Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto C35 del fabbricante Xantrex
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ww w.x ant rex .c om Sma rt choice for pow er C- Se rie s Mult ifun ctio n DC C ontr olle r Ma nu al T y p e C3 5 C4 0 C6 0 Own er’ s Manual.
C-Series Multifunction DC C ontroller Owner’ s Guide.
Abou t Xa ntr ex Xantre x T e chno logy In c. i s a worl d-le ading supplie r of a dvance d power ele ct ronic s and con trol s with produ cts from 50 watt mobi le un its to one MW ut il ity-s ca le s.
ii i About This Gu ide Pu rpose The pur pose of this Guide is to provide expl a nati ons a nd proc e dures for in stallin g, oper ati ng, m aint a ining, and t rouble shooti ng t he C-S eries M ultif unction DC Contr oller .
About T hi s Guide iv 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Chap te r 2 c ont ains inf ormation a nd proc edur es to install C-Se ries Multif uncti on DC Controll e r . Chap te r 3 c ont ains inf ormation a bout the opera tion of a C-Se ries Multif uncti on DC Controll e r .
A bou t T h is Guide 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D v Abbrev i at ions and Acr onyms R e l at ed In fo rmat ion Y ou c an find m ore infor matio n about Xantre x T echnolog y Inc .
975-0004-01- 02 Rev D vi i Im portant Safety I nstructions Ge neral S afe ty In s truc t ions • Al l electri ca l wo rk mu s t be done in acco rdan c e wit h l ocal, nati ona l, a nd/or inter nationa l electr ica l codes.
Safety viii 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D B at tery Saf e ty In form at ion • Al way s w ear ey e pro tect io n, suc h as safet y g lasse s, w hen workin g with ba tt eries. • R emove all je welr y bef ore working with ba tte rie s. • Ne ver work a lon e.
Bat tery Safe ty Informa tion 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D ix CA UT ION: A batte ry can produc e th e foll owing hazards to pe rs onal safet y: • elec tri c al s hoc k, • burn from hig h-s hort -c i rcui t cu rren t, and/o r • fir e or explos ion from vente d gass es.
xi Im portant S afety In structions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vii 1 Introduction Fe atur es - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Op era ting Mo des.
Contents xii 975-0004-01-02 Rev D Automati c/Manua l Bat tery Equali z atio n (EQ) and Low Vol ta ge Reconnect (LVR) Jumper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21 Adj ustin g the C-Serie s Volta ge Setting s .
Content s 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D xiii 3 Operat ion Ba sic Op era tion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 4 LE D S ta tus Ind icat or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
Contents xiv 975-0004-01-02 Rev D Ba tter y Si zing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 6 Eq ual izat ion Char gin g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
xv Figur e 1- 1 C-Se ries Multif uncti on DC Cha rge Cont rolle rs - - - - - - 2 Fig ure 1 -2 3-s tag e B att ery Ch ar ging Pro ce ss - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 Fig ure 1 -3 PV Ch ar ge C o ntr .
Fi g u r e s xv i 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Fig ure 2 -22 A WG Wir e G aug e R ef erenc e C h art - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 0 Fig ure 2 -23 PV Char g e Co ntr ol Mod e Wi rin g - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
xv ii Tab le 2- 1 Fa ctor y Defau l t Setti n gs for C-S eri es Co n tro l lers - - - - 1 9 Table 2-2 Var ia nces in Charging Volta ge based on Ba tter y T emp era tur e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
xv iii.
1 Intr oduction Chapt er 1 des cribes featur es and func t ions of the C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . Fo r i nformatio n on: See: “Fea tur es” page 2 “Operat ing Modes ” page 3 “Cont.
Int roduction 2 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D F eatu res The C35/ C40/ C60 ( C-Se r ie s ) controll e rs can be used with 12-vol t, 24-vol t, or 48-vo lt DC systems (depe nding upon mode l) a s Charge Contro ller or a Load Contr oll er .
Operating Modes 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 3 • I ndoor -type, powder -coate d enclosure, for wa ll mountin g. • C onfor mal-coate d circuit bo ards, pl ated ter minals , powd er -coated meta l compone nts, and stainl e s s steel fa stene rs im prove s t olerance to host ile e nvi ronments.
Int roduction 4 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Char g e Control Mode In the Cha rge C ontrol m o de, t he C-Ser ie s controls how the batt e rie s are char g ed by the DC source (sol a r , wind, or hyd ro). I t uses a 3- stage ch arging pr otocol t o maint a i n batte ry vol ta ge at bulk and/or floa t leve ls.
Operating Modes 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 5 Bulk Stag e Du rin g this st age, the bat teri es ar e ch arged at the bu lk vo lta ge sett ing and maxim um curr ent out put o f the DC sour ce. Whe n t he ba tter y vo ltage reache s t he bulk volta ge se tti ng, the contr ol le r acti va t es th e next stage (ab sor ption).
Int roduction 6 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Batter y T emperature C o mpensation The option a l Battery T emper at ure Sensor (BTS ) autom at ical ly adjusts the char ging process of the C- Ser ies contr ol ler .
Controller F unctions 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 7 Co ntroll er F un cti on s The C- Se r ie s can be configur ed to func tion as thr ee d iff e rent contr ol lers: • PV Cha rge Contr ol ler (Char g e Co.
Int roduction 8 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D If the curre nt from the PV array rea ches 85 amps, the contr ol le r will tur n of f to prot ect the ci rcui try . In the eve nt of a s hutdown, the c ontroll e r automati c ally res ets i tself a fter 10 mi nutes ( if over curre nt condi tion is no long er p resent) .
Controller F unctions 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 9 Diver sion Loads Div ersion con trol r e qu ires a sepa rate “ dum p ” load t o r egul at e t he battery . This l oa d must be able to abso rb more power tha n t he c har ging sourc e is able t o produ c e at its pe ak o utput, or t he DC voltage will be come unregula ted.
Int roduction 10 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Loa d Contr olle r The C-Serie s contro ller ca n opera te as a Low V o lta ge Dis connect (L VD) f or DC lo ads to prevent ov er -disc harge to batt e rie s dur ing peri ods of poor char ging or exces sive loads.
Controller F unctions 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 11 or aut omatic reconne ct when the C-S er ie s is use d as a lo ad contr ol ler . Do n ot use thi s decal i f usi ng the C- S er ie s contr ol ler as a PV Char ge Contro ller or Diversi on Control ler .
Int roduction 12 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Op tio n al Ac ces so r ie s Th e f ollow a cce ssori es can be pu rc has ed f o r us e with the C-Se ries Multif uncti on DC Controll e r : • Di spl ay M et ers : The CM facepla te or CM/R remote di splay pr ovide a d igital dis play f or monit oring the C -S e ri es c on tr oll er ’ s oper ation.
2 Installation Chapt er 2 contains infor mation and pr ocedures to install C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . Fo r i nformati on o n : Se e: “Pre-Ins tall ation” page 14 “Mountin g the Con t.
Insta llation 14 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Pr e- Inst al l atio n Th e inst ru ction s that fo llow are app l icab l e to the typic al i nstalla ti on. Fo r spe cial appli c ati ons, consul t a qua lifie d ele ctr ician or your Xantre x Certi f ied Deal er .
Pre-Installation 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 15 kno ckou ts before maki ng any wir ing conne ctions. It is also re commended t o use bushi ngs or condui ts to p r otect the wirin g from damage from rough edges in the knockout hole s.
Insta llation 16 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Mo unting the Co nt rol ler The C-Serie s contro ller is design e d f or ind oor mounting . Care should be take n in selecti ng a locat ion and when mountin g the enclosur e. A void mounting it in direc t s unlig ht t o pre vent h e atin g of the enc losure.
Pre-Installation 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 17 If us ing “seale d” ba tterie s, th e co ntrolle r c an be m ount ed in t he same enclosur e as long as it is adequa te ly ventil a t ed. W ARNING : Explosio n/Corr osion Haz ard Do no t lo c a t e th e C-Series c ont roller in a se aled com p a rtmen t with t he ba tte ri e s.
Insta llation 18 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Configuring the C- Seri es Cont ro ll er Befor e maki ng any wiring conne ctions to the C-Seri es contr ol ler , it must be configur ed for the desi red mode of oper ation. Th e f ollowi ng s ectio ns d escribe t he how to conf igure t he unit for t he de sire d appl ication a nd f unction.
Configuring the C- Series Controller 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 19 T able 2-1 F ac tor y De f au l t Se t tin g s f o r C -Se r ie s Co n tr o ll ers Set t ing C35, C40 and C6 0 Bat te ry V oltag e 12 vo l.
Insta llation 20 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Oper ating Mode J umper Th is jum per det er min es the o pera tin g mod e. P lace t he jum p er over t he pin s that correspo nd to t he de sire d mode .
Configuring the C- Series Controller 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 21 Automatic /Manual Batter y Eq ualization (EQ) and Low V oltage Reconnect (L VR) J ump er Depe nding on the m ode of operatio n chosen, th .
Insta llation 22 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Ad jus ti ng t he C- Se ri es V ol ta ge S ett in gs The char ging voltage set point s and voltage rec onnect / di sco nnect setti ng of the cont ro ller are ad justable using two rota r y p otentiom eter co ntrols.
Adjus ting the C -Se ries Voltag e Se ttings 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 23 For FL OA T ch arge v ol tag e, t he p ot ent iom eter s cale is ca libra ted f oll ows: • 12-vol t syste m: 12.5 to 14.5 vol ts i n in crements of 0.2 volts, • 24-vol t syste m: 25.
Insta llation 24 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Sett i ng V ol tage P a ramet ers f or Load Co ntro l Mo de T o change the Low V olt ag e Disconne ct (L VD) and Low V oltag e R ec onnect (L VR) settin gs, use the same BULK and FLOA T po tentiom eters.
Adjus ting the C -Se ries Voltag e Se ttings 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 25 The scale fo r the Lo w V oltage Disc onnect setting is ca libra ted a s follows: • 12-vol t syste m: 10.5 to 12.5 vol ts i n in crements of 0.2 volts, • 24-vol t syste m: 21.0 to 25.
Insta llation 26 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Sett i n g V o lta ge P a ramet ers Di ve rsio n C ont rol Mode Wh en the C-S eri es c on tr oll er is config ured f or Diversion Contr ol mode, yo u can se t the v oltage at which t he uni t begin s diverti ng curren t t o a diversion load (hi gh v oltage di versi on).
Adjus ting the C -Se ries Voltag e Se ttings 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 27 Fi gure 2- 14 V olt a ge Settings with R 46 Resist or Clipped CA UTIO N: Damage to Bat teries It is n ot re co m men d e d to al lo w an e q ua li z e c h arge to o cc ur if th e R4 6 R esist or is c l ippe d.
Insta llation 28 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Us ing a Digita l V o ltme ter to Ad just V oltag e Settin gs A di gital DC vol tmete r (DVM) can be used t o provide a mo r e ac curate sett ing of vol tage pa ramet ers. T est points a re provi de d at the mid-range on the sca les for this pur pose.
Adjus ting the C -Se ries Voltag e Se ttings 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 29 Fo r examp l e for a 48-vol t sys t em: T o set BULK voltage to 56.4 volts : 1. Point the BULK potenti omete r to the mid-ra nge positio n. 2. Adj ust the potentiom eter until the DVM displays 1.
Insta llation 30 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Equa li za ti on C hargi n g The C- Se r ie s off e rs either ma nual or automatic tr igger ing of t he equal izat ion char ging process .
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 31 Ma nua l Eq ualiza tion Manual e qualiz ation of the bat tery can be enabl ed by pressing t he Reset Swit ch on the rig ht side of the C-S eries un til the st at us LED indicato r begins to alte rnat e between red and gre en .
Insta llation 32 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Aut oma tic Equal ization The C-Serie s contro ller ca n auto ma tica l ly trigg er an equa liza tion char ge ever y 30 days.
T emp er atu r e C omp ens a ti o n 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 33 T ermin at ing the E qualization P rocess T o stop the equa lization pr ocess, press the rese t switch on the right side of the uni t until the status LED stops alternat ing betwe en r ed a nd green.
Insta llation 34 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D T emp er atur e Com pensat ion Ba sed on B atte ry T ype The C -Se ries c ont rol ler uses t he batt ery type to determine t he t emperatur e c ompensated voltage s e ttings . The te mpera ture comp ensate d char ging voltag e is normally ba sed on a Lea d – Acid type s of battery .
T emp er atu r e C omp ens a ti o n 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 35 T able 2-2 V ariances i n C harging V oltage ba s ed on Battery T em per ature T emperat ure (ar ound the BTS) 12-vo lt units 24-vol t unit.
Insta llation 36 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D If us ing a BTS, when t he batter y t emperatur e d r ops be low 77°F (25 ° C), the regula ti on vo ltage sett ing aut omatica lly i ncreases. When the t empera ture r ises above 77°F (25 °C) the re gulation battery voltage s e tting automati call y dec reases.
Grounding 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 37 Grounding The C-Serie s contro ller is design e d to work wi th b oth nega tive ground and unground e d ele ctric al syste ms.
Insta llation 38 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Wi r i n g D C T erm inal C onn ector Locat ions T ermi nal conne ctor s for DC wiring are locate d on the lower edge of the circ uit boar d.
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 39 T erminal T orq ue Requir ements On ce the wire s hav e b een ins tal le d, torqu e the ter mi nal s a s foll ows. Be careful not t o over tigh ten.
Insta llation 40 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Mi nimum R ecommended W ir e G au ge The mini mum recommende d wire gauge is: • C35 and C40 Mode ls: #8 A W G with a 75 °C (167 °F) ins ulation r ating • C60 Models : #6 A W G , with a 90 °C (194 °F) ins ulation r ating The te rmina ls on the C- Ser ies will accept up to #2 A WG (33.
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 41 contr ol ler are str ongly r ecommende d. Put a surge prote ction devic e on the input line of t he C -S eri es c ont r oll er bet ween t he PV array and the cont rolle r .
Insta llation 42 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Long-dis tance wire runs If the re is a signi fican t dis tan ce bet ween t he PV array and the contr ol le r an d/or the controll e r and the bat te ry , lar ger wires ca n be used to r educ e the vo ltage drop a nd im prove perfo r ma nce.
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 43 T able 2-4 One- W ay Wir e Dista nce a nd Wire Size Maximum One-way W ire Distanc e for a < 3% V o ltage dro p 12 Vdc Applicat io n Sho wn Fo r 24 Vdc Sy stem s , Multiply d ist ance by 2 Fo r 48 Vdc Sy stem s , Multiply d ist ance by 4 Distan ce in F e et (me ters) Distance in Fee t (Mete rs) a a.
Insta llation 44 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D PV Ch ar g e Contro l Mode W iring The pro cedur e below is ill ustra ted in Figure 2-23 . T o c onn ect th e C-S eri es con tr oll er a s a c harg e con troller: 1. Conne ct the PV ar ra y’ s posi tive (+) output to the PV ar ray disc onnec t.
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 45 Fi gure 2- 23 PV Char ge Control Mode W irin g 4 2 1 7 5 6 8 A 3 9 A Batter y Po si t i ve (+ ) PV + A r r ay Posit i ve ( +) PV A rray Negati ve (–) Batter y Nega ti ve ( –) Common N e gat ives Ensure the pr oper grou nding is in place fo r the enti re syst em.
Insta llation 46 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Dive rsion Cont r ol Mode W iring The pro cedur e below is ill ustra ted in Figure 2-24 . Wh en usi n g the C-S eri es unit a s a Di versi on or DC Loa d Contr oll e r , the DC load needs to be conne ct ed to the con tro ller t erm in als m arked as PV +/ LOAD + and CO MMON NE GA TIV E .
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 47 Fi gure 2- 24 Diversio n Contr ol Mode W iring 4 2 1 7 5 6 8 A 3 Ensu re th e prope r gro undi ng i s i n place f or th e enti r e syst em.
Insta llation 48 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D D C Load C o ntr o l Mode W iring The pro cedur e below is ill ustra ted in Figure 2-25 . T o c onn ect th e C- Ser ie s co n tr ol ler as a D C l oad cont roll er: 1. Conne ct a ca ble f rom the BAT POS ITI VE termina l on t he contr ol le r to a batte r y disconne ct.
Wi ri ng 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 49 Fi gure 2- 25 Load Contr ol Mode Wirin g 4 2 1 5 3 Batter y P osi ti ve ( +) D C Loa d Posit i ve ( +) DC Load Neg ative ( –) Ba tter y Nega ti ve (– ) Co m mon N.
Insta llation 50 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Ins tal li ng Opt iona l Acce ss orie s The fol lowing sections descr ibe how to inst all the opt ional acc ess o ries ava ilabl e for the C-S erie s Mul tifunc tion DC Contr oll er .
Inst alling O pt iona l Acc essori es 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 51 Ins tal ling the B att ery T empe r atur e Sensor T o instal l the BTS: 1. Inst a l l the BTS on t he side of the batte r y below the elect rol yte l eve l.
Insta llation 52 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D R ei nst alli ng t he F ac epl ate T o reins tall t he face pl ace o n t he C -S eri es cont rolle r : 1. Ali gn fac eplat e with front of chas sis so that scre w hole s i n the corner s line up. 2. Inse rt the phi llip s s crews i nto the scre w hol es a nd t ighten.
3 Op era tio n Chapt er 3 contains infor mation about the operation of a C-Series Multifunction DC Controller . Fo r I nformat io n o n: See: “Basic Operat ion ” page 54 “LED St at us Indic ator.
Operat ion 54 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D B as ic Op er at ion The C-Serie s contro ller (a ll models) ha s one multic olor LED st atus indicator a nd one r ese t bu tton.
LED St atu s In di ca to r 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 55 LED St at us Ind i cat o r The mult ic olor LED on the base unit, or the optiona l CM fa cepla te or CM/R remote, ind icates the o perating stat us of t he controll er . A color -c oded label is included on the cover of t he contr oller expl a i ning the status LED’ s indication s.
Operat ion 56 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Cha rg e Con trol or Dive rsion Contr ol Indicatio ns (G reen ) Th e f lashin g r at e of t he L ED i ndica te s t he c o ntroll er ’ s s tag e of ope rati on and appro ximate battery volt a ge. • One to four flas hes in dica t es the contr oller is in th e Bul k sta ge.
LED St atu s In di ca to r 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 57 For exampl e, if the s ystem batte ry volta ge is 24 volt s and the i nternal B ulk v oltage se tt ing is set for 28 vo lts, y ou ca n esti m ate how m uch be low t he Bulk setting the batte ri es are by subt rac ting th e number i n Ta b l e 3 - 1 (th e interna l Bulk sett ing).
Operat ion 58 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Equal ization Mode I ndication (Red/gr een) Be sure to read all cauti ons a nd warning rega r ding equa liz ation c har gin g batt e rie s BEFORE allowing an equa liza tion char ge to oc cur . Da mage t o batt e rie s can occur .
LED St atu s In di ca to r 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 59 Err or Mode Indica tion (Or ang e) The C-Serie s Multifu nction DC Contro ller er ro r m od es i ncl ude the following .
Operat ion 60 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D F as t B linking Orange When the over - c urr ent or over -t e mpera ture pr otect ion syste m has c ause d t he c ontrolle r t o shutdown, the s tatus L ED will be ora nge and will bli nk fast ( about once a secon d).
Re s et Sw it ch 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 61 Re se t Sw it ch Use the Reset Switc h o n the side of the chass is for the foll owing c o nditi ons. • T o ma nuall y initi ate bat tery e quali zatio n in C har ge Contr ol mode, press and hold the Reset Swi tch until the re d and green LED start to f lash.
4 T r oubl eshoot ing Chapter 4, “ T roubles hoot ing” contains information about identifying and resolving possible problems with systems using a C-Seri e s Multif unc tion DC Contro ller .
T roubleshooting 64 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D PV Ch arg e C ont r ol T roubles hooti ng The fol lowing table list s possibl e proble ms th at m ay aris e when using the C -Ser ies Multi funct ion DC Controlle r as a PV C har ge C ontrol ler .
PV C harge Control T roubleshooting 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 65 Current une ve n betwee n m u lt ip l e co n tr o l le r s . A. Solar array s are supp lying dif feren t amo unts of curr ent to ea ch c h arge c on tr oll er . B. Cha rging s et point s a re no t all s et the s am e.
T roubleshooting 66 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Div ersion C ontrol T roubl es hootin g The fol lowing table list s possibl e proble ms th at m ay aris e when using the C -Ser ies Multi funct ion DC Controlle r as a Div ersio n Contr oll er .
Diversion Control T roubleshooting 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 67 Divers ion lo ad operat es while a generator (fu el power ed) is runni ng. Bu lk V olt age se tt ing on di ve rs ion co ntrol ler is se t too cl os e to other c har g er s ett in gs.
T roubleshooting 68 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Load Cont r o l T roubl eshoot ing The fol lowing table list s possibl e proble ms th at m ay aris e when using the C -Ser ies Multi funct ion DC Controlle r as a Load Cont ro ller .
A S pecifi cations Appendix A, “Specifications” provide the specif ications for the C -Series Multif unction DC Control ler . Fo r i nformatio n on: See: “Ele ctric al Speci ficat ions” pa g e.
Specif icat ions 70 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D El ect ric a l Sp ecif i cat ion s Th e follo w in g lists the el ectri ca l spe cifi cat io n s for the C -S e ri es c on tr oll er s Models C35, C40, and C60.
F e ature s and Optio ns Sp ecific ation s 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 71 F ea t ur es an d O pti on s Sp eci fica tio ns The f ol lowing lis ts the f eature s a nd opti ons s pecific ation s for th e C -Se ri es c ont rol ler s M odels C35, C40, and C60.
Specif icat ions 72 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Env i r o nm ent al S pec i fic a tio n s The fol lowing lists the enviro nmenta l speci ficatio ns for the C -S e ri es c on tr oll er s Models C35, C40, and C60.
B Bat teries Appendix B, “Batteries ” descr ibes types of batteri es. Fo r i nformatio n on: See: “Batt ery T ypes” pag e 74 “ B atte r y Si zi n g” pa ge 7 6 “Equal izat ion Ch ar gi ng.
Bat terie s 74 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Ba tt er y T y pe s Bat teri es c ome i n di ff er ent si z es, t ype s , amp- hour c apacit y , vol ta ges and chemistr ies. Here are a few guideli nes that will help in ba ttery s e lec tion , and ensur e th a t the batte ries ar e prope r ly main taine d.
Ba tt er y Typ es 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 75 V ented bat te ries usu ally have bat t e ry caps . The caps may appe ar to be s ealed, but are not. The caps should be removed peri od icall y t o ch ec k t he leve l o f elect rol yte . W hen a c ell is l ow , dist illed wat er should be added after t he batter y is full y cha r ged.
Bat terie s 76 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D N iCad and N i F e Batteries The Xant rex C-Ser ies is compa tibl e with NiCad (nic ke l-c admium) NiFe (nic kel -iro n) and alka li ne-t ype batt e ries, whi ch mus t b e ch ar ged t o a h igher vol tage leve l t o achi eve a full charg e.
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 77 Equa li za ti on C hargi n g Approxi m ate ly ever y month, som e batte ries may need to be “e qualiz ed.” S ince the individua l cells of the batt ery are no t i dent ical , some cells may not be ful ly char g e d when the cha rgi ng process is co mpleted.
Bat terie s 78 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D CA UTIO N: Damage to Bat teries Equa liz atio n shou ld be don e onl y on ve nt ed (not seal ed or mainte na nce-free) l ead -acid, liqu i d-ele ctroly te ba tt eries. The batt e ry manufactur er should be consul ted before at te m pting to equa lize any othe r batte ry type .
Equalization Charging 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 79 Eq ualizat ion S etpoint s (Non -Sealed Ba t ter ies O nly) T able B- 1 T ypical Bulk and Float Setpo ints for Batter ies B a ttery T ype Bulk V olt s Float V o lts Eq uali zing Cha r ge Default Se tti ngs (knobs at nine o’c loc k posit ion) 14 .
C Diver sion Loads Appendix C, “Diversion L oads” provides additional information about Diversion Loads. Fo r i nformatio n on: See: “Div ersio n L oad T ypes ” page 82.
Diversion Loads 82 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Div ersi on L o ad T y pe s Sev era l diff er ent types of diver sion loads are ava ilable to the alt ernat ive e n er gy ma rk et. The se l oads a re des igne d to oper a te with the power outp ut level s common to most di versi on l oad c ontroll e rs.
D iv ersion Load T ypes 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 83 Regar dle ss of t he ty pe of di version load y ou de c ide t o utili z e, make su re th at the diversion load c an hand le all the power the cha r gi ng s ystem is capable of putting out. Parall eling heate r ele ments ( whethe r open air or water heat er) will allow more power d issip ation.
85 W a rr anty and Pr oduct In formatio n Wa r r a n t y What does thi s warr ant y cove r? This Li mi t ed W arr anty i s pr ovided b y Xa ntre x T echno logy , Inc . ( "Xa ntrex ") and cove rs defe cts in wor km an shi p an d m a te rial s in your C- Se ries Mult ifunc tion DC Co ntrol le r .
W ar ranty an d Prod uct I nf orma tio n 86 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Di re ct ret ur ns m ay be p er f or m ed ac cor ding t o the Xa nt rex Retu rn Mat eria l Aut horiz at ion Po licy des cribe d i n you r prod uct manu al. Fo r s ome pr odu cts, Xant rex m aint ains a ne twor k o f re gional Auth or ize d Ser vice Cen te rs .
W ar ranty an d Prod uct I nf orma tio n 88 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Return Proce dure 1 . Pa ckage t he un it saf ely , pre fera bly usi ng t h e or igi nal box and pa cking mat e r ia ls . Pl ea se ensu re that your produc t is shi pped ful l y ins ured in t h e ori gin al pack aging or e qui valen t.
Information About Y our System 975-0004-01- 02 Rev D 89 Inf orm atio n Ab out Y our Sys tem As s oon a s you op en you r C-S er ie s M ult i f unc tion DC Cont roll er pack age, r ecord t he f ol lowing inf orma tion an d be su re to kee p your pro of of pur cha se.
Acce ssor ie s 12 Aut om atic E qual iz at ion 32 Batt ery Sa fety I nforma tion viii Ba tt ery T emper atu r e Co m pe nsat ion 6 Batt ery T e mper a t ure S ensor 12 , 51 BULK cha r ge vol ta ge 22 .
Index 92 975 -0004-01-02 Rev D Re set Swit ch 59 Safet y I nstructi ons v ii se rial num ber 89 T e st P oin ts f or V oltag e S e tt ing s 28 T orque R e qu irements 39 T roubls hoo ti ng 6 4 V o l t.
Xantrex Technology Inc . 1 800 670 0707 Tel toll fr ee NA 1 360 925 5097 Tel direct 1 800 994 7828 Fax toll free NA 1 360 925 5143 Fax direct c usto mers er vi ce@ xa n trex .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Xantrex C35 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Xantrex C35 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Xantrex C35 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Xantrex C35 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Xantrex C35, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Xantrex C35.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Xantrex C35. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Xantrex C35 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.