Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ENET-XFR del fabbricante Xantrex
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Internal Ethernet and RS-2 32 Interface for XFR Series Progr ammab le DC P ower Su pplies Op erat in g Man ua l ENET -XFR ENET -XFR3 TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge i Mo nd ay, Apr il 1 9, 200 4 9: 00 AM.
TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge ii M ond ay, Apr il 19 , 200 4 9:00 AM.
XFR 1.2kW an d 2.8kW Ethe rnet/RS-232 Interface Option Operating M anual TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge i Mo nd ay, Apr il 1 9, 200 4 9: 00 AM.
About X antr ex Xantre x T echn ology In c. i s a worl d-lea ding suppl ie r of adva nced powe r e lect roni cs and co ntro ls wi th pr oducts from 50 watt mobi le units to on e MW ut ility -s cale sy.
iii About This Ma nual Pu rpose Thi s Op eratin g Manual is for the XFR 1.2kW and 2.8kW Ethernet/RS- 232 Inter face Opti on ; a microproc es sor-cont rol led option c ard fo r all mode ls of XFR Se ries DC output power suppli es.
About T his Manual iv TM-XR9B- 01XN Organiza tion Thi s Ma nual is or ga nized int o 4 chap ters and 2 appe ndixes. Chapte r 1, “Featur e s” D es cr ib e s th e in te r f a ce a n d li s ts it s fe a t u r e s . Chapte r 2, “I nstall ation and Config uration” Explain s ba si c se tup proc e dures for Etherne t mode and RS-232 mode.
Ab out This Manual TM-XR9B-01XN v C onv entio ns U sed The f ollowing conventio ns are used in this gui de . R elat ed In form atio n Y ou can find mor e inf ormatio n about Xa ntrex T echnolog y Inc. as well as it s prod uc t s and se rv ices at www .
vi TM -XR9 B- 01X N . b ook Pag e vi Mo nd ay, A pril 19 , 200 4 9:00 AM.
vii Important Safety I nstructions W ARNING: High En ergy an d High V o ltag e Exer cise c a ution when us ing and c alibr ating a power su pply . High ener gy levels c an be s tored at the output voltage terminals on a power supply in normal ope ration.
viii TM-XR9B-01XN. b ook Page v iii Monday, Ap ril 19, 200 4 9:00 AM.
TM-XR9B-01XN ix Im portant S afety Instruction s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vi i 1 Fe at ure s Des cripti o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents x TM-XR9B- 01XN Baud Rate Selec tion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2–18 Flow Cont rol Se lecti on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents TM-XR9B-01XN xi 4 Ca lib rati on Intr oduc tion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4–1 Vo l t age Mod e Cal ibrat ion - - - - .
xi i TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge x ii Mon day , Ap r il 1 9, 20 04 9:0 0 AM.
TM-XR9B-01XN xi ii Figur e 1- 1 Sample configu ration us ing Ethernet /R S - 232 I nt e r f ace (1200 Watt DC Power Suppli e s S hown) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1–2 Figur e 2-1 P owe r.
xi v TM -XR9 B- 01X N . b ook Pag e xiv M on day , A p ril 19, 2004 9:0 0 AM.
TM-XR9B-01XN xv Tab le 2- 1 Re mote Progra mmi ng L EDs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 –4 Table 2-2 Ethe rnet / RS -2 32 Int erf ace Ju mper S elect ion s - - - - - - - - .
xvi TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge x vi Mo nda y, A pri l 19 , 2 004 9 :00 A M.
1 Fe a t u r e s Desc ripti on The Ethernet/RS-232 Interfa ce is a micropr ocessor -controlled option card for all models of the XFR s eries of DC output power supply . I nstalled internally , the interface card allows you to remotely control your power supply through your e x isting network, or via a direct conne ction to your c om puter .
Fe at u r e s 1–2 TM-XR9B- 01XN F e atures an d Fu ncti ons Inter face F eatu res • Pr ogrammable so ft li m its f or volta ge a nd current • Pr ogrammable ove r volta ge protec tion wit h reset.
F eatur es and Functi ons TM-XR9B-01XN 1–3 Ethe rnet F eat ures • Aut o-s e ns ing 10/100Base-T networ k i nte r fa ce • Robust onboa r d TC P /I P stac k su ppor ts: •T C P / U D P • UDP M .
1–4 TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge 4 Mo nda y, Apri l 19, 2004 9 :0 0 AM.
2 Installatio n and Configur ation Introducti on The Ethern e t/RS- 232 Int e rface is us ua lly install ed a t the fa c tory . Y our lo cal dist ributor or ser vic e c ent er can al so i nsta ll the interf ace , espe c ia l ly for use in a previousl y- p ur c ha sed supply a lready on site .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–2 TM-XR9B- 01XN Als o, de pen ding on your spec if ic conf iguratio n, you will ne e d addit ional it ems. For Eth e r net (v ia networ k) : • CA T 5 network ca.
Initial In spect ion TM-XR9B-01XN 2–3 Ini tia l Inspe cti on On fir st rec ei ving your unit, perf or m a quick physica l c he c k. • Ens ure eac h packa ge c onta ins a power su pply with its Et he rne t/RS- 23 2 Interf ace board insta lle d, and manuals for the power supply and th e Ether net /R S - 232 I n te r f ace .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–4 TM-XR9B- 01XN Fron t P an el Figur e 2- 1 shows the front pane l of an XFR 1200 W att supp ly with Ethe rn et /RS -2 3 2 Interf ace instal le d. The re is a fur ther description of the Remote Pr ogramming LEDs in T able 2- 1 .
Initial In spect ion TM-XR9B-01XN 2–5 Ethe r n et /RS -232 Interfac e Su bp lat e and PC B The Ethern e t/RS- 232 Int e rface Subplate is visible from the rear pa ne l of th e unit . Rea r panel componen ts a r e ident ified in Figure 2- 2 . Figur e 2- 2 Ethern et/RS-232 Int erface Subplat e (XFR 1.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–6 TM-XR9B- 01XN Figur e 2- 3 shows the inter na l compo nen ts on t he Ether net/RS-232 Int erface PCB. T able 2-5 shows whic h jum pe r s ne ed to be modif ied t o cha nge modes or set tings.
Initial In spect ion TM-XR9B-01XN 2–7 T able 2-2 Ethernet /R S- 232 Interfac e Jumper Selections J2 Ba ud ra t e selec tio n (defau lt 9600) page 2–18 B1 (5-6) [closed] [de fa ul t ] B2 (3-4) [clo.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–8 TM-XR9B- 01XN Cha nging I ntern al Ju mpers Some of the settings on the Ethernet/ R S-232 I nt erface car d are user sele c table by way of jum pe r s on the print e d cir c u it board. The procedure for changing the jumpers va r ies depending on if you have a 1 .
Ch anging Inte rnal J umpers TM-XR9B-01XN 2–9 Once that is compl e te, t urn th e boa rd over and, i f necessa ry , remove the shor t rib bon cab l e con n ected to J6 4 on the interf ace card to ge t acces s to th e under si de of the PCB.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–10 TM-XR9B- 01XN B asic Se tup P ro ced ur e - Et her net Thi s proce dure can be us e d as a quick ref e r e nce fo r thos e f amilia r wi th th e confi guration requi rement s f or the Ether ne t/RS-232 Interfa c e as in stalle d in the DC powe r supply .
Basic Setup Proce dure - RS- 232 TM-XR9B-01XN 2–11 B asic Se tup P ro ced ur e - RS-232 Thi s proce dure can be us e d as a quick ref e r e nce fo r thos e f amilia r wi th th e confi guration requi rement s f or the Ether ne t/RS-232 Interfa c e as in stalle d in the DC powe r supply .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–12 TM-XR9B- 01XN Co nfigu ring f or Eth erne t or RS- 232 Thi s inte r fa ce c a r d c an be conf igured for Ethernet co mmunic a ti on, or for RS-232 comm unic a tion, but not both s im ulta neously . Fr om the factory , th e in strument will be configu red for Et hernet com municat ion .
Ethernet C ommunications TM-XR9B-01XN 2–13 Et herne t C ommunications Et her net Connection Ther e are two option s for c ontrolling your XF R po w er s upply via Et hernet - "Conne ct ing to a Networ k" or "C onne cting Directl y t o your Comput er .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–14 TM-XR9B- 01XN Loc ating the P owe r Sup ply on Y o u r Netw ork 1. Recor d the MAC a ddr ess for your power suppl y . This will be visibl e at t he b ack o f th e X FR, on the inte rface card subplat e. F or e xampl e, MAC Ad dress: ___ _________ __________________ 2.
Ethernet C ommunications TM-XR9B-01XN 2–15 Con f ig uring Et herne t Bridg e The Ethern e t/RS- 232 Int e rface card ha s an Ethe rnet Br idge that converts th e ethe rnet packets to serial da ta s ignals for pr ocessing by t he embedde d mic rocont roller .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–16 TM-XR9B- 01XN Ins talling a nd Using RealP ort® 1 Backgr ound RealP or t® sof twa r e al lows you to ke ep using your e xi sting appli cati ons th at re ly on COM ports and R S-232 links f or communica tion purposes, in stead of havi ng t o develop TCP/I P ba sed networ k appl icat ions.
RS-232 Communi c a t ions TM-XR9B-01XN 2–17 RS -2 32 C ommuni cat ions RS-232 Conn ection Use an appr oved RS-232 connecto r and nu ll m ode m cabl e whe n conne c ting the Ethernet/ RS-232 Inte rface t o you r comput e r . The RS-232 conne c tor us e s the 9 pin mating co nne ctor on the r e a r panel.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–18 TM-XR9B- 01XN Baud Ra t e Selection Seria l tr ansmission sends a nd receiv e s da ta i n bit s treams at fixed bit ra te s. Bot h the comput e r and th e inter face must have the s ame bit rate sett ing f o r proper comm u nication.
RS-232 Communi c a t ions TM-XR9B-01XN 2–19 Flow Contro l Sele ction Flow con tr ol signals regula te data flow f or proper communic a tion. T o enab le o r dis able th e fl ow co ntrol , chan ge the J2 FL W ju mper a ccord ing to T able 2- 7 .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–20 TM-XR9B- 01XN Re mote/ Loc al O pera tion Re mote/Local Mode Start up The power suppl y ca n be set to start- up in remote or local mode. T o cha nge th is setting, the PON REM jumper must be adjuste d accordi ng to T able 2-9 .
Remote/Local O peration TM-XR9B-01XN 2–21 Re mote Mo de O pera tion Whil e in remote mode , use th e inte rface c om mands t o control the outpu t of t he p ower supply f r om a c om p uter . See “Operat ion” for a c omple te list of dev ice- de pe n de nt comma nds a va il able with this inte rfa ce.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–22 TM-XR9B- 01XN Loca l Mode Oper ation In l oc a l m ode operati on, you set t he voltage a nd c urrent output levels a nd th e OVP trip leve l with cont r o ls located on the front panel . R ef e r to the oper a ting m anua l f o r a descri ption of the functio ns availa ble at the front pane l.
P ower Supply Settings TM-XR9B-01XN 2–23 Local Lockout (LLO) Comm a nd Use the Local Locko ut command to disa ble t he LOCAL butt on on the power s upply f r ont p anel. W ith LLO in ef fect, y ou cannot return to local contr ol by pressing th e front pane l LOC AL switch.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–24 TM-XR9B- 01XN Addi tio nal Use r Optio n s and Setti ngs Y ou can customize r emote ope ration se ttings for OVP ( over vo ltage prote c tion) control an d TTL shutdown by changing jum pe r posit ions on th e Ether net /R S - 232 I n te r f ace c a r d.
Additional User Options and Settings TM-XR9B-01XN 2–25 TTL S hutdown P olarity Y ou can use the Shutdown functi on to disa ble or en a bl e the supply' s out put. Di sabling the supply using TTL shutdown a llows y ou to make adjus tm e nts to the load or to the power supply with out shutting down the power s upply .
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–26 TM-XR9B- 01XN Us er Si gna ls User Lines Connector Auxi liary User Line s connect or , located on th e Etherne t/RS-232 Inte rface re ar pan el, pro vides s e ve r al s ignals to increase yo ur oper at ing c on trol o f th e supply .
User Signals TM-XR9B-01XN 2–27 Figur e 2- 6 User Line s Sig nal Connector Ci rcuit Block D iagram TM -XR9 B- 01X N . b ook Pag e 27 Mon day, Ap ril 19, 2004 9 : 0 0 AM.
Installation and Configur a ti on 2–28 TM-XR9B- 01XN User Line s Cable Conn ection Use a standar d 8-pos ition telephon e ja ck and dat a cable to con ne ct to the us er line connec tor .
3 Op erat ion Introducti on Thi s s ection c overs Ethe rnet /R S- 2 32 Int erf ace progra m ming, inc luding an e xte nsive se t of device-d e pende nt commands, e rror codes, and st at us and fault re gist er information.
Operat i on 3–2 TM-XR9B- 01XN RS -2 32 O peratio n Wh en the Ethernet/R S - 232 I nte r f a ce car d is co n fig ur ed for RS- 232 you ca n send and receiv e da ta betwe e n your powe r suppl y and co mputer , re lying on bit ser ia l c o m mun icati on.
Comm and Syntax TM-XR9B-01XN 3–3 Co mman d Fo r mat and P a ramet ers The devi ce- de pe n de nt l a ngu a ge for the Ethe rn et /RS- 232 In terfa ce consi sts of c omman ds and pa ramete rs. A c om mand is a one word code whi ch eithe r gi ve s in str uctions to the inter f ac e or asks for info r m at ion fr om the inte r fa ce.
Operat i on 3–4 TM-XR9B- 01XN Floating P oint Number <float> V aria bles sent with com m and para m eters ar e floa ting poin t numbers. T able 3-2 define s the st ru ct ur e of floa ting point numbers for use with the so ftwar e co mman ds.
Comm and Syntax TM-XR9B-01XN 3–5 Co mman d St r ing s If yo u send m ore t han one c ommand l ine, se parate the commands wi th a semi co lon. The semic olon m a y be prece de d or fo llowe d by space s.
Operat i on 3–6 TM-XR9B- 01XN Co mman d Summa ry Use these c ommands t o control the ope r ati on of the s upply . Th ey are li ste d he re i n order of funct ion such a s PROGRAMMING , QUER Y , CALIBRA TION, and ST A TUS commands. See “Command Reference” on page 3–9 for more detai le d i nfo r mat ion a bo ut e a c h command and its us e.
Command Summa ry TM-XR9B-01XN 3–7 T able 3-4 Quer y C omman ds AUXA? Asks for the s tate of th e set value f or the AUXA command AUXB? Asks for the sta te of th e set va lue for the AUXB command CMODE? Asks for the powe r supp ly’ s c a l ibration mod e stat us.
Operat i on 3–8 TM-XR9B- 01XN T able 3-5 Calibrati on Commands CMODE Pla ces the supply i nto c a libra ti on mode . IDA T A Calcula tes the slope and int ercept for curr e nt pr ogramming. IHI Set s th e curr ent output to the h igh ca libratio n p oint.
Command Reference TM-XR9B-01XN 3–9 Comm and Reference T able 3-7 Co mman d Refe rence ASTS? Ask s for t he suppl y’ s accumula ted status regi s t er .
Operat i on 3–10 TM-XR9B- 01XN DL Y <second s> Set s a pro gra m m abl e time delay emplo yed by the supply before r eportin g faul t condit ions. The power suppl y use s t he time delay aft e r re c e iving a new output voltag e or current s e tting vi a VSE T or I S E T , or a fter rece iving RST , TRG , or OUT ON com mands.
Command Reference TM-XR9B-01XN 3–11 FOLD? Asks for the suppl y’ s prese nt fol dback sett ing . Respo nse: FOLD <mode> wher e m ode is : 0 (OFF) or 1 (CV o r C onstant V oltage mode) or 2 (CC or Consta nt Current mode ) G TL Go to local . Re turns the power suppl y to local cont rol.
Operat i on 3–12 TM-XR9B- 01XN IMAX <curr ent> Set s an upper s oft lim it on the supply’ s programme d outp ut curren t. If the soft li mit is exc eeded , or if the so ft li mi t value is l.
Command Reference TM-XR9B-01XN 3–13 LLO Disab le s th e front panel LOCAL swi tch. When LLO is i n effe ct yo u can onl y ret ur n to l ocal mod e using th e G TL c ommand. Y ou can r e m ov e the loc al locko ut wit h t he RE N com m an d. See al so “Remot e/Local Opera tion ” on pag e 2–20 .
Operat i on 3–14 TM-XR9B- 01XN REN < 1 /ON> , < 0/ OFF> Re mote Enable. When se t to RE N 0, the power suppl y is in l ocal mode. If a command is sent f rom th e c om put er , the power sup ply does not respon d b ut re mai ns in lo ca l mo de .
Command Reference TM-XR9B-01XN 3–15 UN MAS K? As k s for t he supply's faul t c o ndition s whic h are curre ntly enabl e d (unm as ke d). Respo nse: UNMASK < fa ult mask> where fault mas.
Operat i on 3–16 TM-XR9B- 01XN VRHI The power suppl y outputs a volt a g e value to an ext e rna l voltmet er co nnected as part of the calibra t ion procedu re and records a volt age read back val ue in ternally . These va lue s a re a t t he hi gh end of the program med volt age range.
Accumu lated Status , Stat us , and Fault Registers TM-XR9B-01XN 3–17 Accu mu lated S tatu s , Sta tus , and F ault Reg iste r s The Ethern e t/RS- 232 Int e rface card use s thre e sepa r ate r egist e rs which are alwa ys act ive. They a re t he ac cum ulate d sta tus, s tatus, an d faul t re gist ers.
Operat i on 3–18 TM-XR9B- 01XN Notes: 1 . A l l mnemo n i cs can be mas ked or unmas ked. 2 . Th e er ror (E RR) bit i s res et in t he accu m u late d stat us, st at us, an d se ri al pol l regi st ers wit h an er ro r qu e r y (E R R ?) . 3 . The acc um ulat ed st atus regist er i s cl eare d wit h an ac cumul ated s tat us quer y (ASTS ?) .
Er ror Co des TM-XR9B-01XN 3–19 Er r o r Cod es If t h e E RR flag i n th e acc umul ated s tatus or fault re gist ers h as bee n ac tivated, an ERR? query will retur n an e rror n um ber whic h corre sponds to an event desc ri be d in the fol lowing table.
Operat i on 3–20 TM-XR9B- 01XN T roubles hooting Di ag nos ti c L ED s Thi s section de scri bes the diagn ostic LEDs found on th e Ether net/R S-232 Int erface . Computer O p erating Properl y (COP) LEDs The Ethernet/R S-232 Interfa ce prov ides thr ee dia gnost ic LEDs, locate d at CR167, C R 166, and CR89 on it s PCB.
T r ouble shooting TM-XR9B-01XN 3–21 Et her net Mode T roubles hooting Tips T able 3-1 0 Ethern et Mode T ips Cannot es t ablis h communic ation or cannot find XF R on network us ing the setup pr og.
Operat i on 3–22 TM-XR9B- 01XN Able t o conne c t t o the de vice s e rv er (Ether ne t Br idge), but unable to control or re ceive a respon s e f rom th e power s upply The E thernet/ RS-232 Interf.
T r ouble shooting TM-XR9B-01XN 3–23 RS-232 Mo de T ro u ble s ho ot in g T ips RS-232 an d/or Ether net Mode T rouble shooting Tips T able 3-1 1 RS- 232 Mode T ips Cannot es t ablis h commu nicat i.
3–24 TM -XR9 B- 01X N . b ook Pag e 24 Mon day, Ap ril 19, 2004 9 : 0 0 AM.
4 Cali b r a tio n Introducti on Y ou can calibrate the int erf ace in eit her Ethernet or RS-2 32 mode by adjus ting the signal level s o n the int e rf a c e card so that the y c orr e s pond to the expecte d signa l levels on the power supply' s m a in ass e mbly .
Ca libra tio n 4–2 TM-XR9B- 01XN Y ou can calibrate the Eth erne t/R S - 232 I nterface for : • V oltag e progr a m • V oltag e readba c k • Cur rent pr ogram • Cur rent r e adba ck • Over voltage p rotecti on The f ollowing equipmen t will be requir e d to accurate ly calibra te your uni t: • Dig ita l V o ltmeter , 5 1/2 digit , 0.
V ol tage Mode Calibration TM-XR9B-01XN 4–3 V olt age Mode Cal ibrati on V olta ge Cali bration S etup 1. Dis con ne ct the l oad from the power supply whic h is to be c al ibr a t e d. 2. Conne ct a v oltmeter across the power s upply’ s output terminals .
Ca libra tio n 4–4 TM-XR9B- 01XN V olta ge R e a dback Cali bration P rocedur e 1. Set the power supp ly f or cali bration as in Figur e 4- 1 . 2. Activ a te c ali bration m ode by se nding comman d CMODE ON or CMODE 1 to the power suppl y . 3. Sen d comman d VRLO; IRLO to the powe r suppl y .
Cu rrent Mode Cal ibratio n TM-XR9B-01XN 4–5 C urr ent Mo de Cali br ation Cu rrent C alib rati on Se tup 1. Dis connect the load from the power s upply to be calibr ated. 2. Conne ct a shunt across the supply's output term inals. 3. Conne ct a v oltmeter across the shunt.
Ca libra tio n 4–6 TM-XR9B- 01XN 7. Pr ogram th e suppl y at va rious l evels us ing the ISET command to conf irm tha t the c alibration was s uc cessf ul a nd that li nearit y is ob s e rved . Re fer t o the c urre nt p r ogr am ac cura cy sp ecific ation in Appendi x A .
Over V oltage Protection (O V P) C al ibr at i on TM-XR9B-01XN 4–7 Ove r V olt age Pr o tect ion (OVP) C alibrat ion W e r ecommend t ha t you perfo r m OVP ca libration every six months. Conne ct ing a digi tal v oltmeter as in “V oltage Calibrat ion Setup ” is opt ional.
4–8 TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge 8 Mo nda y, Apri l 19, 2004 9 :0 0 AM.
A Sp ec ific at ions The specificatio ns in t his se c tion a re wa rranted a t 25 ° C ± 5°C unless ot herwis e specified . All spe ci f i c a ti ons are subject to chan ge witho ut not ice.
Specif ication s A–2 TM-XR9B-01X N Spe cifi cat ions f or X FR 1.2 kW w ith E thernet/RS -232 Inte r fa ce I nst alle d T able A-1 XF R 1.2kW 7.5 V to 40 V Progra m Re s olution Vo l t a g e Current OVP 1.2mV 18.3m A 1.2mV 3.1mV 7.1mA 3.1mV 5.1mV 4.
Specifi cations for XFR 1.2kW with Ethernet/RS-232 Interf a ce Inst alled TM-XR9B-01XN A–3 T able A-2 XF R 1.2kW 60 V to 60 0 V Progra m Re s olution Vo l t a g e Current OVP 9.3mV 2.6mA 9.3mV 15.5mV 1.5mA 15.5mV 23.2mV 1.0mA 23.2mV 46 .4m V 0. 5m A 46 .
Specif ication s A–4 TM-XR9B-01X N Spe cifi cat ions f or X FR 2.8 kW w ith E thernet/RS -232 Inte r fa ce I nst alle d T able A-3 XF R 2.8kW 7.5 V to 40 V Progra m Re s olution Vo l t a g e Current OVP 1.2mV 11 . 3 m A 1.2mV 3.1mV 4.3mA 3.1mV 5.1mV 2.
Specifi cations for XFR 2.8kW with Ethernet/RS-232 Interf a ce Inst alled TM-XR9B-01XN A–5 T able A-4 XF R 2.8kW 60 V to 60 0 V Progra m Re s olution Vo l t a g e Current OVP 9.3mV 1.4mA 9.3mV 15.5mV 0.9mA 15.5mV 23.2mV 0.6mA 23.2mV 46 .4m V 0. 3m A 46 .
A–6 TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge 6 Mo nda y, Apri l 19, 2004 9 :0 0 AM.
B Adva nced Eth erne t Adm inistra tion Appendi x B deta ils how to change your network passwor d, vi ew port st at istics and inter pret LED inf ormation.
Advanced Ethernet Administration B– 2 TM-XR9B-01X N C hang in g the Ro ot P assw or d For secur ity reason you will want to change the root passwor d imm ediat ely . Thi s proce dure assumes that you are the root use r and tha t you know the cur rent r oot passwor d.
Resetting the Configur a tion to Defaults TM-XR9B-01XN B–3 Resetting the Configuration to Defaults Intr oduction Thi s proce dure will reset the conf igur ation to default s by using a web browse r .
Advanced Ethernet Administration B– 4 TM-XR9B-01X N C o p yin g th e Con figur atio n to an d f rom a Se rv er Thi s proce dure shows you how to c opy th e confi gur a t ion to a se r v e r and to downl oad a c onfigurati on from a serve r . 1. Open a web browser and enter the devi c e serve r ’ s IP address in the URL win dow .
In ter pr eti ng LE D Inf orma tio n TM-XR9B-01XN B–5 In terpret ing LED Inform at ion Et hernet B ridge LEDs provi de informati on on por t act ivity , dia gnostics, and Ethe r ne t act ivit y .
B–6 TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge 6 Mo nda y, Apri l 19, 2004 9 :0 0 AM.
TM-XR9B- 01XN WA –1 W arr anty and Product In formatio n Wa r r a n t y W hat do es t his wa rra nty cover? This Limit e d W arran ty is provided by Xantre x T e c hnology , In c. ("Xantr ex") and cov ers def ects in workman sh ip a n d m a te rials in you r XFR 1.
W arra nty and Prod uct In forma tion WA–2 TM -XR9B-01XN Proo f of purcha se m a y be in any one of th e following forms: • The da ted purc hase rec eipt fro m the ori ginal pur cha se of th e pro.
TM-XR9B- 01XN WA –3 Ex cl usi on s If thi s produc t i s a consum e r product, federal l a w d oes not a llow an exc lusion of i mplied wa rrantie s .
W arra nty and Prod uct In forma tion WA–4 TM -XR9B-01XN Return Proced ure 1. Packa ge t he u nit safel y , prefer abl y using the origina l box and pack ing material s. Please ensure tha t yo ur product is sh ipped ful ly ins ured in t he origi nal packag ing or equi valen t.
TM- XR 9B-0 1XN .bo ok Pa ge 3 Mo nda y, Apri l 19, 2004 9 :0 0 AM.
Xantrex Technology In c. 1 800 670 0707 Tel tol l f r e e NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel dir e c t 1 800 994 7828 Fax toll fre e NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct customerservice@xa ntrex.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xantrex ENET-XFR è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xantrex ENET-XFR - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xantrex ENET-XFR imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xantrex ENET-XFR ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xantrex ENET-XFR, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xantrex ENET-XFR.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xantrex ENET-XFR. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xantrex ENET-XFR insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.