Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto V172 del fabbricante ViewEra
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T FT -LCD VIDEO M O NIT OR USER M A NU A L V151, V172 , V191 V ideo Series www .vi Re v 2.0.
1 T able of Co ntents EMC Complian ce ………… ……… .. …………… ……………………… ………………… . …… . ...2 Im po rtant Prec au tions .. ........ .......................... ... .................. .................
2 EMC COM PLI ANCE Th is device has been tested a n d foun d to compl y w ith t he sta ndards for a class B digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 of FCC Rules. Tho se s ta ndards are designe d t o p rovide r easo nable pr ote ction against harmf ul interference in a r eside ntial insta llation.
3 IMPORT ANT PREC AUTIONS 1. B efore using th is device, please re ad all the instructions in th is m anua l carefully . 2. P lease keep th e m anual ca refully for future re ference. 3. Un p lug this d evi ce from the w all ou tlet before clean ing. Do no t use liquid clean ers or ae rosol cleaners.
4 Introducti on 1.1 Genera l Th ank you f or p urchasin g Vie w Era ’ s LCD vi deo m onito r which incorporates hig h quality displ ay , m ulti p le vi deo input s, and pow er -saving ene rg y m anage m ent into a lig ht-weighted LCD m onito r .
5 2. Inst all ation Th e monitor is e quipped with an aut om atic se nsing AC po w er adapter f or a v olta ge range fr o m 100 to 240 V AC at a f requency of 50 to 60 H z. Before co nnecting the cables, please m ake sure that the monitor and the comp ute r p o w er are b oth turne d off.
6 2.5 Power on T urn on your m o nitor and comp uter . The LED indicator w ill light g reen w he n the screen is un de r n orm al cond ition. If the LED indicator lights a m ber , pl ease che ck if the sig nal ca b le is securely conn ected bet w een the computer an d the monitor .
7 3. User Cont rols 3.1 Cont rol buttons (3) (4) (5) (6) (1), ( 2) 1) Power bu tton It is u sed to tu rn on or off m onitor . 2) Power indic ator W hen the m onitor is unde r norm al working con dition, the ind icator w il l light g reen ; if th e m onito r is under power saving m ode or has n o signal i nput, the in dicato r w ill li ght amber .
8 3.2 OSD menu in VGA m ode Press “ 1 ” b utt on t o enter t he OSD m ain m enu. See the Fi gure as b elow . Press “ 1 ” the n pr ess “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m o v e the highlight to t he d esired item and then press “ 1 ” button to e nter .
9 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to increase or de crease the contrast o f the disp lay . The n p ress “ 1 ” to con f irm the adju stm ent a nd back to OSD m ain m enu . 2) Brightne ss a. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlight to B ri ghtne ss and pr ess “ 1 ” to en t er .
10 3) Sharpne ss a. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlight to S harpness a nd press “ 1 ” to en ter . b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to increa se or decrease the sharpness of the display . Press “ 1 ” to con f irm the adju stm ent a nd back to OSD m ain m enu .
1 1 4) Color T e mperature a. P ress “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove th e highlight to Color T emp eratu re and pr ess “ 1 ” to en ter . b . Press “ 1 ” to select preset color te m perature settings, li ke Coo l, Natural, W a rm, or select User to adju st Red, Green, Blue independently .
12 5) User RGB If User is selected , pr ess “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m o v e th e hig hlight to Red, and then pr ess “ 1 ” to enter the adju stm ent of Red,which is done by pressing “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ .
13 6) Image Press “ 1 ” to get the OSD, press “ 1 ” then “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ov e the hig hlight t o Image m enu , and then p ress “ 1 ” to enter Image sub-menu. The n press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlig ht to Auto T une, H Position , V Positio n, Phase or Clocks.
14 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to adjust the h orizont al position. Then press “ 1 ” to confirm the adjustment and back to Im a ge m enu. 6.3 ) V Position a. P ress “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to move th e highlight to V Positio n an d press “ 1 ” to enter .
15 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove th e v ertical position of OSD . T h en press “ 1 ” to confirm the ad j ustm ent and back to Im age m enu. 6.4 ) Phase a. P ress “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to move th e highlight to Phase and p ress “ 1 ” to en ter .
16 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to adju st th e phase of sig nal. Then p ress “ 1 ” to con f irm the adju stm ent an d b ack to Im a ge m enu. 6.5 ) Clocks a. P ress “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to move th e highlight to Clocks and press “ 1 ” to ente r .
17 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to adjust the c lock o f signal. The n p ress “ 1 ” t o con f irm th e ad justm ent and b ack to Im a ge m enu.
18 3.2 .1 Audio menu Press “ 1 ” to g et the OSD, press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlight to Audio m enu , and then press “ 1 ” to ent er Aud io adjustment,which is do ne by pr essing “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ .
19 3.2 .2 Feature Controls Press “ 1 ” to get t he OSD, press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to select Featu re Controls m enu , and then pr ess “ 1 ” to e nter Feat ure Controls sub -menu. Then press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlight to Sleep T im er , Langua g e, OSD Con trols, or Fact ory Reca ll.
20 Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m ove the highlig ht to OSD Controls and press “ 1 ” to enter . There are t hree options und er OSD Con trols: OSD H P osition, OSD V P osition , OSD Rot ation, and O SD T im er .
21 b . Pre ss “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to adjust the horizontal position of OSD m enu . T hen p ress “ 1 ” to confirm the adju stm ent a nd back to OSD Controls su b-m enu . 3.2 ) OSD V Pos ition a. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m o v e th e highlight to OSD V .
22 b. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to adju st the v ertical position of O SD m enu . Then press “ 1 ” to confirm the adju stm ent and back to OSD Con trol sub-menu. 3.3 ) OSD Rotate OSD m enu can be disp lay ed in different d ir ection s. The options of OSD rot ation can b e Norm al, Down, Mirro r , Left or Right b y pr essing “ 1 ” .
23 3.4 ) OSD Ti m er a. Press “ △ ” or “ ▽ “ to m o v e th e highlight to OSD T im er and p ress “ 1 ” to en ter . b. Press “ 1 ” to adjust the length of tim e in secon ds f or w hich OSD m enu appears on the screen . Then press “ 2 ” to confirm the adjustment a nd back to Feature Cont rols m enu.
24 3.3 OSD menu in V ideo mode W hen OSD menu is not present on the scr een , you can p ress “ 2 ” to swi tch the signal source to composite video (CVBS ) or S-V id eo . Press “ 1 ” to get OS D menu in V ideo m ode and p ress “ △ ” o r “ ▽ “ to m o v e the highlig ht to Video , Audio, or Featu re Co ntrols.
25 4. Dead Pix el Polic y Dead pixels on t he T F T LCD p anel are s om eti m es in ev it able. V iew Era gua rantee s that the monitor w ill be replaced if the number of de ad pixels exce eds 8 pi xels w ithin t he first ye ar of purchase.
26 7. T r oubles hootin g 1) No image Check if y ou a re using th e standa rd pow er ada pter coming with the m onito r. Check if the power cord is se curely connected an d the L ED lig ht o n the power ada pter com es o n. If the L ED light on the power ada pter is off, the n it is required t o replace th e power adapter .
27 8. Sp ecifi cations a. 15 ” video m on ito r V151 S eries Panel T y pe : Screen S ize: Pixel P it ch: Brightne ss: Contrast Ratio: Respo nse T i me: V iewing Ang le( H / V) Max. Re solutio n: Display Colo r Ac ti v e TFT - LCD 15 ” di ago nal 0.
28 b. 17 ” v i deo monitor V172 Seri es Panel T y pe : Screen S ize: Pixel P it ch: Brightne ss: Contrast Ratio: Respo nse T i me: V iewing Ang le( H / V) Max.
29 c. 19 ” v i deo monitor V191 Seri es Panel T y pe: Size: Pixel P it ch: Brightne ss: Contrast Ratio: Respo nse T i me: V iewing Ang le( H / V) Max.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il ViewEra V172 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del ViewEra V172 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso ViewEra V172 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul ViewEra V172 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il ViewEra V172, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del ViewEra V172.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il ViewEra V172. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo ViewEra V172 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.