Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PLE-1MA120-US del fabbricante Bosch Appliances
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Installa tion and User Inst ructi ons PL E-1 M A 0 3 0 -US PLE-1MA060-U S PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Important s afeguards en | 2 Import ant safeguards Alerts on t he apparat us 1 Read instructions - All the safety instructions for use should be read before the system is operated.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Important s afeguards en | 3 outlet , conta ct your e lectrician to replace y our obsolete outlet.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Important s afeguards en | 4 Thank you for .
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | T abl e of contents en | 5 T able of content s Important safeguards ...........................
Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | T abl e of contents en | 6 Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en 5. Operation .......................................................
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Introdu ction en | 7 1 Int roduct ion 1.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Introdu ction en | 8 1 . 7 Conversion t ables In this manual, SI units are used to express lengths, masses, temperatures etc.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 9 2 Descript ion 2. 1 The Plena product range The Plena Mixer Amplifier is part of the Plena produc t range.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 1 0 An LED meter monito rs the master output b efore the zone selectio n. This signal is also present on th e headphone connector below the output meter.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 1 1 2.4 Controls , connect ors and indic at ors 2.4. 1 Front panel See figure 2.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 1 2 2.4. 3 Rear panel See figure 2.3 for an over view of the connectors and switches: 1 T el.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 1 3 figure 2.3: Rear panel Mute Mix Wall Panel PLE-2CS Apparatus delivered connected for 230V~ Line fuse T1L250V for 23 0V T1 .
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | Description en | 1 4 Intentionally left bla.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Installation en | 1 5 3 Inst allat ion 3. 1 Unpack unit 1 Remo ve the unit from the bo x, and discard the packaging material accord ing to local regulations.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instructions | Installation en | 1 6 Intentionally left.
Bosch Security Systems | 2007 -1 2 | P LE-1 MA030- U S, PLE -1MA0 60- U S, PLE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instru ctions | C onnectio ns and settings en | 1 7 4 Connect ions and set t ings 4. 1 Connecting input s 4. 1 .
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 1 8 4. 1 .2 S ec ondar y microphone ( input 2) Connect a secondary micro phone to “microphone/line input 2”.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 1 9 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 20 4. 1 .4.2 Connect ing t elephone lines Connect the telepho ne lines as shown in figure 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 2 1 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 22 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 23 4.2. 4 Connec t ing speakers 4.2.4. 1 Constant volt age loudspeakers The mixer amplifier can driv e 70 V constant voltage loudspeakers.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 24 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20- U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 25 tab le 4.
Bosch Secu rity Systems | 200 7 -1 2 | PLE -1MA030-U S, PLE -1MA060- US, P LE -1MA1 20- U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instr uctions | C onnection s and settings en | 26 4.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instru ctions | Operation en | 27 5O p e r a t i o n 5. 1 Swit ch on and off 5. 1 . 1 Swit c h on 1 Set the power button (1) o n the front of t he unit to On - pushed in (see figure 5.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User Instru ctions | Operation en | 28 5.2 Microphone/line cont rols Use the volume controls (7) to individually control the sound level of microphone /line inputs 1 through 4.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | T echnical data en | 29 6 T echnical dat a 6. 1 Electric al 6. 1 . 1 M ains power supply 6.
Bosch Security Systems | 20 0 7 -1 2 | P LE-1MA03 0- U S, P LE- 1MA06 0-U S, P LE -1MA1 2 0-U S en Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and User In structions | T echnical data en | 30 6. 1 . 6 M usic inputs 3 x 6. 1 .7 Emergenc y / t elephone 1 x 6. 1 .
For more informati on visit © Bosch Security Systems B.V. Data subject to change without notice 2007-12 | PLE-1MA030-US, PLE- 1MA060-US, PLE-1MA120-US en.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Bosch Appliances PLE-1MA120-US insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.