Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NeatDesk del fabbricante Univex
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Welcome to NeatWorks Welcome to version 4.0 of N eatWork s so ftware. We're hap py to announce the following new or enhan ced features with this rel ease: • New User Interface: The menus and tool bars have been redesigned to make the application faster and easier to use.
Using the Quick Scan Center The Quick Scan Center enables y ou to quickly and easily scan docu men ts, receipts, business cards, and even create PDF file s without first launc hing the NeatWorks application.
4. The system will det ect the documen t type for you automatical ly , or you can select the document type in the Document Type field. 5. Choose wheth er y ou want to scan in black & whit e or in color by selecting th e appropriate option in the Color Options area.
Note: You can drag and drop misclassified items between bins if desired. For example, if a document acci dently scanned as a receipt, you can drag it from the receipt bin into the document bin. NeatWo rks will now recognize it as a document instead of as a receipt.
1. To review and modify any item in a n Inbox bin, double cl ick on that item, or click Review & File . This opens the Review screen , as illustrated below. The Review screen enables you to adjust or delete the scanned image. In addition, you can modify the scanned data (e.
2. If you've scanned a receipt or a document , you will have several fil ing options after completing your revi ew. (Busine ss cards are automatically filed in the Business Card organizer.) You can create a new folder, or choose an existing folder for an item.
3. Type in a folder name. 4. Select a folder type by clicking t h e down arrow and choosing from the list that displays, or type in the desired folder type. 5. Select a folder label by clickin g the down arrow and choosin g from the list that displays, or type in the desired folder label.
3. Choose the desired folder by clicking on it. The select ed f older will be highlighted in orange. You can sort by Folder Name, Folder Type, an d Folder Label. 4. If only one it em is in the bin, click Review and File . If you ha ve mult iple items in the bin, select those you want to file by h igh ligh ting them and click File Selected .
an electronic ver sion of a physical fil ing receptacle fo r receipts, like a drawer in a filing cabinet, for example. You can use folders to organize receipts into any type of group you like. For example, you can create a fo lder to track business expenses or a home impro vement project.
• Creating a New Folder • Selecting Grid Rows • Viewing Multiple F olders Simult an eously • Editing Cells in a Folder • Adding Comments to a Folder • Deleting a Folder • Clearing Folder.
pin icon in the Pin column to "pin" multiple fol ders (or choose Pin All Fo lders f rom the Edit menu to quick ly pin all folders). Editing Cells in a Folder You can edit fo lder cell s anytime you need to modify t he information in th em. To do so: 1.
• To add information to a field, click in the field and be gin typing, use the dropdown menus, or click the radio buttons. • Cells containing commen ts will display a small red t r ian gle in the upper right corner of the cell. Deleting a Folder You can delete a folder whenever yo u no longer need it.
Creating Expense Reports Creating an Expense Report in NeatWorks is easy. In NeatWorks, a n Expense Report is a folder whose Folder Type has been a ssigned to the Expense Report category. If you've already scanned the recei pts that you want to use in an Expense Report, just choose Expense Report in th e Folder Type column.
5. Click on the OK butt o n. T he receipt will be split into th e designated number of items and each item will be sh own in its own row . An identifyin g nu mber will automatically be generated in the Split ID column of th e Receipts Gri d so you can easily ident if y which items belong to the split receipt .
• The PDF is selectable , which means you can s elect, copy, and paste text from the PDF into a text edi tor such as Microsoft Word or Notepad. • You can save the PDF as other document type s.
• Using Scan To PDF Using Scan To PDF As mentioned in How do I use Export To PDF and Scan To PDF? , you can use Scan To PDF to create PDFs. "o n the fly" as you scan.
you can export sing le or multiple records within t he same grid but you cannot export records from different grids (e .g. Folders and Receipts) at the same time.
3. The Export Choices dialog box will open, as shown below. 4. Under the Select Range heading, click th e Selected Receipts button to export only those rows selected in th e Receipts Grid or leave Selected Folder (All Receipts) selected to export the entire folder.
9. Under Image Scaling , choose either Scale To Fit or Crop To Fit . 10. Click Preview to preview the exported data file. 11. Click Expo rt to export the data fi le. 12. Use the Save In dropdown list to navi gate to th e folder in which you want to save the exported file.
5. Under the Set Orientation heading, choose a page orientation. 6. Under the Set Output heading, select your output opti ons. 7. Click Preview to preview the exported data file. 8. Click Expo rt to export the data fi le. 9. Use the Save In dropdown list to navi gate to th e folder in which you want to save the exported file.
• If NeatWorks is already running, choose Impo rt > Receipt Folder File from the toolbar , navigate to the folder containing t he .nrx file and select it. 3. The imported folder row(s) appears in t he upper grid (.nrx file can cont ain one or more folders of receipts).
5. Type a file name in the Provide a File Name dialog box or confirm or edit the file name already in the fi eld (if applicable) and choose whether to compress file. 6. Click Continue . 7. Complete the email message and click Send. Your default email program will launch and a new message opens.
4. Use the Save In dropdown list to navi gate to th e folder in which you want to save the exported file. 5. In the File Name dialog box, type a new fi le name, or accept the default name suggested. 6. Leave Receipt or Document Folder Files (*.nrx or *.
4. Under the Step 2 heading, specify an M S Excel T emplate. The template can be blank or it can contai n information (suc h as a company logo or column header names).
Click the Include Receipt Header Row checkbox to export NeatWorks column header names to Excel. Click the Image Details tab to choose a preferre d image size (sm all, medium, or large). The Images Per Ro w fiel d will adjust automatically. 7. Under the Step 4 heading, define a column-to-column map between NeatWorks and MS Excel.
Under the Unmapped Fields heading, the Amount (by category) field allows for cross m a pping by category. For ex ampl e, you can map the total amount for all receipts th at are tagged as "airline." Under the Mapped Fields heading, both the Amount and Category fields require mapping.
Updating an Excel Map Name You can update an Excel map name whenever you like. To do so: 1. Click the Excel Map dropdown box. 2. Tap any key on the ke yboard to open the Update Excel Map di alog box.
3. Edit the name in t he Excel Map Name field and click Update . Exporting to an Excel Map Once you have created an Excel map, you ca n export you r data to Excel. To do so : 1. Select the receipt(s) or f older(s) you want to export. 2. From the Toolbar, choose Export > Excel .
Exporting to CSV (Comma Separated Values) Exporting to C SV is a good w ay to get your data into an easy to use fo rmat. For example, you could export to CSV if you wanted an easy wa y to get your data in to a simple Excel format t hat you could then man ipulate withou t building an Excel map.
6. If you've selected Columns and Images or Columns in step 5, m ake additional column select ions under the Column Options heading and skip to step 8. 7. If you've selected Columns and Images or Images Only in step 5, make additional image selections under the Image Options heading.
Exporting QIF Files to Quicken 2004 (and Earlier) If you work with Q uicken and want to ex port your informatio n to there, as QIF file(s), ju st do the following: 1. Select the receipt(s) or f older(s) you want to export. 2. From the toolbar, Choose Export > QIF (Quicken) .
that .QIF file into NeatWorks u sing the File - > Import menu, and you'll be able to display a list of your Quick en accoun ts inside the NeatWorks software. After you have i mported those Quicken accounts, you may use the export option inside NeatWorks, and choos e a de stination account for your transactions inside Quicken.
4. Click on Continue . 5. Navigate to the desired dest ination locati on on your computer, type a name for the file, an d then click on Save . The exported file will be saved with the .qif extension. 6. Start Quicken and select th e newly created Quicken Cash Account from the Cash Flow Center .
Exporting to QuickBooks You can quickly expor t multiple types of receipts into multiple accounts in one simple step. These exports appear in your Quick Books ‘Bills’ section. NeatWorks makes it quick and easy to connect ‘Category’ and “Payment’ type to your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts.
• To export all of th e receipt s in the selected f older, click t he All visible receipts in the selected folder(s) radio butto n. • To export only the receipts that are currently selected, click the Selected Receipts radio button. 3. Click Next .
If you chose QuickBooks (iif): 1. The Export Setup screen displays: 2. Complete the Debt Acco unt and Credit Account fields. 3. Click the appropriate radio dial (Receipt Vendor or User Name). 4. Click Continue . 5. Navigate to the desired l ocation on yo ur computer, type a name for the file, and then click on Save .
• Using the Report Window Toolbar • Running a Report • Saving a Report Using the Report Window Toolbar The report window provides a toolbar for ea sy navigation, printi ng, and cop ying.
4. Under the Step 2 heading, define the Period End date criteria to narrow the scope of the report. (Type dates in M M/DD/YYYY format, or click on the dropdown menu to sele ct from a calendar.) 5. Under the Step 3 heading, select the preferred detail level (s u mmary or detailed).
Saving a Report To save a report, do the foll owing: 1. Select a file type from the Save/Export Report As dropdown list. 2. Click Go . 3. Navigate to the folder you wa nt to save the f ile in.
Information Tabs Information tabs in clu de the User Profile , FolderComments, and ReceiptComments . Information tabs allow you to add comments to any of your folders or receipts, and the comments sectio n will actually change depending on the folder or receipt selected.
• Alternatively, to auto-r esize the column to its defaul t width, again posi tion the cursor on the line between two colu mn headings, and when you get the double-arrow cursor, just double -click with your mouse to auto-resi ze it.
Working With Receipts The goal of this section is to h elp you learn how to work with receipts . We'll cover how to edit, sort, clear, delete, spli t , email, export, import an d personalize receipt information.
• How do I scan a receipt? • What can I do with my receipt images? • How can I work with r eceipt rows? • Where is my information ? • Can I split, sort, and prin t receipts? • How do I imp.
3. Place a receipt in the scanner and scan 4. Verify data and add a vendor name 5. Adjust your image Create or Select a Folder After scanning a receipt (see Using the Quick Scan Cent er) , you need to select the "container" into wh ich your receipts will be scan ned, stored, and organized.
• Transaction date • Total amount • Payment type • State sales tax (USA) • Vendor name • Category • PST/QST and GST/HST sales tax (Canada) After each scan you wi ll want to review and veri fy the data. To modify any of the information, click Review and File in the Inbox.
2. The Image Adjuster screen displays: Step A: Rotate Your Image If the image shown in the Image Manager needs to be ro tated: • Click the Rotate Clock wise or Rotate Counter-clockwise bu ttons in the top l eft corner of the Adjust Im age screen as needed.
2. Click and press the left mouse button, dragging the cropping tool acro ss the image area you wish to crop. 3. When you’ve boxed in the area you wi sh to keep, release the left mouse button. 4. Click the Crop button in the top middle area of the window.
• Changing the order of multiple scanned images • Importing an image as a new receipt • Combining receipts • Printing a receipt imag e • Deleting a receipt image • Saving a receipt as a gr.
1. In the Receipts Grid, select the receipt you want t o zoom in or out on. 2. In the R eceipt Image area, click the z oom in/zoom out icons. Viewing a Receipt in Full Screen Mode If you want to see a much larger view of your receipt image, you can view the image in full screen mode.
If you already have an image stored on yo ur computer and wo uld like to add it to a receipts row, you can do the follow ing: 1. In the Receipts grid, select the receipt to which y o u w ant to add another image. 2. From the Toolbar, choose Import > Image to Current Receipt .
2. Click Delete on t he upper right side of the grid. 3. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel the deletion. Saving a Receipt as a Graphic File NeatWorks alllows you to save a receipt as a graphic file, such as a J PEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, or TIF.
5. On the Confirm File E x port screen, type a file name in t he Provide a File Name dialog box or confirm or edit th e file name already in th e field (if applic able) and choose whether to compress the file. 6. Click Continue . Your default email program wi ll launch and a new message opens.
• To select multiple adjac en t rows, click in the first row y ou want to select, then hold down the Shift k ey and click in the last row y ou want to select. • To select multiple non - adjacent rows, click in t he first row you want to select , then hold down the Ctrl key and cl ick in each row you want to select.
For example, if you' v e clicked in a cell in the Amoun t column, the heading reads Additional Field Info: Receipt - Amount. 2. Enter comments and other info as needed , keeping in min d the following : • To add information to a field, clic k in the field and begin typing.
Use the following table when moving receipts from the Receipt Organizer and pasting them into the Document Organi zer, or when pasting documents into the Receipt Organizer: Deleting a Receipt Row If you no longer need a receipt, you can delete the receipt row by doing the following: 1.
Viewing Receipts Together from Multiple Folders If you need to simultan eously view receipts in multiple fold ers, you can do so by "pinning" those f olders.
If you want to search for any and all rece ipts fr om "Business XYZ," but aren't how many receipts you have, when you star ted working with that company, or even how the company's na me is spelled sure , you should use t he Search feature to retrieve a vast or unknown inent in rm h feature.
N e gine recognizes certain fields within each organizer, and is p ra retrieve informat ion from these fields when searched upon. Li d e the recognized fields for each organizer. In addition, the search en in for and retrieve informat ion in your scanned images.
• Vendor For more information on Search, see Searching with the Wildcard . S The w For ex e the wi sults. The symbol for th conduct a wildcard search: ple: ildcard.
Choose whether you want to search your receipts or folders by selecting the adio dial. Click the dropdown men u and select whether to us e single or multiple crit eria selected multiple in st ep 3, a new area displays on the screen. Each new criteria you select adds another item t o th is area.
4. Click the dropdown menu a nd choose the criteri a you wish to use. If you displays on the screen. E ach new criteria you select adds another item t o th is area. selected multiple in st ep 3, a new area 5. Enter any desired value. 6. Click Search .
• 1 or 4 Images Per Page: shrinks images to fit on a quarter page (use when reading receipt text is not required) Formatting Options • Cover Page: inclu des user profile information and expense summary information • Comments: includes folder and receipt comments • Paper Size: choose between standard (8.
S ti Rows Keep i • he • An "up" arrowhead (pictured below) indi cates ascending sort order (A-Z, oldest date to newest date). A "down" arrowhead (pictured below) indicates descending sort order (Z-A, ate).
Splitting a Receipt into Multiple Transactions s or saction an d yo u can then choose the appropriate ex n 2. the Split Receipt link on t h e upper right side of the 3. of ge), indicate the number of transactions to split the receipt int o . You can: The Split Receipts command let s you expense portions of a receipt to different client or projects.
• Type a number, OR • er indicated 4. In he • e up/down arrows to c hange the current number • /down arrows to change the c urrent number 5. f ipts Grid so you can easily ident ify which items belon g to the split receipt . Use the up/down arrows to ch ange the current num ber.
How do I import and export r Impo It a Nea W 1. re storing it. ks will start automaticall y (if it's not already ru nning) der File from the toolbar, navigate to the folder containing the .nrx sible Expo NeatW , HTML , Quicken, MS M oney, OF X, and CSV (comma separated values).
reference images to receipt rows). By defa ult, all options are checked to be included. 9. Under Image Scaling , choose either Scale To Fit or Crop To Fit . 10. Click Preview to preview the exported data file. 11. Click Expo rt to export the data fi le.
H Y hi ow do I run a receipt report ? ou can run receipts reports whenever want to see your information organized to ghlight certain relatio n ships. For example, the Reports > Receipt Reports menu offers a variety of summary r eports you can run: Spendi ng by Client; or Payment Class (by Billable, Pa id by C o.
Running a Report a report type. The Reportin g Wizard dialog box opens (shown at lder Type(s) to include in the report. To run a receipt report, do the following: 1. On the toolbar, select Reports > Receipt Reports . 2. Next, select the bottom of this page).
Saving a Report To save a report, do the foll owing: . Select a file type from the Save/Export Report As dropdown list. Go 3. Navigate to the folder you wa nt to save the f ile in.
Can es, NeatWorks makes it easy for you t o edit vendor names and other lists, an d this section will help y ou with the followin g, related tasks: • Add an item to a list I edit vendor names and ot.
A i Anytime y , just go to the Personaliz e menu and do th fo 1. 2. Under the Step 1: Select a List heading, select the list you want to add an item to. Click the Add button. 4. Type the new list it em into the pop-u p window and click Save . d close th e dialog box.
E i Anytim just go to the Personalize men u and do th o 2. Under the Step 1: Select a List heading, select the list con t aining the item you wish to edit. 3. Under the Step 2: Select List Items heading, click on the name of the list item you wish to edit.
Can I personalize columns and fields? Yo can person aliz e columns and f ields in the Receipts Grid by showing/hiding or modifying a column or fi eld u columns, moving columns, resi zing column widths, name.
• To manually resize column widths, position the curs or on the line between two column headings, an d when you get th e double-arrow cursor, press and drag your mouse to the right or l eft.
hat follows is a comprehens iv e list of column and field n ames in the Receipt W Organizer: 76.
Understanding and Modifying User Rules e NeatWorks program employs a few simple user rules that help to automate the anning process and c ustomize your own ex perience of the software . These rules n be personalized to suit your needs. Ther e are four ma in categories of user rule s: when a new row is created its cells are rom the previous row.
2. Modify rules as desi red, keeping in mind the foll owing: • To disable a rule, remove the checkmark in the corresponding chec kbox. • To enable a rule, add the checkmark in the co rresponding checkbox. • To change the default payment type , make a selection from the dropdown menu.
T id indicates whet her a scanned receipt im e he Attached column in the Receipts Gr ag is associated with that receipt row, as shown below: A ig If you use NeatWorks for tax purposes, it 's a go.
Quick Tip section will display a helpful descrip tion of the tax category you have selected and a link to the appropriate IRS website. Using the Business Card Organizer e goal of this section is to provide yo u with a better understan ding of the Business Card Organizer.
Exploring the Business Card Organize r Window once you become familiar with its escribed below. By default, tion Area displays all contact information for th e t in the Contacts Grid. • s To access the Business Card Organizer, click on the Business Cards tab.
• Deleting a Contact • Sorting the Contacts Gri d • Printing a Contact • Adding an Action Item for a Contact Selecting a Contact Row orks is very similar to selecting rows in other programs that y cell in the row. select, then w you want to select.
Adding a tact without Scanning a Business Card You do not need to sca n a business card in order to add a contact to the Contacts id. add a contact without scanning a bu siness card, please do the following: From the toolbar, choose New . ormation area or directly Con Gr To 1.
3. When prompted, click on Yes to confi rm the deletion. W k To view the Dele ted Contacts window, c hoose Tools > Go To Deleted Items . • To restore one or more deleted cont acts, first view the Dele ted Contacts window, then select the contact(s) and click on Restore .
Multiple Sort Order The Sort dialog box can be used to sort by m ore than one column. ose 2. dropdown list, and then choose subseq uent columns from the t wo Then by dropdown lists. . 1. To sort the Contact s Grid by multiple columns, from t he Tools menu, cho Sort Contacts .
• In the Select Range area, choose whet her to include all vi sible contacts ortrait). Output area, choose whet her to include full cont act info and ages, contact info only , or images only. box, click OK . or selected contacts. • Click the appropriate or ientation butto n (Landscape or P • In the Set im 3.
3. Type a note in the Notes field. Note : Each note is associated with a specific cell. Be sure that you have selected the cell associated with the note you w to change.
• Rotating a Business Card Image • Zooming a Business Card Image • Viewing a Business Card Image in Full Screen • Deleting a Business Ca rd Image Saving a Business Card Image as a Graphic File • Saving C ontact Information NeatWorks automatically saves all contact information as soon as it's scanned or edited.
1. In he 2. Click 3. Click p right corner) to return to normal view. t Contacts Grid, s elect the contact you want to work with. the icon on the upper right side of the Contact Image area. the X (to Deleting a Busines You can always dele te a business ca rd image if need be.
U The Fi it quic by La irst Name, or Company Name. sing Find Contacts nd Contacts pane l stretches across the top of the Business Organizer, making k and easy to fi nd contacts fast. You can use Fi nd Contacts to l ocate a contact st Name, F 1. Choose Last Name, First Na me, or Company Name from the Find by dropdown list.
4. 5. Y in the grid in wh ich you're working. Note : It is a good practice to start your by sele g does no With your cursor st ill in the Search box, you can press Enter. our search results will t h en appear search with a clean slate (or a clean grid) ctin Edit > Clear All Grids prior to conduc ting your search.
• Project • Vendor Searching with the Wildcard • Payment type • Tax ID • Tax category User • For more information on Search, see . Searching with the Wildcard T sing pieces but still f ind matches. For exampl you can use th y other related results.
• Exporting Contacts to PDF or R TF (MS Word) • Exporting to CSV (Comma Separated Values) Exch rs It's easy to exchange with other NeatWorks users. To im NeatWorks file: d save the .nrt (or .zip) f ile to your computer. 2. From the Toolbar , choose Import > Contact File .
• If you are currently managing yo ur contacts wi th Outlook, choose Outlook . 2. If you choose Plaxo: • Type your Plaxo login and password. • Click the Test button to validate your logi n and password (you will need to be online). Click the utton.
Syncing your contacts with Plaxo requir es that you have an internet c onnection, and that you run the Confi g Sync Wizard. If you have not ye t run this wizard, pl ease refer to the topic, Choosing to Sync with Plaxo or MS Outlook . When you are ready to sync and whenever you need to sync agai n, just click Sync with Plaxo .
1. Before syncing contacts with MS Outlook for the first ti me, be sure to verify the sync settings by choosing Configure Sync with Outl ook from the Tools menu. 2. Specify the Direction of Sync . • The default setting syncs all contac ts in NeatWorks to Outlook.
K . For e after running Outlook Sync, the contact will not be time you run the sync. Also, if you delete a c utlook Exchanges, the contact will not be deleted in Outlook the next time you run the sync. te for MS Office 2007 users • Please make sure you have catego ries assigned for a ny contacts you wish to sync with NeatWorks.
N W T o eat orks to Outlook Field Mappings he f llowing t able highlights the Ne atWorks to Outlook field mappings: 99.
Exchanging Contac ts Using vCar ds To sync a small number of contacts with MS Outlook or to export to other contact management applications, simp ly export them as vCards. To export a contact as a vCard: 1. In the Contacts Grid, select the Contact( s) you wish to expo rt.
4. Under the Select Range heading, click th e Selected Contacts button to export only those rows selected in the Contacts Grid or lea All Contacts in Grid selected to export all of your contacts. 5. Under the Set Orientation heading, choose a page orientation.
N W 1. Contact(s) you want to export. 3. port submenu, choose CSV . heading, click t h e Selected Contacts button to export only those rows selected in the Contacts Grid or leave All Contacts in Grid selected to export all of your contacts. 5. Click Expo rt to export the data fi le.
Columns within th e Contacts Grid can be placed in any order you wish. To move column, simply drag its heading t o the new location. a Resizing Column Widths olumns within th e Contacts Grid can be resized by doing one of t he following: right. Alternatively, dou ble-click to auto-resize.
filed a document in the Document Organize r, a new row is added to the Documents Grid, where you can also add and edit in f ormation in each document row. You can o add comments to a row. e Document canning process, how mail, o e Document Organizer Grid column s and personalize user lists and r ules.
What can I do with my document images? to work with the im age. You Once you scan your document, there are ma ny ways will find the following topi cs addressed in this section: • Rotating a Document.
If you scan a document and want to view it from a different orientati on, you can rotate the image, much as you w ould in any other image-edit in g tool. You can do so by using the Quick Scan Center , or the image viewer in th e Documents organizer. To rotate a document image: 1.
If documents folder, you can do the following: you already have an image stored on yo ur computer and wo uld like to add it to a 2. ge as New Document . 4. 1. In the Folders Grid, clic k on the folder you want to import a document int o . From the Toolbar , choose Import > Ima 3.
Separating a Multi-Page Document If you have a very long document and either want to make i t into a new document or make it into indiv idual documents, you can do so as follows: 1. In the Document s Grid, select the multi- page document you wa nt to separate 2.
Dele Y c 1. delete. 2. Right click in In the Image Viewer. 3. Click Delete Current Image . o confirm the deletion or No t o cancel the deleti on. ting a Document Image ou an always dele te a document image if need be. To do so: In the Documents Grid, select the document y ou want to 4.
3. Select a Quick Contact if applicable. e field (i f applicable) and choose whether to 4. Type a file name in th e Provide a File Name dialog box or confirm or edit the file name already in th compress file. ue . Your default email program wi ll launch and a new message se any Quick contacts, the n s.
• Selecting Document Rows • Viewing Documen t s Together From Mult iple Folders • Editing Document Row Cells • Adding Comments to Document Rows Adding a New Document Row • ment Row to Anothe.
Anytime u need to modif y information in a document row, you can do so by editin g your document row cells as fol lows: 1. In the Documents Grid, cl ick in the cell you wa nt to modify. 2. Add information as n eeded, k eepin g in mind the followin g : • To add text, click i n a cell and start typing .
2. From the Toolbar , choose New > Document . 3. Add information in t he appropriate columns of th e new docu ment row. (If necessary, see Editing Document Row Cells found previously in this section.
Deleting a Document Row If you ow by doing the fo 3. k on Yes to confirm the deletion. Working with Deleted Documents • To view the Deleted Do cuments window, c hoose Tools > Go To Deleted Items > Documents .
• A small arrowhead in the top right corner of a column heading identifies t he column the rows are currently sorted by. • An "up" arrowhead (pictured below) indi cates ascending sort order (A-Z, oldest date to newest date).
C The learing Documents Rows Clear All Grids command (under the Edit menu) clears all rows in both the lder and documents grids. Th is would be us eful if you were finished reviewing a set of folders and documents and wanted to "clear the slate " to work with a di fferent set fo of folders and documents.
F di ments To find folders that are mi ssing Period End values, c hoose Tools> Find Folders Missing Key Data . ument Title or Document Date, choose in ng Missing Key Data in Folders and Docu • • To find documents tha t are missing Do c Tools > Find Documents Missing Key Data .
Column Options • Current Column Width: leaves co lumn widths equal to how they are sized in the grid Wrap Text : lets rows double in heigh t to accommodate text overruns (use in • across long rows.
Moving Columns cuments Grid can be placed in any order you wish. T o move a lumn, simply drag its heading t o the new location. The Folder Number and Columns within th e Do co Attached columns cannot be moved. Resizing Column Widths e of the following: dths > Document double-click to auto-resi ze.
What follows is a comprehens iv e list of column and field n ames in the Document Organizer: 120.
Understanding the Attached Column I cons Th her a scanned docume i ment row, as shown below: e Attached column in the Documents Grid i ndicates whet nt mage is associat ed with that doc u Assigning Ta.
appears in the Additional Field Info section at the bottom of your screen. The Quick Tip section will display a helpful descrip tion of the tax category you ave selected and a link to the appropriate IRS website.
E o ormat Types o xport documents t o other format types, you can do the foll owing: 1. Select the documents(s) or fol der(s) you want to export. Toolbar. xp rting Documents to other F T e 2. Choose Export from the 3. From the Export submenu, choose an export format.
comments, paper size, page numbers, an d/or image captions (that reference images to receipt rows). By defa u lt, all options are checked to be included. 9. file. 11. 13. 14. 8. Under Image Options , choose either Scale To Fit or Crop To Fit . Click Preview to preview the exported data 10.
The goal of this section is to h elp you gain a better understandin g of the Tax Organizer module; learn ho w to assign re ceipts and documents to Tax Categories; and learn to generate and modify reports.
How do I assign receipts to Tax Categories? track receipts or other documents usin g the Tax Organizer, a Receipt Da te and T C ion you wish to inclu d e.
Showing and Hiding Tax Categories NeatWorks comes preloaded with over 100 common Tax Ca tegories. However, to keep the list of categories manageable, no t all of the categories are visible by default. To show a tax category: 1. In the Receipt Organizer, click an y Tax Cat egory cell within th e Receipt Grid.
To hide a tax category: 1. In the Receipt Organizer, click an y Tax Cat egory cell within th e Receipt Grid. 2. Click on the Show/Hide Tax Items button. 3. In the right column, select the Tax Ca tegory you wish to hide. (To select multiple ite m s, hold down the Ct rl key.
Adding Co T s about a selected rec a tegory. To add com 1. In the Receipt Organizer, select a valu e in the Tax Category column. 2. In the Additional Field Info area, type a note in the Comments field.
format, which can then be imported into TurboTax and other popular tax preparation programs. What can I do with tax reports? The Tax Organizer all ows you to genera te and keep open multiple reports.
If you want to see specific portions of yo ur report more easily , you can always zoom or out of it. To increase or decrease t he magnification of the report: e the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons.
Viewing Corresponding Receipts NeatW n tax report in the Receipt Organizer. To view corresponding receipts: 1. Click the View Receipts from report button. • The Receipt Organizer opens. • The lower grid will be populated w it h all associated receipts sorted in the same order in which they appear in the tax report.
134 • The lower grid will be po pulated with all associated documents sorted in the same order in which t hey appear in the tax report. A mu lti-column sort order is automatically applied to th is grid. 2. To revert to standard sorting, simply click any column heading.
135 • Click the checkbox next to a name in the T Quick Contacts T list (if appropriate) and then click T OK T , or • Click on T OK T . 4. Type a name for the fil e and click T Continue T . 5. Your email program opens. Type an email address i n the To field (i f necessary).
136 T Backing Up the Database Manually T When the database reminder prompt s you to perform a backup, c hoose T Tools > Database > Backup T . Browse to the appropriate loca tion on your hard drive a nd save the back up fi le with the de fault .nrbak fil e extension.
137 • T Beneath that radio butto n, you’ll see three steps that allow you to customize your backup options. T 3. T In TT Step 1 TT , choose a location for the database backup director y by clicking Browse and selecting a file path .
138 T Restoring the Database T T Before restoring the database you can chec k whether t he backup file you plan to restore is compatible with your current v ersion by choosing TT Tools > Database > Check Backup File Version TT . T 1. T Navigate to the location w here the database file is stored and cli ck open.
139 • HU Calibrating your Neat Mobile scanner UH • HU Calibrating your Neat A DF Scanner UH T Cleaning T • HU Cleaning your Neat Mo bile Scanner UH • HU Cleaning your Neat ADF Scanner UH T Calibrating the Neat ADF Scanner T To calibrate the Neat AD F Scanner, do the foll owing: 1.
140 3. Load the calibration sheet into the scanne r as shown in the image above, and click T Calibrate T . • If you can't find yo ur calibration sheet , you can pri nt a new one by cl icking Print Calibr at ion Sheet, shown in the bottom left corner of th e Calibration dialog box above.
141 3. Open the scanner by pushing the le ver down on the front right side. 4. Clean the feed roller & paper pad. • Gently push th e paper pad mechanism t o th e left and lift it gen tly until you f eel resistance.
142 • Squeeze both sides of the paper pad mech anism and gently pull it out. (Figu re 2c) • Clean the paper pad m echanism. Be careful not to be nd the metal tab. • Wipe the feed roller from side to si de an d then rotate i t. Repeat until its entire surface is cleaned.
143 2. On the Quick Scan Center screen, click T Calibra te T . The following dialog box will appear: 3. Load the calibration sheet into the sca nner as sho wn in th e image above, and click T Calibrate T .
144 How do I clean the scanner? Keeping your scanner clean is an imp ortant part of scanner maintenance and should not be overlo oked. Dust and other obstructions on the scanner le ns can cause streaks on scanned images and potentially impact the accuracy o f the scanned images.
145 T Note: T During the cleaning process, the cleaning paper will m ove back and forth through the sca nner for approxim ately 25 seconds before pulling the paper through all the way. 4. During cleaning, you will see a message that says: "Please wa it-- cleaning in progress.
146 T Example: T T Solution: Recalibrate T T From the Quick Scan Cen ter, click TTTT Calibrate TT TT and follow th e on-screen instru ct ions. TT T T Problem: No Auto-rotation T T Description TT Clear images are not automati cally rotated.
147 System -> Advanced -> Performance Settings -> Data E xecution Prevention TT . T T Problem: Wide Black Band Through Image T T Example T T T T Solution TT Scanner is likely defective, call Te chnical Support at 1-866-NEAT-REC (1.866.632.8732).
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Univex NeatDesk è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Univex NeatDesk - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Univex NeatDesk imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Univex NeatDesk ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Univex NeatDesk, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Univex NeatDesk.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Univex NeatDesk. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Univex NeatDesk insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.