Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TankGate Interface 8315 Series del fabbricante Varec
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Varec, Inc. 5834 Peachtree Corners East, Norcross (Atlant a), GA 30092 USA Tel: +1 (770) 447 -9202 Fax: +1 ( 770) 662-8939 IOM035GVAE0405 8315 Series T ankGa te Interf ace Data Communica.
i 8300 Copyright A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . P r i n t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a . E x c e p t a s p e r m i t t e d u n d e r t h e United States Copyrig ht Act .
TankGate Interface ii Installation and Operations Manual Disclaimer of W arranties The contract between the Seller and the Buyer states the entire obligation of the Seller.
iii 8300 Safety Precaution Definitions Caution! Damage to equipment may result if this precaution is disregarded. Wa r n i n g ! Direct injury to personnel or damage to equipment which can cause injury to personnel may result if this precaution is not followed.
TankGate Interface iv Installation and Operations Manual Preface This manual is intended for users of the TankGate. The Operating instruction Manual contains eight chapters and an appendices. Chapter 1 - Overview This chapter provides a general overview of the TankGate such as features and product specifications.
v 8300 Content s Contents 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents TankGate Interface vi Installation and Operations Manual 4.1.7 Database Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.1.8 S ystem Task s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii 8300 Content s 4.16.1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.17 L&J MCG1000 Tank Gauge (LJ1000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4.17.1 Parameters .
Contents TankGate Interface viii Installation and Operations Manual 7 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 7.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 8300 Overview 1O v e r v i e w The TankGate (83x series) unit acts as a tank gauge interface for data acquisition and host gateway for tank farm, pipeline or refiner y applications.
Overview TankGate Interface 2 Installation and Operations Manual 1.4 Specifications 1.4.1 System Design • 16-bit processor with optional intellig ent communication modules • Intelligent field de v.
3 8300 Overview 1.4.9 Humidity • 5...95% (non-condensing) 1.4.10 Storage temperature • -40...+212 °F (-40...100 °C) 1.4.1 1 Mechanical Construction • Dimensions (HxDxW) - 2.
Overview TankGate Interface 4 Installation and Operations Manual.
5 8300 Hardware 2H a r d w a r e The TankGate consists of an enclosure, moth erboard, single tank gauge interface module and connectors. Figure 2-1: TankGate hardware components.
Hardware TankGate Interface 6 Installation and Operations Manual 2.1 Har dware Block Diag r am A TankGate hardware function al block diagram is shown below.
7 8300 Hardware • Communications Figure 2-3: The TankGate motherboard 2.2.1 Power Supply • Unit A C Power terminal block (J2) • Surge Protecti on terminal block (J4) • Fi eld Power terminal bl.
Hardware TankGate Interface 8 Installation and Operations Manual Un it AC Input Power terminal block (J2) The Unit AC power termi nal block is used to provide AC power to the TankG ate. The power requirements for the TankGate ar e 10 0-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
9 8300 Hardware +15 and -15 Volts. Th ese are rated 210 mA, 50 mA, and 5 mA, respectively. The DC Power terminal block is shown below: Figure 2-6: DC Input volt age terminal block A C Power Fuses (F1,F2) The AC Power Fuses pr ovide protection for th e AC input power.
Hardware TankGate Interface 10 Installation and Operations Manual there is 230 mA of fie ld power available. At +48VDC, there is 230 mA of field power available.
11 8300 Hardware 2.2.3 Communications The Communications installation requir es connection of the appropriate communication cable to one of two connectors.
Hardware TankGate Interface 12 Installation and Operations Manual COM1 (R S-232/RS-485) (J5) Note! On some versions of the T ankGate, COM1 is not available RS-232 is one of the two types of high-spe ed serial communications channels available to interface to Host systems using several different protocols.
13 8300 Hardware For RS-485, set the Hardware Handshaking Swit ch SW1 to the ‘A’ po sition. Refer to the following table: Communica- tion Physical Layer Hardware Handshak- ing SW1 Set- ting SW2 Set- ting Notes RS-232 No A UP (towards the RS- 232 side) Use with a PC.
Hardware TankGate Interface 14 Installation and Operations Manual 2.3 T ankGate Communications Cable The layout for the RS-232 cable between th e PC and the TankGate is shown in the following illustra.
15 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module 3 8315 L&J T ankway Interf ace Module 3.1 F eatures • Supports up to 50 tanks • Communicates using L&J Tankway protocol • Interfaces to L&am.
8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module TankGate Interface 16 Installation and Operations Manual Figure 3-2: Model 8315 TankGate 3.2 Description The components of the 8315 are illustrate d in the following figure. This section ex plains how to connect field wiring an d to configure jumper settings.
17 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module Figure 3-3: Model 8315 L&J Tankway Interface 3.2.1 ID DIP Switch (SW1) The ID DIP Switch is a binar y switch that sets the unit ID number (1-4). This value is set to the port number on which the Mode l 8315 is installed (e.
8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module TankGate Interface 18 Installation and Operations Manual • COM: Communication between the Ta nkGate and the host computer • TXD: Transmitting d a ta to tank g.
19 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module 3.2.5 Field Wiring te rminal block (J3) A schematic illustrating the te rminal connections of the Model 8315 is shown below: Figure 3-7: Model 8315 Input Circuit Connect the field wiring • Connect the wiring follow i ng the diagram below.
8315 L&J Tankway Interface Module TankGate Interface 20 Installation and Operations Manual.
21 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4 8315 L&J T ankway Softw a re Description The TankGate software platform is based on a r eal-time, multi-tasking operating system. T h e s o f t w a r e c o n s i s t s o f I / O scanning functions for data ac quisition, a database/database manager and communication functions for data transfer.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 22 Installation and Operations Manual 4.1.4 Commun ications There are two communications tasks - one fo r each of the communication channels. COM ports 0 and1 are used to interfa ce to exte rnal devices or host systems.
23 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.2 T ankGate Softw are Blocks The user can configure pre- defined subprograms known as Software Blocks. These software blocks program the TankGate to perform various tasks, such as scaling an analog input value, or scanni ng level, temperature and status information from a tank gauge.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 24 Installation and Operations Manual 4.3 Database Or ganization Points are the individual instances of soft ware blocks.
25 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description Note! ViewR TU inserts default values for the Config parameters when the point is first defined. It is usually only necessary to fill in a fe w configuration parameters, such as channel numbers, to configure referen ces and to configure links to other points.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 26 Installation and Operations Manual PntCheckSum Parameter The PntCheckSum is a CRC-16 checksum of th e Configuration Parameters of a point.
27 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.4 Gathering P oint Data For Host to TankGate communications, th ere are two primary methods for gathering point data. These methods are listed below: 4.4.1 St andard Request-Response Fo rmat The Host issues scan requests, and th e TankGate responds with the data.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 28 Installation and Operations Manual Note! Not all Host protocols suppo rt the Change of S tate method. The R TU Slave protocol used with FuelsManager su pports either method. Note! The Modbus protocol is Sca n-based.
29 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.5 Modbus Communications The TankGate is capable of communicating with Modbus compatible devices. It is possible to communicate with both Modbus Ma sters and Slave device s.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 30 Installation and Operations Manual TankGate responds to the following Function Codes: There are two methods for data addressing within t.
31 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.5.3 GWBLK method The GWBLK is the prefer red means to addres s data in the TankGate. The GWBLK has a great deal of flexibility. Data can be scal ed, or grouped using the GWBLK. The Gateway Block (GWBLK) allows the user to specify data address and point reference combinations.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 32 Installation and Operations Manual In this example, the Modbus regis ter map is configured according to the following table:.
33 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description Data Address Parameter Comments 100-101 WV1900.00.Level Level is in IEEE Floating point form at. 102-103 WV1900.01.Level 104-105 . . . 138-139 WV1900.02.Level . . . WV 1900.19.Level 200-201 WV1900.00.Temp Temperature is in IEEE Floating Point Format.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 34 Installation and Operations Manual 4.6 Clock (CLK) The Clock point provides access to the System Clock.
35 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.7 Communications (COM) The Communications point reports the status and controls the operation of the communications interfaces. COM poin ts are automatically created by the system at initialization. 4.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 36 Installation and Operations Manual 4.7.2 App lication The COM point controls the op eration of Host and Slave communications. The Baud Rate, Communications Parameters and Protocol may be changed by assigning values to the appropriate parameter.
37 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.8 Floating P oint R egister (FPREG) The Floating Register point p rovides four bytes of storag e in IEEE floating point format. It is often used for inter-point communications where no other means is provid ed.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 38 Installation and Operations Manual 4.9 Emulator (EMU) The Emulator point allows the TankGate to emulate a Whessoe-Varec Mode l 6820 Tank Scanning Unit (TSU).
39 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.9.2 Application The Emulator point (EMU) provides a co mmunication interface between older tank gauging system and point blocks within th e TankGate. C urrently, the TankGate can emulate a Whessoe Var ec Model 68 10 Tank Scanning Unit (TSU).
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 40 Installation and Operations Manual 4.10 EMU Gateway (EMUGW) The EMU Gateway point is used to manage scanning functions for the EMU point. Statistics are maintained fo r the communications between the Series 8130 and the tank gauging software (Tank View or System IV).
41 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.10.2 Application The EMUGW point is automaticall y created when the TankView (TSU S lave) protocol is initiated. In order to use the TSU Slave pr otocol, set the Protocol parameter of the COM point to TSU Slave.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 42 Installation and Operations Manual 4.11 Gauging Systems Inc. Model 2000 Interface (GS2000) The GS2000 point provides an interface to GSI 2000 Tank Gauge transmitters. This point pr ovides both level and temper ature data.
43 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TempOffset Specifie s the amount of of fset to add to the Temp. The def ault is 0. Report Ca uses automa tic notifica tion to th e Host (in response to a Change of State Request) when the Value changes State.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 44 Installation and Operations Manual 4.1 1.2 Application The GS2000 po int provides an interface to GSI Model 2000 Tank Gauge Transmitters. Tank gauges are connected di rectly to a TankGate.
45 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.12 Gateway Bloc k (GWBLK) The Gateway Block point is used for compatibility with Modbus Master devices. Rather, the user configures a GWBLK to function as a look-up table. The GWBLK point lets the user specify which point refer ences will respond to data addresses in the request from a Host.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 46 Installation and Operations Manual 4.12.2 Application The GWBLK point is a look-up table used by the Modbus Slave protocol handler. Up to sixteen address-point reference pairs may be used per GWBLK point.
47 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.13 Inte ger Register (IREG) The Integer Register point provides two bytes of storage. It is often used for inter-point com munications wher e no other means is pr ovided.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 48 Installation and Operations Manual 4.14 Modbus Gateway (MODGW) The Modbus Gateway provides dynamic and statistical information for the communications between the Mode l 8310 and the Modbus masters.
49 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.14.2 Application The MODGW point provides status information for the communications with any Modbus masters used with the TankGate. On the Ta nkGate Motherboard, the MODGW point is created automatically whenev er the Modbus Sl ave protocol is defined for a COM point.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 50 Installation and Operations Manual 4.15 Scaler P oint (SCALER) The Generic Scaling point allows the us er to perform math functions in the TankGate.
51 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.15.2 Application The SCALER point allows the user to perform simple math functions such as conversi on of units. The SCALER point takes the value fr om user spe cified database references, multiplies each by a constant and adds the three product terms.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 52 Installation and Operations Manual 4.16 System Infor mation (SY S) The System Information Point lists the hardware and software specif ications of the system. Other information includes the hardware ve rsion and any connected devices.
53 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.17 L&J MCG1000 T ank Gau ge (LJ1000) The LJ1000 point provides an interface to L & J MCG1000 Tank Gauge transmitters. This point provides both level and temperature data. Point and gauge status information is also available in this point b lock.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 54 Installation and Operations Manual Maxtime Speci fies the maximum time (in secs) between a utomatic Change of State data being sent to the Host in response to a Change of State Request.
55 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.17.2 Application The LJ1000 point provides an interfa ce to L&J MCG1000 Direct Digital Gauges. L&J Model 1000 Tank gauge transmitters are co nnected directly to a Model 83 15 Tank Gauge Interface Module.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 56 Installation and Operations Manual 4.18 L&J MCG1500 T ank Gauge (LJ1500) The LJ1500 point provides an interface to L & J MCG1500 Tank Gauge transmitters. This point pr ovides both level and temper ature data.
57 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.18.2 Application The LJ1500 point provides an interface to L&J MCG1500 Serv o Gauges. L&J Model 1500 Servo Gauges are connected directly to a Mo del 8315 Tank Gauge Interface Module .
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 58 Installation and Operations Manual Scanning begins when the Module is assign ed. The DevType must match the configuration of the transmitter.
59 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.19 L&J MCG2000 T ank Gau ge (LJ2000) The LJ2000 point provides an interface to L & J MCG2000 Tank Gauge transmitters. This point provides both level and temperature data. Point and gauge status information is also available in this point b lock.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 60 Installation and Operations Manual 4.19.2 Application The LJ2000 point provides an interface to L&J MCG2000 Gauges. L&J Model 2000 Gauges are connected directly to a Mode l 8315 Tank Gauge Interface Module.
61 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description Scanning begins when the Module is assi gned. The DevTyp e must match the configuration of the transmitter. Conversion from English to Metric can be performed be setting the LevelConvert and the Temp Convert parameters in the LJSCAN point associated with the LJ2000 point.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 62 Installation and Operations Manual 4.20 L&J Scanner (LJSCAN) The L&J Scanner point is used in conjunction with L&J Tank (LJ1000, LJ1500 and LJ2000) gauge points.
63 8300 8315 L&J Tankway Software Description 4.20.2 Application The LJSCAN point monitors the status of the Model 8315 Tank Gauge Interface. The LJSCAN point is created auto matically by the Model 8315. The point number will correspond to the Module such that LJSCAN.
8315 L&J Tankway Software Description TankGate Interface 64 Installation and Operations Manual.
65 8300 Installation 5 Installation Before attempting installation , review the Safety Precauti ons below. Installation and maintenance personnel should become familiar with any hazards present as well as any agency requirements b efore working with any equipment.
Installation TankGate Interface 66 Installation and Operations Manual 5.3 Installation Standard systems are shipped with the moth erboard and tank gauge interface module installed. The TankGate in stallation proc edure incl udes the installation of these individual components.
67 8300 Installation 5.3.1 Mounting the T ankGate Before mounting the TankGate, make certai n that any enclosure used can house the TankGate. Refer to the dimensional drawin g below (all dimensions are in inches ). Figure 5-1: Mounting the TankGate inside the enclosure.
Installation TankGate Interface 68 Installation and Operations Manual 5.3.2 Mounting the Enclosur e The recommended standard housing for the Tank G a t e i s a N E M A T Y P E 4 enclosure. This enclosure is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.
69 8300 Installation RS-485 Communications • To install the RS-485 communications op tion, connect a sing le twisted wire pair to J5 (COM1). Note! When using COM1, Switch SW2 must be set for RS-4 85 mode. Power-Up Before the field cables are attached, pe rform an initial s ystem verification.
Installation TankGate Interface 70 Installation and Operations Manual.
71 8300 Using ViewRTU 6U s i n g V i e w R T U 6.1 Ov er view This chapter describes the s oftware used to configu re the TankGate. This chapter describes e ach of the menus found in the menu bar. Additi onally, the chapter describes the system requir ements and the installation procedure.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 72 Installation and Operations Manual • Double-click on the icon to execute the Vi ewRTU applicatio n. If more than one TankGate definition file (DVR) exists, the follow ing dialog box is displayed.
73 8300 Using ViewRTU 6.4.1 ViewRTU window This main window allows the user to perf orm the commands necessary to configure the TankGate. The ViewRTU window contains the standard Windows components such as the Application Control menu, minimize/max imize icon buttons, title bar and menu bar.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 74 Installation and Operations Manual Open The user is able to s elect an existing configuration file by clicking on the Open push-button from the tool bar, or by se lecting Open from the File menu. When selected, a dialog box appears displayi ng a lis t of configuration files.
75 8300 Using ViewRTU Select Point to A dd dialog box This dialog box displays a l ist of available point types, the point number, quantity and the corresponding p oint icon. The point icon is then added to the Point Icon Selection Area if it does not alre ady exist.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 76 Installation and Operations Manual Once a point is selected, the Edit Point dialog box appears: Figure 6-7: Edit Point dialog Edit Point dialog This dialog box cont ains all dy namic and configurable field in formation.
77 8300 Using ViewRTU 6.5.3 The Config Menu Figure 6-9: The Configuration Menu Download Database to RTU The Download Database to RTU option is us ed to download configuration data to the TankGate.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 78 Installation and Operations Manual Spreadsheet The Spreads heet option is used to configure, download, and upload point data points in spreadsheet mode. Figure 6-13:Spreadsheet Mode Edit window Password The user can use the Password option to gain access to a protected file.
79 8300 Using ViewRTU • Click on OK. Figure 6-15:Change Password dialog Note! Make sure that you write down the password and store it in a secure place. C hanging the Password Changing the Pass word • Sele ct Config and click on Modify Change Pas sword.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 80 Installation and Operations Manual appears. This example di alog box contai ns the default settings for communications setup. Figure 6-17:Port Communications Setup dialog Port Communications Setup dialog This dialog box allows the user to ente r the specifications of the TankGate’s communication port.
81 8300 Using ViewRTU Connect The Connect option is used when the user ne eds to search for a specific TankGate. The following dialog box appears when th e option is selected. Figure 6-19:TankGate search dialog TankGate search dialog This dialog box lists the address, descri ptio n and current status of each TankGate.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 82 Installation and Operations Manual Convert Configuration Files The Convert Configuration Files option is used once the Download Firmware option has been executed. This option converts config uration files from one version to another.
83 8300 Using ViewRTU points are imported from the file ‘AI.CSV’. The user must select the subdirectory to import the data from. The CSV file data can also be imported using the Spread sheet mode. View I/O List The View I/O List option allow s the user to create a list of the I/O points connected to the TankGate.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 84 Installation and Operations Manual Configuring the point involves enter ing configuration parameters. In some cases, connections to other points are required in order to perform a task. Creating connections involves setting re ferences to allow data to be transferred between points.
85 8300 Using ViewRTU Several methods can be use d to display this window depend ing on the user’s current location in the program: • If in the Main window, select Edi t from the Point menu. Select the desired point type and corresponding poin t number.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 86 Installation and Operations Manual Clicking the Minimize shrinks the window so that only one or more selected lis t box parameters are displayed. The user may have multiple minimize windows open ed simultaneously. This cap ability is useful for te sting and debugging.
87 8300 Using ViewRTU Upload The Upload push-button allow s the user to upload the entire point data from the TankGate. 6.6.3 T o modify a V alue Figure 6-25:Edit Point dialog (adding a value) To modify a value • Doubl e-click the desired parameter to enter a new value.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 88 Installation and Operations Manual To modify a Reference • In the Edit Point Window Double-click th e desired reference parameter to ente r a new value. Th e following di alog box appea rs. • In the Point Connections Window drag and drop the point icon onto the PntRef.
89 8300 Using ViewRTU Adding Multiple Points • Doubl e-click on the desired point ty pe in the Spreadsheet Summary. The following example Spreadsheet Mode window appears. Figure 6-28:Spreadsheet Mod e Window Note! Refer to the following Entering Point Data secti on for a description of the S pread- sheet Mode window .
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 90 Installation and Operations Manual The Point Menu This menu contains the same menu options fo und in the main wind ow’s menu bar.
91 8300 Using ViewRTU • Select the Paste option from the Edit menu. Figure 6-32:Spreadsheet Mod e: Copying and Pasting poi nt parameter data rows. Note! If the number of rows and columns in both se lections do not match, the extra copied cells are truncated.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 92 Installation and Operations Manual • Click on each desired cell or column. • Select Set Value from the Edit menu. The following dialog box appears: Figure 6-34:Spreadshee t Mode: Editing point parameter values using auto increment Each value in the column is incremented by one for the range of rows selected.
93 8300 Using ViewRTU View The View option allows the us er to displa y selected parameter ty pes. Selecting this option displays the following View Point Parameters dialog box. Figure 6-36:Spreadsheet Mod e: View ing sele cted parameter types dialog The user is able to select any combination of parameter type s.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 94 Installation and Operations Manual The selected row s or columns are ind icated by a ‘+’ in the row or colu mn buttons heading. The followin g dialog box illustrates this f eature. Figure 6-37:Spreadshee t Mode: Hiding columns The user can unhide a row or column by clicki ng on the associated ‘+’.
95 8300 Using ViewRTU Displaying the Po int Connections window. • Doubl e-click on one of the icons to display the Point Connections window. The following example Point Conn ections window appears.
Using ViewRTU TankGate Interface 96 Installation and Operations Manual Note! Double-left clicking on the input sou rce or the output destination icon allows the user to step through each corres ponding Point Connections window , if applicable.
97 8300 Troubleshooting 7 T roubleshooting 7.1 Ov er view This chapter describes the p rocedures used to i solate hardware faults. Three push- buttons and eight s tatus Led provide ver ification of TankGate proper operation.
Troubleshooting TankGate Interface 98 Installation and Operations Manual by observing the RUN Indicator duty cycle. Under normal conditions, this indicator flashes once every second. Co mmunications indicator The Communications indicator pr ovides communication line status.
99 8300 Troubleshooting • Rese t All Timers • Dis able Outputs • Enable Communications • Pres ent Sign-on Message to Diagnostic Terminal 7.2.4 Performing a Hard Reset A ‘Hard Reset’ clears the TankGate’s database. The following procedure des cribes the steps necessary to perform a Hard Reset: 1.
Troubleshooting TankGate Interface 100 Installation and Operations Manual 4. Set the ID DIP Switch to the desired address (1-14). At this point, there is no f urther action required by the user. Figure 7-3: Set the ID DIP switch to the desired addresses 5.
101 8300 Troubleshooting 7.3 Maintenance Field maintenance of the TankGate is simp lifie d by several built-in feature s. The modular design of the computer control syst em, in conjunction wi th quick-disconnect connectors, allows for on-site replac ement of questionable components.
Troubleshooting TankGate Interface 102 Installation and Operations Manual.
i 8300 Appendix 1 A ppendix 1.1 Ordering Str uctur e Remote T er minal Unit T ankGate 1.2 Ordering Str uctur e NEMA 4 Enc losure 10 Communication s 03-2 Dual RS-485 Communications Interfa ce - Modbus�.
Appendix TankGate Interface ii Installation and Operations Manual 1.2.1 Modbus Map Address Type Number Parameter Data Ty pe 5000 LJ2000 0 Command CODED 5001 LJ2000 0 Level REAL 5003 LJ2000 0 Temp REAL 5005 LJ2000 0 Value REAL 5007 LJ2000 0 Status HEX 5008 LJ2000 0 PntStatus IHEX 5009 LJ2000 0 Elapse TIME There are a total of 50 GPE points.
iii 8300 Appendix 1011 IREG 0 Value12 UINTEGER 1012 IREG 0 Value13 UINTEGER 1013 IREG 0 Value14 UINTEGER 1014 IREG 0 Value15 UINTEGER 1015 IREG 0 Value16 UINTEGER 1016 IREG 0 Value17 UINTEGER 1017 IRE.
Appendix TankGate Interface iv Installation and Operations Manual 1041 IREG 0 Value42 UINTEGER 1042 IREG 0 Value43 UINTEGER 1043 IREG 0 Value44 UINTEGER 1044 IREG 0 Value45 UINTEGER 1045 IREG 0 Value4.
v 8300 Appendix 3034 FPREG 0 Value18 REAL 3036 FPREG 0 Value19 REAL 3038 FPREG 0 Value20 REAL 3040 FPREG 0 Value21 REAL 3042 FPREG 0 Value22 REAL 3044 FPREG 0 Value23 REAL 3046 FPREG 0 Value24 REAL 30.
Appendix TankGate Interface vi Installation and Operations Manual 3094 FPREG 0 Value48 REAL 3096 FPREG 0 Value49 REAL 3098 FPREG 0 Value50 REAL 3100 FPREG 0 PntStatus IHEX 3101 FPREG 0 Elapse TIME There are a total of 10 FPREG points. There are a total of 10 2 re gisters available per FPREG point The addresses are sequentia l.
i 8300 NOTES.
Your offical representative Varec, Inc. 5834 Peachtree Corners East, Norcross (Atlant a), GA 30092 USA Tel: +1 (770) 447-9202 Fax: +1 (770) 662-8939 © 2004 Varec, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document is for in formation purposes on ly. Varec, Inc.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Varec TankGate Interface 8315 Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.