Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto CS8 del fabbricante True Fitness
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CS 8.0 B ike Owne r’ s Gu ide 800.426.6570 / ww w .truefitness.c om.
In 1981 F rank T r ulaske launched T r ue F itness T echnolog y with one goal in mind – to make the f inest fitne ss equipment on the market. His team be gan by manufacturing premium, handc rafted treadmills with a focus on quality and durability .
3 CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Gu ide Review fo r Y ou r Saf ety Whe n u sing this e xerc ise machine, ba sic prec autions should always be followe d, which includes the following : Read and understand all instr uctions and war nings prior to use.
St ar tin g U p Du ri ng Y ou r Wo rkou t P au si ng Y ou r Wo rkou t Be gin pe daling . The displ ay will star t up in WOR K OU T SETUP . QUIC K ST ART into a manual workout by pressing . SELEC T A DIFFERE N T WORKOU T by pressing the program keys . Press program ke ys more than once for more programs .
T ab le o f Co nte nts CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 6 1 - Introduction T op Feat ures , F anc y F eatures, B asic F eatures page9 2 - R iding Y our Bike W orkout Program Ba sics , He art Rate Monitoring ,.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 7 T ab le o f Co nte nts 12 - O ther F unctions More workout options page 69 13 - Creating an Exer cise Plan Using the F .I. T .
Chapte r O ne I ntro ducti o n .
T o p F ea tures I nt r o du c ti o n T o p F ea tu re s Y our ne w CS 8.0 Bike console, the CS 8.0 console, is the most sophisticated exercise computer in t he fitne ss industr y .
F ancy F ea tu re s A dvanced Cu stom P rog rammi ng : Create up to three different program profiles , up to 60 se gments long , using any of four different prog ramming me thods , including a Re cord mode. Custom Inter val s: Cho ose your own inter val workload and duration.
Three-mo de Manual C ontrol : MET -b ase d, bic ycle simulation, or 10-watt increments. F our Pr e-set P rog rams : E as y int er v als , spe ed inter vals , rolling hills , and one big hill. C SA FE Audio C ontrol : V olume and channel remote con trol of compatible systems .
Ridin g Y ou r B ike .
Set your weight before ever y workout. This allow s the CS 8.0 Bike to control your workout more effec tively . S ee the P ersonal Power sec tion in C hapt er 5 for more information. The b ody weight setting does not affect the calorie expenditure calculation.
Foo t Pos iti o n Pe da l Cade n ce B rea thin g Riders are most efficient if they place the ball of their foot in the cent er of the p ed al. Other riders are more comfortable if the arch of their foot is against the pe dal. Riders are encourage d to b e a s effic ient a s p ossible, but use your own judgement in the comfort/efficienc y tradeof f.
Mo nit o rin g Y ou r He ar t Ra te The CS 8.0 Bike has two ways of monitoring your hear t rate: ...By using a chest strap that transmit s your hear t rate to the bike via radio... ...or by u sing the metal contact hear t rate pads on the handlebars .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 17 Chest Strap Us e Che st Str ap H ear t Ra te Mo nit o rin g When you we ar a Polar or compatible transmitter strap, the bike will display your he art rate a s a dig ital be ats- per-min ute (bpm) readout .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Co nt act H ear t Ra te Use 18 Co nt act H ear t Ra te (CH R) The c ontact he art rate system lets you monitor your hear t rate without wear ing a strap.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 19 G ett in g t he M os t F ro m CHR 1. Exercise with smo oth body motions . A void exc essive b ody motion, espe cially in your arms and upper bo dy .
The D is pl a y .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Keyp ad L a yout 22 Displ ay and S etup Keys Cle ar Key Star t Key W orklo ad Adjust Keys Ent.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 23 Wha t the Ke ys Do W orkout Setup : Switches into W orkout S etup mode. W orkload is reduce d and all data accumulation is p aused while in W orkout Setup.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Wha t the Ke ys Do 24 Heart Rat e C ontrol : Cycles through Constant, Inter val, HRC Ultra, and HRC Ultra Interv al. See C hapt er 7. C alorie G oal : Select s the C alorie Go al workout .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 25 U pper Co nso le Dist ance: An estimate of how far you would have trave le d on an outdoor bike.* Calorie s : An estimate of your calorie s burned.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide How t o Read Y ou r D ispla y 26 Ho w to Rea d Yo ur D is pla y Lev el : In all other workout mo des , indic ates which workout le vel is selecte d.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide S etting U p Y ou r Wo rk out 28 W orkout Setup is available b oth before and dur ing your workout. In W orkout S etup: • Y ou can e asily edit all the available options of each workout.
Du ri ng Y ou r Wo rkou t CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 29 Du ring Y our Wo rk out During your workout, press to go back to W orkout Setup as often a s you like to change setting s or e ven set up an entire ly different workout.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Contr ol Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8:.
I ntr o duc ti o n Pe r so nal Pow e r Fi ne Co ntr o l CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Pe rso nal Power F ine Co ntro l 32 Manual Control can operate three dif ferent ways : Personal P ower F ine Control, Bike Mode, and 10-w at t mode.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Pr ograms Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Progra m Cho ices 34 H ill an d I nte rv al Pr ogr a ms Just like manual control, the hill and interv al prog rams compensate for different bo dy weights .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 35 H ill Progra m Pro f iles H ill Pr ogr a m Pr o f ile s Ro lling H ills O ne B ig H.
I nte rv al Pr ogr a m Pr o f ile s CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide I nte r v al Progra m Pro f iles 36 Easy I nter v .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 37 H o w Pr o gr am a n d S eg m e nt Le v e l s A f f e c t M E T s Program Le ve l MET .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide H ow P r o g ra m Le ve l A f f e c t s Ra n g e o f Wo r k l oa d 38 Ho w Pr ogr am L.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Contr ol Chapter 8:.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide I ntro ducti o n t o HRC 40 Co nst ant HR C T r ue’ s he art rate con.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 41 T ypes o f HRC T ype s o f HR C The CS 8.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Co nst ant and I nte r v al HRC 42 Co nst ant HR C I nte rv al HR C This is the be st -known ty pe of HRC, and is the easie st to us e.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 43 HRC U l tra Ove r view Why Us e HR C U l tra Wo rkou ts? As mentione.
HR C U l tra Wo rkou t CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide HRC U l tra Wo rkout 44 Unlike Constant and Inter val HRC , you don ’t pick a target heart rate, but you must enter your age corre ctly .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 45 I nte r v al HRC U l tra Wo rkout I nte rv al HR C U l tra Interv al HRC Ultra work s simil arly to Interv al HRC, but the work t arget he art rates g radually increas e through your workout.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Cru ise Co ntro l 46 Cr u is e Co ntr o l This is the simplest way to enter Constant HRC training . While in manual or any prog ram you c an enter Constant HRC by simply pressing the Hear t Rate Control key .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 47 Impo r t ant Po ints About HRC Imp o r t ant Po ints Abo ut H ear t Ra te Co ntr o l The hear t rate monitor transmitter strap should b e wor n accor ding to the g uidelines in C hapter 2 .
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide S etting U p a C al o rie Goal Wo rk out 50 S ett in g U p A C al.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 51 V isu al E xpl ana tio n Calo rie Goa l Wo rkou t G rap h W a .
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Crea ting Y our Own Wo rk out 54 Cre a tin g Y ou r Own Wo rkou t There are two b asic ways to cre ate your own custom workout : have the C S 8.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 55 Crea ting You r Own Wo rkout • Press Advance d O ptions until Custom Prog ram 1, 2, or 3 is displayed.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Cust om Progra ms I n D epth 56 Cus to m Pr ogr a ms I n D e pth Scale : simply enter the work le vel for any number of s egments betwe en 1 and 60.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 57 Cust om I nte r v als Cus to m I nte rv al s Since inter val training is a common ty pe of workout, the CS 8.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide I ntro ductio n & How t o Test You rs e lf 60 I nt ro du c ti o n Ho w to Do It The CS 8.0 Bike fitness test is an improved implementation of the YMC A protocol f itness test , a s descr ibe d in the A C SM Guidel ines , Chapter 4.
Y ou should : • Stay as relaxed a s p ossible during the test, breathing smoothly and regularly . • Be dresse d in comfort able workout clothes and riding in a room with comfortable air temperature and humidity . Y ou should not : • Eat within three hours pr ior to testing , but you should not be hungr y , either .
How the Test Wo rk s Ho w the Tes t Wo rks The test consists of four three-minute stages . Stage one is a warmup stage. Stages two, three, and four are at e ver-incr e asing workloads , with your heart rate me asured dur ing the se cond and third minute of each stage.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 63 How t o Us e Y ou r Resu l ts Ho w to Us e Y ou r Res u l ts The b est way to use the results of a fitness test is to track your progress in an ex ercise program.
Test S pecif ic Issu es Tes t S pec if ic Iss u es Note that the absolute accurac y of this test is approxima tely +/- 15% compared to a laborator y ma ximal test. (S ee Swain and Leutholtz , M etabolic C alculations , page 63).
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Wha t Thes e Mo des Do 66 Wha t Th es e Mo de.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 67 H o w T h e s e M o d es a r e D if f e re n t .
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide O the r Fu n Stu f f 70 Happy W orkout : This allows r iders to per form a virtual (i.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide The F .I.T . Co nce pt D ef ined 72 Wha t is the F .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 73 Mo re F .I.T . Co nce pt Over view As your fitness le vel improves , you will nee d to inc rease your workout intensity in order to reach your target hear t rate.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Utilizing the F .I.T . Co nce pt 74 Us in g the F .I.T . Co nce pt Y ou r F itn ess Pr ogr a m D ete rm ini ng Y ou r Ne ed s The F .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 75 B eginning Y ou r F .I.T . Progra m In addition to monitoring your heart rate as you ex ercise, b e certain of how quickly your he art rate recovers .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Y our F .I.T . Progra m Co ntinu e d .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 77 Est ab lis hing & Maint aining F itness .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide We ight Manageme nt 78 Mana gin g We i ght Consistent aerobic ex ercise w ill help you change your b ody composition by lowering your p ercentage of bo dy fat.
S po r ts Tra ini ng When you are training to improve strength and p erformance: • Exercise four to five days a week . Alternate exercise days and interv als of hard to ver y hard exercise with eas y to moderate ex ercise. • Exercise for 30 minutes or longer .
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide G etting I nto S etup M o de 82 Ho w to G et I nt o S etu p Mo de Press and hold . Be gin pe daling the bike, or power up with external p ower .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 83 Cust omiz ab le O ptio ns Cus to miz ab le O pti o ns Lang uag e: Current ly , only English is supp orted. Units: English (default) or metric .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Mo re Custo m O ptio ns 84 Cus to mi za b le O pti o ns (Co nt .) Default manual : P ersonal Power -base d, or Bicycle Simulation, or Constant Power w ith 10- watt inc rements.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 85 O domete rs O dom ete rs M ile s: Accumulat e d “miles , ” which is simulated road bike miles .
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Riding Y our Bike Chapter 3: The Displa y Chapter 4: W ork out Setup Chapter 5: Manual Control Chapter 6: Pre-Set Progr ams Chapter 7: Heart Rate Control Chapter 8: .
Y our CS 8.0 Bike doesn’ t require any routine maintenance, not even lubr ication. Ke eping it cle an i s the most impor tant t ask . After e ver y workout : P erspiration should b e wipe d from the contr ol console, contact he art rate pad s, shrouds , and seat.
Appe nd ix A Appe ndix A 89.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Appe ndix A 90 T ar get H ear t Ra te Cha r t.
Remember to check with your physici an b efore b eginning any ex ercise prog ram. She c an help determine an appropriate target hear t rate. Medications often affec t he art rate. Rober t Rob ergs , editor of the prestig ious Jou r nal of E xerci se Physiology , conducted a study in 2002 of the maximal hear t rat e equation 220 - age.
Appe nd ix B Appe ndix B 93.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Appe ndix B 94 Maximal oxygen uptake, or VO 2 max , is considered the b est single mea suremen t of cardiova scular fitne ss . It repres ents the p eak rate of your b ody ’ s oxygen consumption capability , which i s impor tant be cause this is one of the two biggest factors in endurance per formance.
MET s are define d a s the ratio of the cur rent bo dy energy expenditure rate compared with ba sal me tabolic rate (BMR): MET s = ( VO2 rate of cur rent state) / 3.5 where 3.5 represent s BMR . VO 2 ( oxygen uptake) and 3.5 are in units of ml/kg/minute of oxygen consumed by the b ody .
Appe nd ix C .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide Appe ndix C 98 As you ride the CS 8.0 Bike, your ex ercis e intensity is best mea sured as the amount of power receive d by the bike from your pe daling .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 99 Appe ndix C Constant torque is use d in a mo difie d w ay in Bike Mode. In addition to constant resistance for a given “ ge ar , ” additional torque is applied to simulate wind and road resi stance, a s well a s to compensate for different bo dy weights .
Appe nd ix D .
S p ec if i c A dv i c e F o r Car d i o f i tn es s an d B o dy C om po si t i o n S p ec if i c A dv i c e F o r M us cu lar S tr e n gt h a nd F le xi b il i ty CS 8.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 103 Appe ndix D T raining should be three to five days per week at b etwe en 55% and 90% ma ximum he art rate. D econditioned indiv iduals should stay b etwe en 55% and 64%. T otal duration of training should be betwe en 20 and 60 minutes , with the time var ying inversely w ith intensity .
Appe nd ix B Appe ndix B 105.
ES 9.0 Owne r’ s Guide Appe ndix B 106 W orklo ad Range : 30 – 600 w at t s. W eight : Rec umbent , 180 pounds . Upright, 160 pounds . Maximum User W eight : 350 pounds . W orklo ad Control System : self-generating electromagnetic braking . Specif ication s and op eration subject to change w ithout not ice.
B ib li ography B ib liography 107.
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide B ib liography 108 American College of Spor ts Medicine, ACSM ’ s Gu idelines for E xercise T esting and P rescr iption . 6th e dition. Philadelphia: Lippincott W illiams & W ilkins , 2000. F ey nman, Richard P ., The F e ynman Le ctures on Physics .
CS 8.0 Owne r’ s Guide 109 B ib liography Robergs , Rober t A . and Landwehr , Rob erto. (2002) The Surprising Histor y of the “HRma x = 220 - age” Equation. Journal of Exercise Physiolog y , 5(2). ISSN 1097-9751.2 Article URL : <http://w ww.
T r u e o f f e r s a f u l l l i n e o f leadin g-e dge C ardi ov a scu l ar and F le xib ilit y equipme nt . CS S eries T readmills T rueStretch Flexibility unit TS1 Elliptic al CS S eries Bikes.
Founded 1981 865 Hoff Road O’F allon, MO 63366 800.426.6570 ww w .truefitness.c om part # 0C526700 v1: SR 5-07.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il True Fitness CS8 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del True Fitness CS8 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso True Fitness CS8 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul True Fitness CS8 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il True Fitness CS8, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del True Fitness CS8.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il True Fitness CS8. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo True Fitness CS8 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.