Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto K8NHA Grand del fabbricante Biostar
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1 K8NHA Pr o E NGINEERING V ALIDATION T EST R EPORT COVER SHEET CHANGE CONTROL Descr iption of Ch an ge Revision Sections/Pages Aff ected Date Initial Release 1.0 2003/9/9 Project: K8NHA Pro Date: 2003/9/9 Own er: Biostar Gr oup Contact: TEL : 886-2-22 18-0150 FA X : 886-2- 2218-15 52 Home Page: http://www.
2 CONTENTS PRODUCT INF ORMATION ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... .... 4 Moth er bo ard Gen era l In for mat i on ..... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..
3 CPU ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ..... 33 CD-ROM ..... ...... ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... .
4 PRODUCT INFOR MATION Motherboard General In formation Vendor Biostar Model Numb er K8NHA Pro Version Number V1.0 Platform AT AT X Micro ATX F lex ATX Chipset Details Sy stem Chipset .
5 Ultra DM A 100 Sup port Yes No Ultra DM A 133 Sup port Yes No ATA- 1 33 Suppo r t Yes No USB 1.1 Conn ector Sup port Yes No USB 2.
6 CNR Slot (Card) Line Up in Cas e Yes No None Excellent Fai r Poor ACR Sl ot (Card) Line U p in Case Yes No None Excel l ent Fai r Poor Daug hter Card .
7 DESIGN REVIEW Mainboard Voltage Measurem ent Voltage L i st Voltage SP EC Voltage Measu red Result Battery Voltag e 3.0V 3.01 Pass Battery Current 7uA 8.8 Pass +5V 5.0V+-5% 5.11 Pass +12V 12.0V+-5% 11.99 Pass -5V -5. 0V+-5% -5.00 Pass -12V -12.0 V+-10% -11.
8 REQUIRED BIOS DEFAULT SETTINGS Lists Specification Result BIOS F EATURES SETU P Virus W arning Disabled Pass Quick Power On Self Test Enabled Pass Boot Up NumL ock S ta tus On Pass Gate A20 Option Fa st Pass Ty pematic Rate Setting Disabled P ass Secur ity Option Setup Pass APIC Mode Enable d Pass MPS V e r sion Control F or OS 1.
9 PCI / VGA Palette Snoop Disabled INTEGRATED P ERIPHERALS IDE F unction Se tup Pre ss Enter Pass Onboard Devi ce Press Enter Pass SuperI O Device Press Enter Pass Init Display F irst PCI Slot Pass PO.
10 FUNCTIONALITY Setup Install a tion Test O f Oper ati n g S ystem Pass/Fail W indows ME Pass W indows 2000 Profe ssional Pass W indows XP H om e Edition Pass W indows XP Profe ssional Pass Linux (R ed Hat ) 9.
11 Power L ED F lash Check Pass Power On Control --- Power On By RTC Test Pass Power On By LA N Test Pass Power On By Modem Test Pass Boot Management --- Boot F o rm CD- R OM Pass Boot F r om L AN Pas.
12 W alk ing 1’s Test Pass W alk ing 0’s Test Pass Random M e m ory Test Pass Address Test Pass Refresh Test Pass Data Bus Test Pass Cache M emory Test Pass Quick Me m ory Test Pass IDE --- IDE HD.
13 Comme nts : Test Platform Window s ME Opera ti ng Comme nt CPU K8- 3200 Memory SAMSUNG 256M X2 HDD MAXTOR 40G CDROM L ITE ON52X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d ASUS V7700 LA N C a r d On boar d T.
14 Create W indows ME Startup Disk Pass Format 1.44 Floppy Driver Pass IDE Connectors Tes t --- CD-ROM Data Read Test Pass DVD-ROM Data Read Test Pass Ultra DMA 33/ 66/100 Hard Disk Test Pass USB P or.
15 1152x 8 64 32 bit √ √ √ √ Pass Check Screen Have No Any Shadow Or Garbage Pass Audio F unction Te st --- Audio Drivers Setup I nstallation Test Pass Sy st em P r ope rties Information Re vi.
16 High-End Graphi cs WinMark 99 Pass Video Tests Pass 3D M ark 2001 SE --- 3D Mar k s Pass Demo Mode Pass Others --- Fina l Reality Pass USBready Pass W inDVD Pass QUAKE II I Pass Comme nts : Test Pl.
17 PS/2 K e y board Test Pass PS/2 Mouse Test Pass COM Port Test --- Add Serial Mouse PnP T est Pass Add Modem P n P Test Pass Print Port Test --- Add Printer P nP Test Pass F DD Connector Test --- Format 1.
18 Check Screen Have No Any Shadow Or Garbage Pass Play i ng M P E G F iles Test Pass Play i ng VCD Test Pass Play i ng DVD Test(W ith WinDVD 4) Pass Audio F unction Te st --- Audio Drivers Setup I ns.
19 Network Test Pass CD-ROM Pass W inbench 9 9 (1.2) --- Business Disk W inMark 99 Pass Business Graphics W inMark 99 Pass DirectDra w Tests Pass Disk Inspec t ion Tests Pass Disk W inMark Pass GDI/US.
20 Supports Driver I n stallation Test Pass Standby Mode Test Pass Shut Down Test Pass Restart Test Pass Scandisk Test Pass S3 a nd S4 M ode Test Pass Setup installation M icrosoft Offic e 200 0 Test .
21 Add Printer P nP Test Pass Add ZIP Device Test Pass Ir DA F unction Te st --- Add IR Printer Test Pass Peer to Peer Data Transfer T est (Ir-In/Ir-Out) Pas s F DD Connector Test --- Format 1.
22 Disk Defrag menter Test Pass Sy stem Prope rtie s I nformation Review (S y stem Dev ice Manag er) Pass Setup installation M icrosoft Offic e 200 0 Test Pass Reboot The W indows Test F or Over Nig h.
23 Audi o Co ntrol Panel Function Test Pass CD-In F unction Check Pass Game Port Test Pass Line-In F unction C heck Pass Mic-I n Function Check Pass R/L Chann el Che c k Pass Sound Rec order Te st Pas.
24 Content Creation W instone 2003 Pass PC Ma rk2002 --- CPU Score Pass Memory Score Pass HDD Score Pass 3D Mar k 2001 SE 330 3D Mar k s Pass Demo Mode Pass Others --- Power DVD Test Pass W inDVD 4 Pa.
25 File Sig nature Verification Uti lity Pass DirectX Diagnostics Tool Pass Hardware Device Manag er review Pass Sy st em Event Review Pass SATA Function Test --- RAIO 0 Pass RAIO 1 Pass Windows XP Ut.
26 L inux Setup Insta llation Test Pass Shut Down Test Pass Restart Test Pass Device Comparability Test --- PS/2 Connector Test --- PS/2 K e y board Test Pass PS/2 Mouse Test Pass COM Port Test --- Add Serial Mouse T est Pass Add M odem Test Pass F DD Connector Test --- Read 1.
27 OVER CLOCK TES T Test Platform Window s XP CPU K8-3400 Memory INF INEON 512M X2 (4 00) HDD SEAGATE 40G CD-ROM BENQ 52 X Sound Car d On boar d Video Car d NVIDI A MX-440 8X CPU F ront Side Bus Clock 200 210 PC M ark 200 2 CPU Scor e 71 17 7487 Mem ory Sco re 87 11 9 007 HDD Score 1124 1057 Comme nts : W instone 2002 Business W instone 2002 3 5.
28 PERFORMANCE TEST Test Platform Windows ME Memory MT 128M X2 (266) HDD SEAGATE 40G CD-ROM BENQ 52 X Sound Car d On board Video Car d ASUS V7700 CPU K8- 3400 PC M ark 200 2 CPU Score 6355 Mem o ry Score 6905 HDD Score 391 Comme nts : W instone 2002 Business W instone 2002 28.
29 Test Platform Win dows 20 00 Memory MOS EL 256M X2 (333) HDD SEAGATE 40G CD-ROM BENQ 52 X Sound Car d On board Video Car d NV IDIA MX -4 4 0 8 X CPU K8- 3400 PC M ark 200 2 CPU Score 7117 Mem o ry Score 7591 HDD Score 1127 Comme nts : W instone 2002 Business W instone 2002 40.
30 Test Platform Window s XP Memory INFINEON 512M X2 (400) HDD SEAGATE 40G CD-ROM BENQ 52 X Sound Car d On board Video Car d NV IDIA MX -4 4 0 8 X CPU K8- 3400 PC M ark 200 2 CPU Score 7117 Mem o ry Score 8711 HDD Score 1124 Comme nts : W instone 2002 Business W instone 2002 35.
31 Display Card Di splay Card Perform ance Vendo r Model Chips Re sul t ASUS V9280 Geforce 4 Ti 4200-8 X 13653 ATI RADEON 85 00 ATI RADEON 8500 1001 9 GIGABYTE ATI RADEON 7500 ATI RADEON 7500 4307 GIG.
32 RELIABILITY T EST Motherboard General In formation Vendor Biostar Model Numb er K8NHA Pro Temperature rate ( ℃ ) 0 ~ 45 ℃ Humidity rate ( % ) 0 ~ 60 % Time ( h r ) 72 hr OS W indows ME Test Program Continuous Play DVD + TombII DEMO Burn-in Step STEP 1 Temperature 45 ℃ ~ Humidity 60% ~ 12 hr.
33 HARD WARE COM P ATIBI L ITY LI ST CPU Ven do r Model Frequenc y Type Resul t AMD K8 3. 2 GHz Socket 754 Pass AMD K8 3. 4 GHz Socket 754 Pass Comme nts : CD-ROM Ven do r Model Tra nsf er Rate Type R.
34 Panasonic SR-8587- B 16X ATAPI Pass Panaso nic SR -8588- B 16X ATA- 33 Pass SAMSUNG SD-612 12X ATA-33 Pass SAMSUNG SD-616 16X ATA-33 Pass SAMSUNG SD-816 16X ATA-33 Pass MIDA DHI-G40 16X ATA-33 Pass.
35 Matrox G450 DDR 32M Pass W infast A250TD Geforce 4 T i 4400 Pass W infast A340 F X 5200 Pass W infast A310 F X 5600 Pass TRIP LEX Xa bre Pro Xa bre400- 8X 080 Pass Joy tech F X 5200 Pass Comme nts : FDD Ven do r Model Size Ty pe Re sult MITSUM I D359T5 1.
36 IBM IC35L 020AVE R07-0 20 .5G ATA-10 0 Pass IBM IC35L 120AVVA07 -0 123.5G AT A-100 Pass IBM IC35L 040AVVA07 -0 40G ATA-100 Pass Maxtor 91 360D8 Ultra33 13G ATA- 33 Pass Maxtor 86 480D6 Ultra33 6.4G ATA-33 Pass Maxtor 91 190D7 Ultra33 11G ATA- 33 Pass Maxtor 91 024U3 10G ATA-66 Pass Maxtor 82 560A4 2.
37 SAMSUNG SV 1021D 10.2G ATA-66 Pass SAMSUNG SV 2042H 20.4G ATA-100 Pass SAMSUNG SV 3002H 30G ATA-100 Pass SAMSUNG SV 4012H 40G ATA-100 Pass W D W D400EB-34P F0 40G A TA-100 Pass W D W D400EB-00CP F0.
38 SOF T F-2 1YQ(SPK-2000 ) PS/2 Pass SUNROCE SR-8861 PS/2 Pass Xanber F2 17Q PS/2 Pass BUS LOGI C BA81C15 PS2 Pass K.A. CHEN K B-7000 PS/2 Pass SAMPO F -21BQ PS/2 Pass L og itech Y-SA2 PS/2 Pass L og.
39 D-L ink Dgs- 1008T 10/100/1000M Pass EDIM AX 8-PORT Gig aBit Smart Switch 10/100/1000M Pass Comme nts : Memory Ven do r Model Size Type Result CORSAI R VS32M 8-5 256M 400 Pass EL IXI R N2DS12880A T.
40 SAMSUNG K 4H560838E-TCCC 512M 400 Pass TW INMOS TMD7608F 8E45A 512M 466 Pass V-DATA VDD7608 A4A-75A 256M 266 Pass W INBOND W 94250 8BH-5 256M 400 Pass W INBOND W 94250 8BH-5 512M 400 Pass Comme nts : Modem C a rd Ven do r Model Drive rs Ty pe Result AZTECH MDP 385 8SP-UE vxd 2.
41 L .SEL ectron M- F 22 PS/2 Pass GENIUS F SUGMZE 3 PS/2 Pass DEL UX M207 PS/2 Pa ss DEL UX M305 PS/2 Pa ss L ucallan M-S 48a PS/2 Pass L ogitech M-S34 PS/2 Pass L og itech M-M 30 PS/2 Pass L og itec.
42 PHILIP S 10 7T 17 ″ CRT Pass PHIL IPS 107MP 17” CRT Pass SAMPO AlphaScan 761 1 7” CRT Pass SAMPO AlphaScan 712 a 17” CRT Pass SAMPO PD-80ASQ 17” LCD Pass SAMPO AlphaScan 950 1 9” CRT Pa.
43 Comme nts : SCSI Card Ven do r Model Drive rs Ty pe Result ADAPTEC 2940U PCI Pass ADAPTEC 2940UW PCI-W IDE Pass ADAPTEC 2940 U2W (LVD) PCI-W IDE Pass ADAPTEC 3940AUW PCI-W IDE Pass ADAPTEC 29160 P .
44 DATAFAB MD3A-F W11-USB2 2 .0 Pass Comme nts : ZI P/LS120 Vendo r Model Size Ty pe Result PANASONIC JU-811T012 100M IDE Pass Iom eg a Z250ATAPI 250M IDE Pass Iom eg a Z100P 100M LP T Pass Comme nts : USB HUB & USB 2.
45 SOFTWARE COMPATIBILITY LIST DOS Ve rsion Resu lt MS -DOS 6.22 Pass Windo w s --- W indows ME 4. 90.3000 Pass W indows 2000 Profe ssion Release Pass W indows XP Home E dition 2002 Pass W indows XP Profe ssional 2002 Pass Linux Red hat 9.
46 TWO C ORN ER TEST Test Equipment & En vir o n ment M/B TYPE K8NHA pro 1.0 CPU Level Athl on 34 00 RAM TYPE TwinMos 51 2 MB *2 VGA TYPE Winfast G4MX440-8X Power S upp l y FS P-350-60BN F loppy P.
47 K8 Tr an si en t Re spo n se Burn Time CPU Thermal E/S M B K8NHA-pro Cond it ion Ru n Max power.
48 Cool Time CPU Thermal E/S M B K8NHA-pro Condi tion Run Max power.
49 Transient Re sponse CPU Thermal E/S M B K8NHA-pro Condi tion Run Max power.
50 THERMAL IMAGE TEST Motherboard General In formation Vendor Biostar Model Numb er K8NHA Pro Revision V1.0 Temperature ( ℃ ) Room T e mp. Thermo Tracer NEC TH5104 Test P rog ram 3Dmar k200 1se Test Pr ogr am Run Tim e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Biostar K8NHA Grand è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Biostar K8NHA Grand - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Biostar K8NHA Grand imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Biostar K8NHA Grand ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Biostar K8NHA Grand, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Biostar K8NHA Grand.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Biostar K8NHA Grand. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Biostar K8NHA Grand insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.