Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PV100S-208 del fabbricante Xantrex
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PV100S 100 kW Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter Operation and Maintenance Manual PV100S-208 PV100S-480.
s PV100S 100 kW Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Inverter Operation and Maintenance Manual.
About Xantrex Xantrex T echnology Inc . is a worl d-leading su pplier of adva nced power electronics and controls with products from 50 watt mobile units to one MW utility-scale systems for wind, solar , batteries, fuel cells , microturbines, and backup power applications in both gri d-connected and stand-alon e systems.
152379 Rev C iii About This Manual Purpose The purpose of this Operation and Maintenance Manual is to provide explanations and procedures for operating , maintaining, and troubleshootin g the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter.
About T his Manu al iv 152379 Rev C Conventions Used The following conventio ns are used in this guide. This Manual contains information for two models of th e PV100S 100 kW Grid- T ied Photovoltaic Inverter. One model is designed to operate with a 208 V ac utility input, and the other model is designed to operate with a 480 V ac utility input.
About T his Manual 152379 Rev C v Abbreviations and Acronyms Related Information Y ou can find more information about Xa ntrex T echnology Inc. as well as its products and services at www .
152379 Rev C vii Important Safety Instructions SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS - DO NO T DISCARD This manual contains imp ort ant safety instructions for the PV100S that must be followed during installa tion and maintenance pro cedures. W ARNING: Shock Hazard Read and keep this Operation and Maintenance Manual for future reference.
Safety viii 152379 Rev C General Safety Pr ecautions 1. When installing the PV100S use only components re commended or sold by Xantrex. Doing otherwise may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, injury to persons, and will void the warranty .
Safety 152379 Rev C ix The terminals are one bolt per pole. See the P V100S 100 kW Grid-tied Photovoltaic Inverter Planning and In stallation Manual for the location of these terminals . 5. The AC power conduc tor wiring interf acing with the AC terminals in the Main Inverter Enclosure are located at TB4-A, TB4-B, and TB4- C.
Safety x 152379 Rev C Operational Safety Pr ocedures Never work alone when servici ng this equipment. A team of two is required until the equipment is properly de-energized, locked-out and tagged, and verified de- energized with a meter . Thoroughly inspect the equipment prior to en ergizing.
Safety 152379 Rev C xi De-Energize/Isolation Pr ocedure The following procedure should be followed to d e-energize the PV100S for maintenance. T o isolate the PV100S: 1. T urn th e O N /O FF switch to the O FF position. 2. Open the DC Interface Disconnect Switch.
152379 Rev C xiii Important Safety Instructions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii 1 Introduction Operation Features- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents xiv 152379 Rev C 2 Operation Description of System Operation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–2 Overview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
Contents 152379 Rev C xv 3 Commissioning Commissioning Procedure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3–2 Starting the Commissioning Test F.
Contents xvi 152379 Rev C A Specifications System Specifications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A–2 Environmental Specification.
152379 Rev C xvii Figure 1-1 Maximum Peak Power Trackin g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1–4 Figure 1-2 PV100S Major Compon ents - - - - - - - - - - - - .
F igures xviii 152379 Rev C Figure 2-24 Connectio n Configuration Screen - General - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–35 Figure 2-25 Connectio n Configuration Screen - Tel.
152379 Rev C xix Table 2-1 Scrolling through the Read Menu Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–9 Table 2-2 Read Menu Descriptions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
1 Intr oduction Chapter 1, “Introduction” contains information about the features and functions of the PV100S 100 kW Gr id-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter.
Introduction 1–2 152379 Rev C Operation F eatures The PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter is a UL 1741 listed, utility interactive, three-phase power conversion system for grid-connected photovoltaic arrays with a power rating of 10 0 kW .
Operation F eatures 152379 Rev C 1–3 P eak P ower T racking An advanced, field-proven, Maximum P eak Power T racker (MPP T) algorithm integrated within the PV100S contro l software ensures the optimum power throughput for ha rvesting ener gy from the photovoltaic array .
Introduction 1–4 152379 Rev C Optimization of the PV100S MPP T will result in an increase in energy production. The user is encouraged to study the PV array’ s I-V curves and to adjust the MPP T user settable parameters accordingly .
Safety F eatures 152379 Rev C 1–5 Safety F eatures Anti-Island Protection A condition referred to as "Islanding" occurs when a distributed generation source (such as the PV100S Grid-tied Photovoltaic Inverter) co ntinues to ener gize a portion of the utility grid af ter the utility experiences an interruption in service.
Introduction 1–6 152379 Rev C Physical Characteristics The PV100S comes in two m odules comprised of six enclosures to house the electronics described above. The firs t module includes the Main Inverter Enclosure, Inductor Enclosure, DC In terface Enclosure, and Communications Enclosure.
Physical Characteristics 152379 Rev C 1–7 Main Inverter Enclosure The PV100S Main Inverter Enclo sure is NEMA-3R rated and contains the power distribution panel, the converter control unit (CCU2), and power electronics matrix.
Introduction 1–8 152379 Rev C DC Interface Enclosure The DC Interface Enclosure is NEMA -3R rated. The DC interface serves as the connection interface between the PV arra y and the PV10 0S. This enclosure is where the DC Disconnect Switch and DC contactor reside.
Physical Characteristics 152379 Rev C 1–9 Communications Enclosure The Communicati ons Enclosure is NEMA-4 rated. It contains the hardware to enable a personal computer to connect to the unit, either directly or remotely . Hardware could include a POTS Connect K it, a W ireless Conn ect Kit, or an Ethernet LAN kit, or a Direct Connect Kit.
Introduction 1–10 152379 Rev C Operator Interface Contr ols Operator interface controls are located on the front door of the main inverter enclosure. These controls include an ON/OFF Switch, 4-line LCD display and keypad called the Universal Frontpanel Control Unit (UFCU).
Operator Interface Controls 152379 Rev C 1–11 On/Off Switch The PV100S incorporates a maintained position O N /O FF switch located on the front door of the main enclosure.
Introduction 1–12 152379 Rev C A C and DC Disconnect Switches Both AC and DC interface enclosures are equipped with lockout hasps for personnel safety . The enclosure doors sh ould not be opened while the PV100S is operating. The switch handles and shafts provide a door interl ock for both the AC and DC interface enclosures.
Communication F eat ures 152379 Rev C 1–13 System Status and F ault Reporting Basic system status and all fault co nditions rising from within the PV100S are reported to the UFCU. The unit stores the time and details of all faults in non-volatile memory .
Introduction 1–14 152379 Rev C Communication Methods The PV100S communicates system status information to the user using the following methods. • The Front Panel Control Unit (UFCU) Display • PC Connection (Direct or Remote) - Xantrex Solar Graphic User Interface (GUI) Software required.
Communication Methods 152379 Rev C 1–15 PC Connection Methods Personal computers can be used to ac ces s the system status and programming features of the PV100S. A computer can be connected either directly or remotely . 1. Remote Connect - uses one of the three kits below .
Introduction 1–16 152379 Rev C PO TS Access Figure 1-1 1 illustrates the PV100S connec ted remotely to a personal computer . Wir eless Access Figure 1-12 illustrates the PV100S connect ed remotely to a personal computer using a wireless network.
Communication Methods 152379 Rev C 1–17 Ethernet LAN Access The PV100S can be remotely accessed through a local area network. Direct Access Figure 1-14 illustrates the PV100S connect ed directly to a personal computer .
Introduction 1–18 152379 Rev C GUI Software F eatures Read-only Menu The GUI software provides access to the following “Read-only Menu” information. See T able 2-2, “Read Menu Descriptions” on page 2–1 1 for a specific list of available parameters.
2 Oper ation Chapter 2, “Operation” contains in formation on the ba sic operation of the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ie d Photovoltaic Inverter..
Operation 2–2 152379 Rev C Description of System Operation Overview The PV100S is a fully automated grid-interactive photovoltaic inverter . System startup, system shutdown, PV power tracki ng, and fault detectio n scenarios are all governed and monitored by the CCU2 co ntroller within the PV100S.
Description of System Operation 152379 Rev C 2–3 Figure 2-1 Operating States Flow Chart INIT IA LIZING PV contactor opened. Inve rter ma trix off. Grid c ontac tor open. Green LED on. Red off . POWER UP KEY DISABLE PV c ontac tor o pen. Inve rter ma trix off.
Operation 2–4 152379 Rev C Operating States A state machine implemented within th e CCU2 control software governs the operation of the PV100S with clearly de fined transitions between its operatin g states. There are five steady-state operating states and numerous intermediate transition states.
Operating States 152379 Rev C 2–5 Shutdown The line interface controller is idle. The CCU2 monitors the status of the PV array and utility grid, waiting in standby until the PV array is available to produce power to the grid. Fa u l t The PV100S has encountered a fault conditi on.
Operation 2–6 152379 Rev C Operator Interface The purpose of the operator interface is to provide a mean s of co mmunicating critical operational information to and fro m the unit.
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–7 LCD Display - Initialization Screen Any time AC power is applied to the unit, the LCD display will cycle through the following displays while th e system initializes. Once it’ s done w ith this process, the standard display will appe ar .
Operation 2–8 152379 Rev C Menu Structure The operator interface co nsists of three levels: • R EAD Menu - operation information provided to the user fr om the PV100S. The Read Menu consists of a ll operational values, the date and time. These can be viewed any time the PV100S has control power .
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–9 R EAD Menu The R EAD Menu includes the following information: • Current Operating State or Goal S ta te • Fault Code (if applicable) • Inverter State • Li.
Operation 2–10 152379 Rev C Figure 2-5 Scrolling through the Read Me nu System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Hit ENTER or "." "-" Value by ID# System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Pv: Online Goal : PWR Tracking System: PWR Tracking Inv: Online Pv: Online CCU Vx.
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–11 T able 2-2 Read Menu Descriptions Operational P arameter Description ID Units Current Operating State Displays as: System: * where * can be any one of the states listed in the descrip tion for this parameter . Current system states include the following.
Operation 2–12 152379 Rev C Inverter Real Power Displays as: INV KW: Inverter Real Power 1 1 kW Inverter Matrix T emperature Displays as: INV Temp: T emperature of the Inverter IGBT matrix h eatsink 12 ° C PV State Displays as: PV: * where * can be any one of the states listed in the descrip tion for this parameter .
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–13 R EAD -by-ID The Read-by-ID feature supports the ability of the user to view any Read or W rite parameter available within the menu struct ure. It also provides a means to view data logging and accumulated values inform ation.
Operation 2–14 152379 Rev C T able 2-3 provides a list of the Data Logging Me nu parameters. T able 2-4 provides a list of the Accumulated V alues Menu parameters.
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–15 W RITE Menu The W RITE Menu includes the fo llowing parameters: • Ground Current Max • PP T V oltage Ref erence • PV V oltage S tart • PV T ime (Start an.
Operation 2–16 152379 Rev C Changing and Displaying W RITE Menu P arameter V alues Follow the procedure below to change W RITE Menu parameters. To c h a n g e W RITE Menu parameters : 1. From the standard display or anywhere in the R EAD Menu, you may access the W RITE menu para meters by pressing the < M ENU > key .
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–17 Minimum Grid Vo l t a g e Displays as: Min AC Volts%: This parameter sets th e trigger point value for “AC voltage lo w” (0012) fault. If the grid voltage is below this param eter ’ s value, the fault is trigger ed.
Operation 2–18 152379 Rev C Time Delay for PV W ake up Displays as: PV T Start: T i me delay to transition fro m PV wake up state to PV On-line sta te. Once the inverter is in PV W ake Up mode, it waits for the amount of time determine by this parameter before tran sitioning int o PV on-line mode.
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–19 Enable Peak Power Tr a c k e r Displays as: PPT Enable: This parameter switches on and off the Power T racker function. When the Power T racker is on, the inverter will regulate the bus voltage to optimize output power .
Operation 2–20 152379 Rev C Commanding Goal State Changes T o change the Goal S tate: 1. From the standard display press the < M ENU > key . This will prompt the user for a password. The LCD will change th e third line of the display to “ Type and Hit ENTER ” and fourth line of the display to “ Password: ”.
Operator Interface 152379 Rev C 2–21 Setting the Date and Time Follow the procedure below to change the date and time. T o change the Date and T ime: 1. From the standard display , press the < M ENU > key . This will prompt the user for the password.
Operation 2–22 152379 Rev C Manual State T ransitions St ate conditions can also be transitione d manually . Refer to “Comman ding Goal State Changes” on page 2– 20 for instructio ns on commanding PV100S goal states for manual transitions. Shutdown → Matrix T est → Shutdown 1.
Auto-restart F eature 152379 Rev C 2–23 Any State → Fa u l t If the PV100S encounters a fault, regardless of operating state, it will transition to the Fault state. The PV100S will remain in this state until the fault condition has been remedied and cleared.
Operation 2–24 152379 Rev C Energize Pr ocedure (Startup) T o start up the PV100S: 1. Remove any lockout devices from the utility connection ci rcuit breaker and PV disconnect switch. 2. Close the utility conn ection circuit breaker . 3. Close the AC D isconnect Switch.
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–25 Computer Communications with the PV100S The PV100S provides multiple options for communicating system status or data logging through a person al computer using the Xantre x Solar Graphic User Interface (GUI) software.
Operation 2–26 152379 Rev C Installing the Graphic User Interface (GUI) Software The following section outlines the minimu m system requiremen ts for using the GUI software and instructions for installin g, configuring, and using the software. Close all programs running on the computer before proceedin g with the installation.
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–27 Starting Setup From a Command Prompt T o start the prog ram from a comm and prompt: 1. Insert the XANTREX SOLAR INVER TER GUI – INST ALLA TION CD into your CDROM drive. 2. Click on ST AR T and select “RUN”.
Operation 2–28 152379 Rev C Model Specific Soft ware Installation Once the Setup program h as been started, installation of the GUI software can continue. T o continue with the GUI software installation: 1. After the GUI Setup Splash Screen appe ars (Figure 2-1 1 ), click on the button I NSTALL PV100S GUI .
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–29 2. Click O K and the following wi ndow will appear: If the directory provided in this windo w is acceptable for the installation, proceed to Step 4. If not, click on the C HANGE D IRECTORY button and provide a new name for the desired d estination directory .
Operation 2–30 152379 Rev C 4. Click C ONTINUE to confirm th e program group to b e used. The following setup progress in dication window will appear .
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–31 Running the GUI T o run the GUI software p rogram, log onto the computer an d click the following menu items in the order sh own below . 1. W indow’ s S TART button 2. P ROGRAMS 3. X ANTREX _S OLAR 4.
Operation 2–32 152379 Rev C Direct Connection If the serial communication port of the in verter is co nnected to the COM1 serial port of the computer , the following screen will appear .
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–33 GUI Configuration - Adding Inverter s Once the GUI has started, you will need to configure each Inverter icon to reflect the appropria te operational p a rameters for each inverter that is connected to the system.
Operation 2–34 152379 Rev C 5. Fill out the Operational Configurations Information in the form shown in Figure 2-21 through F igure 2-23. This section h as four sub-menu pages to cover the followi ng parameters. a) Fill out Operational Lim its Informatio n requested.
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–35 e) Fill out the Power T rackin g Information requested. f) Click on the Connections Form T ab to continue. 6. Fill out the Connection - General Information in the form in Figure 2-24. 7. Click on the T elephone Fault Conf iguration sub-menu to continue.
Operation 2–36 152379 Rev C 8. Fill out the Connection - T elephone Fault Configuration Information in the form shown in Figure 2-25 . 9. Click on the T elephone Configuration sub-menu to continue. 10. Fill out the Connection - T elephone Configuration Information in the form shown in Figure 2-26.
Computer Communicati ons with the PV100S 152379 Rev C 2–37 GUI Help The GUI software program has a built-in help program. Once the program is started, click on the H ELP menu item to start the Help program. The Help interface is divide d into the following sections.
3 Commissioning Chapter 3, “Commissioning” cont ains information on safely commissioning the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter..
Commissioning 3–2 152379 Rev B Commissioning Procedur e This section provides the procedure necess ary to safely a nd correctly commission a PV100S inverter . Summary T o commission the PV100S: 1. Ensure the V erification T ests have been completed and have passed successfully .
Starting the Commissioning T est F ile 152379 Rev B 3–3 Serial Number 1. Enter the information required by GUI in the white text boxes on the form that appears next. The converter serial number is loc ated on a label placed on the lower-left front of the Main Inverter Enclosure door .
Commissioning 3–4 152379 Rev B a) If PV voltage is not available an d the Co mmissioning T est must be stopped, SA VE the Commissioning File. This fi le will be used once P V DC voltage has been applied and verified.
Starting the Commissioning T est F ile 152379 Rev B 3–5 5. If not, refer to the “Setting th e Date and Time” on page 2–21. 6. Scroll thru the parameters and verify that they are present.
Commissioning 3–6 152379 Rev B Confirm DC Operational P arameters 1. V erify the Inverters PV Settings. 2. Make any necessary changes. 3. Record these values. 4. Once you finish these tasks, go back to th e GUI Commissioning Procedure and click on the check box to indicate the task is complete.
Starting the Commissioning T est F ile 152379 Rev B 3–7 Operate Inverter 1. Make sure all doors are closed and locked. 2. Using the Front Panel or the GUI, set the I PP T Max percent to 25%.
4 T r oubleshooting Chapter 4, “T roubleshooting” contains information and procedures for troubleshooting the PV100S 10 0 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter. It provides desc riptions of common situat ions and errors that may occur and provides possible solutions for resolving fault conditions.
T roubleshooting 4–2 152379 Rev C F aults and F ault Codes Fault states are automatic from any state of operation. In the event of a fault condition, the PV100S will immediately stop processing powe.
Clearing F aults Manually 152379 Rev C 4–3 Clearing F aults Manually Faults associated with a grid disturbance clear automatically . These faults include: • 0010 (AC Frequency Low), • 001 1 (AC Freq uency High), • 0012 AC V oltage Low), and • 0013 (AC V oltage High) only .
T roubleshooting 4–4 152379 Rev C F ault Code Descriptions T able 4-1 provides a complete descriptio n of all the fault conditions that may occur on the PV100S.
F ault Code Descriptions 152379 Rev C 4–5 0013 AC V oltage High S This fault indicat es that the utilit y grid voltage is above or rose above the maximum allowed value of 110% of nominal V ac fo r greater than 2 seconds, or 137% of nominal V ac for greater than 2 cycles.
T roubleshooting 4–6 152379 Rev C 0021 PV Over-V ol tage S T his fault indicat es that the PV100S has detected a DC input voltage of greater than the maximum allowed value of 600 Vdc.
F ault Code Descriptions 152379 Rev C 4–7 0040 Programming Software S This code indicates that the PV100S has detected that the system is in Programming mode. This fault does not indicate any malfunctio n with the PV100S, but is merely an indication that the system software is in the process of being downl oaded into the EEPROMs of the CCU2.
T roubleshooting 4–8 152379 Rev C 0047 Software T est S This fault indicates that the PV100S has detected that a software test fault has occurred. Th is is a simulated faul t used for debugging p urposes. 0048 Bad Memory S This fault indicates that the PV100S has detected that the SRAM DIMM on the CCU2 controller board has failed.
F ault Code Descriptions 152379 Rev C 4–9 XX62 Matrix T emperature S This fault indicates that the PV100S has detected that the temperature of the IGBT matrix aluminum heatsink has exceeded the maximum allowed value of 95 °C.
T roubleshooting 4–10 152379 Rev C 0075 Shutdown Remotely S This fault indicates that the PV100S has detected that the s ystem was commanded via the GU I to transition to the Shutdown State. This fault is not indicative of a failure or malfunction, but primarily used to disable the system remotely .
5 Pr eventative Maintenance Chapter 5, “Preventative Maintena nce” contains information and procedures for performing preven tative maintenance on the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter.
Preventative Maintenance 5–2 152379 Rev C Maintenance Safety Prior to following an y Maintenance Procedures, fol low the System Shutdown and Lock-out and T ag procedure. Operational Safety Procedur es Never work alone when servici ng this equipment.
Maintenance Safety 152379 Rev C 5–3 Lockout and T ag Safety requirements mandat e that this equipment not be serviced while energized. Power sources for the PV100S must be locked-out and tagged prior to servicing. Each energy source should have a pa dlock and tag installed on e ach energy source prior to servicing.
Preventative Maintenance 5–4 152379 Rev C Figure 5-1 Inverter AC T erminal Locations in the Main Inverter Enclosure Figure 5-2 Utility AC T erminal Connections in the A C Interface Enclosure TB4-A T.
Maintenance Safety 152379 Rev C 5–5 Figure 5-3 PV T erminal Locations PV POSitive Cable (TB3-1) PV NEGative Cable (TB3-2) Conduit entry from PV Array GrouND (TB3-3).
Preventative Maintenance 5–6 152379 Rev C P eriodic Maintenance Xantrex T echnology recommends that the following preven tative maintenance procedures be carried out on the PV1 00S. Monthly Intervals or As Required Perform the following preventati ve maintenance tasks on a mo nthly basis or as required.
P eriodic Maintenance 152379 Rev C 5–7 Six-month Intervals Perform the following preventati ve maintenance tasks on a six-month b asis or as required. Enclosure Seals ❐ Inspect the enclosure access panel seal. If damaged, replace with equivalent closed cell foam gasket.
A Specifications Appendix A provides the environmenta l and electrical specifications for the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inverter..
Specifications A–2 152379 Rev C System Specifications The PV100S has been designed for photov oltaic power systems, which operate within the following specifications. Environmental Specifications The following environmental specifications are the same for both models of the PV100S 100 kW Grid-T ied Photovoltaic Inve rter.
System Specifications 152379 Rev C A–3 Electrical Specifications T able A-2 provides the AC and DC specifications for the PV100S. Over V oltage , Under V oltage and Frequency Rang es T able A-3 provides the over voltage, under voltage, over-frequency , and under - frequency detection limits for the PV100S.
Specifications A–4 152379 Rev C Wire G au ge an d T orq u e R eq u ir em en t s T able A-4 provides acceptable wire gauges , bolt sizes, and torque values for AC terminal connections. *See Cautionary note in the PV100S 100 kW Grid-tied Ph otovoltaic Inverter Planning and Installation Manual regarding hardware length.
Appendix A Schematics 152379 Rev C A-5 Figure A-1 Electrical Diagram (sample).
Schematics Appendix A A-6 152379 Rev C Figure A-2 PV100S-480 Schematic for Main Power Distribution (152316 E1).
Appendix A Schematics 152379 Rev C A-7 Figure A-3 PV100S-480 Schematic for Contro l P ower Distribution (152316 E2).
Schematics Appendix A A-8 152379 Rev C Figure A-4 PV100S-480 Schematic for Converter Control Unit (152316 E3).
Appendix A Schematics 152379 Rev C A-9 Figure A-5 PV100S-208 Schematic Main P ower Distribution (152376 C1).
Schematics Appendix A A-10 152379 Rev C Figure A-6 PV100S-208 Schematic for Contro l P ower Distribution (152376 C2).
Appendix A Schematics 152379 Rev C A-11 Figure A-7 PV100S-208 Schematic for Converter Control Unit (152376 C3).
Schematics Appendix A A-12 152379 Rev C This page intentio nally left blank..
152379 Rev C WA–1 W arranty and Product Information Xantrex Limited W arr anty PV100S GRID TIE INVER T ER (PV SERIES INVER TER) 1. What does this warranty cove r and how long does it last? This Limited W a rranty is provided by Xantrex T echnology In c.
W arranty and Return 152379 Rev C WA–3 PRODUCT REGISTRA TION T o ensure the fastest possible servic e, please ensure your system info rmation submitted to Xantrex. Please fill the required information in and send a copy of this page to Xantrex T echnology Inc.
W arranty and Return WA–4 152379 Rev C.
A AC Interface Enclosure 1–8 Accumulated V alues 1–18 Anti-Islan d Protection 1–5 Auto-restart Feature 2–23 Autorun 2–26 C Clearing Faults Manually 4–3 Command Prompt 2–27 Commissioni ng.
Index IX–2 152379 Rev C P Period Maintenance Monthly 5–6 Six month interv als 5–7 Power Distributi on Panel 1–7 Power Electronics Matrix 1–7 PV Ground Fault Det ection 1–5 R Remote Monitor.
Xantrex Technology Inc. 1 800 670 0707 Tel toll free NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel direct 1 800 994 7828 Fax toll free NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct customerservice@xantrex.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xantrex PV100S-208 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xantrex PV100S-208 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xantrex PV100S-208 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xantrex PV100S-208 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xantrex PV100S-208, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xantrex PV100S-208.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xantrex PV100S-208. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xantrex PV100S-208 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.