vi de the com pres sion a nd dec om pr essio n ratio s, and the estimated through put.
USER’S GU IDE 584 CyberSWITCH # 4. Exa mple o f three sam ple s whe re actu al bandw id th utilizatio n was ar oun d 70% an d under load was b eing moni t ored at aro und 25% uti lizati on of cur rent bandw idth. In th is example, overload is occurrin g on all three samples.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 85 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Terminating and Restarting the C y berS WITCH C ONFIGU R A TION -R EL ATED C OMMAN DS The follo wing com mands p rovide c onfigurat ion file informa tion, and res tore backup configura tion files: cfg Pr ovid es inf ormati on on the stat us of syst em confi gur ati on chan ges.
USER’S GU IDE 586 CyberSWITCH effect , you would need to issue the restart comman d from th e Telne t sess ion of you r remo te ter m ina l. Note: If you lo se your Teln et con n ec tion with in 10 se con ds of ent e r ing the restart co mma nd, the co mmand wil l not be ex e cute d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 87 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS AppleTalk Routing Commands Sess-Id Th e s ess io n I d n u mbe r a s soc iat ed w ith t he se ssi on . Dat e/Time The date an d time the ses sion was i n i t i ated Idle (s ec) The numbe r of seconds the connec tion has been idle.
USER’S GU IDE 588 CyberSWITCH dnet Requ i red para meter . The desti natio n ne tw ork numb er. dnode Requ i red para meter . The desti natio n nod e Id . timeout Optional parameter . The number of seconds to wait for a reply message. The v a l id range is fr om 1 to 60 se c onds.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 89 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS AppleTalk Routing Commands get_ info - The port is veri f ying n etwork informa tion a nd ob taining t he def ault zone. get_ z ones - The port s obtain ing a comp lete z one list for the netwo rk.
USER’S GU IDE 590 CyberSWITCH atalk port stats [clea r] This c omma nd wil l d i splay or cl ear curr ent Appl e T alk port st atis tics. Re f e r to Appl eTal k Por t Statisti cs , for a list of av ailable atalk port stat istics and th ei r def i ni t ions.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 91 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Bridge Commands atalk stats rtmp Disp l ays the Appl e T alk Routi ng Table Main tenance P ro tocol ( RTM P ) stati st ics. atalk stats zip Disp l ays the Appl e T alk Zone Inf or mati on Proto col (ZI P ) sta tist ics.
USER’S GU IDE 592 CyberSWITCH In the above example, the DE ST field is the destinati on MAC addres s field of the LAN frame. The SOURCE field is the source MAC address of the LAN frame. Next t o the sour ce MAC add ress f iel d is the loc ati on of that so urc e addres s.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 93 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Call Control Commands To us e th i s comm and for troub l esho oti ng, you mu st use the Syste m Call Tra ce featur e to cap tu re a ny co nn ec t an d d isc on ne ct me ssa ge s th at a re ge n era ted b y is s uin g th e call de vice co mma nd.
USER’S GU IDE 594 CyberSWITCH Unable to prompt for device name at this time Ind i c ates that t he call comma nd wou ld pro mpt you f or a dev ice n ame, b u t the ne cessar y re sou r ces are no t availa b le . The recomme n ded acti ons are as fo l l o ws: 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 95 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Call Control Commands Calling <phone number> at <data rate>, device PPP Th e phone num be r will sho w wha t is sent to the switch. Any imbed de d das hes will have b e e n r e m o v e d .
USER’S GU IDE 596 CyberSWITCH Unable to prompt for device name at this time Ind i c ates that t he call comma nd wou ld pro mpt you f or a dev ice n ame, b u t the ne cessar y re sou r ces are no t availa b le . The recomme n ded acti ons are as fo l l o ws: 1.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 97 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Compression Information Commands C OMPRESSIO N I NF OR M ATIO N C OMM ANDS Comp r essio n st atisti cs are on l y av ai labl e fo r co nnec ti ons that are u si ng a compres sion prot ocol .
USER’S GU IDE 598 CyberSWITCH DHCP stats clear Clear s th e DH CP s tati st ics . ip addrpool Displays the current IP address pool. Refer to the ip addrpool com man d des cript ion un der IP Rou ting Com ma nds .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 5 99 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Frame Relay Com mands Sl ot n u mb er r ef ers to th e s lo t i n w hic h the di gi tal mo dem card r esid e s, a nd a ll ref ers to al l modems on th e c ard. Exa m ple: modem upgrade 2 all u p g r a d e s a l l m o d e m s o n t h e D M c a r d i n s l o t 2.
USER’S GU IDE 600 CyberSWITCH fr clear Cl ears the stati stics c ounters associ ated wi th the fr stat co mm and for t he cu r rent ly s ele cte d acces s and DL CI .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 01 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS IP Routing Commands Acces s. In p artic ular, the DLC I l ist is maintain ed within the c ode to identify all D LC Is for whi ch th e n etw ork h as k n owl ed ge , bu t w hi ch are no t cu r rent ly con f igu red .
USER’S GU IDE 602 CyberSWITCH Th e first line ind icat es: • the number of the conditi on within that filter whic h m a tched the packet and cons equently cau s e d a discar d acti on , • the poi nt at whic h the fil te r w as ap p l i e d, or a design ation of gl obal .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 03 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS IP Routing Commands ip rip routes Displays informa tion perta ining t o the r outing table( s) that are ma intained by the IP RIP protoc ol. The follow ing exam ple sc reen illustrates t he out put from this comm and.
USER’S GU IDE 604 CyberSWITCH P The propagati o n flag, where A = Always pr opagate N = Do not propag ate H = Propagat e when Next Hop Device Connected 1/2 RIP Version 1 /Vers ion 2 visibili ty flag.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 05 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS IPX Routing Commands T/P (Type/Protocol) Type The desti nati on t y pe is “R” for a re mot e networ k or ho st, and “L” fo r a lo cally con necte d netw ork or host. Protocol The me chanism us ed to determ ine the route.
USER’S GU IDE 606 CyberSWITCH Dis pla ys N e gotia tion Pa ram et ers wh en dev ice n a me spec ifi ed and con nec ted : ipx diag <host ipx add ress> [timeout] Te sts devi ce co n ne ctiv i t y to spe cifi ed IPX h ost by se nding o ut a di ag pack et.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 07 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS ISDN Usage C ommands ipx route Disp l ays the cu rrent r ou ting tab le for the system, in cludi n g st atic and lear ned ro u tes.
USER’S GU IDE 608 CyberSWITCH This informa tion can h elp yo u deter mine if addit ional lin es an d/or s ystems are nece ssary. For example, the h igh water mark could be compa red to the number of ISDN B channels available, tak in g i n to c o nsi dera t io n th e e l aps ed ti me.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 09 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Packet Capture Commands P ACKET C APTURE C OMMANDS In ma ny ap plicatio ns, it is ofte n des irable to mo nitor in coming LAN data. The pkt com man ds will allo w you to c apture, dis play, sav e, an d load bridged o r routed data pa ckets.
USER’S GU IDE 610 CyberSWITCH pkt display Displays capt u red packet s t h at have b een collec t ed via pkt on or via pkt load . Not e that th is command is not s upported for a Telnet session. The follo wing is an example pkt display screen : It is po ss ible t o display packet detail s for a specific packet.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 11 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Packet Capture Commands Ban yan V ine s Pa c ket De tai l S cre en (B rid ged P acke t) IP D at ag ram D eta il Scre en (Ro ut ed Da tag ra.
USER’S GU IDE 612 CyberSWITCH RADIUS C OMMA NDS The foll owi ng co nsole com mands may be u se d to di agnose pro blems wi th: • connections to the o ff-node RADIU S authentication se r ver • Cy.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 13 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS RADIUS Commands radius ipres Att empts an auth e n ticati on ses si on us ing the IP res oluti on . The fol l o wing is an exampl e dis p l a y of the sc ree n . radius macres Att empts an auth e n ticati on ses si on us ing the MAC res olution .
USER’S GU IDE 614 CyberSWITCH S ERIAL I NTERFA CE C OMMAN DS These c ommands are availabl e only when you have a se rial inter face c ard (V. 35 or RS232) properly installed : ser <#> stats Displ ay s the current serial i n te rf ace stati stics fo r ea ch line (V.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 15 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Spanning Tree Commands State The c ur rent stat e of th e po rt. P ossible values are; DISABLED, B L OCKIN G, LISTENING, LEAR NI NG , a nd FO RW AR D IN G . Path Cost The c onfig ured pat h cost fo r this po rt.
USER’S GU IDE 616 CyberSWITCH Root Priority Th e bridge prio rity of the roo t bridge . Root Path Cost Th e p a th cos t to th e ro o t b ri d ge . Root Port Num The por t n umber on th e Cy b erSWITC H th at offe rs th e lowes t cost path to the ro ot bridg e .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 17 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS TCP Commands STP Enabled A flag that is set to “1” i f the S panning Tree proto col i s ena b led. TCP C OMMAND S TCP ( Transmi t Cont r ol Proto col) pr ovid e s a con nect ion- or ient e d r elia b le c ommuni cati on fo r deliver y of packets to a remote o r on-n ode device.
USER’S GU IDE 618 CyberSWITCH T ELNET C OMMANDS These commands are Telnet client console commands. These comm ands provide tools for you when you are using the syst em as a Telnet client .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 19 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS Telnet Commands The possible send parameter s are defi ne d as follows: send ayt Th e send ayt comman d send s the Te lnet comman d fun ction f or “Are You T h er e?” to the target host.
USER’S GU IDE 620 CyberSWITCH Th e set escape comman d c an be us ed to chan g e th e “escape” c haracter fo r the c urr ent Telnet session. This command may be useful when a devic e is connected to a target host, usin g sever al diffe r ent Tel n et con nec tions .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 21 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS TFTP C ommands The foll owi ng co mmands are u sed to displ ay the te r minal t ype c urre nt ly in use or to set the terminal type. term Disp l ays the ter minal ty pe name . term set <terminal typ e> Allow s you to set the term inal type.
USER’S GU IDE 622 CyberSWITCH tftp session Displ ays t he TFTP s ess ion inf ormat ion of activ e TFTP ses sion s. To ge t detai led informat ion on a specific session, enter the session’s Id n umber when prompted. You can not display the se ssion inf ormation f or a TFTP se ssion tha t h a s terminate d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 23 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS UDP Commands trace ipxwan [on/off] Enables or d isables the IPXWA N tra cing op tion, whic h tr acks all packet s which are received or sent out using IPX WAN protoc ol, and places this infor mation in th e sys tem log.
USER’S GU IDE 624 CyberSWITCH sentry log Th is com m an d ac ts as a tog gle sw it ch, en ab li ng o r dis ab ling u se r au th en tic a tion re je cti on m ess a ge s. If en a b le d , a uth e n ti ca ti on rej e c ti o n me s s ag e s (i de nt if y in g u s e rs who ge n era ted the messages) are written to t he log file.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 25 S YSTEM C OMMA NDS X.25 Commands wan l1p error [display or clear] <slot #> Wh en display is use d, this com mand d isplays the PR I layer 1 error c ounters. Re fer to Laye r 1 PRI Error Statistics for a list of av ailabl e stat istic s and their de finiti ons.
USER’S GU IDE 626 CyberSWITCH trace x25 [on/off] En ab l es or disab l es the X.2 5 pac ket trac ing option . Th i s f e atu r e d i splays up to 15 oct ets of the packet. To display the log file, iss ue the dr co nsole co mmand . This option i s initi ally disab led.
S YSTEM S TATI STICS O VERVIEW Statistic s can eit her be gen erated by is suing the ds comm and to displ ay t he s et o f sta tist i cs known as the Syst em Statisti cs, or by issu ing a speci fic comman d t o displ ay s tatisti cs in a specifi c cate g ory .
USER’S GU IDE 628 CyberSWITCH C ALL R ES TRICTION S TA TI STI CS The syst em keeps a tally of the following Call Re striction st atistics. Th es e s t at ist ic s c a n be co mpared to the limits you have configu red. Thes e statistic s can be displayed by issuin g the cr stats or th e ds comman d a t the a dmini strat ion c onsole.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 29 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS AppleTalk Statistic s A PPLE T ALK S TA TIST ICS You may dis play Appl eTalk p rotocol sta tistics (subd ivide d into si x subg roups) an d Appl eTalk po rt sta ti sti cs.
USER’S GU IDE 630 CyberSWITCH ddpTooShortErrors The total number of input DDP datagrams dropped bec ause the receive d data len gth was less than the data length specif i ed in the D D P header or t he rece i ved da t a len gth wa s les s t han th e len g th of the expected DDP header.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 31 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS AppleTalk Statistic s atechoInReplies The count of AppleT a lk Echo replies receive d. A PPLE T ALK R OUTING T ABLE M AI NTENANCE P ROTOCOL (RTMP) S TA TIS TICS You can displ ay thi s subgr oup of AppleT alk stat isti cs b y issui ng the atalk stats rtmp con sole co mmand.
USER’S GU IDE 632 CyberSWITCH zip ZoneConflctErrors The number of times a confli ct has been detected between this entity’ s zone information and anot her system’ s zon e infor mation. zipInObsoletes The numb er of ZIP Takedo wn or ZIP Brin gup packe ts receive d by th is syst em.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 33 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS AppleTalk Statistic s atpRetryCntExceeds The number of t i mes the retry count w as e x ceeded, an d a n error was ret urned to the client of ATP. A PPLE T ALK P ORT S TA TIST ICS You can d isplay the A ppleTalk por t stati stics by iss uing the atalk port stats con s ol e co mmand.
USER’S GU IDE 634 CyberSWITCH B RI DGE S TA TI STIC S The system collects bridge statist i cs for each LAN port and fo r WAN connections. These bridge stat i stic s i nc l ude informati on on the number of frames received, forwarded , d iscar d ed or tran smi tted .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 35 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS Compression St atistics C OMPRESSIO N S TAT ISTICS The sys tem col lects t h e fo llowi ng compre ssion sta tist ics for each act ive co mpres si on conn ecti o n .
USER’S GU IDE 636 CyberSWITCH peer sent resets The nu m ber of d ec ompression reset s sent from peer devices . system sent resets The nu mb e r of deco mpres sion rese t s sent f rom the Sy stem. dropped pkts The number of dro pped packet s that could not be queued.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 37 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS DHCP St ati stic s DHCP R EL AY A GENT S TA TISTI CS BOOTREQUEST msgs rcvd Incremented whenever the system identifies a UDP datagram as a DHCP/BOOT P BOO TREQ U EST m ess age . Thi s datagra m has passed the initial cons is tenc y chec ks.
USER’S GU IDE 638 CyberSWITCH BOOTREPLY bad ’giaddr’: Nu mber of DHCP/B OOT P B OOTREPL Y m essa ges t h at were di scard ed by t h e DHC P Rel ay A gent because the ’giaddr’ (gateway IP ad dress) field could not be mapped to one of t he system’s IP netw ork inter face s.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 39 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS Digital Modem Statistic s DHCPNAKs rcvd Incremented whenever the DHCP Proxy Client has recei ved a DHCPNAK message from a DHCP ser ve r.
USER’S GU IDE 640 CyberSWITCH INIT The access state ent ered when the access is first ini tialized. The access has enter ed the LM I di al ogue phas e , bu t h a s n o t ye t recei ved an approp ri ate LMI STATUS mes sage res ponse. UP The access state en tered when the ac cess e i ther ha s no LMI, or the L MI m essage ex change is confir me d.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 41 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS Frame Relay S tatistics # Lost Rx Frame Rela ted to t h e “ # Los t Rx Seq” cou nter i n that it represe nts th e number o f actual lost fra mes, not j ust the number of times a frame (or frames) was lost.
USER’S GU IDE 642 CyberSWITCH NOT READY The PVC s tate en t ered when t he PVC has been marked unavailabl e by the network v ia a STA TUS m essage, an alarm condit ion, o r failu re of the LMI link . NETWORK OUTAGE The PVC s t ate enter ed when the PVC has been marked unavailable.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 43 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS IP Statistics crc errors The nu mber of alig ned fr ames dis card ed becaus e o f a CRC err or. align errors The n umber of fr ames tha t are both misa l igned and contain a CRC er r or. resource errors The number of go od frames discarded because there were no resources available.
USER’S GU IDE 644 CyberSWITCH ipInUnknownProtos The number of local ly addr essed datagr ams r eceive d succ essf ully but dis carded becau se of an unk n o wn o r u ns upport ed protoc ol .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 45 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS IP Statistics ipFragCreates The numb er of IP d ata gram fra gment s that have b een g ene rate d as a resul t of f ragm entati on at t his sy ste m . ICMP G ROUP S TATI STI CS icmpInMsgs The t otal number of I CMP messages t hat the sy ste m rece ived.
USER’S GU IDE 646 CyberSWITCH icmpOutErrors The numb e r of ICMP mess ages th at th is syst em did not s e n d d ue to p r oblems di s cover ed withi n IC MP, such as a lac k of buf fers. T his va l ue shoul d not include error s disco vered ou tside t he ICMP layer such as t he inability o f IP to route the resultant da tagram.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 47 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS IPX Sta ti stics I PX B AS IC S YSTE M T AB L E S TATIST ICS ipxBasicSysExistState The val idity of th i s entry in the IP X system tab l e.
USER’S GU IDE 648 CyberSWITCH ipxBasicSysOpenSocketFails The numbe r of IPX socket open call s whi ch f aile d . I PX A DVANCED S YSTE M T AB L E S TA TISTICS ipxAdvSysMaxPathSplits The ma ximum nu mber of p a ths wit h eq ual rout ing met ric v alue whic h this insta nce of th e IPX ma y split between when forwarding packets.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 49 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS IPX Sta ti stics ripIncorrectPackets Th e nu m b e r o f ti me s in co rr ec t RIP p a cke t s w er e re ce i v e d. ripState Represent s the status of the IPX R IP feature: 1 = disabled, 2 = enabled.
USER’S GU IDE 650 CyberSWITCH Available Routes Number of routes c ur re n tl y avail able on this router. High Water Mark Peak number of r outes this router has used. IPX S AP S TA TIS TICS You can ac cess IPX S A P stat ist i cs by us i ng the ipx sap stats conso le comma nd.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 51 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS RIP Sta ti stics IPX S ERV IC E S TATIST IC S You can ac cess IPX S ervic e sta tist ics by using the ipx service stats cons ole comm and. Static Services Nu mb e r of st atic s e rv ices c o n figure d on th is rout er.
USER’S GU IDE 652 CyberSWITCH IfStatRcvBadRoutes The nu m ber of r o utes, i n valid RIP packets, w hich were ig n ored for any reason. E xample reasons include: an unknow n ad dr ess fam ily, or an invalid me tric. IfStatRcvRequests The nu mb e r of RIP mess ages wi th ‘re que s t’ comman d code re ce ive d on th is int erfa ce .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 53 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS SNM P Statistics snmpInBadVersions The t otal number of SNM P messa ges th at were del i vered to the SN M P Age n t and were f o r an unsupported S N MP version.
USER’S GU IDE 654 CyberSWITCH snmpInGetNexts The total number of SNMP Ge t- N ext PDUs th at have been accep t ed and proce ssed by th e SNMP Agen t. snmpInSetRequests The t otal n umber of SNMP Se t-Request PDUs that have been ac cepted and processe d by t he S NMP Agen t.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 55 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS TCP Stati stics TCP S TAT IS TICS You can acces s these st atis tics by i ssuing the tcp stats co ns ole comm and. tcpRtoAlgorithm The algor ithm used t o deter mine the t imeout val ue used for retr ansmit ting unacknowl edge d octe t s.
USER’S GU IDE 656 CyberSWITCH tcpInErrs The total number o f segments received in e rr or (for example, bad T CP checksums). tcpOutRsts The number of TCP se gments sent contai ning the RST fla g . TFTP S TATIS TICS You can acces s these st atis tics by i ssuing the tftp stats co ns ole comm and.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 57 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS TFTP Statis tics Failed file gets Dis p lay s t he cou n t of fai le d g ets . (Loc al system fai l ed to down l o ad a fi l e fr om a remote host .) Total bytes put Disp l ays the to tal numbe r of bytes suc cessfu l ly put.
USER’S GU IDE 658 CyberSWITCH UDP S TAT ISTIC S If the IP o perating m ode is ena bled, you can a ccess the following U DP statistic s by using t he udp stats co mma n d: udpInDatagrams The t otal number of UDP datagra ms deliv ered to UDP dev ices.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 59 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS WAN L1P Statistics WAN L1P S TAT ISTI CS You can ac cess WAN L1P stat istic s by issu i n g th e wan l1p stats display <slot #> console comm and.
USER’S GU IDE 660 CyberSWITCH Recv Positive Slips The number of PRI frames l o st due to timing problems in t he positive d i rection. Recv Parity Errors The nu m ber of r ec eive pari t y error s . Xmit Slips The number of times an er ror h as occurr ed i n the host c loc k sys tem.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 61 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS X.25 Statistic s switched call completed A cou nte r th at is in cre men te d e ach ti me a swit ch ed ca ll s uc ces sful ly co mpl et es and pa sse s ide n tif ic ati on . switched call retry A co unter that is in cremen ted fo r each r etry of a n o riginal s witched call attempt.
USER’S GU IDE 662 CyberSWITCH # Max Connections The ma ximum n um ber of ac tive VCs al l owed a t an y time. # Active Conn The number of curr en tl y activ e VCs. # Max Conn Active The ma ximum n um ber of VCs t ha t can be acti ve at a ny ti me. # Conn Failed The number of VCs th at have fai led.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 63 S YSTEM S TATIST ICS X.25 Statistic s # Restarts Received The number of times the X .25 ne twork has b een r estart ed by a r emote DT E or the network . # Diag Pkt Sent The nu m ber of d iagn ostic pa c kets sent.
USER’S GU IDE 664 CyberSWITCH # RNR Sent count The n um ber of receive not ready pack et s sent . # RNR Received The n um ber of receive not ready pack et s re c eived. # Bytes Sent Count The t otal number of da ta bytes se n t sinc e t h e las t res e t or r esta rt.
R OUTI NE M AINTENANCE O VERVIEW The inform ati on in t h is chapte r provi des instruc tions for perfo rmin g routing mainten an ce on the Cyber SWITCH .
USER’S GU IDE 666 CyberSWITCH changes are NOT dynamic. The c h a nges ar e saved in a temporary copy o f co nfiguratio n dat a, and will n ot affe ct the c urrent run-time oper ation of the sy stem in any w ay. To te r minate th e sessio n, ret u rn t o the main CF GEDI T menu.
A PPENDICES Th e Use r’s Guid e includes the following appendices: • Sys te m W ork shee ts We have designed a s et of works heets y ou can fill o ut bef ore you begin your Cy berSW ITCH configur ation. O nce fille d ou t, they w ill cont ain info rmation you will need fo r th e configu ration pr ocess.
S YSTEM A DAPTERS This appendix includes the following illustrations of av ai l abl e CyberSWITCH adapters: • Etherne t •B a s i c R a t e • Prima ry Ra te: PRI-8 PRI-23 PRI-23 / 30 • Expa n der • V.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 69 S YSTEM A DAPTERS E THERNET A DAPTER DRAM (2 SIMMS) i960 RISC CPU AUI Connectors Interrupt Block (JP1) I/O Address (JP2) Ethernet Adapter Side View Front View.
USER’S GU IDE 670 CyberSWITCH B ASIC R AT E A D APTER This adap t er is set for slot 3: RJ-45 Connectors TDM Bus Connector Pin 1 BRI-4 Adapter Side View Front View I/O Switch BASIC RATE INTERFACE LC.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 71 S YSTEM A DAPTERS P RIMARY R ATE A DAPT ERS T HE PRI-8 This adap t er is set for slot 5: J12 (jumper on bottom) J11 (jumper on right) J20 (jumper on bottom) J.
USER’S GUID E 672 Cyb erSWITCH T HE PRI-23 7KLVDGDSWHULVVHWIRUVORW TDM Bus Connector MVIP Bus Connector LCD Connector PRI-23 Adapter Pin 1 RJ-45 Connector MVIP End-of-Bus Ter.
USER’S GU IDE 674 CyberSWITCH E XPA NDER A DAPT ER This adap t er is set for slot 5: TDM Bus Connector Pin 1 PRI-8 Expander Adapter Side View Front View Interrupt Block 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 I/.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 75 S YSTEM A DAPTERS V.35 A DA PT ER This adap t er is set for slot 5: Note: S witch la bel “OPEN” is the s ame as OFF on I/ O swit ch. V.35 Adapter Side View Front View I/O Switch LCD Connector DB26 Connectors Interrupt Block 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .
USER’S GU IDE 676 CyberSWITCH RS232 A DA PT E R This adap t er is set for slot 5: Note: S witch la bel “OPEN” is the s ame as OFF on I/ O swit ch. RS232 Adapter Side View Front View I/O Switch LCD Connector DB26 Connectors Interrupt Block 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 77 S YSTEM A DAPTERS D IGITAL M ODEMS T HE DM-8 Th is c ard i s co nf igu re d as t he sec on d DM - 8 in the s yst em as well as the l as t car d o n th e M VIP.
USER’S GU IDE 678 CyberSWITCH T HE DM -24 Th e D M -2 4 a d apt er co n sis t s of a m o the r b oa r d/d a ug ht e r bo a rd c om b in at io n; da u ght e r bo ar d s e ts on to p of la r ger mother board.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 79 S YSTEM A DAPTERS DM-24, back view ( Il lust ration does n ot depic t sw itche s se t for any pa rticu l ar slot) : Note: In rare cas es , th ere ma y b e so me v aria ti on wi th si lk sc re enin g fr om car d to ca rd .
USER’S GU IDE 680 CyberSWITCH T HE DM -24+/ DM -30+ The D M -24+ and the DM-30+ adapters c onsist o f a mother board/daughter board c o mbinatio n . The t wo ada pters cl osely res embl e e a ch other, b u t are disti ngui shable by th e number of mod ems each support s.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 81 S YSTEM A DAPTERS Pertinent switches a re loc ated on the back sid e o f the mothe r board. T he follow ing illust rates switch se tti ngs for a DM-24+ boar d.
USER’S GU IDE 682 CyberSWITCH E NCRYP T ION A DAPTER DES A DAPTER (US V ERSIO N ) Note: Jumper J1 m ust be inst a lled for the board to be operat iona l.
S YSTEM W ORKSHEETS The worksheets included in this appendix will be helpful in c o nfigur ing and managin g your system. They capture importan t network i nformation. T o see examples o f c o mpleted worksheets , ref e r to the Exampl e Net works G uide .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 85 S YSTEM W ORKSH EETS System Details Syste m Name : _______ _____ _________ PAP Pass word :________ ______ _ CHAP Secre t:_____ _____ ______ ___ R ESO URCES L INES BRI Li nes PRI L ines V.
USER’S GU IDE 686 CyberSWITCH A CCES SES Dedicat ed Accesses Over I S DN: Over Serial connection : X.25 Access es Over ISDN : Ov er s eri al c o nne c ti on : Fram e Relay Acce sses Over ISDN : Ov e.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 87 S YSTEM W ORKSH EETS Device Information Devic e Name: ___________ ___________ _______ Ca llin g (I S DN, F R, etc .
USER’S GU IDE 688 CyberSWITCH B RIDGI NG IP R OUTING Netw ork Inte rface Informat ion Brid ging ❒ ena ble d ❒ disabl ed Mode of Op er ation ❒ re stri cted ❒ unrestri cted Brid ge Fi lt ers B.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 89 S YSTEM W ORKSH EETS Bridging and Routing Infor m ation IP R OUTING , CONTINUE D Stati c Rout es IPX R OU TIN G Routi ng Inf ormation Netw ork Inte rface Info.
USER’S GU IDE 690 CyberSWITCH A PPLE T ALK R OUTING AppleTa lk Routing/Por t Inf orm at ion AppleTa lk Port Static Routes AppleTal k rou ting ❒ enabled ❒ disabl ed LAN Name Port number Network t.
CFGEDIT M AP O VERVIEW Th e followin g pages prov ide a n outline of the Cyber SWIT CH CFG ED IT configur a tion uti lity. As you configur e your system, yo u may find it helpful t o use this outline as a m ap to help yo u navigate th ro u g h C FG E D IT .
USER’S GU IDE 692 CyberSWITCH P HYSICAL R ESOURCES M ENU R ESOURC ES • COM M PORT • Basi c Rate sw itch t yp e •T 1 / E 1 / P R I sw itch t yp e sync h ron izati o n •E x p a n d e r •V .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 93 CFGE DIT M AP Options Menu O PTIONS M ENU B RIDGING • Enable/Disable • Spanning Tree • Mode of Operation unr e st ric ted , re s tr ict ed • Bridge Fi.
USER’S GU IDE 694 CyberSWITCH I PX R OUTIN G • Enable/Disable •I P X N e t w o r k N u m b e r •I P X I n t e r f a c e s LA N Rem ote L A N • Rou ting Protoc ols IPX RIP, IPX SA P number t .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 95 CFGE DIT M AP Options Menu PPP • G lobal o ptions • LCP opti ons • I PCP o p ti ons • Lin k failure options C ALL C ONTROL • Throu ghput Mo nit or �.
USER’S GU IDE 696 CyberSWITCH S ECURITY M EN U S ECURITY L EVEL •N o S e c u r i t y • Device Level Securit y • Us er Le v e l Se cur it y • Device and User Level Security S YSTEM O P TIONS .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 6 97 CFGE DIT M AP Securit y Menu Auth entic ation PAP password CH AP secre t out bound authe n ticati on use r level au thenti ca tion IP host ID bridge Ethernet .
USER’S GU IDE 698 CyberSWITCH O FF - NODE S ERVER I N FO RMATIO N •C S M TC P po rt •R A D I U S Pri mary Ser ver Second ar y Server Misc ella n eous i nfo number of retries tim e b e tw e e n r.
G ETTI NG A SSISTANCE R EPORTING P ROBLEM S For a fa s t response, plea se take the time to fill out t he S ystem Problem R eport to inform us o f any dif f ic u lti e s y o u hav e with ou r p ro du ct s. A cop y of th is re p o rt ca n be f ou n d at th e en d of thi s ch apter.
DATE: __________ ____ NUMBER OF PAGES I NCLUDING THIS PAGE: ______ TO: CUSTOMER SERVICE FROM: _______ ___________ ___________ _________ Cabletr on Systems COMPANY:__ ____________ ________________ ____.
A DMIN ISTRATIVE C ONSOL E C OMMANDS T ABLE The foll owi ng tab l e lists a l l sy stem ad mi nistr ation com mands. Gue st comm an ds are iden ti fied in t h e c ommand col umn. Com m a nd Use ? (G UE S T) displ ays he lp sc ree n at alk ar p di sp l ays the AARP cac he at alk ping <dn et>.
USER’S GU IDE 702 CyberSWITCH cd r ve rif y (G U EST ) verif ies call deta il record ing server s are configur ed cfg provides informat ion on chang es to c onfigurat ion files cfge dit sta rts the .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 03 A DMINISTRATIVE C ONS OLE C OMMA NDS T ABL E fr dbg le vel displa ys the c urrent debu g level fo r fram e relay fr dbg le vel <leve l> sets the current.
USER’S GU IDE 704 CyberSWITCH ipx sap st ats d isplay s IPX SAP sta ti stics i px sp oo f st ats di splays I P X sp oof i ng stat istic s ipx st ats d isplay s I PX s tat istic s ipx tri greq <d evice> gen erates a tr iggere d RIP/ SAP update re q uest to th e specif ied de v ice.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 05 A DMINISTRATIVE C ONS OLE C OMMA NDS T ABL E mode m upgra de < slot# mode m# > installs new m ode m firmwa re onto specified mo dem mode m devic es <.
USER’S GU IDE 706 CyberSWITCH ser <slot # > signa l di splays cu rrent st ate of inp u t signal s f o r e ac h serial line attac hed to card in speci fied slot .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 07 A DMINISTRATIVE C ONS OLE C OMMA NDS T ABL E trace lapb[on/off] enable s or di sables the pac ket tr aci ng option for LAPB data link inform ati on trace ppp [on/off ] enables or disables the tracing of ppp packets trace x25 [on/off ] en ab l es or disabl es the pac ket traci ng opti on for X.
M ANAGE M OD E C OMMANDS T ABLE Th e follow ing t able di splays t he availab le D ynamic Manage ment comm ands: Com m a nd Use ace displ ays ACE off -node server c on figurat ion ace c h ang e all ow.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 09 M ANAGE M OD E C OMMA NDS T ABL E exit exi ts from Manage M ode an d retu rns to the nor mal sy ste m com m and mo d e file attr d isplay s the cu rrent u s e.
USER’S GU IDE 710 CyberSWITCH ipxs vc [ add/c hange/de lete ] a d ds/c ha nges/deletes an IPX service ipxs poof allo ws you to configur e sys tem level s poofin g data ipxt20 allows you to configure.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 11 M ANAGE M OD E C OMMA NDS T ABL E srcfil t [add /cha nge/del ete] adds/changes/delet es the a source address filter tacacs di splays TA CA CS of f-node ser ve.
C AUSE C ODES T ABLE The following table provides Q.931 cause codes and their corresponding meanings. C a use codes may appear in Call Trace Mess a ges.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 13 C AUSE C ODE S T ABL E 19 13 no answer fr om device (device alerted ) Indi cates that t he d estinat ion has respon ded to the connec tion r e qu e s t b u t ha s fa il e d to co mp le t e th e co n ne c tio n w ith i n th e pres crib ed time.
USER’S GU IDE 714 CyberSWITCH 34 22 no circuit/c ha nnel a vailable Indi cates that t h e connec tion c ould not be est abli shed b e cau se th e re was no appr opriat e channel av ailable t o handle t h e ca ll .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 15 C AUSE C ODE S T ABL E 52 34 outgoi n g calls b a r red 53 35 outgoi n g calls b a r red with i n CUG 54 36 inco ming ca lls barr ed 55 37 in coming c alls ba.
USER’S GU IDE 716 CyberSWITCH 81 51 inva lid call refere nce value Indi cates that the r emote equip ment h as rec eived a c all w i th a cal l ref ere nce th at is no t c urr en tly in use b y th e de vic e- net work in t erfa ce .
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 17 C AUSE C ODE S T ABL E 97 61 message type n o n-existent or not im plemented Indicates that the receiving equipment received a message that was not recognized either because the message type was in valid, or because the m es s age type was v alid but not supported.
USER’S GU IDE 718 CyberSWITCH UNKNO WN Indica tes that an event occurr ent but tha t the n etwor k does not provide causes for the a ctio n s that it takes, theref ore the precise natu re of the event c annot be a scert ained. This may, or may not, indi cate th e o ccurr ence of an er ro r.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 19 I NDEX A acc e ss r eq ues t ret ries 219, 221 acces ses alt ernate acc esses 242, 429 ded icat ed 24 2 frame rela y 255 ISDN a ccess 242 X.
USER’S GU IDE 720 CyberSWITCH bridging bridge password 195 configura tion 268 dial ou t 264 device lis t configur ation 265 using br idge filt ers 283 using k nown co nnect lis t 285 filters 269 ope.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 21 configura tion files 71, 665 packet types 292 re storin g 666 tool s CFG EDI T 111 dy n a mic man a gemen t 112 co n gestio n cont rol 259 connec tion filte rs 297, 303 Conn ection Services Ma nager. See C SM .
USER’S GU IDE 722 CyberSWITCH dy n a mic dev ice op t ion 216 dy n a mic man a gemen t 577 co mma nd summar y 708 E E1/R2 si gnaling 127 EM S 49 En cap s ulati ng Securi ty P ayload (ESP ) 33 encaps.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 23 IP filters, continued packet type configur ation 292 per-device 299 TCP c onfigur ation 294 trac e messa g e s 551 UDP configurat ion 294 ve rific ation 440 I.
USER’S GU IDE 724 CyberSWITCH L LA N ad ap ter initializ ation mes sa ges 419 problem diagnosis 423 ve ri fic ati on mess ages 422, 423 la n comman ds 608 LA N IP in ter face 133 LAN s tatisti cs 64.
Centra l S i t e Remote Acce ss Sw i tch 7 25 n et w o r k n umber 327 n et w o r k se c ur i t y c o nfigu r ing de v ice and u s er le v e l s ec u ri t y 172 c o nfigu r ing de v ice level s e c ur.
USER’S GU IDE 726 CyberSWITCH RADI US Ser ver configuring 211, 214 configuring a R ADIUS A ccoun ting Serve r 212 configur ing login info rm ation 226 configuring user-level security 205 digi tal mo.
Central Sit e Remote Acce ss Swi tch 7 27 s emi pe rma ne nt c on ne ctio ns 379, 381 and ca ll dev ice co m man d s 381 and ca l l re s tr ict io ns 382 and throughput monito r 382 co mmands 580 conf.
USER’S GU IDE 728 CyberSWITCH TC P 294, 300, 305 sta ti sti cs 65 5 tcp comma nds 617 TD M 94, 124 bus c onnection s 95 Teleo s Sim ula tor 116 Teln et 100, 563 rem o te ma n a ge m en t 563 telnet .
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Enterasys Networks CSX7000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Enterasys Networks CSX7000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Enterasys Networks CSX7000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Enterasys Networks CSX7000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Enterasys Networks CSX7000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Enterasys Networks CSX7000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Enterasys Networks CSX7000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Enterasys Networks CSX7000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.