Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DJ150 del fabbricante York
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035-19046 -002-B- 0104 2 Unitar y Prod ucts Group T ABLE OF CONTENTS G EN ER AL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SA FE TY C ON SID ERA TI O NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 INSPECTION . . .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 3 LIST O F FI GURE S Fig. # Pg. # 1 UN IT SH IPP ING B RA CK ET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 COMPRESSOR SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 PREDATOR“ MAGNUM COMPONENT LOCATION .
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 4 Unitar y Prod ucts Group GENERAL YORK Pr edator Magnum unit s are singl e pac kage air con- ditioner s with o ptional ga s heating des igned f or o utdoor inst allati on on a roof top o r slab and for no n-resident ial use.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 5 REFEREN CE Addit ional i nformati on is a vailable in the f ollowing referenc e form s: • T echnical G uid e - DJ150, 036- 21484-002 • Gene ral I.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 6 Unitar y Prod ucts Group NOMENC LA T URE 12½ Ton Predator Model Number Nomenclature Product Category D = Air Cond., S ingle Package Product Identifier J = R-22 Ultra High Eff.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 7 NOMENCLA TURE, ADDI TIONAL OPTIONS: AA None AC Coil Gu ard AD Dirty F ilter Sw itch AG Coil Gu ard & Dirty F ilter Switch CA CPC Controller with Dirty Fi lter Switch & Air Pr oving Switch CC CPC Controller , DFS, APS & Coil Guard CE CPC Controller , DFS, APS & T echnico at Cond.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 8 Unitar y Prod ucts Group INST AL LA TIO N INS T ALL A TI ON SA FE TY IN F ORM A TI ON Read these ins tructi ons before conti nuing this appl iance inst allati on. This is an outdoo r combi natio n heating and co ol- ing uni t.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 9 2. T urn ea ch brac ket t oward the ground and t he pr otective ply w ood co v e rin g will d ro p to the gr o und. 3. Remov e the con dense r coil external prot ective coveri ng pri or to op era tion.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 10 Unitar y Prod ucts Group FIGURE 3 - PREDAT OR MAGNUM COMPONENT LOCATION " Simplicity ™" Control board w/screw connectors for T -stat wiring and Network connec.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 11 LO CA TI ON Use the f ollowing gui delines t o select a sui table lo cation for these unit s: 1. Unit is desi gned f or ou tdoor i nst allation only . 2. Condense r coi ls mus t have an unli mited supply of air .
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 12 Unitar y Prod ucts Group CLEARANCES All u nits req uire par ticular clear ances for pr oper operati on and se r vice . Inst aller must make prov isio ns for adequate combu stion and ven tilati on air in accordanc e with se ction 5.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 13 NOTE: A one-i nch clea r anc e must be provi ded betwee n any combu stible mater ial and the supply duct work for a dis tance of 3 f eet fr om the unit.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 14 Unitar y Prod ucts Group . FIGURE 8 - BOTT O M DUCT OPENINGS (FROM ABOVE) 14- 23/32 16-3/8 18-1/16 19-5/8 63-1/2 7-1/ 8 17-3/16 19-3/16 21-3/16 6-13 /16 32-11/16 6-13 /16 6-1.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 15 DUCTWORK Ductwor k should be designed and si zed according to th e methods in M anual D of the Air Cond itioni ng Contractors of Americ a (ACCA) or as recomm ended by an y other re cog- nize d authori ty such as ASHRAE o r SMACNA.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 16 Unitar y Prod ucts Group Note ori ent ation. Panel is “ins ulation” sid e up. FIGURE 1 0 - PRE DA TOR MAGNUM ROOF CURB DI ME NSIONS FIGURE 1 1 - SUNL INE™ TO PREDA TOR MAGNUM TRANSITION RO O F CURBS 8 o r 1 4 5 0 - 1 / 2 3 0 2 0 2 0 8 0 - 5 / 8 6 2 T Y P .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 17 CONDENSA TE DRAIN The sid e conden sate drai n is revers ible and maybe re- ori- ented to t he rear o f the cabine t to facil itat e condensat e pip- ing. A co ndensate drain c onnection is a vailable thro ugh the base p an for piping i n side the r oof cur b.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 18 Unitar y Prod ucts Group The inter nal wiring harn esses fur nished with thi s unit are an integr al part of t he design cert ified uni t .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 19 FIGURE 17 - FIELD WIRI NG 24 VOL T THERMOST A T O C C W 1 W 2 Y 1 G Y 2 X R S D C R E M O T E M I N P O S W 1 W 2 Y 1 G Y 2 C U N I T C O N T R O L .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 21 T ABLE 8: E LECTRICAL DATA DJ150 (12 -1/2 TON) W ITHOUT POWERED CO NVENIENCE O UTLET RL A LR A FL A 35 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 ea. ea. ea. HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP HP None -- -- 61.9 67.1 67.4 72.6 80 80 80 90 2TP04521825 13.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 22 Unitar y Prod ucts Group OPTIONAL ELECT RIC HEA T The factor y-inst alled heater s ar e wired for single poi nt power supply .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 23 OPTI ONA L GA S HEA T These gas -fired heat ers have alumi nized-st eel or optio nal st ainle ss st eel, tubul ar heat exchanger s with sp ark igni tion.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 24 Unitar y Prod ucts Group GAS CONNECTI ON The gas supply line can be rout ed within the sp ace and roof curb, e xiting t hrough t he uni t’s ba sepan. Refer to Fi gure 8 for the gas pipin g inlet location . T ypical su pply pipi ng arrange- ments ar e shown in Fi gures 20 and 21.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 25 2. The pr oper pr essure reg ulation. (T wo- s t age reg ulation i s recomm ended). 3. The pr essure drop in the line s betwe en regu l ators and between the second st age regulat or and the appli ance.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 26 Unitar y Prod ucts Group ECONOMIZER AND POW ER EXHAUST SET POINT ADJUS TMENT S AND INFORMATION Remove the top rear acces s panel fro m the uni t. Locate t he economizer contr ol module, whe re the fol lowing adju stment s will be made.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 27 FIGURE 22 - ENTHALPY SET POINT CHART 40 (4) 70 (21) 50 (10) 55 (13) 60 (16) 65 (18) 35 (2) 45 (7) 75 (24) 80 (27) 35 (2) 40 (4) 45 (7) 50 (10) 55 (1.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 28 Unitar y Prod ucts Group PHASING Predator M agnum DJ unit s are p roperly p hased and pro- tected by a Phase M onit or fr om the facto ry . I f t he unit does not st art up, the e lectric al con nection t o the unit may be mis- phased.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 29 T ABLE 15: DJ150, 12-1/ 2 T ON ST ANDARD MOTO R DOWN SHOT BL OWER PERF ORM ANCE * † ESP ‡ TURNS OPEN ** 012345 CFM W †† BHP CFM W †† BHP CFM W †† BHP CFM W †† BHP CFM W †† BHP CFM W †† BH P 0.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 30 Unitar y Prod ucts Group NOTES FOR T AB LE 15 THROUGH T ABLE 18: • Blower per for mance incl udes dry coi l and two-in ch filt e rs. • Blower per for mance for gas heat i ncl udes the maxi mu m number of heat tubes availab le for each t onnage.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 31 AIR BALANCE S tart the sup ply air blower mot or . Adju st the resi stanc es in both the sup ply and th e ret urn air duct syst ems to bala nce the ai r dist ributi on t hrougho ut the con ditioned sp ace.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 32 Unitar y Prod ucts Group SUPPL Y AI R DRIVE ADJUSTM ENT At unit start-up, the measur ed CFM may be higher or lower than the req ui red CFM .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 33 OPER A TION SE QUE N CE O F OP E R A TIO NS OV E RV I E W For t he Predator Magnum ser ies of units, the ther m o stat make s a circui t betwe en "R" and " Y1" for t he first st age of cool ing.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 34 Unitar y Prod ucts Group NO OUTDOOR AIR OPTI ONS When the ther mostat calls for the firs t stage of c ooling, t he low-vol tage con trol circuit f rom “R” to “Y1” an d “G” i s com- pleted .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 35 Should a high -press ure switch open thr ee times within t wo hours of oper ation, t he UCB wil l l ock- out the associ ated com- press or and flash a code (see T able 28). If the other com- press or is inactive , the condens er fans will be de-en ergize d.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 36 Unitar y Prod ucts Group RESET Remove the call for cool ing, by rais i ng ther m ost at setti ng higher than the co nditione d spac e temperat ure.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 37 GAS H EA TING SEQUENC E OF OPER A TIONS When the thermos tat calls for the fir st stage of heating, the low- voltage contr ol cir cuit fr om “R” to “W 1” is c ompleted . A call for heat passes through th e UCB to the i g nition co ntrol board (ICB).
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 38 Unitar y Prod ucts Group If th e ICB senses vo lta ge at the G V when not r e quested, the ICB will energ iz e the dr af t motor . The ICB will not opera te the furnace until vol tage i s no lo nger sensed at t he GV . The draft motor is stoppe d when volt age is not sensed at t he GV .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 39 GAS HEA T A NTICIP A TOR S ET POINTS It i s importa nt that the ant icipat or setpoi nt be correct . T o o high of a sett i ng will res ult in longe r heat cycles an d a great er temper ature swing in the condi tioned sp ace.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 40 Unitar y Prod ucts Group POST ST ART CHECKLIST After the entir e cont rol circuit has been ener gi z ed and the heatin g sect i on i s operat ing, make th e foll owing check s: 1. Check f or gas leaks in th e unit piping as wel l as t he sup - ply pi ping.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 41 3. Meas ure the time needed f or one revolut ion o f th e hand on t he sm allest dial on the meter . A t ypica l gas meter has a 1/2 or a 1 cubic fo ot test dial . 4. Using the number of seco nds it takes for one r evoluti on of the dial , cal cu late th e cubi c feet of gas consumed per hour .
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 42 Unitar y Prod ucts Group EXAMPLE: By actual measurement , it t akes 19 se conds for the hand on a 1 cubic f oot dial t o make a revo l uti on with a 192, 000 Btuh furnace runni ng. T o de termin e rotati ons per minute, d ivide 60 by 19 = 3.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 43 CHARGING THE UNIT The DJ150 ( 12-1/ 2 T on) Hi gh Effi ciency Un it, uses a TXV meter ing de vice. Char ge uni t to 1 0º sub- cooli ng at t he TXV .
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 44 Unitar y Prod ucts Group FIGURE 2 8 - B ASIC T ROUBL ESHOOTING FLOWCHART Monit o r Mon itore d Systems Proble m ? Ca ll for Cooling? Call for Heat i ng? Call for Heat Yes No .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 45 FIGURE 30 - T RIP FAILURE F L OW CHART T r i p / F a i l u r e L o s s o f L S I n p u t E n e r g i z e b l o w e r : i n c r e a s e i n c i d e n.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 46 Unitar y Prod ucts Group C OOLING T ROUBL ESH OOT ING G UIDE On call s for coolin g, if t he compr essors are o per a ting but the supply ai r blower moto r does not energ ize afte r a short del ay (the roo m thermos tat fan swi tch is in the “AUT O” positi on).
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 47 lock ed out the compr esso r for repeat t ri ps. The UCB shoul d be fl ashing an alar m cod e. If not , press and rel ease t he ALARMS button on the UCB. The UCB will fl ash the las t five ala rms on t he LED.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 48 Unitar y Prod ucts Group locked out the compr essor f or re peat tri p s. The UCB should be fl ash ing a code. If not , press and rele ase th e ALARMS button on the UCB.
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 49 For uni ts with econo m ize rs :If 24 vol t s is present at the Y1 “O U T ” te rm i na l , ch e ck fo r 2 4 vo l ts at th e Y1 “EC O N ” ter minal.
035-19046 -002-B- 0104 50 Unitar y Prod ucts Group 1. Check for 24 vol t s at the sp ar k igni tor from the igni t ion control boar d (ICB). Check th e 24-v olt wiring fr om the ICB to the sp ark igni to r . Check fo r 24 vol t s at the ICB spark igni t or terminal .
035-19 046-002- B-0104 Unit ary Produc ts Gro up 51.
Subject to c hang e without no tice. P rinted in U.S.A. 035-190 46-002- B-010 4 Copyright © 2004 by Unitary Pr oducts G roup. Al l rights reserv ed. Super sedes : 035-190 46-002-A- 0803 Unit ary 5005.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il York DJ150 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del York DJ150 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso York DJ150 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul York DJ150 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il York DJ150, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del York DJ150.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il York DJ150. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo York DJ150 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.