Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 11316 del fabbricante Trust
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Office Sc an U SB 19200 OFFICE SCAN USB 19200 U ser's manual Ve r sion 1. 0.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 Thank you Thank you very much f or purchasi ng thi s product from the Trust range. W e w i sh you hours of f un wit h it. Please r e ad t his m anual carefull y before using the product. Regi st ra ti on Re gi ster your purchase now at the Trust I nterne t sit e ( www.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 1 Content s 1. Int roducti on ................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Conve nt ions used in the m anual .........................................................
Office Sc an U SB 19200 2 7. Mainten anc e ................................................................................................ 45 8. Troubl eshooting ........................................................................................
Office Sc an U SB 19200 3 1. I ntr oducti on This m anual is intended for use r s of t he Office Scan US B 19200. No pri or knowledge is r e qui red for i nstal lat ion and use of thi s product . If y ou have any questi ons after reading t his m anual , pl ease contact one of the Tru st serv ice ce ntres .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 4 1.3 M inim um s ystem requi re ments To use t his scanner you system m ust sati sfy t he f oll owing m ini m um requirem e nt s: • Intel Pentium 166 MHz pr ocessor • USB .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 5 1.5 A d apters 1. Insert t he adapt er into a sui tabl e wal l out let. 2. The adapte r is i ntende d f or use withi n Europe. 3. Use t he adapte r onl y wit h the e quipm e nt it was supplied with. Ne ver use a dif fere nt adapter with t his equipm ent.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 6 2. Installi ng th e scanner 2.1 U nl ocki ng th e trans por t lo ck The scanne r i s shipped with the transpor t lock l ocked. The t ransport lock i s on the underside of the scanne r. Sli de t he t ranspor t lock t o the 'unlock' posit ion t o use the scanner.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 7 2 .3 Inst a lling the d rive r 1. Start W i ndows 98. 2. Ins ert th e C D-R OM w ith the driv ers into yo ur C D-ROM driv e. 3. Ne w hardwar e i s found when W indows 98 i s star ted. W i ndows 98 fi nds an 'Unknown De vice', W indows 98 Second Edition f inds a 'USB De vi ce'.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 8 5. Se l ect the option 'Search for t he best dri ver for your device ( recomm ende d) '. 6. Clic k on 'Ne x t' to contin ue . Figu re 4 will appe ar. Figure 4: New hardware 7. Se l ect the option 'Specify a l ocati on' (Fi gure 4).
Office Sc an U SB 19200 9 10 . Clic k on 'Ne x t' to contin ue with the insta llation. T he file s will n ow b e copie d. Fig ure 6 w ill appear after a couple of seconds. Figure 6: New hardware 11 . Clic k on 'Fin ish' to comple te the ins tallatio n.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 10 2.4 Star tin g th e T rus t Sof tw are In stal l er You m ust star t t he Tr ust Soft ware Install er in order to i nstal l TW AIN and the appli cati ons. Extra funct ions of the software inst all e r are re adi ng the Use r's m anual and a hyperlink t o the Trust i nterne t Site.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 11 4. Se l ect the language you w i sh to use for t he pr ogram . Figur e 9 w ill appear. Figure 9: Select ing t he program Click on 'I nstal l' t o inst all an appli cati on. TW AI N and “One Touch Acce ss” sof tware Chapter 2.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 12 2 .5 In sta lling T WAIN TW AI N is an i m portant part of t he sof tware. TW AIN m anages the com m unicat ion betwe en the scanner and the com puter. The scanne r cannot be use d if TW AI N is not ins talle d. Be f ore instal li ng TW AI N and One Touch Access, fi rst start the Trust Soft ware Inst all e r .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 13 3. Click on 'O K' to star t the instal lat ion. Inst all ation of One Touch Acce ss wil l begin. Aft e r a short peri od of ti m e, a window displ aying welcom e inform ati on will appear on your m oni tor ( Figur e 11) .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 14 Note: You cannot continue i f you do not f ill in t h e c o m pany name. Theref ore, f i ll i n 'None'. 6. Cli ck on 'Ne xt' to cont inue. 7. Cli ck on 'Ne xt' to accept the instal lati on dir ectory and to cont inue with the ins tallation .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 15 3. Software installati on 3.1 TextBr idg e Clas si c 2.0 Tex tBri dge C l assic i s a progr am which converts docum ents to t ex t t hat can be e di ted with a word pr oce ssor , such as Micr osoft W ord or W or dpad. Be fore ins talling Te xtB ridge C lassic, firs t start th e T rust S oftwa re In stalle r.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 16 4. Clic k on 'Ne x t'. F igure 14 will appe ar . Figure 14: License agr eem ent 5. Cli ck on 'Ye s' t o acce pt the lic e nse agree m ent and conti nue wi th the instal l ation. Fig ure 15 will appear. Figure 15: Select ing t he type of instal lat ion 6.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 17 8. Click on 'Language packs' to sele ct the languages to use (Fi gure 16). Figure 16: Select ing t he languages Note : Y o u w ill o n ly b e a b le t o r e c ogni se t ext in the l anguages you sel ect .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 18 3.2 A dobe A croba t Rea der Adobe Acr obat Reade r i s a progr am that e nabl es you to ope n an r ead P DF f il e s. The Use r 's m anual f or t his product is contained on the CD - ROM in the sam e form at. Be f ore instal li ng Adobe Acr obat Reade r, f ir st st art t he Trust Software Inst all e r .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 19 3. Clic k on 'Ne x t' to contin ue . Figu re 19 w ill appear. Figure 19: License agr eem ent 4. Cli ck on 'Ye s' t o acce pt the li ce nse agree m ent (Fi gure 19) and to conti nue w i th the ins tallatio n.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 20 5. Se l ect the directory for the instal lat ion of t he program (Fi gure 20). Cli ck on 'Ne xt' to c ontinu e . Figur e 2 1 will appe ar on com pl etion of the instal lat ion. Figure 21: Com plet ing the i nstal lat ion of Acrobat Reader 6.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 21 3.3 Ins ta ll ing A dobe PhotoDe luxe 2 .0 Adobe Phot oDe l uxe 2.0 i s a program that e nabl es you to scan and e di t i m ages. Foll ow the instruct ions below for t he i nstal lat ion of PhotoDe l uxe . 1. Inset the 'Adobe PhotoDeluxe ' CD-ROM int o the CD - ROM driv e .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 22 5. Cli ck on 'Ne xt' to cont inue. Figur e 23 appe ars. Figure 23: Licence agr eem ent 6. Cli ck on 'Acce pt ' (Figur e 24) to accept the lic e nce agree m ent and conti nue wi th the instal lat ion. Figur e 24 appears.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 23 8. Cli ck on 'Ne xt' to cont inue. Figur e 25 appe ars. Figure 25: Inst all ing Phot oDeluxe 2.0 9. Sele ct 'Typical '. 10. Click on 'Nex t ' to conti nue. Figure 26 appears. Figure 26: Inst all ing PhotoDel uxe 2.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 24 13. Click on 'Yes' to conti nue w i th t he install ati on. Fi gure 27 appe ar s. Figure 27: Inst all ing Phot oDeluxe 2.0 14 . Clic k on 'Ne x t' to start the in stallatio n. Th e file s will no w be co pie d.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 25 4. Expl ana ti on of TWAIN Th e T W AIN functio ns w ill be de scr ibe d in th is c hapter to al low you to m ake optim al use of TW AIN. The TW AIN window is opene d when an im age is scanned, for ex am ple whe n usi ng Tex tBri dge C l assi c and Adode PhotoDeluxe .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 26 The basic scanne r se t ti ngs can be change d in t he TW AIN window. The basic funct ions are shown in the table be l ow. It em Funct ion Opti ons Descript ion • Col or Scan in col our (phot ographs, print ed mate rial e tc).
Office Sc an U SB 19200 27 Table 2: TWA I N funct ions.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 28 4.1 A d vanced s ett ing s Click on t he 'A dvanced' button t o set a num be r of t he scanner's ex tr a functi ons.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 29 4.1. 2 Imag e processi ng Figure 31: Im age pr ocessing It em Functi on Opti ons Descript ion • None • Blur sl ight ly • Blu r m o re AB l u r • Blur as m uch as possibl e Shows less de tai ls i n a sharp i m age . Use i f t he original im age is fuzz y or has a m oir é e f fect.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 30 W hen the se tt ings ar e changed, the change s w ill be visib le in the botto m righ t- hand corner of the im age. The top ri ght-hand cor ner of the im age is the origi nal i m age.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 31 5. Working with the app l ications The basic functi ons of t he scanner and the additi onal software is described in the fol lowing chapt ers. Re f er to the manual contai ned on the CD-ROM for m ore inf orm ati on concerning the program s.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 32 Figure 34: One Touch Access It em Functi on Opt ions A Color Mode • Colour ( Color) • Gre y • Black and whi te (LineArt) B Re sol uti on Adjustabl e be twee n 50 and 1.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 33 Table 5: One Touch Access funct ions 5.1. 1 Hot key setti ng s In thi s window, you ar e able t o change t he function of the se lected functi on ke y. Clic k on the 'Hotke y Setti ngs' tab. Figure 35: Hotkey setti ngs Click on one of the icons t o se l ect the function.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 34.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 35 It em Functi on > M ove the se le cte d fun ction fro m the sou rce list to th e ta rge t list. >> M ove all th e fu nction s in th e s ource list to the targe t list. < M ove the se le cte d fun ction fro m the targe t list to the sou rce list.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 36 5.1. 2.1 M ai l One Touch Acce ss enable s you t o send a scanne d im age directly to fr iends or work coll e agues via e-m ail . In t his window, you can i ndicat e the f il e form at at tached to the e -m ai l m e ssage. If you have i nstal led m ore than one e-m ail progr am , select the program that you wish to u se .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 37 5.2 TextBr idg e Clas si c Tex tBri dge C l assic i s a progr am for scanning t e xt and converti ng it t o a docum ent form at for editing i n a word processor. This chapt er e xplains how t he scanner should be se t to a l anguage and how t o scan a docum ent.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 38 5.2 .2 Installing t he langua ge A language must now be selecte d f or the docum e nt to be scanne d. 1. Cli ck on 'Proce ss' i n the m enu bar. 2. Cli ck on 'Se t ti ngs'. Fi gure 39 is displ ayed. Figure 39: TextBri dge Classic set ti ngs 3.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 39 5.2. 3 S cann in g w it h T ext Brid ge Cl assic Note: To show some non-Engli sh character s, e. g. Pol ish character s, 'M ul t i - l anguage Support ' shoul d be selected i n W indows. See W i ndow s 'Hel p' feat ure for more i nf ormati on.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 40 Figur e 41: Sett ings 3. Se l ect the document type (Figur e 41) . 4. Se l ect 'Scanne r' as t he P age Source (Figure 41). 5. Cli ck on 'OK'. The TW AIN di alog box (Figur e 29) is opene d. 6. Click on 'Pr e scan' t o m ake a te st scan.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 41 16 . Un de r 'Sa ve as T ype ', se le ct th e fo rm at for th e file . S ele ct a file fo rm at tha t will be r ecognise d by your word processor. If in doubt, sele ct ‘ASC I I Std. (*. txt)’. 17 . Clic k on ' Sa ve ' to sa ve the file .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 42 5.3 A dobe PhotoDe luxe Adobe Phot oDe l uxe is a dr awing and i m age e dit ing pr ogram wit h a lar ge number of opti ons. You can use this progr am to edit t he scanne d im ages. 5.3. 1 S in gl e in stal lati on of th e scann er 1.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 43 5.3 .2 Scanning wit h Adobe PhotoDe luxe 1. Positi on the docum en t to be scanne d on t he scanner. 2. Cli ck on 'Get Photo' (Fi gure 43). 3. Cli ck on the 'Get Photo' tab (Fi gure 43). Figur e 43: Scanning a phot ograph 4.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 44 6. Power Saving The light i n the scanne r w ill be a utomatica lly sw itche d o ff whe n th e sc anner has not bee n used f or appr ox i m at e l y 15 m inut es. This f uncti on only works when the 'O ne To uch A cce ss' func tion ha s be e n sw itche d o ff.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 45 7. M ai ntena nce Cle an the glass plate re gularly with a s oft, cle an c loth to re move dus t and di rt. A c lea n gla ss pla te is im po rtant s ince an y dirt w ill show up in the sc anne d im age. W hen cleaning the e qui pm ent, observe the fol lowing saf e t y m easure s: 1.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 46 8. T roubl eshoot ing 8.1 Test ing the s canner During t he install ati on of t he TW AIN dri ve r and the applic ations, a test progr am was also i nstal led. The t est program pr ovides a sim ple m e ans of checking the correct operation of the basic features of the scanne r .
Office Sc an U SB 19200 47 8.2 T roubleshooti ng Problem Possible cause Sol ution The computer does not recognise the scanne r . The scanne r m ay not be conne ct ed to the com puter correctly. Che ck whethe r t he scanne r i s correctly connected to the U SB port ( Chapter 2.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 48 Problem Possible cause Sol ution Re so lution is se t too low . Se t your resolut ion t o 600 dpi. The number of col ours for your displ ay adapter is se t to o low . Adjust your m onit or adapter to a m ini m um of 65, 535 colour s (16 bit ).
Office Sc an U SB 19200 49 Problem Possible cause Sol ution Th e ' Office Sca n US B 19200' window is st il l open after instal lat ion. Close the wi ndow. Th e H otke y fu nctio n is turn ed off in the tas kbar (Disabl e) Sw itch o n the Ho tke y func tion (Enable).
Office Sc an U SB 19200 50 9. Specificati ons Type Flat bed, CCD scanner Opt ical resoluti on 600 x 1.200 DPI M a x imu m re s ol ut io n (H x V) 19.200 x 19.200 DPI Scan m ethod Singl e pass Scan m odes • 1-bi t black and whi te • 12-bi t greyscale • 36-bi t col our Document si z e • 216 x 297 m m (A4) • 8.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 51 10. T rust Service Centres If y ou have any questi ons after reading t his m anual , pl ease contact one of the Trust Ser vice Centr es.
Office Sc an U SB 19200 52 Country: Conta c t : UK Ir elan d UK Office In te rne t ww m E-ma il tru stuk@gl ob a lne k Mai l Aashima Dis tr ibution U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Trust 11316 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Trust 11316 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Trust 11316 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Trust 11316 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Trust 11316, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Trust 11316.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Trust 11316. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Trust 11316 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.