Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 38APD025-100 del fabbricante Carrier
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Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specifications or de signs without notice and without inc urring obligations. Catalog No . 04-53 380002-01 Printed in U .S .A. Form 38AP-1SI Pg 1 8-09 Replaces: Ne w Installation Instr uctions CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS .
2 DO ME ST IC UN IT S — S tandard 38AP unit packaging con- sists of coil protection only . Skids ar e not pr ovided. If overhead rigging is not available at the jobsite, place the unit on a skid or pad before dragging or rolling. When rolling, use a minimum of 3 rollers.
3 Table 1 — 38AP025-050 U nit Physical Data — English LEGEND *T ypical o perating charge with 25 ft o f interconnecting pipi ng. Operati ng charge is appro ximate f or maximum system capacity . Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding ch arge.
4 Table 2 — 38AP060-100 U nit Physical Data — English LEGEND *T ypical o perating charge with 25 ft o f interconnecting pi ping. Operati ng charge is appro ximate f or maximum system capacity . Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding charge .
5 Table 3 — 38AP025 -050 Unit Physical Data — SI LEGEND *T ypical oper ating charge with 7.62 m of interconnecting pipi ng. Operating charge is appro ximate f or maximum system capacity . Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding ch arge. Refrigera nt charge f or dual circuit uni ts is the total for b ot h circuits .
6 Table 4 — 38AP060 -100 Unit Physical Data — SI LEGEND *T ypical operating charge with 7.62 m of intercon necting piping. Oper ating charge is appro ximate f or maximum system capacity . Unit is factory supplied with nitrogen holding charge . Refrigerant cha rge f or dual circuit units is the total for b oth circuits .
7 Table 5 — Oper ational Corner Weights wit h Refrigerant Charge (Appro ximate) 38APS Unit (lb) 38APD Unit (lb) 38APS Unit (kg) 38APD Unit (kg) 38APS UNIT SIZE TOT A L WEIGHT OPERA TIONAL CORNER WEI.
8 Fig. 3 — Rigging Labels Fig. 4 — Perimeter Support Channe l SIZES 025 TO 060 SIZES 070 T O 100 a38-71 15 a38-71 16 LEGEND ASTM — American Society for T esting a nd Materials 4 x 24 in.
9 UNIT ST AND ARD WEIGHT , lb (kg) CENTER OF GRA VITY , in. (mm) HEIGHT , in. (mm) PO WER ENTR Y , in. (mm) SER VICE V AL VE CONNECTIONS, in. (mm) X Y H P Suction Liquid Standard 38APS025 1077 (489) 17.8 (452) 36.9 (937 ) 61.0 (1549) 24.9 (632) 1 5 / 8 (41) 5 / 8 (16) 38APD025 1095 (497) 17.
10 UNIT ST ANDARD WEIGHT , lb (kg) CENTER OF GRA VITY , in. (mm) HEIGHT , in. (mm) SER VICE V AL VE CONNECTIONS, in. (mm) X Y H Suction Liquid Standard 38APS040 1968 (893) 35.0 (869) 44.0 (1118) 73.0 (1854) 2 1 / 8 (54) 7 / 8 (22) 38APD040 2094 (950) 33.
11 UNIT ST ANDARD WEIGHT , lb (kg) CENTER OF GRA VITY , in. (mm) HEIGHT , in. (mm) SER VICE V AL VE CONNECTIONS, in. (mm) Suction Li quid X Y H Circuit A Circuit B Standard 38APD070 2450 (1111) 50.9 (1293) 40.6 (1031) 73.0 (1854) 2 1 / 8 (54 ) 1 5 / 8 (41) 7 / 8 (22) Low Sound 38APD070 2522 (1144) 50.
12 UNIT ST ANDARD WEIGHT , lb (kg) CENTER OF GRA VITY , in. (mm) HEIGHT , in. (mm) SER VICE V AL VE CONNECTIONS, in. (mm) Suction Li quid X Y H Circuit A Circuit B Standard 38APD080 2610 (1184) 67.6 (1716) 40.2 (1020) 73.0 (1854) 2 1 / 8 (54) 1 5 / 8 (41) 7 / 8 (22) 38APD090 2835 (1286) 72.
13 OUTDOOR FAN LAYOUT ( S in g le and Dual Circuit) S IZE S 025-0 3 0 S IZE S 040-050 S IZE S 060-070 COMPRE SS OR LAYOUT DUAL CIRCUIT S IZE S 025-0 3 0 S IZE S 040-060 S IZE S 070-0 8 0 TOP VIEW S IZ.
14 40RU a38-7098_gs LEGEND *Field supplied. †If dou b le suction riser is re q uired f or piping system, size short riser (3 ft maximum) according to Fig.
15 a38-7099_gs NO TES: 1. All piping must follo w standard refrigerant piping techni q ues. Ref er to Carrier System Design Manual f or details. 2. All wiring must comply with the applica b le local and national codes.
16 Table 6 — Refriger ant Specialt ies Part Numbers LEGEND *Bushing re q uired to fit 5 / 8 in. line. NO TE: 1. Fil ter drie rs hav e b een sized b ased upon 1 to 2 p sig pressure drop clean in accordance with ARI Standard 710. 2. All pip e sizes are OD inches.
17 Step 3 — Make Refrigerant Piping Connections The units have large suction lines to minimize friction loss- es. The units also have the ability to operate at low capacity . Because of these capabilities, use special care with suction pip- ing and suction risers to ensure proper compressor oi l return under all operating conditions.
18 Table 7 — Refrigerant Piping Re quirements 38APS025-050 Single-Circuit Units (60 Hz) 38APD025-100 Dual-Circuit Units (60 Hz) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shading indicates dou b le suction riser re q uired on units if con- densing unit is located higher than ev aporator .
19 Table 7 — Refrigerant Piping Requirement s (cont) 38APS025-050 Single-Circuit Units (50 Hz) 38APD025-100 Dual-Cir cuit Units (50 Hz) LEGEND NO TES: 1. Shading indicates dou b le suction riser re q uired on units if con- densing unit is located higher than ev aporator .
20 Table 7 — Refrigerant Piping Requirement s (cont) 38APS025-50 Single-Circuit Unit s Double Suction Riser (60 Hz) 38APD025-100 Dual-Circ uit Units Double Suction Riser (60 Hz) LEGEND 1. Refer to the figure locat ed to the right f or suction line piping locations .
21 Table 7 — Refrigerant Piping Requirement s (cont) 38APS025-50 Single-Circuit Unit s Double Suction Riser (50 Hz) 38APD025-100 Dual-Circuit Units Double Suction Riser (50 Hz) LEGEND 1. Refer to the figure locat ed to the right f or suction line piping locations .
22 LIQUID LINE SOLENOID V AL VE — Fi el d - su p p l ie d liquid line solenoid valve(s) must be in stalled at the evaporator if coil surface area is exceeded per T able 8. Install liquid line solenoid valve just ahead of the TXVs (thermostatic expansion valves) which will be mounted at the evaporator .
23 LEGEND *Field-supplied. †Field-supplied when re q uired. See T a b le 8. Fig. 13 — Re quired Location of Solenoid Valves a nd Recommended Filter Drier and Sight Glass Locat ions for 38APD025-1 00 Dual-Circui t Units LLS — Li q uid Line Solenoid TXV — Ther mostatic Expansion V alve *Field-supplied.
24 SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION a38-7120 SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION LEGEND NO TE: F or units with single condensat e pan, lo wer coil section is first on, last off.
25 Table 8 — Requirements for Installation of Liquid Line Solenoid Valve 38AP UNIT SIZE CIRCUIT MAXIMUM ALLO W ABLE EV APORA T OR SURF ACE AREA WITHOUT LIQUID LINE SOLENOID V AL VE (sq ft) 4-Row , 1 / 2 in. T ube 6-Row , 1 / 2 in. T ube 8-Row , 1 / 2 in.
26 Step 4 — Make Electrical Connection s PO WE R S UP PL Y — The electrical characteristic s of the available power supply must agree with the unit nameplate rating. Supply voltage must be within the limits shown in T ables 9-12. See T able 13 for incoming power options.
27 Fig. 18 — Field Po wer Wiring LEGEN D NO TES : 1. Factory wiring is in accordance with UL 1995 standards. Field modifi cations or additions must b e in compliance wit h all applica b le codes. 2. All unit s or modules hav e single point primary power connection.
28 a38-7125 * * LV T TERMINAL S TRIP † 6 * LV T TERMINAL S TRIP Fig. 20 — Constant Volume Applic ation Wiring Diagra m 2-Stage Thermos tat Control, Sizes 025 -030 — without Digital Scroll O ption *Not re q uired f or single circuit units. a38-7126 Fig.
29 Fig. 23 — Variable Air Volume Appl icatio n Wiring Diagram, Sizes 025-100 *See Fig. 19 for EA T and SA T location. †Not re q uired for single circuit units. LV T TERMINAL S TRIP * * † a38-7127 *See Fig. 19 fo r EA T and SA T location. †Not re q uired f or single circuit units.
30 Legend and Notes f or Fig. 20-24 LEGEND NO TES: 1. F actory wir ing is in accordance with UL 1995 standards. Field modifications or additions must b e in compliance with all appli- ca b le codes. 2. All units or modules hav e single point primary power connec- tion.
31 Table 9 — 38APS Standa rd Condenser Fan Electrical Da ta Table 10 — 38APS Low Sound Condenser Fa n Electrical Data LEGEND NO TES: 1. Units are suita b le for use on electrical systems where v oltage supplied to the unit terminals is not b elow or a b ov e the liste d minimum and maximum limit s.
32 Table 11 — 38APD Standard Condenser Fan Electrica l Data LEGEND NO TES: 1. Units are suita b le for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied to the unit ter minals is not b elow or a b ov e the listed minimum and maximum limits . Maximum allo wa b le phase im b alance is: voltage 2%; amps 10%.
33 Table 12 — 38APD Low Sound C onde nser Fan Electrical Data LEGEND NO TES: 1. Units are suita b le for use on electrical systems where voltage supplied to the unit ter minals is not b elow or a b ov e the listed minimum and maximum limits . Maximum allo wa b le phase im b alance is: voltage 2%; amps 10%.
34 Table 13 — Unit Incomin g Power Options LEGEND NO TES: 1. T er minal b loc k high SCCR option units must use approv ed fuses to meet high SCCR rating. 2. High SCCR disconnect option un its can use either approv ed fuse or circuit b reaker f or incoming power protection.
Manufacturer reserves the right to disco ntinue, or change at any time, specificatio ns or designs without notice and without inc urring obligations. Catalog No .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Carrier 38APD025-100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Carrier 38APD025-100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Carrier 38APD025-100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Carrier 38APD025-100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Carrier 38APD025-100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Carrier 38APD025-100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Carrier 38APD025-100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Carrier 38APD025-100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.