Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DCP-185C del fabbricante Brother
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USER’S GUIDE DCP-145 C DCP-165 C DCP-185 C Ver s i on 0 ARL/AS A/NZ.
If y o u need to call Customer Service Ple ase com plete the fo llowing inform ation f or fu ture re fe r en ce : Model Nu mber: DCP- 14 5C, DC P- 165C and DCP -1 85C (Cir c le yo ur mod el num be r) Seri al N umb er : 1 Dat e of P ur c ha se : Pl ac e o f P u r ch as e : 1 The seria l numb er is on the back of the unit.
i Compilati on and Public ation Notice Under the supervis ion of Brother Indus tries Ltd., this manual has been c ompiled and published, covering the lat est product desc r ipti ons and speci fications. The contents of this manual and the specif ications of this produc t are subject to change wit hout notice.
ii Table of Conten ts Sectio n I General 1 Genera l Inf ormat ion 2 Usi n g th e doc um en t ati on .... ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... . 2 Sy mb ols a nd co nv en tio n s us ed in t he d ocu me nta tio n .
iii Section II Copy 4 Making c opies 22 Ho w to co py .. .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... . 22 Mak in g a s ing l e co p y ... .. .. ... .. .. .
iv 6 Prin ting phot os f ro m a cam era 42 Print ing photos directly fro m a P ictBr idge camera ..... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... 42 Pic t Bri dg e req uir eme n ts .. .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... ..
v C Menu an d F eatu res 78 On-s cre en p rogr am mi ng .... .. .. ... .. .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... . 78 Menu table ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... ......... . ..
Section I General I General Informati on 2 Loa din g doc ume nts and p aper 8 General Setup 19.
2 1 Using the documentati on 1 Thank y ou for buying a Brother m achine! Reading the d ocumenta t ion will help you make the most of your machine. Sy mbol s an d co nven tion s use d in the documen tati on 1 The fol lowing symbols and convent ions are use d througho ut the do cumentation.
General Info rmation 3 1 c If the language s creen appears, click your langua ge. The CD-ROM Main Menu will appear. Note If this window does not appe ar, use Windows ® E xplorer to run the star t .exe program from t he root dir ectory of the Brot her CD-ROM.
Chapter 1 4 View in g Do cu me nt at ion (For Mac int os h ® ) 1 a Turn on your Macintosh ® . I ns ert the Brother CD-RO M into your CD-ROM drive. The f ollowin g window will appear. b Double- click t he Document ation icon. c Double- click your language fol der.
General Info rmation 5 1 Acces sing Brother Support (For Window s ® ) 1 You can find all the contac ts you will need, such as Web suppor t (Brot her Sol utions Center) . Clic k Br oth er Su pp or t on t he Main Menu. The f ollowing screen will app ear: To access our web site (www.
Chapter 1 6 C ont r ol p ane l o ve rvi ew 1 The DCP-145C , DCP-165C a nd DCP-18 5C have t he same c ontrol panel key s. 1 Cop y keys: Lets you tempo rarily c hange the copy se ttings when i n copy mode. Copy O p tio ns You can quic kly and e asily select temporary s ettings for copying.
General Info rmation 7 1 8 Photo C apture Lets you ac cess t he PhotoC apture Ce nter™ mode. 9 LC D (liqu id crysta l display) Displa ys messages on the screen t o help y ou set up an d use y our mac hine. 10 Wa rnin g LED Blinks in orange wh en the L CD d isplay s an error or a n importa nt status message.
8 2 Loadin g paper and other print medi a 2 a If the p aper supp ort fla p is open, close it, and th en pull the pap er tray comple t ely out of the machine. b Lift the output paper tray cover (1). c With both hands , gently press and slide the paper side guides (1) and paper length guide (2) to f it th e paper size.
Loading do cuments and paper 9 2 e Gentl y put t he paper int o the paper tray print si de down and top edge in first. Check tha t t he paper is flat in the tray. Note When you use Legal size pape r , press and hol d the universal guide r elease butt on (1) as you slide out the fron t of the paper tray.
Chapter 2 10 h Slowly push the pape r tray completely into t he mac hine. i While holdi ng the paper tray in plac e, pull out the pape r support ( 1) until it clicks and un fold the paper support flap (2 ). Note Do not use t he pa per supp ort fl ap for Legal pa per.
Loading do cuments and paper 11 2 How to load e n velopes and postc ards 2 a Befor e loading, press t he corn ers and sides of envel opes or post cards to make t hem as f lat as possibl e. Note If envelop es or post cards are ‘double - feedin g’, put one envelope in the paper tray at a t ime.
Chapter 2 12 Pri nt ab le ar ea 2 The print able area depends on the settings in the appl ication you are using . T he figures below sho w the unprintabl e areas on cut sheet paper and enve lopes. The machine can print in th e sha ded areas of c u t sheet paper when the Borderles s print f eature is available and turne d on.
Loading do cuments and paper 13 2 Accepta ble p aper and other print m edia 2 The print quali ty c an be affect ed by the type of paper you use in the machine. To get the best print qualit y for the settin gs you ha v e c hosen, a lways set t he Paper Type to match the type of paper you load.
Chapter 2 14 Hand ling an d us ing pr int medi a 2 Store pape r in its original packaging, and keep it seal ed. Keep the pap er flat an d away from mois ture, direct sunli ght and heat. Avoid tou c hing the shiny (coated) side of photo paper. Loa d photo paper wit h the shiny si de f acing down.
Loading do cuments and paper 15 2 Ch oosing t he r ight print m edia 2 P ap er type an d si z e f or ea ch ope ra t io n 2 Pape r Type Paper Size Usa ge Copy Phot o Ca ptur e Printer Cut Sh eet Letter.
Chapter 2 16 Pap er w eight, t hickn ess and c apaci ty 2 1 Up to 10 0 shee ts of 8 0 g/m 2 pap er. Pa per T ype Weight Thic kness No . o f sheet s Cut Sheet Plain P aper 64 to 120 gs m 0.0 8 to 0.1 5 mm 100 1 Inkjet P aper 64 to 200 gsm 0.0 8 to 0.2 5 mm 20 Glossy Paper U p to 220 gs m Up to 0.
Loading do cuments and paper 17 2 L oading docum ents 2 You can make copi es and s can from t he ADF (automatic document feeder) ( DCP- 1 85C only) a nd from t he sc anner glass . Using the ADF (DCP-18 5C only) 2 The ADF can hold up to 15 pages and fe eds each sheet individuall y.
Chapter 2 18 Using t he sc an ne r glass 2 You can use the sc anner glass to copy or scan page s of a book one page at a time. Do cume nt Size s S upp orted 2 How to l oad d oc ument s 2 Note (DCP-185C) T o use the scanner glass, the ADF must be empty.
19 3 3 L CD s creen 3 Ch ang ing LC D lan gua ge 3 You can change the LCD l anguage. a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 0.Initial Setup . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose 0.Local Language . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose your language. Press OK .
Chapter 3 20 Printing Reports 3 The fol lowing reports ar e availabl e: Help List A he lp list showing h ow to program your machine. User Settings Lists your settings. How to print a report 3 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 3.Print Reports .
Section II Cop y II Making copies 22.
22 4 How to copy 4 You can use you r machine as a copier , makin g up t o 99 copi es at a time. Making a single c opy 4 a Load your docum ent . (See Loading doc uments on page 17 .) b Pres s Mono S tart fo r B&W c op y or Colour Start for colour copy.
Making c opies 23 4 Ch ang ing c opy sp eed a nd qual ity 4 You can select f rom a range of qualit y settings. The default set ting i s Normal . To t em p or ar i l y change the qual ity setting, follow the in s truc tions b elow: a Load y our docum ent.
Chapter 4 24 To enla rge or reduce th e next copy follo w the ins tructions below: a Load your docum ent . b Pres s Enl arg e/Re duc e . c Do one of the following: Press a or b to choose the enlar gement or reduction r at io you want. Press OK . Press a or b to choose Custom(25-400%) .
Making c opies 25 4 f Place the next page on the scanner glass. Press OK . Repeat e and f for each pa ge of the layout. Set Next Pa ge Then Pre ss OK g After all t he pages have be en scanned, press b ( No ) to fi ni sh .
Chapter 4 26 Adjusting Brightness a nd Co nt ras t 4 Brig htne ss 4 To t emporarily chan ge the bright ness set ting, foll ow the instruc t ion below: a Load your docum ent . b Pres s Co py O pt ion s and a or b to choose Brightness . Pres s OK . - nnon n + e c Pres s a or b to make a light er or d arker copy.
Making c opies 27 4 Pape r op tions 4 Pap er Ty pe 4 If you are copying on special paper , be sure to select the type of paper you are using so you will get the best print quality. a Load y our docum ent. b Press Copy Options and a or b to choose Paper Type .
Chapter 4 28.
Section III Direct Photo Printing III Pr inting ph otos from a memo ry car d o r U S B F la sh m emo ry d ri ve 30 Pr inting ph otos from a camer a 42.
30 5 PhotoCapture Center™ Operations 5 Note The DCP- 145C on ly supp orts USB Flash memory drive s. Pr inti ng f rom a memor y car d or USB Flash m emor y dr ive without a PC 5 Even i f your machi ne is not conne cted to your comput er, you can print photos direc tly from digit al camera med ia or a USB Flash m emory dri ve.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 31 5 Memor y card s ( DCP-165C and DCP-1 85C o nly) or U SB F lash memor y dr ive fold er st ruct ure 5 Your mac hine is design ed t.
Chapter 5 32 Getting star ted 5 Firm ly put a m emory card or USB Flash memory drive i nto t he correct slot. 1 US B Fla sh m e m ory d r ive 2 SD, SDHC 3M e m o r y S t i c k ® , Memo ry Stick P ro.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 33 5 How to print from a me mo ry c ard or USB F lash mem ory driv e 5 Before print ing a photo you must first print a thumbnail index to choose the number of the photo you want to print .
Chapter 5 34 d Pres s a or b to choose t he type of pape r you a re using, Plain Paper , Inkjet Paper , Brother BP71 or Other Glossy . Pres s OK . e Pres s a or b to choose the paper siz e you a re using, A4 or Letter . Pres s OK . f Pres s Colo u r Start to p rin t.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 35 5 The print ing posi tions when usin g A4 paper are show n below. DPO F printing 5 DPOF s ta nds fo r D igit al Pri nt Or der Fo rma t. Major d igital camera manuf acturer s (Canon Inc.
Chapter 5 36 PhotoCapture Center™ print settings 5 These settings will r emain un til you change them again. Print qua lity 5 a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose 1.Print Quality . Pres s OK .
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 37 5 Co lour En han ceme nt 5 You can turn on the c olour enhancement feature to prin t more vivid im ages. B rig ht ness 5 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Press OK .
Chapter 5 38 Shar pn es s 5 You can enhance t he focus of an image by adjus ting the sharpne s s. a Pres s Menu . b Pres s a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Pres s OK . c Pres s a or b to choose 5.Color Enhance . Pres s OK . d Pres s a or b to choose On (or Off ).
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 39 5 Cr opp ing 5 If your photo is too long or wide to fit the availab le space on your chosen l ayout, part of the image will be aut om atical ly cropped. The default sett ing is On .
Chapter 5 40 Scan to a memor y card or USB F lash mem or y drive 5 You can sca n monochrome and colour doc um ents int o a memory card or USB Fl ash memory drive. Monochrome doc uments will be s tored in PDF (*. PDF) or TIFF f ile formats (* .TIF). Colour documents may be stored in PDF ( *.
Pri nting photos fr om a m emory car d or US B Flash m emor y drive 41 5 Ch ang ing t he mo nochr ome file f ormat 5 a Press Me nu . b Press a or b to choose 2.PhotoCapture . Press OK . c Press a or b to choose 0.Scan to Media . Press OK . d Press a or b to choose 2.
42 6 Printing ph otos directly from a PictBridge cam era 6 Your Brothe r machine s upports t he Pict Bridge standar d, allowing you to connect to and print photos direc tly from any Pict Bridge compati ble digital camera. If your camera is using t he USB Mass Stor age standard, you can als o print photos from a digital c amera witho ut PictB ridge.
Printing photo s from a camera 43 6 Printing Images 6 Note Remove any memory cards or USB F las h memory drive f rom the m achine b efore conne c ting a digi tal camera. a Make sure that your ca m era is turned off. C onnect y our came r a t o the USB direct interfac e (1) po rt on t he mac hine using the USB cable.
Chapter 6 44 Printing ph otos directly from a digi tal camera (w ithout PictBridge) 6 If your camera suppo rts the USB Mass Stor age standard, you can conn ect your camera in stor age mode.
Printing photo s from a camera 45 6 Understand ing the Erro r M ess ages 6 Once you are famili ar with t he types of errors that can occur while you are u s ing Pi c tBridge, you can easily identify and troubl eshoot any problems.
Chapter 6 46.
Section IV Software IV Softwar e features 48.
48 7 The CD-ROM inc ludes the Softwar e User’ s Guide for fea tures ava ilable when connected to a computer (for example, printi ng and scann ing). T he guide has eas y to u s e li nks that , when clicked, will take you dire ctly to a par ticular sec tion.
Section V Appendixes V Safety and Leg al 50 Trou blesh ooting a nd Ro utine Maintena nce 58 M enu a nd Feat ures 78 Specifi cations 85 Glossar y 95.
50 A Choosing a lo catio n A Put yo ur machin e on a flat, stab le surface that is free of vibr at ion and s hocks, such as a desk. Put the mac hine near a standard, grounded electr ical socket. Choose a loc ation where the temper ature r emains between 10 ° C a nd 35 ° C.
Sa fety and Le gal 51 A T o use the m ach ine s afel y A Pleas e keep these ins tructions for later referenc e and read them befor e attempting any maintenanc e. WARNING There are high volt age electrodes inside th e machin e. Before you clean the inside of th e machine, make sure y ou have unplugge d the power cor d from the elect rical socket .
52 DO NOT put your hand s on the edge of the paper tray under the paper tray c over. Doing this may caus e injury. DO NOT touch the area s haded in the illustr ation. Doing this may cause inju ry. When mov ing t h e machine you must lift it from the base, by placi ng a hand at each side of the unit as s hown in the illust ration.
Sa fety and Le gal 53 A DO NOT us e flam m able substances, any t ype of spray, liquid o r aerosol cleaners to cl ean the inside or outsid e of the machine.
54 Import ant s afe ty inst ruct ions A 1 Read all of these instruc t ions . 2 Save them for lat er refer ence. 3 F ollow all war nings a nd ins t ruct ions mar k ed on the p roduct. 4 DO NOT use this produc t nea r water. 5 DO NOT pl ace this product on an unst able cart, st and, or tabl e.
Sa fety and Le gal 55 A 13 To protec t your produc t agains t power surges, we recommend the use of a power pr otection devi c e (Surge Protec tor). 14 To reduce the r isk of f ire, el ectric s hock and i njury t o peopl e, note t he followi ng: DO NOT use t his produc t near appliances that use water, a swim ming pool or in a wet basement.
56 Legal lim itations for co pying A It is an offence to make repr oductions of certai n items or document s with the inte nt to commit fraud. This memo r andum is intende d to be a guide rather than a complet e list. We suggest you che c k with re levant legal author ities if in doubt about a particular item or document.
Sa fety and Le gal 57 A Tr ade mar ks A The Brother logo is a register ed trademark of Brothe r Indust r ies, Lt d. Brother is a r egistered trademar k of Brot her Indust ries, Lt d. Multi- F unction Link is a regi stered trademark of Brot her Inter national Co rporati on.
58 B Troubleshooting B If you think there is a problem with your m achi ne, check the char t below and follow the troubl eshooting ti ps. Most problems can be easily resolv ed by you r self. If you need additio nal help, the Broth er Sol utions Ce nter offers the latest F A Qs an d trouble shooting t ips.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 59 B P oor pr int q ua lit y Ch eck the pri nt qual ity . ( See Ch eck in g the pri nt qual it y on page 73.) Make s u re that the Pr inter Driver or Paper Type setting in the m enu matc hes the t ype of pap er you ar e usin g.
60 Cannot perfo rm ‘2 in 1 ’ or ‘4 in 1 ’ pri nti ng . Ch eck that th e pap er si ze se tti ng in t he appl ic ati on a nd in th e pri nter dri ve r ar e the sam e. Pr int sp ee d is t oo slow . Try cha ng ing t he prin ter dri ver se t ting .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 61 B Scan ning Diffi culties Diffic ulty Sugg esti ons T W AI N/W IA err ors ap pear when star ting to s c an.
62 Error and Mainte nance me ssa ges B As wi th any s ophisticat ed office pr oduct, errors may oc cur. If this happ ens, your m achine ident ifies the err or and shows an error m essage . The most common er ror and maintenance m essages are sho wn b elow.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 63 B Cannot Print Repla ce X X Ink One or more o f the ink ca rtridges are e mpty. T he machi ne will s top all print oper ations . Replace the e mpty ink cartridges . (See Replacin g the ink c artridges on page 68.
64 No Paper Fed The machine is ou t of pape r or paper is no t properly loaded in the paper tray, or the Jam Clean C ov er is not closed pr operly. Do one of the fol lowing: Refi ll the paper in the paper tray, and the n press Mono Start or Col our S tar t .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 65 B Document ja m (DCP-18 5C only) B Documents can jam in the ADF unit if they are not inserted or fed properly, or if they are too long. Foll ow the steps bel ow to clear a document jam. Docu ment is ja m me d in the top of the ADF un it B a Take out any paper from the ADF t ha t is not j ammed.
66 Printer jam or pa per ja m B Take out t he jammed pap er de pending on wher e it is j amm ed in the machi ne. Open and cl ose the s can ner cover to clea r t he erro r . a Pull the pa per tray (1) out of the machine. b Pull out the jam m ed paper ( 1) and pres s Stop /Exit .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 67 B f Using both hands, use the finge r hol ds on bot h sides of the machine to li f t t he scanner c over (1) until it locks se c ure ly in the open positi on. Make sure that t here is no jammed paper left insi de t he machine under the plastic cov e rs .
68 Routine m aintenanc e B R eplac ing t he i nk cart ridg es B Your mac hine is equipped with an ink dot cou nter. The ink dot counter automat ically moni tors the level of ink in each of the 4 cart ridges. When the machi ne detects an ink cart ridge is running out of ink, the machine will tell you w it h a messa ge on the LCD.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 69 B b Press the lock releas e lever as shown to relea s e t he cartr idge in dicated o n the LCD. Remove t he cartridg e from the machine. c Open t he new ink ca rtridge ba g for t he colou r shown on the LCD , and then take out the ink car t ridg e.
70 g The machi ne will autom atically res et the ink dot counter . Note • I f y ou r eplaced an ink cartridge, for example Blac k, the LCD may ask you to verif y that it was a brand new one ( Did You Change Blck? ). For each new cartridg e you installed, press a ( Yes ) to aut omatically reset the ink dot counter for t hat colou r.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 71 B b Wipe the outs ide of the machi ne with a soft c lo th to r em ov e d us t. c Lift the output paper tray c over an d remove any thing that is stuck insid e the paper tr ay. d Wipe t he inside and outside of the paper tray w ith a soft cloth t o remo ve dust.
72 C leani ng th e mach ine pri nter plat en B WARNING Be sure to unplu g the machine from the elec trical socket before cleani ng the printe r plate n (1). If ink is scat tered on or around the print er plate n, wipe it off with a soft, dry, li nt-free cloth.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 73 B Clea ni ng t he pri nt head B To maintain print qualit y, the machine will automatical ly cle an the print h ead when needed. You can start the cleani ng process manually if there is a prin t quality pr oblem.
74 i The LCD asks you i f you want t o start cleani ng. Start Cl eani ng? a Yes b No Pres s a ( Yes ). The mac hine st arts cleanin g the print head. j After cle aning is finished, press Colour Sta rt . The mac hine st arts pr inting the Print Qualit y Check Sheet agai n and then re turn to s te p e .
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 75 B g For 120 0 dpi, press a or b t o select the number of the test print t hat most close ly match es the number 0 samp le (1 -8). 1200 dpi Adj ust Sele ct Best #5 Press OK . h Press Sto p/Ex it . Check in g the i nk vo lume B You can check t he ink that is left i n the cartri dge.
76 Packing a nd sh ipping the machi ne B When you trans port the machine, use t he pac k ing material s that cam e with y our machi ne. Follow the instruc tions below to pro perly pack your machine. Damage caus ed to your machine dur ing tr ansit is not covered by your war ranty.
Troubleshooti ng a nd Rou tine Maintenan ce 77 B f Lift the scanner c over (1) to release the lock. Gently pus h the s canner c over support down (2) and c lose t he scanner cover (3). g Wrap the machi ne in t he bag and put it in t he ori ginal cart on wit h the or iginal packing material.
78 C On-scr ee n programming C Your mac hine is designed to be easy to oper ate with LCD on-screen pr ogramming usi ng the menu keys. User-friend ly pro gramming hel ps y o u t ake full advantage o f all the menu select ions your machin e has to of fe r .
Menu and F eatur es 79 C To access the menu mode: a Press Me nu . b Choose an opt ion. You can scroll more quickly t hrou gh each menu level by pressi ng a or b for the d irection y ou wan t. 1.Co py 2.Ph otoC apture 3.Pr int Rep orts 4.Ma chin e Info.
80 Menu Tabl e C The menu tabl e will help you underst and the menu selections and opti ons that are found in the machi ne's progr ams. The f actory settings are shown in B old wit h an ast erisk. Choos e & OK Choose & OK to accept to exit Mai n Me nu S ubmen u Menu Sel ecti ons Opti ons D escrip tion s Pa ge 1.
Menu and F eatur es 81 C 2.Ph otoCap ture 1. Pr in t Q ua li ty — Normal Photo * Sel ects th e pri nt qu ali ty. 3 6 2.Paper Ty pe — Plain Pa per Inkjet P aper Brother BP71 Other Gl ossy * Sel ects th e pa per typ e. 3 6 3.Paper Si ze — Letter A4 10 x 15c m * 13 x 18c m Se lect s the paper si ze .
82 2.P hotoCa pture (C onti nu ed) 5. C ol or E nh an ce Enhance :On Enhance :Off * 1.Brigh tness - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Adju sts the brig htn ess . 37 2.Contr ast - nnnn o + - nnno n + - nnon n + * - nonn n + - onnn n + Adjust s the con trast .
Menu and F eatur es 83 C 2.Ph otoCap ture (Co nti nu ed) 8.Date Pri nt — On Off * Prints the date on your phot o. 39 0. Sc an to Med ia 1.Qualit y B/W 200x100 dp i B/W 200 dpi Color 15 0 dpi * Color 30 0 dpi Color 60 0 dpi Se lect s the Scan re so lution f or yo ur t yp e of do cumen t.
84 0.Initial Setup 1.Date&Ti me — — P u ts the date and time on your m ach ine . See Quick Setu p Guide 2. L CD C on tr as t — Light Dark * Adju sts the con tra st of the LCD.
85 D D Genera l D Specifications D Printer Type Inkj e t Print Meth od Bl ack: Colour : Piezo wit h 94 × 1 nozzle Piezo wit h 94 × 3 noz zles Memory Capa city 32 MB LCD (Li q uid Cryst al Display) 1.
86 1 Thi s de pe nd s on pr int ing co nd iti on s. Di mens ions (D CP-1 45C 1 and DCP- 165C) D 1 The DCP- 145 C o nly supp ort s US B Fla sh m emo ry dr iv e. (D CP -1 85C ) D We ight DCP- 145C and DCP-165C 7.1kg DCP-185C 7.8 kg Noise Operating: 50 dB o r less 1 Office e quipment wit h L WA d > 63.
Sp ecifications 87 D Prin t media D 1 Use onl y tr anspa r enci es re com men de d for in kj et pri nt ing. 2 For gloss y pa pe r or tra nsp are nc ie s, we reco mm e nd r e mov in g prin te d pa ge s from the out p ut pa pe r tray imm e diat e ly aft er the y ex it th e ma ch in e to av oi d sm ud ging .
88 Cop y D 1 Bas ed on B rothe r stan da rd pa tte rn ( Fast mod e/S tack Co py). Cop y sp ee ds va ry w ith the co mpl ex ity of the doc ume nt. Colour / Monochro me Yes/ Yes Docum ent Size (DCP-1 85C only) A DF Widt h: 148 m m to 2 16 mm (DCP-185C only ) ADF Lengt h: 148 mm to 355.
Sp ecifications 89 D PhotoCapture Ce nter™ D Note The D CP-145C o nly sup ports USB F las h memory drives. 1 Memory cards, a dapters a nd USB Fla s h memory drive a re not included.
90 PictBridge D Com p at ibil it y Sup ports the Camera & Imaging Pr oducts Associati on Pi c tBr idge stan dard CIPA DC -001. Vi s it ht t p:// www.
Sp ecifications 91 D Scanne r D 1 Wind ow s ® XP in this User ’s Guide inc ludes Window s ® XP Home Ed ition, Win dows ® X P Pr ofe ssi onal , and W ind ow s ® XP P rofe ssi on al x64 Ed ition .
92 Printer D 1 Bas ed on B rot her stan da rd patt er n. A4 siz e in draft mode. 2 When you set the Borderless feature to On. 3 See Paper type a nd siz e for ea ch ope r atio n o n pa ge 15 . Interfac es D 1 Yo ur mac hin e has a Ful l-sp eed U SB 2. 0 inte rfac e.
Sp ecifications 93 D Computer requ ireme nts D SUPPORT ED OPERATI NG SYSTEMS AN D SOFTW ARE FUNCTIO NS Computer Platf orm & Oper ating System Version Su pported PC Software Fu nctions PC Inter fac.
94 Consuma ble items D Ink The m ach ine uses individ ual Black, Yell ow, Cyan and Magenta ink cart ridges that are separ at e from the print head assembly . Service Life o f Ink Ca rt ri dg e The f irst time you ins tall a set of ink cartrid ges the machi ne will use an amount of ink to fi ll the ink delivery tubes for high qualit y pri ntouts.
95 E This is a c ompre hensive li s t of fea tures and t erms tha t appear in Br other manuals. Availabi lity of these featu r es depe nds on the model you purcha s ed. E Glossary E ADF (automati c document feed er) The docume nt can be placed in the ADF and s canned one page at a t ime automat ically.
Index 96 F A ADF ( automatic document feeder) .... ... .... 17 Appl e ® Macintosh ® See Softwar e User's Guide on the CD-R OM. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... . C Cleani ng paper pick-u p roller ... ... .... .
97 F P Paper ..... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... . 1 3 , 87 cap aci ty ...... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .... 1 6 loading ....... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... 8 si ze .
98 T Tempor ary cop y s ettings ... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 2 2 Trans parencies . .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. 16 , 87 Troubl eshooting .... ... .... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. 58 checking ink volume .. ... .. .....
For Australia On ly : Warranty & Repair - F o r detai ls about warrant y on your Brothe r Product, the details ar e listed on the follow ing link: ww w.
V isit us on the W orld Wide We b http ://ww w.broth This machi ne is appr oved fo r use in the c ountry of pu rchase on ly. Local B rother companies or their dealers w ill only supp ort m achines pu rchsed in thei r own c ount ries.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Brother DCP-185C è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Brother DCP-185C - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Brother DCP-185C imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Brother DCP-185C ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Brother DCP-185C, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Brother DCP-185C.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Brother DCP-185C. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Brother DCP-185C insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.