Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto M315 del fabbricante BenQ
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BenQ M315 M obile Phone U ser’ s Manual.
Copy r ig ht © 2005. BenQ Corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be r eproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any language or c.
Safety Information i Safety Infor mation Fo r y our safety , please read th e guidelines belo w carefully before y o u use y our phone: Exposure t o Radio F requency Signals For your safety , please do not wear the phone in front of your chest.
ii Safety Information These standards ar e based on exten sive scie ntific review . For e xample, over 120 scientists, engineers and ph ysicians from univ ersit ies, government health agencies and indu str y reviewed the available body of research to develop the updated ANSI Standar d.
Safety Information iii All batteries can cause property damage, injury or burns if a conductiv e mate ria l such as j ewel r y , ke ys o r bea ded chai ns tou ches exp osed term inal s. The material may c omplete electrical circuit an d become quit e hot.
iv Safety Information • Should use the ear opposite the pacemaker t o minimize the potential for interference. If you ha ve an y reason to suspect that the interference is taking place, turn your phone OF F immediately . He ar in g Ai d s Some digital wireless phones may inte rfere with some hearing aids.
Safety Information v Blasti ng Areas T o avoid interfering wi th blasting operat ions, turn your phone OFF when in a “blasting area” or in ar ea posted “TURN O FF TW O-W A Y RADIO.
vi Safety Information This equipment has been tested and found to c omply with the limits for a Class B digit al device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desig ned to provide re asonable protection a gainst h armful interf erenc e in a reside ntial installa tion.
vii Table of Contents Table of Contents Safety Information ........................................................... i 1. Preparing Your Phone For Use ................................... 1 Inserting Your SIM Card ....................................
viii Table of Contents Phone Book ......................................................................... 20 Adding Contacts to the Phone Book ..................................... 20 Finding Contacts in the Phone Book ..............................
ix Table of Contents Phone Book ......................................................................... 59 Find ......................................................................................... 59 Add ........................................
x Table of Contents Tools ...... .............................................................................. 69 Alarm ...................................................................................... 69 Auto Time Zone .........................
Preparing Y our Phone For U se 1 Pr eparing Y our Phone Fo r U se Inser t ing Y our S IM Card Slide the en tire SIM card into the sl ot in the dir ection of arro w sho wn on the compartment, w ith the metal contacts of the SIM card facing down and the cut corner at the top righ t.
2 Preparing Y our Phone For Use Installing the Batt er y 1. Pl ace the batt ery onto the back of the ph one, with the battery's contacts facing do wnwards and the tab on its t op edge in alignment with th e holes in the battery compartment.
Preparing Y our Phone For U se 3 Charging the Phone 1. Insert th e charger connec tor into t he charg er socket at the b ottom r i g h t o f y o u r p h o n e . M a k e s u r e t h a t t h e c o n n e c t o r i s i n s e rt e d i n t h e right dir ection .
4 Preparing Y our Phone For Use Tu r n i n g t h e P h o n e O n 1. L ong pres s to turn the p hone on. The p hone will display the welcome animation. 2. Enter your PIN code. If you enter the PIN co de incorre ctly , press ( Clear ) to delete the incorrect numerals.
Preparing Y our Phone For U se 5 4. The standb y screen will be displa yed, as well as netw ork signal strength and the name of the netw ork operator . Y ou can now use the phone. If the phone cannot detect the network, the on-scre en signal strength meter will show no bars.
6 Getting to Know Y our Phone Getting to Know Y our Phone Y our Phone at a Glance The figure belo w shows the main parts of y our phone: Front v i ew Earpiece LCD d i sp l ay Micropho ne Right soft ke.
Getting to Know Y our Phone 7 Bottom and back views Hands-f ree headset/ Data cable jack Charger socket Wr i s t s t r a p h o l e Mirror Camera lens Buzzer Back cov er.
8 Getting to Know Y our Phone Standby Screen Automatic Sleep Mode : Y our phone has an advanced color display which after 30 seconds of inactivity th e phone goes to "Sleep Mode". This means that it looks almost black. The phone has not switched of f but is in "Sle ep Mode".
Getting to Know Y our Phone 9 I cons in the L CD displa y's Status Bar Icon Function Description Signal strength Signal strength of the netwo rk. The more bars indicated, th e stronger the signal. Battery status Shows the current level of battery power .
10 Getting to Know Y our Phone Silent In the standby scree n, press and hold to activate the silent prof ile. See page 30, "Using the Silent Profile". Normal Shows that the Normal profi le is in use. T o set the operating mode , go to Settings > Profiles .
Getting to Know Y our Phone 11 Using the K eys in the Standby Mode In this user manual , "long-press" means to press an d hold down a key for about two seconds before release. " Press" means to press a key and release immediat ely .
12 Getting to Know Y our Phone Left soft key • Press to access the Phone Book (when Names is shown). • Press to save the phone number keyed in from the standby screen to th e Phone Book (when S ave is shown). Righ t soft key • Press this key to use the camera function ( when Camera is sh own).
Getting to Know Y our Phone 13 Bluetooth Shortcut • Long-press to quickly connect to the previously connected bluetoot h device. # key • Press to en ter "#". • For extensions: Af ter entering a phone number , long- press to enter a "P" and the n enter the extensi on number .
14 Getting to Know Y our Phone Alphanumeric keys Long-pressing an alphanumeric key will access the functi on it represents, or dial the number t hat has been assigned to it (short cut function).
Getting to Know Y our Phone 15 Men u Nav ig at i on When t he phone is in standb y mode, pr ess to bring up the main menu. For details on how to use the vario us functions listed in the menu, see page 59, "Menus". Main m enu Sub- menu Y ou can al so access a menu item by pressing the cor respondin g menu number .
16 Using Y our Phon e U sing Y our Phone Mak in g a Ph on e C al l T o make a phone call, che ck your phone is powered on showing the id le screen. Enter the desired numb er using the alphanumeric keys to . Pr ess to dial your call. T o modify a phone number that you hav e entered, press ( Clear ) to delete indivi dual digits.
Using Y our Phone 17 Answer in g a Phone Call When a call is rec e iv ed, your phone rings or vibrates, with the displa y showing the caller's num ber (if suppo rted by your network vendor) . If the caller is a contact st ored in th e Phone Book, the phone will show the name recor ded in the Phone Book.
18 Using Y our Phon e Making an Emergency Call T o call emergency services, enter 112 (t he internatio nal emergency number) and then press to dial the call.
Using Y our Phone 19 Listening to V oicemails When your v oicema il inbo x contains ne w messages, y our network vendor will send y ou a text message to inform y ou of a new v oicemail message (if the netw ork ve ndor supports it, the v oicemail icon wi ll be show n).
20 Using Y our Phon e Phone Book Adding C ontacts to the Phone Book The Phone Book will hav e differ ent formats and dat a headings depending on whether you ha ve chosen t o use a phone book stor ed on your SIM card or in your phone's memor y . The phone book in your phone's memory can store up to 500 contacts.
Using Y our Phone 21 Phone book entries on phone memor y Additional phone book ent ries on phone memor y The contact's name. The contact's mobile phone number . The contact's home phone number . Used to assign a contact to a calle r group.
22 Using Y our Phon e SIM Card Phone Book In the standby scr een, press ( Na m e s ) and then press ( Option ), select Add . The Add function will prompt you to sel ect from To S I M or To P h o n e . Select To S I M to add a contact t o your SIM card.
Using Y our Phone 23 Finding Contacts in the Phone Book In the standby mode, press ( Na me s ) to di splay c ontacts stored in the Phone Book. There ar e tw o ways t o locate a specific c ontact in t he Phone Book: • Pr ess to scroll through the names (listed in alphabeti cal orde r) until the one you want is highlighted.
24 Using Y our Phon e currently using a phone book stored on your SIM card, you can cop y the contact' s data to the ph one book stor ed in the phone's memory.
Using Y our Phone 25 Last Missed, Dialed, and Recei ved Calls There ar e two wa ys you can view the last missed, dialed, and recei ved calls on your phone, as well as information on their date and time: 1.
26 Using Y our Phon e Delete All : Erase all the call rec ords. • Pr ess to display the d etails on this call such as caller's name and time. Oper ations During a Call The following options marked with an asterisk (*) are dep endent on network support and may req uire a subscription.
Using Y our Phone 27 Making a Sec ond Call* Enter a phone number , or select one from the phone number or call record, and then press to dial it . The currently act ive call will automatically be plac ed on hold. H owev er , if there is alre ady one activ e call and another on hold, this action will fail.
28 Using Y our Phon e Phone Book Ac cesse s data in the Phone Book. For d etails, see page 20, "Phone Book". Call Rec ords Allows you t o view information on missed, rece ived, and dialed calls. See page 25, "Last Missed, Dialed, and R ecei ved Calls".
Using Y our Phone 29 Send DTMF When the phone is connected w ith other dev ices or ser vices, you can send DTMF (Dual T one Modulatio n Fr equency) strings. DTMF strings are k eypad tones that can be sent via the microphone as y ou dial another numb er .
30 Using Y our Phon e Calculator Allows you to use the calculator . Fo r information about the calculator , see page 72. U sing the Silent Profile From the sta ndby screen, you can long -press to act ivate the silen t profi le. Once it is acti vated, the pho ne will alert you to an i ncoming call by v ibr at ing wi tho ut r ing ing .
Using Y our Phone 31 Camer a Y ou can take pictures using the emb edded camera in your phone, and then set pictur es as wallpapers, or send them t o others thr ough MMS.
32 Using Y our Phon e 4. P ress to zoom in or out. Three filled stars indica te that High resolution is in use. T wo filled stars indicate that Medium resolution is in use. One filled star in dicates that Low resolution is in use. Scene is set to Automatic .
Using Y our Phone 33 5. W hen you are r eady to tak e a pictur e, press . 6. The picture is automat ically save in Med ia C en ter > Album . Press ( Delete ) to dele te th e pic ture. Press ( Option ) to acc ess the follo wing options. • Send : Send s the picture in a MMS message.
34 Using Y our Phon e • Details : Shows the information such as name, date, resolution, and file size..
Using Y our Phone 35 Shor tcuts Y ou can use the Shortcuts menu to as sign 7 alphanumeric keys as shortcuts to commonl y used function s or fr equently dial ed numbers. Key is set to voicemail dialing and key is set to bluetooth connection by default, and t hey are not allowed to be changed.
36 Using Y our Phon e 6. T o cancel a shortcut key and rest ore the k ey's original function, scroll to the shortcut k ey that y ou want to canc el, and then pr ess ( Option ). Select Delete to canc el the shortcut. Us in g Sh o r t c ut s There ar e two wa ys to use shortcuts: 1.
Using Y our Phone 37 Me ss a ge s Y our phone supports various messaging services including SMS (Short Mes saging Serv ice) and MMS (M ultimedia Messaging service). SMS allows y ou to insert simple animations and ring tones into your sho rt messages, wh ile MMS enables you to send pictures, colored ima ges and music throug h your phone.
38 Using Y our Phon e Te x t : T h i s i s a l i s t o f t e m p l a t e s t h a t c a n b e u s e d i n s t e a d o f entering all the characters indi vidually . Y ou can use the fac tor y def ault templ ates o r temp late s of your own that you previous ly saved to the list.
Using Y our Phone 39 • Send : Press to enter a recipient 's phone number edi tor . Y ou may ent er a phone number o r press ( Browse ) to select recipients f rom the l ist of c ontacts in the Pho ne Book. Follo w the steps belo w: a. Press to scroll to the name of contact, and then press to select it.
40 Using Y our Phon e Call Sende r : U ses the number fr om whic h the message was se nt to call the sender . Chat : Starts a chat session with the sende r . For w ard : Forward the massage to others and y ou may edit the conte nt beforehand.
Using Y our Phone 41 Managing Outbox Go to MMS > Outbo x . This option preser ves a backup copy of messages that y ou previously sent. Scr oll to the massage and then pr ess ( Option ) to delete, r esend or forwar d the message. Select Delete All to e rase all messages.
42 Using Y our Phon e Settings Save Msg. t o Her e y ou can determine whether a new messag e will be saved to the phone's memory or to your SIM card's memory . Ser vice Center No . This feature allo ws you t o sav e the message c enter's phone number for sending your messages.
Using Y our Phone 43 Va l i d i t y P e r i o d This sets the duration that an undeli verabl e SMS message that you send can be stor ed at the message center . During this per iod , the messa ge cente r wi ll con tinue to atte mpt to deliver the message t o the designated number .
44 Using Y our Phon e MMS Before you st art to use MMS, you have to subscribe to bot h GPRS and MMS services provided by your operator . Then you have to adjust MMS settings in your phone to be able t o use MMS.
Using Y our Phone 45 c. Pr ess to send. • Subject : pr ess to enter the tex t for the s ubject. • Conten t : press to enter the slide edit or . See below fo r details on the options of editing the c ontent. • Cc : Y ou can send the message as a carbon co py to others.
46 Using Y our Phon e the highlighted phot o . Pr ess will display t he next o r previous photo . Pr ess again to sa ve the phot o into the slide. Te m p l a t e s : Inser t the defau lt M MS temp late s into you r messages. Those t emplates c ontain images and text .
Using Y our Phone 47 • Slide Duration : T o set the duration of each slide during pla ying. For e xample, 30 means each slide will played fo r 30 seconds. Each slide allows only on e image and one audio fi le. If you try to insert a second image or audio, an Out of range message will pop up.
48 Using Y our Phon e Cleaning Up M essages Go to MMS > Cleanup . This opt ion a llow s you to cle anup par t of or al l of the messages. The options for cleanup incl udes All, Inbo x, All Read, Outbox, and Drafts.
Using Y our Phone 49 Deferred Dow nload Afte r you acti vate th is function, t he phone will only download the information associ ated with the sender when it rec eiv es an MMS message. Y o u can then decide whet her to download this message's co ntent aft er you ha ve r ead the informat ion relat ed to the sender .
50 Using Y our Phon e your nickname follo wed by your message as “ nickname> message” . d.When the chat message is sent, press ( Option ) and then choose Send to ente r another message. The message will automatically be sent to the sa me recipient.
Using Y our Phone 51 Leaving a chat session If you want to leave a chat session, press ( back ) or . This will take you back to the SMS Chat menu. Y ou phone will keep the records of the last chat session. T o resume the previo us chat session, scro ll to s elect Previou s Chat .
52 Using Y our Phon e Cell Broadcast Cell broadcast messages are general messages that your netw ork operator broadcasts t o all phones within a particular area.
Using Y our Phone 53 Memo r y St at us Displays the amount of remain ing a vailable memor y , including pictures, animatio ns and ring tones stored on the phone.
54 Using Y our Phon e Input Modes Wh en an editing screen is displ ay e d, the cur rent text input mode i s indicated in the upper rig ht corner of the screen. The phone has the following input modes. Long-p ress to switch betwee n upper and lowe r case.
Using Y our Phone 55 Predictiv e Input M ode (iT ap) How to u se iT a p • Pr ess each k ey associated with the lett er you want t o enter only once. The letters you ha ve entered appear o n t h e d i s p l a y . T h e c a n d i d a t e wo r ds wi ll c hange wit h ea ch k ey yo u p r ess .
56 Using Y our Phon e Letter Input M o de (ABC) Ho w to use the letter input mode • Y ou must press t he key c orrespo nding to the desir ed letter the corr ect number of times in order to enter the letter you want. Display letters for entry according to the or der shown on each k ey .
Using Y our Phone 57 Direct Connection to URLs Y our phone provides pr eset URL text hotkeys. It allo ws you t o efficientl y enter a URL address. For example, if y ou want to ente r "", y ou simply key in "123" in the standby scr een and then press .
58 Using Y our Phon e Us i ng t h e B l ue to o t h Y o u r p h o n e f e a t u r e s t h e b l u e t o o t h f u n c t i o n t h a t a l l o w s y o u t o h a v e a wireless connectio n between y our mobile phone and y our bluetooth headset. Establishing Connectio n with Y our Bluetooth H eadset 1.
Menus 59 Me nu s The phone's menu s provide various feat ures. The main me nu co nsists of 9 icons. Each i con repr esents a par ticular menu item, which is used to access rela ted sub-menus . For information about na vigating menus, see page 15, "M enu Nav ig a t i on " .
60 Menus Edit After selecting a particular contact, you can follow the pr ocedure describ ed on page 20 for editing the data for this contact . Copy If y ou are using t he phone book st ored in the phone's memory , y ou can copy c ontact data t o the SIM car d's phone book, and vice ver sa.
Menus 61 Business Card Y ou can use this option t o enter y our own business card info rmation. The data fields are as follows: Pr ess to scr oll to the data field y ou w ish to edit, and then pr ess to begin entering the te xt. After you ar e finished ente ring the data, press to ret urn to the prev ious scre en.
62 Menus Mes s ag e s For a description of the featur es availa ble in the messages men u, see page 37, "M essages". Call R ecor ds Y our network operator mu st support this feature in order for you to be able to use it. Th i s me nu in cl ud es a l ist of y ou r mi sse d ca lls , di ale d ca lls , a nd r ec e iv ed calls.
Menus 63 Cleanup All Deletes all call reco rds. Duration This feature is only accessible if supported by yo ur network operator . Last Shows the d uration of the last call. All Shows the t otal time for all calls . Rece ive d Shows the t otal time for all r ecei ved call s.
64 Menus Cost Last Shows the cos t of your last call. Requires the support o f the network o perator . All Shows the total c ost of all calls. Requires the support o f the network o perator . Res et Clears all call cost r ecor ds. Requires entry of the PIN2 code.
Menus 65 Games Y our phone provides a numbe r of ex citing games that y ou can use to entertain yourself when y ou hav e a spar e moment. Games Cher r y Boy Eda Mouse This game contains five levels and in each le vel the play er has thre e liv es.
66 Menus Camera The digital camer a function you acc ess through the main menu is the same as pressing ( Camera ) fro m the standby scr een. F or details on how to use the camera, see p age 31, "Camer a". Me di a Ce nt er Album Album stores picture you ha ve tak en.
Menus 67 Delete All : Deletes all the photos in the album . Details : Shows the name of the photo, the date it was taken, and the size of the im age. Image This image library stores the phone' s default images , as well as images recei ved in message s, downloaded through W AP services or using multimedia comm unications tool s.
68 Menus • Ren a me : Allows yo u to giv e a new name to the ring tone. The phone's defa ult ring tones can not be renamed, so they do not present this optio n. • Delete : Deletes user-defined ring tones. The phone's default rin g tones cannot be deleted.
Menus 69 To o l s Alarm 1. Select the alarm you wish to set and press . 2. Th e status of the alarm will appear , press to set the alarm status on or off.
70 Menus 4. Lastl y , you must pr ess ( Sav e )to s ave all your curre nt Alarm settings. After completing Alarm s ettings, w ill appear in the standby scr een's status bar .
Menus 71 2. I n the Calendar screen, pr ess to mov e the red box t o the date where y ou wish create a memo . Y ou can also press ( Option ) and select the Go to T oday option. 3. W hen the red box is highli ghting th e desired date, press ( Option ) and select the Add option to open the memo edito r .
72 Menus 5. After c ompleting entry of data in each of the fields, y ou must pr ess ( Save ) to s av e the memo to that date. Shortcuts For a description of the features accessible through the Shortcut s menu, see page 35, "Shortcuts". Calculator Allows yo u to use the phone as a calculator .
Menus 73 same line as the bottom curr ency on the scr een. U se the to view the calcul ation result. The cal culation can provide p recision up to two decimal places. The exchange rate field can accommodate a maximum of f ive digits (including decimal digit s ).
74 Menus Oper . Serv ice Y o ur phone includes a buil t-in W AP browser , allowing you to use the phone for mobile Inte rnet connectivity . Y ou can browse the online se rvic e s o ff er ed b y t he ne t wo rk o per at or or ISP , s uc h as i nf orma ti on on financial news, sports, trav el, and ent ertainment.
Menus 75 Start Browser Starts up the browser and connects to the homepage. Bro wsing a webpage Re ferring to the soft key co mmands at the bottom o f the screen, pr ess and to perform needed tasks while bro wsing a webpage. P ress t o s c r o l l u p o r d o w n a webpage.
76 Menus WA P S e t t i n g s Allows y ou to make settings for the W AP servers of six diffe rent network operat ors, and select the server that yo u would lik e to use when connecting t o the Int ernet.
Menus 77 CSD/GPRS : U se the dialup netw ork pref erentiall y . Only if there is no dialup network will the GPRS network be used. CSD : U se only the dialup network. • GPRS : T o modify setti ngs for a GPRS acco unt, pres s ( Edit ) to edit th e settings in each fiel d.
78 Menus Line T y pe : This is the ty pe of dialup connectio n. Pre ss to se lec t. Baud Rate : The default val ue is 9600, which is the standard speed for data connections w ith a GSM mobile phone. Au t h T y p e : Th is is informat ion needed for telecomm unications pr otocol authentication.
Menus 79 Settings Date & Ti me U sed to set the time and date, as well as the format in which the time and date will be displa yed on the st artup screen. Pr ess to save the settings. Date Enter the date using appropriate number keys. Time Enter time us ing ap pro priate number keys .
80 Menus Pow e r O f f When you see Status Off displa ys on the scr een, press and choose the On option, scr oll to Time and then enter a time y ou w ish th e pho ne to b e auto turn ed o ff.
Menus 81 Outdoors T h e o pt io ns in th is pr of il e h a v e b ee n p r e se t t o s ui t a n ou t do or activity (for example, use of the highes t ring tone vo lume, activation of both ring to ne and vibrating alerts, and use of keypad tones). Once this profile is activated, the L CD display's status bar will show the .
82 Menus • Ring Only : When there is an incoming call, the phone w ill use a ring tone but no vibrating alert. • Vib r a te O nl y : When there is an incoming c all, the phone w ill use a vibrating alert but no ring tone. • Ring & V ibrate : W hen there is an incoming call, the phone will use both a vibrating aler t and a ring tone.
Menus 83 • Any K ey : Allows any k ey ex cept to be used to answer an i n c o m i n g c a l l . I n t h i s m o d e , i s u s e d t o r e j e c t a n incoming call, and not to answe r .
84 Menus • Image : Pr ess ( Edit ) to enter the image library . Only the image selecte d in this option will be displa yed when the p hone is turned on. A fter selecting an image, y ou will need to sel ect the desired music t o be pla yed when the pho ne is turned o n.
Menus 85 Au d i o This menu allo ws y ou to set various sounds that the pho ne uses. Some of the options provided in this menu and the Profiles menu are identical (for example, Call Ring). Therefore the p articular setting that the phone uses will depen d on which menu you last used to make the setting.
86 Menus Off : Y our phone number will not be sho wn on the recipient's phone. If this feature is turn ed off, yo u may not be able to make phone calls in certain countries, such a s Singapore and China.
Menus 87 Call Barr ing Y ou can request that your network operator block the dialing or receivi ng of cer tain ca lls. The cal l bar ring ser vices b elow require the support of your network o perator . T o activate or canc el any of the options below , you must enter the netw ork passwo rd pr ovided b y the network o perator .
88 Menus Call W aiting I f t h e r e i s a n i n c o m in g c a l l wh e n y o u a r e i n t h e m i d d l e o f a n o t h e r call, the scree n will display the n umber of the inc oming call and call waiting message to alert you. Y ou c an activate, cancel, or view the status of this feature fro m this menu.
Menus 89 Act i ve Li n e This featur e allows y ou to use tw o differ ent phone n umbers on one phone. Y ou can designate one number for d ialing calls, while accepting inc oming calls dialed to both numbe rs without needing to use two phones. Selec t either Line 1 or Line 2 .
90 Menus your regular network in y our home country or when abroad, you can manually select t he local network system . Y our network operator must be able to support network selection in order for you to use th is feature.
Menus 91 Service T one U sed to set whether the phone will sound when it detect s an avai lab le net work . Security Y o u can use a PIN code, phone p assword, and SIM card lock authentication to prevent unauthorized use of the phone. PIN Code A PIN (P ersonal Ide ntification N umber) code is a passw ord provided by a network oper ator .
92 Menus Phone Lock Once the phone lock i s activated, you will b e required to enter the phone code w hen the phon e is turned on . Y ou must enter th e correct c ode to unlock it (the default phone c ode is 1234). When the phone is locked, y ou will only be able t o make emergency calls.
Menus 93 Res to re Rest ores all of the pho ne's settings t o their fact ory defaults..
94 Care and Maintenance Care and M aintenance T ake note of the poi nts noted below t o ensure that you are using the phone properly and to extend the l ifespan of the phone.
T roubleshooting 95 T roubleshooting If you encounter problems while using the phone, or if it per forms erratically , you can consult the information in the cha rt below . If your particular problem cannot be r esolved using the information in the chart, contact the dealer wher e you purchased the phone.
96 T roubleshooting Shortened standby time • The standby time is related to your networ k operator's system configuration. The same phone used with dif ferent network operators' systems will not provide exactly the same length of standb y time.
T roubleshooting 97 Unable to connect to the network. • SIM card invalid. Contact your net work operator . • Y ou are not within the network's servi ce area. Check the service area with your network operator . • Poor signal. Move to an open spa ce, or if you are inside a building, move closer to a window .
98 T roubleshooting Unable to enter information into the Phone Book. • The Phone Book's memory is already full . Delete unnecessar y data from the Phone Book. Unable to select certain features. • Y our network operator does not support the se features, or you have not applied for services that provide these features.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il BenQ M315 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del BenQ M315 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso BenQ M315 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul BenQ M315 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il BenQ M315, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del BenQ M315.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il BenQ M315. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo BenQ M315 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.