Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto FPC-8057 del fabbricante Acnodes
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FPC-8057 5.7” STN LCD, Xscale-based touch screen computer User’s Manual.
Disclaime rs The information in this manual has been care fully checked and is believed to be accurate . Acnodes Corp. assumes no responsibili ty for any in fringements of pa tents or other rights of third parties which may result from i t s u s e .
ESD Precautions Integrated circuits on computer boards are sensitive to static electri city. To avoid damaging chips from electrosta tic discharge, obse rve the follow ing precautions: • Do not remove boards or integrated circuits from their anti-static packaging until you are ready to install them.
Unpacking The FPC-8057 is packed in an anti-static bag. The product ha s components that are easily damaged by static el ectricity. Do not remove the anti-static wrapping until proper precautions have been taken. Safety in structions in front of this User’s Manual describe anti-static precautions and procedures.
Safety Instructi ons Ov erv i ew This section states the safety instructi ons, w hich must be followed when installing, operating and servicing the FPC-8057. If negle cted, physical injury and death may follow, or damage may occur to controller and related equipme nt.
damage equipment. General warning: Warns of situations, which can cause physical injury and or damage e quipment by means other than electrical. Electrostatic Discharge War ning: Warns of situations in which an electrostatic discharg e can damage equipment.
Table of Contents Disclaimers -------------------------------------------------------- ii ESD Precautions -------------------------------------------------- iii Unpacking -----------------------------.
2 . 4 C E Re q u i r e m e n ts .......................................................... 1 8 2.5 Dimensions of FPC-8057 ............................................. 19 Chapter 3 Window s CE.NET ------------------------------ 21 3.1 Introduction ...
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 General Description The FPC-8057 series are fan-less and comp act-size to u ch p an e l computers. It equi ps with 5.7” STN L CD display, Win dows CE.NET a nd low power cons umption CPU, Intel X scale PXA255.
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual 1.2 Featur es z Fan-less and low power consumption CPU- Xscale PXA255 z 5.7” QVGA color STN LCD z Windows CE.NET supported and flash ROM on-board z Slim and compact size de.
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual LCD Display z Display type: STN color LCD z Display siz e (diago nal): 5.7" z Max colors: 4096 z Resoluti on: 320 x 240 z Pixel pitch (HxV, mm): 0.
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual z CE: Compli es with EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 standards z Front panel meets NEMA4 / IP65 4 Introduction.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual Chapter 2 Installation Instructions 2 . 1 Mounting Instructions 2.1.1 Locati on Consi derati ons Care should be taken when locating equipmen t behind th e unit to e n su re t.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual the unit is secure d in the panel. Caution! Do not over tigh ten mounting clamps ! Note: Specifications Note: To seal to NEMA-4 specificatio ns, all supplied mounting clamps must be u sed and panel cann ot flex more than 0.010”.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.1.3 Env ironmental Co nsidera tions z The FPC-8057 are to be used in doors as bu ilt in displays. Ma ke sure t h a t t h e d is pl a y s a r e in s t a l l e d c o r r e c t l y a n d t h a t th e operating limits are followed (See Specifications).
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.2 Power Connections Make sure that all local and national electrical s t a n d ar d s a r e m e t w he n t h e installin g the unit.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.2.1 Po wer Requirem ents The FPC-8057 ca n be powered by DC powe r only. The specified volt age range i s +21 to 25 V olts DC. T hi s insures compatibil ity with most c o nt ro ll er DC systems. The power conditio ning circuitr y inside the un it i s a cc om p l i sh e d by a s wit chin g power su pply .
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual common paired w ith a hot or signal line. If wiring is to be exposed to lig htning or su rges, use appropria te surge sup pression de vices. Keep AC, high energy, and rapi dly switching DC wiring s eparate fr om signal wires.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual FUSE Replaceme nt: The fuse use on FP C-8057 is: BUSSMANN Fast Acting, Gl ass Tub e Rating: 250VAC, 1A Si ze: 5x20mm Warning: Make sure the power off be fore replace the fuse. Do not replace the fuse with a diff erent rating fuse.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.2.3 CE Requiremen ts To make a FPC-8057 comply with EMC direct ives, and to reduce susceptibility to electrical in terference, a separ ate #14 AWG ground wi r e should be taken to the chassis ground terminal o f t h e p o w e r c o n ne c t o r .
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual Programming Considerations To conform to ICS Safety Recommendations, checks s h o u ld b e p la c e d i n t h e controller to en sure that all writ able regi sters that cont .
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.3 Communications Connections There are several ports in the back of the cas e. Please take the following information for reference.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual Pin assignm ent of the 9 Pin, Fema le, SUB-D, COM1 [RS-232] Port. Pin Designations Note: This port is not used for downloading o r for prin ting functions .
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.3.2 COM2 [RS-232] & COM3 [RS- 422/485] The 9 Pin, male, SUB-D , COM2 [RS-2 32] & COM3 [R S-422/485] Port on the back of th e unit is the download ing port (PC Connector) and RS- 485/422 communications port for connecting t o a d e vi ce .
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.3.3 Dip S witch Pin1 Pin2 Mode OFF OFF Normal ON OFF Touch Screen Calib rate mode OFF ON Boot Loader mode P Pin3, 4 unused z Touch S creen Calibr ate mode: In this mode when y ou power on the FPC-8057 , the screen will display a “+” sign at t he center of th e screen.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual z Boo t Loader mode: Loa d new Windows CE.NET image file. I f t h e FPC- 8057 already load the CE image with boot loader. S e t t h e DI P S W 2 ON then power ON into b oot loader mode. R e f e r t h e l o a d W i n C E image document.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2.5 Dimensions of FPC-8057 19 Installation Instructions.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 20 Installation Instructions.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual Chapter 3 Windows CE.NET 3 . 1 Introduction The FPC-8057 series operator interface terminal i s d es i gn e d t o s e rv e o n th e Windows CE .NET platform . Designed from the gr ound up for th e embedded ma rketplace, Win dows CE.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.2 Utilities There are several useful utilities built in the standard Windows CE.NET OS of FPC-8057: 3.2.1 Soft-Keyboard The FPC-805 7 is dedicat ed to the small -sized ope rator interf ace. It is ofte n inconvenient fo r users to a ttach a keyboa rd to such s mall machine.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.2.2 System Settings FPC-8057 provides an in tegrated utility for users to make b asic s e t t i n g o f the machine. 23 Windows CE.
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual disappear. The Touch Screen parameter will store at Flash Rom. Backlight “LCD Settings ” page of the cecp provides the function to turn off the LCD backlight, and thus elo ngates the perio d of service.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual MAC address The MAC address p age the bloc k shows the network MAC addr ess. S ave T ap the Sav e registry button, woul d save the reg istry data t o the IPSM folder. Next time reboot the FPC-8057, W indow s CE .NET system will use the s tored regis try data.
Or in FPC-805 7 Windows folder click the “backup reg.exe” and it will save the registry dat a too. IPSM(Intel Persisten t Storage Manager) The IPSM serves as a small ca pacity hard disk. You can stor e your dat a and appli cation in the Flash ROM via IP SM functi on to prevent nexpected loss of data a s power fail ure.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.2.4 Star tup After the system boot up, the st artup execution function would a utomatical ly perform. Th is functio n is useful fo r control sy stem to do t he initialization p rocesses or some other programs. Step1: Create "star tup" directory in in "IPSM".
FPC-8057 User’s Manual A .lnk file is a te xt file that cont ains the command li n e fo r t h e l i n k e d target, which may be enclosed in double quotation ma r k s , a l o n g w it h t h e l e n g th o f that command line. Option ally, you can al so pass param eters into t he linked target.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual To create a new Remote Desktop C onnection 1. Open Remote Desktop Connec tion. 2. In C o mp ut e r , t yp e t h e c om p u t er na m e fo r y ou r c om pu te r r unning Windows XP Professional that has Remote Desktop en abled and f or which you have Remote Desktop perm issions.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3. appears. Click Connect. The Log On to Win dows dial og box 4. In the Log On to W indows dia log box, type your use r name, password, and domain (if required), and the n click OK.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.3 FPC-8057 Networking 3.3.1 Net working via Ethe rnet The FPC-8057 is eq uipped with a 10B ase-T Ethernet co n t r o l l e r .
server, please consult with MIS to get specific IP address . Click “Start/Settings/Control Panel”. Double click “Ne twork and Dial-up Connections” an d update ___ th e IP ad d re ss. _______________________________________ 6 Use the cecp utility “Save registry ” to s ave thi s changed.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3 Connect the USB client port of the FPC-8057 and the USB host port of the host PC by the USB client to USB host ___ cable. _______________________________________________ 4 When the “Add New Hardware Wizard” asks for the driver, select the file D:FPC-8057USBdri __ ver wceusbsh.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.3.3 Web brow ser The FPC-8057 b uilt-in Windows CE.N ET OS includes Micr osoft IE sam ple. It can be used to browse web pa ges on World Wide Web via L A N o r d i a l - u p connection.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.4 Application pr ogram development The FPC-8057 is bu ndled with built -in Windo ws CE.NET ope rating system and with Compact Fra mewrok. In re al applications users need to execute various app lications programs on it. However, unlike its o t h e r family the Windows CE.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual z Mic rosoft Windows® 20 00 Professional SP2, Microso ft Window 2000 Server SP2, or Micros oft Windows XP Professional. z 96 MB (128 MB rec ommended) memor y for Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional. 192 MB (256 MB recommended) memor y for Windows 2000 Ser ver.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual 3.4.2 FPC-8057 SDK The FPC-8057 SDK provides developers wi th access to an extensive set of functions that are specific to the FPC-8057 hardware. Installing the FPC-8057 SD K Step 1. Download or from FPC-8057 SDK CD find the FPC-8057_SDK.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual When installation is 3 complete the following message should appear: “Completing the FPC-8057 Setup Wizard”. The installer must press the “Finish” button in the install window to exit.
FPC-8057 User ’s Manual Appendix A Example Program The FPC-8057 offers loop back test program for two comports. Please select the program D:FPC-8057Example Serial Te s t . Serial port loop b ack test program Before runn ing the progr am, you need to connect two compor ts of th e FPC8057.
FPC-8057 User’s Manual This page does not contai n any information. 40 Example Program.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual Appendix B How to Update WindowsCE image If you want to update new WindowsCE ima ge to FPC-8057, y o u c a n f o ll o w the procedure. 1. Download newest version of WindowsCE image from Acnodes’ webs ite. www.acnodes .com 2.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual This page does not contai n any information. 42 How to Update Windo wsCE image.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual Appendix C How to use development tools- eMbedded C++4.0 The followi ng procedu re will show y ou how to u se devel opment tools-eMbedded C++4.0. 1. Before you st art to develop th e appli cation prog ram, you nee d to install following three S/W to Host PC.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 2. Plug synchron ized cable which is in the package to th e USB clie nt port of the FPC-80 57. 3. Run Microsoft ActiveSync. software.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 4. Select “No” 5. Hos t PC synchroniz es to F PC-8057. Click the item “ Explore” and fine all folders in the FPC-8057.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 6 . If you plug the CompactF la s h ca r d i n t h e F P C- 8 0 57 . You can fine out the folder “Stor geCard” in FPC -8057.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 8 . Open a new project 47 How to use develop ment tools.
FPC-8057 User’ s Manual 1 0 . If you in stall FPC-8 057’s S DK successfull y, yo u c a n select FPC-8057 in t h e i te m. T he n, c li c k “Run” to compile your applicatio n program into “.exe” file. 11. The “.exe” file is bein g sent to the FPC-8057 sy nc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Acnodes FPC-8057 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Acnodes FPC-8057 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Acnodes FPC-8057 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Acnodes FPC-8057 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Acnodes FPC-8057, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Acnodes FPC-8057.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Acnodes FPC-8057. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Acnodes FPC-8057 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.