Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Strata CTX del fabbricante Toshiba
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Telecommunication Systems Division September 2002 CTX Attendant Console User Guide Digital Business T elephone Systems.
Publ icat ion In forma tion T oshiba Ameri ca I nformat ion Sys tem s, Inc. , T elecommun ica tion Sys t ems Divis i on, rese rves the r ig ht , wit hout p rior n otice , to r evis e this infor mation.
T oshiba America Information Systems, Inc. T elecommunication Systems Division Limite d W arranty T os h iba Am eri ca Inform at ion Syst ems, Inc. , ( “ TA I S ” ) warra nts that: • The C TX At.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/02 i Contents Introduction Conventions .... ........................... ........................... .................. ........................... .................iv Related Documen ts/Media ..........................
Contents Chapte r 3 – User D irectory ii Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 08/02 Call Transf er ..................... ........................... .................. ........................... ..................... .... 18 Blind Transf er ............
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/02 iii Introduction This gui de is desi gned to pr ovide inst ructions for the Stra ta CTX Attend ant Console connecte d to T oshi ba ’ s Str at a CTX s ystem . It p r ovide s step -by- step in struc tion s on how to use the fe atures and bu ttons of the Att endant scree ns.
Introduction Conve ntions iv Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 08/02 Conventi ons Conventions Descrip tion Note Elaborat es specif ic item s or ref erences ot her inf ormation. W ithin some ta bles, general notes apply to the entir e table and numbered not es apply t o specifi c items.
Introduction Related Do cu me nts /M edi a Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/02 v Related Documents/Media Note Some document s liste d here may app ear in dif feren t versio ns on the CD-R OM or i n prin t.
Introduction Related Documents/Media vi Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 08/02.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 1 The Grand T our 1 This chap ter de scribes the S trata CTX Atten dant Consol e, menu optio ns and keyboard . It provi des genera l instr uctions f or PC keyboar d opera tions and for navigat ing throu gh the scr eens an d dialog bo xes.
The Grand T our 2 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 The S trata CTX Atten dant Consol e is provided on a PC with Mic rosoft ® W indows ® 2000 oper ating sys tems. It co nnects to the S trata CTX pr ocessor vi a the LAN as a Customer Su pported T elephony Applic ation (CST A).
The Grand T our Attendant Key s Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 3 Attend ant K eys Nume ric K eypad PC K EY A TTENDANT K EY D ESCRIPTION Minus (–) +ROG5HWULH YH H old or R etrieve a call Plus (+) $QVZHU 7 U DQVIHU%OLQG Answer or Blind T ransfer .
The Grand T our Attendant Keys 4 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Specia l Functio n Keys PC K EY A TTENDANT K EY D ESCRIPTION INSER T 'LDO Brings up the dial men u (you ca n then us e the arrow keys to select a diali ng option ). Pg Up 1H[W7 D E Navigatio n tool that s tarts with th e Call List V iew , then moves from tab to tab.
The Grand T our Attendant Key s Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 5 Functi on and V olume Key s Note If you pl ace all the key st ickers on your keyboa rd, you will have some l eftover sticke rs.
The Grand T our V iews and Co ntrols 6 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 V iews and Controls The V iew Pane c ontains i cons for Call Monitor , User Direc tory , Contr ol Panel, a nd Administr ation views. Cl icking a n icon act ivates t he corres ponding work area view .
The Grand T our Vi ews and Con trols Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 7 Menu Bar The menu bar for the CTX At tendant c onsists of the Conso le, Call, Di rectory , St atistic s, Messages, V iew , and Help menu s. T ool bars The tool bar contai ns icons f or call handling ( shown below) .
The Grand T our V iews and Co ntrols 8 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Info Bar The Info Bar is on t he top of Call List V iew . The Inf o Bar disp lays the n umber of incoming calls at the moment, LCD messa ge and the l ast Park Orbit number .
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 9 Call Processing 2 Many of the call ing featu res in this cha pter tak e advantage of th e “ ho t ” keyboard. When you start typing th e name or exte nsion num.
Call Pro cessing Answer ing a Ca ll (Incom ing Call) 10 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Answering a Call (Inco ming Call ) ➤ T o an swer the hi ghest ringi ng call, press $QV ZHU (+) key on the keyboard ...or cli ck the $QV ZHU icon ...or d ouble click o n the entr y .
Call Pro cessing Relea si ng a Call Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 11 ➤ T o answer a spec ific cal l ➤ Highligh t the cal l using t he Up/Down arr ows on your ke yboard, th en press $QV ZH U .
Call Pro cessing Making a Call 12 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Making a Cal l ➤ T o dial using the Keyboard ➤ T ype the numbe r on the numeri c keypad, press 5HO HDVH 7 U DQV IHU (Ent er) on t he keyboard . Note If the console i s idle when you dial, the d ial pad a ppears (s hown below).
Call Pro cessing Maki ng a Call Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 13 ➤ T o dial a Speed Dia l Number Note See “ F eature Keys T ab ” on page 41 to store Speed Dial numbers.
Call Pro cessing Making a Call 14 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 BLF/DSS Dial ing The Busy Lamp Field/Dir ect S t ati on Select ion (BLF/ DSS) tab provi des a li st of users, their extension s, and tel ephone sta tus (icons) . Y ou can make c alls from this tab.
Call Pro cessing Maki ng a Call Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 15 ➤ T o make a consultat ion transf er fr om the BLF/DSS ta b 1. W it h a connect ed call, cli ck on the de stination p arty . Y our cons ole shows “ Announce ” and you can a nnounce the call.
Call Pro cessing Making a Call 16 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Dir ec to ry Diali ng The D i recto ry tab lists th e names , exte n sions , sta tu s, V oice Ma il (VM ) box, a nd additi onal phone n umbers of ev eryone in the direc tory . Th e status icons are the same as the BLF/DSS.
Call Pro cessing Hold Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 17 Hold ➤ T o Hold a call ➤ T o retrieve a held ca ll ➤ T o put t he curren t call on hold, pres s +ROG5HWULHY H ...or cli ck o n t he +ROG icon. Y ou can a lso se lect an activ e call in the call li st, th en select Call > Hold .
Call Pro cessing Call T ra nsfer 18 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Call T ran sfer Blind T ran sfer Blind tr ansfe r is whe n you per form an immediat e tra nsfer without an noun cing t he call to the desti natio n party .
Call Pro cessing Confe renc e Ca ll s Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 19 ➤ T o transfer a ca ll to V oi ce Mail Confer ence Call s Joining a nd Splittin g a Call ➤ T o add another de stination par ty to the c onfer ence with the At tendant ➤ T o spli t a three-w ay co n ference call 1.
Call Pro cessing Messa ge W a itin g 20 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 ➤ T o releas e the last party fr om a confer encing call Switchin g Betwee n Source a nd De stination Par ties Note Y ou can switc h betwee n Source and Destinat ion parti es when two c alls are confere nced toget her with t he Attendant .
Call Pro cessing Messa ge Wai ting Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 21 ➤ T o cancel a messag e waiting l ight on a te lephone ➤ T o reply t o a message wai ting call 1. Press 1H [W7 DE on t he keyboard to acc ess Call Monito r V iew . 2. Use the up or down arr ows on the ke yboard to s elect the mes sage.
Call Pro cessing Paging 22 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Paging Y ou can make pagi ng anno uncements t o a primary or alternat e page zone . See you r System Administra tor for a definit ion of th e page zone areas. Note Y ou can as sign one of the funct ion keys ( ) ~ ) on your keybo ard) as the 3DJ H key .
Call Pro cessing Call Pickup Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 23 Call Pickup Call pic k up pro vides a va riety of ways for ca lls rin ging at ot her stat ions to be picked up at th is loc ation. Some o f these opti ons re quire additi onal d igits to be entered t o select the CO line , a group, or st ation.
Call Pro cessing Call Do or Phones 24 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Call Door Phones Note Y ou can as sign one of the funct ion keys ( ) ~ ) on your keybo ard) as the 'RRU3KR QH icon. See “ Fe ature Keys T ab ” on page 41 .
Call Pro cessing Door Unlock Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 25 Door Unlock Calls f rom Door Phones appear as a call in t he call wi ndow . These cal ls can be answered in the same way any othe r call i s handled. S ome CTX installat ions prov ide the abi lity to u nlock the door with the Do or Unlock ic on.
Call Pro cessing Call Park 26 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Call Park Note Y ou can as sign one of the funct ion keys ( ) ~ ) on your keybo ard) as the 3DU N or 3D U N 3D J H key . See “ Feature Keys T ab ” on page 41 . ➤ To P a r k a c a l l ➤ T o retriev e a park e d cal l 1.
Call Pro cessing Status Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 27 Status The funct ions and de scripti ons fo r the Atte ndant status are as f ollows: FUNCTIONS D ESCR IPTION Position Active/Bu sy Enable s you to set Position Bu sy or Pos ition Acti ve. Day/Ni ght Mode Enables y ou to set Day , Day 2 , or Nigh t Mode.
Call Pro cessing Status 28 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 ➤ T o change Console, Ove rflow , Night Mode or Call Forward (C F) Destina tion St a t u s ➤ T o fix a Br oken Database Li nk ➤ T o change Date and T ime 1. Right cl ick on the current time showing .
Call Pro cessing Messag es T ab Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 29 Message s T ab This T ab enables you t o view exis ting messag es or a dd a new messag e for a pe rson list ed in the Direc t o ry .
Call Pro cessing Messa ges T a b 30 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 ➤ T o Retrieve Me ssages for a user When the user cal ls the Att endant console, the Message T ab aut omaticall y pops up and that user ’ s messages will be list ed in the l eft hand box.
Call Pro cessing Contact s T ab Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 31 Contacts T ab This tab provid es the compl ete contact listi ng for one i ndividual on the sc reen. The only it em that can be chang ed from any At tendant p osition i s the Note s field.
Call Pro cessing Contacts T ab 32 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 33 User Directory 3 Y ou can creat e/add/de lete use rs to the Director y . The User Di rectory Li st view al so enables any Att end ant to view the emp loy ees and gr oups in th e use r directo ry (s hown below). The left si de of the list (Pg .
User Directory Contacts T ab 34 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 The fo llowing ope rations are allo wed in the d irector y list: • Clickin g the co lumn heading of the li st view s orts the entries in ascendi ng order . Clickin g the co lumn heading again sor ts the en trie s in desce nding order .
User Direc tory User Directory Dialog Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 35 User Dire ctory Dialo g The user di re ctory dia log ena bles you to vi ew a sin gle direc tor y en tr y . Onl y the Note s can be ch anged, unles s you are a n Administrat or .
User Directory User Directory Dialo g 36 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 The fiel ds are t he same as de scribed i n the User Director y view . The fo llowing ar e buttons found on th e User Dire ctory Form di alog box.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 37 Control Panel 4 This chap ter e xplains ho w to set th e conso le contro l featur es, suc h as sett ing a Call Forward de stinati on, night t ime call handling, e tc. Console control features are general ly those t hat you se t at the begi nning and e nd of your s hift.
Control Panel Cont rol P a nel Vi ew 38 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Control Panel V iew The contr ol panel v iew contai ns the Stat us and Feat ure Keys t abs.
Con tro l Pan el Control Pa nel Vi ew Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 39 Status T ab The stat us tab ena bles yo u to view an d edit det ails of the status b ar items.
Control Panel Cont rol P a nel Vi ew 40 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Call Forward (CF) Sett ings The Call F orward (CF) menu sele ctions a re creat ed or set from the Cont rol Panel . ➤ T o create Call Forward me nu items Date/ Time The Date a nd T ime can be set usin g the PC ’ s intern al clock.
Con tro l Pan el Control Pa nel Vi ew Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 41 Featur e Keys T ab This tab enable s you to as sign dial ing sequen ces to the keys ) ~ ) on your keyboard . Numbers that you freque ntly appen d, such as di aling pr efixes or area code s, can be st ored onto these keys .
Control Panel Cont rol P a nel Vi ew 42 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 43 Administration 5 This cha pter d iscusses th e featur es of the S trata CTX Atte ndant Consol e that a pply to the A dm inistr ator . Maintenan ce and admini strati on of the CTX Attendant Console is thro ugh the Control Panel, Use r Directo ry , and Admini strati on work area views.
Administration Adminis tration V iew 44 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Administration V iew The Adminis tration view provid es a view of administ rative s ettings. It contai ns the Admin, Primar y & Alternate, and User & Dept . tabs. Admin T ab ➤ T o ac cess the Administra tion T ab, click the Admini strati on icon.
Administration Adminis tration V iew Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 45 The Admin T ab contains th e followi ng sectio ns: Notes • The A d mini strat or can chang e all the abov e sett ings. • The Operat or/Atten dant can c hange only PC lev el setti ngs.
Administration Adminis tration V iew 46 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Primar y/Alter nate T ab Enab les t he A dmin istrat or to set o ne a nd o nly o ne P rimar y an d/or m ulti ple A ltern ates for Door Unlock, Door Phone, Pagi ng Zone ’ s and Pi ckup Locati on.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 47 User & De pt . T ab Enables t he Administ rator t o setup Logi n User Setu p Operatio n and Depart ment Name Setup Ope ration. The maxi mum length of Login Name and pas sword is 50 charact ers each . Ther e are tw o types of acce ss: Adm inist rator and Oper ator ri ght s.
Administration Backup Log Files 48 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Backup Lo g Files This is an admini strati ve functi on that i s not perfor med from the Administrat ion window . Log f iles are useful for t roublesh ooting. The CTX Attendant log file s are unrelat ed to the Database Ut ility .
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 09/02 49 Appendix – Call List The call list vi ew provides a list of calls and related informati on. The foll owing attr ib utes of a cal l are d ispla ye d in th e col.
Appendix – Call List Backup Log Files 50 Strat a CTX Atte ndant Consol e 09/02 Reason Directed Cal l The call is a direct di al call to th e PDN. Dial 0 The cal l is dialed directly to the opera tor . Call Forward (Busy , No An swer , Busy/No Ans wer , Unconditi onal) - The call has been forwa rded to the Attendant.
Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/0 2 51 Index A about th is book conventi ons, iv relate d doc ument s, v activa te incoming call , 45 add new use r icon, 7 administ ration, 43 , 44 , 46 administ ration v iew admi n tab, 44 prim ary/a ltern ate tab , 44 user and dept.
Index D ~ I 52 Strata CTX At tendant Console 08/02 called number, 45 calle r ID, 12 , 45 call f orward, 28 create menu i tems, 40 cance l cancel msg waiting i con, 7 message wai ting, 13 CF (see ca ll.
Ind ex J ~ P Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/0 2 53 hold, 7 join/ split, 7 paging, 7 park , 7 pickup, 7 reconnec t databas e, 7 relea se, 7 set m sg wait ing, 7 source, 7 unlock do or, 7 user di rect.
Index R ~ T 54 Strata CTX At tendant Console 08/02 park a call, 26 icon, 7 page, 26 pickup, 23 altern ate, 23 icon, 7 positi on act ive, 27 busy, 27 , 45 prim ary cal l p ickup , 23 page zone , 22 pri.
Ind ex U ~ V Strata CTX Attendant Conso le 08/0 2 55 U unlock do or altern ate, 25 icon, 7 prim ary, 25 user & dept . tab administ ration, 47 user di rectory v iew, 33 V view pane , 6 views admini.
Index V ~ V 56 Strata CTX At tendant Console 08/02.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Toshiba Strata CTX è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Toshiba Strata CTX - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Toshiba Strata CTX imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Toshiba Strata CTX ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Toshiba Strata CTX, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Toshiba Strata CTX.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Toshiba Strata CTX. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Toshiba Strata CTX insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.