Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DS2413+ del fabbricante Western Digital
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S y nolog y N AS User's Guide Based on DSM 5.0 Doc ume nt ID Syno_Us ersG uide_ NAS _ 2014 022 6.
2 T able of Contents Cha pter 1 : Introduct ion Chap ter 2: G et Star ted w ith Sy nology DiskSt at io n M an ager Install Sy nolog y NAS and DSM .........................................................................................................
3 Table of C ontents Chap ter 6: M an age St orag e Space ( for RS 10613x s+) Manage RAID Groups ..........................................................................................................................................................
4 Table of C ontents Sync Shared Folder Contents between Sy nolog y NAS ...................................................................................................... 58 Bac k u p Data on USB Device or SD Card .................................
5 Ch apte r 1 Chapter 1 : Introduction Congratulations on y our purchas e of Sy nolog y NAS. Synology NAS is a multi - functional Network - Attached Storage s erver, ser v ing as a file- s haring center within y our Intranet.
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 6 C hapter 1 : Introduct ion Shar e Photos, Videos, and Blogs with P hoto Sta tion Photo St ation gives y ou the f reedom t o share photos and videos over the I nt ernet without complicated upload steps.
7 Ch apte r 2 Chapter 2 : Get Start ed w ith Synol ogy Dis kStati on Manager This c hapter explains how to s ign into Synology Di sk St atio n Mana ge r ( DSM) , custom ize y our des ktop, us e t h e taskbar and widgets , and open applications and pa c kages with the Main Me nu Inst all Syno log y N AS and DSM .
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 8 C hapter 2: Get Star ted with Syno l ogy D i skSta ti on Mana ger DiskSt ati on M an ag er De sktop W hen y ou sign int o DSM, you wi ll see the desktop . From here, you can start getting thing s done, like m anage s etting s, u se pa ckage s, or vie w noti ficati ons.
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 9 C hapter 2: Get Star ted with Syno l ogy D i skSta ti on Mana ger 4 Uploa d Qu eue 5 : Appears when y ou st art uploading files to the Sy nolog y N AS. Click to see more de t ails, like progress and upload spee d.
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 10 Chapter 2 : Get Started w ith Synology Di skSta tion Manager Open Appl ic ati ons an d Pa ckag es w ith Main M enu The Mai n Men u (the button at the t op - left of t he desktop) is where y ou can f ind all the applications and packages instal led on y our Synology NAS .
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 11 Chapter 2 : Get Started w ith Synology Di skSta tion Manager Shutdo w n, Restar t, Logout, or Manag e P erson al Options Clic k t he Opti ons .
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 12 Chapter 2: Get Started w i th Syno l ogy D i skSta ti on Mana ger A ccount Under Acco unt , y ou c an edit y our ac count settings, enable 2 - step verification, and v iew recent login activity of your DSM account .
13 Ch apte r 3 Chapter 3 : M odi f y System Se tt ings After you have connected to Sy nolog y DiskStation Manager (DSM) and learned how to access its f unctions and cust omize its appearance, user s b.
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 14 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings Change Netw ork Se t tings Go to Contro l Pa nel > Netw ork to configure network settings and connect y our S ynology NAS dev ice to the Internet.
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 15 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings Modify Regional Opti ons Go to Contro l Pa nel > Reg io nal Opt io ns to c onfig ure t he following regional options. For more detailed instruct ions, ple ase see DSM Hel p .
Synol ogy N AS User 's Gu ide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 16 Chapter 3 : Modify System Settings Use En er g y Savi ng F eat ur es Go to Contro l Pa nel > Har dwa re & Pow er to manage the following energy s aving features prov ided b y D SM. For more detailed instructions, please see DSM Help .
17 Ch apte r 4 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Manageme nt Tasks Synology DiskStation Manager com es w ith a variety of m anagement functions, allowing y ou t o chec k s y s tem inform ation, monitor sy .
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 18 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks General Under the General Netw ork ta b, you can see t he basic information about y our Synology NAS, inc luding serial number, model name, amount of phy sic al memory, DSM version, time information, thermal status, and external devices.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 19 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Monitor Sy stem Resour c es Reso ur ce Mon itor allows you to monitor the C P U usage, memory usage, disk utilization and network flow. You can choose to monitor in real ti m e or view pre v ious data.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 20 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Recei ve Even t N ot if icatio n s At Contr ol P ane l > Notif ic ati on , you can set y our.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 21 Chapter 4 : Perform Advanced Managem ent Tasks Rein stall S y nolog y N AS If y ou w ant t o reinstall y our Synology NAS wit hout losing its da t a, y ou c an use the RESET T o reins tall S yn ol ogy N AS : butt on on the back panel.
22 Ch apte r 5 Chapter 5 : M ana ge Storage S pace Before t aking advantage of the v arious features of your S y nolo gy NAS , you need to s et up at least on e storage space.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 23 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space Quick o r Custom Vol ume s W hen creating a new volume, the following options are available: Met hod Features Qu ick Create s a n SHR (Synolo g y Hybrid RAID) volume.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 24 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space R AID T ype HDD # Allow ed Faile d HDD # Descripti o n Capacity RAID 1 2-4 (HDD #) - 1 The sy stem w ill wr ite ident ical da ta to eac h hard drive at t he same tim e, so d ata i ntegrit y is protect ed w hen at lea st o ne di sk is norm al.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 25 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space Hard Disk Req uirement s In order to change the RAID t y pe of a volume or Disk Group, there m ust be a s ufficient number of a v ailable hard disks installed in y our S ynology NAS.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 26 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space Expa nd a Volume or Disk G roup b y A dding Disks For S HR, J BOD, RAID 5, RAID 5+ Spar e, and RAID 6, the storage c apacity of volumes and Disk Gro ups can be expanded by adding more hard disks if t here are e m pty hard drive bay s in your Sy nolog y NAS .
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 27 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space Man ag e iSCSI LUN s An iSCSI LUN (logic al unit number) represents an i ndiv idually addressable portion of a n iSCSI Target. An iSC SI LUN can be mapped to mul t iple iSCSI Targets to perform storage operations such as read or write.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 28 Chapter 5 : Manage Stor age Space Hot Spar e Hot spare 1 The RAID ty pe of the volume/Disk Group/iSCSI LUN must be one wi t h data protection (i.
29 Ch apte r 6 Chapter 6 : M ana ge Stor age Space (for RS10613xs +) Before us ing fea t ures or services on y our Synolog y NAS , you need to create RAID Gro ups and manage s torage spaces.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 30 Chapter 6 : Manage Stor age Space (for RS 10613xs+ ) RA ID Group Ty pes Your Sy n ology NAS suppo rts the following RAID Groups types : A llocat e s all available c apacity t o a single v olume or iSCSI LUN (Block- Level) .
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 31 Chapter 6 : Manage Stor age Space (for RS 10613xs+ ) Chang e R AI D T yp e s The RAID ty pes of exist ing RAID Groups c an be c hanged without losing existing da t a, allowing you to eas ily and economi cally manage s torage capacity.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 32 Chapter 6 : Manage Stor age Space (for RS 10613xs+ ) Man age Vo lume s Volumes are basic storage spaces on w hich y ou c an cre ate shared folders, iSCSI LUN s (regular file), save data, or inst all packages.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 33 Chapter 6 : Manage Stor age Space (for RS 10613xs+ ) Man age i SCSI LUN s iSCSI is an Internet Protocol based s torage networking standard for linking data storage facilities .
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 34 Chapte r 6 : Manage Stor age Space (for RS 10613xs+ ) repair any R A ID Group within your Sy nolog y NAS. Before assigning h ot s pare disks, please see t he following requirement s: The RAID ty pe of the volume/Disk Group/iSCSI LUN must be one wi t h data protection (i.
35 Ch apte r 7 Chapter 7 : A cces s y o ur Synol ogy NAS from the Inter net You can connect to y our Synology NA S ov er the Internet, allowing its services to be a cc essible from a n ywhere and any t ime.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 36 Chapter 7 : Access your Syno logy NAS from the Internet Set Up P ort Forw arding Ru les f or Router If y our Synology NAS is w ithin the local network, y o u c an set up por t forwarding rules for t he router to al low y our Synology NAS to be accessible over the Internet.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 37 Chapter 7 : Access your Syno logy NAS from the Internet A ccess DS M S er vi ce s via Qui ckCon ne ct QuickConnect is a solution that help s client applications (such as D S f ile, Cloud S t ation, DS audio, etc.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 38 Chapter 7 : Access your Syno logy NAS from the Internet Set up VPN Connection VPN Server is an add - on package that enables y o ur Sy nol ogy.
39 Ch apte r 8 Chapter 8 : Enhance Int ernet Secur it y After your Sy nolog y NAS is available on t he Internet, you will need to s afeguard it against any attac ks from Internet hac kers. This c hapter explains how to s et up f irewa ll , enable D oS protection and enable auto block.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 40 Chapter 8 : Enhance Inter net Security A utom atica ll y Block Su spiciou s Login A t tempts Auto bloc k allo w s y ou t o prevent unauthorized login. After enabling the service, an IP address will be blocked if it has too many failed login at t empts.
41 Ch apte r 9 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sharing Synology NAS can become the file sharing c enter within the local ne t work or over the I nt ernet, allowing users to acces s its file s any time and anywhere.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 42 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Join S y nolog y NA S to Directory Service Go to Contr ol P anel > Directory Ser vice to join your Sy nolog y NAS to a director y s ervice as a W indows domain or LDAP client.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 43 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Ho st LD A P S er vic e w it h D irecto r y Ser ver Directory Server is an add - on package based on L DAP ve.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 44 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Manag e Users and Groups Go to Contro l Pa nel > User or Gr oup to c reate users or groups, and allo w or deny their access to diff ere nt share d f olders. Create Users Clic k Crea te Allow Self - service Passw ord Res et to c reate a user a c count.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 45 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Create User's H ome Fo lder Each DS M us er (except f or guest) can have his / her own folder c alled the home folder, which is ac c essible only by the user and the s ystem administrator.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 46 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Set Up S hared Folders Go to Contr ol Pa ne l > Shar ed Fo lder to m anage the shared folders, which are the root folders of Sy nolog y NAS . Yo u can store data in t he shared folders and share them with users or groups with access privileges.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 47 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Built - i n Shared Fo lders Created b y t he System System built - in shared folders are cr eated when th e s ervices or applications requiring the folders are enabled.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 48 Chapter 9 : Set Up File Sha ring Allow Users or Gro ups t o A cces s Shared Fo lders Go to Contro l Pa nel > Shar e d Folde r , c lic k Edi.
49 Ch apte r 10 Chapter 10 : A c cess Fil es f rom A n y w here W hen y ou have s et up u sers or groups wi t h proper access privileges to the shared folder s , they can share their files wit h y our S y nolog y NAS from anywhere.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 50 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere Access Shared Fo lders from Mac Choose Go > Connect to Server f rom t he menu bar. Type the IP address or na m e (appended with . loca l ) of the Synology NAS preceded by smb: // or af p:// in the Serv er Ad dress field and clic k Conne ct .
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 51 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere A c c e ss F ile s vi a FT P If y our Synology NAS is accessible over the Internet, you can u s e a FTP appli c ation to access t he shared folders.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 52 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere A c c e ss File s via WebD AV By enabling WebDAV or CalDAV (at Co ntr ol Pane l > File Services > W e b D AV ) , y ou can remotely manage and edit fil es or c alendars stored on t h e Sy nolog y NAS.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 53 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere A c c e ss F ile s vi a F ile Stat io n File Station is DSM' s file m anagement tool, allowing DSM us ers over the Internet to a c cess t he Sy nol ogy NAS folders wit h their w eb browsers.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 54 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere Sea rch for Fi les or Fol ders You can type key w ords in t he Fi lter f ield at the top - right corner of F ile S tation to f ilter through files or fo lders in the current folder.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 55 Chapter 1 0: Access Fi l es from Anywhere Mount Re mote Folde rs or V irtual Dr i v es File Station allows y ou t o mount remote folders to a c cess contents shared by net work computers or other Synology NAS, or virtual drives to a c cess contents within disc images.
56 Ch apte r 11 Chapter 11 : Back Up Data Synology offers comp rehensive backup s olutions for y our c omput er and Sy nolog y NAS , allow ing you to back up data on your computer to Sy nolog y N AS. If you are a user belonging t o the adm inis tr at ors This chapt er ex plains how the v arious backup solutions of DSM c an help protect y our data.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 57 Chapter 1 1: Back Up Data Use Data Rep licator f or Windows The Synology D at a Replicator insta llation package can be f ound at Synology's Download Center at: http:// www .s yno logy . com/ sup por t/ down lo ad.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 58 Cha pter 11: Bac k Up Data Back u p D ata or iSCSI LU N on Synol og y N A S Other tha n backing up comput er data t o Sy nolog y NAS, user s b.
59 Ch apte r 12 Chapter 12 : Host Websites and Pri nt Server Synology NAS is designed for small and m edium business es (SMB), providing t he ability t o set up w eb and print server s on a s ingle Sy nolog y NAS w ithout spending extra m oney. This chapter provides ba s ic information regarding thes e fea t ures.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 60 Chapter 1 2: Host W ebsites and P rint Server Modify HTTP Serv ice Options In addition to the default port nu m ber 80, y ou c an add another port f or the use o f Photo Station and We b Station.
61 Ch apte r 13 Chapter 13 : Discover Various Appl icat ions w ith Package Cent er Synology has integrate d third part y or Sy nology - de signed applic ations into packages that can be inst alled on Synology NAS and managed with Package Center.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 62 Chapter 1 3: Discover Va rious Appl i cations with Package Cente r DNS Ser ver DNS (D om ain Name System) is a naming sy s tem that facilitates the exchange of da t a between computers over the Internet and other networks.
63 Ch apte r 14 Chapter 14 : Communi cate w it h Mobil e Devices As Internet access grows popular on mobile de vices, Synology provides you with several creative al t ernatives to communic ate with y our Synology NAS usi ng iOS/ Android , W indows Phone, o r other m obile devices.
Synol ogy N AS User 's G uide Bas ed on DS M 5 .0 64 Chapter 1 4: Comm unicate with Mobile Devi ce s DS fi nder DS finder allows you to m onitor or email the s tatus o f your Sy no logy NAS, and .
65 T rou bleshoot ing For any questions about managing y our DSM , go to DS M Hel p or clic k the Help but ton (w ith a question mark) at the top - ri ght c orner of every window . For any ques tions other than that, please v isit Sy nolog y Inc. websi te www.
the expiration of the applicable Warranty Period, support for Products may be available from Synology upon written request. 2.7 Exclusions. The foregoing warranties and warranty obligations do not app.
single arbitrator, and will be limited solely to the dispute between Custom er and Synology. The arbit ration, or any portion of it, will not be consolidated with any ot her arbit ration and will not be conducted on a class - wide or class action basis.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Western Digital DS2413+ è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Western Digital DS2413+ - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Western Digital DS2413+ imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Western Digital DS2413+ ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Western Digital DS2413+, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Western Digital DS2413+.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Western Digital DS2413+. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Western Digital DS2413+ insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.