Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7490 del fabbricante Canon
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W ired Setting Pr ojector Set-up and Operation U ser ’ s Manual Netw ork Set-up and Op er a tion This is the manu al for the Net work function. Read this ma nual thoroughly t o operate the Network f unction.
2 C ompli anc e CA UTION IN USING THE PROJECT OR VIA NETWORKS ● When you find a problem with the projector , remove the power cable immediately and inspect the unit.
3 ENGLISH Indicates a potential ly haz ardous situation which, if not avoided, may cause death or serious injur y . Indicates a potential ly haz ardous situation which, if not avoided, may cause minor or mo derate inj ur y . Indicates a potential ly haz ardous situation which, if not avoided, may cause elec - tric shock .
4 Compliance ....................................................................................................................................................................................2 Safet y instr uctio ns .................................
ENGLISH 5 ENGLISH 1 Ch apt er 1 Pr epar at ion Describes features and operating en vironmen t of this projector ..
6 Ch apte r 1 Prep aratio n F eat ures E-Mail Alert func tion ( + p .25) T h e p r o j e c t o r s e n d s m e s - s a ge s to t h e r e gi s te re d e - m ai l ad dress es wh en a la mp a bno r- ma l it y o r p o we r f a il u re o cc ur s w i t h t h e p r o j e c t o r.
7 ENGLISH Feat ures Requir ed opera ting en vironmen t for c ompu ters When operating the projec t or via network s, computers should me et the op erating envi - ronmen t below.
8 Ch apte r 1 Prep aratio n Cabling Between the Pr ojector and a Hub or computer *1 Use an appr opriate cable when c onnec ting the projector and a hub or comput er .
9 ENGLISH Flo w of ins tal lat ion F lo w of insta lla tion T o use the projec tor via the network s, follow the setup procedur es below. STEP 1 Connect the LAN and set the configura tion. STEP 2 Network C onfigura tion has completed . Decide dep ending on the LAN environ ment.
10 Ch apte r 1 Prep aratio n.
ENGLISH 11 ENGLISH Ch apt er 2 Set up P roc edur es 2 Describes how to configure the network ..
12 Ch apte r 2 Set up Pro cedu res Set ting proc edures and con ten ts dif fer depending on the L AN in stallation location. When installing, con sult your system admini strator to set up the LAN appropriat ely . Connect the L AN cable to the LAN connec tion t erminal of the projector .
13 ENGLISH Net work co nfi gurat ion *1 Set "On" only when the DHCP ser ver is a vailable on your network environment. *2 Set [] if the network does not provide the gateway (router). *3 Set [] if you do not use the function E-mail aler t.
14 Ch apte r 2 Set up Pro cedu res The Net work PIN code is t o restrict the a c cess t o the projector through the network . Af ter set ting the Net work PIN c ode, you nee d to en ter it to oper at e the projec t or via the net works. Network PIN c ode Network inf ormation 1 .
15 ENGLISH Net work fa ctor y de faul t Network factory default 1 . Select “ Network f actor y default” in the N etwork menu and press OK but ton. 2. A confirma tion box appears and selec t "Y es" and then pr ess OK but ton. 3. Another c onfirmation box appears and selec t "Y es" a nd then press OK but ton.
16 Ch apte r 2 Set up Pro cedu res W ired LAN factor y default settings Paramet er SELECTED LAN LAN 1 LAN 2 LAN 3 DHCP OFF ON OFF IP ADDRESS SUBNET MASK GA TEWA Y ADDRESS 255.
ENGLISH 17 ENGLISH Ch apt er 3 Basi c Settin g and Opera ti on 3 Describes basic operations and set tings for c ontrolli ng the projec - to r b y u sin g th e we b b ro ws e r . It i s r eq ui re d t ha t co m pu ter a nd projector is connec ted t o the network and the network address is properly configured.
18 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration Logi n the settin g page of t he pro jector [1] Enter the IP address Launch the web browser installed in your co m pu te r, e nt er t h e I P a d d re ss i nt o t h e " Ad dress" on the browser and th en press "Ent er" key .
19 ENGLISH [3] Display of main setting page T he f oll ow in g m ai n s et t in g p ag e wi ll b e d isp la ye d a cco rdi ng to yo ur d isp la y m od e selec tion. Perfor m various kinds of set tings through this page. Clic k on the menu s to dis - play the con trol and setting pag es.
20 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration How t o use t he setting p age T o c on tr ol and set up th e pr o jector , u se the set t ing men u s on th e w eb bro wser . Desc ribe s the bas ic opera ti on and pr oc edur es c om monl y u sed on t hi s m an ua l.
21 ENGLISH How to u se th e set tin g page Radi o button s ettin g Sele ct an item by sel ect ing a radio but ton. Check b ox settin g Sele ct items by tick ing on check boxes.
22 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration Init ial se tting Af ter i nstalling the projector , per form the following basic in itial set ting. Click Initial Se tting on the main menu to di splay the initial setting page. Ite m D escr iptio n Language .
23 ENGLISH Initi al se tti ng Network PIN code setting This is to set the Net work PIN code to restric t t h e a c c e s s f r o m a n u n a u t h o r i z e d p e r s o n through the network . En te r a 4 - di g it n um b e r a s t h e N e t w or k P IN code ont o the tex t box and clic k Set bu tton.
24 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration Network c on f ig ura tio n Click N etwork on the mai n menu. T he following set ting page is di splayed. The IP Address, Su bnet Mask, D efault Gateway , DNS (D omai n Name Ser ver ) and projector name are set up on thi s menu.
25 ENGLISH E-mail settin g This projector has an E-mail f unction which c an send an alert message to users or an a dmini strator if it detec ts an abn ormalit y on the projec tor or run out of the life span o f the lamp. So must b e set this E-mail set ting.
26 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration 2 Registering and deleting E-mail addresses Enter the e -mail addres s onto " Add e -mail address " and click Set but ton. To c h e c k t h e r e g is te r e d a d d r e s s e s, c l i c k Check / Delete sub menu tab.
27 ENGLISH E-m ail s ett ing ✐ " When P J lamp is off " signifies the lamp goes out without user operation. " When P J is turned into Standby in proper user operation" signifies .
28 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration ● When P J lamp replacement time is reached: ✐ R eplace it with a new lamp imm ediately and reset the lamp counter . If the proje ctor is used wi thout reset ting the lamp counter , the aler t mail is sent to users in ever y power- on of the p rojector.
29 ENGLISH SNMP setting T his p ro je c to r p rov i de s a SN MP (S im pl e N et wo rk M ana ge m ent Pr oto co l) ag en t f un c ti on . T h e SN MP co ns is ts o f a m ana ge r a nd a ge nt s. T h e gr ou p w h i c h c o m m u n i c a t e s i n f o r m a t i o n e a c h o t h e r w i t h S N M P i s c a l l e d "Comm unity " .
30 Ch apte r 3 Bas ic Se tt ing an d Ope ration Check an d delete th e trap addre ss C h e c k i n g t h e r e g i s t e r e d t r a p a d d r e s s a n d deleting the address. T o delete the address, tick check box in front of the IP address and click Delete but ton.
ENGLISH 31 ENGLISH Ch apt er 4 C on tr ollin g th e Pr oject or 4 Describes c ontrolli ng and s etting of the projector by using the web browser ..
32 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor P ow er c ont rol an d stat us check Cli ck Po we r & S ta tus o n th e m ain m enu . T h e co ntro l p ag e w ill b e d is- played. By clicking O N or Stan dby but t on on the page, the power of th e projector can b e con- trolled.
33 ENGLISH About projector condition Statu s Des cript ion Normal ............................................................... Projector is operating normally . P ow er mana geme nt in o per ati on ........... Power management is operating Lamp failure .
34 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor C ont rol Click Con trol on the main menu. Th e set ting metho d dif fers dep ending on the cont ents of the page.
35 ENGLISH Sy stem This func tion is to selec t the system of signal in put to t he pr oje c tor. T h e av ai lab le s ys tem mode are listed on the p ul l- down m enu but- to n a c co r di n g t o t h e i n p ut s i gn a l . S e l e c t a sys t em and then click Set but t on.
36 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor Sound T h is f u n c t i o n i s t o a d j us t t h e s o u n d o f t h e projector . T he values in the tex t box re present the current c ontr ol value or status. Ite m D escr iptio n V olume ............
37 ENGLISH Ite m D escr iptio n Contrast .............................. Adjusts picture con- trast (0~ 63) Brightness ......................... Adjusts picture bright- ness (0~ 63) Color ...................................... Adjusts picture color saturation (0~ 63) Tint .
38 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor PC ad just ment Click PC Adj . on the main menu. T hi s f unction is to adjust the signa l f rom th e co mp ute r co nn ec t ed to th e p ro je c tor to o bt ain t he pr op er p ic t ure image on the screen.
39 ENGLISH Setting u p the pro jector Click Set ting o n the main menu. This f unction is to set up the projec t or . Selec t the su b menu [Aspec t set ting] or [Setting] and then set up each set - ting. Se tt ing up th e proje ctor Ite m D escr iptio n Aspect .
40 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor Setting 1 Ite m D escr iptio n Language .............. Sets the language display of projector's on-screen display menu. Auto setup ........... Executes the Aut o PC, Auto input, and Auto keystone functions below accord- ing to the each setting after clicking Star t button.
41 ENGLISH Se tt ing up th e proje ctor Ite m D escr iptio n Filt er counter ...... Displays the filter counter . Reset the time after filter clean-up. Click "Reset" , a con- firmation display appears, and then click "OK" , the time will be reset.
42 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor Info rma tion This p age is to display the b as ic information of the projector status. Click Infor mation on the main menu. Ite ms Des cript ion Input ............................................ Displays selected input and source.
43 ENGLISH Indication of the lamp status Ico n disp lay/ba ckgr ound Statu s White/Blue Lamp on (No rmal) White/Red Lamp on (L amp is being use d over a specif ied use time, replace lamp immediately) .
44 Ch apte r 4 Cont rolli ng the P rojec tor.
ENGLISH 45 ENGLISH Ch apt er 5 Appendix 5 Connection examples Use of telnet W eb brow ser setting Q & A.
46 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Examples o f con nection Peer- T o-Peer connection Connecting the projec tor (P J01 ) to the con trol comput er (PC 05) d irec tly . Projector Name: P J01 IP Address : Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : 0.
47 ENGLISH The gatew ay (Router) installed in the network Connecting the projec tor (P J01 ) to the c ontrol c omputer (PC 05 ) via the gat eway . T o another network Network Group: 192.168.200.x Network Group: 192.168.10.x Projector Name: P J01 IP Address : 192.
48 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Us e of tel net Y ou can contr ol the projector by us ing the t elnet application *1 installed on your com puter . Normally , the t elnet application is a vailable on your com puter . * The telnet 1 000 0 por t is used to c ontrol the pr ojec tor .
49 ENGLISH 3. When communication is es tablished correc tly , the word "P ASSWORD:" appears on the window . T y pe the login password (Net work PIN code *2 ) for the projector and then press "Ent er" key on the keyboard. If you do not set up the N etwork PIN code, ju st press "Ente r" key .
50 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x W eb bro w ser setting T his pr oje c to r is d esi gne d to b e s et up an d co ntr oll e d f rom a n In tern et w eb b row se r . Depending on th e prefere nce set tings of the web browser , some control func tions may not b e available.
51 ENGLISH Examples : OS /Bro w sers W indows XP P rof essional Internet Explorer v .6.0 ActiveScript settin g Selec t Internet O ptions from T oo ls menu on the web b r owser and then sele ct Se curit y tab and click C ustom ize Level… button.
52 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Proxy se tting S e l e c t I n t e r n e t O p t i o n s f ro m To o l s m e n u o n t h e w e b b r o w s e r a n d t h e n s e l e c t Connec tion tab and click LAN Set tings but t on.
53 ENGLISH W eb bro wse r set ting Netscape Navigator v .7.1 JavaScript Setting S e l e c t P r e f e r e n c e f ro m E d i t m e n u o n t h e w e b b r o w s e r a n d t h e n s e l e c t t h e i t e m A d va n c e d / S cr i p t s & P lu g i n s in the Ca teg or y colu mn.
54 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x MA C OS X v 10.4 Safari v .3.2.1 JavaScript enable setting S e l e c t P r e f e r e n c e s . . . f r o m S a f a r i o n t h e w e b b r o ws e r a n d t h en s e l e c t S e c u r i t y t a b a n d c h e c k E n a b l e JavaSc ript .
55 ENGLISH Q&A Q&A Installation/ Access Q Why doesn ’t the setting page appear in my web bro wser? A Following causes ar e possible. P lease check them. 1 . The projec tor does not connect to the network . Check LED indicat ors status ( + p.
56 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Q We use the DHC P/BOOTP se rver to a ssign the IP addr ess. Is it poss ible to use the projector in this network environment? A P ossible.
57 ENGLISH Q&A Ope ration Q Why can ' t be turned on/off with web browser? A Ple as e m ake su re th e s et tin gs o f t he p roj e c tor a re co r re c t to us e th e p ro je c to r . Plea se set the Standby mode of the projector's Se tting menu to " Net work " .
58 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Other s Q What are the rules for IP address assignment? A If the net work is construc t ed with TC P /IP prot ocol, a unique IP address is required for each pie c e of net work equipment. T he following are basic rules of the assign- ment.
59 ENGLISH Q&A Q Can I update the firmw are of the projector . A It is possible to update th e firmware thr ough the net work . It is required to ha ve a special t ool for the up da ting. For fur ther informa tion please consult your local deal- er .
60 Ch apte r 5 Appe ndi x Menu T ree Projector Menu LAN mode select Network setting Network PIN code Network information Network factor y default LAN1/LAN2/LAN3 DHCP On/DHCP Off Main Prog ram Y es/No Network MAC addr ess IP address W eb Menu Language Model name SERIAL NO.
61 ENGLISH Aspect Ceiling Rear Setting Reset Setting 1 Normal/Full/16:9/Z oom/T rue/Custom ON/OFF Aspect setting Language Auto setup Background Display Logo T erminal Pow er management mode Direct pow.
L V-7490 NET WORK USER'S MANU AL SO-KA2PC © C ANON INC. 201 1 1 CANON INC. 30-2, Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan U.S.A. CANON U.S.A. INC. One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042-1198, U.S.A. For all inquires concerning this product, call toll free in the U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Canon 7490 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Canon 7490 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Canon 7490 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Canon 7490 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Canon 7490, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Canon 7490.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Canon 7490. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Canon 7490 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.