Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TS1002A del fabbricante Black Box
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CUSTOMER SUPPORT INFORMATION Order toll-free in the U.S. 24 hours, 7 A.M. Monday to midnight Friday: 877-877-BBOX FREE technical support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Call 724-746-5500 or fax 724-746-0746 Mail order: Black Box Corporation , 1000 Park Drive, Lawrence, PA 15055-1018 Web site: www.
2 OMNISCANNER NORMAS OFICIALES MEXICANAS (NOM) ELECTRICAL SAFETY ST A TEMENT INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD 1. Todas las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser leídas antes de que el aparato eléctrico sea operado. 2. Las instrucciones de seguridad y operación deberán ser guardadas para referencia futura.
3 NOM ST A TEMENT 12. Precaución debe ser tomada de tal manera que la tierra fisica y la polarización del equipo no sea eliminada. 13. Los cables de la fuente de poder deben ser guiados de tal maner.
4 OMNISCANNER TRADEMARKS The trademarks mentioned in this manual are the sole property of their owners..
5 CONTENTS CONTENTS 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1 The Digital Solution for Fiber and Copper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2 The Graphical User Interface . . .
6 OIMNISCANNER 3.5 Project Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.6 Running an Autotest for Fiber Optic Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.6.1 Preparing an Autotest . . . . . . . . . . .
7 CONTENTS 5.3.11 Power Sum ACR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.3.12 Office Locator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.4 Fiber Optic Measurements with OMNIFiber . . . .
8 OMNISCANNER 11. Multi Media Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 11.1 Portable Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 11.2 Multi Media Card Maintenance .
9 CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1 The Digital Solution for Fiber and Copper OMNIScanner is the most advanced hand-held certification and diagnostic tool for the verification of copper links. The Category 7, 6, 5E (Enhanced), 5 and ISO Class F, E, D, and C tester has an extended frequency range of 300 MHz.
10 OMNISCANNER compared against the selected LAN standard for instant PASS/FAIL analysis. OMNIFiber measures loss at 850 and 1300 nm over multimode fiber and at 1310 nm over single-mode fiber. Up to 1000 Autotests can be saved to nonvolatile memory. Saved results can be easily uploaded to the PC with Scanlink software.
11 1.7 OMNIScanner’ s Keypad ON/OFF When turned on, OMNIScanner will display the project screen. Backlight Press the Backlight key to toggle the backlight between its two levels of brightness. Press and hold the Backlight key to display the Contrast screen.
12 OMNISCANNER Autotest Press the Autotest key to run a custom or predefined Autotest. ESC Press the Escape key to cancel the current operation. Arrow keys Press the left, right, up, or down arrow key to navigate within a list, menu, graph, or editable field.
13 CHAPTER 1: Introduction Function Keys The functions of the 4 keys located below the display vary depending on the current display. The assigned functions are: Setup Measurements Diagnostics Results.
14 OMNISCANNER 1.8 OMNIRemote’ s LED Indicators LED Color Description PASS Green Overall Autotest Result is PASS. Status Green OMNIRemote is ready for (flashing) testing.
15 1.10 When T o Use OMNIRemote Most measurements require the use of OMNIRemote at the far end of the cable. For other measurements, OMNIRemote can be connected, but its use is optional. OMNIScanner detects the presence of the remote unit and automatically configures it for the measurement to be performed.
16 OMNISCANNER OMNIScanner2 displays test results for both ends of the link. Press or to toggle the display between Scanner and Remote test results. NOTE Refer to the graphics in Chapter 2, Getting Started: Typical Test Configurations, for instructions on connecting OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote for basic link and full channel tests.
17 1.12 OMNIFiber’ s LED Indicators LED Color Description 850 nm Green OMNIFiber is transmitting at 850 nm 850 nm Green OMNIFiber is (flashing) transmitting modulated light at 850 nm 850 nm Orange P.
18 OMNISCANNER 2. Push the OMNIFiber adapter onto OMNIScanner’s 160-pin connector until it snaps into position. 3. To remove OMNIFiber, use the pushbutton latches to release the secured adapter. 4. Protect OMNIFiber’s 160-pin connector by snapping the cover back in place.
19 1.14.1 P REDEFINED L ISTS To quickly and easily select Projects, Autotests, Cables, etc., OMNIScanner2 uses predefined lists. 1. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow keys to move the cursor to the field to be edited and press ENTER. A pop-up list will be displayed while the main screen becomes inactive.
20 OMNISCANNER 4. Press ENTER or ESC to accept the value and terminate edit mode. 1.14.3 E DITING A LPHANUMERIC F IELDS To start the editing procedure for fields that contain alphabetic and numeric characters, use the alphanumeric keypad. 1. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow key to move the cursor to the field to be edited.
21 4. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow key to move to the appropriate character, or simply press 8 on your keypad repeatedly until the appropriate letter or number appears in the highlighted field. Press the key to toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.
22 OMNISCANNER Select Remote Info to open the REMOTE INFO screen, which contains the date the reference was last set, the hardware and software information, the serial number, the battery indicator, and the factory calibration data. The serial number can also be found on the back of each unit.
23 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks 2. Getting Star ted: T wisted Pair Networks 2.1 Charging OMNIScanner’ s Battery To operate the OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote with battery power, the battery must first be charged. Until the charging cycle is complete, the units can run with the AC adapter plugged in.
24 OMNISCANNER Press (Diagnostics) to view and manage stored test results. Press (Results) to view and manage stored test results. 2.3 Certification of Network Installations OMNIScanner is designed to efficiently certify cabling installations through its Autotest feature.
25 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks Scanlink Tools supports the following: • Upload test results. • Storage of test results to files (Scanlink compatible format) • Print test re.
26 OMNISCANNER 1. To set the reference, connect OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote using the test cable and adapter supplied with the scanner (as shown). 2. Turn OMNIScanner on. 3. Press (Setup). 4. Select Set Reference. 5. On finding OMNIRemote, the scanner reports: Acquiring Reference Data.
27 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks 3. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow to highlight Autotest and press ENTER. 4. Select the appropriate Autotest from the pop-up list and press ENTER. 5. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow to highlight Cable and press ENTER.
28 OMNISCANNER The Adapter field will automatically change to reflect the adapter that is currently attached. OMNIScanner auto-senses the adapter. If the adapter is changed, OMNIScanner will automatically adjust the content in the fields Autotest: and Cable: to reflect the new setup.
29 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks 4. The Autotest screen is displayed while Autotest is running. The Autotest and the Cable name are displayed at the top of the screen. A gauge indicates the test progress. Tests will be listed with their individual (PASS) or (FAIL) results as soon as a test is completed.
30 OMNISCANNER 3. To assign a unique name to the Autotest, enter a Circuit ID into the Circuit ID: field. Circuit IDs can be set up to automatically increment.
31 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks and select or unselect the graphs to be saved. (See Section 3.7, Autotest Options for more information. Press (Save) to save the new settings and return to the SAVE AUTOTEST screen. 7. The SAVE AUTOTEST screen‘s save function key indicates the selected Save Option.
32 OMNISCANNER 2.6.2 V IEWING T WISTED P AIR A UTOTEST R ESULTS This viewing option is only available immediately after the Autotest was performed. To view stored test results at a later time, press the (Results) function key located in the Project screen.
33 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks Press to view.
34 OMNISCANNER Most Autotest result screens have a retest feature for diagnostic purposes. Press (Retest) to run continuous tests for the same cable. The arrow located on the Retest button will be turning for the duration of the test. Press (Retest) once more to stop the continuous measurement.
35 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks Tests that require the use of OMNIRemote will have small icons in the upper right corner of the titlebar to indicate whether the information is pertinent for OMNIScanner or OMNIRemote. To toggle between the two screens, press to open the screen that contains the information for OMNIScanner.
36 OMNISCANNER The RETURN LOSS and NEXT Graph screens have (Diagnostic) function keys to help you with the interpretation of failed test results. (See Chapter 5, TDRL and TDNXT for detailed information. 2.7 T ypical T est Configurations for T wisted Pair Cabling 2.
37 CHAPTER 2: Getting Started: Twisted Pair Networks The Punch Down Block Adapter kits 110 A Link Adapter and 110 B Link Adapter are available (as optional accessories) to interface the OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote with IDC (110) punch-down blocks. Use the 110 A or B Link Adapter to attach OMNIScanner to the 110 Punch Down block.
38 OMNISCANNER NOTE Best results for Category 6 channel tests will be obtained when using OMNIScanner software version 4.0 or higher. 2.7.4 P ERMANENT L INK For Permanent Link Autotests, connect the supplied Link adapters in the same manner as the Basic Link.
39 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 3. Getting Star ted: Fiber Optic Networks 3.1 Charging OMNIScanner’ s Battery In order to operate the OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote with battery power, the battery must first be charged. Until the charging cycle is complete, the units can run with the AC adapter plugged in.
40 OMNISCANNER 3.3 Certification of Fiber Installations OMNIScanner and OMNIFiber are designed to efficiently certify fiber optic cabling installations through the Autotest feature. Test results, test specifications, and cable types are organized into Projects.
41 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 6. Attach OMNIFiber Remote to the corresponding patch panel or outlet at the other end of the cable link. 7. Run Autotest. 8. Save test results. C OMPLETION At the end of the day or shift, the test results are uploaded using Scanlink Tools software.
42 OMNISCANNER 3. Select the appropriate Reference Method: A, B, or C. OMNIScanner will store a separate reference value for each wavelength. OMNIScanner will store reference data for up to 5 OMNIFiber pairs. See Chapter 8, Fiber Optic Reference Methods for further information.
43 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 4. Once the reference value has been set, OMNIScanner will display the FIBER INFO screen. 5. Press ESC to return to the SETUP screen. NOTE If the test configuration changes, a new reference value needs to be established.
44 OMNISCANNER 3. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow to highlight Autotest: and press ENTER. 4. Select the appropriate Autotest from the pop-up list and press ENTER. 5. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow to highlight Cable: and press ENTER. 6. Select the cable type to be tested from the pop-up list and press ENTER.
45 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 3.6 Running An Autotest for Fiber Optic Cabling 3.6.1 P REPARING AN A UTOTEST 1. Connect OMNIFiber Main to the near end of the RX/TX fiber pair you are testing and connect OMNIFiber Remote to the far end.
46 OMNISCANNER 4. Press . METHOD B To run an Autotest when Method B was used to set the Reference proceed as follows: 1. Do not disconnect the black connectors which are attached to the TX port of the OMNIFiber Adapters. 2. Disconnect the black connectors that are attached to the RX ports of the OMNIFiber Adapters.
47 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 1. Do not disconnect the launch cables that are attached to the OMNIFiber adapters. 2. Remove the middle launch cable and the connector adapters (sleeves) that were attached to the middle launch cable.
48 OMNISCANNER 2. Do not disconnect the coupler from the black launch cable (it is circled in the graphic). 3. Disconnect the white launch cable from the RX port of the OMNIFiber adapter and the connector adapter (sleeve). Leave the two white connectors dangling.
49 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks 2. To change the number of Splices, use the down-arrow to highlight the field and press ENTER. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow key to adjust the number of splices in your link. To determine the total number of splices, simply count all of the splices on one fiber.
50 OMNISCANNER 3.8 Fiber Autotest Results Once the Autotest is completed the Autotest screen will be displayed. The arrows at the top of the screen indicate the direction of the light. ‚ points to the result measured from OMNIRemote to OMNIScanner. ˇ points out the result measured from OMNIScanner to OMNIRemote.
51 CHAPTER 3: Getting Started: Fiber Optic Networks NOTE Values measured with OMNIFiber will be compared against the preprogrammed PASS/FAIL limits. OMNIScanner will report independent PASS/FAIL indication for both fibers.
52 OMNISCANNER 4. Setup 4.1 Configuring OMNIScanner OMNIScanner’s easy-to-use setup feature allows you to define, edit and preset many items. They are conveniently organized and can easily be accessed by pressing the assigned number on your alphanumeric keypad, or by highlighting the item and then pressing ENTER.
53 4.2 Set Reference Connect OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote through their test connector ports using the test cable and the MOD 8 adapter. Select Set Reference to display the SET REFERENCE screen. OMNIScanner will immediately start to communicate with OMNIRemote.
54 OMNISCANNER S ET R EFERENCE WITH THE OMNIF IBER A DAPTERS NOTE The fiber reference expires each day at midnight. It must be set each calendar day that OMNIFiber adapters are used. The reference value should also be set every time a fiber is removed from either OMNIFiber TX port.
55 The Set Reference screen will be displayed while the reference data is being established. OMNIScanner notifies you when the process has been completed. The Fiber Info screen will be displayed. Press ESC to return to the Setup screen. 4.3 Autotests Select Autotests to display the Autotests screen.
56 OMNISCANNER If there are Autotest specifications in a folder, it will appear full ; otherwise it will be empty . Highlight a folder containing items and press ENTER to display the list of Autotests contained in that folder. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow key to highlight a specific Autotest.
57 V IEWING D ETAILS FOR C OPPER AND F IBER A UTOTESTS For twisted-pair cabling, the Autotest Detail screen consists of four pages. Use the and function keys to browse through the pages. The screen titles show the standard being used to set the limits (for example, Cat 6 Link).
58 OMNISCANNER The third page lists limits for ELFEXT, ACR, and Power Sum NEXT measurements. The fourth page shows limits for Power Sum ELFEXT and Power Sum ACR. This screen also informs you whether or not OMNIRemote is required to perform the selected Autotest.
59 For fiberoptic cabling the View Autotest Detail screen shows the standard being used in the titlebar. The tests that are performed during an Autotest are clearly marked . If an precedes the test name, the test will be performed for information purposes only.
60 OMNISCANNER For all other tests, the Loss for 850, 1300, and/or 1310 is displayed. Press ESC to return to the Setup screen. 4.4 Cables Select Cables to display the Cables screen. It contains a list of cable manufacturers. If there are cables in a folder the manufacturer folder will appear full, otherwise it will be empty.
61 CHAPTER 4: Setup Use the or to highlight the desired cable. Copper cables are marked with a twisted pair icon. Multimode fiber cables are marked with a multimode fiber icon. Single-mode fiberoptic cables are marked with a single-mode fiber icon. Coaxial cables are marked with the COAX icon.
62 OMNISCANNER With a twisted pair or a coaxial cable highlighted, press (Edit) to edit an existing custom cable. Cable Name, NVP, or Impedance can be changed. NOTE Default cables cannot be edited. With a twisted pair or coax cable highlighted, press (New) to create a new cable based on the NVP and Impedance values of the highlighted default cable.
63 CHAPTER 4: Setup To determine the NVP of a cable with a known length, press (Measure) to capture the length of the cable using the displayed NVP. Use the down-arrow to highlight the NVP field and press ENTER.
64 OMNISCANNER A fiber cable’s Graded Refractive Index (GRI) differs depending on the supplier. To receive accurate length results, OMNIScanner allows you to define the GRI values for both wavelengths. To change the fiber’s mode, use the up-arrow or down-arrow key to highlight the mode.
65 Press (Set Default) to select it as the Project to be used and to return to the Setup screen. Press (Delete) to permanently remove a project. NOTE Default projects cannot be deleted. Only projects without stored Autotests can be deleted. Press (Edit) to edit an existing project name and its Circuit ID.
66 OMNISCANNER Press (New) to create a new project. New Project will be displayed in the Name: field. Press ENTER to edit the name. The first and last Circuit ID fields contain the default Circuit ID from the Project that was highlighted when the (New) key was pressed.
67 Enter MT-F12 (MICROTEST-Floor 12) -PP02 (Patch Panel 02) -P48 (Position 48) in the Last Circuit ID field. Press ENTER to terminate the edit mode. The Circuit IDs will increment from right to left. The positions will change first from 01 to 48. Next the Patch Panels will increase from 01 to 02.
68 OMNISCANNER 4.6 Configurations Select Configurations to display the CONFIGURATIONS screen. It contains a list of all configurations which are currently stored on the MultiMedia Card that can be read by OMNIScanner2. (See Chapter 11, MultiMedia Card for more information about the MMC).
69 Use the down-arrow to highlight the other checkbox. Press if you want OMNIScanner to automatically move to the failed test result. The Jump to Fail box will be checked . Use the down-arrow to advance to the Report: field and press ENTER. Select Margin if you want OMNIScanner to report the result, measured in dB, for the worst margin.
70 OMNISCANNER OMNIScanner2 only: Press ENTER to change the Destination: from MMC (MultiMediaCard™) to Internal . Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to highlight the desired destination and press ENTER to select it as the default destination. Select MMC if you want to collect test results on the MultiMediaCard.
71 CHAPTER 4: Setup 4.9 User Options Select User Options to display the USER OPTIONS screen. This screen contains several user-definable preferences. Press ENTER to switch the Units from Meters to Feet. Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to highlight the desired measurement unit and press ENTER to select it as the default measurement unit.
72 OMNISCANNER and use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to highlight a language. Press ENTER once more to select it as the default language. Press to save all settings and return to the SETUP screen. 4.10 Adapter Usage Select Adapter Usage to display the ADAPTER USAGE screen.
73 CHAPTER 4: Setup The Battery status is represented as a gauge. Factory calibration* data is displayed at the bottom of the screen. You may need to provide Serial Number and Factory Calibration data when having repairs or refurbishments done, or when calling for Technical Support.
74 OMNISCANNER The currently used reference method(s) are displayed on the bottom of the screen. Press ESC to return to the SETUP screen. 4.13 Format MMC OMNIScanner2 only: When using the MultiMediaCard for the first time, it may require formatting. Insert the MMC into OMNIScanner2’s MMC slot.
75 CHAPTER 5: Measurements 5. Measurements NOTE The list of tests in the Measurement screen changes depending on the adapter that is currently attached to OMNIScanner. 5.1 Performing Individual Measurements with OMNIScanner OMNIScanner allows you to perform tests on twisted pair, fiber optic, and coaxial cabling.
76 OMNISCANNER Highlight the test you want to perform using the up-arrow or down-arrow key on your keypad and press ENTER, or direct-dial a test by pressing its affiliated number on the OMNIScanner keypad.
77 CHAPTER 5: Measurements Tests that require the use of OMNIRemote will have small icons in the upper right corner of the titlebar indicating whether the information on the screen is pertinent for OMNIScanner or OMNIRemote.
78 OMNISCANNER Use the cursor to display values for the desired frequency. 5.3 T wisted Pair Measurements with OMNIScanner 5.3.1 W IREMAP The Wiremap function tests twisted-pair cabling for proper wiring. Your cabling configuration is checked for shield continuity, opens, shorts, crossed pairs, split pairs, and reversed pairs.
79 CHAPTER 5: Measurements • A reversed number indicates a split pair. • A straight line between pairs indicates a good pair. • No line between wire pairs indicates an open. • An X between wire pairs indicates a reversed pair. • A | between wire pairs indicates a short.
80 OMNISCANNER propagates down the cable (NVP), OMNIScanner then calculates the length of the cable. Skew is the difference between the delay on the longest and shortest wirepairs. The Length/Delay screen shows the test result information for all pairs.
81 CHAPTER 5: Measurements measuring the NEXT for the OMNIRemote end, the roles of the two units are reversed. OMNIScanner provides the termination; OMNIRemote transmits and receives the signal. In the NEXT screen, the worst case margin for all near and far pair combinations is shown at the top of the screen.
82 OMNISCANNER Press (Pairs) to view the NEXT graphs for other pair combinations. Press (Diagnostics) to display the TDNXT screen, where cabling and/or connection faults can be identified. (See Chapter 6, Diagnostics , for further information. Press ESC to exit the NEXT screen.
83 CHAPTER 5: Measurements Press ESC to exit the ATTENUATION screen. NOTE Attenuation always reports the worst dB value regardless of the Report: setting in the RUN OPTIONS screen. 5.3.5 R ETURN L OSS The Return Loss function measures the uniformity of a cable’s impedance.
84 OMNISCANNER Press or to toggle between the Return Loss results for OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote. Press (Graph) to display the Return Loss graph for the highlighted pair. The Return Loss is displayed for the frequency indicated by the cursor position.
85 CHAPTER 5: Measurements The scrollbar indicates that there are more test results. Use the down-arrow on OMNIScanner’s keypad to scroll through the list and view results for the other six pair combinations. Press or to toggle between the ELFEXT results for OMNIScanner2 and OMNIRemote.
86 OMNISCANNER Bandwidth is a measure of the usable frequency range of the link under test. For most networks, this is the highest frequency at which the signal can easily be distinguished from background noise. Depending on the selected Autotest, the worst pair to pair ACR is typically 3 dB.
87 CHAPTER 5: Measurements Press (Pairs) to view Attenuation/NEXT graphs for other pair combinations. Press ESC to exit the ACR screen. 5.3.8 R ESISTANCE Resistance is measured in a loop through each pair in the cable. In a twisted-pair cable, Resistance is measured by using OMNIRemote to short the far end of the pair under test.
88 OMNISCANNER The pairs are displayed in the column on the left side, followed by the PS NEXT in decibels (dB), the margin/limit, and the frequency. The result for each pair is tagged with a PASS or FAIL indicator. Press or to toggle between the PS NEXT results for OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote.
89 CHAPTER 5: Measurements The pairs are displayed in the column on the left side, followed by the PSEFLEXT in decibels (dB), the margin/limit, and the frequency. The result for each pair is tagged with a PASS or FAIL indicator. Press or to toggle between the PS ELFEXT results for OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote.
90 OMNISCANNER The POWER SUM ACR screen displays the pairs in the column on the left side, followed by the PS ACR in decibels (dB), the margin/limit, and the frequency. The result for each pair is tagged with a PASS or FAIL indicator. Press or to toggle between Power Sum ACR results for OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote.
91 CHAPTER 5: Measurements 1. Connect the cable to be tested to OMNIScanner. 2. Insert the RJ-45 Office Locator adapters into wall outlets in the offices you wish to identify. You can connect any or all of the twelve Office Locators before beginning your test.
92 OMNISCANNER Press ESC to exit the OFFICE LOCATOR screen. 5.4 Fiber Optic Measurements with OMNIFiber 5.4.1 L ENGTH /D ELAY The Length/Delay function measures a fiber’s length and propagation delay. Length measurements are derived from the propagation delay results using the GRI (Graded Refractive Index) at the appropriate wavelength.
93 CHAPTER 5: Measurements The LENGTH/DELAY screen displays the GRI @ 1300 nm (nanometers). The length limit and the actual derived length are displayed in meters or feet. The delay is displayed in nanoseconds (nS). Press ESC to exit the LENGTH/DELAY screen.
94 OMNISCANNER For dual fiber testing, the arrows at the top of the screen point out the direction of the light and indicate which fiber the result is for. NOTE When measuring single-mode fiber cables, OMNIScanner displays results for the wavelength; the upper (850 nm) section will be blank.
95 CHAPTER 5: Measurements When OMNIFiber is attached to OMNIRemote, the remote unit can be used as a light source. With the OMNIFiber adapter attached, press the lambda key to activate the light source and provide continuous or modulated light at 850 or 1300/1310 nm.
96 OMNISCANNER Each Cable or transmission line is designed to have specific impedance, which allows proper matching to the currents of the transmitter and receiver. OMNIScanner measures the characteristic impedance of the coax cable in ohms. The Termination function displays whether a cable is open or shorted .
97 6. Diagnostics 6.1 OMNIScanner’ s Diagnostic Functions OMNIScanner has several advanced diagnostic test functions to help you with the identification of network cabling faults. Diagnostics allows you to locate opens, breaks, and short circuits as well as NEXT and Return Loss cabling faults quickly and easily.
98 OMNISCANNER The OMNIRemote icon on the right side indicates the wiring at the OMNIRemote end of the cable link. Correct connectivity: The measured lengths of pairs 1-2, 3-6, 4-5, and 7-8 are shown on the left side of the Wiremap.
99 Wires are shorted: Wiremap finds shorts in cable. In this example, the wiremap indicates that wires 4-5 are shorted. Use the number on the left side of the screen to find the exact location of the short. For example if 36 ft is displayed, the short can be found 36 feet away from OMNIScanner.
100 OMNISCANNER 6.3 TDNXT NEXT faults are diagnosed by using the TDNXT (Time Domain NEXT) function. OMNIScanner uses TDNXT to determine the amount of NEXT as a function of distance. TDNXT with new S-Band technology (Standard Connector band technology) can help you to distinguish between connection and cable faults.
101 the NEXT at the connection point, which is typically located at the end of the test cable at 2 meters (7 ft). The measurement unit for the horizontal graph can be displayed in meters (m) or feet (ft). (See Chapter 3, Setup for further information about units.
102 OMNISCANNER 6.3.2 TDNXT E XAMPLES The following examples show the diagnostics process that is performed to identify failures on typical links with 2 meter test cables. GOOD CABLE, BAD CONNECTION: The cursor in the NEXT graph is located at the worst NEXT at 144.
103 BAD CABLE, GOOD CONNECTION: The cursor in the NEXT graph is located at the worst NEXT at 6.2 MHz, which is outside the limit line. (For display purposes the cursor is moved to the Zero- position.) The Link failed. Why? Press to open the TDNXT screen to further review and diagnose the graph.
104 OMNISCANNER The following table summarizes the typical diagnosis process. NEXT TDNXT exceeds Conclusion S-Band limits PASS N/A NEXT at link is good FAIL YES Connection fails. Replace or reterminate. Plug and/or jack can be at fault. FAIL NO Cable is not within specifications 6.
105 S-Bands provide a time domain limit to verify that the connections are within the desired category of performance. In a typical link, failures are a result of either a non-compliant connection or a faulty cable.
106 OMNISCANNER The example shows a Time Domain Return Loss that exceeds the S-Bands. The worst Return Loss is displayed at 7.0 ft, the connection. The conclusion is that the reflection at the connection is the cause of the failure. This could be due to a connector problem or excessively untwisted pairs at the connector.
107 Press to open the TDRL screen to further review and diagnose the graph. The cursor is positioned at the worst peak, which is outside the S-Bands. Looking at the TDRL graph we can reach the conclusion that the connection located at 2 meters did not meet the required performance and is the cause of failure.
108 OMNISCANNER Press to open the TDRL screen to further review and diagnose the graph. The Return Loss response from the connector located at 2 m is well within the S-Bands and performs significantly better than the requirements.
109 CHAPTER 7: Results 7. Results 7.1 Autotest Results To view previously saved Autotests, press the (Results) function key. The RESULTS screen displays Project names together with the number of Autotests that are stored within each project. In the bottom row you will find the total number of Autotests currently stored in OMNIScanner’s memory.
110 OMNISCANNER The previously highlighted PROJECT NAME will now appear in the title bar together with a numeric test counter that shows the number of Autotest results stored within the project. To remove an Autotest from the list, press the (Delete) function key.
111 7.2 Viewing Autotest Results The Project Name screen shows a Circuit ID and a PASS/FAIL icon for each saved Autotest. The following PASS/FAIL icons can be displayed. Passed twisted pair Autotest. Failed twisted pair Autotest. Passed twisted pair Autotest with graphs.
112 OMNISCANNER NOTE The list of Autotests varies depending on the kind of Autotest that was performed. (See Chapter 5, Measurements, for detailed information about each measurement screen.) Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys on your keypad to highlight a test.
113 F OR F IBEROPTIC C ABLING : The Autotest Results screen will be displayed. The name of the Autotest, the cable that was used to run the test, and the overall test result ( PASS or FAIL) for both fibers are shown. , , or (Loopback) is displayed to inform you what method was used to set the reference.
114 OMNISCANNER Viewing is accomplished as described above. When a MultiMedia Card is inserted, OMNIScanner2 will allow you to copy results to the portable card. To copy the test results(s) contained in one project to the MMC, highlight the appropriate Project folder in the RESULTS screen and then press (Copy Project to MMC).
115 8. Fiber Optic Reference 8.1 Establishing the Reference Different methods can be used when making a reference measurement with OMNIFiber. The reference measurement to use depends on how the standard defines the link, and how the end equipment is interconnected.
116 OMNISCANNER The fiber cables included with your OMNIFiber kit are duplex launch cables with ST-style connectors. One fiber has white connector boots and the other fiber has black boots. 8.3 The Reference Methods OMNIFiber has ST-style connector port adapters.
117 CHAPTER 8: OMNIFiber Reference NOTE This method is called “Method B” in TIA-526-14A and “Method A.1” in TIA-526-7. 1. Connect one end of a black launch cable to the TX (transmit) port of the fiber adapter that is attached to OMNIScanner. 2.
118 OMNISCANNER NOTE This method is called “Method A” in TIA-526-14A and “Method A.2” in TIA-526-7. 1. Connect a launch cable to the fiber adapter that is attached to OMNIScanner. The black fiber attaches to the TX (transmitter) port and the white fiber to the RX (receiver) port.
119 1. Connect the first launch cable to the fiber adapter that is attached to OMNIScanner. The black fiber attaches to the TX (transmitter) port and the white fiber to the RX (receiver) port. 2. Connect the second launch cable to the fiber adapter that is attached to OMNIRemote.
120 OMNISCANNER 3. Set the Reference. 4. Disconnect the white connector from both the RX port and the connector adapter. Do not disturb the black fiber attached to OMNIFiber’s TX port. 5. Leave the two white ends dangling. 6. Attach the cable to be tested to the connector adapter and the OMNIFiber’s open RX connector.
121 9. Uploading and Printing 9.1 Scanlink T ools Scanlink Tools consist of three parts: the ScanLink program, the OMNIScanner Configuration program, and the OMNIScanner Remote Control program. Scanlink is designed to upload data measured with OMNIScanner, PentaScanner or CertiFiber.
122 OMNISCANNER 10. Updating Scanner Software 10.1 Downloading Software from the WWW Software updates can be easily downloaded from the Black Box World-Wide Web site. If you are connected to the Internet, you can access our web site by entering http://www.
123 6. To verify the software update, press and hold the Backlight key (located right above the ESC key). The software version number will be displayed. 7. To verify the update, press OMNIScanner’s (Setup) function key, and then select the option Remote Info.
124 OMNISCANNER 11. Multi Media Card The MultiMediaCard is the world’s smallest solid state storage device. It weighs less than two grams and is the size of a postage stamp (32 mm high by 24 mm wide and 1.4 mm thick). The card is available in 8 MB, 16 MB, and 32 MB capacities.
125 11.2 MultiMediaCard Maintenance Mult Media Flash memory cards can store data just like a PC stores data on the hard disk. Saved files are broken into segments and stored in any free segment of the Multi Media Flash memory card. Prior it the initial use, the MMC may require formatting.
126 OMNISCANNER 12. Universal Serial Bus Por t USB allows you to instantly connect OMNIScanner2 to your computer running Windows ® 98 (2nd Edition) or Windows ® 2000. A standardized plug and port replaces all the different kinds of serial and parallel port connectors and combinations.
127 3. Turn OMNIScanner2 on. 4. Insert the OMNIScanner Companion CD which contains the USB driver software. 5. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the driver. First, the install wizard will find the new device: Microtest OMNIScanner2. Click Next > to continue.
128 OMNISCANNER Next, Windows will detect the location of the file OMNIScanner2 USB. Click Next > to install the driver file. Once windows has finished installing the driver, OMNIScanner2 USB will appear in your PC’s driver list. Windows 98: When connecting OMNIScanner2 to a different USB port, the driver will be automatically installed.
129 CHAPTER 12: Universal Serial Bus Port 12.2 Uploading OMNIScanner2 T est Results to the PC 1. To send test results from OMNIScanner2(s) to a PC, first turn your PC on. 2. Connect the PC with OMNIScanner2 via the high-speed USB cable. 3. Turn on OMNIScanner2.
130 OMNISCANNER Scanlink will transfer all of the Autotest results from the scanner and display a summary of the tests in the main program window. 10. Click Cancel to abort the upload process. To review collected Autotest data, select the items to be viewed, then select View Autotest from the View menu.
131 The new Configuration is now implemented, and OMNIScanner2 displays the Project screen. (Consult the OMNIScanner Configuration on-line help for further information.) 12.4 Remote Controlling OMNIScanner2 1. To remote control OMNIScanner2, first turn your PC on.
132 OMNISCANNER Appendix A: T echnical Specifications Specifications apply to both OMNIScanner2 and OMNIRemote unless otherwise noted. A.1 Physical Characteristics OMNIScanner2 Size —8.75"H x 4.50"W x 2.12"D (22.25 cm x 11.4 cm x 5.4 cm) Weight —2.
133 APPENDIX A: Technical Specifications • Status Indicator (GREEN) for OMNIRemote status, various blink rates • Fail Indicator (RED) for test results • Circuit Guard (ORANGE) for high-voltage i.
134 OMNISCANNER A.5 Measurement Port (T est Interface) • Ultra-low Crosstalk test interface that supports testing of all four pairs • 160-pin test interface connector, which exceeds 10,000 mating cycles • Variety of test cables and adapter modules support testing of BNC, 110 block, and shielded modular jack and plug interfaces A.
135 APPENDIX A: Technical Specifications A.9 Memory • Control: Flash Memory allows electronic upgrading of both OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote programs. • Test Storage: Up to 1000 complete Autotest results can be stored in permanent flash memory. They are not subject to loss due to power or battery failures.
136 OMNISCANNER A.11 OMNIScanner T est Functions • Wire Map • NEXT (Near-End Crosstalk) • Return Loss • Attenuation • ELFEXT (Equal Level FEXT) • ACR (Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio) • Bandwidth • Length/Delay • Resistance • Power Sum, NEXT, ACR, and ELFEXT • Coax Tests: Length, Delay, Impedance, Resistance A.
137 Instrument Parameter @100 MHz @200 MHz @300 MHz Residual NEXT >105 dB >105 dB >100 dB Noise Floor >100 dB 100 dB >95 dB Detector Accuracy 0.2 dB 0.2 dB 0.2 dB Output Signal Balance 50 dB 45 dB 40 dB Common Mode Rejection 50 dB 45 dB 40 dB Port Match Error 0.
138 OMNISCANNER • Factory-calibrated to ensure measurement port match to reference 100 ohm impedance. • Measurement accuracy: Significantly exceeds Level lll accuracy requirements. • Measurement resolution: 0.1dB A.18 Attenuation • Tests all four pairs using OMNIRemote as far-end active signal injector.
139 A.22 Length • Range: 0 to maximum distance, where max. distance = 457 m (1500 ft.) for twisted pair cable • Accuracy: + K + Length resolution + NVP uncertainly, where K = ±4% of length or 0.6 m (2 ft.), whichever is greater. • Length resolution: 0.
140 OMNISCANNER A.28 High-V oltage Input Protection The test interface withstands input hazard conditions that arise from normal telephone interfaces (48 VDC at less than 80 nA) or 24-VAC power used to power many telephone keysets.
141 APPENDIX B: Batteries Appendix B: Batteries B.1 Batteries OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote are powered by rechargeable, recyclable battery packs. Under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this battery pack in the municipal waste stream.
142 OMNISCANNER B.2 Battery Charging Charging of the battery is enabled in the OMNIScanner and OMNIRemote whenever the AC adapter is plugged in and the units are powered off. The recharge time is typically 4.5 hours to completely charge a fully discharged battery.
143 Appendix C: OMNIFiber P ASS/F AIL Criteria For the latest cable installation, international standards, and conformance techniques: Formula 1: 568A Equation for 850 nm fiber: (# of mated connections x 0.
144 OMNISCANNER Appendix D: Cable Pinouts Described below are the functions of the electronic signals transmitted through each pin a connector D.1 Serial Cable DB9 Female to DB9 Male Pinouts DB9 Femal.
145 D.3 Serial Cable DB25 Female to DB25 Male Pinouts DB25 Female DB25 Male 2 — — — — — — — — 2 3 — — — — — — — — 3 4 — — — — — — — — 20 5 — — — �.
146 OMNISCANNER Index 100BASE-F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 A Acquiring Reference Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ACR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
147 Index D delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 80 Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 diagnostic test functions . . . . . . . . . . .
148 OMNISCANNER Length results screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Length/Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Length/Delay/Skew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
149 Index PROJECT NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110, 113 project screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 32, 52 Projectfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
150 OMNISCANNER split pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78, 99 T TDNXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 82, 100, 101 TDRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1000 Park Drive • Lawrence, PA 15055-1018 • 724-746-5500 • Fax 724-746-0746 © Copyright 2000. Black Box Corporation. All rights reserved..
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Black Box TS1002A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Black Box TS1002A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Black Box TS1002A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Black Box TS1002A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Black Box TS1002A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Black Box TS1002A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Black Box TS1002A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Black Box TS1002A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.