Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ZT210 del fabbricante Zebra Technologies
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P1048261-004 Rev . A Zebra ® ZT210™/ZT220™/ZT230™ User Guide.
© 2012 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and th e software and/or firmware in the printer described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. and Zebra’ s licensors. Unaut horized reproduction of this manual or the software and/or firmware in the printer may result in impr isonm ent of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.
3 Declaration of Conformity 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Declaration of Conformity W e have determined that the Zebra printers identified as the ZT210™, ZT220™, and ZT230™ manufactured by: Zebra T echnologies Corpor ation 333 Corporate W oods Parkway V ernon Hills, Illinois 60061-3109 U.
Declaration of Conformity Compliance Information 4 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Compliance Information FCC Compliance S t atement This device compli es with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fo llowing two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful in terferen ce, and 2.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 Contents Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Compliance Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 6 P1048261-004 8/22/12 2 • Printer Setup and Operat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Handling the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Contents 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 34 Communications Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ ________.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 About This Document This section provides yo u with contact informat ion, document structure and or ganization, an d additional re ference documents. Content s Who Should Use This Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About This Document Who Shoul d Us e This Document 10 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Who Should Use This Document This User Guide is intend ed for use by any person who needs to perform routine maintenance , upgrade, or trou bleshoot probl ems with the printer.
11 About This Document Contacts 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Contact s T echnical Supp ort via the Internet is a vailable 24 hours pe r day , 365 days per year . W eb Site: www E-mail Back T e chnical Library: E-mail address: Subject line: Email list Self Service Knowledge Base: www .
About This Document Document Conventions 12 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Document Conventions Ta b l e 1 shows the way that certain informat ion is conveyed in this docume nt.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 1 Introduction This section provides a high-level over vi ew of the printe r and its compo nents. Content s Printer Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction Printer Components 14 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Printer Component s Figure 1 shows the components inside the medi a compartment of your printe r. Depending on the printer model an d the installed options, your p r inter may look sli ghtly dif ferent.
15 Introd uction Control Panel 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Control Panel The control pane l indicates the printer’ s current status a nd allows the user to control basic printer ope ration. 6 13 12 9 8 11 10 12345 14 15 16 Figure 2 • ZT230 Printer Control Panel 7 1 ST A TUS lig ht These indicator lights show the current status of the printer .
Introduction Control Pane l 16 P1048261-004 8/22/12 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 3 • ZT220 Printer Control Panel 1 ST A TUS light These indicator lights show the current status of the printe r .
17 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 ZT230 Printer Control Panel Display The ZT230 printer ’ s control panel includes a disp lay , where you can view the printer ’ s status or change its operat ing parameters.
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 18 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Navigating through Sc reens in the Display Ta b l e 2 shows the option s available for nav igating through the screens in the cont rol panel display .
19 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 User Menus Press LEFT SELECT to re turn to the Home menu. The printer automatically returns to the Home menu after 15 seconds of inactivity in a user menu. ▼ and ▲ indica te that a val ue can be ch anged.
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 20 P1048261-004 8/22/12 SETTINGS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Print Settings on page 79 .
21 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 SETTINGS Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 7 , Prin t Settin gs on page 79 .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 22 P1048261-004 8/22/12 SETTINGS Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 7 , Prin t Settin gs on page 79 .
23 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 SETTINGS Menu (continued) T ools Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu, press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 24 P1048261-004 8/22/12 TO O L S M e n u Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information ab out these set tings, see Ta b l e 8 , Calibration a nd Diagnostic To o l s on page 83 .
25 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 TOOLS Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information ab out these set tings, see Ta b l e 8 , Calibration a nd Diagnostic To o l s on page 83 .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 26 P1048261-004 8/22/12 TOOLS Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information ab out these set tings, see Ta b l e 8 , Calibration a nd Diagnostic To o l s on page 83 .
27 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 TOOLS Menu (continued) Network Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu, press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 28 P1048261-004 8/22/12 NETWORK Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 9 , Network Settings on page 89 .
29 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 NETWORK Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 9 , Network Settings on page 89 .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 30 P1048261-004 8/22/12 NETWORK Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 9 , Network Settings on page 89 .
31 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 NETWORK Menu (continued) Language Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press the RIGHT SELECT to sele ct GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu, press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 32 P1048261-004 8/22/12 LANGUAGE Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 1 0 , Language Setti ngs on page 92 .
33 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 LANGUAGE Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 1 0 , Language Setti ngs on page 92 .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 34 P1048261-004 8/22/12 SENSORS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see T able 1 1, Sensor Settings on page 95 .
35 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 SENSORS Menu (continued) Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see T able 1 1, Sensor Settings on page 95 .
Introduction ZT230 Printer Co ntrol Panel Display 36 P1048261-004 8/22/12 PORTS Menu Items in this menu are shown in the order i n which they appe ar when you press the RIGH T ARROW . For more information about these settings, see Ta b l e 1 2 , Port Settings on page 96 .
37 Introd uction ZT230 Printer Control Pa nel Display 8/22/12 P1048261-004 PORTS Menu (continued) Settings Menu Shortcut • T o be taken to th e next user menu, press OK or press RIGHT SELECT to select GO . • T o continue to navigate in the same user menu, press the LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW .
Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 38 P1048261-004 8/22/12 T ypes of Media Y o ur printer can us e various types of media: • S tandar d media —Most standard media uses an adhesive backing that sticks individual labels or a continuo us length of labels to a liner .
39 Printer Setup and Operation T ypes of Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Non-Continuous Fanfold Media Fanfold media is folded in a zi gzag pattern. Fanfold media can have the same label separation s as non-continuo us roll media. The separations would fall on or near the folds.
Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 40 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Ribbon Overview Ribbon is a t hin film that is co ated on one side with wax, resin, o r wax resin, whi ch is transferred to the media duri ng the therm al transfer process. The me dia determine s whether you need to use ribbon and how wide the ribb on must be.
41 Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Adhesive T est If you have lab els available, p erform the adhesive test to determine wh ich side of a ri bbon is coated. This method works well for ribbon that is already insta lled.
Printer Setup and Operation Ribbon Overview 42 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ _________________.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 2 Printer Setup and Operation This section assists the technician with initial setup a nd operation of the printer. Content s Handling the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Setup and Operation Handling the Printer 44 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Handling the Printer This section describes how to han dle your printer. Unp ack and Inspect the Printer When you receiv e the printer, immediately unp ack it and in spect for shippi ng damage.
45 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Location for the Printer 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Select a Location for the Printer Select a location for the prin ter that meets these condition s: • Surface: The surface where the pr inter will be located must b e solid, level, and of suffi cient size and strength to h old the printer.
Printer Setup and Operation Select a Data Communication Interface 46 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Select a Dat a Communication Interface Y o u may connect your print er to a computer u sing one or more of the available connection s. The standard connections are shown in Figure 8 .
47 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Data Communication Interface 8/22/12 P1048261-004 T able 5 • Data Communication Inte rfaces Interface St a ndard or Option Description RS-232 Serial Standard Limit ations and Requirements • Maximum cable len g th of 50 ft (15.
Printer Setup and Operation Select a Data Communication Interface 48 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Dat a Cables Y o u must supply all dat a cables for your application. Ethernet cables do not requ ire shielding, but all other da ta cables must be fully shielded and fitted with me tal or metallized connector shells.
49 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Connect the Printer to a Power Source The AC power cord must ha ve a three-prong fema le connector on one end that plugs into the mating AC power connector at the rear of the printer.
Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Power Source 50 P1048261-004 8/22/12 3. Tu r n o n ( I ) the printer. The printer boots up an d performs a self-test. The prin ter reports its statu s through the indicator ligh ts on the cont rol panel (see T able 14 on page 127 for the meani ng of the light colors and combina tions).
51 Printer Setup and Operation Connect the Printer to a Po wer Source 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Figure 9 • Power Cord Specifications Figure 10 • International Safety Organization Certification S ymbols.
Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 52 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Select a Print Mode Use a print mod e that matche s the media be ing used and the printer options available ( Ta b l e 6 ).
53 Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Peel-Of f Use if the printe r has the Peel-Of f option or the Liner T ake-Up option.* * The Liner T ake-Up option is available only on the ZT230 printer. The printer peels the labe l from the liner during printin g and then pa uses until the label is remo ved.
Printer Setup and Operation Select a Print Mode 54 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Cutter Use if the printer has a cut t er option when you want the labels to be cut apart.
55 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Load the Ribbon Ribbon is used o n ly with thermal t ransfer labels. For direct thermal labe ls, do not load rib bon in the printe r. T o determine if ri bbon must be used with a particular media , see When to Use Ribbon on page 40 .
Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 56 P1048261-004 8/22/12 2. 3. Position the rib bon with the loose end unrolling clockwise. 4. Place the roll of ri bbon on the r ibbon supply sp indle. Push th e roll back as far as it wi ll go. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns.
57 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 8/22/12 P1048261-004 5. Y our printer shipped with an empty rib bon core on the ribb on take-up spindl e. If this core is no longer there, place an emp ty ribbon core on the ribbon take-up spindl e. Push the core back as far as it will go.
Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 58 P1048261-004 8/22/12 7. W ind the ribbon clockwise around the core on the ribbon take-up spindl e. Turn the spin dle enough to wind the ribbon around it several times. 8. If media is already loaded, rotate t he printh ead -open lever cl ockwise until it locks the printhead in pl ace.
59 Printer Setup Load the Ribbon 8/22/12 P1048261-004 9. Close the media door . 10. If necessary , press P AUSE to enable printin g..
Printer Setup Load the Media 60 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Load the Media Use the instruc tions in this sect ion for load ing roll or fanfol d media in an y print mode.
61 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 3. Insert media int o the printer. Follo w the instructions for roll or fanfold media, as appropriate. Roll Media Fanfold Media a. Remove and discard any tags or labels that ar e dirty or that are held by adhesives or tape.
Printer Setup Load the Media 62 P1048261-004 8/22/12 c. Place the roll of media on the media supply hanger . Push the roll back as far as it will go. c. Drape the media over the me dia supply ha nger . d. Flip up the media suppl y guide. d. Fli p up the media supply guide.
63 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 4. Slide the outer media guide all the way out. 5. Slide the media un der the media dancer assemb ly and the print me chanism. Allow the end of the media to extend out of the front of the pr inter .
Printer Setup Load the Media 64 P1048261-004 8/22/12 6. Make sure that the media pa sses through the slot in the transmissi ve media sensor ( 1 ) and under the inner media g uide ( 2 ). The media should just touch the back of the transmissive media sensor slot.
65 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Peel-Of f mode (wit h or withou t Liner T ake-Up) Continue wi th Final Steps for Peel-Off Mode (with o r without Liner T ake-Up) on page 68 . Cutter mode Continue with Final S teps for Cutter Mode on page 74 .
Printer Setup Load the Media 66 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Final S tep s for T ear-Off Mode 8. Slide in the out er media guide un til it just to uches the edge of the media.
67 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 9. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver clockwise unti l it locks the prin thead in place. 10. Set the prin ter to T ea r-Of f m o de (for more information, see Print Mode on page 81 ). 11 . Close the media door .
Printer Setup Load the Media 68 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Final Ste p s for Peel-Off Mode (with or without Liner T ake-Up) 14. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly .
69 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 15. Extend the media approximately 18 in . (500 mm) out of the printe r. 16. Remove the exposed labels so that only the lin er remains.
Printer Setup Load the Media 70 P1048261-004 8/22/12 17. Feed the liner behind the pee l assembly . Make sure that the end of the liner fa lls outside of the printer. 18. Complete this step only if you want to use Peel-Of f mode with Liner T ake-Up. Y our printer must have the Liner T ake-Up option installed.
71 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 19. 18-c. W rap the liner around the lin er take-up spindl e and turn the spindl e counterclock wise to tighte n the liner . Caution • Use the peel release lever and y our right hand to close the peel assembly .
Printer Setup Load the Media 72 P1048261-004 8/22/12 20. Slide in the out er media guide un til it just to uches the edge of the media. 21. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver clockwise unti l it locks the prin thead in place. 22. Set the printe r to Peel-Off mode (for more information, see Print Mode on page 81 ).
73 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 23. Close the media door . 24. Press PA U S E to exit pause mode and enable p r inting. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. 25. If desired, perfo rm the CANCEL Self T est on page 142 to verify that your printe r is able to print.
Printer Setup Load the Media 74 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Final Ste ps for Cutter Mode 26. Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers.
75 Printer Setup Load the Media 8/22/12 P1048261-004 27. Slide in the out er media guide un til it just to uches the edge of the media. 28. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver clockwise unti l it locks the prin thead in place. 29. Set the printe r to Cutter mode (for more information, see Print Mode on page 81 ).
Printer Setup Load the Media 76 P1048261-004 8/22/12 30. Close the media door . 31. Press PA U S E to exit pause mode and enable p r inting. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings. 32. If desired, perfo rm the CANCEL Self T est on page 142 to verify that your printe r is able to print.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 3 Printer Configuration and Adjustment This section assists yo u with config uration of and a djustments to the p r inter. Content s Changing Printer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 78 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Changing Printer Settings This section p resents the pr inter setti ngs that you c an change a nd identifies t he tools for changing them.
79 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Print Settings T able 7 • Print Sett ings Print Darkness Set th e darkness to the lowest setting that provides good print q uality .
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 80 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Print Method Specify if the printer is to use Direct Therma l mode (no ribbon ) or Thermal T ran sfer mode (using thermal t ransf er media and ribbon). Accepted values: • THERMAL TRANS • DIRECT THERMAL Related ZPL command( s): ^MT SGD command us ed: ezpl.
81 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Print Width Specify t h e width of the labels b eing used. The default value is the maximu m width for the printer , based on t he printhead ’ s DPI value.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 82 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Reprint Mode When repr int mode is enable d, you can reprint the la st label printed by pressing and holdin g P AUSE + CANCEL on the pri nter ’ s cont rol panel. Accepted values: • ON • OFF Related ZPL command( s): ^JZ SGD command us ed: ezpl.
83 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Calibration and Diagnostic T ools T able 8 • Calibration and Diagnostic T ools Print Informat ion Print the specified informatio n on one or more labels. Accepted values: • SETTINGS—prints the pr inter configuration label.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 84 P1048261-004 8/22/12 LCD Contrast Change the contrast on the printer ’ s di splay .
85 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Head-Cl ose Action Set the Head-Close Action Set the action for the printer to take when yo u close the printhead. • CALIBRA TE adjusts sensor levels and th resholds, determines th e label length, an d feeds the media to the next web.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 86 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Load Defaults Load Printer or Print Server Defaults • F ACTO R Y—Restores all printer settings other th an the network settin gs back to the factory defaults.
87 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Media and Ribbon Sensor Calibration Calibrate the printer to adjust th e sensitivity of the media and rib bon sensors. For comple te instruction s on how to perform a calibratio n procedure, see Cali b rate the Ribbon and Med i a Sensors on page 98 .
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 88 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Enable ZBI Zebra Basic Interpreter (ZBI 2.0™) is a programming op tion that may be purchased for your printer . If you would like to purcha se this option, contact your Zebra reseller for more information.
89 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Network Settings T able 9 • Network Settings IP Address V iew or Set the Printer ’ s IP Address V iew and, if necessary , change the printer ’ s IP address. Changes to this sett ing are saved on ly if IP PROTOC OL is set to PERMANENT .
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 90 P1048261-004 8/22/12 IP Protocol Set the IP Resolution Method This parameter tells if t h e user (permanent) or the server (dynamic) se lects the IP address.
91 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Reset Netw ork This option rese ts the wired or wireless print se rver . Y ou must rese t the print serv er to allow any changes to the ne twork settings to take ef fect.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 92 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Language Settings T able 10 • Language Settings Language If necessary , change the la nguage that the printer displays.
93 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Command Character Set the Format Command Prefix V alue The format command prefix is a two-digit hex value used as a parameter place marker in ZPL/ZPL II format instruct ions.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 94 P1048261-004 8/22/12 ZPL Mode Set the ZPL Mode Select the mo de that matches what is used in your label formats. This printer acce pts label formats written in e ither ZPL or ZPL II, el iminating the need to rewrite any ZPL formats that alr eady exist.
95 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Sensor Settings T able 1 1 • Sensor Settings Sensor T ype Select the Med ia Sensor Select the media sensor t h at is appropri ate for t h e media that you are using.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Changing Printer Settings 96 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Port Settings T able 12 • Port Settings Baud Rate Set the Baud Rate Select the baud value that matc hes the one being used by the host comp uter .
97 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Changing Printer Settings 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Host Handshake Set the Host Handshake Protocol V alue Select the handshake protocol that mat ches the o ne being us ed by the ho st computer . Accepted values: • XON/XOFF • RT S / C T S • DSR/DTR Related ZPL command( s): ^SC SGD command us ed: comm.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 98 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors Use the procedure in this section to calibrate the printer , which adjusts the sensitivity of the media and ribbon sensors.
99 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 8/22/12 P1048261-004 The printer does the foll owing: •T h e ST A TUS light and SUPPLIES light flash yellow once. •T h e P AUSE lig ht blinks yellow . • Th e control panel (ZT2 30 printer only) displays: 2.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 100 P1048261-004 8/22/12 4. Remove the exposed labels so that only the liner remains. 5. Pull the med ia into the p rinter so that on ly the backin g is between t he media senso rs.
101 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Sensors 8/22/12 P1048261-004 8. Press PA U S E to begin the medi a calibration process.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Calibrate the Ribbon and Media Senso rs 102 P1048261-004 8/22/12 10. Pull the media forw ard until a lab el is positioned under the media sensors. 11 . Reload the ribbon (if used). 12. Close the printhea d. 13. Close the media door .
103 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Adjust the Printhead Pressure Y ou may nee d to adjust prin thead pressure if printing is too light on on e side, if you u se thick media, or if the media drifts fr om side to side during prin ting.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 104 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Shifts left while printi ng Increase the outsi de dial setting one position. OR Decrease the inside di al setting one position. Shifts right while prin ting Increase the in side dial setting o ne position.
105 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Adjust the Printhead Pressure 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Prints too lightly on the left side of the label. Increase the inside di al setting one position . Prints too light ly on the right side of the label. Increase the outsi d e dial setting one position.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Adjust Ribbon T ensi on 106 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Adjust Ribbon T ension For the printer to operat e co rrectly , t he ribbon supply spindle and ri bbon take-up spi ndle must use the same ten sion setting (normal or low te nsion).
107 Printer Configuration and Adju stment Remove Used Ribbon 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Remove Used Ribbon Remove used ribbon from the ribbon take -up spindle each time you ch ange the roll of ribbon. T o remove used ribbon, complete these step s: 1. Has the ribb on run out? 2.
Printer Configuration and Adjustment Remove Used Ribbon 108 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 Routine Maintenance This section provid es routine cl eaning and maintenance p rocedures. Content s Cleaning Schedule and Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Clean the Exterior , the Media Compartment, and the Sensors .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 110 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Cleaning Schedule and Procedures Routine preve ntive maintenance is a crucial p art of normal printer operation.
111 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Clean the Exterior , the Med ia Comp artment, and the Sensors Over time, dust, grime, and other debris may bu ild up on th e outside and inside of your printer , particularly in a h ars h operating environment.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 112 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Clean the Printhead and Platen Roller Inconsistent prin t quality , such as voids in the bar code or graphics, may in dicate a dirt y printhead. For the rec ommended cleaning schedule, see T able 13 on page 1 10 .
113 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 T o clean the printhead and platen roller , complete these step s: 1. Raise the media door . 2. 3. Remove the ribbon (if used) and the media. Caution • The printhead may be ho t and could cause severe burns.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 114 P1048261-004 8/22/12 4. Using the swa b from a Zebra Prevent i ve Maintenan ce Kit, wipe along the brown strip on the printhead assembly from end to end.
115 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 7. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver downward u ntil it locks the printhead in place. 8. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 9. Press PA U S E to exit pause mode and enable p r inting.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 116 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Clean the Peel Assembly The peel assembly , which is pa r t of the Peel-Off and Liner T ake-Up option s, consists of several spring-loaded roll ers to ensure the proper roller pressu re.
117 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 3. Push down the peel-of f mechanism rele ase lever to open the peel a ssembly .
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 118 P1048261-004 8/22/12 8. 9. Rotate the pri nthead-open le ver clockwise unti l it locks the prin thead in place. Caution • Use the peel release lever and y our right hand to close the peel assembly .
119 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 10. Close the media door . The printer is ready to operate. 11 . Press PA U S E to exit pause mode and enable printing. The printer may perform a label calibratio n or feed a label, depending on your sett ings.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 120 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Clean the Cutter Module If the cutter is no t cutting the labels clean ly or if it jams wit h labels, clean the cutter . T o clean the cutter module, complete thes e steps: 1.
121 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 5. 6. If necessary , rotate the cutte r motor thumbscr ew to fully expose the V -shaped cutter blade ( 1 ). Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade wi th your fingers.
Routine Maintenance Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 122 P1048261-004 8/22/12 7. Using the swab from the Preventive Maintenance Ki t (part number 47362 ), wipe along the upper cutting surface ( 1 ) and the cutter blade ( 2 ).
123 Routine Maintena nce Cleaning Schedule and Procedures 8/22/12 P1048261-004 9. Close the media door . 10. Plug the printe r into its po wer source, and then turn o n ( I ) the pr inter . The cutter blade returns to its operating position. 11 . If the cutter cont inues to pe rform unsatisfactorily , contact an aut horized service technician.
Routine Maintenance Replacing Printer Co mponents 124 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Replacing Printer Component s Some printer compon ents, such as the printhead and platen roller , may wear out over time an d can be repl aced easily . Regular cleaning may ex tend the life o f some of thes e components.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 5 Troubleshooting This section provides information about errors that you mig ht need to troubl eshoot. Assorted diagnostic test s are includ ed. Content s T roubleshooting Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T roubleshooting T r oub leshooting Checkl ist 126 P1048261-004 8/22/12 T roubleshooting Checklist If an error condition exist s with the printer, review this checklist: Are nonconti nuous labels being treat ed as continuo us labels? If yes, calibrate the printer .
127 T roublesh ooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Meaning of Indicator Light s The indicato r lights on th e control pane l sh ow the current status of the printer ( T a ble 14 on page 127 ).
T roubleshooting Meaning of Indicator Lights 128 P1048261-004 8/22/12 ST A T US light flash ing r ed The printer is un able to read th e dpi setting of the printhead . Printers with a ZebraNet wire d Ethernet option NETWORK ligh t off No Ethernet link is available.
129 T roublesh ooting Printing Issues 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Printing Issues Ta b l e 1 5 id entifies pos sible issue s with printi ng or print q uality , the possibl e causes, and th e recommended solution s.
T roubleshooting Printing Issues 130 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Fine, angular gray lines on blank labels W rinkled ribbon. See wrinkled ribbon causes and solutions in Ribbon Pr oblems on page 132 . Printing too light or too dark over the entire labe l The media or ri bbon is not designed for high-sp eed operation.
131 T roublesh ooting Printing Issues 8/22/12 P1048261-004 V ertical imag e or label drift The printer is usi ng non-continuous l abels but is configured in contin uous mode.
T roubleshooting Ribbon Problems 132 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Ribbon Problems Ta b l e 1 6 identifies problems that may occur w ith ribbon , the possible causes, and the recommended solution s. T able 16 • Ribbon Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution Broken or mel ted ribbon Darkness sett ing too high .
133 T roublesh ooting Ribbon Problems 8/22/12 P1048261-004 The printer does not detect whe n the ribbon runs out. The printer may have been calibrated wi thout ribbon. Later , ribbon was inserted without the user recalibrating the printer or loading prin ter defaults.
T roubleshooting Error Messages 134 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Error Messages The ZT230 control pa nel displays mess ages when there is an err or . See Ta b l e 1 7 for errors, the possible causes, and the recommend ed solutions.
135 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 8/22/12 P1048261-004 ST A TUS light steady yello w SUPPLIES light fl ashing yellow In thermal transfer mode: • ribbon is not loaded • ribbon is loaded in correctly • the ribbon sens or is not detecting ribbon • media is blocki ng the ribbon sensor 1.
T roubleshooting Error Messages 136 P1048261-004 8/22/12 ST A TUS light steady yello w Caution • The printhead may be hot enough to cause severe burns.
137 T roublesh ooting Error Messages 8/22/12 P1048261-004 ST A TUS light steady red P AUSE light steady yellow Caution • The cutter blade is sharp. Do not touch or rub the blade with your fingers. The cutter blade is in t he media path. T urn off the printer power and unplug the prin ter.
T roubleshooting Communications Problems 138 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Communications Problems Ta b l e 1 8 identifies problems with communications , the possible c auses, and the recommended solutions. T able 18 • Communications Problems Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution A label format wa s sent to the printer but was not recognized.
139 T roublesh ooting Miscellaneous Issues 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Miscellaneous Issues Ta b l e 1 9 identifies miscellaneous issues with the printer, the possible cause s, and the recommended solution s.
T roubleshooting Miscellaneous Issues 140 P1048261-004 8/22/12 All indica tor lights are o n , nothing is on the display (if the printer has a disp lay), and the printer locks up. Internal electronic or firmware failure. Call a servic e technician. The printer locks up while running the Power -On Self T est.
141 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Printer Diagnostics Self tests and other diagnost ics provide specific in formation about t he condition of th e printer. The self tests produce sample printouts and provide specific information that helps determine the operating conditions for the printe r.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 142 P1048261-004 8/22/12 CANCEL Self T est The CANCEL self test prints a printer configuratio n label and a network configuratio n label. For other ways to print these labels, see Print Informatio n on page 83 . T o perform the CANCEL Self T est, complete these step s: 1.
143 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 8/22/12 P1048261-004 PA U S E S e l f Te s t This self test can be used to prov ide the test labels required when making adjustment s to the printer’ s mechanical assemblies or t o determine if any prin thead elements are not working.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 144 P1048261-004 8/22/12 FEED Self T est Different types of media may require differen t darkness settings. This sect ion contains a simple but ef fective method for determi ning the ideal darkness for printi ng bar codes t h at are within specifications.
145 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Figure 19 • Bar Code Darkness Comp arison T able 20 • Judging Bar Code Quality Print Quality Description To o d a r k Labels that are too dark are fai rly obvious. They may be readable but not “in-spec.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 146 P1048261-004 8/22/12 5. Note the relat ive darkness value a nd the print sp eed printed on the best test la bel. 6. Add or subtract th e relative darkness value from the darkness value specified on th e configuration la bel.
147 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 8/22/12 P1048261-004 FEED + P AUSE Self T est Performing this self test resets the printer conf iguration to the factory d efault values. Perform a sensor calibration a f ter this self test. (See Cal ibrate the Ribbon and Med ia Senso rs on page 98 .
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 148 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Communication Diagnostics T est The communicat ion diagnostic s test is a troublesho oting tool fo r checking the int erconnection between the printe r and the host computer .
149 T roublesh ooting Printer Diagnostics 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Sensor Profile Use the sensor profile image (which will extend across several actual labels or tags) to troubleshoot the foll owing sit uations: • The printer expe riences difficult y in determinin g gaps (web) betwee n labels.
T roubleshooting Printer Diagnostics 150 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Ribbon Sensor Profile ( Figure 21 ) The lin e labeled RIBBON ( 1 ) on the sensor profile indicates the rib bon sensor readings. The ribbon sensor threshold setting is ind icated by OUT ( 2 ).
8/22/12 P1048261-004 6 Specifications This section lists g eneral printer specificatio ns, printing spec ifications, ribbon specificatio ns, and media specifications. Content s General S pecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications General S pecifications 152 P1048261-004 8/22/12 General Specifications Model ZT230 ZT220 ZT210 Height 10.9 in. (277 mm) 1 1.0 in. (280 mm) 10.9 in. (277 mm) W eight 9.5 in. (242 mm) 9.4 in. (239 mm) 9.5 in. (242 mm) Depth 17 in. (432 mm) 17 in.
153 Specifications Printing S pecificatio n s 8/22/12 P1048261-004 Printing S pecifications Ribbon S p ecifications Print resolut ion 203 dpi (dots per inch) (8 dots/mm) 300 dpi (12 dot s/mm) Dot size (nominal) (width x lengt h) 203 dpi 0.0043 in. x 0.
Specifications Media S pecifi cations 154 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Media S p ecifications Label length Minimum (T ear-Of f) 0.7 in. (17.8 mm) Minimum (Peel-Off) 0.8 in (2 0.3 mm) Minimum (Cutter) 1.0 in. (25.4 mm) Maximum 39 in. (991 mm) Label width Minimum 0.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 Glossary alphanumeric Indicating lette rs, numerals, and c haracters such as punct uation mark s. backfeed When the printer pulls the medi a and ribbon (if used) backward into the printer so that the beginning of th e label to be printed is properly pos itioned behind the prin thead.
Glossary 156 P1048261-004 8/22/12 die-cut media A type of l abel stock that has individual labels stuck to a media liner . The labels may be either lined up against each othe r or separa ted by a small distance. T ypically the material surrounding the l abels has been removed.
157 Glossary 8/22/12 P1048261-004 media sensor This sensor is located behind the prin thead to detect the presence of media and, for non-cont inuous media, th e position of the web, hole, or notch used to indicate the sta rt of each label. media supply hanger The stationary arm that supports the media roll.
Glossary 158 P1048261-004 8/22/12 tear-off A mode of operation in which the user t ears the label or t a g stock away from the remaining media by hand. thermal transfer A printing method in whi ch the print head presses an in k or resin coate d ribbon against the media.
8/22/12 P1048261-004 Index A active print se rver user menu item, 29 adhesive test for ribbon coatin g, 41 adjustments display contrast LCD contrast u ser menu ite m, 24 ways to adjust, 84 label left .
Index 160 P1048261-004 8/22/12 command cha racter user menu item, 32 ways to set, 93 communication d iagnostics mode how to initiate, 87 overview , 148 user menu item, 25 communication i nterfaces, 46.
161 Index 8/22/12 P1048261-004 F fanfold media described, 39 loading, 61 FCC compliance, 4 feed a labe l how to set as hea d-close action, 85 how to set as power -up action, 84 ZT210 printer, 16 ZT220.
Index 162 P1048261-004 8/22/12 LENGTH how to set as hea d-close action, 85 how to set as power -up action, 84 liability , 2 Liner T ake-Up mo de description and media path, 53 how to select, 81 select.
163 Index 8/22/12 P1048261-004 perforated media, 38 PH NOT AUTHENTICA TED message, 135 power connect to power sou rce, 49 power cord specifica tions, 50 site selection, 45 Power-On Self T est (POST), .
Index 164 P1048261-004 8/22/12 reset network settings user menu item, 30 ways to reset, 91 reset printe r to default va lues, 86 ribbon adhesive test, 41 broken or melted ri bbon, 132 determinin g coa.
165 Index 8/22/12 P1048261-004 transmissive sensor selecting throug h user menu, 34 ways to select, 95 troubleshoot ing checklist, 126 communications problems , 138 diagnostic tests, 141 error message.
Index 166 P1048261-004 8/22/12 Notes • ___________ ____________________ _____________________ _______________ ___________ _____________________ ____________________ ____________________ __ _________.
Zebra T echnologies Corporation Zebra Technolo gies Corporation 475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 6006 9 USA T: +1 847 63 4 6700 Toll-free +1 866 230 9494 F: +1 847 913 8766 Zebra T echnol.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Zebra Technologies ZT210 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Zebra Technologies ZT210 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Zebra Technologies ZT210 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Zebra Technologies ZT210 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Zebra Technologies ZT210, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Zebra Technologies ZT210.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Zebra Technologies ZT210. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Zebra Technologies ZT210 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.