Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto cs5121 del fabbricante VTech
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i Congratulations on purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this telephone, please read the Important safety instructions on page 46 of this manual. This manual has all the feature operations and troubleshooting necessary to install and operate your new VTech telephone. T able of con tents ii Ge t ting s tar t ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Part s che ck list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 T elep hone b ase ins tall ation . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bat ter y inst allati on and c hargi ng . iii T able of con tents Set telep hone b ase ri nger . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Set remote ac ce ss co de . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Set mes sage al er t tone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Outg oing ann ounc eme nt . . . . . . . 1 Getting started Basic operation Get ting started To purchase a replacement battery or power adapter, visit our website at www. vtechphones. com or call 1 (800) 595-9511. In Canada, go to www.vtechcanada. com or call 1 (800) 267-7377. 2 Get ting started Use o nly t he power ad apter sup pli ed wi th th is pro duc t. T o orde r a rep lac emen t, vis it our we bsi te at w ww. vtec hph ones. co m or ca ll 1 (80 0) 595 -9 51 1 . In Can ada, g o to w ww. vtec hc anada . 3 Getting started Basic operation Get ting started If th e hand set w ill not be u se d for a lon g per iod o f tim e, remove t he bat ter y to pr event pos si ble l eakag e. T o pu rch ase a rep lac emen t bat ter y , vis it our webs ite at w w w. 4 Get ting started Mounti ng brack et installat ion Y our telep hone base comes with the mounti ng brack et install ed, rea dy for desktop use. 5 Getting started Basic operation Get ting started Mounti ng brack et installat ion ( continued) De sk top / ta bletop b racke t insta llatio n: Y our pho ne c omes ready for t able or d esk top use. 6 Handset lay out Get ting started /VOL-/CID • When the telephone is not in use, press to review the call log. • Pre ss and hold whi le the tel ep ho ne is not in use to a dju st rin ger vol ume . • During a call, press to decrease the listening volume. 7 Getting started Basic operation Get ting started T elephone base lay out / RE PEAT P r e s s t o r e p e a t a m e s s a g e o r p r e s s t w i c e t o p l a y b a c k previ ous m ess age s (pag e 38). • Me ss ag e win dow Show s the statu s and numb er of mes sag es (p age 4 1 ). 8 T elephone settings Date and time If you subscr ibe to c aller ID ser vi ce, the date an d tim e will be set automatically with the nex t incomin g call. If you do not ha ve caller ID serv ice, you can set the date and time manually . 9 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings Ringer Y ou can sele ct from dif ferent ring ers. Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. Press or until the sc reen displays RI NG ER : and the current set ting. Press SELEC T . 10 T elephone settings Dial mode If you ha ve touch tone ser vice, the telep hone is read y for use as so on as the batter y is charge d. If you hav e pulse ( r otar y) s er vic e, you will n eed to change the dial mo de. Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. 11 Basic operation Telephone settings T elephone settings Language Press PROG when the han dset is not in use. Press or until L ANG UA GE is displ ay ed. Press SELEC T . T he current set ting ashes. Pr ess or unti l the screen displa ys the desir ed language ( Engl ish , E spanol or Francais ) . 12 T elephone operatio n Make call s Press / FL ASH an d then use th e dial pad ke ys to dial a number . - O R - Ente r the phone num ber rst. Y ou c an press to backspac e and press CHA N / R EM O VE to erase digit s. Press / FL ASH to di al. 13 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Call w aitin g If you subscrib e to call waiting ser vice an d you are on a c all when a new call comes in, you will hear a beep. 14 T elephone operatio n Redial The telepho ne store s ve most re cent ly d iale d tele phon e num bers on the redial list. When the list is full, the oldest entr y is deleted to make room for the new entr y . Press R ED IAL / P A USE , the n pres s , or R ED IAL / P A USE repeatedl y to review the redial list. 15 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Directory The director y can store u p to 20 entries (including nine speed dial entries ) . Each entr y may consist of a numb er up to 24 digits and a name up to 1 4 c haracters. 16 T elephone operatio n Dial key Characters by number of key presses 123456 1 1 2 A B C 2 3 D E F 3 4 G H I 4 5 J K L 5 6 M N O 6 7 P Q R S 7 8 T U V 8 9 W X Y Z 9 0 0 * * # & , , - . # Character chart Use the dial pad k ey s and the char t below to enter a name ( up to 1 4 c haracters) . 17 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Edit a d irectory entr y Pr es s / VOL + / wh e n th e ha n d se t is no t in us e. Th e sc r e e n d i s p lay s DI REC TORY . Press or to scroll t hrough the entr ies stored in the direc tor y alphab etically . 18 T elephone operatio n Press or to choose Y (yes ) if you wish t o customize this entry , or choo se N ( no ) for a n ormal rin ger . If you ch oose Y , a will be di splayed wi th the director y entr y . Press SELEC T to conrm an d you will hear a conrmation tone. 19 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Copy a d irectory entr y into speed dial Pre s s / VO L+ / wh en th e ha nd s et is no t i n us e. Th e sc re e n d i s p lay s DI REC TORY . Press or to scroll t hrough the entr ies stored in the direc tor y alphab etically . 20 T elephone operatio n Spe ed dial Y our telep hone can store up to nine telep hone numbers with names ( up to 1 4 characters and 24 d igits in each loc ation ) in the sp eed dial m emor y lo cations you assign in each h andset. 21 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Press or to c hoose Y (yes ) if you wi sh to customize this entr y , or c hoose N ( no ) for a normal ringer . If y ou choo se Y , a will be displayed with the entr y Press SELEC T or PROG to conr m. 22 T elephone operatio n SPEED EDIT DEL 8005959511 01 Delete a spe ed dial entr y Press and hold the s peed dial location k ey ( 1 - 9 ) of t he desired entry when the handset is not in use. When th e screen displays the desire d entr y , press SE LECT . 23 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n SPEED EDIT DEL 8005959511 01 Reassign speed dial location s Press an d hold the s peed dial location ke y ( 1 - 9 ) of the desired entry when the handset is not in use. Wh e n th e s c r ee n d is p lay s t he de si re d e nt r y , pre s s SELEC T . 24 T elephone operatio n About caller ID The caller ID with call waiting feature in this telephone lets you see the name and telephone number of the caller before answering the c all, even wh en already on a ca ll. Th ese features req uire s er vi ces provi ded by your loc al tel epho ne company . 25 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Call log If yo u subscrib e to calle r ID service, inform at ion about each calle r will be displ a y ed after the r st or seco nd ring. The call l og can store up to 4 5 entries. 26 T elephone operatio n Rev iew the call lo g Press / VOL- /C ID to view the c all log when in i dle mod e. Press or to scroll thro ugh the entrie s. There will be an err or tone when you reach the end of the call l og list and the screen will d isplay END O F LI ST . 27 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Dial a call log n umber Press / VOL- /C ID to enter the call l og when the han dset is not in use. Press or to selec t the desired entr y , then press / FL ASH . - OR - Press / VOL- /C ID to enter the call l og when the han dset is not in use. 28 T elephone operatio n Sav e a call lo g entry to the director y Press / VOL- /C ID to enter the call l og when the han dset is not in use. Press or to sel ect the des ired e ntr y . If you wi sh to change how th e numb er is sav ed, press # re peatedly until the desired option displays. 29 Basic operation Telephone operation T elephone operatio n Delete from the call log De lete a n entr y: Press / VOL- /C ID to enter the call l og. Press or to selec t the entr y to be deleted. Press CHAN /RE MOVE . Y ou will hear a co nrmation bee p. 30 T elephone operatio n Displays : When: PR I VATE NAME The calle r is blocking the name info rmation . PR I VATE NUMBER T h e c a l l e r i s b l o c k i n g t h e t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r informa tion. PR I VATE CAL LER T h e c a l l e r i s b l o c k i n g t h e n a m e a n d n u m b e r information. 31 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Message capacit y The answering syst em can recor d up to 95 messages, dep ending on the leng th of each message. Each individ ual message can be up t o four minutes in length, and t he total ma ximum re cordin g time is a pproximately 1 2 minutes. 32 Ans wer in g s y stem If you have c alle r ID ser v ic e the cl oc k will b e set autom atic al ly wi th inc om ing c all s, but you w ill n eed to make sur e the year is c orr ec t. Press a nd ho ld / SK IP or / RE PEAT whi le set ti ng the m inute s or year to ad vanc e or de cre ase by inc rem ents o f ten. 33 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Ans weri ng s y stem setup The answering system uses voice prompts to gu ide you thro ugh the steps to set up th e answering system. Press / PLA Y/STOP anytime to save and exit the SE T UP menu. 34 Ans wer in g s y stem Set telephone base ringer This feature allows you t o selec t the telephon e base ring er volume lev el. Press S ET UP when in idle mo de until the system announc es the telephone base ring er settin g. There are three levels : HI (high ) , OF ( off ) and LO (low ) . 35 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Set message ale rt tone This featu re programs the s ystem t o beep e very 1 0 secon ds to aler t you of new messages when the tele phone is not in us e. The tone will stop whe n all new messages have been reviewed. 36 Ans wer in g s y stem Outgoi ng ann ouncement The outgoing announcement is the greeting callers hear when calls are answered by the answering system. The telep hone is preset with a gree ting that answ ers calls with “ Hello , please leav e a message after the t one. 37 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Record y our o wn anno uncement Pr ess ANN C while in idle mode and the syste m will announce “ Announcement . Press PLA Y or press R ECOR D . ” Press REC ORD and t he system anno unces, “R ecord after the tone. 38 Ans wer in g s y stem New message indication T h e m e s s a g e d i s p l a y c o u n t e r w i l l f l a s h w h en t h e r e a r e n ew a n s w e r i n g system messages. If the new mess age aler t tone is turned on, the telephone base will bee p every ten secon ds when there are unreviewed messages. 39 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Delete all messages Press X / DE LETE wh en t he system is not in use. T he system will announc e “ T o de lete al l old messages, pres s DE LETE again. ” P ress X /D ELE TE again. 40 Ans wer in g s y stem Call screenin g If the answering syst em is on, you can listen at the telephone base to a caller leaving a message on the an swering syst em. If the base volume is set to 1 , you will not hear your messages as ca llers leave them. 41 Basic operation Ans wer in g s y stem Answering system Wind ow displays: Whe n: 0 No mess ages. 1 - 95 T ota l number of old mess age(s ) rec orded. 0 - 94 (ashi ng) T otal num ber of new and old messag es recor ded. The teleph one base may have lost and reg ained power . 42 Ans wer in g s y stem If you pau se mo re tha n four se co nd s af ter eac h rem ote co mman d co mpl eted, the sy stem will a nno unc e the h elp m enu opt ion s. If no rem ote co mman d is ente red w ith in 1 5 sec ond s, th e rem ote acc es s cal l wil l be autom atic al ly dis co nne cte d. 43 Appendix Displa ys : When : CAN’ T CONNE CT There is no power connected to the telephone base or the handset is too far aw a y f rom the t elephone base . C ID EMPTY There a re no call log entries . CO NN ECTI NG. . . The c ordles s handset is searc hing for the telephon e base. 44 Handset displa y screen messages Displa ys : When : R I NG ER OFF The handse t ringer is tu rned off. SCA NN I N G . . . T h e te l e p h o n e b a s e i s s e ar c h i n g f o r a n o t h e r av a i l a b l e channel. 45 Appendix Batter y Af te r th e bat t er y is f ully c ha rg ed fo r 16 hour s, you c an exp e ct t he fo llow ing p er fo rm anc e: Op erati on Op erati ng ti me Whi le in u se (talk in g) Five ho urs Whi le not i n use (sta ndby *) Six d ays *Ha nd set i s of f th e tele ph one b as e but n ot in u se. 46 Import ant safety instructi ons Wh en us in g your t el eph on e eq uip me nt, b as ic s afet y p rec au tio ns s ho uld a lway s be f oll owe d to re du ce t he r is k of r e, ele c tri c sh oc k an d inj ur y, inc lu di ng th e fo llo win g: Rea d and u nd er st an d all i nst ru ct io ns . 47 Appendix T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion My teleph one doe s not work at a ll. M a ke s ur e t h e b a t t e r y i s i n s t a l l e d a n d c h a r g e d c or r e c t l y ( p a g e 3) . F o r o p t i m u m d ai l y per fo rma nc e, retur n the h and set to t he tele pho ne ba se af ter u se. 48 Problem Suggestion The b atte r y do es not cha rge i n the h and set or th e hand set b atte r y do es not ac c ept cha rge. Make sure the hands et is place d in the telep hon e base corr ec tly. T he hands et CHA RG E ligh t sho uld b e on. 49 Appendix T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion Ther e is no d ial to ne. Fir st, tr y all the a bove su gge sti ons . Move th e han dset c lo ser to t he tel eph one ba se. It m ight b e out o f rang e. The te lep hon e lin e cor d mig ht be m alfu nc tio nin g. 50 T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion The te lep hon e do es not r ing wh en th ere i s an in co ming c all. Make sur e the h and set r ing er is on ( page 9) an d/or t he tel eph one ba se r ing er is on ( page 3 4). Make sur e the te lep hon e lin e cor d and p ower ad apter are p lug ge d in pro per ly (p age 2). 51 Appendix T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion I can not d ial ou t. Fir st, tr y all the a bove su gge sti ons . Make sure th ere is a dial ton e before di alin g. It is norm al if the han dset t akes a seco nd or t wo to sync hron ize w it h t he telep hon e base befor e p rod uc ing a dial tone. 52 T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion Ther e is no ise or inter ferenc e dur ing a te lep hon e co nvers atio n. My c alls c ut in a nd ou t whe n I am usi ng th e cor dl ess h and set. The h and set may be o ut of r ang e. Move it c los er to th e tele pho ne ba se. 53 Appendix T roubleshooti ng Problem Suggestion I hear oth er cal ls whe n usi ng th e tele pho ne. Di sc on ne ct th e te le ph on e ba se fr om t he tel ep ho ne ja ck . Pl ug in a d if fe re nt te le ph on e. If ther e are stil l other ca lls, t he prob lem i s proba bl y in the wir ing or lo cal se r vi ce. 54 Problem Suggestion The sy stem d oes not re ce ive ca ller ID, or th e system d oe s not di sp lay cal ler ID dur ing c all wai tin g. Make sure you subs cr ibe to call er ID wit h call waiti ng feature s provi de d by the loca l telep hon e co mpany. 55 Appendix Problem Suggestion The a nnou nc eme nt mes sag e is not c le ar . Whe n r eco rd ing the announ ce ment , m ake s ure you sp eak in a nor mal tone of voi ce abo ut n ine inc hes f rom t he tel eph one b ase. Make sur e the re is no b ackgr oun d noi se (telev isi on, mu sic, t raf c , etc. 56 T roub leshoot ing Problem Suggestion The m ess age s on the sy stem are ve r y dif cu lt to hea r . Press VOL+ o n the te lep hon e bas e to inc rea se th e sp eaker volu me. • My c ord les s han dset bee ps an d is not per fo rmi ng no rma lly. 57 Appendix Operating range This cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 58 About cordless telephones Priv acy: The sam e feature s that make a co rd les s t ele pho ne conv eni ent creat e s om e l imi tat ion s. 59 Appendix W arran ty 2. Pr od uc t th at ha s be en da mag ed d ue t o rep air, alt era tio n or m od i cat io n by any one o th er th an an a ut hor ize d ser vic e re pre sen tat ive o f V T ech; o r 3. 60 FCC , A CT A and IC regulations FCC Pa r t 15 Th is equ ip men t has bee n teste d and fou nd to com pl y with th e requ ire me nts for a Cla ss B digi ta l devi ce un der Par t 15 of the Fede ral Co mm uni ca tio ns Co mm iss io n (FCC) rule s. 61 Appendix FCC , A CT A and IC regulations The RBRC ® seal The RBRC ® seal on th e nic kel- ca dmiu m b atter y indi cate s t hat V T ech Commu nic ation s, Inc. 62 T echnical specications Freque ncy c ont rol Cr yst al c ontr oll ed PLL sy nthe sizer T ra nsm it fre que ncy Han dset : 5857 . 20 - 5 86 5.9 0 MHz T el eph one b ase: 91 2. 75- 91 7 . 1 0MHz Chan nel s 30 Nom ina l ef fec tive r ang e Ma xi mum po wer allo wed by FCC an d IC. 63 Appendix Index A Ab out c ord les s tele pho nes 5 8 Act ivate th e answer ing s ystem 32 Answe r cal ls 1 2 Answe rin g system 31 Answe rin g system s etup 3 3 B Bas e volu me . 64 R RBRC ® s eal 61 Reas si gn sp eed d ial l oc atio ns 23 Rec or d a memo 39 Rec or d your own an nou nc eme nt 37 Red ial 1 4 Rem ote acc es s 42 Review t he d irec tor y 16 R.
VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD. A member of T HE V TECH GROUP OF COMP A NIES. Distr ibuted in t he U.S.A. by V T ech C ommuni cation s, Inc. Beaver ton, Orego n Distr ibuted in Can ada by V T e ch T ec hnolo gies Canad a, Ltd., Richmon d, B.C . Copyri ght © 20 08 for V TECH TELE COMMU NICA TIO NS L TD.
U s e r ’ s m a n u a l Mod el: CS5 1 2 1.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il VTech cs5121 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del VTech cs5121 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso VTech cs5121 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul VTech cs5121 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il VTech cs5121, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del VTech cs5121.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il VTech cs5121. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo VTech cs5121 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.