Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ASTCKEY del fabbricante Black Box
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The Auto-Sync Time Clock is a validated time system with a Web interface and auto discovery. ASTC3000 provides validated time for an accurate time stamp, ASTC3000POEK Kit option provides Po wer over Ethernet with Full Power Reserve, and the ASTCBK Kit option provides Full Power Reserve.
724-746-5500 | Trademarks Used in this Manual Ethernet is a registered trademar k of Xerox Corpor a tion, Inc. XP, VISTA, IE, Micros oft, Windows, Window s NT, are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in th e Unit ed States and/or other countries.
Table of Contents 724-746-5500 | i 1. Auto-Sync Time Clock ................................................................................ 1-1 1.1. How This Manual is Organized ............................................................
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck ii 724-746-5500 | 5. Getting Started .......................................................................................... 5-1 5.1. Installing the Auto-Sync Utilit y .............................................
Chapter 1: Introduction 724-746-5500 | 1-1 1. Auto-Syn c Time Clock 1.1. How This Manual is Organized The installation, setup and operation pro cedures in this manual are pro vided for user assistance. Chapter 1 provides general in formation with a brief overview of features, and benefits.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 1-2 724-746-5500 | The Auto-Sync Time Clock can be synchronized from a National Institute of Standards and Technology (N IST) NTP (Network Time Proto col) time server, or internal time server via Ethernet ® connection (see Figure 1-1 ).
Chapter 1: Introduction 724-746-5500 | 1-3 must record time i n hours, minutes and seconds with to-the-second gr anularity and must be synchronized to a source that is synchronized to w ithin three seconds o f the National Institute of Standards and Te chnolo gy (NIST) atom ic clock.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 1-4 724-746-5500 | 1.2.3. Benefits Assures financial insti tutions’ compliance with O ATS Rule 7430 as per FINRA/SEC. The Auto-Sync Time Clo ck will continue t o function and maint ain time as a stand-alone unit, even if it doe s not re ceive synchronization from an NTP time server.
Chapter 1: Introduction 724-746-5500 | 1-5 1.3. Auto-Sync Time Clock Instal lation & Operation Guide The Auto-Sync Time Clock Installation & Operation Guide was designed to assist you in the daily opera tion of your clock and to provide a comp rehensive understanding of the Auto -Sync Time Cloc k.
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Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-1 2. Installation Basics 2.1. Auto-Sync Time Clock External View Figure 2-1. Auto-S ync Time Clock Exte rnal View. 2.2. Components • 2 Keys (Important!! - Please store these keys in a safe place as you will need them to remove the cover).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-2 724-746-5500 | Figure 2-2. Aut o-Sync Time C lock Cover Removal. 2.4. Unpacking the Clock After removing the upper cover, lift up the Printer Block (A) an d remove the Packaging Spacer (B). Figure 2-3. Aut o-Sync Time C lock Packagi ng.
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-3 Figure 2- 4 . Top Plate Remo v al. 4. Disconnect the Ethernet cable a t the RJ-45 network connector (see Figure 2-4 ). You DO NOT have to remove the cable from under the wall mo unting plate on the back – just di sconnect it at the RJ-45 connector .
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-4 724-746-5500 | Figure 2-5. FPR & Mounting Bracket. 8. After the FPR mounting bracket is in its proper position, return the front PCB to its original position seated in its retaining slot. In this position the top rear of the PCB will fi t close alo ngside th e FP R mounting br ac ket (see Figure 2-6 ).
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-5 Figure 2-7. Aut o-Sync Time Clo ck Rear View. 10. With the FPR battery pack in the holder a longside the network RJ-45 connector, plug in the FP.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-6 724-746-5500 | NOTE: For units with the F PR option, disconnect the FPR battery pack cable connector if the Auto-Sync Time Clo ck will not be plugged into AC powe r for an extended amount of ti me.
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-7 NOTE: After installing the F PR and connecting th e unit to AC power for the first time, allow it to charg e the battery pack for 24 hou rs before printing. Failure to do so may result in reduced battery life.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-8 724-746-5500 | Figure 2-10. PoE/FPR & Mounting Bracket. 8. Install the two plast ic rivets (1 per each side) thr ough the main clock frame into the locating holes as illustrated in Figure 2-10 to help align and secure the mounting bracket.
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-9 Figure 2-12. Rear View Showin g AC Power Line For Removal. 10. Unscrew the Ph illips head screw and r emove the black groun d wire for the AC line (see Figure 2-12 ). Remove the AC power line from the back of the clock with the transformer at the end.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-10 724-746-5500 | Figure 2-13. Rear View Showin g PoE & FPR Cables/Connections. 13. Carefully reinstall the top plate by first inserting the rear tabs into the appropriate rear notches, making sure th e rear centering ta b is located in its notch.
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-11 15. Insert and tighten the two (2) top plate side reta ining screws (one on each side). 16. Replace the upper co ver of the Auto-Sync Time Clock (see Figure 2-2 ). 17. Connect the clock Ethernet cable to a network connection (AC power no longer required when equipped with the PoE option).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-12 724-746-5500 | NOTE: Plugging the AC pow er cord into a wa ll socket will cause the pri nter carriage to move up. When A C power is not connected pro perly or the PoE is not functioning, the colon will not flash (see Error Messages in Chap ter 6).
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-13 4. Is the Auto-Sync T ime Clock connected to a network connection (Ethernet RJ- 45)? This step is n ot required to perform a test prin tout when first installing the Auto-Sync Time Clock.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-14 724-746-5500 | Carbon Paper: The Auto-Sync Time Clock will print on both carbon an d carbonless paper. The im print will print t hrough up to six copies, de pending on the quality of the document use d. Carbon and carbon less paper deteriorates over time.
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-15 P. - Paper Detect Only: This setting will disable the Print Bar and automatically print when medi a is inserted into the Auto-Sync Time Clock and contacts the print m argin ( Paper Sensor ).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 2-16 724-746-5500 | 2.11. Specifications Power Requiremen ts: 120 VAC ±10%, 60 Hz 100 and 230 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: Normal 4.5W, Maximum 25W. Power Failure Memory Protection: Built-in lithium coin battery (up to 12 months).
Chapter 2: Installation 724-746-5500 | 2-17 Options Full Power Reserve (FPR): Optional, 9.6V, 700m Ah NiCad rechargeable battery. When fully charged, it will mainta in normal operations for 6 hours or 400 prints. Power over Ethernet (PoE): Optional, and include s 9.
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Chapter 3: Quick -Start 724-746-5500 | 3-1 3. Getting Started The following prerequ isites are recommended: Ethernet connection to connect the clock to for time sync and configuration. AC power (Auto-Sync Ti me Clock co mes with 6 foot long cable attached to power adapter if not equipped with the PoE option).
Auto-S ync Time Cloc k 3-2 724-746-5500 | Figure 3-2. Using Safari with Bonj our to Find Auto-Sync T ime Clock. Firefox without Bonjour: Use the Auto-Sync Ut ility which is discusse d in detail in Chapter 5 to discover and connect to the clock.
Chapter 3: Quick -Start 724-746-5500 | 3-3 Figure 3-4. Auto-S ync Time Clock Login Screen. NOTE: The Auto-Sync default Clock Name will be auto-sync_ and the clocks MAC address (i.
Auto-S ync Time Cloc k 3-4 724-746-5500 | NOTE: If this is not your first time connecting to this Auto-Sync Time Clo ck and a “Favorites” bookmark was created in yo ur Web browser, se lect it from the Favorites/Bookma rks menu, and the Auto-Syn c Time Clock Login page will be displayed.
Chapter 3: Quick -Start 724-746-5500 | 3-5 Look – Skip Step 4 if the default general print options are acceptable. 5. To define custom pr int out, click on the Print Lines 1 & 2 link u nder Print and the Print Lines 1 & 2 screen will appear ( see Figure 4-10 ).
Auto-S ync Time Cloc k 3-6 724-746-5500 | 10. To define e-mail notification for Backup, Report, and/or Ti me Sync transactions, (i.e., a cl ock failure to synchronize with a spec ific time ser ver), click on the E-mail link unde r Notification , and the E-Mail Settings screen will appear with the SMTP tab (see Figure 4-15 ).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-1 4. General Information After the Auto-Sync Time Clock has b een unpacked, wall mounted (option al), connected to a netwo rk, and plugged into AC power, the Zeroconf capability sh ould allow the clock to be automatically detected with a Web browser.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-2 724-746-5500 | Certain firewalls will only partially block Bonjour packets, so if you experi ence intermittent behavior, che ck the firewall settings and ve rify that Bonjour is listed a s an exception and is allowed to receive inco ming packets.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-3 Figure 4-1. Auto-S ync Time Clock Web Page. The following lin ks appear on every Auto-Sync web page: Home The “Home” link will a lways return you to the Auto-S ync Time Clock In formation page (see Figure 4-1 ).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-4 724-746-5500 | NOTE: The Auto-Sync Time Clo ck setup parameters can be customized at any time and do not have to b e changed in the fo llowing order. However, it is recommended to create a user. NOTE: After logging in, the Clock Information screen will appear.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-5 NOTE: The only acceptable characters for a Username and Password are ‘ a-z ’ upper and lowercase, ‘ 0-9 ’, ( - ) dash, ( _ ) underscore, and ( * ) asterisk. Please make a note of your Username and Password and keep in a safe place .
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-6 724-746-5500 | 5. Check whether or not daylight savings should be applied. This o ption should only be un-checked in areas where DST is not used and OATS compliance is not required. Select the week, day, and month of the Start and End dates from the dropdown Start and End times (hour/minute).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-7 Figure 4-5. Networ k Clock Settings. 8. Select to Use DHCP (Dynamic Host Config uration Protoco l) which is a protocol used by networked devices ( clients ) to obtain the par ameters necessary for operation in an Internet Protocol network.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-8 724-746-5500 | 4.1.6. How to Set the Print Options 1. Click on the Ge neral Settings link under Print , and the Print General Settings screen will appear (se e Figure 4-6 ). 2. Select the Min ute Fo rmat from the drop down menu (default = 60 th ).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-9 5. Select to Print Leading Zero, On or Off (default = On). An example of this feature would be: if the actual date is 07/08/2008 , with leading zero ON, the display = 07/08 /2008, and with OFF, the displa y = 7/8/2008.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-10 724-746-5500 | Figure 4-9. Example of Both Le ft & Right Printing. 7. For auto numberin g select: Print the same numbe r all the time OR ….select Print number Nth times & increment b y 1 . You must enter the Nth number if using this selection (default value = 1).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-11 which can be printed on ea ch line (tot al allowable length = 150 dots or approximately 21 characte rs). Also, a ma ximum of 10 rows can be added. See Appendix A for a character table which show s character size as a % of dots for regular and bold characters.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-12 724-746-5500 | NOTE: Only uppercase characters will b e printed. Every time you enter text or a symbol, and press the Add Text or Add Symbol buttons that is considered a “row” which appears in the row box. A maximu m of 10 rows will be accepted.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-13 4. Enter the Sync Retry Attemp ts: (the default & maximum = 3). This is the # of times that any time server would be tried if time synchronizati on fails.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-14 724-746-5500 | 3. Highlight the desire d time server in the list, and click on the , or buttons to modify or delete an existing time server.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-15 DNS Server Setup 1. Click on the DNS Ser vers link u nder Time Sync , and the DNS Servers Settings screen will appear displayin g the four (4) default public DN S servers (see Figure 4-14 ).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-16 724-746-5500 | 4.1.8. How to Setup E-Mail and SNMP Trap Notification Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ( SMTP ) is an Internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (I P) networks.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-17 4. Click the button to save the S MTP e-mail settings. 5. Click on the Account(s) tab an d the E-Mail screen to define e-mail destinations will appear (see Figure 4-16 ). 6. Enter E-mail From Address (maximum length is 155 characters).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-18 724-746-5500 | Figure 4-17. E-Mail Setti ngs for Time Sy nc Events . 14.Click on th e Report & Backup Event(s) tab and th e E-Mail Setting s screen to select these events for email notificat ion will appear (see Figure 4-18 ).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-19 SNMP Trap Setup Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ) is used in network management systems to monitor netw ork-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention either on-site or remotely.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-20 724-746-5500 | 5. Click on Enabled to make the SNMP trap ser ver active for ale rts. If unchecked, no SNMP trap alerts will be used.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-21 NOTE: Care must be exercised when se tting up Time Sync schedules because a maximum of 8 separate Time Sync schedules can be set up. Each o f these 8 schedules could be enabled and have up to a maximum of 12 scheduled time syncs per day.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-22 724-746-5500 | Figure 4-21. Schedule Settings. 8. Click on the button t o save the sch edule information , or click o n the button to return to the Home page withou t saving.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-23 The following would be created for Daily when: Run every 1 day(s) = a Report file just for the previous day, Run every 2 day(s) = a Repor.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-24 724-746-5500 | Also, use the Aut o-Sync Utility CD to get clo ck configuration a nd/or transaction files with the built-in FT P capability provi ded by the utility (see Cha pter 5).
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-25 Performing Backup and Restore The Auto-Sync Time Clo ck has a built in u tility that can be used to Backup and/or Restore the cl ock configuration and transaction files.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-26 724-746-5500 | NOTE: It is recommended to open the text version of the transaction file using MS Word® or Excel rather than Notepad. The filename for the clock t ransaction file will beg in with the last 3 character pa irs of the un ique clock MAC address (see Figure 6-1) and e nd in “ _ATVSTrans.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-27 To restore a Configuration & Tr ansaction file in the clock: 1. From the Back up/Restore link unde r Utilities, click on the Re store tab to perform a restore for the Auto-Sync Time Clock (see Figure 4-26 ).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-28 724-746-5500 | NOTE: The restore utility is recommended to be used when the clock has been reset to factor y default settings. It can also be u sed to copy th e configuration settings from one clock to a single c lock.
Chapter 4: Oper ation 724-746-5500 | 4-29 5. Click on the button to save the repo rt settings. 6. Click on the View Transac tions tab t o view the transactions based upon the previously defined and saved settings (see Figure 4-28 ). All failed synchronizations will appear in red when viewed in the browser .
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 4-30 724-746-5500 | “USER TIME SYNC” – Use d to designate that a manual time sync ha s been performed using the Reset function from Diagno stics (see How to Reset the Clock in Chapter 6). Figure 4-28. View Transactions Example.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-1 5. Getting Started It is recommended to install the Auto-Sync Utility for ease-of-us e to discover and connect to your Aut o-Sync Tim e Clock(s).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-2 724-746-5500 | Figure 5-2. Setup Maintenance. 3. When the “ InstallShi eld Wiza rd Complete ” screen appears, click on the Finish button to end install ation and launch the utility, if checked (se e Figure 5-3 ).
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-3 Replicate a previou sly created cl ock configuration to multip le clocks with the feature. Using this fu nction requires know ledge of the operation concepts described in Chapter 4 of this Guide. Update the clock firmware, dow nload configuration, and load IP file.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-4 724-746-5500 | 2. From the main m enu, click on the View menu and select the submenu Settings . The Settings and Au to discovery tabs will appear on top. If necessary, from the Setting s screen, click on the Discovery Settings tab to change the discovery settings.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-5 Figure 5-6. Auto-S ync Time Clock Login. If this is your f irst time loggin g into the clock, enter the default Username = Admin Password = password .
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-6 724-746-5500 | 5.2.2. How to Create a Centralized Transaction Report NOTE: Before using this function of the Auto-Sync Utility you MUST have performed a Backu p of each cloc k to have created a text transaction report file.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-7 Figure 5-9. Select Report Directory. 7. Press the “Generate Repor t fro m File( s)” button and the utility will create the report and automatically open when co mplete. The report will be create d and saved in the sa me folder with the transaction files th at were used to create it.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-8 724-746-5500 | NOTE: The transaction file w ill automatically be na med auto- sync_time_sync_ report.html or .txt (s ee Figure 5-9). The t ransaction rep ort file created in either html or text format can be easily edited.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-9 Figure 5-11. Auto Discovery Download. 3. Browse to select the shared clock file usin g the Windows Open dialog (see Figure 5-12 ). For exampl e, this file could be a configuration file labe led “ ATVSConfig.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-10 724-746-5500 | 4. Once you have located the orig inal configuration file , click on the now act ive button to download the clock configura tion file to th e selected clock(s). NOTE: It is recommended to perform a Backup from the built-in clock Backup Utility before performing any clock firmware updates.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-11 NOTE: It is recommended to perform a Backup from the built-in clock Backup Utility before performing any clock firmware updates.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-12 724-746-5500 | View Menu Functions Settings – Use this function to enter discovery settings for Domain nam e to allow discovery in multiple dom ains. Also, set clock discove ry timeout of Auto-Sync Utility function.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-13 Figure 5-15. View Utilit y Settings – Moni toring Settings. From the Monitori n g Setting s tab click on the Mail Account Settings (see Figure 5-16 ) to; - Enter email from and To address used for e mail notification; Figure 5-16.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-14 724-746-5500 | Log – Use this function to view a conti nuous log of Auto-S ync Utility functions (see Figure 5-18 ) from the auto-sync_Util.log file. The log is arranged in ascending order by date. Figure 5-18.
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-15 Figure 5-20. Auto-Sync Utility Get Configuration File. NOTE: Operation status will appear below. Press the clear b utton to clear status.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 5-16 724-746-5500 | Figure 5-21. Auto-S ync Utility Get Tran saction File. Sort By – Use this fu nction to resort the list of discovered Auto -Sync Time Clocks by; Device Name, MAC Address, IP Address, Status, and Version (firmware).
Chapter 5: Utility 724-746-5500 | 5-17 Help Menu Functions About – Use this function to display the About scr een (see Figure 5-23 ).
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Chapter 6: Maintenance 724-746-5500 | 6-1 To prevent damage to the Auto-Syn c Time Clock, it is reco mmended to use only paper type media. Sp ecial care should be taken to avoid inserting pape r with staples, paper clips, o r other fastening devices d irectly under the print fra me as damage can occur.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 6-2 724-746-5500 | 6.2. How to Manually Time Sync the Clock Use this function to e nsure the clock is able to sync with the desired tim e server, and/or force a time sync to set the time. 1. Click on the Diag nostics link under Clock , and the Clock Diagnostics screen will appear.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 724-746-5500 | 6-3 6.3. How to Perform LCD Display Clock Diagnostics 1. Click on the Diag nostics link under Clock , and the Clock Diagnostics screen will appear. Then click on the LCD Display tab and the LCD Display sc reen will appear (see Figure 6-3 ).
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 6-4 724-746-5500 | Figure 6-5. Clock Reset. NOTE: If any of the cl ock reset co mmands fail, you will see a red “ Failed ” in the status area. All of th e reset command s will appear in the transaction report highlighted i n orange.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 724-746-5500 | 6-5 4. Select Yes for, “ Do you want to reset the print nu mber? ” by pressing the button. The status will be displayed after the ope ration. If everything is Ok, you will see “ Successful ” in the Status field.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 6-6 724-746-5500 | 6.6. Display Messages 6.6.1. Normal Startup When the AC power is connected to the cl ock, the display on the cl ock will flash “boot”, then sequentially displa y the comp lete IP address tw ice, and finally show the normal display of date and time.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 724-746-5500 | 6-7 6-7. Colon Status. 6.6.3. Time Synchronization Validation At a pre-determined time of the day and day of th e week (see How to Setup Time Synchronization Schedules), the Auto-Sync Time Clock can be set to confirm or validate that a time/date synchronization signal ha s been received.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 6-8 724-746-5500 | NOTE: An error message can be cleared by removing the cover and pressing the “Reset” button (see Figure 6-9). The Reset button will NOT clear the configuration and/or transacti on information (i.
Chapter 6: Maintenance 724-746-5500 | 6-9 Error Message Cause Solution E 2 Pr Timing Sensor, Carriage Stuck. Unlock cover and remove. Set A uto-Sync Time Clock o n side with t he ribbon sid e up. Press the Reset button to reset the printer carriage and blow air into the printer platen to remove or dislodge jammed o bjects.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 6-10 724-746-5500 | Should you need further a ssistance in clearing an error message: 1. Visit our websit e at: http://www. 2. Call us 24/7 at : 1 (724) 74 6-5500 or fax (724)-74 6-0746 3. E-mail us at: info@ blackbox.
Chapter 7: W AN Service Discovery 724-746-5500 | 7-1 This chapter discusses special issue s that might be related to configuring the Auto- Sync Time Clock for Wide Area Network (WAN) ser vice discovery.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck 7-2 724-746-5500 | Figure 7-2. Configur e DNS Server Setting s. 3. Change the domain name from “local” to the domain name of your netw ork. For example, you companywide dom ain name might be “” or “dns- sd.
Chapter 7: W AN Service Discovery 724-746-5500 | 7-3 3. In the Domain Nam e field, enter the do main name of your network and press the Red Arrow button to load the Domain Name in the list on the right for discovery of all clocks in your companywide do main (see Figure 7- 3).
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Chapter 8: Frequently Ask ed Questions (F AQs) 724-746-5500 | Page 8-1 FAQ-1. How do I find and connect to my Auto -Sync Time Clock using the auto discovery Zero Configuration Protocol? Please install and run the Auto-Sync Utilit y that came on the CD with your clock.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck Page 8-2 724-746-5500 | FAQ-6. If I do not require centralized reportin g, do I still need to install ATVS software to use the Auto-Sync Time Clock? No. No software-N o server-No central management = Min imal IT staff involve ment.
Chapter 8: Frequently Ask ed Questions (F AQs) 724-746-5500 | Page 8-3 FAQ-12. How do I setup my clock for custom print lines? You can create 2 custom print lines and save them in the cl ock’s flash memory. Consult the Installation and Operation Guide, see How to Set the Print Options in Chapter 4 of this Guide.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck Page 8-4 724-746-5500 | FAQ-17. How do I Backup a configuration file for multiple clocks? Select the Backup/Restore Utilit y from the browser and select “ Config uration ” from the dropdown menu.
Chapter 8: Frequently Ask ed Questions (F AQs) 724-746-5500 | Page 8-5 NOTE: Each clo cks transaction record s should be maintained with ba ckups to provide OATS compliance insura nce.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck Page 8-6 724-746-5500 | The clocks that were found in your network domain will appear in the list. FAQ-24. I have assigned a static IP address to the clock but I can’t find the clock using the Auto-Sync utility? Make sure no other device is using th e IP a ddress that is assign ed to the clock.
Appendix A 724-746-5500 | A-1 Character Spacing The following table can be used as a guideline to estimate the a mount of space used by each character in regular and/or bold font when printed. NOTE: If the month symbo l is selected , the month will be p rinted using three alphabetical letters.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck A-2 724-746-5500 | Character Regular Font Length Bold Font Length O 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% P 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% Q 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% R 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% S 07 = 4.67 % 10 = 6.67% T 07 = 4.6 7% 10 = 6.67 % U 07 = 4.
Appendix A 724-746-5500 | A-3 Character Regular Font Length Bold Font Length BLOCK 07 = 4.67% MAC ADDR 119 = 79. 33% IP MAC ADDR 140 = 93.33% Ç 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% Ä 07 = 4.67 % 10 = 6.67% É 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.67% Ö 07 = 4.67% 10 = 6.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck A-4 724-746-5500 | NOTE: Sys tem all ows use r to configu re up t o 32 time s erve rs Sys tem pr ovides 18 Stratum 1 NTP ser vers fo r use r to sel ect as defa ult l isted be low Host Na me Locati on Numbe r bigb en.
Appendix A 724-746-5500 | A-5 Term Description FINRA Financial Indus try Regulatory Aut hority. FPR Full Power Reserve, battery backup in case of pow er failure. FTP File Transfer Protocol, is a netw ork protocol used to transfer data from one computer to ano t her through a network, such as the Internet.
Auto-Sync Time Clo ck A-6 724-746-5500 | This page intentiona lly left blan k..
724-746-5500 | AJR-199400 SKU, rev. 0.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Black Box ASTCKEY è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Black Box ASTCKEY - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Black Box ASTCKEY imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Black Box ASTCKEY ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Black Box ASTCKEY, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Black Box ASTCKEY.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Black Box ASTCKEY. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Black Box ASTCKEY insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.