Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TH4400 del fabbricante Bush Hog
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107 $10.00 50044549 T rail Series O F F R O A D UT I L I T Y V E HI CL E S Operator’s Manual M OD E L S T H 4 2 0 T H 44 0 T H 4 2 0 0 T H 44 0 0 ASSEMBLY • OPERATION • MAINTENANCE BUSH HOG ®.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have invested in the best vehicle of its type on the market today. The care you give your Bush Hog vehicle will greatly determine your satisfaction with its performance and its service life.
B U SH H OG ® Tr ai l Se ri es U ti li ty V eh ic les TA BL E OF CO NTE NT S SECTION PAGE Retail Customer’s Responsibility 2 Warranty 3 Dealer Preparation Check List 5 Safety Alert Symbols 6 Safety.
RETAIL CUSTOMER’S RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THE BUSH HOG WARRANTY It is the Retail Customer and/or Operator’s responsibility to read the Operator’s Manual, to operate, lubricate, maintain and store the product in accordance with all instructions and safety procedures.
LIMITED WARRANTY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO Bush Hog warrants to the original purchaser of any new Bush Hog equipment, purchased from an authorized Bush Hog dealer, that the equipment be free fr.
CONTINUED THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT APPLY: 1. To vendor items which carry their own warranties, such as engines, tires, and tubes. 2. If the vehicle has been subjected to misapplication, abuse, mis- use, negligence, fire or other accident.
D E A L E R P R E P A R A T I O N C H E C K L I S T UTILITY VEHICLE BEFORE DELIVERING MACHINE — The following check list should be completed. Use the Operator’s Manual as a guide. r 1. Engine has been serviced. r 2. Battery fluid level is checked.
Safety Alert Symbol Safety Signs Signal Words The signal words DANGER, WARNING, AND CAUTION are used on the equipment safety signs. These words are intended to alert the viewer to the existence and the degree of hazard seriousness.
I M P O R T A N T S A F E T Y P R E C A U T I O N S In addition to the design and configuration of equipment, hazard con- trol and accident prevention are dependent upon the awareness, concern, prudence and proper training of personnel in the operation, transport, maintenance and storage of equipment.
• Do not tow heavy loads on hills steeper than 5 degree slope. • Avoid driving through water exceeding floorboard height. • Before leaving, servicing, or adjusting the vehicle, stop engine, set parking brake, remove key, wait for engine and all moving parts to stop.
• Reduce loads and speed when operating over rough or hilly ter- rain. • Use low vehicle speeds when operating with cargo box loads. Heavy loads will affect steering, braking, stability, and overall handling of the vehicle. Limit loads to those that can be safely controlled.
CONTROLLING PARTY INFORMATION (R efe ren ce: S AE J2 258 -DE C 200 3-L igh t-U til ity V ehi cle , APP END IX B, PA RT II - F or th e Con tro lli ng P ar ty .) The Controlling Party is the per- son(s) or organization(s) responsible for the operation and mainte- nance of a vehicle.
OPERATOR TRAINING: The controlling Party should develop, conduct an operator-training program and permit only properly trained persons to operate the util- ity vehicle. OPERATOR-TRAINING PROGRAM: The program should include, as a minimum, the following: Review: • Vehicle operator’s manual instructions.
FUEL SYSTEM: • Check for leaks and condition of parts. • Before disconnection fuel system parts and making repairs: • Allow engine to run until fuel system is depleted.
WARNING 13 POTENTIAL HAZARD Stalling, rolling backwards while climbing a hill WHAT CAN HAPPEN Vehicle overturn HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill If you lose forward speed: Apply the brakes. Lock the parking brake after fully stopped.
WARNING WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle on paved surfaces WHAT CAN HAPPEN Loss of control HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD This vehicle’s tires are designed for off-road use only, not for use on pavement. Paved surfaces may seriously affect han- dling and control of the vehicle, and may cause the vehicle to go out of control.
WARNING WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle on public streets, roads or highways WHAT CAN HAPPEN Collision with another vehicle HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Never operate this vehicle on any public street, road or high- way, including dirt or gravel.
WARNING WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds WHAT CAN HAPPEN Loss of control, accident HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Always travel at a speed proper for the terrain, visibility and operating conditions, and your experience.
WARNING WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Failure to inspect the vehicle before operating Failure to properly maintain the vehicle WHAT CAN HAPPEN Accident, equipment damage HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Always inspect your vehicle before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition.
WARNING WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Failure to follow the minimum age recommendations for this vehicle. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Serious injury or death (the child or others) HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Only persons with a valid driver’s license should operate this vehicle.
19 WARNING Leaving the keys in the ignition can lead to unauthorized use of the vehicle resulting in serious injury or death. Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use.
SECTION I INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION We are pl eased to h ave you as a Bu sh Hog cus tomer. Yo ur Bush Ho g Trail S eries ut ility ve hicle has b een care fully des igned to g ive maxi - mum ser vice wit h minimu m down time .
1 8 10 11 9 2 6 5 7 27 28 24 22 23 18 17 19 29 4 3 30 31 32 16 25 26 21 20 34 14 15 33 13 12 NOTICE! LO CA TI ON S OF CO N- TR OL S AN D FE AT URE S MA Y VA RY S LI GH TLY ON D IF FE RE NT MO DEL S.
UNDER HOOD AREA (WITH CARGO TRAY REMOVED) UNDER SEAT AREA Battery, Brake Fluid Reservoir, Fuses and Relays, Grease Fitting Engine Air Intake Engine Oil Filler Cap Engine Oil Dipstick CVT Enclosure Air.
RIGHT FRONT WHEEL REMOVED Disc Brake Assembly Front Strut Assembly Winch (Optional) CARGO BED RAISED ( SHOWING ENGINE COMPARTMENT) Engine Air Cleaner Housing with Evacuator Valve Transfer Gearbox Trai.
FEATURES DC Power Outlet The 12 volt accessory port is provided to power auxiliary lights or other accessories. Indicator Lights Lights on the dash indicate when the transmission is in neutral. Four wheel drive models have a light that indicates when 4- wheel drive is engaged.
CONTROLS Switches Ignition Switch The ignition switch is a three position, key-operated switch. The key can be removed from the switch when it is in the OFF position. OFF Engine off. All electrical circuits are off except ACC. 12V. ON E le ct ri ca l ci rc u it s ar e on .
SPECIFICATIONS TRAIL HUNTER TRAIL HAND ENGINE TH420 TH440 TH4200 TH4400 Type 4-cycle, OHV V-twin, air-cooled gas Make B ri g gs & S t ra t to n Honda Honda Honda HP / (cc) 16 hp (4 80cc ) 20 h p (.
SPECIFICATIONS TRAIL HUNTER TRAIL HAND DRIVE TRAIN TH420 TH440 TH4200 TH4400 Transmission Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) CVT Protection S hi e ld e d (T H 42 0 o nl y) , Fu l ly e n cl o se .
SECTION II OPERATION GENERAL SAFETY Only qualified people familiar with this operator’s manual should operate this machine. PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST 1. Fill the fuel tank with unleaded regular gasolIne. 2. Make sure dirt and foreign matter are kept out of fuel tank.
Starting The Engine 1. Sit in the driver’s seat and fasten the seat belt. 2. Lock the parking brake 3. Place the transmission in neutral. 4. Pull the choke control all the way out. 5. Tu rn th e ign iti on k ey t o ST ART a nd cr ank f or 10 s eco nds m axi mum .
3. With both hands on the steering wheel, release pressure on brake pedal and carefully apply pressure to throttle pedal. Vehicle speed is controlled by the amount of pressure on the throttle pedal.
Load Distribution 1. Always load the cargo box placing the load as far forward as possible. 2. Always operate the vehicle with extreme care whenever hauling or towing loads. 3. Drive slowly with the transmission in low range. 4. Insure that th e cargo box latch (on manual lift models) is secure- ly latched before loading and operating.
Driving Safely Driving Procedures 1. Sit in the driver’s seat with the seat belt fastened. 2. After starting the engine and allowing it to warm up, shift the transmission into gear. 3. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel. 4. Release the parking brake.
Driving Uphill Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always travel straight uphill. 2. Avoid steep hills (15° maximum). 3. Keep both feet on the floor. 4. Proceed at a steady rate of speed and throttle opening. WARNING CLIMBING HILLS IMPROPERLY CAN CAUSE LOSS OF CONTROL OR VEHICLE OVERTURN.
Sidehilling Driving Downhill Whenever descending a hill, follow these precautions: 1. Proceed directly downhill. 2. Slow down. 3. Apply the brakes slightly to aid in slowing. Driving Through Water Your Bush Hog utility vehicle can operate through water up to a max- imum recommended depth equal to the floorboards.
1. Always determine water depths and current before entering. 2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines. 3. Proceed slowly, avoiding rocks and obstacles. 4. After leaving water, always dry the brakes by applying light pres- sure to the lever repeatedly until braking action is normal.
Driving Over Obstacles Be alert! Look ahead and learn to read the terrain you’re traveling on. Watch for hazards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches. WARNING SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULT IF YOUR VEHICLE SUDDENLY COMES IN CONTACT WITH A HIDDEN OBSTACLE.
Driving In Reverse Follow these guidelines when operating in reverse: 1. Back slowly. 2. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 3. Avoid turning at sharp angles. 4. Always avoid backing downhill. 5. Never open the throttle suddenly while backing. 6. Always inspect left and right fields of vision before backing.
Parking On An Incline Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it is unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. Place the transmission in low gear to help prevent rolling. 2. Set the parking brake. 3. Block the rear wheels on the downhill side. WARNING 40 A ROLLING VEHICLE CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY.
Hauling Cargo Bush Hog utility vehicle s have been designed to carry or tow specific capac ities. Al ways read an d und erstan d t he load distr ibutio n w arning s liste d on the warning decals .Never excee d the follo wing capacit ies. Model Max. Capa city Cargo Box To wing Capaci ty Trail Hunter 1,250 lbs.
Emptying The Cargo Box (Electric Lift Models) 1. Select a level site to empty the cargo box. Do not attempt to unload the vehicle while parked on an incline. 2. Set the parking brake. 3. Dismount the vehicle. 4. Release the tailgate latch. 5. Operate the bed lift switch to raise the box.
Towing Loads Belt Life Use low forward gear when hauling or towing heavy cargo to extend belt life. Parking The Bush Hog Utility Vehicle 1. Stop the vehicle on a level surface. 2. When the engine has stopped, apply the parking brake. 3. Remove the ignition switch key to prevent unauthorized use.
WARNING 4-Wheel Drive Your Bush Hog Utility Vehicle is equipped with an exclusive 4-wheel drive system that can be activated by a switch on the dash board.
3. Stop completely. 4. Shift into forward and drive. If the hubs remain engaged after following these instructions, return the vehicle to your dealer for service. NOISE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM TAMPERING WITH NOISE CONTROL SYSTEEM IS PROHIBITED! U.S. Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof: 1.
CAUTON USFS Approved Spark Arrestor The muffler on this vehicle was tested and approved in accordance with the USFS Forest Service Stanedard 5100-1A. SECTION III MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Periodic Maintenance Schedule Careful periodic maintenance will help keep your vehicle in the safest, most reliable condition.
Periodic Maintenance Schedule WARNING Item Frequency Remarks Brake System Pre-operation Inspect Tires Pre-operation Inspect Wheels Pre-operation Inspect Frame nuts, bolts, Pre-operation Inspect fasten.
Item Frequency Remarks Engine Cylinder 25 hrs. Re-torque required at first Head/Cylinderr service only Base Fasteners s Engine Oil-Level 25 hrs. Check level daily; break-in service at 25 hrs. s Engine Oil - 100 hrs. Change oil at 100 hours; H Change more often in cold weather use s Oil Filter 100 hrs.
Item Frequency Remarks n Fuel System 100 hrs. Check for leaks at fuel cap H li ne s, fue l va lv e, f ilt er, pum p and carburetor.Replace lines every two years. Fuel Filter 100 hrs. Replace annually Spark Arrestor 100 hrs. Clean out s Fr ont Ge arc ase Oil 10 0 h rs .
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION Lubrication Recommendations NOTE: Hours are based on 10 mph average. If service is due at 20 hours, the equivalent odometer reading would be 200 miles.
Engine Oil Maintain the engine oil at the proper level to ensure a properly func- tioning engine, and change the oil and oil filter every 100 hours or every six months, whichever comes first. Dirt and metal particles col- lect in the oil, and oil loses its lubricative quality if used too long.
Engine Oil and Filter Change 1. Run the engine two or three minutes until warm. Stop the engine. 2. Clean the area around the drain plug at the bottom of the crankcase. 3. Place a drain pan beneath the engine and remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely.
Front Differential The front differential oil should be changed every 100 hours If the vehicle is used in wet conditions, the oil should be checked more fre- quently.
Right Angle Drive The right angle drive oil should be changed every 100 hours. 1. With the vehicle on a level surface remove the fill plug and drain plug and drain oil into a drain pan. Discard the used oil properly. 2. Refill the drive box with SAE 80W-90 w/LSD additive, to the mid- dle of the sight window.
Constantly Variable Transmission (CVT) Do not modify any component of the CVT system. Doing so may reduce its strength so that a failure may occur at a high speed. The CVT system has been precision balanced. Any modification will cause the system to be out of balance, creating vibration and addi- tional loads on components.
Vehicle Immersion If it is impossible to take your vehicle to a dealer before starting it, fol- low the steps outlined below. Honda Engines 1. Move the vehicle to dry ground, or at least to a water level below the floor. 2. Disconnect the fuel pump wires.
Engine Air Filter We recommend that the air filter be cleaned every 25 hours and replaced once a year. 1. The air filter is accessible from the right side of the vehicle, below the passenger seat. Loosen both fastening clips and remove the housing cover.
Fuel Filter Your Bush Hog utility vehicle is equipped with an in-line fuel filter that should be replaced by your dealer after every 100 hours of opera- tion.Do not attempt to clean the fuel filter. Spark Plugs The spar k pl ugs s hou ld be chan ged ever y 10 0 hou rs.
Spark Arrestor Use the following procedure to periodically purge accumulated car- bon from the exhaust system. 1. Loosen the set screw and remove the spark arrestor from the muffler. Tap the arrestor on a hard surface to loosen carbon deposits and clean the inside of the tubing.
Throttle System Throttle Freeplay If the throttle pedal has excessive play due to cable stretch or cable misadjustment, it will cause a delay in throttle response, especially at low engine speed. The throttle may also not open fully. If the throttle pedal has no freeplay, the throttle may be hard to control, and idle may be erratic.
Brake Inspection The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc type brakes and are acti- vated by the brake pedal. Routine inspections are recommended to keep the brake system in good operating condition. Inspect the level of the brake fluid before each operation.
Brake Inspection 5. Check the brake system for fluid leaks. 6. Check the brake pedal for excessive travel or a spongy feel. 7. Check the friction pads for wear, damage and looseness. 8. Inspect the brake disc spline and pad wear surface for excessive wear.
Steering Wheel Inspection Check the steering wheel for freeplay and smooth operation as out- lined in the Maintenance Schedule. 1. Park the vehicle on level ground. 2. Lightly turn the steering wheel left and right. 3. There should be 0.8 - 1.0 in. (20 25 mm) of freeplay.
Tires Tire Tread Depth Always replace tires when tread depth is worn to 1/8” (.3 cm) or less. Wheel Lug Nuts Inspect the lug nuts occasionally for tightness or missing nuts. Tighten to 35 ft. lbs. Wheel Removal 1. Stop the engine, place the transmission in gear and engage the parking brake.
3. Elevate the side of the vehicle by placing a suitable stand under the frame. 4. Remove the wheel lug nuts. Remove the wheel. Wheel Installation 1. With the transmission in gear and the parking brake engaged, place the wheel in the correct position on the wheel hub.
Cleaning Your Vehicle Keeping your vehicle clean will not only improve its appearance, but it can also extend the life of various components. With a few precau- tions, your vehicle can be cleaned much like an automobile. The best and safest way to clean your vehicle is with a garden hose and a pail of mild soap and water.
8. Tie a plastic bag over the exhaust pipe and air cleaner inlet to prevent moisture or small animals or insects from entering. 9. Cove r the vehi cle with a canv as cover . Do not us e pla stic or coa ted mat eria ls sinc e th ey d o no t al low ven til atio n fo r th e ve hic le.
Batteries produce explosive gases. Keep sparks, flame, cigarettes, etc. away. Ventilate when charging or using in an enclosed space. Always shield eyes when working near batteries.
Tie-Down Bracket Negative (Black) Cable Positive (Red) Cable 69 Battery Installation 1. Set the battery in its holder. 2. Install the battery tie-down bracket and tighten the nuts. 3. First connect the positive (red) cable. 4. Second connect the negative (black) cable.
Attaching Occupant Protection Structure To Vehicle (Refer to illustrations on following pages) Remove occupant protection structure from shipping bundle and arrange weldments around the vehicle.
TH420/TH440 Models TH4200/TH4400 Models Inne r Seat Belt Inn er Se at Be lt Outside Seat Belt Outside Seat Belt 1/2” x 2-1/2” Bolt & Locknut 1/2” x 1-1/2” Bolt & Locknut 1/2” x 1” .
Rubber Bumper Pad Adjustment The plastic bed of the Utility Vehicle is equipped with two rubber bumper pads located at the bottom front of the bed. These rubber bumpers are factory adjusted to prevent rattling when the bed is in the down position.
TROUBLESHOOTING CHECK LIST STAR TER MOTOR WON’T TURN ENGINE : • Gear shift lever not in neutral • Battery discharged • B at t e r y l e ad s d o n o t m a ke g o od c o n t a c t w it h t he b.
SAFETY DECALS To pro mote sa fe oper ati on, Bus h Hog supp lie s s afet y decal s on a ll pro duc ts ma nufa ctu red . Bec ause dama ge ca n occ ur to safe ty de cals eit her throu gh sh ipme nt, use or recon dit ioni ng, Bush Ho g wil l, up on req ues t, pr ovid e saf ety de cal s for any of ou r prod uct s in the fiel d at no cha rge .
No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 75.
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS B O L T D I A M E T E R W R E N C H ( I N . ) “ B ” A N D S A E S A E S A E S I Z E ( I N . ) “ A ” T H R E A D S I Z E G R A D E 2 G R A D E 5 G R A D E 8 7/16 1/4 - 2O .
WRENCH BOLT SIZE DIA. ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM (mm) “A” (mm) “B” 4.6 8.8 9.8 10.9 8 5 1.8 (2.4) 5.1 (6.9) 6.5 (8.8) 10 6 3 (4) 8.7 (12) 11.1 (15) 13 8 7.
P P . . O O . . B B o o x x 1 1 0 0 3 3 9 9 • • S S e e l l m m a a , , A A L L 3 3 6 6 7 7 0 0 2 2 - - 1 1 0 0 3 3 9 9 T T e e l l e e p p h h o o n n e e ( ( 3 3 3 3 4 4 ) ) 8 8 7 7 4 4 - - 2 2 7 7 0 0 0 0 • • w w w w w w . . b b u u s s h h h h o o g g .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bush Hog TH4400 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bush Hog TH4400 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bush Hog TH4400 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bush Hog TH4400 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bush Hog TH4400, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bush Hog TH4400.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bush Hog TH4400. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bush Hog TH4400 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.