Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PROwatt 600 del fabbricante Xantrex
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PROw att™ 600 Inverter Made in China 445-01 15-01- 01 T el: 1 -800-67 0-0707 F ax: 1-80 0- 994- 7828 Email: s upport.prowat W eb: w ww.xantr ex.
Owner ’s Guide PROw att 600 In verter.
Abo ut X ant rex Xantrex T echnolog y Inc. is a world-leading supplier of advanced p ower electronics and contro ls with products f rom 50 watt mo bile units to 1 MW utility - scale systems f or wind, solar , batteries, fuel cells, m icroturbines, and backup power applications in both grid-conn ected and stand-alone s ystems.
About This Guide Purp ose The PROwat t 600 Owner ’ s Guide contains infor mation tha t enabl es in dividu als to in stall , opera te, and troub leshoot the PROwatt 600 Invert er .
About This Guide iv Organization This guide ha s four cha pters and four a ppendi xes. Chapte r 1, “Int roduct ion” , outli nes the main performanc e and safe ty fe atures of the PROwat t 600 Inve rter . Reading this chapt er will give you a clea r underst anding of the inverte r ’ s cap abili ties .
About This Guide v Conventio ns Used The fo llowin g conven tions are used i n this gui de. Related Information Y ou can fi nd more inf ormation a bout Xant rex T ech nology Inc.
vii Important Safety Information General Precautions 1. Befor e instal ling a nd using t he inve rter , rea d all appr opriate s ections o f thi s guide and any cau tionar y marki ngs on the i nvert er and the batt eries . 2. Do not operate t he inve rter if it ha s receiv ed a sha rp blow , been dropped, or oth erwise damaged.
Exp los ive G as Pr eca uti ons viii Explosi ve Gas Precauti ons 1. Batt eries gen erate explos ive ga ses durin g normal oper ation. Be sure you follow a ll re levant i nstru ction s exact ly befor e inst alling o r usin g your i nvert er . 2. This equipment co ntain s componen ts which t end to produ ce arcs or spark s.
Precautions For Using R echargeable Appliances ix Precau tions For U sing Rechargeable Appliances Most ba ttery-o perat ed equipment uses a separ ate char ger or transf ormer t hat is pl ugged into an AC rec eptacle a nd produ ces a low vol tage ou tput.
xi Gene ral Preca ution s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v ii Explo sive Gas Preca utions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - viii Preca utio ns Whe n Work.
Contents xii Conn ect ing th e Cha ssis G ro und - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 Ground ing Loca tions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 Connec ting DC Cab.
Contents xii i Auto moti ve Sta rti ng Ba tterie s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 8 Deep -C ycle L ead-A cid B att eries - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 9 Batte ry S ize -.
1 Intr oduction Congratulations on your purchase of the PROwatt™ 600 Inverter! As part of the PROwatt Inverter family , the PROwatt 600 has been designed to give you quality power , ease of use, and out standing reliabi lity .
Quality Power and Ease of Use 2 Qual ity P ower an d Eas e of Us e The PROwat t 600 Inver ter is a profess ional-qua lity , mid- rang e inverte r designe d to han dle a v ariety of househ old and commercial appli cations inc ludin g lar ge scr een TVs, VCRs, computer systems , bread makers, blen ders, fans , and smal l power too ls.
3 2 Installation Chap ter 2 explains how to install the PROwatt 600 Inverter . Installing the PROwatt 600 is straightforward. Here’ s a summary of the five main steps: • Plan the i nstallation. • C hoose a location. • M ount the inverter . • C onnect the chassis ground.
AC Wiring W a rning 4 AC Wiring Warning The PROwatt is d esigned to be conn ected di rectly to st andard elec trical and el ectronic equipmen t. Do not connect it to house hold or recr eati onal veh icle AC dist ribution wiring.
Front Panel (AC End) 5 Front Pan el (AC End) Back Panel (DC End) Figure 1 Front Panel (AC En d) Figure 2 Back Panel (DC End) ON OF F PO WER OU T PU T 1 15Vac 60H z FA U LT On/O ff Swi tch POWE R LED F.
In stall ation T ools an d Mater ial s 6 Installation Tools and Materials Tools ❐ W ire str ipper ❐ Slot head scre wdriver ❐ W rench (es) f or DC term inal s ❐ Drill Materials ❐ 4 cor rosio .
Planning Y o ur Installation 7 Plan ning Y our Inst allation Befor e doing any thing e lse, you ne ed to de termin e how you will be using yo ur PROwatt 600 and on the basi s of t hat, desi gn a power sy stem th at wil l give the best per formanc e. The more thoro ugh your pla nning, t he bette r your power needs will be met .
Choosing a Location 8 Choosing a L ocation The PROwat t 600 Inver ter shoul d only be instal led in a loca tion t hat mee ts the se req uiremen ts: WARNING The PROwatt 6 00 contai ns components t hat tend to produce a rcs or spar ks.
Mounting the Inverter 9 Mountin g the Inverter T o mount the PROwatt 600 I nverte r: 1. T urn of f the inver ter ’ s On/Of f switch. 2. Selec t an appro priat e mounti ng locati on and or ientat ion. The PROwatt mus t be orie nted i n one of th ese two wa ys: • Horiz ontal ly on a ver tical surface .
Connecting DC Cables 10 Grounding Locations The ch assis gro und ter minal must b e connec ted to a groun ding point , which va ries dep ending o n where you inst all the PROwatt 60 0. Follow the guidel ines tha t corr espond to your typ e of i nstalla tion.
Connecting DC Cables 11 • Do not u se aluminum. I t has a bout 1/3 mor e resist ance than copper cab le of t he same size, and i t is dif ficul t to make goo d, low-res istance c onnect ions to al uminum.
Connecting DC Cables 12 Cabling Procedure T o connect th e DC cable s: 1. Cut th e ca bles to th e corr ect l ength . 2. Strip t he appr opriate a mount of insulati on fr om one end of ea ch cable a nd att ach the co nnector s tha t will jo in the cables to the battery , batte ry isolat or switc h, or fu se bloc k.
Connecting DC Cables 13 If y ou are usi ng crimp connector s, use t he too l reco mmended by t he ter minal manufa cture r . Make sure no st ray wires protr ude from th e termi nal. ( Y ou can also have t he crimp c onnecto rs at tached by t he compan y that sell s you the cable.
Connecting DC Cables 14 7. Before proceedi ng, make sure t hat th e cable you hav e just ins tall ed co nne cts t he ne gat ive termi nal of the inv erter to the negat ive termi nal of the batt ery . 8. Connect the ca ble from t he posi tive (red) te rminal of the PROwatt 600 to the p ositi ve termin al of t he bat tery .
15 3 Operation Chapte r 3 tells you how to operate the PROwatt 600 Inverter efficiently . Spec ifically , this chapte r: • Explains how to turn the inverter on • Describes operatin g limits • Pr.
T urning the In verter On and Off 16 Turning the In verter On and Off The On/Off sw itch on the front pane l tur ns the contro l cir cui t in the PROwat t 600 o n and of f. T o turn the i nverter on o r off: • T urn the On/Of f switch or off . Whe n the s witch is Off, t he inv ert er dra ws no curr ent fr om the batte ry .
Reading the Front P anel Indicators 17 Reading the Front Panel In dicators Green POWER LED The POWER LED is on when th e invert er is connec ted to DC powe r an d the i nvert er is swit che d On.
Oper ating Limits 18 Operati ng Limits Pow er O utpu t The PROwat t 600 Inver ter will deliver 600W or 5A cont inuously . This watt age r ating applies t o resist ive l oads such a s incan descen t ligh ts while th e curr ent rat ing app lies to reac tive loads su ch as mo tors.
Inverter Loa ds 19 Inverter Lo ads The PROwat t 600 will operate mos t AC loads wi thin its power r ating (600 wat ts / 5 amps). Howeve r , some applianc es and eq uipment may be di ffi cult to operat e, and ot her appl iances may a ctual ly be da maged if you try t o opera te them with the PROwatt 600.
Battery Charging Freque ncy 20 Battery Charging Frequency When pos sible, rechar ge your batte ries when t hey ar e about 50% dis char ged or e arlier . This will gi ve you a much longe r batt ery cycl e lif e than rec har ging when the batteri es ar e almost comple tely d ischar ged.
21 4 Troubleshooting Chapte r 4 will help you identify the source of most problems that can occur with the PROwatt 600 Inverter . If a problem occurs, please r eview this chapter before contac ting Xantrex Custom er Servi ce.
Common Problems 22 Common Prob lems Buzz in Audi o Equipm ent Some in expensi ve ste reo syst ems emit a buz zing no ise f rom the ir lo udsp eaker s w hen op era ted fr om the PR Ow att 60 0. This occurs because t he power supply i n the audio syst em does not ade quately f ilter t he modifie d sine wa ve produce d by th e PROwatt.
T roubl eshoo ting Refer ence 23 Troubles hooting Referen ce Problem P ossible Cause Solution Low output voltage (96 V ac–104 V ac) Y o u are us in g a voltmeter that cannot accurately read the RMS voltage of a mo difi ed si ne wav e. Use a true RMS reading voltmeter .
25 A Specifications Appendix A contains electrical and physical specifications for the PROwatt 600 Inverter ..
Electrical Performanc e 26 Electrical Performance Phys ical Speci ficati ons are subject to chan ge with out notic e. Output power at 20 º C ambien t and 12 Vdc input: • Contin uous power • S urg.
27 B Battery Types and Sizes The batteries you use strongly affect the performance of the PRO watt 600 Inverter . It is important to connect the inverter to the correct size and type of ba ttery . The informat ion in Appendix B wil l help you select, connect, and maintain batteries that are most appropriate for your application.
Battery T ypes 28 Battery Ty pes Auto moti ve Sta r t ing B atteri es Purpose The l ead-acid battery y ou are mos t famili ar with i s proba bly the s tarting bat tery in your aut omobil e. An automo tive sta rting bat tery is design ed to de liver a l ar ge amou nt of curr ent fo r a short pe riod of time (s o it can start your engine ).
Battery S ize 29 Deep-Cycle Lead-Aci d Batteries Purpose Deep- cycle lea d-aci d batt eries ar e desi gned fo r deep disc harg e serv ice wher e they wil l be r epeatedl y disch ar ged and r echar ged.
Battery S ize 30 Ba tte ry Ca pa city St and ar ds A number of dif ferent st andards a re use d to ra te batte ry ener gy storage capaci ty . Auto motive a nd marine st arti ng batt eries ar e norm ally ra ted i n crank ing amps. This is not a releva nt rat ing for c ontinu ous loa ds like a n inver ter .
Estimating B attery Require ments 31 Estimating Bat tery Requirements T o determine t he batt ery capa city y ou r equir e: 1. Determ ine how many wat ts ar e consume d by each appl iance tha t you wil l be o perating from th e PROwatt 600. Y ou can no rmally fi nd thi s on a labe l on the produ ct.
Battery Sizin g Example 32 Battery Sizi ng Example This example il lustr ates a typical calcu lation, a ssuming an oppor tunity t o char ge the batt eries eve ry thr ee days . This example il lustr ates how qui ckly y our bat tery need s can esca late.
Battery S izing Worksheet 33 Battery Sizing Worksheet Use t he followi ng worksh eet to ca lcula te your battery needs. T o ensure suf ficient ba ttery ca pacity , be genero us when est imating th e opera ting time per day for each of the loads you wil l run.
T wo Bat teries C onnec ted In P ar allel 34 Two Bat teries Connect ed In Parallel T wo identic al batte ries can be conne cted po sitive ( +) to pos itive (+) a nd ne gat ive (– ) to ne gati ve (–) in a parall el syst em. A parall el sys tem doubl es ca pacity and mainta ins th e volt age of a si ngle b attery .
Battery T ips 35 Battery Tips Explosive/Corr osive Gases Lead-acid ba tter ies may emit hydro gen, oxyg en, and s ulfuric acid f umes when r echar ging. T o reduce the r isk of explosio n: • V ent t he bat tery c ompartment t o preve nt the acc umu lation of g ases.
Battery T ips 36 Discharged Batteries Do n ot lea ve b atter ies in a d ischa rged state for more than a day or two. Th ey will under go a chemic al pro cess (s ulfati on) tha t can perm anentl y damage t he batt ery .
37 C Alternators and Charging Systems A good char ging system is important for the health of your batteries. Poor recharging methods can quickly damage them. Appendix C provides guidelines for recharging batteries from an alternator , from AC power , and from altern ate ener gy sources.
Char ging S yste m R equirem ents 38 Charging System Requirements Y our char ging syste m should b e capab le of del iveri ng a char ging curre nt equa l to 10–25% of the a mp-hour c apacit y of yo ur batter y . For exampl e, if you ha ve a 200 Ah battery , the c har ging sys tem shou ld be a ble to deliver 50 amps.
Charging Fr om AC P ow er 39 Using an Altern ator Contro ller If y our regula r alter nator is inadeq uate by itse lf, you can inst all an a ltern ator c ontroll er tha t will bypass th e volt age regu lator and boost t he al terna tor ’ s outp ut vol tage du ring char ging.
Charging From Altern ative Energy Sources 40 Chargin g From Alte rnative Energy Source s Y our bat teri es can also be r echa r ge d fr om al terna tive ene rgy sources such as solar pa nels, wind, o r hydro systems. Make sure you use the app ropriat e batt ery cha rge contr oller for your particul ar ene rgy s ource.
41 D Product and System Info rmation Appendix D contains the warranty for your PROwatt 600 Inverter as well as instructions for returning the product for servicing. Appendix D also has a place where you can record information about your system in case you need to contact Customer Service.
Wa r r an t y 42 Warranty What does this warranty cover? Xantrex manu factu res its produ cts from pa rts a nd components that are new o r equi valent to new , in a ccordance with i ndustry-s tandar d prac tices. Thi s warr anty cover s any de fects in workmansh ip or ma teri als.
Re turn Material Authorization P olicy 43 date d proof of purcha se. If you a re una ble to cont act y our merchant , or the merchan t is unabl e to provi de servi ce, cont act Xantre x dire ctly at: .
Re turn Material Procedure 44 How do other laws apply? This warr anty g ives you sp ecifi c lega l rights , and you may also have ot her right s whic h vary fro m juri sdict ion to jur isdict ion.
Information Abo ut Y our Syste m 45 Inform ation About Your Sys tem As soon as you open your PROwat t 600 Inver ter packa ge, reco rd the fol lowing infor mation and be s ure to keep your proof of purcha se. If yo u nee d to co ntac t Cus tome r Se rvice , plea se r ecord the fol lowing deta ils b efore calli ng.
47 A AC wiring, war ning about ix , 4 alarm, low battery 2 , 18 , 23 alternator controller 6 describ ed 39 installing 39 alternat or , high-outp ut 6 , 39 amp-hour ( Ah) capacity 30 appliances battery.
Ind ex 48 C cables. See DC cables. char ging from AC power 39 from a lternative ener gy sour ces 40 with engine alternator 38 char ging f requency for batteri es 20 char ging s ystem requi rements 38 .
Index 49 mounting location 8 , 9 moun ting ori entati on 9 operating several lo ads 16 powe r ou tput 18 pro blem l oad s 19 proo f of purchas e 42 serial number 43 trouble loads 19 turning off 16 tur.
Ind ex 50 starti ng batteries 30 state of char ge 36 T television r eception 22 tele visi ons 2 temperature ideal ambient temperature 8 over temperatur e shutdown 17 troubl eshoot ing 21 buzz in audio.
PROw att™ 600 Inverter Made in China 445-01 15-01- 01 T el: 1 -800-67 0-0707 F ax: 1-80 0- 994- 7828 Email: s upport.prowat W eb: w ww.xantr ex.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xantrex PROwatt 600 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xantrex PROwatt 600 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xantrex PROwatt 600 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xantrex PROwatt 600 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xantrex PROwatt 600, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xantrex PROwatt 600.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xantrex PROwatt 600. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xantrex PROwatt 600 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.