Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto OL-4580-01 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Cisco Conte nt Servic es Switc h Routing and Bridgi n g Configuration Guide Sof tw are V ersion 7 .
iii Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 CONTENTS Preface xv Audienc e xvi How to Use This Guide xvi Relat ed Do cume nta tion xvii Symbols a nd Convention s xx Obtain ing Documentat ion xxi Cisco.
Contents iv Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Specif ying VLAN Trunk ing for an I nterface 1-11 Select ing a Default VLAN in a Tru nk 1-13 Config uring .
v Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Conte nts Config uring Router -Discover y Protocol Sett ings for a Cir cuit 1-34 Config uring the Rout er-Disco.
Contents vi Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 CHAPTER 3 Configur ing Open Shortest Path Firs t (OSPF) 3-1 OSPF Over view 3-2 OSPF Rout ing Hier archy 3-.
vii Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Conte nts Setti ng the Cost 3-25 Setti ng the Dead Router Interval 3-25 Setti ng the Hello Pac ket Interval 3.
Contents viii Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 CHAPTER 5 Configur ing Routing Information Protocol 5-1 RIP Conf iguration Q uick Start 5-2 Config uring.
ix Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Conte nts CHAPTER 7 Configur ing the Cisco Discovery Protocol 7-1 CDP Confi guration Qui ck Start 7-2 Enab lin.
Contents x Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
xi Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 FI GU RE S Figu re 1-1 CSS I nte rfaces and Circ uits 1-3 Figu re 1-2 Inter face Trunking Be tween VLANs 1-3 F.
Figur es xii Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
xiii Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 TABLES Ta b l e 1 - 1 Inter face and Circui t Configura tion Quic k Start 1-4 Ta b l e 1 - 2 Fiel d Des crip.
Tables xiv Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Ta b l e 3 - 6 Field Descri ptions for the sh ow ospf lsdb Command 3-34 Ta b l e 3 - 7 Field Descri ptions .
xv Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface This gui de provides in s tructi ons to conf igure interfa ces and circuit s , spanning-tree bridging,.
Preface Audienc e xvi Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Audience This guide is intende d for the follo wing trained and qualif ied service personnel who.
xvii Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface Rela ted Docum ent ation Related Documentation In addition t o this docu ment, the CSS docum entati on set include s the following: Chapt er 7, Configur ing the Cisco Discov ery Protocol Conf igur e Ci sco Dis cov ery Prot ocol ( CDP).
Preface Related Documentation xviii Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Cisco Conten t Service s Switch A dministration Guide This g uide desc ribes how t.
xix Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface Rela ted Docum ent ation Cisco Conten t Service s Switch Global Server Load-Ba lancing Configuration .
Preface Symbol s and Conventio ns xx Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Symbols and Conventio ns This guide uses the follo wing symbols and con ventions to identif y dif ferent types of information.
xxi Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface Obta ining Doc ume nta tion Obtaining Documentation Cisco docum entati on and additi onal litera ture are av aila ble on Cisco.c om. Cisco also prov ides se veral ways to obtain technical assista n ce and other technic al resources.
Preface Documenta tion Feed back xxi i Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Documentatio n Feedback Y ou can submit e-mail co m ments about tec h nical docu m entatio n to b ug-doc@cis co.
xxii i Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface Obtaini ng T echnical Assi stance Opening a T AC Case Using the o nline T AC C ase Open T ool is the fastest way to open P3 and P4 cases.
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xxiv Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Priority 4 (P4)—Y ou requi re informa tion or assi stance wit h Cisco produ ct capabiliti es, installation, or conf iguration.
xxv Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Preface Obtaini ng Additiona l Publicati ons and Informa tion • Internet Pr oto col Journal is a quart erly.
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xxvi Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 1 Configuring Interfaces and Circuits This chapter d escribes ho w to co nfigure the CSS interf aces and c ircuits and how to brid ge interfa ces to V irtual LANs ( VLANs).
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Interface a nd Circuit Ov erview 1-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Usin g th e trunk command, you can assign multiple VLANs to a CSS Ethernet interface port ( Fast Etherne t port or G igabit Et hernet p ort).
1-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Inter face an d Circu it Over view Figure 1-1 illustrates the inte rfac es, circuits, and VLANs in a CSS, and Figure 1-2 illustrates trunk ing between VLANs.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Interface a nd Circuit Ov erview 1-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Interface and Circuit Co nfiguration Quick Star t Ta b l e 1 - 1 provides a quick o vervie w of the steps required to conf igure interfa ces and circuits.
1-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Inter face an d Circu it Over view The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 1 - 1 .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring Inte rfaces Interfa ces are ports t hat enabl e you to conne ct devices to the CSS and co nnect t he CSS to th e Inte rnet.
1-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Configuring an Interface T o conf igure an Ethernet interface , use the interface co mmand.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o remov e an interface description , ent.
1-9 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Use the ph y c ommand t o configure th.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-10 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 • phy 1Gbits-FD-sym-asym - Sets the Gigabit Ethern et port to full-duple x mode with sym m etr ic and asymmetric pause frames used with the local device.
1-11 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Bridging an In terface to a VLAN T o specify a VLAN and associate it with the specif ied Ethernet inter face, use the bridge vlan co mmand .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-12 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The follo wing list defines the maximu m .
1-13 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Selecting a Defa ult VLAN in a Trunk .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-14 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring S pannin g-Tree Bridging for .
1-15 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Configuring Spanning-T ree Bridge Pathcost The path co st is the contr ib u tion of t h e interf ace to the v ast path cost to wards the spann ing-tree ro ot.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-16 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring Spanning-T ree Bridge State B.
1-17 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Enabling Port Fast A port with the Port F ast feature enabled is moved directly to the spanning- tree forwar ding state without waiting fo r the standard forw ard-time delay .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-18 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o disab le BPDU guar d, use the global .
1-19 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Showing Interface Config urations This CSS inclu des a series of show interf ace mode co mmands that en able you to vie w interface conf iguration informa tion about the CSS.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-20 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o di splay bri dge for warding or bridge st atus for a spec ific VLAN i n the CSS, enter the show bridge f orwa rding or t he show bridge status co mman d wit h th e VLAN numbe r .
1-21 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces State The s tate of the port. Th e possible states are as follo ws: • Block - The b locking state.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-22 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing Trunking Configur ations The CSS e nables y ou to s how VLAN trun k status informat ion for G igabit Ether net an d Fast Eth ernet por ts.
1-23 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Ta b l e 1 - 6 desc ribes the fields in the show interf ace command o utput.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-24 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Ta b l e 1 - 7 desc ribes the fields in the show phy comm and outpu t.
1-25 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Ta b l e 1 - 8 desc ribes the fields in the show mibii command o utput.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-26 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o clear interf ace statistics, use the clear s tati stics comman d in Supe rUser mode.
1-27 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Showing Etherne t Interface Errors T o list the errors on an Et h ernet in terfa ce, use the s how e ther-errors comm and and o ptions .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-28 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Single Collision The number o f successfully transmitte d frames o n the interf ace for tran sm issions that were inhibited by ex actly one collision .
1-29 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring Interfaces Shutting Down an Interface T o shut do wn an interf ace, use th e admin-shutdown or shut comm and.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Interfaces 1-30 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o shut do wn all inter faces, ente r : # admin-shutdown Restarting an Interface T o restar t an interf ace, use the no admin-shutdown or no shut com mand.
1-31 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Confi guring Cir cuits Configuring Ci rcuits A circuit on th e CSS is a logical entity that map s IP interf aces to a logical por t or group of logic al port s, fo r example, a VL AN.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Circuits 1-32 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring a Circuit IP Address T o assig n an IP addr ess to a circuit, use the ip addr ess comm and.
1-33 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Confi guring Cir cuits Configuring Circuit- IP Redirects By default, the transm ission of Inter net Control Messa ge Protocol (ICM P) redirec t message s is en abled.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Circuits 1-34 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Use the r outer -discove ry prefer ence com mand to specify the pr eference le vel for the adv ertised CSS circuit IP address, relati ve to other de vices on the same network.
1-35 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Confi guring Cir cuits This section includ es the follo w in.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Circuits 1-36 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring the Router- Discover y Max-Advertisement-Interval By default, the maximum inter val timer used for router discov ery adverti sement from the circuit VLAN is 600 (10 minu tes).
1-37 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Confi guring Cir cuits Showing Circuits Use the show circuits command to sho w circuit in f ormatio n .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g Circuits 1-38 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing IP Interfaces Use the show ip interf aces comman d to di spla y conf igured IP i nterfac es on the CSS.
1-39 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring RIP for an IP Interface Configuring RI P for an IP Interface Y ou ca n co nfigure Routi ng Info rmati on Proto col (R IP) attr ibutes on e ach I P interface.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configuring RIP f or an IP Interface 1-40 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring a RIP Default Route By def a ult, th e CSS advertises a default route o n an IP interf ace with a metric of 1.
1-41 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring RIP for an IP Interface Configurin g RIP Pack et Logging By default, CSS of logging re ceiv e d or transm itted RIP packet s on the inter face is disabled .
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configuring RIP f or an IP Interface 1-42 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Ta b l e 1 - 1 2 descr ibes the f ields in the show rip command output.
1-43 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Configuring RIP for an IP Interface Ta b l e 1 - 1 3 descr ibes the f ields in the show rip globals comm and o utput.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g the Switched Port Analyzer Feat ure 1-44 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring the .
1-45 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Config uring the Swit ched Port An alyzer Feature Figure 1-3 shows an example of SP AN con nectivity with a pr otocol anal yzer connec ted to port 2/13 on a CSS.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g the Switched Port Analyzer Feat ure 1-46 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 This se ction de scribes h o w to co nfigure SP AN on a CSS.
1-47 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 1 Configuri ng Interface s and Circuits Config uring the Swit ched Port An alyzer Feature Note If th.
Chapter 1 Configur ing Interfac es and Circuits Configurin g the Switched Port Analyzer Feat ure 1-48 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Direction Direc tion of the traf fi c th at you want to monitor at the so urce p ort.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 2 Configuring Spanning-Tree Bridging for the CSS The CSS s upport s configurati on of Spa nning-Tree Protoc ol (STP) bridging . Spanning -tree br idging de tects, and th en prevents, loo ps in the network.
Chapt er 2 Configuri ng Spannin g-Tre e Bridging for the CSS CSS Spanning -Tree Bridging Qu ick Start 2-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 This chap te.
2-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 2 Configuring Spanning-Tree B ridging for the CSS Confi g uring Spanni ng-Tree Bridge Aging-Time The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 2 - 1 .
Chapt er 2 Configuri ng Spannin g-Tre e Bridging for the CSS Configu ring Spanning-T ree Bridge Forward-Time 2-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Confi.
2-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 2 Configuring Spanning-Tree B ridging for the CSS Config uring Spannin g-Tree Brid ge Priori ty T o s.
Chapt er 2 Configuri ng Spannin g-Tre e Bridging for the CSS Showin g Bridge Confi gurations 2-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o di sable spanning.
2-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 2 Configuring Spanning-Tree B ridging for the CSS Showing Bridge Configurations Bridg e ID The brid ge ID of the bridge. Port The por t ID. State The s tate of the port.
Chapt er 2 Configuri ng Spannin g-Tre e Bridging for the CSS Showin g Bridge Confi gurations 2-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) This chapte r p ro vides configura tion and viewin g informat ion f or the Open Shortest Path Fir st (OSPF) protocol.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Overv iew 3-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 OSPF Overview OSPF is a link-state routing pr.
3-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Overv iew OSPF Routin g Hierarchy The OSPF routing.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Overv iew 3-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Autonomous System The auton o mo us syst em (AS) is a col lectio n of networ ks, unde r the sa me administ rative control, that sha re the same rou ting infor mation wit h each othe r .
3-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Overv iew Area Border Rout ers ABRs ha ve multipl e interfaces t hat connect d irectly to networks in two or mo re areas.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Overv iew 3-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 ASBR rou tes can be advert ised as ty pe1 or type 2 ASE. The di fference bet ween type1 and type2 is ho w the cost is calculate d .
3-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) CSS OS PF Configu ration Qu ick Start CSS OSPF Configur.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) CSS OSPF Configuration Quick Star t 3-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 3 - 1 .
3-9 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) CSS OS PF Configu ration Qu ick Start OSPF IP Interfac e Configuratio n Quick Start T o configure OSPF o n a CSS IP interf ace, see the steps in Ta b l e 3 - 2 .
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) CSS OSPF Configuration Quick Star t 3-10 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 3 - 2 .
3-11 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) CSS OS PF Configu ration Qu ick Start Verifying Your C onfiguration T o veri fy the OSPF global and interface conf igurations, use the show ospf comm and and its o ptions.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configurin g OSPF on the CSS 3-12 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring OSPF on th e CSS T.
3-13 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configu ring OSPF on t he CSS Enabling OS PF After you assign the router ID to the CSS, globally enable OSPF on the CSS.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configurin g OSPF on the CSS 3-14 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o pr opagate s ummary LSA s in t he stub ar ea, includ e the send-summaries opt ion.
3-15 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configu ring OSPF on t he CSS Define an address range by sp ecify ing an IP addre ss and s ubnet m ask th at represe nts networks i n the are a being summar ized.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configurin g OSPF on the CSS 3-16 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o advertise a route as OSPF ASE through all OSPF interfaces or generate a defau lt r oute, see the foll owing sections .
3-17 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configu ring OSPF on t he CSS Star t Is OSPF Enabled? .
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configurin g OSPF on the CSS 3-18 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The ASBR can p erform external route summarizatio n to c o nsolidate multiple routes in to a single ad vertisement.
3-19 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configu ring OSPF on t he CSS Optiona lly , you can define any of the fo llowing: • The netw ork cost for the route b y including the met ric opt ion.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configurin g OSPF on the CSS 3-20 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 !************************** SERVICE ************************** service c100 ip address 1.
3-21 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configu ring OSPF on t he CSS Optiona lly , you can define any of the fo llowing: • The netw ork cost for an OSPF default route b y including the metric option.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface 3-22 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Optiona lly , you can define any of the fo llowing: • The ne twork c ost for the rout e by incl uding th e metric option .
3-23 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface Configuring the CSS IP Interf ace a s an OSPF In terface An OSPF interf ace is an IP interf ace that yo u configure to send and recei ve OSPF traf fic.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface 3-24 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Assigning an OSPF Area to the Interface After you configure the I P inte rface as an OSPF interf ace, assign it to the area that you glob ally conf igured to the CSS.
3-25 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface • Setting the.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface 3-26 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The hello in terval is th e length of time, in seconds, between hell o packets that the interf ace sends to its neighbor routers.
3-27 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Configuring OSPF on a CSS IP Interface For example, to set the poll inte rv a l to 200 seconds , enter: (config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-3.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-28 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o s et the ret rans miss io n in terval to 1 0 se cond s, ente r: (config-circuit-ip[VLAN6-3.
3-29 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information Showing OSPF Ar ea Information T o show informati on abo ut OSPF areas, enter: # show ospf areas Ta b l e 3 - 3 desc ribes the fields in the show ospf areas command output.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-30 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing IP Interf ace Information T o sho w OSPF interf aces, enter: # show ospf interfaces Ta b l e 3 - 5 desc ribes the fields in the show ospf inte rfaces comman d output.
3-31 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information State The functional le vel of an int erface. The state determine s whether full adja cencies are allo wed to form ov er the inte rface .
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-32 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Priority The priorit y assigned to the interf ace advertised in the hello packe ts.
3-33 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information Showing Link-State Data bases Y o u can sho w the entire OSPF link-state d atabase (LSDB) or its specific entr y types with the show ospf lsdb c om m an d .
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-34 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o sho w the entire database, enter: # show ospf lsdb Ta b l e 3 - 6 desc ribes the fields in the show ospf lsdb comm and outpu t.
3-35 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information AD V Ro uter This f ield spec.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-36 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing ASE Entries T o sho w AS- e xternal (ASE) entr ies in the LSDB, ent er: # show ospf ase T o fin d specif ic entries, pipe the output through the grep comm and.
3-37 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information Showing the Conf igured Adv e.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-38 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing the Redistribu tion P .
3-39 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information Showing Summary Route C onfig.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-40 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T able 3-1 1 Field Descr iptio.
3-41 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Showing OSPF Information State/ Dr The stat e of a con versa tion being he ld with a neig hboring router .
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Sho win g OSPF Infor mat ion 3-42 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 State/Dr (cont.) • Exchange - In this sta te, the CSS sends DD packets to the ne ighbor to desc ribe its ent ire link-st ate databa se.
3-43 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Configuration in a Startup-Configuration File OSPF Configurat ion in a Startup-Configuration File The follo wing exa m ple sho w s an OSPF c o nfiguration in a startup- configuration fil e.
Chapter 3 Configuring Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) OSPF Conf iguration in a Start up-Configura tion File 3-44 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 4 Configuring the Address Resolu tion Protocol This c hapter desc ribes how to configu re Addres.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol ARP Configura tion Quick Start 4-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 ARP Configurati on Quick Start Ta b l e 4 - 1 provide s a quick overview of the steps require d to configure a st atic ARP ma p.
4-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 4 Configuri ng the Addres s Resolutio n Protocol Configuring ARP Mapping Configuring ARP Mappi ng T o define a stat ic ARP mapp ing, use the ar p co mmand .
Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol Configurin g ARP Timeout 4-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Configuring ARP Time out T o set the time, in seco n ds, to hold an ARP resolu tion result, use the arp tim eout comm and.
4-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 4 Configuri ng the Addres s Resolutio n Protocol Updating ARP Parameters Updating ARP Parameters T o u pdate t he file co ntainin g hosts reacha ble thr ough ARP , u se the update arp comman d.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol Showing A RP Informat ion 4-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing ARP Information Use the show arp command to display ARP information.
4-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 4 Configuri ng the Addres s Resolutio n Protocol Showing ARP Information Ta b l e 4 - 2 desc ribes the fields in the show arp comm and outpu t.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol Showing A RP Informat ion 4-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o di splay the global ARP co nfiguration, e nter: # show arp config Ta b l e 4 - 4 desc ribes the fields in the show arp config comman d output.
4-9 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 4 Configuri ng the Addres s Resolutio n Protocol Showing ARP Information T o display the resolution for a host IP address, en ter: # show arp 192.
Chapter 4 Configuring the Address Resolution Protocol Showing A RP Informat ion 4-10 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 5 Configuring Routing Information Protocol The CSS e nables y ou to c onfigure globa l Routi ng Infor mation Prot ocol (RI P) attrib utes used to advertise routes on the CSS.
Chapter 5 C onfiguring Routing Information Protocol RIP Configuratio n Quick Start 5-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 RIP Configuration Quic k Start Ta b l e 5 - 1 provide s a quick overview of the steps re quired to co nfigure glob al RIP attrib utes for the C SS.
5-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Routing Informa tion Protocol Configuring RIP Advertise Configuring RI P Advertise T o advertise a route th rough RI P on the CSS, use t he rip advertis e comman d.
Chapter 5 C onfiguring Routing Information Protocol Configurin g Equal-Cost RIP Routes 5-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The optio ns and var iables for this co mmand are as follows: • fi re w a l l - Advertises f irew all routes through RIP .
5-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Routing Informa tion Protocol Showing RIP Configurations Showing RIP Configurations Use th e sho w rip comm and to sh ow a RIP configurat ion for one IP a ddress or a ll IP addresses c onfigured in the CSS.
Chapter 5 C onfiguring Routing Information Protocol Showing RIP Con figurations 5-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 T o disp lay glob al RIP stat istics, ente r: # show rip globals Ta b l e 5 - 3 desc ribes the fields in the show rip globals comma nd out put.
5-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 5 Configuring Routing Informa tion Protocol Showing RIP Configurations Ta b l e 5 - 4 desc ribes the fields in the show rip st atistics comm and o utpu t.
Chapter 5 C onfiguring Routing Information Protocol Showing RIP Con figurations 5-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol This ch apter prov id es inf o rmation to conf ig ure th e I.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol IP Configurat ion Quick Sta rt 6-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 IP Configuration Quick Start Ta b l e 6 - 1 provide s a quick overvie w of the steps re quired to set up the IP conf iguration for the CSS.
6-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Configuring an IP Route The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 6 - 1 .
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Configurin g an IP Route 6-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Use the ip route comman d to conf igure an IP route.
6-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Configuring an IP Route • fi re w a l l - C onfigures a firewall rout e. The fir e w a l l option instructs the CSS to use fi rewall lo ad balancin g for this route.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Disabling an Implicit Serv ice for the Static Route Next Hop 6-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Disabling.
6-7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Config uring an IP Source Route Configuri ng an IP Sourc e Route T o enable the CSS to process frames with infor m ation that o verrides the def ault routin g, use the i p source-rou te command.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Configu ring Box-to-B ox Redundan cy 6-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 The CSS d oes n ot lo ad ba lance TCP or U DP pa ckets w ith I P op tions that ar e desti ned to a VIP address.
6-9 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Forw ardi ng IP Subne t Bro adcas t Add ress ed Fr ames The options for this global conf iguration mode comman d are as follo ws: • address - Choose amo ng altern ate pat hs based on IP addresse s.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Configu ring IP Uncondi tional Bridgi ng 6-10 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Cautio n Enabl ing the CS S .
6-11 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Config uring IP Opportu nistic Layer 3 For warding For exam ple, Figure 6-1 sho ws a CSS connected to VLAN1 and VLAN2.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-12 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 • disabled - The CSS do es not perf orm oppor tunisti c Layer 3 for warding .
6-13 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Showing IP Configu r ation I nformation Showing IP Global Config uration Paramete rs Use t he show ip config co mmand to displa y IP global conf iguratio n parame ters.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-14 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing IP Interf ace Information Use the show ip interf aces comman d to di spla y conf igured IP i nterfac es on the CSS.
6-15 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Showing IP Configu r ation I nformation Showing IP Routing Information Use the show ip r outes command to display IP routing informa tion.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-16 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Showing IP Statistics Use the show ip statistics command to display aggregate TCP statistics for th e unit.
6-17 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Showing IP Configu r ation I nformation TCP Stat istics Retransmit Algorithm The algori thm used to determine the timeo ut v alue for retransmittin g unackno wledged octets.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-18 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Input Se gments The total number o f se gments recei ved, incl uding tho se received in erro r .
6-19 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Showing IP Configu r ation I nformation Echo Requests O ut The number of transm itted ICM P Echo requ est messages.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-20 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Resetting IP Statistics T o set the global IP (TCP/UDP) statistics for the CSS to zero, use the zero i p statistics command in an y mode.
6-21 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Pro tocol Showing IP Configu r ation I nformation T otal Hos ts The cu rrent num ber of h ost en tries, bot h reac hable and unreac hable.
Chapter 6 Configuring the Internet Protocol Showing IP Con figuration Information 6-22 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 7 Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol The Ci sco Disc ov er y Protoc ol (CDP) is a m edium .
Chapt er 7 Config uring t he Ci sco Di scove ry Pro toco l CDP Configura tion Quick Start 7-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 This chap ter contains t.
7-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 7 Configuring the Cisco D iscovery Protoco l Enabl ing C DP The fo llo wing running-c onfiguratio n example shows the resul ts of enter ing the comm ands in Ta b l e 7 - 1 .
Chapt er 7 Config uring t he Ci sco Di scove ry Pro toco l Sett ing the CDP Tra nsmis sion Rate 7-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Setting the CDP Transmission Rate By de fa ult , the frequency at whic h the CSS transmi ts C DP packets to all recei ving CDP-compa tible devices is 60 se con ds.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 8 Configuring the DHCP Relay Agent The Dy namic Host Configurat ion Protoc ol (DHCP) servers provide c onfiguration parameters to DHCP clien ts.
Chapter 8 C onfiguring the DHCP Relay Agent DHCP R elay Agen t Confi guration Q uick Start 8-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 DHCP Relay Agent Configuration Quick Start Ta b l e 8 - 1 provid es a quick overview of the ste ps require d to configure the D HCP relay ag ent for the circuit.
8-3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 8 Configuring the DHCP Relay Age nt Addi ng a DHCP Destina tio n on a C ircu it Adding a DHCP Destination o n a Circuit A CSS circuit ac ts as the DHCP relay agent .
Chapter 8 C onfiguring the DHCP Relay Agent Defi ning th e Hops Fi eld Valu e for Fo rwardin g DHCP Me ssages 8-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 Defi.
8-5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Chapter 8 Configuring the DHCP Relay Age nt Displaying the DHCP Relay Configuration IfAddress The inter face address for the c ir cuit. DHCP State The DH CP relay age nt stat e on the ci rcuit (E nabled or Disabled ).
Chapter 8 C onfiguring the DHCP Relay Agent Displayin g the DHCP Relay Configuration 8-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
IN- 1 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 INDEX A aging tim e, configur ing for bri dging 2-3 ARP cleari ng parame ters 4-5 config uring f or CSS 4-3.
Index IN-2 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 circu it config uring 1-31 config uring DHCP re lay destinat ion 8-3 displaying D HCP relay informa tion 8-.
IN- 3 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Index 11503, 1150 6, and 118 00 slot/port designati on 1-7 ARP, confi guring for CSS 4-3 CDP, confi guring 7-1 opportu nistic layer 3 for wardi ng 6-10 RIP, con figuring 5-1 D default IP ro ute, configu ring 6-3 default V LAN, r estoring 1-11, 1-12 DHCP.
Index IN-4 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 H hello ti me, conf igurin g for br idging 2-4 I ICMP redirect me ssage transmission, disabling 1-33 implic.
IN- 5 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Index O opportu nistic layer 3 for wardi ng config urati on exampl e 6-10 config uring 6-10 OSPF advert isi.
Index IN-6 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 OSPF IP in terface runn ing-con fig exampl e 3-10 P packet storms, pre venti ng 2-5 panning -tree b ridging.
IN- 7 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Index default broadcas t IP address 1-32 default path cost 1-13, 1-15 default VLAN 1-11 router-d iscovery a.
Index IN-8 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01 OSPF configure d advertise d ASE routes 3-36, 3-37 OSPF globa l statistics 3-29 OSPF inter face information.
IN- 9 Cisco Con tent Servic es Switch Routi ng and Bridging Con figuration Gu ide OL-4580-01 Index W warnin g symbol overv iew xx Z zero, resettin g Ethernet stat istics to 1-27.
Index IN-10 Cisco Content Services Switch Routing and Bridging Configuration Guide OL-4580-01.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems OL-4580-01 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems OL-4580-01 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems OL-4580-01 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems OL-4580-01 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems OL-4580-01, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems OL-4580-01.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems OL-4580-01. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems OL-4580-01 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.