Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Version 7.3 del fabbricante Dell
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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Version 7.3 User's Guide.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem. WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
Contents 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 6 Installation ..................................................................................
Server Administrator Managed System Login — Using The Web Browser ....................................................27 Central Web Server Login .......................................................................................................
6 Server Administrator Logs....................................................................................................... 64 Integrated Features .................................................................................................
1 Introduction Dell OpenManage Server Administrator (OMSA) provides a comprehensive, one-to-one systems management solution in two ways: from an integrated, web browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) and from a command line interface (CLI) through the operating system.
NOTE: For more information about obtaining and using the Server Update Utility (SUU), to update your Dell Systems or to view the updates available for any systems listed in the Repository, see the Dell Server Update Utility User's Guide at .
• Added support for Safari 5.1.7 on Apple Mac OS X • Added support for the following Network Interface Cards (NICs): – Broadcom 57840S Quad Port 10G SFP+ Rack NDC – Broadcom 57840S-k Quad Port.
Server Administrator adds considerable security to these systems management standards. All attributes set operations (for example, changing the value of an asset tag) must be performed with Dell OpenManage IT Assistant while logged in with the required privileges.
• The Dell Remote Access Controller 5 User's Guide provides comprehensive information about using the RACADM command line utility to configure a DRAC 5. • The Dell Chassis Management Controller User’s Guide provides comprehensive information about using the controller that manages all modules in the chassis containing your Dell system.
• Serviceability Tools 5. To view the document, click the required product version. NOTE: You can also directly access the documents using the following links: • For Enterprise System Management documents — • For Remote Enterprise System Management documents — dell.
2 Setup And Administration Dell OpenManage Server Administrator provides security through role- based access control (RBAC), authentication, and encryption for both the Web-based and command line interfaces. Role-Based Access Control RBAC manages security by determining the operations that can be executed by persons in particular roles.
Instrumentation User, Power User, Administrator, Elevated Administrator Power User, Administrator, Elevated Administrator Remote Access User, Power User, Administrator, Elevated Administrator Administ.
Encryption Server Administrator is accessed over a secure HTTPS connection using secure socket layer (SSL) technology to ensure and protect the identity of the system being managed.
NOTE: You must be logged in as root or an equivalent user to perform the following procedures. NOTE: You must have the useradd utility installed on your system to perform the following procedures. Creating Users NOTE: For information about creating users and user groups, see your operating system documentation.
Table 5. Examples for adding the role definition in OpenManage Server Administrator <User_Name> <Host_Name> <Rights> Bob Ahost Poweruser + root Bhost Administrator + root Chost Administrator Bob * Poweruser Mike 192.168.
Disabling Guest And Anonymous Accounts In Supported Windows Operating Systems NOTE: You must be logged in with Administrator privileges to perform this procedure. 1. Open the Computer Management window. 2. In the console tree, expand Local Users and Groups and click Users .
your SNMP agent for proper interaction with management applications such as IT Assistant, perform the procedures described in the following sections. NOTE: For additional details on SNMP configuration, see the operating system documentation.
Enabling SNMP Set Operations SNMP Set operations must be enabled on the Server Administrator system to change Server Administrator attributes using IT Assistant. 1. Open the Computer Management window. 2. Expand the Computer Management icon in the window, if necessary.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux and VMware ESXi 4.0 operating systems, the default SNMP agent configuration gives read- only access for the public community only to the MIB-II system branch (identified by the 1.
To enable SNMP Set operations on the system running Server Administrator, edit the SNMP agent configuration file, /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf , and perform the following steps: 1. Find the line that reads: access publicgroup "" any noauth exact all none none or access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact all none none .
NOTE: You can enable SNMP access from multiple specific remote hosts by adding a rocommunity directive for each remote host. 3. To enable SNMP configuration changes, restart the SNMP agent by typing: /etc/init.
a. --server <ESX_IP_addr> --username root --password <password> -c <community name> -p X –t <Destination_IP_Address> @162/ <community name> Where represents an unused port. To find an unused port, check the /etc/services file for the port assignment for defined system services.
NOTE: For more information about using the VMware vSphere CLI, see . Configuring Your System To Send Traps To A Management Station Server Administrator generates SNMP traps in response to changes in the status of sensors and other monitored parameters.
b. To open an entire network interface or the SNMP port, select High, Medium, or Enabled and proceed to step 4. 4. Press <Tab> to go to Customize and press <Enter>. The Firewall Configuration-Customize screen appears. 5. Select whether to open an entire network interface or just the SNMP port on all network interfaces.
3 Using Server Administrator To start a Server Administrator session, double-click the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator icon on your desktop. The Server Administrator Log in screen is displayed. The default port for Dell OpenManage Server Administrator is 1311.
Server Administrator Managed System Login — Using the Desktop Icon This login is available only if the Server Administrator Web Server component is installed on the system. To log in to Server Administrator to manage a remote system: 1. Double-click the Dell OpenManage Server Administrator icon on your desktop.
NOTE: When you launch Server Administrator using either Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 and 3.5 or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0 or 8.0, an intermediate warning page may appear displaying a problem with security certificate. To ensure system security, it is recommended that you generate a new X.
Configuring Security Settings On Systems Running A Supported Microsoft Windows Operating System You must configure the security settings for your browser to log in to Server Administrator from a remote management system that is running a supported Microsoft Windows operating system.
6. Close the browser. 7. Log in to Server Administrator. The Server Administrator Home Page NOTE: Do not use your Web browser toolbar buttons (such as Back and Refresh ) while using Server Administrator. Use only the Server Administrator navigation tools.
Figure 1. Sample Server Administrator Home Page — Non-Modular System The following figure shows a sample Server Administrator home page layout for a user logged in with administrator privileges on a modular system.
NOTE: Administrator or Power User privileges are required to view most of the system tree objects, system components, action tabs, and data area features that are configurable. Additionally, only users logged in with Administrator privileges can access critical system features such as the shutdown functionality included under the Shutdown tab.
Global Navigation Bar The global navigation bar and its links are available to all user levels in the program. • Click Preferences to open the Preferences home page. See Using the Preferences Home Page . • Click Support to connect to the Dell Support website.
Description Icon The component has a failed or critical condition. A critical condition occurs when a probe or other monitoring tool detects a reading for a component that falls within certain minimum and maximum values. A critical condition requires immediate attention.
Figure 3. Gauge Indicator Using The Online Help Context-sensitive online help is available for every window of the Server Administrator home page. Clicking Help opens an independent help window that contains detailed information about the specific window you are viewing.
Figure 4. Sample Preferences Home Page - Managed System Managed System Preferences When you log in to a remote system, the Preferences home page defaults to the Node Configuration window under the Preferences tab. Click the Server Administrator object to enable or disable access to users with User or Power User privileges.
Set up your user preferences: 1. Click Preferences on the global navigation bar. The Preferences home page appears. 2. Click General Settings . 3. To add a preselected e-mail recipient, type the e-mail address of your designated service contact in the Mail To : field, and click Apply .
– Auto Negotiate — Allows connection from browser with any encryption strength. The browser auto negotiates with the Server Administrator Web Server and uses the highest available encryption level for the session. Legacy browsers with weaker encryption can also connect to the Server Administrator.
NOTE: When using a self-signed certificate, most web browsers display an untrusted warning as the self- signed certificate is not signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by the operating system. Some secure browser settings can also block the self-signed SSL certificates.
4 Server Administrator Services The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator Instrumentation Service monitors the health of a system and provides rapid access to detailed fault and performance information gathered by industry-standard systems management agents.
NOTE: You must have Administrator or Power User privileges to view many of the system tree objects, system components, action tabs, and data area features that are configurable. Additionally, only users logged in with Administrator privileges can access critical system features such as the shutdown functionality included under the Shutdown tab.
To view the modular system’s chassis information and Chassis Management Controller (CMC) information, click the Modular Enclosure object. • Tab: Properties • Subtab : Information Under the Properties tab, you can: • View the chassis information for the modular system being monitored.
NOTE: Automatic System Recovery actions may not execute exactly per the time-out period (n seconds) when the watchdog identifies a system that has stopped responding. The action execution time ranges from n-h+1 to n+1 seconds, where n is the time-out period and h is the heart beat interval.
• View current Platform Event Filter settings and set the Platform Event Filtering actions to be performed in the event that a system component sensor returns a warning or failure value. You can also use the Configure Destination option to select a destination (IPv4 or IPv6 address) where an alert for a platform event is to be sent.
NOTE: Hardware performance is supported only on Dell PowerEdge 10G and later systems. The Power Supplies option is not available on Dell PowerEdge 1900.
system’s LCD information can be selected from the drop-down menu. You can also enable Indication of Remote KVM session from the Front Panel sub tab. Batteries Click the Batteries object to view information about your system’s installed batteries. Batteries maintain the time and date when your system is turned off.
NOTE: The NIC configuration information within the Server Administrator BIOS setup may be inaccurate for embedded NICs. Using the BIOS setup screen to enable or disable NICs might produce unexpected results.
Unknown Reason Normal [N/A] • Properties • Subtab: Information Under the Properties tab, you can view the details of system’s performance degradation.
• View the current SNMP trap alert thresholds and set the alert threshold levels for memory modules. The selected traps are triggered if the system generates a corresponding event at the selected severity level. Network Click the Network object to manage your system's NICs.
You can also view the System Instantaneous Headroom and System Peak Headroom. The values are displayed in both Watts and BTU/hr (British Thermal Unit).
Processors Click the Processors object to manage your system's microprocessor(s). A processor is the primary computational chip inside a system that controls the interpretation and execution of arithmetic and logic functions.
NOTE: Enabling/disabling IPv4/IPv6 is possible only in a dual stack environment (where both the IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are loaded). Users Subtab: Users Under the Users tab, you can modify the remote access user configuration. You can add, configure, and view information about Remote Access Controller users.
NOTE: Some temperature probe fields differ according to the type of firmware your system has such as BMC or ESM. Some threshold values are not editable on BMC-based systems. When assigning probe threshold values, Server Administrator sometimes rounds the minimum or maximum values you enter to the closest assignable value.
Subtab: Information Under the Properties tab, you can view basic information about your operating system. Storage Server Administrator provides the Storage Management Service: The Storage Management Service provides features for configuring storage devices.
Server Administrator Click the Server Administrator object to enable or disable access to users with User or Power User privileges and to configure the SNMP root password. The Server Administrator object action window can have the following tab, depending on the user's group privileges: Preferences .
5 Working With Remote Access Controller This chapter provides information about accessing and using the remote access features of BMC/iDRAC and DRAC. The Dell systems baseboard management controller (.
System Non-modular system Main System Chassis Non-modular system For more information on the systems support for remote access devices, see the Dell Systems Software Support Matrix available at dell.
IPv4 Address • IP Address Source • IP Address • IP Subnet • IP Gateway IPv6 Address • IP Address Source • IPv6 Address 1 • Default Gateway • IPv6 Address 2 • Link Local Address • D.
NOTE: The NIC Selection option is available only on 11G systems and earlier. • Primary and Failover Network options For 12G systems, the Primary Network options for Remote Management (iDRAC7) NIC are: LOM1 , LOM2 , LOM3 , LOM4 , and Dedicated . The Failover Network options are: LOM1 , LOM2 , LOM3 , LOM4 , All LOMs , and None .
Configuring The Remote Access Device To Use A Serial Port Connection To configure the BMC for communication over a serial port connection: 1. Click the Modular Enclosure → System/Server Module → Main System Chassis/Main System → Remote Access . 2.
• Minimum Privilege Required 5. Click Apply Changes . 6. Click Advanced Settings to further configure BMC. 7. In the Serial Over LAN Configuration Advanced Settings window, you may configure the following information: • Character Accumulate Interval • Character Send Threshold 8.
NOTE: Six additional user entries are configurable when DRAC is installed. This results in a total of 16 users. The same username and password rules apply to BMC/iDRAC and RAC users. When DRAC/iDRAC6 is installed, all the 16 users entries are allocated to DRAC.
NOTE: Power reduction is not supported on all systems. Power Supply Monitoring and Power Monitoring features are available only for systems that have two or more redundant, hot-swappable power supplies installed. These features are unavailable for permanently installed, non-redundant power supplies that lack power management circuitry.
6 Server Administrator Logs Server Administrator allows you to view and manage hardware, alert, and command logs. All users can access logs and print reports from either the Server Administrator home page or from its command line interface.
• Alert Log • Command Log Hardware Log On Dell PowerEdge 9G and 11G systems, use the hardware log to look for potential problems with your system's hardware components. the hardware log status indicator changes to critical status ( ) when the log file reaches 100 percent capacity.
Information displayed in the Alert log includes: • The severity level of the event • The event ID • The date and time that the event was captured • The category of the event • A description of the event NOTE: The log history may be required for future troubleshooting and diagnostic purposes.
7 Setting Alert Actions Setting Alert Actions For Systems Running Supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux And SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Operating Systems When you set alert actions for an event, you can specify the action to display an alert on the server.
To resolve this issue, first call the command processor cmd.exe to start your script. For example, the alert action value to execute an application can be set as follows: c:winntsystem32cmd.exe /c d:exampleexample1.vbs where d:exampleexample1.vbs is the full path to the script file.
Table 13. PEF Alert Events Event Description Fan Probe Failure The fan is running too slow or not at all. Voltage Probe Failure The voltage is too low for proper operation. Battery Probe Warning The battery is operating below the recommended charge level.
8 Troubleshooting Connection Service Failure On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, when SELinux is set to enforced mode , the Dell Systems Management Server Administrator (SM SA) Connection service fails to start. Perform one of the following steps and start this service: • Set SELinux to Disabled mode or to Permissive mode .
c. You log in to Server Administrator as a normal user without administrator privileges. For more information, see the VMware documentation on assigning the role.
Service Name Description Impact of Failure Recovery Mechanism Severity NOTE: If the 32-bit compatibility libraries are not installed on a 64-bit Linux system, the shared services fail to start the inventory collector and display the error message libstdc++.
9 Frequently Asked Questions This section lists the frequently asked questions about OpenManage Server Administrator. NOTE: The following questions are not specific to this release of Server Administrator.
9. Can Server Administrator send e-mails when there is a problem? No, Server Administrator is not designed to send e-mails when there is a problem. 10.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Dell Version 7.3 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Dell Version 7.3 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Dell Version 7.3 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Dell Version 7.3 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Dell Version 7.3, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Dell Version 7.3.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Dell Version 7.3. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Dell Version 7.3 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.