Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto V.32bis Series del fabbricante Telenetics
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RD TR RI/OH TD CD R C/NC 3260 12 Telenetics 326X V .34, V .34-SDC, and V .32bis Series Modem User’ s Guide.
Notice ©2001 T elenetics Corporation 25111 Arctic Ocean Lake For est, Ca liforni a 92630 (949) 45 5-4000 All rights rese rv ed Printed in U.S.A. Restricted Rig hts Notificat ion f or U .S. Go vernment Users The soft ware (i ncludi ng f irmware) add ressed in thi s manu al is provide d to th e U.
Notice (contin ued) Propriet ary Ma terial Informat ion and s oftw are in t his do cument are propri etary to T elenetics Co rporation (or its Supplie rs) and without the ex press prior per mission of.
This p roduct is CE marked to indicate c ompliance w ith the f oll owing Eur opean direct ives. • 73/23/EEC Lo w V oltage Directiv e (Safety) • 89/ 336/EEC EEC Direct i v e Compliance with the ab .
Cont ents v Chapter 1, About t he Modem Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 1-2 Safety and Ope rational Notices .......... .................. .................. ........
vi Contents (continued) Using the Modem with a Net work Management Syst em (NMS) ... ......... 3-7 Using the A T Automat ic Calling Unit (A CU) ........................ .................. 3-8 Other Call Establi shment Methods .........................
vii Contents (c ontinued) The Escape Sequ ence—(+++) ........... ........................... .................. ......... 5-5 Non-Conf igura tion A T Commands .... .................. .................. .................. 5-6 S-Re gisters ..... .....
viii Contents (continued) 3265 Dial Only Modem ............ .................. ........................... .................. C-14 3266 Modem (Leased Lin e with Dial Restoral ) ............ .................. ......... C-16 Rear P anel Int erface P inouts .
ix Contents (c ontinued) Glossary Return Procedures Equipment Retu rn Procedur es ................ .................. .................. .................. ret-2 Expiration of Leas e ............................ .................. .................. .
xi Usin g th e D ocum ent ati on S et Over vie w The 326X pro duct document atio n set includes the 326X V .34 S eries Mo dem Refer ence Car d (TEL–T0009-01) .
xii Using the Do cumentation Set (continued) Documentation T ar get A udience The doc umentat ion set a ssumes t hat y ou are famili ar wit h the basic concept s of d ata communic ations, t hat you a re an oper ator on ly , and that you wi ll not be servi cing th e modem hardw are (other than making initi al cabli ng connect ions).
xiii Using the Do cumentation Set ( continued) 326X V .34 Ser ies Modem User ’ s Guide ( TEL–T00 09) This Us er’ s Guide provides t he in format ion nee ded to in stall, configur e, and o pera te the modem. Chap ter ou tlin es are as follo ws: Chapter 1, About the Mod em , introduc es the modem’ s featu res.
xiv Using the Do cumentation Set (continued) 326X Series Modem Reference Guide ( TEL–09925) A v ailabl e as a n optional order item, t he 326X Seri es Modem Re fer ence Guide is designed fo r user s who req uire mor e deta il on oper ating the mode m’ s conf ig urat ion options and diagn ostic self- tests.
xv Using the Do cumentation Set ( continued) Con v entions The foll o w ing con ventions are used in this manual : • User ent ries a ppear as follo ws: AT * T<CR > • System messages appear as fo llo ws: NO CARRIER • A carria ge retu rn ap pears a s fol lo ws: <CR>.
xvi Using the Do cumentation Set (continued) Messages spéciaux Les messag es sui vants me ttent en val eur ce rtain es inf ormations dans l e guide. Chacun d’eux rempl it une fon ction spéci ale et es t affiché dans le for mat indiqu é.
xvii Using the Do cumentation Set ( continued) A visos Especiales Los sigui entes av isos hacen hincap i é en determinada información de la guía. Cada uno de ellos tiene un propósito especial y apa recen con el formato siguiente: IMPOR T ANTE: Impor tante se util iza pa ra enfati zar cual quier in formaci ón de procedimiento importante.
Telenetics Customer Inform ation xix Intr oduction U.S.A. customers who ha ve ques tions abo ut T elenetics p roducts or s ervice s should refer to the foll o wing secti ons. Non-U. S.A. cu stomer s sho uld contac t their loc al T elenetics subsidia ry o f fice or distributo r.
xx T elenetics Custo mer Inf ormatio n (cont in ued) F or serv ice, if your unit is under w arrant y and/o r you ha ve a service con trac t : Call (94 9) 455- 4000.
About the Modem 1-1 About the Modem Chapter 1 About the Modem Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 1-2 Safety and Ope rational Notices .......... ...............
1-2 About the Mode m About the Modem Intr oductio n This chapte r summarizes the featur es and options of the 326 X Series Modem. Th e series in cludes : • The 326X V .32bis Series Modem, which operat es in V .32bis mod ulation mode • The 326X FA S T Series Modem, wh ich can operate i n V .
About the Modem 1-3 About the Modem Figure 1-1. 326X Serie s Modem, Standalone Desktop Model Safety and Operational Notices Repair Wa r n i n g Do not attempt to repai r the modem or en closure. Th ey contain no electr onic c omponents that can be s ervic ed or repl aced b y a user .
1-4 About the Mode m About the Modem Lightning Wa r n i n g All T eleneti cs devi ces shoul d be us ed in e nvironme nts de signed for computers and el ectro nic equipme nt. In areas suscept ible to lightni ng, take pr ecaut ions t o prevent damage to elect ronic equipment .
About the Modem 1-5 About the Modem Selecting Programmed Option Sets Option sets mak e it easy to use a modem with common applicat ions, incl uding: • Asynchrono us and synch ronous answeri ng • Asynchrono us and synch ronous diali ng • Leased line with dial restoral operation F our sets of option s are stored in non v olati le memory .
1-6 About the Mode m About the Modem In lease d line op eration, whi le conn ected on the dial line , the modem can moni tor for LPD A2 commands in the data st ream. If the loca l modem detects an LPD A2 command, the fr ame that is be ing pro cessed is abo rted.
About the Modem 1-7 About the Modem V .34 Modulation Mode C haracteristics V .34 modulat ion mode charac teri stic s are as f ollo ws. Data Rate : 2.4, 4.8, 7.2, 9. 6, 12.0, 14. 4, 16.8, 19. 2, 21.6, 24. 0, 26. 4, 28.8, 31. 2, and 33.6 kbp s Baud Rate : 2 400, 2743, 3000, 3200 , and 3429 .
1-8 About the Mode m About the Modem Remote Configur ation Using the loca l front pan el, an NMS, or local-mod em A T A CU, you can co nf ig ure a rem ot e modem. Y ou can al so read t he remote mode m's status s napshot s and rece i ve its conf igur ation summary o n a f ront panel o r async termin al.
About the Modem 1-9 About the Modem Adaptive Rate Sys tem W ith the Adapt i v e Rate S ystem enabl ed, the 326X Series Modem con tinuousl y optimi zes its tra nsmit sp eed with in the V .34, V .32bis, V .32 (cod ed and uncoded ), and V .22bis modulati on modes.
Install ing the Modem 2-1 Installing the Modem Chapter 2 Installing the Modem Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 2-2 Unpacking the Modem ......................
2-2 Installing the Modem Installing the Modem Intr oductio n This chapte r describes ho w to ins tall and conn ect a 326X Series Mod em. In this chapter , you: • Unpack the modem • Choose an appro.
Install ing the Modem 2-3 Installing the Modem Unpac kin g the Mo dem The modem i s wrapp ed in reus able s hock-absor bent pa cking materi al. Sa v e the carton and p acking mate rial for lat er reu se. T elenetics s upplies the items s ho wn in Figure 2- 1 with the modem.
2-4 Installing the Modem Installing the Modem Additional Equi pment Require d In addition to the items supplied with the modem, you may n eed the foll owing: • Communicati ons Sof twar e P acka g e Many mode m appli catio ns are contro lled b y communi catio ns sof tware t hat support s serial commu nicat ion s.
Install ing the Modem 2-5 Installing the Modem Conn ectin g the Modem Rear P a nel Connector s Figures 2-2 and 2-3 sho w 3260/ 3265 and 3 261/326 6 standalo ne modem re ar pane ls.
2-6 Installing the Modem Installing the Modem Figure 2-3. 3261/ 3266 Modem Rear Panel La y o ut Electri cal Interfac es—EIA/TI A-232 and ITU-TS V .35 Caution Ensure t hat the ele ctrical inte rf aces of the eq uipment yo u connect to the modem are compat ible.
Install ing the Modem 2-7 Installing the Modem Ferrite Cylinders Ferrit e c ylinder s or beads insta lled on cabl es f ilt er out line d isturban ces. The y a re requir ed on some 326X mo dels in som e cou ntries, as desc ribed in t his secti on. Caution Instal l cables wit h the ferrite end adjacent to the modem.
2-8 Installing the Modem Installing the Modem Install ing a Ferrite Cylinder on an A udio or Ne twor k Management Ca ble Do th e following for each ca ble : 1) Snug ly wr ap the cabl e twice completely a round the cylind er (F igure 2- 5). 2) Set th e cable into the cylinde r cut outs.
Install ing the Modem 2-9 Installing the Modem Install ing a Ferrite Cylinder on a P ower Cable Do the follo wing for eac h p ower cable of a Modular Nes t enclosure populated with 326 7 and 3268 V .34 Modems . 1) Snug ly wr ap the cabl e once completel y around the cyli nder ( Figure 2-6).
2-10 Instal ling the Modem Installing the Modem Importa nt Inf ormation About the Modular Nest En closur e Fr ont Doo r Wa r n i n g F or safety , the enc losur e front door should re main clos ed and lock ed at all ti mes unless you are insta lling, r emovin g, or conf iguring product car ds.
Installin g the Modem 2-11 Installing the Modem Cabling the Modem This secti on exp lains ho w to connect the mod em to: 1) A PC or DTE (as ynchronous o r synch ronous termin al) 2) A d ial te lephone.
2-12 Instal ling the Modem Installing the Modem Figure 2-7. 3260/3265 Mode m Cabling Figure 2-8. 3261/3266 Modem Cab ling AC Outlet Dial/ Lease d Line Jack 3 T ele phone Cable Power Cord EIA/TIA 232-D Inte rf ace Ca ble Dial/ Lease d T elep hone Line 1 2 4 Step 1 : Install ferrite c y lind ers as expl ained in thi s chapter .
Installin g the Modem 2-13 Installing the Modem Connecting the Modem to a Netw ork Management System 326X Serie s Modems can be con nected to the foll owing T elenet ics systems: • 9110 NMS (Fi gure 2-9) • 9000-PC (Fi gure 2-10) • 9000-UX( Figure 2- 10) Use the modem ’ s NC IN and NC OUT 8-pi n DIN conn ectors f or NMS conne ctions.
2-14 Instal ling the Modem Installing the Modem T o con nect multiple modems in a dais y chain c onf igura tion , r efer to Figure 2 -11. Figure 2-11. Connecting Modems in a Daisy Chain Conf igurat ion T o atta ch modem enclosur e ca rds to an NMS, re fer to t he adde ndum , 326X Series Modem Car ds , shipped with t he modem ba ckplan e.
Installin g the Modem 2-15 Installing the Modem A utom atic Self-T est When you app ly po wer to the modem, it auto matica lly run s a self-t est th at chec ks for and id entifies faul ts in the modem ’ s circuits. After di splaying t he messa ge SELF- TEST , the front modem displays one of the messages sho wn in T able 2-1.
Getting St arted 3-1 Getting Star ted Chapter 3 Getting Star ted Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 3-2 System Requi rements f or Soft ware Upgrad es .........
3-2 Getting Started Getting Star ted Intr oductio n This chapte r has thr ee part s: • System Requi rement s for Softw are Upgrad es • Conf igur ing and Oper ating the Modem • Other Cal l Establi shment Me thods System Requireme nts f or Software Upgrades This section e xplains th e prer equisi tes for an upgra de to 7 .
Getting St arted 3-3 Getting Star ted IMP OR T AN T : T o use the fr ont panel k e ys, the modem mus t be connected to a n AC power sour ce, the r ear panel power switch must be turned on, and r ear panel DIP Switc hes # 3 and #6 must be set to the Off (up) po siti on.
3-4 Getting Started Getting Star ted Fr ont P anel Display The front panel has a 16-char acter alphanumer ic LCD displ ay (see Figure 3-2 or 3-3). Y ou acce ss the configur ation menu tree through t h.
Getting St arted 3-5 Getting Star ted Navigating the Configuration Menu T ree This sect ion desc ribes the mod em menu tr ee struct ur e . It e xplain s ho w to ac cess parameters using the fr ont pan el contr ol ke ys. Menu Structure The menu struc ture consist s of fif teen categor ies , which appear in cap ital le tters.
3-6 Getting Started Getting Star ted Example: Acc essing a Conf iguration Option T o selec t a pr edef ined conf igura tion o ptio n se t: 1) From the Dat a 9600 T/D? di splay , pres s until Select Options=1 di splays . 2) Press to display Select Op tions:2 , Select Optio ns:3 , or Se lect Op tions: 4.
Getting St arted 3-7 Getting Star ted Operating S tatus Displ ays The DTE19. 2 RELIABL and Ph ase Jitter sub cate gorie s let you vie w modem operati ng statu s.
3-8 Getting Started Getting Star ted Using the A T A utomatic Calling Unit ( ACU) T o con nect the modem to an asynchr onous terminal — a ter minal wi thout sof tware — or a PC running an async hr onous communicat ions sof twar e package , you use the mod em ’ s AT Automatic Callin g Unit ( ACU) interfa ce.
Getting St arted 3-9 Getting Star ted Using the Modem with a PC and Async Comm unications Software When using th e modem with a PC, you need communi cati ons or te rminal emulatio n softw are.
3-10 Getting Started Getting Star ted Other Call Establishmen t Methods In addit ion t o the c onf igu ration a nd operation m ethods in this c hapt er, the modem support s other methods to est abli sh and manage te lephone con necti ons: • V.
Getting Started 3- 11 Getting Star ted Sync Dia li ng f r om an IBM AS 400 The modem can b e con fig ured to operate as a synchro nous ori ginate mod em with the IBM AS 400 . The AS 400 s upport s switched ope ration wi th cal l origina tion v ia a V .
Conf igu ring the Modem 4-1 Configuring the Modem Chapter 4 Configu ring the Modem Contents Over vie w ............. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 4-2 Communicati ons Softwar e Package Operating Notes .
4-2 Con f iguring t he Modem Configuring the Modem Over vie w This chapte r exp lains ho w to config ure the modem, in conjunc tion with Chapter 3, Getti ng Star ted.
Conf igu ring the Modem 4-3 Configuring the Modem What to Select in the Communicatio ns Softwar e Packa ge’ s Modem Menu List 1) Select T eleneti cs 3260 Mo dem , Codex 3260 Modem , Motor ola 3260 Modem , or another 3260 opti on from the pac kage ’ s modem list.
4-4 Con f iguring t he Modem Configuring the Modem Dir ect Oper ating Mode If you se lect Mo de =Direct (EC/ DC OPT ’ S cate gory): • Spee d conv ers ion an d flow con trol a re no t sup porte d. I f the commun icati ons package do es not s upport speed d etect, change the 326X ’ s modulation mode to A uto V .
Conf igu ring the Modem 4-5 Configuring the Modem 326X FA S T V .34 and 3 26X FA S T -SDC Notes The in format ion in thi s sect ion appli es when operatin g at the hig her DTE rates a v ail able with the 326 X FA S T V .34 and 326X FA S T -SD C Seri es Modem s.
4-6 Con f iguring t he Modem Configuring the Modem Configuratio n Option Sets This secti on discusses th e modem ’ s preconf igured opti on sets, i n thre e parts: • What is an Optio n Set? • Ho w to Conf igu re an Opt ion Set • Opti on Set De faults — 326X V .
Conf igu ring the Modem 4-7 Configuring the Modem Option Set Descriptions—326X V .32bis and V .34 Modems Opti on Se t 1—Asyn c Call s to Cen tral Site Usin g the A T A CU W ith Option Se t 1, the modem communic ates o v er dial lines using an a synchronous data format .
4-8 Con f iguring t he Modem Configuring the Modem Option Set 4—Async Ans wering Central Site Wit hout an A CU (Models 3260/ 62/65/67) Option Set 4 sat isf ies the nee ds of an asynch ronous app licati on where mos t calls are inbound ( see T able 4-1 ).
Conf igu ring the Modem 4-9 Configuring the Modem W ith this opti on se t, th e loca l and remot e modem s are conf igured for SDC ope ration. The modems def a ult to Fast Call =Lvl3, and use LAPM e rror cor rection w ith modif ied V .42bis data compre ssion .
4-10 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem In this opt ion set, the local and remote mo dems are conf igured for SDC operation. The modems def a ult to Fast Call =Lvl3, and use LAPM e rror cor rection w ith modif ied V .42bis data compre ssion .
Conf iguring the Modem 4-1 1 Configuring the Modem F r om the Mode m’ s F r ont P anel: 1) Identi fy the opt ion set that most clos ely suits the ap plicati on. The de fault is 1 . 2) Display t he opt ion(s ) you w ant to mo dify using and . Fo rexample , to chan ge Max Rate from 2400 t o 7200, dis play Max Rate: 7200 .
4-12 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem RESTORA L OPT’S (m odems wit hout the r estora l function d isplay only th e HOLD DIALINE op tion) Restore Of f Of f Of f Off FP/Auto L t o D L ow.
Conf iguring the Modem 4-1 3 Configuring the Modem TERMINAL OPT’S DTE Rate* Auto 14.4/28.8 14 .4/28.8 19.2 14.4/28.8 Flow XON/X OFF XON/XOFF XON/XOFF XON/X OFF XON/XOFF Speed Con ver On On On On On DTR High 108.
4-14 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem T ab le 4-4. Option Set Defau lts—326X-SDC V .34 Modem Option Option Set 1 Option Set 2 Option Set 3 Option S et 4 (3261/63 /66/68) MOD OP T’S Line Dial Dial Dial 2W Lease Mod V .34 Aut o V .34 Auto V .
Conf iguring the Modem 4-1 5 Configuring the Modem Answer Country-specif ic Country-specif ic Country-specif ic Country-specifi c Async Echo On On On On C h a r L e n g t h 1 01 01 01 0 V25 Char ASCII ASCII ASCII ASC II Sync Idle Cha r Char Char Char V25 Resp V25bis V25bis V2 5bis V25bis Par ity V .
4-16 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem 326X V .32bi s and 326X FA S T Modem Application Examples This section p r ovides ap plica tion examples fo r each option set, a nd not es options you may need to chan ge from f actory d efa ult sett ings for ea ch opt ion set.
Conf iguring the Modem 4-1 7 Configuring the Modem Option Set 1—Async Cal ls to Central Sit e Using A T A CU Changing Default Configuration Settings Depending on appli cation requir ements, you may .
4-18 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Option Set 2—Sync Answering Central Site Wi t hout A CU Changing Default Configuration Settings Depending on appli cation requir ements, you may need t o change the fo llo wing: • In Option Set 2, the def ault for net wor k timing is Clock =I nternal (A T&X, MODULA TION OPTS ca t egory).
Conf iguring the Modem 4-1 9 Configuring the Modem Synchr onous Dialing from an IBM AS 400 The modem operat es as a synchronou s origina te modem with the IBM AS 400. Set the m odem to Optio n Set 3— no recon f igurat ion from thi s Optio n Set is necessar y .
4-20 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Option Set 4—Synchr onous Leased Line Ap plications with Dial Restoral (Models 3261/6 3/66/68 ) Changing Default Configuration Settings Depending .
Conf iguring the Modem 4-2 1 Configuring the Modem 326X FA S T -SDC Modem A ppli cati on Exa mple s This section p r ovides ap plica tion examples fo r each SDC option set, and not es options you may ne ed to change from f actory default setting s for eac h option set.
4-22 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Configuring the Mo dem f or SDC O peration Y ou can con f igure t he 326X FA S T -SDC Mod em for SD C in one of the se ways: • Select Op tion Se t.
Conf iguring the Modem 4-2 3 Configuring the Modem When use d as a restoral de vice for T eleneti cs and Motorola 35XX DSU/CSUs (Fig ure 4-1 ), select S DC O ption Set 2 in the lo cal and re mote SDC Modems. This places t he modems in e xternal timing, as digit al servic es typi cally pro vide the net wor k timing.
4-24 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Figure 4- 2 sho ws a conf igura tion u sing an e xtern al A/B swi tch. Netw ork conf iguration (SDC Option Set 2) a nd operation is th e same as with an internal switc h.
Conf iguring the Modem 4-2 5 Configuring the Modem SDC Opti on Set 3—Sy nc Dial Onl y In a typi cal d ial appl icati on, a remote termi nal dials the host for f ile transf ers. Thi s allo ws remote use rs to dia l in as needed, with a higher th roughpu t than form erly attai nable o v er the PSTN.
4-26 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Bandwi dth On Demand Band widt h on demand is oft en requ ired t o support s poradi c peak loads . Wit h the SDC modem, you can ensure ful l netw ork a vaila bili ty and performance at lo w dial- up line cost s, wit hout ha ving to priorit ize users or ap plica tions.
Conf iguring the Modem 4-2 7 Configuring the Modem SDC Option Se t 4—Sync Leased Line with Dial Restoral; N o ACU (Models 32 61/63 /66/68 ) P oint-t o-P oint Lea sed Line A pplic ation with Dial Res.
4-28 Co nf igur ing the Modem Configuring the Modem Remote Access Reset Remote acc ess reset en ables someone un fami liar with t he A T command set to quickly conf igure a local mod em so that a nother modem can d ial int o it. Then you can us e the r emote m odem to con fi gure local m odem option s.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interf ace 5-1 Using the AT A C U Chapter 5 Using th e A T A utomatic Calling Interface Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 5-2 What is the Att ention ( AT) Command Set? .
5-2 Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface Using the AT A C U Intr oduction The 326 X Series Modem s upport s an asy nchrono us A T Automatic Ca llin g Interf ace (Auto -Call Unit or A CU), that is compa tible with the indus try-s tandar d AT com mand se t.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interf ace 5-3 Using the AT A C U What is th e Attention (A T) Com mand Set? The A T command set is a coll ection o f commands that le t yo u co n figure a modem direct ly from an asynchr onous terminal or PC ke yboar d.
5-4 Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface Using the AT A C U T o enter multiple A T commands on a si ngle command line: Multiple A T commands can be ent ered on a comma nd line using a singl e AT prefix . The modem ac cepts up to 60 ch aract ers aft er the pref ix.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interf ace 5-5 Using the AT A C U A utobaud Feature The m odem autom atical ly dete cts t he speed an d char acter format o f the f oll owin g A T commands issued from your DTE: • AT • at • A/ • a/ This me ans tha t an y A T command you issu e to the mode m will caus e the mod em to “ Autobaud .
5-6 Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface Using the AT A C U The es cape st ate i s ente red b y sendi ng the esc ape cha racte r thr ee cons ecuti ve ti mes. The es cape char acter i s sel ectable as any AS CII c haracte r. Its va lue is st ored i n S-Regi ster 2, and the de fault i s “ + ” (d ecimal 43).
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interf ace 5-7 Using the AT A C U This secti on addresses A T commands that do not cr oss-r efere nce to a front panel option. A/, Re-Execute Last Command This command re-e xecutes the l ast A T command str ing issu ed to t he modem, includi ng redial ing a t elephone number .
5-8 Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface Using the AT A C U If A TD is is sued while the modem is in escape mode or re mote conf iguration, the modem respon ds with: ERRO R NO TE: Any in v ali d chara cter s insert ed int o the di al st ring wi ll be ig nored.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interf ace 5-9 Using the AT A C U AT * RD , Redial Last Number Y ou may redi al a f ailed call n tim es us ing the A T * RD command. The modem redial s a call until a succ essful connec tion i s made, o r until t he call has bee n attem pted n time s.
5-10 Using the A T Automatic Call ing Interface Using the AT A C U Display S-Reg ister V alue (A T?) This command displ ays th e content s of the “ sele cted ” S-Reg ist er, as stor ed in vola ti le memory . The “ sel ected ” S-Re gist er is the last S- Re giste r that was acces sed usi ng an S-Re gist er command or the A TS n command.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface 5-1 1 Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 1—Ring Count This S-Re gist er coun ts the numbe r of rings in an inco ming tele phone call. If the modem is conf igure d to an swer (A T * AA, or Answer =S0), when S-Re gist er 1 ’ s v alue equa ls S-Re gister 0 ’ s v alu e, the modem ans wers t he call .
5-12 Using the A T Automatic Call ing Interface Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 5—Backspac e Character This S-Re gister determi nes the decimal v alue of the backsp ace charac ter . The defa ult setti ng, 08, tr anslate s to the ASCII <BS> (bac kspace ) character .
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface 5-1 3 Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 8—Pa use Ti me for Paus e Delay Dial Modif iers This S-Re gister deter mines ho w man y seconds the modem pauses while dialing when it encoun ters a K , k, “ , ” , or < dial modi f ier .
5-14 Using the A T Automatic Call ing Interface Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 11—DTMF T one Duration S-Register 11 de fines the duration/spacing o f tones (in milliseconds) in Dua l T one Multifr equenc y (DTMF) dialin g. This r e gister h as no mean ing unless t he T one Leng th option un der the DIAL ING OP T ’ S is set to S11.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface 5-1 5 Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 25—Delay Bef or e Looking f or DTR When DTR Delay =S25 (A T * DT), and AT F o r m =Sync Data (A T&M) or V25 Fo r m =As ynSync, the modem go es int o synchrono us data mode after the mode m dials a synchr onously .
5-16 Using the A T Automatic Call ing Interface Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 38—Disconnec t Buffer Delay S-Re giste r 38 determin es h ow long the modem proces ses buf fe red data when a disconne ct is in itia ted.
Using the A T Automatic Calling Interface 5-1 7 Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 97—Br eak Signal Duration Stor ed in Non vo latile Memory?: Ye s Statu s-On ly?: No Default: 0 (represents 1 second) Ra.
5-18 Using the A T Automatic Call ing Interface Using the AT A C U S-Regist er 98—A C Detect This S-Re gist er applies to V .32bis and V .34 operati ng modes. It enables and disables A C T one Prot ect, which is part of the modem ’ s training seq uence.
T roubl eshoot ing Gui de 6-1 T roubleshooting Chapter 6 T roub lesho oting Guide Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 6-2 T roubleshooting ........... .........
6-2 T roubleshoo ting G uide T roub leshooting Intr oductio n Most probl ems enc ountered whe n inst alling and usi ng the modem c an be c orrected if you care fully re ad and foll o w the instruc tions in the doc umentat ion.
T roubl eshoot ing Gui de 6-3 T roubleshooting 326X Series Mode m T r oub leshooting G uide Prob lem Diagnosis/T est P ossible Solution During inst allation: Modem won't power up Check A C po wer . Check modem' s po wer swi tch. Ensure A C outlet is act ive.
6-4 T roubleshoo ting G uide T roub leshooting Check the modem's line setting (A T&L). Ensure Lin e =Dial (A T&L0). Check that the TR LED on modem's fr ont p anel is ste ady on. If the TR LED is no t steady on , ensure the DTE is supplying DTR.
T roubl eshoot ing Gui de 6-5 T roubleshooting Cannot hear conn ection thr ough the speaker (stand-alone units ) Check Spea k er (A TM) option. I f the speaker is not on, turn it on.
6-6 T roubleshoo ting G uide T roub leshooting Data is garbled or l ost Check the modem ’ s flo w control settings. • Ensure that the DTE's flow control is the same as the modem se tting (for e xample, XON-XOFF , R TS/CTS).
T roubl eshoot ing Gui de 6-7 T roubleshooting CALL TERMINA TION Modem takes too long to disconnect Check to see if remote modem support s PSTN cle ardo wn. If remote mo dem doesn't support PSTN cleardo wn, try to change the setting of DCD Lo ss Disconnect (A T * CD) to a smaller num ber .
6-8 T roubleshoo ting G uide T roub leshooting Check whether mode m is set for Flow =Tx Cl k (A T * FL5) . If your DTE cannot handle Tx clock stoppi ng, set Flow =Of f ( A T * FL0 ) or use CTS flow con trol.
T roubl eshoot ing Gui de 6-9 T roubleshooting If operating the 326X Series Mo dem on a leased line, a nd you exp erience this type of problem... Modem won' t conn ect NO TE : C QMS pa ram ete rs a r e on ly valid on ce the modems ar e connected (in data mode) Check leased line cable for conformance to 2- or 4-wire pinouts (U.
6-10 T roublesho oting Gui de T roub leshooting 326X Series Modem Di agnostic Tests The modem supports loopback , bus y out, and retrain tests to assist you in is olating netw ork probl ems. Thes e tests analyz e the t elephone l ine a nd the loca l and r emote modem ’ s performance.
T roubleshootin g Guid e 6-11 T roubleshooting Initiating and T erminating T ests from the Modem’ s Front P anel T o initiate a test fr om the modem’ s fr ont panel : 1) Press until you reach the TEST OPTS categor y . 2) Press until you reach Te s t =End T est.
Conf igur ation Quick Ref erence A-1 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Appendix A Configu ration Quic k Reference Contents Conf igur ation Quic k-Referen ce — Menu T rees .......................... .................. A-2 For More Detail .............
A-2 Configuration Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce Configuration Q uic k -Ref erence—Menu T rees This appe ndix co ntains i nformat ion use ful for conf iguri ng and operatin g the mode m: • Conf iguration options and functi ons: — T able A-1 list s A T commands .
Conf igur ation Quick Ref erence A-3 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Figure A-1. The 326X S eries Modem Menu Structure - P ar t 1 of 4 KEY Coun try Sp ecif ic Option Option Inclu ded in Option Sets =.
A-4 Configuration Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce Figure A-2. The 326X S eries Modem Menu Structure - Part 2 of 4 KEY Country Specifi c Option Option Inclu ded in Option Sets == (A) (D).
Conf igur ation Quick Ref erence A-5 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Figure A-3. The 326X S eries Modem Menu Structure - Part 3 of 4 DTE Rate=Auto (1 ) Speed Conver=On (A) RTS=High (1) :Of f :Esc ape :Discon (4d) :Reset :T ail (2 SDC) :108.1 (3 SDC ) :108.
A-6 Configuration Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce Figure A-4. The 326X S eries Modem Menu Structure - Part 4 of 4 KEY Country Specific Option Option Inclu ded in Option Sets == (A) (D) .
Conf igur ation Quick Ref erence A-7 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Ta b l e A - 1 . A T Commands, Cross-Referenced to F ront Panel Optio n s AT Command P arameter & Option Description +++ — Escape Data Mode Enter comman d mode (does not require A T prefix or <CR>.
A-8 Configuration Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT I n — Display Softw ar e Infor mation (n = 0, 1, 2, 9) 0=disp lays 96 0 1=disp lays 00 0 2=dis plays OK 9=disp lays r eason fo r las t disc onnec t These messages are sen t with OK, when A T command proce ssing is compl ete.
Conf igur ation Quick Ref erence A-9 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT X 2 =2 The modem waits fo r dial tone and uses only NO CARRIER, CONNECT , CONNECT <Rate> and NO DIA LTONE r esult codes. AT X 3 =3 The m odem detects busy signal and uses NO CARRIER, CONNECT , CONNECT <Rate>, an d BUS Y result codes.
A-10 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce A T&D2 =Discon Th e modem hangs up and en ters comm and mode when an on- to-off DTR transitio n is detected , while the mode m is in data, test, or escape mode. If DTR is lo w , the modem does not auto answer .
Configuration Quick Reference A-11 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e A T&I3 Mod em ID# 1 Produc t code A T&I 4 Modem ID # 1 Network control ad dress (o pti ona l) A T&I5 Modem I D# 1 De vic.
A-12 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce CTS CTS Contr ol Determines ho w the m odem sets the CTS signal. The modem signa ls the DTE with CTS on EIA/TI A 232-D Pin 5 (V .
Configuration Quick Reference A-13 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e A T&W2 =2 Save changes to Opti on Set 2. A T&W3 =3 Save changes to Opti on Set 3. A T&W4 =4 Save changes to Opti on Set 4. Clock Clock Sets mod em timing a nd applie s to synch ronous a pplications o nly .
A-14 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * AP1 =On T he modem monitor s telepho ne line signal qu ality and ne gotiates the highest possible rate for a modem ’ s modu latio n mode . Y ou m ust enable Ret rai n (A T * R T) to use the Adapti ve Rate.
Configuration Quick Reference A-15 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * AS1 =Always A dial call is always answered. As so on as the dial call i s answered, the leas ed line connection is dropped (with auto-answerin g, the leased line is dropped after the correct num ber of rings).
A-16 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * CM0 Con Msg =DTE Rate Connect Me ssage Selecting DTE Rate results in the current DTE rate being displayed on your terminal after the connect messag e.
Configuration Quick Reference A-17 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * DB3 =S38 T his setting allows the timer to start im mediately upon detection of a d isconnect req uest. The re qu es t co nt in ue s to pr oce ss ei the r i ts tra ns mit or re ceive buff er s.
A-18 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * DE23 =48.0 The DTE p ort is configur ed for 48,000 bps. A vailable with SDC feature only . AT * DE24 =56.0 The DTE p ort is configur ed for 56,000 bps. A vailable with SDC feature only .
Configuration Quick Reference A-19 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * DL2 =60 60 -ms dela y bef ore t he modem sends CTS to the DTE afte r rece iving RTS from the DTE . AT * DL3 =90 90 -ms dela y bef ore t he modem sends CTS to the DTE afte r rece iving RTS from the DTE .
A-20 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * FC2 =Lvl2 Lvl 2 applies to V .32 (coded or u ncode d)/ V. 32bis modu lation modes onl y. It include s the Lvl1 functio n and short ens training t ime by approximate ly 2 second s.
Configuration Quick Reference A-21 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * FL5 =TxClk T ransmit Clock. This op tion applie s only in SDC mode. When the Tx Clk flo w control option is select ed, the mode m uses a t ransmit clock for flow control based on av ai lable buf fer spac e.
A-22 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * LE1 =1 5 min The modem retu rns to the leased li ne after 15 minutes . AT * LE2 =3 0 min The modem retu rns to the leased li ne after 30 minutes . AT * LE3 =1 Hr The modem ret urns to the leased l ine after 1 ho u r.
Configuration Quick Reference A-23 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * MD1 =On Y our mo dem signa ls the re mote modem to disconn ect by sending a PS TN cleard o wn. Modem Flo w Modem Fl ow Cont rol Lets the mod em generate and res pond to XON/XOFF flow control signals received at the DIAL LINE or LEASED LINE port.
A-24 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * MN5 =9600 AT * MN6 =12.0 AT * MN7 =14.4 AT * MN8 = 16.8 (V .34 modems on ly) AT * MN9 = 19.2 (V .34 modems on ly) AT * MN10 =21. 6 (V .34 mo dems only ) AT * MN11 =24. 0 (V .34 mo dems only ) AT * MN12 =26.
Configuration Quick Reference A-25 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * MX13 =28. 8 (V .34 mo dems only ) AT * MX1 4 =31.2 (V .34 mo dems only) AT * MX1 5 =33.6 (V .34 mo dems on ly) (defa ult) Buffers Buffe r Opti on Lets you spe cify whethe r normal or r educed size bu ffers store data receiv ed from a local DTE .
A-26 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * OP4 =2H/1L AT * OP5 =2H/3L AT * OP6 =2H/4L AT * OP7 =3H/1L AT * OP8 =3H/2L AT * OP9 =3H/4L AT * OP10 =4H/1L AT * OP11 =4H/2L AT * OP12 =4H/3L Overspeed Overs peed Lets modem compensate when an a sync DTE sends data to the modem faster than specified .
Configuration Quick Reference A-27 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * PT2 =Auto The auto-call unit attempts to t one d ial when initiati ng a cal l. If tone dialing is not possib le, pulse d ialing is use d. Fo r this feature to work correctly, the first character in a dial string must be a digit .
A-28 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * RE5 =FP/10 8.A CU W ith this option, o f f-to-on transitio ns of this signal from the DTE act i v ate the A CU. This lets the mode m accept dial commands. W ith this option, either mo dem ca n enable th e A CU when the con nected DTE turns Circuit 116 from of f to on .
Configuration Quick Reference A-29 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * R T2 =High BER The Hig h BER setting is less sensi t ive than t he L o w BER sett ing. NOTE: T elenetics recom- mends this setting for most applications. Using V .34 , V .32b is, V .
A-30 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce AT * SM2 =Reliab le In an asy nchronous appl ication, once the local modem co nnects with the rem ote modem, it attempts t o establish an e rror-corrected lin k. In R eliable dat a mode, th e modem uses speed con version (if enabled).
Configuration Quick Reference A-31 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * TD1 =Rx Clock W ith this setting , the remote modem uses its internal Rx Clock to control the flo w of data from the modem to the D TE, pr e venting a los s of syn chronizati on duri ng data transmis sion.
A-32 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce Callback Callbac k F eatur e Determines t he source of the tel ephone number that your mode m calls when it receives a v alid access sec urity password from the remote modem.
Configuration Quick Reference A-33 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e AT * ZP2 =Ack Only After validati ng the password, the modem ge nerates an acknowledgmen t tone before han ging up . Thi s in dica te s to the ca ller tha t the access security pass word is valid and that the modem should e xpect to recei ve a callback.
A-34 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce T ab le A-2. Fr ont P anel Configuration Options 326X Men u Pa r a me t e r & Option Description AC U O P T ’ S A CU Select Determines wh ich Auto-Call Unit (A CU) the modem uses.
Configuration Quick Reference A-35 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Sync Id le Applies to synch ronous app lications o nly (direct sy nchronou s or SDC operatin g modes). Y our mode m send s Mar ks or Ch arac ters on EIA /TIA 23 2-D P in 3 (V .24 Cir cuit 104 ) to th e DTE wh en it has no messages to se nd.
A-36 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce A CCESS SECURITY Gr oup PW Determines if the modem can v erify a recei ved password when PW V erify=Mngr (A T * ZV) and the network managemen t system is unable to perform the ve rificatio n.
Configuration Quick Reference A-37 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e P erf orming Numeric Entr y The follo wing optio ns require you to ente r infor mation using th e front panel or ACU .
A-38 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce S-Register/A T Comman d Cr oss-Reference This section s ho ws the modem ’ s S-Regi sters cros s-ref erenc ed with A T Comm ands and front pan el options. (F or de tails on S-Re gisters, refer to Chapter 5, Using the A T Auto matic Ca lling Inter face.
Configuration Quick Reference A-39 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Dial Modifier s f or Special Dialing Req uirements When ent ering te lephone numbers into modem memory or dialing dire ctly from the modem ’ s front p anel, y ou can a dd dial mo difier s to telephone numb ers.
A-40 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce @ Quiet Answer Makes the mo dem look for on e or more ringb acks (followe d b y fi ve seconds of silence) within the delay time s pecif ied b y Call T imeout. If fi ve seconds of del ay sile nce is detected , the modem continues to dial the string.
Configuration Quick Reference A-41 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e Result Codes Result cod es are res ponses sent to the ter minal by th e A T ACU . Result codes may be sent in wo rd form (RsltF orm=V erbose or A TV1), numeric form (Rslt Fo rm=Numeri c or A TV0), or disabl ed (Rslt Code=Dis able or A TQ1).
A-42 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce CONNECT 24000 20 CONNECT 26400 63 CONNECT 28800 64 CONNECT 31200 67 CONNECT 33600 68 CONNECT 38400 22 CONNECT 48000 61 CONNECT 56000.
Configuration Quick Reference A-43 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e NO TES: 1) When CONNECT messages are display ed, xxx indicat es which erro r - correct ion scheme (LAPM or MNP 1-4) the mod ems are usi ng, and yyy indicat es whic h data compres sion scheme ( V .
A-44 Confi guratio n Quick Reference Configuration Quick-Refere nce Configuring the Modem’ s Dual In-line P ac k a ge (DIP) Switches The stand alone modem has a 6-po sition DIP switc h that lets you “ hard ” c onf ig ure cer tain as pect s of the m odem ’ s opera tion.
Configuration Quick Reference A-45 Configuration Quic k-Ref erenc e 3 Off (up ) Front panel enable . The front panel fu nctions no rmally . On (do wn) Fron t panel d isable. Y o u can check o nly the status displays . NO T E: If the modem is under remo te conf iguration control, the controll ing modem retains fu ll fron t-panel c ontrol.
Cabling and Interface Pinouts B-1 Interface Pinouts Appendix B Cabling and Interface Pinouts Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... B-2 EIA/TIA 232-D (Modem to Computer) Interface .
B-2 C abling and Interf ace Pinouts Interface Pinouts Intr oductio n This appen dix describ es the following: • Inte rface p inouts c ommon to all modem mo dels , incl uding: — EIA/TIA 232- D, and IT U V .
Cabling and Interface Pinouts B-3 Interface Pinouts 12 CI 112 Data Signal Rate Indicator CI (112) is passed from modem t o terminal, indi cating si gnaling rat e. When s ignal i s on, modem operates at 2400 bps or greate r. When signal is o ff, modem operates bel ow 2400 bps.
B-4 C abling and Interf ace Pinouts Interface Pinouts ITU Recommendation V .35 Modem-to-Computer Interface For compat ibilit y with DTE s opera ting w ith a V .3 5 inter face, the 32 6X FA S T - SDC Series Modem suppor ts an optiona l ITU Rec ommendation V .
Cabling and Interface Pinouts B-5 Interface Pinouts ITU Rate V .35 Modem-to-Computer In terface Pinouts The modem ’ s digital interf ace conforms to ITU Rate V .35. The modem should be connected to a d ata terminal with a compatible digital inter face (see Table B-1).
B-6 C abling and Interf ace Pinouts Interface Pinouts Differ ences, EIA/TIA 232-D and ITU Rate V.3 5 Interfaces There ar e some dif ferences in ho w your modem operates when using EIA/TI A 232-D and I TU Rate V .35 electr ical int erfac es. Thes e dif ferences, a nd setti ngs to use when oper ating with a V.
Cabling and Interface Pinouts B-7 Interface Pinouts NC (Network Contr o l) P or t Pinouts T able B-3 des cribes t he pino uts for the I N and OUT NC (Ne twor k Contr ol) por ts. Cabling This sec tion pro vide s importan t inf ormati on abou t cablin g and o perat ing the mod em at DTE rates greater tha n 19.
B-8 C abling and Interf ace Pinouts Interface Pinouts T able B-4 sho ws a range of data rat es and maximum al lo w able capaci tances. Th e maximum capac itance is a total of the in ter -cond uctor ca.
Cabling and Interface Pinouts B-9 Interface Pinouts F or e xample, assume you req uire a 30-fo ot cable. Y ou intend to oper ate you r modem at 64.0 kbps. After lookin g at T able B-4, you determi ne that the maximum capaci tance for th e cable i s 900 pF .
B-10 C ab ling and Interf ace Pinouts Interface Pinouts DTE Cable Dia gnost ics This sectio n helps determ ine whe ther t here is a pro blem with a D TE ca ble.
Cabling and Interf ace Pinouts B-11 Interface Pinouts 5) If the trans mitted and recei ved mess ages ar e dif fer ent (i .e., character or frami ng error s), v erify the ca ble lengt h to the l imit s pecif ied in T able B-4.
Country-S pecif ic Informati on C-1 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Appendix C Countr y-Specific In f ormatio n Contents Introduct ion ................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... C-3 Country Suppor t .
C-2 Country-Specif ic In formation Country-Specific Inf ormation Contents (Continued) Installa tion of T elephone Soc ket .............................. .................. .................. C-36 Applicatio n for I nstalla tion of T ele phone Sock et .
Country-S pecif ic Informati on C-3 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Intr oductio n This appendix provides information for operating the modem, by countr y, including: • Rest ricte d feat ures su mmar.
C-4 Country-Specif ic In formation Country-Specific Inf ormation Installation N otes This section pr ovides information useful when in stallin g t he modem in c ountries other than the U . S. A. and Canad a . Models 3265/3266 Wa r n i n g Ports t hat are ca pable of co nnectin g to other appara tus are def ined as SEL V .
Country-S pecif ic Informati on C-5 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Restricted Features Sum mary This sec tion s ummarizes rest rict ed featur es, b y country , as follo ws: • If an en try is blank , the f eatur e is unres tric ted. • If an en try re ads “ Restric ted, ” the feature is not al lo wed.
C-6 Country-Specif ic In formation Country-Specific Inf ormation Feature A ustralia A ustria Belgium Canada AT H Te s t T est=Bus y Out (A TH1) Restricted in 3265/6 T est=Busy O ut (A TH1) Restricted in all mode ls T e st= Bus y Out (A TH1) Restri ct ed in 3268 AT X Call Progress Always=4, A TX4 AT & D 7 108.
Country-S pecif ic Informati on C-7 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Feature Czech Republic and P oland Denmark Finland France AT H Te s t T est=Bus y Out (A TH1) Restricted i n all mo dels T est=Busy O ut (A TH1) Restricted in Rel. 4.0 & earlier; no t restricted in Rel.
C-8 Country-Specif ic In formation Country-Specific Inf ormation Feature Germany Hong K ong Ireland Israel AT H Te s t T est=Busy Ou t (A TH1) Restricted all models † T est=Bus y Out (A TH1) Restrict ed in 3265/6 AT X Call Progress AT & D 7 108.
Country-S pecif ic Informati on C-9 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Feature Italy Japa n Ma la ysia Netherlan ds AT H Te s t T est=Busy O ut (A TH1) Restricted all models AT X Call Progress Always=4 AT X 4 AT & D 7 108.
C-10 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Feature Norwa y P or tugal South Africa Spain AT H Te s t T est=Busy O ut (A TH1) Restricted in all mode ls T est=Bu sy Out (A TH1) Restricted in all models AT X Call Progress Always=4, A TX4 AT & D 7 108.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-11 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Feature Swed en Switzerland United Kingdom Universal AT H Te s t T est=Busy O ut (A TH1) Restricted in Rel. 4.0 an d earlier; no t restricted in Rel. 4 .1 and late r T est=Bu sy Out (A TH1) Restricted AT X Call Progress Always=4 A TX4 Always=4 (A TX4) AT & D 7 108.
C-12 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Operating No tes This secti on summarizes usefu l operating infor mation. • Restric ted front pa nel opt ion sett ings do no t appear in front panel menu s • PC softw are c ommunic ation pac kages ofte n send f ixe d initia liza tion s trings t o the modem (via A T com mands).
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-13 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation 3260 Dial Onl y Mo dem 3260 M odem Rear P anel (Dial Onl y) Figure C-1 sho ws th e rear panel of the 3260 dial only modem. This ve rsio n is used in: • U. S. A. (Model 3260) • Canada (Mode l 3265) • Japan (Mode l 3265) Figure C-1.
C-14 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation 3265 Dial Onl y Mo dem This secti on sho ws rear panel vie ws of the 3265 dial only modem, and the coun tries usin g the l ayout. 3265 Modem Rear P anel—Vie w A Figure C-3 shows V iew A of the 3265 Modem.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-15 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation 3265 Modem Rear P anel—Vie w B Figure C- 4 sho ws V iew B of the 3265 Modem. This ve rsion is used i n German y and Aust ria. Figure C-4. Vie w B R ear P anel La y out - 3265 (Dia l Onl y) 3265 Modem Rear P anel—Vie w C Figure C- 5 sho ws V iew C o f the 3 265 Modem.
C-16 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation 3266 Modem (Leased Line w ith Dial Restor al) This secti on sho ws thre e rear pa nel vie ws of the 326 6 leased line modem with di al restoral, and th e countries using the layout. 3266 Modem Rear Panel —Vie w A Figure C-7 shows V iew A of the 3266 Modem.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-17 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation 3266 Modem Rear P anel—Vie w B Figure C- 8 sho ws V iew B of the 3266 Modem. This ve rsion is used i n German y and Aust ria.
C-18 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Rear P anel Interface Pinou ts This section shows the rear p anel interface pinouts for the mode m stand-alone models 3260, 326 1, 3265, and 3266, a nd en closur e ca r d models 3262, 3263, 3267, and 3268.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-19 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Phone Connect or Interf ace (M odels 3260/ 3265) Connecti on to an ex ternal t elephone c an be made using t he PHONE conne ctor on th e modem ’ s rear panel . T able C-3 desc ribes PHONE connector inte rface pinout s.
C-20 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation 2-Wire Leased Line Inter fac e (Models 3261/3266) 2-wire l eased line c onnect ions are ma de via the LEASE LINE in terf ace on the modem ’ s rear panel . T ab le C-5 d escri bes 2- wire l eased l ine inte rf ace pinouts.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-21 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Phone Connect or Interf ace (M odels 3261/ 3266) Connecti on to an ex ternal t elephone c an be made using t he PHONE conne ctor on th e modem ’ s rear panel . T able C-7 desc ribes PHONE connector inte rface pinout s.
C-22 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation 2-Wire Leased Line Inter fac e (Models 3262/3267) 2-wire lea sed line co nnections are made vi a the 2W LEASE interfac e for modem A, and via the 2W/4W LEASE interface for modem B. T abl eC-9 describes 2-wire leased line i nterf ace pinouts.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-23 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation 4-Wire Leased Line Inter fac e (Models 3263/3268) 4-wire l eased line c onnect ions are ma de via the 2W/4W LEASE int erfac e. T able C-11 descr ibes 4-wire leased line interface pinouts.
C-24 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation A ustria—Forbid den Call Lists The modem process es cal l attempt f ailures as forbidden cal ls, accor ding to PTT regul ations .
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-25 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Finland—Delay ed Call Lists The modem process es cal l attempt f ailures as delayed cal ls, accor ding to PTT re gulati ons.
C-26 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Hong K o ng—Dela yed Call Lists The modem process es cal l attempt f ailures as delayed cal ls, accor ding to PTT re gulati ons.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-27 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Netherlands—Dela y ed Call Lists The modem process es cal l attempt f ailures as delayed cal ls, accor ding to PTT re gulati ons.
C-28 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Spain—Delay ed Call Lists The modem process es cal l attempt f ailures as delayed cal ls, accor ding to PTT re gulati ons.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-29 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Industry Canada Equ ipment Attac hment Limitations The Industry Can ada l abel on equi pment means it has be en test ed and fou nd to meet requir ements for t elecommuni cations operat ion and s afety in Can ada.
C-30 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Rear P a nel Pinouts This section p r ovides th e rear pan el pinouts for the 3265/3266 Modem, cross- refer enced to t he pino uts for t he tel co jacks supp orted in Canada. 3265 M odem T abl e C-12 d escribes dial lin e conne ctor pinouts for RJ jac k ty pes.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-31 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation 3266 M odem T abl e C-14 d escribes dial lin e conne ctor pinouts for RJ jac k ty pes. T able C-15 describes the Phone connector pinout s for RJ j ack typ es. T elco Option (A T& J) T elco displ ays onl y on U.
C-32 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Denmark—Blind D ialing 326X Serie s Modem users i n Denmark must comply wi th the requi rements in th e “ Reg ulati on Re gar ding T ele termin al Equi pment ” ( No. 882, October 29 , 1992), a v ailabl e from the Danish Mi niste r of Communi cations.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-33 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Compliance with B ABTSITS/82/01/C and B ABT/SITS/ 82005S/D The appro val of this modem fo r connection to Briti sh T elecommunicati .
C-34 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Compliance with B ABT/SITS/83/0 8/A Clause 1.2 The modem cannot all o w Auto Call using “ 999 ” o r other P ABX emerge nc y numbers . Modes other than 1 , 2, or 3 should n ot be us ed on the BT PS TN.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-35 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Compliance with DTI 83/ 009I This modem has be en appro v ed for us e of the fol lo wing facili ties : • Loop disconn ect and mult.
C-36 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Ins talla ti on of T elephon e Soc ket If you n eed to obta in a suitable Br itis h Te lecom s ock et or e xtensi on, make a photo copy of the fol lo wing form, complete all th e necessary in form ation, and return it to y our local tel ephone sales off ice.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-37 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation If this equipmen t causes har m to the tel ephone ne twork, the t elephon e compan y will notify you. If adv ance notice is not practic al, th e telepho ne compan y will notif y you as soon as possible.
C-38 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Dial Line Jack Types The Federa l Communica tion Commission (FCC) is a teleco mmunica tions and standar ds or ganization t hat speci fi es a ser ies of re gist ered j acks f or use wit h a dia l line network or General Swi tched Telephone Network (s ometimes r eferred to as PSTN).
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-39 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Rear P a nel Pinouts This secti on provides m odem rear panel pinouts, cross-referenced to the pinouts for the telco jacks supp orted in the U. S. A. 3260 M odem T able C-16 descri bes DIAL LINE conn ector pinout s for RJ jack types.
C-40 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation 3261 M odem T able C-18 descri bes DIAL LINE conn ector pinout s for RJ jack types. X i ndicate s the s ignal is acti ve. T able C-19 descr ibes PHONE connector pinouts fo r RJ jack types.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-41 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Dial and Lease d Line Transmit Levels Dial Line T ransmit Level Y our 3260, 3261, 3262, or 3263 Modem does not support the DL TX option. You select th e dial line trans mit le vel throu gh the T elco option in the T ELCO OP T ’ s cate gory .
C-42 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation T elco Option (A T& J) T elco displ ays only o n U. S. A. and Ca nadian 326X Se ries Modems.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-43 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation Using the Modular N est Bac kp lane’ s Bu sy Out Feature This sec tion a pplies to th e foll o wing countr ies, which use the “ .
C-44 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Make Busy backpl anes are f actory conf igured for Busy Out operat ion i n their country desti natio n, as in dicat ed in T able C-20 o r Tabl eC-21. Wa r n i n g Only qualified servi ce per sonne l shoul d remo v e pin jumpers.
Country -Specif ic Infor mation C-45 Country-Specif ic Inf ormation A ver tissement Seul un personnel qualif ié es t autori s é à en l e ver les c a val iers.
C-46 Country-Specif ic Information Country-Specific Inf ormation Refer also to Figu re C-10, whic h sho ws pin lo cations o n Modular Nest 21 back- planes.
Glo ss ary - 1 Gloss ary Glossar y This glossary def ines terms used in data communicatio ns and in the 326X Seri es Mo dem documentat ion set . AC U Automa tic Calling Unit or Auto-Call Unit. Internal or external to t he DCE, the ACU is a command set interface between the attached DTE and the modem that uses the normal DTE/ DCE interf ace.
2-Glo ssar y Glossary Busy ou t An indication to a Central Of fice that a subscriber line is not a vailable to answer incoming calls. The a vailability and implementation of Busy Ou t v aries by country . Byte An 8-bit sequence of binary digits (bits) taken as a single unit by a com pute r.
Glo ss ary - 3 Gloss ary DTMF Du al T one Multi-Freque nc y . A signaling method used for push- b utton telephones that combines two output signals to create a unique tone for each o f the 12 ke ys. EBCDIC Exte nded Bina ry Coded De cimal Interc hange Co de.
4-Glo ssar y Glossary ITU V .24 An e lectr ical s tandar d for in tercon necti ng dat a comm unica tions equipme nt and da ta terminal equipment established by the ITU. It is the most commonly used co mputer/modem interface. Near ly equi valent to E IA/TIA 232-D.
Glo ss ary - 5 Gloss ary Modulat ion Systematic changing of pr operties (e.g., amplitude, fre quen c y, phase) of an analog signal to encode and co nv ey digital informa tion. MNP Microcom N etwo rking Prot ocol. An asynchro nous communi cations pr otocol that pro vid es error corr ection.
6-Glo ssar y Glossary SYN Sync characte r. Establishes synchronism and fills time in the absence of any data or control character to maintain synchronism.
Return Pro cedures - 1 Return Procedures Contents Equipment Retu rn Procedur es ......................... .................. .................. .................. 2 Expiration of Leas e ............................ .................. .................
2- Re turn Proc edures The foll o w ing sec tions apply to U.S.A. customers only . O t her customer s with questio ns or c oncerns re g arding r eturn pr ocedure s should c ontact th eir T ele netics subsidiar y or distr i buto r.
Index Inde x-1 Symbols +++ (AT es cape s equence ) 5-5 , 5-13 <> 5-13 = 3-5 @ dial modi fier 5-12 Numerics 35XX device 4-23 A A/ 5-7 A/B LED 3-4 AC Detect ( S-Regis ter 9 8) 5-18 Acce ss sec uri.
Inde x-2 ci rcu it quali ty moni torin g syste m (CQM S) 1-8 cluste r cont rolle r 4-1 6 COM port 6- 2 comm and li ne 5-4 Command mode leaving 5- 8 command mode 5-3 comm unica tions softw ar e 3-9 , 4.
Inde x-3 I IBM AS 400 3- 10 , 4-16 , 4-19 initia lizat ion stri ngs C- 12 initi ate a nd terminate tes t s 6-1 0 INIT IATING RC mess age A-41 Instal lati on connecti ng a t elepho ne to modem C-41 fer.
Inde x-4 PHONE connecto r pino uts B-7 Pinouts EIA/TIA 232- D B-2 inter face 3260/65 C- 18 3261/66 C- 19 3262/67 C- 22 3263/68 C- 22 ITU V.35 recommenda tio n B-5 LEASE LINE B-6 NC (Ne twork Contro l).
Inde x-5 Standal one rea r panel view model 3261 C- 13 model 3265 C- 14 , C-15 model 3266 C- 16 Status s napshot s 1-8 Sweden C-11 Swit zerland C-11 sync h data form at 3- 2 Synchrono us data compres .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Telenetics V.32bis Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Telenetics V.32bis Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Telenetics V.32bis Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Telenetics V.32bis Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Telenetics V.32bis Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Telenetics V.32bis Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Telenetics V.32bis Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Telenetics V.32bis Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.