Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SERIES 2 del fabbricante Burnham
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Price - $3.00 INST ALLA TION, OPERA TING AND SER VICE INSTRUCTIONS SERIES 2 (model B) GAS BOILERS Part No. 81417032R10-11/99 For serv i c e o r rep airs to boi l er , cal l you r he ati ng c on tr ac t or . W he n s eek ing in form ati on on b oil er, prov i d e B oi le r Mod el N u mber and S e ria l N um ber as s ho w n on R at in g La bel .
2 NOTE: The equipment shall be installed in accordance with those installation regulations in force in the area where the installation is to be made. These shall be carefully followed in all cases. Authorities having jurisdiction shall be consulted before installations are made.
3 Figure 1 Bo ile r M odel Nu m b er Dim ensi on s [ i n c hes] Ga s Conn ec ti o n Fo r Auto m atic Ga s Va l v e Wa ter Con te nt [ gal l ons] Rec o m men de d V ent S i ze [1] [2 ] Ap p r ox . Sh ip pin g W ei ght (l b.) ABC DE F G 20 2 18 -3/ 4 10 -3/ 4 6 -3/ 8 4 45 -5/ 8 8 -1/ 2 10 [ 3] 1/ 2 2.
4 SECTION I - INST ALLA TION INSTRUCTIONS 1. INSPECT SHIPMENT carefully for any signs of damage. All equipment is carefully manufactured, inspected and packed.
5 per 4,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area. iii .Horizontal ducts. Minimum free area of 1 square inch per 2,000 Btu per hour input of all equipment in space. Duct cross-sectional area shall be same as opening free area.
6 9. BOILER PIPING entering the boiler, see Figure 4. Also consult I=B=R Installation and Piping Guides. If this Boiler is connected to heating coils located in air handling units where they may be ex.
7 Table 2: Equivalent Length of Fittings Table 3: Specific Gravity Correction Factors C . Position the mounting bracket (with switch attached) onto the lower edge of the draft hood skirt by locating the center tooth (with the #10 sheet metal screw) on the outside and the other two teeth inside the draft hood skirt.
8 Figure 4: Recommended Piping for Combination Heating & Cooling (Refrigeration) Systems Figure 5 the jacket side panel to secure the power cord to the jacket. H . Be sure the power cord, mounting bracket, and switch are secure and located as shown in Figure 6.
9 installed above the bottom of chimney to prevent blockage. G . Vent pipe should slope upward from draft hood to chimney not less than one inch in four feet. No portion of vent pipe should run downward or have dips or sags. Vent pipe must be securely supported.
10 Figure 7: Plug-in Damper Installation.
11 54/ANSI Z223.1. 15. INSTALL A ROOM THERMOSTAT on an inside wall about four feet above floor. Never install thermostat on an outside wall or where it will be influenced by drafts, hot or cold water pipes, lighting fixtures, television, rays of the sun or near a fireplace.
12 A. The Vent Damper is continuously powered at Terminal 1. B . When there is a call for heat, the damper relay coil is energized through Terminal 5 if all limits ahead of the damper are satisfied. C. The relay coil closes contacts which energize the damper motor, causing the damper to open.
13 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION NORMAL OPERATION 1. When the thermostat call for heat, the vent damper will open (see paragraphs 17A through 17D). The circulator is started through a relay and at the same time the gas valve is energized allowing main gas flow and ignition of main burners.
14 Figure 12: Wiring Diagram, Intermittent Ignition and Intermittent Circulation.
15 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION NORMAL OPERATION 1. When the THERMOSTAT calls for heat, the RELAY is energized. The CIRCULATOR starts and the VENT DAMPER is opened (see Paragraphs 17A through 17D). When the damper blade reaches the fully open position, the GAS VALVE powers the igniter circuit and opens the pilot valve.
16 Figure 13: Wiring Diagram, Intermittent Ignition and Continuous or Gravity Circulation.
17 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION NORMAL OPERATION 1. When THERMOSTAT calls for heat, the VENT DAMPER is opened (see Paragraphs 17A through 17D). When the damper blade reaches the fully open position, the GAS VALVE powers the igniter circuit and opens the pilot valve.
18 Figure 14: Wiring Diagram, 24 Volt Standing Pilot with Continuous or Gravity Circulation SEQUENCE OF OPERATION NORMAL OPERATION 1. When the thermostat call for heat, the vent damper will open (see paragraphs 17A through 17D). The gas valve is energized allowing main gas to flow and operation of the main burners.
19 Figure 15: Wiring Schematic, Zone Valves Figure 16: Wiring Schematic, Zone Circulators.
20 SECTION II - OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS S afe lighting and other performance criteria were met with the gas manifold and control assembly provided on the boiler when the boiler underwent tests specified in American National Standard for Gas-Fired Low-Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers , ANSI Z21.
21 Figure 20a: Operating Instructions, SV9500 and SV9600 Gas Valves c. Loosen or remove Inlet Pressure Tap Plug in Combination Gas Valve and when purging is complete, tighten or replace plug. (See Figure 19). d . Check pipe and fittings from meter to Combination Gas Valve using soap solution or other approved methods.
22 Figure 20b: Operating Instructions, SV9501 and SV9601 Gas Valves Figure 19b: Top View of Honeywell SV9501 and SV9601 Gas Valves "FOR YO UR SA FETY" BEFO RE OPE RATING result in a fire or explosion. "TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE" the next step.
23 Figure 21: Lighting Instructions 81460177.
24 Figure 23: 1 Inch Main Burner Flame 4 . CHECK GAS INPUT RATE TO BOILER USA boilers built for installation at altitudes greater than 2,000 feet above sea level have been specially orificed to reduce gas input rate 4 percent per 1,000 feet above sea level per the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.
25 B. Continuous Ignition (Standing Pilot) Natural gas Models 207 with 40mm (1-9/16") diam- eter burners and 208 through 210. See Figure 26 LP gas Models 203 through 210. See Figure 26. The pilot produces three (3) flames. The center flame should be steady, medium hard blue enveloping 3/8 to a 1/2 inch of thermocouple.
26 B. Ventilate the boiler room, set the high limit to its maximum setting, set the thermostat to call for heat. Allow the boiler to fire for at least an hour or until the odor from the cornstarch has dissipated. C. Return the high limit and thermostat to their desired settings.
27 Figure 28: Troubleshooting Guide, Honeywell Intermittent Ignition.
28 SECTION III - SER VICE 1. Inspection should be conducted annually. Service as frequently as specified in paragraphs below. While service or maintenance is being done, Electrical Power and all Gas Supply to the Boiler must be "off". 2. VENT SYSTEM.
29 8. Mark the location of the pilot main burner on the manifold if the marking on manifold is missing or obliterated. 9. Hold burner at throat, a . 1 inch and 40mm diameter burners. Lift front of burner to clear orifice. Burner which holds pilot can only be removed by lifting the burner adjacent to its right first.
30 7. LUBRICATION There are no parts requiring lubrication on the part of SECTION IV REP AIR P AR TS Section Assembly and Canopy Group .................................. 32 Base Assembly ................................................................
31 All Series 2 repair parts may be obtained through your local Burnham Wholesale Distributor. Should you require assistance in locating a Burnham Distributor in your area, or have questions regarding the availability of Burnham products or repair parts, please contact your Burnham Regional Sales Office as listed below.
32 Figure 33: Section Assembly and Canopy Group Ke y No . De sc r i p t i o n P a r t N o . Qua n t i t y 20 2 2 02X 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 1.
33 Ke y No . De scri pti o n P a r t No . Qua nt i t y 20 2 2 02X 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 2. Ca nopy Gr oup 2A C anopy A s s em bly ( ex cept f or 2 06H) 6 1 1 1 7 0 2 2 1 --- --- --- .
34 Figure 34: Base Assembly Ke y No . Des c r i pt i o n Bo iler Si ze Pa r t N o . Q t y . 3. B as e Ass em bl y C ont i nue d 3B Bas e Wr app e r 20 2 71 8 60 021 1 1 20 2X 71 860 031 1 1 20 3 71 8 .
35 Ke y No . De s c r i pt i o n B o ile r Si z e Part No. Q ty . 3. B a se A s se m b l y C o n t in u e d 3E Ba se Le g As sem b ly Al l 61860 01 4 3E 1 B as e L eg All 71860021 4 3 E2 Nylo n G lid .
36 Figure 35: Manifold and Main Burners (1 Inch Main Burners).
37 Key No. Description Part No . Quantit y 202 202X 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 4. Manifold and Main Burners (1 Inch Main Burners Only) 4A Main Burner 8236099 1 2 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 17 4B Main B urn.
38 * Continuous Pilot Ignition: - Q327A Only - Not suitable for use with Q350A 24V Continuous Pilot Ignition Intermittent Ignition: Q3480C Figure 36: Manifold and Main Burners (50 mm Main Burners).
39 Key No. Description Part No . Quantit y 202 202X 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 4. Manifold and Main Burners (50 mm Main Burners Only) 4A Main Burner 8236091 --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4B Main B urne.
40 Figure 36a: Manifold and Main Burners (40mm Main Burners) Ke y No . Desc ript ion P art N o. Quant ity 202 202 X 203 20 4 205 20 6 20 7 20 8 209 210 4 .
41 Ke y No . De scri p t io n P ar t N o. Quan ti ty 202 202 X 203 204 2 05 2 06 2 07 2 08 209 2 10 4. 40 M M M A I N B UR N E R S O NL Y (Co n ti n ued ) 4C Man i fol d 8 22 600 28 1 -- - -- - -- - -.
42 Figure 37 * 1" Burner Only ** 40mm Burner Only Key No. De sc ript io n Pa rt No. Qu a n t i t y 202 202X 203 204 205 206 207 208 2 09 210 5. P ilo t Bur ner a n d Gas V alv e, 24 -vol t Cont i.
43 Ke y No . Desc ript ion P art N o. Quant it y 202 202X 203 204 2 05 206 2 07 2 08 209 210 5 . P il ot Bur ner a nd Gas V a l ve , 2 4 - volt C ont inuo us I gnit i on, LP /P ropa ne (1 Inc h and 4 .
44 Figure 38 Key No. Des cr iption Par t No. Qua nti ty 2 02 2 02 X 2 03 2 04 2 05 2 06 2 07 2 08 2 09 2 10 5 . P ilot B urn e r a nd Ga s V a lve , Int er m it t ent I g nit i on, Na t u ra l Ga s 5A.
45 Service Notes.
46 Figure 39 Key No. De s c r i p t i on P ar t N o . Q uanti ty 20 2 2 02X 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 6. J acke t Ass embly , Co mpl e te 6 Ja c k et A s semb ly , Com plete 604 170254 1.
47 Ke y No. Descript i o n P a r t No. Q uan t it y 20 2 20 2 X 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 6 . Jack et As sembly (Con tin ued ) 6B Jac ket V es tibu le P anel 60 4 17 0 22 3 1 -- - -- - -.
48 Figure 40: Water Trim.
49 Ke y No . D escript ion P ar t No. Quanti ty 202 20 2X 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 7 S afety R el i e f V al v e, 3 0 ps i, ¾ N P T , C on br aco 1 0 - 4 0 8 - 0 5 81 6 60 3 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 .
50 Figure 41 Ke y No . Description Pa r t No . Q u anti ty 20 2 2 02X 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 21 0 12. T rans form er / R elay As sem b l y (In ter m i tt ent C irc ul a ti o n O nly ) 1 2A.
51 Figure 42 Key No. Description Part No . Quantit y 202 202X 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 16. Draft Hood Carton 16 Draft Hood 8116067 1 1 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8111702 --- --- --- 1 --- --.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Burnham SERIES 2 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Burnham SERIES 2 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Burnham SERIES 2 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Burnham SERIES 2 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Burnham SERIES 2, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Burnham SERIES 2.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Burnham SERIES 2. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Burnham SERIES 2 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.