Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Scouting Cam BLACK400phone del fabbricante Braun
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1 Scouting Cam BL A CK 400pho ne Instruction Manual BRAUN PHOTO TECHNIK GmbH Klingenhofstraße 72 9041 1 Nü rnberg www .br aun - phototec hnik .de.
2 Inhal t 1. Caution ............................................................................................................... 3 2. Instructions ....................................................................................................
3 4.3 File Numbering ........................................................................................... 22 4.4 Firmware Upgrade ................................................................... ................... 22 A ppendi x: T echnical Specifications .
4 Attention ! Legal and pr ivac y protec tion Please inform yourself carefully about the legal regulations in your country concerning to dat a pr otection, personal identification, copyright, duty of notification and privacy laws before using this device.
5 movement of human (or animals) in a certain re gion of interest ed (ROI) monitored by a high sensitive Passive Infrared (PIR) motion sensor , and then automatically captures high quality pictures (up to 12MP) o r records 1080p HD v ideo clips (WVGA or QVGA ).
6 1) 2.5 inch Color L CD Displa y 2) Power Swi tch 3) Distance Switch 4) Menu S wi tch 5) SHU TTE R Switch 6) Sele ct Switch 7) SD - Card Slot 8) USB C onnector 9) TV Out Conn ector 10) SIM - Card Slot 11) Batt er y Compartment 2.
7 2.4 MMS Function This camer a c an send pic tures ins tantly to y our mobile device via the GSM ne twork. Y ou will be al ert e d onl y w hen some thing has ha ppene d; for se nding a n M MS via the GSM ne tw ork y ou ne ed to m ak e the se tti ngs in the s oftw ar e fir s t.
8 the wr ite - pr otec t swi tch o f the SD - c ar d is o n the “wr ite” positi on. When us e MMS/ e- mail function, be s ur e to ins ert S IM - card into the SIM - card slot with ang le i n the lowe r le ft. 3.3 Power on and enter into the ON Mode Before switching on, please pay at tention to th e followin g: 1.
9 3.4.4 Send MM S The MMS functi on w ill be a vailable af ter MMS is set to “ ON ” positio n . 3.5 Po wer Of f Slide the pow er swit ch to OFF p osition to power o ff the c amer a. Plea se not e that even in the OFF mode, the c amera still co nsumes c ertain pow er at µ A leve l.
10 4.1.1 Photo Setting 4.1.2 V ideo Setting.
11 4.1.3 Sy stem Setting.
12 4.1.4 MMS Menu.
13 4.1.5 SMTP Menu 4.1.6 Fix the setting on the co mputer Y ou can fix C ame ra , MMS or SMT P set ting on the computer . R un the MMSCONFIG .ex e fi le fr om MMSCONFIG f older on the C D. No te: Pl ease move all the file s in the root directory of MMSCONFIG folder to k eep the setting available .
14 There are following windows: 1). F ix Camera Sett i ng on PC Cli c k on Camera model BL ACK 400 phon e, the following in t erface is displa yed : F ix the camera set ting based on your need.
15 Int er val 1/5/ 1 0 /3 0 s e c / m i n W aiting time betw een image s Multi 1/ 3/ 6 / 9 N umber of phot os tak en ev ery time ISO 100,20 0,400 The camera exposure l evel V ideo Res olution 1 080P ,.
16 Select how to set up MMS Mode: A uto or Manual. 1. Auto MMS MODE Select C ountry and Operat or . Please pa y atten t ion to y our cost s per MMS! Then add phone number or email addr ess for receiving picture s. 2. Manual MMS MODE Contact your mobile phone network opera tor for all the r equired in f ormation: APN, MMSC, IP and Port and ent er .
17 3). Set up SMTP Function on PC Click on SMTP , the following interf ace is displa yed: 1. Auto MMS MODE Select C ountry and Operat or . Select sending emai l pro vider , address and p asswo rd. Please pa y atten t ion to y our cost s per MMS! Then add another email addr ess fo r receiving the picture s.
18 Please pa y att ention that “MMS Func tion” must be in “OFF” m ode . 4.1.7 D efault 4.1.8 General Settings The operating step s are suit able for following menu items: Camera Mode, Pho to Size, V ideo Size, Multi, Vi deo Length, Interval, T imer etc.
19 make sure that you have made a backup of import ant data. a) Press MENU to display the setting M ENU. b) Press R IGH T to sel ect S YS TEM settin g. c) Press D OW N to select FORM A T . d) Press RIGHT to select S D Card . e) Press down the select switch to choose Ente r to enter into submenu.
20 return to info display . f) Press MENU to cancel s etting and return to info d isplay . 4.1.14 Set Multi This parameter a ffects the number o f pictures taken for each triggering in the ca mera mode. It has four val ues: “1 Photo”, “3 Photos” “6 Photos” and “9 phot o s”.
21 b) Press DOW N to select Interval. c) Press RIGHT to enter in to the interv a l setti ng. d) Press DOW N to select 1 minute. e) Press down the select s witch to save the cu rrent setting, then pres s MENU to return to info display . f) Press MENU to cancel s etting and return to info d isplay .
22 displa y . f) The LCD screen wi ll prom pt to enter the p assword next time you sw itch on the camera. g) Press MENU to cancel setting and return to previous menu.
23 1. Unzip the update fil e. 2. Copy the F W 18NA.bin to SD card. 3. Insert the SD card into th e camera. 4. Power on the camera (T est Mode). 5. The camera w ill read it and update itsel f automatically . W hen updating the camera, it s screen i s black.
24 Appendix: Technical Speci fi cati ons Image sen sor 5 M ega Pixel Color CM OS (12 M P interpolated) M emory SD Card ( up to 32 GB) Lens F=3.1; FO V=60 Size 160mm x 1 20mm x 50 m m IR Filter Full A utomatic IR Filter TFT Display 2.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Braun Scouting Cam BLACK400phone insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.