Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto B61 del fabbricante ACTi
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Indoor Zoom Dome Series Hardware Manual B61, B64, B65, B6 7 201 4/ 01 /20.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 2 T able of Con tents Precautions ............................................................. 4 Safety Instructions .................................................................................... 6 Introduction .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 3 Other Accessories ................................................ 27 Replacing the Dome Cover ..................................................................... 27 Using a Memory Card .........................
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 4 Precautions Read these instructio ns Y ou should read all the safety and operating instructi ons before using this produc t. Heed all warnings Y ou must adhe re to all the warnings on the produc t an d in the instruction manual.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 5 Federal Communic ations Commission Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim its for a class B digital device, p ursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits are designed to provide reasonabl e protection against harmf ul interference in a residential installation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 6 Safety Instructions Cleaning Disconnect this video prod uct from the power suppl y before c leaning. Attachments Do not use attachm ents not recomm ende d by the video product manufac turer as they may cause hazards.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 7 Introduction The List of Models This hardware m anual contains the follo wing m odels: B6 1 5MP Indoor Zoom Dom e with D/N, Adaptive IR, Basi c WDR, 3x Zoom lens B6 4 1.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 8 Package Contents Camera Mounting Scre w Kit Hexagon Screwdri ver Drill T emplate Quick Installation Gui de War ranty Card T erminal Block (for Power) T erminal Bl.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 9 Physical Descri pt ion 1) Ethernet Port Connects to a network using an Ethernet cable. 2) Memory Card Slot Insert a mem ory card in to this slot for local recording purposes. See Using a Memory Card on page 29 for m ore information.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 10 5) DC 12V Pow er Input In case the cam era is connected to a non- PoE (Power over Ethernet) s witch, use this connector to connect th e camera to an exter nal power ada pter (not included). See Prepare the Power Adapter (Op tional) on pag e 14 for more inf ormation.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 11 Mounting Options There are several m ounting options that you can us e to install the camera. Select t he most suitable solution for y our in stallation environment. Mount T ypes Accessories Surface Mount Suitable w hen mounting the cam era directly on walls or ceilings without extra accessories.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 12 Mount T ypes Accessories Straight Wa ll Mount Suitable when mounting the camera on straight walls. PMAX-0308 (L-T ype Wall M ount) PMAX-0101 PMAX-03 05 (Heavy Du ty Wall Mount) V ertical Pole Mount Suitable when mounting the camera on vertical poles.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 13 Other Mounting Accessories Accessories PMAX-0104 (Extension T ube) NOTE: For more inf or m ation about the mounting solutions and accessories, please check the Mounting Accessory Selector in our webs ite ( http://www .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 14 Before Installa tion This section desc ribe s the procedures in preparing the external devices that you c an connect to the camera. The cam era supports DC12V power input, Digital Input and Output (D I/DO) and Audio Input and Output devices using the bundled term inal blocks.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 15 3. Connect the w ire wi th th e white stripe to the 1 2V pin and the other to the GND pin. 4. Ti ghten the scre ws of the 12V pin an d the GND pins to s ecure the wire connection. 5. Set the prepared po w er adapter for connection later .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 16 Prepare the DI/ DO C onnector (Optional) Depending on y our s urveillance needs, you m ay conn ect digital input or output dev ices to your camera to trigger events or notifications. Digital Input (DI) devices can be used to notify the camera about an activit y in the camera site.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 17 T o connect output devices ( DO), map the pins to one o f the pin combinations below: Device Pin Mapping Instructions Digital Output 1 (D O 1) 2 12V Connect the wires of the first output device to 12V (Pin 2) and DO1 ( Pin 4).
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 18 Consequentl y , to connec t a second DI or DO d evice, wire the connection to Pins 5 to 8. High Voltage DO Device Connection Even though the cam era provides 12V power, this m ay not be enough for som e high v oltag e DO devices, such as a cei ling light or a motor that opens o r closes a gat e.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 19 Preparing A ud io In / Out Devices (Optiona l) Depending on y our surveillance needs, you ma y connect audio input or output d evice, such as an active microphone or s peaker , to your cam era. In this case, you need to connect the audio input/output device to the supplied audio term inal block.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 20 Installing the Camera on a Surface This section describes the procedures in installing the camera on a fla t surface such as a hard or dropped ceiling and s traight or tilted walls. Before installation, m ake sure the wall or the ceiling can bear m ore than the weight of the cam era.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 21 Step 2: Open the Dome Cover NOTE: T o avoid scratches or leaving f ingerprints on the dome cover , it is recommended to reta in the plastic covering the dome cover until th e camera is completely insta lled. 1. W i th the bundled hex sc rewdriver , loosen t he three (3) screws securing the dom e cover .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 22 Step 3: Install the Ca mera to the Surface 1. If necessar y , insert a mem o r y card , with the metallic contacts f acing down, into the card slot of the cam era.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 23 Step 4 : Connect the Cable(s) 1. Connect the network cable to the Ethernet p ort of the cam era. If necessar y , connect other cable connectors (optional), lik e audio input/output, DC 12 V power , and DI/ DO to the corresponding co nnectors on the camera.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 24 Step 6: A dj ust the Viewing A ngl e Camera Parts Ov erview Adjustment Procedur es 1. Loosen the tilt adjustm ent screws, adjust the tilt, and t hen tighten back the scr ew s to fix the tilt position.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 25 Step 7: Close th e Dome Cover 1. Align the screws with t he screw holes of the cam era. Note that if the cables are routed along the ceiling or wall, route the cable to pass through the cable hole on the dom e cover .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 26 Final installation s hould look similar to the illustration below ..
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 27 Other Accessories Replacing the D ome Cover For more disc rete surveillance needs, the bundle d dome cover can be replaced with a sm oke, vandal proof c ov er ava ilable for purchase. T o replace the dome cover , d o the following: 1.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 28 4. Insert the replacem ent dome cover into the cover housing. 5. Align and attach the thre e (3) screws to secure th e bracket to the cover housing. 6. Attach the dom e cover to the camera by tightening the three (3) scre w s.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 29 Using a Memor y Card The camera s uppo rts loca l video recording or saving o f snapshots to a mem ory card. NOTE: Supports m icroSDHC and m icroSDXC cards. How to Insert the Memory Card Insert a mem ory card in to the card slot with the metal lic contacts facing down the cam era.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 30 Accessing the Camera Configure the IP A ddresse s In order to be able to c ommunicate with the cam era from y our PC, both the camera and the PC have to be within the same network segment.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 31 Double-click on the cam era m odel nam e, the de faul t bro w ser of the PC is autom atically launched and the IP address of the target cam era is already filled in the address bar of the bro wser .
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 32 Use the default I P add ress of a camera : If there is no DHCP server in the give n network, the user m ay have to assign the IP addresses to both PC and cam era manually to make sure the y are in the same network segment.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 33 Manually adjust the I P addresses of mult iple cameras : If there are more than 1 cam era to be used in t he same local area ne twork and there is no DHCP server to assign u ni que IP addresses to each of them , al l of the cam eras would then have the initial IP address of 192.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 34 Access the Ca mera Now that the cam era and the PC are both having the ir unique IP addresses and are under the same network s egment, it is possible to use the Web browser of the PC to access the camera.
w w w .a ct i. co m Hardware Manual 35 Assum ing that the cam era ’ s IP address is , you can access it by opening the Web browser and t y ping the f ollowing address into Web browser ’ s a ddress bar: http://192.
Copyright © 2014, ACTi Corporati on All Rights Reser ved 7F , No. 1, Alle y 20, L ane 407, Sec. 2, T i-Ding Blvd., Ne ihu District, T aipei, T aiwan 1 14, R.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il ACTi B61 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del ACTi B61 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso ACTi B61 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul ACTi B61 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il ACTi B61, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del ACTi B61.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il ACTi B61. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo ACTi B61 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.