Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ND600 del fabbricante York
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TECHNICAL GUIDE R-410A SPLIT-SYSTEM AIR HANDLERS MILLENNIUM™ ND360, 480 & 600 30 - 50 To n 60 Hertz ND600 AIRHANDLER & M1CZ600 EVAPORATOR SECTION ® 628767-YTG-C-0910 ISO 9001 Certified Qual.
628767-YTG-C-0910 2 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Table of Contents Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 3 Nomenclature Product Category N = Split System, Air Handler, AC R-410A Product Identifier D = Standard Efficiency, 4-Pipe (30-50T) * Motors, drives, overloads are not shipped with 30-50 ton AH units.
628767-YTG-C-0910 4 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Air Handling Unit Features and Benefits Features These air handlers can be arranged for a variety of air discharge patterns in ei ther the hor izo ntal or vertical position. Refer to the unit installation instructi ons fo r other application possibilities.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 5 Guide Specifications MILLENNIUM™ Split System Air-Cooled Air Handler Models: NC300 and ND360, 480 and 600 General Units shall be manufactured by Johnson Controls, Unitary Products Group in an ISO 9001 certified facility.
628767-YTG-C-0910 6 Johnson Controls Unitary Products The Installer Shall: Furnish condensing units in accorda nce with th e performance schedules shown on the plans. Install each u nit as shown on the plans in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and all applicab le natio nal and local codes.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 7 Physical Data ND360, 480 & 600 Physical Data Component Models ND360 ND480 ND600 1 1 ND600 and M1CZ600A Combined Nominal Tonnage 30 40 50 DIMENSIONS (inches) Length 100.1 103.1 105.1 Width 38.1 45.
628767-YTG-C-0910 8 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Unit Limitations Cooling and Heating Ratings Cooling Ratings EER = Energy Efficienc y Ra tio at full loa d - the cooling ca pacity in Btu’s per hour (Bt u h) divided by the power input in watts, expr essed in B tuh per watt (Btuh/watt).
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 9 Capacity Performance Condenser and Air Handling Cooling Capacit ies YD360/ND360 Air on Evaporator Coil Tempe rature of Air on Condenser Coil Total.
628767-YTG-C-0910 10 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 15000 72 420.2 31.0 331.0 281. 7 232.4 183. 1 - - 383.5 34.4 326.1 276.3 226.5 176.7 - - 67 389.7 30.6 389.7 343. 5 294.2 244. 9 195.6 - 355.8 34.0 355.8 332.7 288.7 239.0 189. 2 - 62 334.9 30.1 334.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 11 YD480/ND480 Air on Evaporator Coil Tempe rature of Air on Condenser Coil Total Capacity 1 (MBh) Total Input (kW) 2 Sensible Capacity (MBh ) Total.
628767-YTG-C-0910 12 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 1 15°F 125°F 12000 77 443.0 46.3 267.5 224.4 181.3 - - - 423.8 50.8 278.9 236.2 193.6 - - - 72 430.0 46.0 320.6 277. 6 234.5 191. 5 - - 413.6 50.3 325.5 282.8 240.1 197.4 - - 67 416.9 45.6 373.8 330.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 13 YD600/ND600 Air Han dler with M1CZ600A Evap orator Section Air on Evaporator Coil Tempe rature of Air on Condenser Coil Total Capacity 1 (MBh) To.
628767-YTG-C-0910 14 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 115°F 125°F 15000 77 586.4 62.8 340.6 284.5 228.3 - - - 529.2 68.8 313.5 257.5 201.5 - - - 72 558.8 62.8 414.2 358.1 301.9 24 5.8 - - 514.2 68.8 394.0 338.0 282.0 226.0 - - 67 531.1 62.7 487.8 431.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 15 Air Handling Unit and Hot Wat er Coil Acc essory Heating Capacity ND360 / 1HW0406, ND480 & ND600 / 1HW0407 1 1 These capacities do not incl ude any blower motor heat. NOTE: T emperature W ater Drop (ºF) = (2 X MBH) / GPM.
628767-YTG-C-0910 16 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Air Handling Unit and Ste am Co il Acce ssory Heating Capacity NOTE: S team Rate = (lbs/Hr .) = 1.025 x MBH ND360 / 1NF0454 UNIT MODEL STEAM COIL MODEL CAP ACITY (MBH) @ 2 PSIG 1 1 These capacities do not incl ude any blower motor heat.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 17 Fan Performance ND360, 480 & 600 Fan Performance ND360 Fan Performance Data - 30 Ton RPM CFM 10,000 11,000 12,000 13,0 00 14,000 SP BHP kW SP BHP kW SP BHP kW SP BHP kW SP BHP kW 600 0.20 3 .1 2.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 19 Static Resistance Static Resistance Sound Performance Indoor Sound Power Levels Model CFM Hot Water Coil Steam Coil ND360 10000 0.08 0.11 11000 0.09 0.14 12000 0.10 0.17 13000 0.12 0.20 14000 0.14 0.
628767-YTG-C-0910 20 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Electrical Data Electrical Data UNIT MODEL HP FLA VOLTAGE (3PH-60HZ) MIN CIRCUIT AMPACITY MAX. FUSE SIZE (Amps) ND360 5.0 16.7 208 21 35 15.2 230 19 30 7.6 460 10 15 6.1 575 8 15 7.5 24.2 208 30 50 22 230 28 45 1 1 460 14 20 9 575 1 1 20 10 30.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 21 Typical Wiring Diagrams Air Handling Units Typical ND360, 480 & 600 Wiring Diagra m.
628767-YTG-C-0910 22 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Weights And Dimensions Corner Weights & Center of Gravity ND360, 480 & 600 Unit Model Drive HP Evaporator Section Blower Section Drive Section Weight (lbs.) Center of Gravity 4 Point Load Locatio n (lbs.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 23 TOP FRONT SIDE Unit Dimensions ND360 57.7 Ø0.88 KO ELECTRIC HEA T CONNECTION 15.9 4X Ø0.88 KO CONTROLS CONNECTION 3.0 9.1 5.3 22.0 62.4 22.0 22.5 5.3 2.6 19.0 SUPPL Y AIR SUPPL Y AIR 100.1 95.6 2.
628767-YTG-C-0910 24 Johnson Controls Unitary Products HORIZONT AL CONFIGURA TION Unit Dimensions ND360 (Co ntinu ed ) 73.3 74.0 SUPPL Y AIR RETURN AIR.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 25 TOP FRO NT SI DE Unit Dimensions ND480 4X Ø0.88 KO CONTROLS CONNECTION 3.0 5.5 5.3 22.0 60.5 22.0 20.6 5.3 2.6 19.0 SUPPL Y AIR SUPPL Y AIR 44.0 44.7 40.5 2.4 98.5 103.1 0.63 89.4 10.1 23.1 7.9 7.
628767-YTG-C-0910 26 Johnson Controls Unitary Products HORIZONT AL CONFIGURA TION Unit Dimensions ND480 (Co ntinu ed ) 88.2 88.8 RETURN AIR SUPPL Y AIR.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 27 TOP FRONT SIDE Unit Dimensions ND600 103.1 23.0 61.7 23.0 18.5 2.6 24.9 6.1 4.6 6.1 7.8 9.1 Ø0.88 KO CONTROLS CONNECTION Ø1.13 KO CONTROLS CONNECTION Ø1.38 KO CONTROLS CONNECTION DETIAL A SCALE 0.
628767-YTG-C-0910 28 Johnson Controls Unitary Products TOP FRONT SIDE Unit Dimensions M1CZ60 0 Ev aporator Section 53.7 54.4 49.5 2.4 2.3 53.7 98.5 103.1 105.1 RETURN AIR RETURN AIR Ø0.88 LIQUID CONNECTION SYSTEM 2 Ø0.88 LIQUID CONNECTION SYSTEM 1 Ø.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 29 VERTICAL CONFIGURATION FRONT SIDE HORIZONT AL CONFIGURA TION Unit Dimensions ND600 Airhan dler & M1CZ6 00 Evaporator Coil 53.7 54.4 45.5 99.0 97.8 103.1 105.1 SUPPL Y AIR SUPPL Y AIR RETURN AIR RETURN AIR 98.
628767-YTG-C-0910 30 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Unit Connection Sizes Model ND360 ND480 ND600 M1CZ600A Dimensions (inches) Length 1 00.1 103.1 103.1 103.1 Width 38.1 45. 4 45.5 53 .7 Height 74.7 89.4 45.4 54.4 System Data No. Refrigeration Circuits 2 2 2 Suction Line OD (in.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 31 Dimensions Steam Coil Dimensions Steam Coil 1 COIL MODEL UNIT MODEL DIMENSIONS AB C D E F G 1NF0454 ND360 100-1/8 37-7/8 4-3/8 18-3/8 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 1 Coils are field-installed betw een the evaporator coil and the blower section of the un it.
628767-YTG-C-0910 32 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Unit Mounting ND360, 480 & 600 The ND Series evaporator units may be suspended from joists with isolation type hangers or hooks. Suspension accessories 1HH0403 (N D360), 1HH0404 (ND480) and 1HH0405 (ND600 Air Ha ndler with M1CZ600 Evap orator Section) may be ordered separa tely.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 33 ND360/ND 4 8 0 De ta il s For Securing Susp ension Channe ls ND600 & M1CZ600 Weight Di stribution With Susp ension Application 3 NO TE : Th e.
628767-YTG-C-0910 34 Johnson Controls Unitary Products ND600 Mounting Det ail When arranged horizontally, the ND600 airhandler and M1CZ600 evaporator coil can be suspend ed from joists with hanger rods using a suspension accessory. The suspension channels require no dri lling or cutting.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 35 Unit Mounting Dimensions UNIT DIMENSIONS, INCHES AX BX CX ND360 69-1/4 49-1/16 26-5/8 ND480 84 50-9/16 34 ND600 87 51-1/2 ~.
628767-YTG-C-0910 36 Johnson Controls Unitary Products Typical Field Wiring Diagrams Typical Field Wiri ng Diagram ND360 /480 Evaporator Units, ND6 00 Air Han dler and M1CZ600A Evaporator Coil when Ma.
628767-YTG-C-0910 Johnson Controls Unitary Products 37 T ypical Liquid Li ne Sole no id Wiring Standard T erminal Block on NC300, ND360/480 and ND600 with M1CZ600A models. On non NC/ND models isolation relays must be installed to avoid overloading on 75 V A transformer on condensing unit.
Subject to change without notice. Pr inted in U.S.A. 628767-YTG-C-0910 Copyright © 2010 b y Johnson Controls, Inc. All rig h ts reserved. Supersedes: 628767-YT G-B-0810 Johnson Contro ls Unitary Prod.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il York ND600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del York ND600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso York ND600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul York ND600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il York ND600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del York ND600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il York ND600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo York ND600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.