Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VQ 5010 del fabbricante VistaQuest
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User ' s Manual.
For customers in North and So uth A merica For customer s in USA This device com plies with Part 15 of t he FCC rules. Operatio n is subject to the follow ing two conditions: (1) This dev ice may not cause har mful interference. (2) This dev ice must accept any interference received, incl uding interferen ce that may cause undesired oper ation.
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s P a g e 1. System Requirements --------- --------------- ------------------- ------------------ --------- 1 2. Package C ontents ----------------- ------------------- ---------------- ------------------- ---- 1 3.
T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s P a g e 10. Deleting Pictures and Videos ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -- 17 • Deleting Si ngle Picture or Vi deo ------------- ----------.
- 1 - 0 2 0 6 0 6 1. System Requirements • Personal comput er , laptop, desktop , or IBM compatibl e with Pentium 166 MHz minimum, and with an activ e USB (Universal S erial Bus) port. • Windows 98 S E / ME / 2000 / XP , CD ROM drive, color moni tor , mouse and key board.
- 2 - 3. Quick Start CA UT ION • Please inst all the camera driv er before using y our camera with a PC . • Best way to transfer picture t o PC is using the Ma ss Storage mode t o copy all your pictures. • Getting Read y 1.Slide open the batt ery compartment cover 2.
- 3 - • Deleting a Pi cture 1.Turn on the camera . 2.Slide the Function switch to ► (play back status). 3.Use ◄ or ► to dis play the picture you want to delet e. 4.Press the Mode bu tton to turn on the m enu and then use and to select [Delete] on the scree n.
- 4 - 4. Name of Par ts The follow ing illustrations sh ow the names of e ach component, but ton, and switch o n the camera. 1. Shutter Butto n 2. Power Bu tton 3. Self T imer Lamp 4. Flash 5. Lens 6. Microp hone 7. Focus Sw itch 8. USB Port T e rminal 9.
- 5 - Indicators 1.Indicator Lamp (Green) 2.Self-T imer Lamp (Red) 3.Power Lamp Digital Int erface: USB 1.1 DIGIT AL ZOOM During shooting, u ser can push and to zoom in and zoom out. Display Button Press the Right b utton and the current information on th e LCD monitor will be dis played.
- 6 - 5. Display Info rmation.
- 7 -.
- 8 - 6. Getting Sta rted • Installing C amera Batteries: 1.Slide open the batt ery compartment cover. 2.Insert batte ries. Be sure to load batteries w ith + and – terminal s as shown on th e camera. 3.Slide c lose the battery c ompartment cover .
- 9 - • Turning On th e Camera: 1.Press the ON/O FF button on as show n in the illustration. 2.Buzzer will bee p and indicator lamp w ill light. The LC D monitor will be turned on.
- 10 - 7. T aking Pictures • Taking a Pictu re 1. T urn on the camera. 2. The LCD moni tor will display ima ge and symbols. 3. Slide the Funct ion switch to (capt ure st atus).
- 11 - • Using Digital Zoom The Digit al Zoom provides u p to 8X magnificatio n of your pictures. Y ou may notice a decrease i n printed image quali ty when using Digital Z oom. 1. Make sure the Function switch is set to . Use the LCD to frame y our subject.
- 12 - • Using Flash Light When you ta ke pictures at ni ght, indoors, or outdoors in heav y shadows, y our use the flash. P ress the button repeatedly to scroll throug h the flash optio ns. The flash ico n that is display ed on the LCD monitor is the activ e option.
- 13 - • Putting Yourself in t he Picture The Self Timer creates a def ault delay betw een the time you pres s the Shutter button and the time the picture is taken. This s etting is ideal whe n you want to include yourself in the pi cture. 1.Make sure the Function switch is set to .
- 14 - 9. Reviewing Pictures and Videos • Reviewing Pictures 1. Turn on th e camera. 2. Slide the Function sw itch to ► (p layback status). The last pi cture or video is displayed. 3. Use ◄ and ► t o select the pictur e or video (If the icon appears on the LCD monito r) you want to rev iew.
- 15 - Shutter butto n to confirm the se tting. Press the Menu button and Shutter button to exit the m enu. • Using Slide Show Use the Slid e Show feature to se quentially display your pictures and v ideos on the cam era LCD, on a tel evision screen, or on any external d isplay device equi pped with a v ideo input.
- 16 - • Selecting Pict ures for Printi ng (DPOF Print Setti ngs) 1.Make sure the Function switch is set to ► . 2.Use ◄ or ► to sel ect the picture you want to print, and then press the Menu b utton. 3.Press the or to select [Print] on the screen and p ress the ◄ or ► button to sel ect ON/OFF .
- 17 - 10. Deleting Pict ures and Videos Delete item all ow user to delet e current or all t he stored images from th e internal memory or SD card. • Deleting Single Picture or Vide o 1.Turn on the camera . 2.Slide the Function switch to ► (play back status).
- 18 - 2.Files that a re erased cannot be recovered. Make sure you have sel ected the images you w ant to erase. 3.Files that h ave been protec ted (see the follow ing section) cannot be erased even if “Delete All” is se lected. • Formatting Internal Memor y or SD Card 1.
- 19 - 1 1. Customizing Your Ca mera Settings * Capture Sta tus Menu [MENU BUTTON] When u ser sl ide the Function switch to (capture s tatus). Press th e Menu button can t urn ON/OFF functi on menu. Use and buttons to select items, press the ◄ or ► to enter ea ch item.
- 20 - [ W h i t e B a l a n c e ] When the w hite balance is set to match the light sour ce, the camera ca n take picture mor e accurately . Auto The camera se ts the white balanc e automatically acc ording to shootin g condit ions. Sunny Use when sh ooting at outdoors in sunlight on a cl ear day.
- 21 - [Time S tamp] OFF Do not pri nt time on the picture. Date Only Print Date on t he picture. Date & T ime Print Date & Time on the picture. [MODE BUTT ON] When user slide t he Func tion switch to (capture status). Pr ess the MODE button twice can turn ON/OFF function menu.
- 22 - [Language] Press the or to select the submen u and then press the Shutte r button to con firm. Press Menu bu tton to return to main menu. Press the Mode button to return to captu re status. English Setting the lang uage to English. ( *) Français Setting the la nguage to French.
- 23 - [A uto Powe r Of f] Press ◄ or ► to set the time of auto po wer off . 30SEC Setting the c amera automatically powers off approx imately 30 seconds. 1MIN Setting the camer a automatically po wers off approximately 1 minute. 3MIN Setting the camer a automatically po wers off approximately 3 minutes.
- 24 - * Playback Sta tus Menu [Menu Button] When you slide the Function switch t o ► (Play back Status), p ressing Menu button can tu rn ON/OFF Playback status menu. P ress and to sel ect the item. Use ◄ or ► button to set Pr otect and Print to On /OFF .
- 25 - 12. Installing Y our Camera Driver and Soft ware • Installing Driv er 1.T urn on the com puter . 2.Insert inst allation CD int o the CD-ROM driv e and the installati on CD menu will appear . 3.When y ou see the following screen, choose “ Digital Camera Driver ”.
- 26 - 13 Uninst alling Sof tware Following instr uction will guide y ou to uninsta ll (remove) softw are from computer. • Uninstalling S oftware 1.Click "S tart" from the task bar an d choose "Settings" -> "Control Panel".
- 27 - 14. Downloading Images to Y ou Computer For Windows 98/me c ustomers: Please inst all camera driv e before connecting. 1. T urn the c amera and computer o n, then connect the c amera to the computer with the included US B cable, and then slide the Function switch to ► (Playback Functi on).
- 28 - 15. A rcSoft PhotoImpression 5 ArcSoft PhotoImpression 5 is a compl ete digital image ed iting app lication de signed with real peop le in mind.
- 29 - 1. Get Photo – Choose how to view or acquire photos. 2. Enhance – Crop, brighten, rot ate, resize a nd modify photos. 3. Create – Add clip art, spec ial effect s, frames and more. 4. Project – Make calendars , photo books and greeting ca rds.
- 30 - Create a Vid eo – Create a new video project. Y ou can retriev e media materials from the device conn ected or choose media files from system folder . Y ou can choo se video materials from your phot o album as well. Create a Slid e Show – Create a slide show proje ct.
- 31 - 3. Effects - Add neat special ef fect transit ions between eac h component, or apply a pre-made theme. 4. T ext - Place ani mated text on any movie component. Only av ailable for video pr ojects. 5. Narrate - Reco rd audio directly from the program an d add it to your mov ie.
- 32 - 17.Using the Ca mera in PC-Cam mode VQ5010 of fers two USB mode s: Removable Disk and PC Camera. Note : Please inst all camera drive b efore you can use th e camera in PC-Cam. Setting Up PC -Cam 1.T urn the camera power on and sli de the Function switch to (Capture Status).
- 33 - 18.Checki ng the Connection of Y our Camera For Windows 98/Me onl y Double click “My Computer” icon -> Control Panel -> System -> Device -> Manager -> Ima ging Device; when y ou See “Digita l MultiCam II Digit al Camera” and “Digital Mu ltiCam II Vid eo Camera” that means now the camera is inst alled.
- 34 - 19. Internet Video Conferenci ng T o run a video con ference with an other person, y ou and the other p erson must have the computer sta tion configured with w eb camera, microphone, speakers , modem and have access to the Inter net.
- 35 - Ap p e n d i x : Specifi cations Image Sensor 5.0M pixels CMO S Sensor (2560 x 1920), 1/2-inch Lens Specifi cation F 3.0, f =8.54 mm; 5 Glass Focus Range Landscape: 2m ~ Infinity; Norma: 1m ~ 2.
- 36 - FAQ Q1: If I do not use batt eries, can I use an USB cord an d A daptor and still t ake pictur es with my digital camera? A1: No, when t aking pictu res, it is import ant that you use batteries. Also, you hav e to remember to c harge the batteri es before operating y our camera.
- 37 - T r oubleshooting Problem Source Solution The power is n ot on • Press the O N/OFF button to tur n the camera on. The batteries were not inserted prop erly • The corr ect direction to inse rt the AAA batteries i s indicated on th e camera.
- 38 - Problem Source Solution Picture is not clear The lens is d irty • Clean the le ns. Hands were not steady when tak ing the picture • Ensure han ds are steady w hen taking picture and r emain steady one m inute after clic king the Shutter button.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il VistaQuest VQ 5010 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del VistaQuest VQ 5010 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso VistaQuest VQ 5010 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul VistaQuest VQ 5010 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il VistaQuest VQ 5010, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del VistaQuest VQ 5010.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il VistaQuest VQ 5010. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo VistaQuest VQ 5010 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.