Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 64057-00-ENG del fabbricante Trimble Outdoors
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U S E R GU I D E T rimble ® ThunderBolt ® E GPS Disciplined Clock.
Ve r s i o n 1 . 0 Revision A Part Number 64 057-00-ENG August 2007 F USER GUIDE Tr i m b l e ® ThunderBolt ® E GPS Disciplined Clock.
2 T rimble T hunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Cloc k User Guide Corporate Office T rimble Navig ation Limited Advanced Devices Group 935 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA +1-800-787-4225 ( toll free in USA) +1-408-481-7741 www .trimble.
4 T rimble T hunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Cloc k User Guide.
T rimble T hunderBolt E GPS Dis ciplined Clock User Guide 5 Safety Information W arnings and Cautions An absence of specific aler ts does not m ean that there are no safet y ri sks involved . Always follow the instru ctions that acc ompany a W arning or Caution .
Safety Information 6 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide A C adaptor safety An international adaptor kit i s provided w i th the ThunderB olt E GPS disciplin ed clock. C WAR NI NG – Using an inc orrect AC adaptor can dama ge your product and may void your warranty .
T rimble T hunderBolt E GPS Dis ciplined Clock User Guide 7 Contents Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 W arnings and Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents 8 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 4 Firmware Integr ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fi rmware configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHAPTER 1 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 9 Intr oduction 1 In this chapter: Q Operation Q Features Q Starter kit Q Use and care Q T echnical assistance Q T echnical assistance Q Y our comments W elc ome to the T rimble ThunderB olt E GPS Di sciplined Clock User Gu id e.
1 Introduction 10 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Oper ation The Thun derB olt E GPS di scip lined clo ck prov ide s time and frequen cy throu gh a 12-channel GPS receiver and a high-qual ity ovenized quar tz oscill ator integrated onto a single printed circu it board.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 11 Introduction 1 supports multiple commands and their as so ciated response packets for u se in configuring th e ThunderBo lt E to meet y our requir ements. See Appendix A, T rimble Standard Interface Proto col .
1 Introduction 12 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide.
CHAPTER 2 T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 13 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 2 In this chapter: Q System requirements Q Installing and using the software Q ThunderBo.
2 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 14 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide System r equirements Hardware • F or ev aluation or engineering pur poses: – The T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS disciplin ed clock starter kit, see page 20 .
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 15 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 2 Installing and using the software All soft ware programs for the ThunderBolt E are available onlin e from the T rimble website at www
2 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 16 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide T o vie w the Timing Receiver Status and Control information , select Win dow /R ec eiv er Sta tu s: 4.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 17 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 2 8. The ThunderB olt E automatically begins its se lf-sur vey .
2 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 18 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Timing information Packet 0x8F-AB (primar y timin g informat ion) and packet 0x8F-AC ( supplemental timing information) contain mo st of the information that you need to monitor the ThunderBo lt E.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 19 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 2 If the host has not uploaded a reference position, or i f the module has b een moved more than one to t wo ki lometers since its l ast position, th e GPS module automatical ly conducts a p osition surv ey at startup.
2 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 20 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide ThunderBolt E starter kit T rimble Bullet antenna 75 feet of Belden RG-6 cable, terminated with TN.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 21 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 2 Setting up the ThunderBolt E Note – Y ou can e ither se t up the star ter kit te mpor arily fo r testing o r eval uation p urposes, or embed it permanently into your system .
2 Setting up and Running the ThunderBolt E 22 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Once the ThunderBolt E has warmed up and acquired s atellites it per forms a self-surve y : I f at least on e satellite i s currentl y available, it w ill output 1 PPS and 10 MHz data to the T rimble GPS Monitor soft ware, see page 15 .
CHAPTER 3 T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 23 Har dware Integr ation 3 In this chapter: Q ThunderBolt E system architecture Q ThunderBolt E module Q Bullet an tenna specificat.
3 Hardware Integration 24 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide ThunderBolt E system ar chitecture ThunderBolt E module The Thun derB olt E consi sts of a board m oun ted inside an alumin um case. The board contain s the par ts for power regulation, a GPS receiver , an o scillator , and di sciplining circuitry .
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 25 Hardware Integration 3 Performance specifications Physical character istics The modul e dimensions of the ThunderBolt E are shown overleaf.
3 Hardware Integration 26 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Figure 3.1 ThunderBolt E mechanical specification.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 27 Hardware Integration 3 Bullet antenna specifications T o downloa d full specifications of the Bullet antenna , as well as ordering information , please go to the T rimble website.
3 Hardware Integration 28 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide In cases where the di stance between the Bullet and the ThunderBo lt E is excessive ( for example w hen the lo ss exceeds 18 dB), an inline amplifier is n ecessar y .
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 29 Hardware Integration 3 I/O connector pin-out The RS-232 ser ial port uses a DB- 9 connector . This configur ation supports co nnections to the R S-232 serial por t on a comput er . Th e pinout functions are as fo llows.
3 Hardware Integration 30 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide.
CHAPTER 4 T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 31 Firmwar e Integr ation 4 In this chapter: Q Firmware configuration Q Firmware upgrades Q Firmware features This section wi ll help a d eveloper to und erstand the structure o f the ThunderBolt E f irmwar e.
4 F irmware Integration 32 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Firmwar e configuration The Th underBolt E maintains its co nfiguratio n par a meters in a non-vo latile m emory dev ice (EEPROM). I n the EEPROM, related configuration par amet ers ar e grouped together and stor ed in an area known as a “ segment”.
APPENDIX A T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 33 T r imble Standard Interface Pr otocol A In this appendix: Q Introduction Q Packet structure Q Packet descripti ons The T rimble.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 34 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Intr oduction TSIP is a powerful and compact in ter face pr otocol which has been designed to allow the system de veloper a g rea t deal of f l exibility in interfacin g to a T rimble product.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 35 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Customizing operations par ameters Thunderbolt E provide s a number of user-confi gura ble paramet ers that enables the user to customize its op eration.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 36 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Pa cket I/O control (segment 4) Seria l port configur ation (segme nt 5) Timing outputs (segment 6) A.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 37 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Self-survey (segment 8) Oscillator disciplining (segment 9) P ackets output at powe r-up After compl.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 38 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Report packets: ThunderBolt E to User The fol lowing t able summarizes th e packets output by Thunder.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 39 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A 0x47 Signal level for all satellites 0x27, auto 0x49 Almanac health 0x29 0x4A Single-precision LLA p.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 40 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide P acket structur e TSIP packet struct ure is the sam e for both command s and r ep orts.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 41 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A P acket descriptions P acket descriptions used in run mode Report packet 0X13 unparsable packet This packet i s sent in res ponse to a received packet that was unparsable.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 42 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command packet 0x1C: 03 - Hardware component version information • The command packet 0x1C: 03 ma y be issued to obtain th e hardwar e componen t versio n informat ion.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 43 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command P acket 0x1E: Initiate Cold, Warm, or Factory Reset This pa cket commands receiver to perform either a c old reset, warm reset or a factory reset.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 44 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command Packet 0x31: Accur ate Init ial Pos ition (XYZ Cartesian ECEF ) This packet provides an accurate initial position to the GPS receiver in X Y Z coordinat es.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 45 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command Packet 0x32 Data Format (single pr ecision) Command P acket 0x32 Data Format (double precisi.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 46 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide • UTC ( unive rsal coo rdina ted time ) Command P acket 0x37: Request Status and V a lues of Last P.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 47 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command Packet 0x38: Re quest Satellite System Data This pa cket r equests current satellite data .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 48 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command Packe t 0x3A: Request Last Raw Measur ement This packet requests the most recent r aw measurement data for one specif ied satellite. The GPS receiver re turns packet 0x5A if data is available.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 49 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x42: Single-precision P osition Fix This pa cket provide s current GPS position fix in XYZ ECEF c oordinates .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 50 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Note – By tes 0 through 4 are part of the appli cation layer of t he f irmware, while byt es 5 thro ugh 9 are part of the GPS core layer of the firmw are.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 51 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x49: Almanac Health Th i s p a ck e t p r o v i d e s h ea lt h d at a o n 32 s a t e l li t e s .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 52 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Report P acket 0x4B: Receiver Health This p acket provide s receiver health status. Report P acket 0x55: I/O Options This p acket pro vide s the current I/O option st ates in response to packet 0x35 requ est.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 53 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x57: Informat ion about Last Computed Fix This packet provide s information concerning the tim e and origin of the previous position fix.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 54 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Report P acket 0x58 Almanac Data T ype 2 Note – All angl es are in radians. Report P acket 0x58 Almanac Heal th Data T ype 3 Report P acket 0x58 Ionosphere Data T ype 4 Byte Item Ty p e Va l u e Mean ing 4 T oa (raw) UINT8 T able 2.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 55 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0 x 58 UTC Data T ype 5 (continued) Report P acket 0 x 58 Ephemeris Data T ype 5 32-35 b1 Single Sec 36-39 b2 Single Sec 40-43 b3 Single Sec 2.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 56 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Note – All angles are in radians. R eference numbers r efer to Global Positioning S ystem Standar d Posi tioni ng Ser vice Signal Specificat ion . This spec ification is c urrent ly available in Adobe Acrobat fo rmat at www.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 57 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Note – Th e sample length is the number of milliseconds over which the sampl e was averaged .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 58 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 2 acquisition flag UN IT 8 0 Never acquired 1A c q u i r e d 2 Re-opened search 3 ephemeris flag UNIT.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 59 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report Pa cket 0x5F-11: EEPROM Segment Status The receiver sends this packet in response to command pack et 0x3F-11.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 60 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command P acket 0x70: Filter Configuration This p acket provid es control for the availabl e filt ers.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 61 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x83: Double Precision XYZ This pa cket provide s current GPS position fix in XYZ ECEF c oordinates .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 62 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command P acket 0xBB: Set Receiver Configuration In quer y mod e, packet 0xBB is sent with a singl e data by te and returns repor t packet 0xBB in the format shown below .
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 63 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A C CAUTION – The operatio n of ThunderBol t E can be af fected adversely if incorrect data is entered in the fields asso ciated with packet 0xBB.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 64 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide TSIP Superpackets Sever al pack ets ha ve been adde d to the cor e TSIP pro tocol to pr ovide addit ional capabilit y for th e receivers.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 65 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command Packet 0x8E-45: Revert Configur ation Segment to Default Settings and Write to NVS This co m.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 66 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command P acket 0x8E-4C: Write Configuration Segment to NVS This co mmand packet causes the current conf iguration set tings for the specified user segment ( or all segments ) to be writ ten to NV S.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 67 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command P acket 0x8E-A0: Set DAC V alue Us e co mmand packet 0x8E-A0 to set the DAC output voltage or to request the current DAC output voltage plus the parameters de scribing th e DAC.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 68 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command Packet 0x8E-A3: Issu e Oscillator Disciplining Command Use c ommand packet 0x8E-A3 to i ssue an osci llator di sciplining c ommand. The rec eiv er re sp ond s wi th p ac ket 0x8 F-A 3 in the sam e format as packet 0x8E-A3.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 69 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command P acket 0x8E-A4 T e st Mode 0 Data Format Command P acket 0x8E-A4 T e st 1 Mode 1Data Format Command P acket 0x8E-A4 T e st Mode 3 Data Format t_ot This field is the reference time-of-week for the A_0/A_1 parameters.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 70 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command Packe t 0x8E-A5: Packet Broadcast Mask Use c ommand packet 8E-A5 to set the pa ck et broad cast mask s or to requ est th e current mas k settings.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 71 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command Packet 0x8E-A8: Set or Request Disciplining P arameters This pa cket allows the user to change key disciplining p arameters in the receiver . It is usually intended to be used only wh en instructed by the factor y .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 72 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command Packet 0x8E-A8 T ype 0 Data F ormat Command Packet 0x8E-A8 T ype 1 Data F ormat 2 T ype A "2" in thi s field indicates that the packet contains Reco very Mode parameters.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 73 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command Packet 0x8E-A8 T ype 2 Data F ormat Command Packet 0x8E-A8 T ype 3 Data F ormat Command P acket 0x8E-A9: Self-Survey Par ameters Use command pack et 8E-A9 to set the self-sur vey paramet ers or to r equest the current se tti n gs .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 74 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Command P acket 8E -A9 Data Format Command Packet 0x8E-AB: R equest Primary T iming Packet Use command packet 0x8E-AB to request the Primar y T imin g packet 0x8F-AB.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 75 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Command P acket 0x8E-AC: Reques t Supplementary Timing P acket Use command packet 8E-AC to request the Supplem ental Timing packet 0x8F-AC.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 76 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Report P acket 0x8F-41: Stored Manufactur ing Operating P arameters This pa cket is sent in response to a command 0x 8E-41. Report Packet 0x8F-42: Stored Pr oduction Parameters This pa cket is sent in response to 0x8E-42.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 77 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x8F-A0: DAC V a lue This pa cket is sent in response to packet 0x8E-A 0. Report P acket 0x8F-A0 Data Format Report P acket 0x8F-A2: UTC/GPS Timing Th is p ack et is s ent in re sp ons e to com ma nd pack et 0x8E-A2.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 78 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide Report P acket 0x8F-A6: Self-Survey Command Th is p ack et is s ent in re sp ons e to com ma nd pack et 0x8E-A6. See the c orr esponding command packet for information ab out the data format.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 79 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report P acket 0x8F-AB Report Pa cket 0x8F-AC: Supplemental Timing Pac ket This packet provides supplemental timing information once per second.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 80 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide the accurate po sition the receiver is using to per form time-only fixes.
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 81 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A Report Packet 0x8F-A C • Bit 8: When 1, indicates that The receiver is operating in one of its test modes ( see packet 0x 8E- A4.) • Bit 9: When 1, indicates that the accuracy of the position used for time only fixes is questionab le.
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 82 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 5 Not used 6 Disci plining Disabled 3 Self-Survey Progress UINT8 0-100% 4-7 Holdover Duration UINT32 .
T rimble T hunder Bolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 83 T rimble Standard Interface Protocol A 28-31 DAC V oltage Single V olts 32-35 T emperature Single degrees C 36-43 Latitude Doub le radians .
A T rimble Standard Interface Pr otocol 84 T rimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide.
NORTH AMERICA T rimble Navigation Limited Corporate Headquarters 935 Stewart Drive Sunnyvale , CA 94086 +1-800-787-4225 +1-408-481-7741 timing@trimble .com EUROPE T rimble Navigation Europe Phone: +49-6142-2100-161 K OREA T rimble Export Ltd, K orea Phone: +82 2 555 5361 CHINA T rimble Navigation Ltd, China Phone: +86-21-6391-7814 www .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Trimble Outdoors 64057-00-ENG insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.