Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Blaze del fabbricante Bowflex
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PN 0 0 1-6902 Rev B (8/2006) Th e B o w f l e x ® B l az e ™ H om e Gym Ow ne r’ s M a nu a l a n d F itn e ss G u i d e .
3 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s Sa fe t y Requi remen t s 5 Sa fe t y Warni ng L abe ls 7 Ge t t o K no w Your M ac hi ne 10 How t o Us e Your M achine 1 1 Power Rod® Resistance 11 Adjusting/Understa.
4 Regulator y A pprovals : Product W eight 195 lbs. (88 kg) Product Dimensions 90" L x 38" W x 83" H (229 cm L x 97 cm W x 211 cm H) Folded Footprint 52" L x 38" W x 83" .
5 S a f e t y R e q u i r e m e n t s • Always rea d and fo llo w t h e W arning an d Sa f e t y la be ls a ttach ed to yo ur Bowf l e x® Bl aze ™ ho me g y m. Do n ot r em o v e t h ese la be ls. I f y o u n ee d re pla ce me n t la bels , p l ease call a Nau tilus Re pr ese n t ativ e at 1 - 800 -NA U TIL US (6 28 - 8458) .
6 S a f e t y R e q u i r e m e n t s o pe rati on of the Bowf l e x® Blaze ™ h om e g y m . • Ke ep yo ur body w e ig h t ce n ter ed on t h e ma chin e , sea t, o r ba se fr am e pl atf orm whil e e x er cisi ng .
7 H o m e G y m The f oll owi ng sa fet y w arn in gs are lo ca ted on th e Bow flex ® B laze ™ e xer cis e m ac hin e. Ple as e r ead all s afe ty pre ca uti ons an d war nin g i nf orm ati on pr ior to us in g y our pr od uct . B e s ur e t o r epl ac e any w arn ing la be l i f d ama ge d, ill egi bl e, or mis si ng.
8 The f oll owi ng sa fet y w arn in gs are lo ca ted in si te sp eci fic ar eas on th e uni t. Ple as e r evi ew an d und er sta nd the s afe ty war ni ng lab els a nd the ir lo cat ion s o n the un it pr ior to us e.
9 Lab el 3: See Fig ure 3 fo r “ Cau ti on” sa fet y lab el. A void cr ush ha zar d whe n fol din g t he be nch . Loc at ion : T op of th e sea t r ail b rac ket . Lab el 4: See Figu re 4 for “C au tio n” saf et y l abe l. St ay cle ar of th e l eg whe n fol din g t he le g e xte ns ion .
10 CONGRA TULA TIONS on your commitment to improving your health and fitness! With the Bowflex® Blaze™ home gym, you have ever ything you need to exceed all of your physical fitness, strength and h.
11 Power Rod ® Resistance Power Rod ® rods are made from a special composite material. Y our rods are sheathed with a protective black rubber coating.
12 The W orkout Bench Y our Bowflex® Blaze™ home gym has a number of seat and bench positions: flat bench forward, flat bench back, 45° incline and free-sliding seat extension. T o adjust the seat, pull out the Seat Rail Knob, then slide the seat to one of the three locking holes on the Seat Rail.
13 Accessories and Equipment Hand Grips: The Hand Grips fit snugly around your hand, ankle, or wrist. Attach the pulley cable clips to the D-Rings on the Hand Grips to attach them to the cables. St a nd a rd Gr ip : Gr a sp t he g r i p a n d cu f f tog e t h er to fo r m a g rip w itho ut inser ti n g y our hand t hrou gh t he cu f f por tion .
14 Using Y our Leg Press Belt and Squat Bar Pulleys H o w t o U s e Y o u r M a c h i n e L eg P res s Belt : The Leg Press Bel t is used fo r t h e Leg Press ex ercise.
15 Y our body will do what you train it to do. That’ s why it’ s important to define your goals and focus them. Here are some fitness components that will help you define your goals and choose your fitness program. Musc le St ren gt h is the ma xi m u m f orce t hat you ca n exert aga in st resist a nc e at one t ime.
16 Y ou may want to design your own personal program specifically geared to your goals and lifestyle. Designing a program is easy , as long as you follow the guidelines below . Un derst a nd f itnes s a nd its compon ents : Imp ro perly designe d pr ogr a ms c an be da ng er ous.
17 D e f i n e Y o u r G o a l s W a r m U p / C o o l D o w n W orking Out A workout begins in your mind’ s eye. With con- centration and visualization, you can approach your workout with a positive, constructive atti- tude.
18 C h e s t E x e r c i s e s Benc h P ress— Shoulder Hor iz ontal A dduction (and elbow ext ension) Chest Fl y— Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stablized) Muscles Work ed: Pectoralis Majo.
19 C h e s t E x e r c i s e s Decline Benc h P ress —Shoulder Hor iz ontal A dduction (and elbow ext ension) Incline Benc h P ress —Shoulder Hor iz ontal A dduction (and elbow ext ension) Muscles.
20 C h e s t E x e r c i s e s Decline Chest Fl y —Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilized) Incline Chest Fl y —Shoulder Hor izontal Adduction (elbo w stabilized) Muscles Work ed: Pector.
21 C h e s t E x e r c i s e s Resisted P unc h —Shoulder Flexion, Elbow Ext ension, Scapular Protr action L ying Cable Cr ossov er —Shoulder Ext ension/Adduction (elbo w stabilized) Muscles work .
22 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Rear Deltoid Ro ws —Shoulder Hor izontal Abduction (and elbow flexion) Standing L ateral Shoulder Raise —Shoulder Ext ension (elbow stabiliz ed) Muscles Work .
23 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s S eated Shoulder Press —Shoulder A dduction (and elbow ext ension) F ront Shoulder Raise —Shoulder Flexion (elbo w stabilized) Muscles work ed: Front Deltoids,.
24 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Shoulder Extension —(elbo ws stabilized) Shoulder Shrug —Scapular Elev ation Muscles Work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, T eres Major , Rear Deltoid, Middle T rapezius,.
25 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s S capular Pr otraction —(elbows stabiliz ed) S capular Depression Muscles work ed: Serratus Anteriors Benc h P osition: 45 o incline Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on floor .
26 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s L ying F ront Shoulder Raise —Shoulder Flexion (elbo ws stabiliz ed) Re verse Fly — Shoulder Hor izontal Abduction (elbo ws stabilized in slight flexion) Musc.
27 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s Shoulder Rotator Cuf f —Inter nal Rotation Shoulder Rotator Cuf f —Exter nal Rotation Muscles work ed: Subscapularis Benc h P osition: Flat Bench Forward Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor .
28 S h o u l d e r E x e r c i s e s S eated L ateral Shoulder Raise —Shoulder Flexion (elbo ws stabiliz ed) S capular Retraction Muscles Work ed: Supraspinatus, Middle Deltoids, and T rapezius Benc h P osition: Flat Bench Forward Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor .
29 B a c k E x e r c i s e s L ying Lat Pulldo wns Lo w Bac k Extension—S eated (with hip e xtension) Muscles work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, T eres Major , and Rear Deltoids Benc h P osition: Flat Bench Forward Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor .
30 B a c k E x e r c i s e s P ulldowns —Shoulder A dduction (with elbow flexion) Narr ow P ulldowns with Handgrips — Shoulder Ext ension (with elbow flexion) Muscles Work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, .
31 B a c k E x e r c i s e s L ying Lat Fly —Shoulder Adduction L ying Narr ow Lat Pulldo wns Muscles work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, T eres Major , Rear Deltoids, and Biceps Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor .
32 B a c k E x e r c i s e s S eated L at Ro ws —Shoulder Ext ension (and elbo w flexion) Stif f-Arm Pulldo wn —Shoulder Extension (elbo w stabilized) Muscles Work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, T eres Ma.
33 B a c k E x e r c i s e s Bent Ov er Row Muscles work ed: Latissimus Dorsi, T eres Major , Rear Deltoids, and Biceps Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Squat Bar Attachment Pulle ys: Squat Pulley Frame Success T ips • Keep your knees bent and feet flat on the floor .
34 A r m E x e r c i s e s T riceps Pushdo wn—Elbow Extension Single Arm P ushdown —Elbo w Ext ension Muscles Work ed: T riceps Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Lat T ower Success T ips • Keep your upper arms motionless and your wrists straight.
35 A r m E x e r c i s e s F renc h P ress —Elbo w Extension (o ver head) L ying T riceps Extension —Elbo w Ext ension Muscles work ed: T riceps Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your upper arms motionless and your wrists straight.
36 A r m E x e r c i s e s Cr oss T riceps Extension L ying 45 o T riceps Extension —Elbo w Extension Muscles Work ed: T riceps Benc h P osition: 45 o incline Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your upper arm motionless and your wrists straight.
37 A r m E x e r c i s e s S eated T riceps Extension —Elbow Ext ension Standing Biceps Curl —Elbo w Flexion (in supination) Muscles work ed: T riceps Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your knees bent, feet flat on the floor .
38 A r m E x e r c i s e s S eated Biceps Curl —Flexion (in supination) L ying Biceps Curl —Elbo w Flexion (in supination) Muscles Work ed: Biceps Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your upper body motionless and your wrists straight.
39 A r m E x e r c i s e s S eated W rist Extension Standing W rist Curl Muscles work ed: Forearms Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Move slowly , and keep tension in the back of the forearms at all times.
40 A r m E x e r c i s e s Re verse Curl —Elbow Flexion (in pr onation) S eated W rist Curl — W r ist Flexion Muscles Work ed: Brachialis, Brachioradialis, and Biceps Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your upper body motionless, elbows at your sides, and your wrists straight.
41 A r m E x e r c i s e s Standing W rist Extension “Rope” P ushdown —Elbo w Extension Muscles work ed: Forearms; Brachialis Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Move slowly , and keep tension in the wrists at all times.
42 A b d o m i n a l E x e r c i s e s Re verse Crunc h —Spinal Flexion Resisted Re verse Crunc h —Spinal Flexion Muscles Work ed: Rectus Abdominus Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: None Pulle ys: None Success T ips • Keep your upper body , knees, and hips stationary .
43 A b d o m i n a l E x e r c i s e s S eated (Resisted) Abdominal Crunc h —Spinal Flexion S eated (Resisted) Oblique Abdominal Crunc h —Spinal Flexion/Rotation Muscles work ed: Rectus Abdominus .
44 A b d o m i n a l E x e r c i s e s T runk Rotation Muscles Work ed: Rectus Abdominus, Obliques, and Serratus Anterior Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Handgrips Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your chest lifted, shoulders pinched, abs tight, and a slight arch in your lower back.
45 Leg Extension Muscles work ed: Quadriceps Benc h P osition: Leg Extension Seat Accessor y: None Pulle ys: Leg Extension Leg Extension: Engaged Success T ips • Use slow , controlled motion—do not “kick” into the extension. • Do not let your knees rotate outward during the exercise.
46 L e g E x e r c i s e s L ying Leg Extension Ankle Ev er sion Muscles work ed: Quadriceps Benc h P osition: Flat Bench Forward Accessor y: Ankle Cuff Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your chest lifted, spine aligned, abs tight, and a ver y slight arch in your lower back.
47 L e g E x e r c i s e s Ankle In version Standing Hip Extension —(knee flex ed) Muscles Work ed: Tibialis Anterior and Posterior Benc h P osition: Flat Bench Forward Accessor y: Ankle Cuff Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Movement should occur only at your ankle—keep the rest of your body motionless.
48 L e g E x e r c i s e s Standing Hip Extension —(knee stabiliz ed) Standing Hip Abduction Muscles work ed: Gluteus Maximus; Biceps Femoris; Semimembranosus; Semitendinosus Benc h P osition: Remov.
49 L e g E x e r c i s e s S eated Hip A dduction S eated Hip Abduction Muscles Work ed: Adductor Longus and Gluteus Medius Benc h P osition: Horizontal Accessor y: Ankle Cuff Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Do not cross your leg with the attached Cuff in front of your stabi - lized leg.
50 L e g E x e r c i s e s Standing Leg Kic kbac k —Hip and Knee Extension Muscles work ed: Gluteus Maximus Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Ankle Cuff Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips • Keep your chest lifted, spine aligned, abs tight, and a ver y slight arch in your lower back.
51 Leg P ress —Hip and Knee Extension Muscles Work ed: Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus and Adductor muscle groups Benc h P osition: Removed Accessor y: Leg Press Belt Pulle ys: Chest Bar Success T ips �.
52 P rone Leg Curl —Knee Flexion Muscles Work ed: Ha mstr ing m uscle group (bi ceps fe moris, semi me mbranosus, semiten di n osu s ) and G ast rocn emius Benc h P osition: Leg Extension Seat Acces.
53 Sternocleidomastoid Pectoralis Major Anterior Deltoid Medial Deltoid Biceps Brachialis External Obliques Brachioradialis Pronator T eres Flexor Carpi Radialis T ensor Fasciae Latae Iliopsoas Pectin.
54 If you pu rc ha s ed t h i s p rodu ct out s ide of t h e U S, ple a se se e t h e e nclo se d Wa r r a nt y I nfor m at ion sh eet f or w a r ra n t y i n for mat io n for you r s pe c if ic loc at ion . 6 -W e ek Sat i sfac t ion Gu a r a nte e We w ant you to k now t hat the Bo w f lex ® Blaze™ home g ym is a su peri or p roduc t .
© 20 06, Nautilus Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1640 0 SE Nautilus Dr ., V ancouver , W ashington, USA 98683. Bowflex, Blaze, Power Rod and the Bowflex and Nautilus logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus Inc.
Please f old o ver and tape befor e mailing Please f old o ver and tape befor e mailing Bowflex ® Blaz e™ Home Gym 1640 0 SE Nautilus Dr . V ancouver , W ashington, USA 98683 W h at I s C over ed Nautilus, Inc.
T h e B o w f l e x ® B o d y L e a n n e s s P r o g r a m By Elling ton Darde n, Ph .D. The f ollowi ng progra m was created by Dr . El ling ton Darden. It con ta in s a rigoro us fit ness and dietar y progra m. Ple a se consult yo u r ph ysicia n be fo re begi nni ng any fitnes s or d ie t ar y pro g ram.
58 I n t r o d u c t i o n The Bowflex® Body Leanness Program Th is p rogr am is scien t if i c ally designed fo r ma xi mal fat l os s ove r si x wee k s. It i s i m port a n t t ha t yo u pract i ce ever y aspect o f the plan to achie ve opti m u m resu l t s.
A P e r s o n a l G u a r a n t e e F r o m D r . E l l i n g t o n D a r d e n Dea r B o w f lex® Enthusia st, I’ m exci t ed, rea lly ex cited ! I’ m e lated becau se I’v e dev el oped an ex erci sing a nd eat ing pr og ra m that prod uces f at los s f ast er t han any plan I’ ve ever tested.
60 I f you wou ld l ike t o mea sure your pers onal before- a nd- a fter resu lts , t here a re s evera l st eps yo u need to t ake. It is impor ta nt t hat yo u accur ately per form each t ask , t hen at t he en d of t he si x-week prog r am, repeat t he proces s i n t he sa me m anner .
61 Skinfold Measurements T o accur ately t rack your prog ress t hroug h th is six-week progr a m, it i s necessa r y to t ake sk in fo ld measu rem ents. By mea sur ing yo ur self in t his way , you w i ll be abl e to determ ine your lean- body ma ss and yo ur body - fat perce n t age.
62 Using Calipers When Measuring Skinfolds The proc edure f or mea sur ing ski nfol d t hick n es s i s to g ra sp f ir mly w ith t he t h umb and foref inger a f old of ski n and su r face fat a nd pu ll i t away f rom t he u n derlyi ng muscle. T a k e the ca liper i n your other ha n d and open t he jaws.
63 T o Use The Nomogram: 1 ) Loc ate the sum of your th ree sk in f olds i n t he r igh t co lu mn and ma rk it. 2) Loc ate your age i n y ear s on t he fa r l eft col u mn and mark i t .
64 C a l c u l a t i n g L e a n B o d y M a s s No w that you k n ow your body -f at percen t age, you c an ca lculate your l ean -b ody perc en t a ge . T his w il l even t ua lly sh ow you how ma n y pounds of muscle w ere added to your body , a fter co mp le t ing the pr og ra m.
65 Name Age Height W eight Loss W eight Before Muscle Gain W eight After Fat Loss Please follow the instructions in the “Measurements” section for measuring circumferences.
66 GU I DEL IN E S W eek 1& 2 A l l exe rcis es sho u ld be pract iced w ith one set of 8 to 12 re pet i t io ns. The st yle of per f orma nc e is ve r y import a n t . T he mov eme n t f or each repetit io n sho uld be 4 sec onds i n the positive p ha se and 4 secon ds in t h e ne g ative.
67 Y ou w ill be follo w ing a red uced- ca lorie n ut rit io n pr og ra m, wh ic h is div ided i n t o t hree t wo -wee k seg m en t s. The progr am is a pro ven m ethod f or ach ievi ng ma x ima l fat los s o ver a si x - wee k period. It consist s of a ca rboh yd rate -r ich, descending- ca lorie eati ng plan, and a superhy dr ation ro uti n e.
68 Dr ink ing ple n t y of w ater i s es sen t ial to t h e suc cess of t hi s prog ra m. D ri nk ing the rec om m end ed amount of water can seem like a cha llenge at f ir st. St ick w ith it. Ca rr y a la rge spor ts bott le or simi la r item w ith yo u th ro ugh out t he day .
69 The me nus i n t he B ow f lex ® eati ng pla n a re designed f or ma x imum fat- l os s ef fectiveness and n utr itional v alue . F or best results , follo w them exact ly . Ev er y attem pt h as been made to uti li ze cur ren t popula r br and names and a ccur ate c alorie co unts , which a re listed in t he men u s.
70 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 3/4 oz. light cream cheese (45) 1/2 C. orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
71 Breakfast = 300 calories Choice of bagel, cereal or shake. Bagel 1 plain bagel, Sarah Lee ® (frozen) (210) 21 g light cream cheese (45) 120 ml orange juice, fresh or frozen (55) Any beverage without calories, caffeine, or sodium, such as decaffeinated coffee or tea.
72 S h o p p i n g L i s t Q uantit ies needed for li sted items w il l depend on your speci f ic selections. Rev iew your ch oic es and adjust t he shop ping list acco rd ingly . I t may b e he lpfu l for you to ph otoc opy t hi s l ist each week befor e do ing yo ur sho pping .
73 Q. I o ft en get head ac hes w hen I e at on ly 1 0 0 0 ca lor ies a da y . W h at shou l d I do ? A. Y our headaches may be caused by going longer than three hours between meals or snacks. T ry spacing your meals and snacks where there are fewer hours between them.
74 Q & A muscles larger – but not excessively large – and larger muscles will make your body firmer and more shapely . Q. W h y i s it s o imp or t a nt I pe rfor m t he B ow f lex ® exerc i se s w it h a 4 - se cond cou nt on t he li ft i n g a nd lower i n g ? A.
75 Q & A Q. I’m plea s ed t ha t I los t t he fat I w a nte d to lo se. W h at do I do to ma i nt a i n my new bod y we ig ht ? A. Once you’ve lost your excessive fat, your next task is to maintain that status. Here are the adjustments you need to make to your current practices.
77 E x e r c i s e L o g Please feel free to make copies of this chart to continue your exercise log. EXERCISE D A TE D A TE D A TE DA TE D A TE D A TE Sets Reps Resistance Sets Reps Resistance Sets R.
If you need assistance, please hav e both the serial number of your mac hine and the date of purc hase available when y ou contact the appropriate Nautilus, Inc. office listed below . WORL D WI DE CUSTOME R SERVI CE • NO RTH AM ERI CA OFFI CE Naut ilus , Inc.
©2006 Nautilus Inc. All rights reserved. 1640 0 SE Nautilus Dr ., V ancouver , Washington, USA 98683. 1-800-NAUTILUS Bowflex, Blaze, Power Rod and the Bowflex and Nautilus logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bowflex Blaze è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bowflex Blaze - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bowflex Blaze imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bowflex Blaze ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bowflex Blaze, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bowflex Blaze.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bowflex Blaze. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bowflex Blaze insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.