Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TDS510A del fabbricante Tektronix
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Pr ogrammer Manual TDS Family Digitizing Oscilloscopes (TDS 420A, 430A, 460A, 510A, 520C, 540C, 620B, 644B, 680B, 684B, 724C, 754C, & 784C) 070-9876-00.
Copyright T ektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed software products are owned by T ektronix or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
W ARRANTY T ektronix warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three (3) years from the date of shipment.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual i T able of Contents Getting Started Overview of the Manual 1–1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Setting Up Remote Communications 1–3 . . . . . . . . .
T able of Contents ii TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Programming Examples Compiling the Example Programs 4–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendices Appendix A: Character Charts A–1 . . . . . .
T able of Contents TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual iii List of Figures Figure 1–1: Common Message Elements 1–1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 1–2: Functional Gr oupings and an Alphabetical List of Commands 1–2 .
T able of Contents iv TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual List of T ables T able 2–1: BNF Symbols and Meanings 2–1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T able 2–2: Command Message Elements 2–2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T able of Contents TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual v T able 2–31: XY Format Pairs 2–123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T able 2–32: Record Length V alues (<NR1>) 2–176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual vii Preface This programmer manual covers the TDS 420A, 430A, 460A, 510A, 520C, 540C, 620B, 644B, 680B, 684B, 724C, 754C, & 784C.
Preface viii TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Default Model This manual documents the TDS 400A, TDS 510A, TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C Digitizing Oscilloscopes. T ake special note of the following conventions: H Some TDS models have two auxiliary channels called AUX 1 and AUX 2, instead of CH 3 and CH 4.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 1–1 Getting Started Y ou can write computer programs that remotely set the oscilloscope front panel controls or that take measurements and read those measurements for further analysis or storage.
Getting Started 1–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Zoom Zoom Commands Grouped in Functional Areas Commands Listed Alphabetically ACQuire? (Query Only) Syntax: .
Getting Started TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 1–3 TDS Example Programs Figure 1–4: The Disk That Accompanies This Manual Setting Up Remote Communications Even the best instrument control program will not do much if the instrument is not connected to the controller .
Getting Started 1–4 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual If needed, you can stack GPIB connectors as shown in Figure 1–6. Figure 1–6: How to Stack GPIB Connectors Observe these rules when you use your digitizing oscilloscope with a GPIB network: H Assign a unique device address to each device on the bus.
Getting Started TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 1–5 GPIB Device GPIB Device GPIB Device GPIB Device GPIB Device GPIB Device GPIB Device Figure 1–7: T ypical GPIB Network Configurations Appendix C: Interface Specifications gives more information on the GPIB configuration of the digitizing oscilloscope.
Getting Started 1–6 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3. Press the Port button in the main menu until it highlights the GPIB selection in the pop-up menu. See Figure 1–9. 4. Press the Configure button in the main menu to display the GPIB Configu- ration side menu.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 Command Syntax Y ou can control the digitizing oscilloscope through the GPIB interface using commands and queries. This section describes the syntax these commands and queries use. It also describes the conventions the digitizing oscilloscope uses to process them.
Command Syntax 2–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual A command message is a command or query name followed by any information the digitizing oscilloscope needs to execute the command or query . Command messages may contain five element types, defined in T able 2–2 and shown in the example in Figure 2–1.
Command Syntax TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–3 A command header consists of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierarchi- cal or tree structure. The first mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch off the previous one.
Command Syntax 2–4 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Clearing the TDS Family Oscilloscope Y ou can clear the Output Queue and reset the digitizing oscilloscope to accept a new command or query by using the Device Clear (DCL) GPIB command. Command Entry The following rules apply: H Y ou can enter commands in upper or lower case.
Command Syntax TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–5 2. If concatenated commands have headers that differ by only the last mnemon- ic, you can abbreviate the second command and eliminate the beginning colon.
Command Syntax 2–6 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual H DISPlay:INTENsity:TEXt 80;:*TRG (colon before a star ( * ) command) H APPMenu:LABel:BOTTOM1 "foo";LABel:BOTTOM2 "fee&quo.
Command Syntax TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–7 Symbol Meaning A cursor selector; is either or . Commands can specify which measurement to set or query as a mnemonic in the header . Up to four automated measurements may be displayed with each displayed waveform.
Command Syntax 2–8 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Symbol Meaning <wfm> Can be CH<x> , MATH<x> or REF<x> Argument T ypes The argument of a command may be in one of several forms. The individual descriptions of each command tell which argument types to use with that command.
Command Syntax TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–9 "this is a valid string" 3. Y ou can mix quotation marks within a string as long as you follow the previous rule: "this is an 'acceptable' string" 4. Y ou can include a quote character within a string simply by repeating the quote.
Command Syntax 2–10 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Figure 2–2 provides a diagram of block argument use. ALIas:DEFINE SETUp1",#231AUTOSet EXECute;:SELect:REF1 ON Block Header Spe.
Command Syntax TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 1 Figure 2–3: T ypical Syntax Diagrams.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–13 Command Groups This section lists TDS Family Oscilloscope commands in two ways. It first presents them by functional groups. It then lists them alphabetically . The functional group list starts below . The alphabetical list provides more detail on each command and starts on page 2–47.
Command Groups 2–14 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Alias Commands Alias commands let you define your own commands as a sequence of standard commands. This is useful when you use the same commands each time you perform a certain task, such as setting up measurements.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–15 Calibration and Diagnostic Commands Calibration and Diagnostic commands let you start the self-calibration and diagnostic routines that are built into the oscilloscope. The diagnostic test operation includes selecting the test sequence, executing the sequence, and viewing the results.
Command Groups 2–16 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–8: Cursor Commands (Cont.) Header Description !## Positions paired cursors.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–17 T able 2–9: Display Commands (Cont.) Header Description DISplay:COLOr:CONTRast (TDS 6X4B & 700) Control collision contrast DISplay.
Command Groups 2–18 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–9: Display Commands (Cont.) Header Description DISplay:STYle Set waveform dots, vector , infinite persistence, or variable pe.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–19 T able 2–10: File System Commands (Cont.) Header Description FILESystem:RMDir Delete named directory FILESystem:WRITEFile (TDS 500C &a.
Command Groups 2–20 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–12: Histogram Commands (Cont.) Header Description HIStogram:BOXPcnt (TDS 500C & 700C) Define the left, top, right, and bottom positions of the histogram box, in percentage coordi- nates.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–21 T able 2–13: Horizontal Commands (Cont.) Header Description HORizontal:DELay:MODe Delay time base mode HORizontal:DELay:SCAle Delay ti.
Command Groups 2–22 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Limit T est Commands The Limit T est commands let you automatically compare each incoming waveform against a template waveform. Y ou set an envelope of limits around a waveform and let the digitizing oscilloscope find the waveforms that fall outside those limits.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–23 Mask Commands Mask commands control standard masks, user -defined masks, and testing against masks. A mask is a polygonal region on the screen. Every vertical line on the screen intersects the polygon in zero, one, or two places, but never in more than two.
Command Groups 2–24 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–15: Mask Commands (Cont.) Header Description "&apos.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–25 T able 2–16: Measurement Commands (Cont.) Header Description MEASUrement:IMMed:DELay: DIREction Search direction to use for delay meas.
Command Groups 2–26 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–16: Measurement Commands (Cont.) Header Description MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:TYPe The measurement to be taken MEASUrement:ME.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–27 T able 2–17: Miscellaneous Commands (Cont.) Header Description Define group execute trigger (GET) ($&* Reset.
Command Groups 2–28 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Save and Recall Commands Save and Recall commands allow you to store and retrieve internal waveforms and settings. When you “save a setup,” you save all the settings of the digitizing oscilloscope.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–29 T able 2–20: Status and Error Commands Header Description ALLEv? Return all events BUSY? Return scope status *CLS Clear status DESE De.
Command Groups 2–30 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–21: T rigger Commands Header Description TRIGger Force trigger event; Return parameters TRIGger:DELay Delay trigger level to .
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–31 T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description '%�.
Command Groups 2–32 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description $"# �.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–33 T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT:POLarity (TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C) Runt tri.
Command Groups 2–34 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:TIMEOut:TIMe (TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C) Pulse timeout t.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–35 T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:FLEXformat: V1STOptime (TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C .
Command Groups 2–36 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–21: T rigger Commands (Cont.) Header Description (TDS 4.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–37 V ertical Commands V ertical commands control the display of channels and of main and reference waveforms. T able 2–22 lists these commands. The SELect:<wfm> command also selects the waveform many commands in other command groups use.
Command Groups 2–38 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual W aveform Commands W aveform commands let you transfer waveform data points to and from the digitizing oscilloscope. W aveform data points are a collection of values that define a waveform.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–39 values range from 0 to 255. When the byte width is two, the values range from –32768 to 32767. The defined binary formats also specify the order in which the bytes are transferred. The four binary formats are RIBinary , RPBinary , SRIbinary , and SRPbinary .
Command Groups 2–40 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Each waveform that you transfer has an associated waveform preamble that contains information such as the horizontal scale, the vertical scale, and other settings in place when the waveform was created.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–41 W aveform commands also work with extended-acquisition-length mode. This mode lets the oscilloscope acquire extended acquisition lengths of 2M, 4M, and 8M while maintaining waveform record lengths limited to 500K.
Command Groups 2–42 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–23 below shows the correlation between the number of channels in use and the waveform record length.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–43 T able 2–24: W aveform Commands Header Description CURVe T ransfer waveform data DATa The format and location of the waveform data tha.
Command Groups 2–44 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–24: W aveform Commands (Cont.) Header Description WFMPre:ZMUlt Z-axis scale factor WFMPre:ZOFf Z-axis offset WFMPre:ZUNit Z-a.
Command Groups TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–45 Zoom Commands Zoom commands let you expand and position the waveform display horizontally and vertically without changing the time base or vertical settings. T able 2–25 lists these commands.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–47 Command Descriptions Y ou can use commands to either set instrument features or query instrument values. Y ou can use some commands to do both, some to only set, and some to only query . This manual marks set only commands with the words “No Query Form” included with the command name.
Command Descriptions 2–48 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual When extended-acquisition-length mode is on, this command can still set and return values. However , this acquire:autosave feature will not actually work while extended-acquisition-length mode is on.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–49 When extended-acquisition-length mode is on, this command can still set and return values.
Command Descriptions 2–50 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CUR V e? query , but the lower-order 8 bits of data will be zero. SAMple is the default mode. PEAKdetect specifies the display of the high-low range of the samples taken from a single waveform acquisition.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–51 ACQuire:NUMACq? ACQuire : NUMACq ? <NR1> ACQUIRE:NUMACQ? might return 350 , indicating that 350 acquisitions took place since an AC- QUIRE:ST A TE RUN command was executed. ACQuire:NUMA Vg Sets the number of waveform acquisitions that make up an averaged waveform.
Command Descriptions 2–52 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ACQuire:NUMEnv Sets the number of waveform acquisitions that make up an envelope waveform.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–53 ACQuire:REPEt TDS 400A, 510A, 500C, & 700C Only Controls repetitive signal acquisition. This is equivalent to setting Repetitive Signal in the Acquire menu. When the digitizing oscilloscope is in real-time operation, this setting has no effect.
Command Descriptions 2–54 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual might return , indicating that repetitive signal acquisition mode is on. ACQuire:ST A TE Starts or stops acquisitions. This is the equivalent of pressing the front-panel RUN/STOP button.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–55 ACQuire:ST OP After T ells the digitizing oscilloscope when to stop taking acquisitions. This is equivalent to setting Stop After in the Acquire menu. When extended-acquisition-length mode is on, this command can still set and return values.
Command Descriptions 2–56 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual NOTE . If you set the acquisition system to single sequence, envelope mode, and set the number of envelopes to infinity , the digitizing oscilloscope will envelope a maximum of 2001 acquisitions.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–57 ALIas:CA T alog? (Query Only) Returns a list of the currently defined alias labels, separated by commas. If no aliases are defined, the query returns the string "" . Alias ALIas:CATalog? ? ALIas : CATalog <QString>[,<QString>.
Command Descriptions 2–58 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual The first <QString> is the alias label. This label cannot be a command name. Labels must start with a letter , and can contain only letters, numbers, and underscores; other characters are not allowed.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–59 ALIas:DELEte:ALL (No Query Form) Deletes all existing aliases. Alias ALIas:DELEte:ALL ALIas : DELEte : ALL ALIAS:DELETE:ALL deletes all aliases. ALIas:DELEte:NAMe (No Query Form) Removes a specified alias.
Command Descriptions 2–60 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual % # % or = 0 turns alias expansion off.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–61 <Command> is the command that caused the error and may be returned when a command error is detected by the digitizing oscilloscope.
Command Descriptions 2–62 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual indicating that 500 data points are allocated to each of the first three reference memory locations. ALLOcate:W A VEform:FREE? (Query Only) Returns the approximate number of data points that have not been allocated.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–63 <NR1> 0 specifies the number of data points. T able 2–26 shows the number of data points supported for reference locations by TDS model.
Command Descriptions 2–64 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual APPMenu? APPMenu <Space> ? ACTivate ACTivate displays the Application menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–65 APPMenu:LABel:BOTT OM<x> Defines a label for the main menu button that is specified by <x>. Main menu buttons are located along the bottom of the display , and are numbered from 1 to 7 starting with the left-most button.
Command Descriptions 2–66 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual itself is not altered. The entire label can be returned as a query response regardless of what is displayed. assigns the label “SETUP1” to the third main menu button.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–67 Application Menu APPMenu, APPMenu:LABel APPMenu:TITLe <QString> APPMenu:TITLe? TITLe <Space> <QString> ? APPMenu : <QString> is the side menu title and can include any of the characters shown in the TDS Character Chart in Appendix A.
Command Descriptions 2–68 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual autosets the displayed waveform. BELl (No Query Form) Beeps the audio indicator of the digitizing oscilloscope.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–69 T able 2–27: Commands that Affect BUSY? Response Operation Command Single sequence acquisition ACQuire:ST A TE ON or ACQuire:ST .
Command Descriptions 2–70 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual V ertical CH<x>? CH <x> ? CH1? might return the string :CH1:SCALE 10.0E-3;POSITION 0.0E+0; OFFSET 0.0E+0;COUPLING DC;IMPEDANCE MEG;BANDWIDTH FULL for chan- nel 1. CH<x>:BANdwidth Sets or queries the bandwidth setting of the specified channel.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–71 might return , which indicates that there is no bandwidth limiting on channel 1. CH<x>:COUPling Sets or queries the input attenuator coupling setting of the specified channel.
Command Descriptions 2–72 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CH<x>:DESKew TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Sets or queries the deskew time for this channel. This is equivalent to setting Deskew in the V ertical menu and entering a value with the keypad or general purpose knob.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–73 ! " .
Command Descriptions 2–74 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–28: Offset Ranges for the TDS 400A, 510A, 540C, 600B, 754C, & 784C (All Channels) and the TDS 520C & 724C (Channel 1 & Channel 2) using a 1x Probe CH<x>:SCAle OFFSet Range 1 mV/div – 99.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–75 POSition CH <x> : ? <Space> <NR3> <NR3> is the desired position, in divisions from the center graticule. The range is ± 5 divisions. CH2:POSITION 1.3E+00 positions the channel 2 input signal 1.
Command Descriptions 2–76 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ? PROBECal CH : <x> FAIl signifies that probe cal has failed for the selected channel. INIT signifies the probe cal has not yet been run for the selected channel PASS signifies that probe cal has passed for the selected channel.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–77 CH<x>:PROBEFunc:EXTDBatten:<NR3> PROBEFunc CH : <x> EXTDBatten : ? <Space> <NR3> <NR3> is the attenuation value specified in the range –120.00 dB to 120.
Command Descriptions 2–78 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CH<x>:VOLts Sets or queries the vertical gain of the specified channel. This command is identical to the CH<x>:SCAle command and is included for compatibility purposes. Only CH<x>:SCAle is returned in response to a CH<x>? query .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–79 *CLS (No Query Form) Clears the digitizing oscilloscope status data structures. Status and Error DESE, *ESE, *ESR?, EVENT?, EVMsg?.
Command Descriptions 2–80 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURSOR? might return :CURSOR:FUNCTION OFF;VBARS:UNITS SECONDS; POSITION1 500.0E-6;POSITION2 4.50E-3;SELECT CURSOR1; :CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION1 3.20E+0;POSITION2 -3.20E+0; SELECT CURSOR1 as the current cursor settings.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–81 Cursor CURSor:HBArs? CURSor : HBArs ? CURSOR:HBARS? might return :CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION1 0;POSITION2 0;SELECT CURSOR1 . CURSor:HBArs:DEL T a? (Query Only) Returns the voltage difference between the two horizontal bar cursors.
Command Descriptions 2–82 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <NR3> specifies the cursor position relative to ground, in volts. CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION1 25.0E-3 positions one of the horizontal cursors at 25.0 mV . CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION2? might return -64.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–83 CURSor:HBArs:SELect Selects which horizontal bar cursor is active for front-panel control. The active cursor will be displayed as a solid horizontal line and can be moved using the front-panel general purpose knob when the cursor menu is active.
Command Descriptions 2–84 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURSor : HBArs : UNIts <Space> ? IRE BASe BASe specifies base as the unit of measure. IRE specifies IRE as the unit of measure. These units are typically used with video signals.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–85 CURSOR:MODE? might return :TRACK showing the two cursors move in unison. CURSor:P AIred Positions the paired cursors.
Command Descriptions 2–86 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURSor:PAIred:HDELTA? CURSor : PAIred : ? HDELTA CURSOR:PAIRED:HDELTA? might return 5.08E+0 for the voltage difference between the two cursors. CURSor:P AIred:HPOS1 (Query Only) Queries the horizontal bar (voltage) position of the first paired cursor .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–87 CURSor:P AIred:POSITION<x> Sets or queries the vertical bar (time) position of the first or second paired cursor . x is either 1 or 2 and refers to the first or second cursor .
Command Descriptions 2–88 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Cursor CURSor:PAIred:POSITION<x>Pcnt <NR3> CURSor:PAIred:POSITION<x>Pcnt? CURSor : PAIred : POSITION <x> ? <Space> <NR3> Pcnt <NR3> has a range of 0 to 100 (%).
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–89 selects the second paired cursor as the active cursor .
Command Descriptions 2–90 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Cursor CURSor:FUNCtion CURSor:PAIred:VDELTA? CURSor : PAIred : ? VDELTA CURSOR:PAIRED:VDELTA? might return 1.064E+00 , indicating that the time between the paired cursors is 1.064 seconds.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–91 CURSOR:VBARS SNAP specifies that the cursors positions are the same as the current DA T A:ST AR T and DA T A:STOP values. CURSOR:VBARS? might return :CURSOR:VBARS:UNITS SECONDS;POSITION1 1.
Command Descriptions 2–92 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual In extended-acquisition-length mode, the cursors are limited to the waveform record section of the acquisition data (see Figure 2–4 on page 2–41).
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–93 CURSor : VBArs : POSITION <x> ? <Space> <NR3> Pcnt <NR3> has a range of 0 to 100 (%). It specifies the cursor position relative to the record length of the selected waveform.
Command Descriptions 2–94 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURSor:VBArs:UNITS Sets or queries the units for the vertical bar cursors. This command is equivalent to setting Time Units ( Horiz Units in the TDS 400A) in the Cursor menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–95 ment, it will convert it to BASE or INVER T depending on the selected wave- form. The TDS 400A will not output this argument in response to a query . LINE specifies a video line as the unit of measure.
Command Descriptions 2–96 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURV e T ransfers waveform data to and from the digitizing oscilloscope in binary or ASCII format. Each waveform that is transferred has an associated waveform preamble which contains information such as data format and scale.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–97 is the curve data. <newline> is a single byte newline character at the end of the data. See the GETWFM.C or GETWFM.BAS examples in the accompanying disk for more specifics. <asc curve> is the waveform data in ASCII format.
Command Descriptions 2–98 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual channel, this is how to set up to get a waveform’ s data over GPIB. It also works when extended acquisition length mode is off. DATA SNAP assigns the current position of the vertical bar cursors to DA T A:ST AR T and DA T A:STOP .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–99 DA T a:DESTination Sets or queries the reference memory location for storing waveform data that is transferred into the digitizing oscilloscope by the CUR V e command. This command is identical to the DA T a:T ARget command.
Command Descriptions 2–100 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–101 T able 2–30: DA T a and WFMPre Parameter Settings ATa N g e i g WFMPre Settings D ATa :E N Cd g S e tt i n g :ENCdg :BN_Fmt :BY.
Command Descriptions 2–102 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual SOUrce DATa : <Space> ? <wfm> <Comma> <wfm> <wfm> is the location of the waveform data that will be transferred from the digitizing oscilloscope to the controller .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–103 In extended-acquisition-length mode, <NR1> ranges up to the extended acquisition length as opposed to the waveform record length. specifies that the waveform transfer will begin with data point 10.
Command Descriptions 2–104 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual In extended-acquisition-length mode, <NR1> ranges up to the extended acquisition length as opposed to the waveform record length. DATA:STOP 15000 specifies that the waveform transfer will stop at data point 15000.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–105 DATa : WIDth ? <Space> <NR1> <NR1> = 1 specifies that there is 1 byte (8 bits) per point. This format is useful when the acquisition mode is set to SAMple, ENV elope, or PEAKdetect (one byte per point).
Command Descriptions 2–106 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual *DDT Allows the user to specify a command or a list of commands that are executed when the instrument receives a *TRG command or the GET GPIB interface message. *DDT is just a special alias that *TRG uses.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–107 *RCL, RECAll:SETUp, *RST , *SA V , SA V e:SETUp, TEKSecure DELEte:SETUp { <NR1> | ALL } DELEte : SETUp <Space> ALL <NR1> <NR1> is a value in the range 1 to 10, and specifies a setup storage location.
Command Descriptions 2–108 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DELETE:WAVEFORM ALL removes all the waveforms stored in reference memory . DELETE:WAVEFORM REF2 removes the waveform stored at REF2. DESE Sets and queries the bits in the Device Event Status Enable Register (DESER).
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–109 might return the string , showing that the DESER contains the binary value 101 1 1010. DIAg:RESUlt:FLAg? (Query Only) Returns the pass/fail status from the last diagnostic test sequence execution.
Command Descriptions 2–1 10 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual : DIAg : ? LOG RESUlt <QString> in the following format: <Status>,<Module name>[,<Status>,<Module name>.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 1 1 DIAg:SELect:CPU (No Query Form) Selects the processor system test sequence that will be run when the DIAg:ST A TE EXECUte command is sent. This command is equivalent to setting Area in the Utility menu when System is set to Diag/Err .
Command Descriptions 2–1 12 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual selects self diagnostic tests. DIAg:ST A TE (No Query Form) Executes the diagnostic tests that have been specified with the DIAg:SELect commands.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 13 H DESE 128 H *ESE 128 H *SRE 32 H *PSC 0 DIAg:STATE EXECUTE executes all the diagnostic tests that have been selected.
Command Descriptions 2–1 14 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ON DISplay : CLOCk <Space> ? <NR1> OFF <OFF> or <NR1> = 0 removes the clock from the display . <ON> or <NR1> 0 displays the clock on the display .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 15 DISplay:COLOr:MAP:<item name>: BYCONT ents TDS 6X4B & 700C Only Determines if the color for a math or reference waveform is set to the color assigned to the waveform contents (the constituent waveform) or to a specific color index.
Command Descriptions 2–1 16 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DISplay:COLOr:MAP:<item name>: T O TDS 6X4B & 700C Only Defines the color index to use if setting the color for a math or reference waveform to the color assigned to a specific index.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 17 DISplay:COLOr:P ALEtte:PERSistence TDS 6X4B & 700C Only Sets the current persistence palette to one of the preset persistence palettes.
Command Descriptions 2–1 18 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual " ! .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–1 19 BOLd NORMal DISplay : COLOr PALEtte : MONo HARDCopy RESET : : DISPLAY:COLOR:PALETTE:HARDCOPY:RESET resets the hardcopy palette to its initial, factory-default settings.
Command Descriptions 2–120 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual BACKGround SCROLLBAR GRAticule COLLision DISplay : COLOr PALEtte : : TEXt REF MATH CH3 ZONe CH1 CH2 CH4 SCROLLTEXT BOLd MONo NORMal HARDCopy : <Space> <NR1> <NR1> ? <NR1> , , HISTOMask BACKGround specifies the display background color .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–121 SCROLLBAR specifies the color of the scrollbar . For example, you will find a scrollbar in various file system menus. HISTOMask (TDS 700C) specifies the color of the histogram’ s box, the histogram itself, and masks, in the different palettes.
Command Descriptions 2–122 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DISplay : FILTer ? SINX LINEAr <Space> LINEAr specifies linear interpolation where acquired points are connected with straight lines. SINX specifies sin(x)/x interpolation where acquired points are fit to a curve.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–123 T able 2–31: XY Format Pairs X-Axis Source Y -Axis Source Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 (or AUX 1) (All models except TDS 430A) Ch 4 (or AUX 2) (All models except TDS 430A) Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3 Ref 4 YT sets the display to a voltage versus time format and is the normal mode.
Command Descriptions 2–124 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FULl specifies a frame, a grid, and cross hairs. GRId specifies a frame and a grid. NTSc specifies a special NTSC frame. PAL specifies a special P AL frame. DISPLAY:GRATICULE GRID sets the graticule type to display a frame and a grid.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–125 DISplay:INStavu:STYle TDS 500C & 700C Only Selects how the data is displayed with InstaV u. Display DISplay:INStavu:STYle { DOTs | VECtors } DISplay:INStavu:STYle? <Space> ? DOTs VECtors STYle INStavu : DISplay : DOTs displays individual data points.
Command Descriptions 2–126 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual VARpersist ? <Space> <NR3> INStavu : DISplay : <NR3> specifies the time, in seconds, that the waveform points are displayed on the screen. The range is 250 ms to 10 s.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–127 DISplay:INTENSITy:CONTRast? DISplay : CONTRast ? <Space> <NR1> INTENSITy : <NR1> ranges from 100 to 250 percent. DISPLAY:INTENSITY:CONTRAST 140 sets the intensity of the intensified portion of a waveform.
Command Descriptions 2–128 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DISplay:INTENSIT y:TEXt Sets the intensity of the text and the graticule. This command is equivalent to setting T ext/Grat in the Display Intensity side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–129 DISplay:MODe TDS 500C & 700C Only Selects whether or not to turn on InstaV u. Display DISplay:MODe { INStavu | NORMal } DISplay:MODe? MODe DISplay : <Space> ? NORMal INStavu INStavu turns on InstaV u.
Command Descriptions 2–130 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual " ! " !.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–131 !!" leaves acquired data points on the display for a period of time specified by DISplay:PERSistence. " ! connects adjacent data points. New points immediately replace old ones.
Command Descriptions 2–132 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual LONG displays, as the indicator , a horizontal line in the center of the graticule for each displayed trigger signal. DISPLAY:TRIGBAR LONG sets the display to show a long trigger indicator bar (or bars).
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–133 Status and Error *CLS, DESE, *ESR?, EVENT?, EVMsg? *SRE, *STB? is a value in the range from 0 through 255.
Command Descriptions 2–134 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual might return the value , showing that the SESR contains binary 1 1010101. EVENT? (Query Only) Returns from the Event Queue an event code that provides information about the results of the last *ESR? read.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–135 ? EVMsg The event code and message in the following format: <Event Code><Comma><QString>[<Event Code><Comma><QString>.
Command Descriptions 2–136 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual F ACtory (No Query Form) Resets the digitizing oscilloscope to its factory default settings. This command is equivalent to selecting Recall Factory Setup in the W aveform Save/Recall menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–137 FILESystem:COPy (No query form) File System Only Copies a named file or files to a new file. The new file may be in a totally separate directory than the old file. Also, you can use wild card characters (*.
Command Descriptions 2–138 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FILESYSTEM:COPY fd0:/YOURDIR/TEK00001.SET",fd0:/MYDIR" copies the file named TEK00001.SET on the fd0: drive and the YOURDIR directory to the MYDIR directory on the same drive.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–139 FILESystem:DELEte <file path> : DELEte FILESystem <file path> <Space> <file path> is a quoted string that defines the file name and path. Input the file path using the form <drive>/<dir>/<filename> .
Command Descriptions 2–140 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FILESYSTEM:DELWARN OFF disables the front-panel delete warning. FILESYSTEM:DELWARN? might return 0 indicating the front-panel warning is disabled. FILESystem:DIR (Query only) File System Only Returns a list of quoted strings.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–141 & formats the media on drive fd0:. FILESystem:FREESpace (Query only) File System Only Returns the amount of freespace (in bytes) on the current drive.
Command Descriptions 2–142 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FILESYSTEM:MKDIR NEATPICS" creates the directory named NEATPICS on the current drive. FILESystem:OVER Write File System Only T urns on or off the file-overwrite protection.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–143 CENtronics RS232 GPIb : PRInt FILESystem <file path> , <file path> is a quoted string that defines the file name and path. Input the file path using the form <drive>/<dir>/<filename> .
Command Descriptions 2–144 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FILESYSTEM:READFILE hd0:/TEK00000.IBM" sends a hard–disk-based file named TEK00000.IBM out the GPIB port. FILESystem:REName (No query form) File System Only Assigns a new name to a file.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–145 ' +()# ')%'+ &) & ')%'+ &) is a quoted string that defines the directory .
Command Descriptions 2–146 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Symbol Meaning <DChar> A character with the hex equivalent of 00 through FF hexadecimal (0 through 255 decimal) <Block> A block of data bytes, defined as: <Block> ::= { #<NZDig><Dig>[<Dig>.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–147 " ! ! ! terminates the hardcopy output in process. NOTE . DCL does NOT clear the output queue once a har dcopy is in pr ocess.
Command Descriptions 2–148 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <file path> FILEName : HARDCopy ? <Space> <file path> specifies that the hardcopy is sent to the named file. <file path> is a quoted string that defines the file name and path.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–149 HARDCopy:FORMat? RLE PCXCOLOR INTERLeaf LASERJet THInkjet FORMat : HARDCopy <Space> ? TIFf EPSOn HPGl PCX EPSColor EPSImage.
Command Descriptions 2–150 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual !" !, (%$!, , �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–151 HARDCopy:LA Y out Selects the printing orientation. This is equivalent to setting Layout in the Hardcopy menu.
Command Descriptions 2–152 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual HARDCopy:PALEtte PALEtte : <Space> ? CURRent HARDCopy HARDCopy HARDCOPY:PALETTE HARDCOPY would print each copy made using the hardcopy palette. HARDCopy:PORT Selects where to send the hardcopy data on the next hardcopy command (i.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–153 HARDCOPY:PORT? might return GPIB as the selected hardcopy output port. HDR This command is identical to the HEADer query and is included for compatibili- ty with older T ektronix instruments.
Command Descriptions 2–154 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <Space> <NR1> HEADer ON OFF ? ON or <NR1> 0 sets the Response Header Enable State to true. This causes the digitizing oscilloscope to include headers on applicable query responses.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–155 HIStogram:BOX TDS 500C & 700C Only Defines the left, top, right, and bottom positions of the histogram box, in source waveform coordinates.
Command Descriptions 2–156 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual HIStogram:BOXPcnt TDS 500C & 700C Only Defines the left, top, right, and bottom positions of the histogram box, in percentage coordinates. The upper left has the value 0,0 and the lower right has the value 100, 100 when the horizontal trigger position is 50%.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–157 HIStogram:COUNt TDS 500C & 700C Only Zeros the counts for histograms. If histograms are on then the counts start counting up again.
Command Descriptions 2–158 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual OFF to turn off histogram displays. Histogram counting and measurements can continue. The histogram box is not turned off. HISTOGRM:DISPLAY LINEAR would display the count in each bin.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–159 HIStogram:SIZe TDS 500C & 700C Only Controls the width or height of the histogram on the screen. Histogram HIStogram:MODe HIStogram:SIZe <NR3> HIStogram:SIZe? : SIZe HIStogram <Space> <NR3> ? <NR3> varies from 0.
Command Descriptions 2–160 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual : SOUrce HIStogram <Space> CH<x> ? <x> indicates CH #. It may be 1, 2, 3, or 4. HISTOGRAM:SOURCE CH1 would enable CH1 to be compared against the histogram box. HORizontal? (Query Only) Returns all settings for the horizontal commands.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–161 ACQDURATION ? HORizontal : In seconds, # points * (time/point). The default is 5 ms.
Command Descriptions 2–162 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ! #" ! ! enables the internal clock mode. ! enables the external clock mode.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–163 HORizontal:DELay? (Query Only) Returns all horizontal delayed time base parameters. The commands HORizon- tal:DELay:SECdiv and HORizontal:DELay:SCAle are identical so only HORizontal:DELay:SCAle will be returned.
Command Descriptions 2–164 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGAfter specifies that the delayed time base is triggerable after the main time base triggers. HORIZONTAL:DELAY:MODE? returns either RUNSAFTER or TRIGAFTER , indicating the delayed time base mode.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–165 the 1–2–5 sequence (1–2.5–5 on the TDS 620B, 640B, & 644B), it is automati- cally set to the closest valid value. HORIZONTAL:DELAY:SCALE? might return 1.0E-3 , indicating that the delay time is 1 ms per division.
Command Descriptions 2–166 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual HORIZONTAL:DELAY:TIME 2.0E-3 sets the delay time between the main and delayed time base to 2 ms.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–167 RUNSAfter ? <Space> <NR3> : DELay : HORizontal TIMe : <NR3> is the time, in seconds, between the main trigger and the delayed trigger . The range is from 16 ns (10 ns on the TDS 400A) to 250 seconds (20 s on the TDS 400A) with a resolution of 4 ns.
Command Descriptions 2–168 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual HORizontal:EXTDACQ TDS 500C & 700C Only Enable or disable extended-acquisition-length mode. The InstaV u display mode must be off in order to turn the extended-acquisition-length mode on.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–169 HORizontal:FASTframe:COUNt? : : FASTframe HORizontal COUNt ? <Space> <NR1> <NR1> indicates the number of frames to acquire. HORIZONTAL:FASTFRAME:COUNT 2 Sets up FastFrame mode to acquire two frames (segments) of data.
Command Descriptions 2–170 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual known as memory segmentation, lets users capture a series of triggered acquisitions with minimal, intervening, time between them.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–171 : : FASTframe HORizontal STATE ? <Space> <NR1> ON OFF <NR1> indicates OFF if it’ s a 0 or ON if it’ s a 1 (or any other nonzero value). ON means turn on FastFrame.
Command Descriptions 2–172 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ON means turn on waveform compress. OFF means turn off waveform compress. HORIZONTAL:FITTOSCREEN ON turns on waveform compress. HORizontal:MAIn? (Query Only) Returns the time per division of the main time base.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–173 HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle <NR3> HORizontal:MAIn:SCAle? : SCAle HORizontal : MAIn ? <Space> <NR3> <NR3> is the time per division. For the TDS 400A series, the range is 20 s to 1 ns.
Command Descriptions 2–174 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Horizontal DISplay:INTENSIT y:CONTRast HORizontal:MODe { DELAYEd | INTENSIFied | MAIn } HORizontal:MODe? INTENSIFied MODe <Space> ? DELAYEd : MAIn HORizontal DELAYEd means that the selected waveform is horizontally scaled relative to the delayed time base.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–175 "!! ! "! is from 0 to 100, and is the percent of the waveform that is displayed left of the center graticule.
Command Descriptions 2–176 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 2–32: Record Length V alues (<NR1>) Configuration TDS 420A, TDS 430A, TDS 460A TDS 510A, TDS 520C, TDS 724C TDS 60.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–177 is the units of percent. It ranges from 0% to 93.75% (for 4M and 8M) or 95% (for 2M).
Command Descriptions 2–178 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual HORizontal:SCAle Sets the time per division for the main time base and is identical to the HORi- zontal:MAIn:SCAle command.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–179 might return . HORizontal:TRIGger:POSition Sets or queries the position of the trigger .
Command Descriptions 2–180 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ID? (Query Only) Returns identifying information about the instrument and its firmware. Status and Error *IDN? ID? ID ? The instrument id in the following format: TEK/<model number>,CF:92.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–181 LIMit:BELl Rings the bell when the waveform data exceeds the limits set in the limit test, if the limit state is on.
Command Descriptions 2–182 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CURve, LIMit:COMP ARE:MA TH<x>, LIMit:TEMPLate, LIMit:TEM- PLate:DEST ination, LIMit:TEMPLate:SOUrce, WFMPre �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–183 is a reference waveform. specifies that no template testing is to be done for the specified channel.
Command Descriptions 2–184 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual or 0 turns on the hardcopy operation for the waveform when any waveform data exceeds the limits set by the limit test. or = 0 turns off the hardcopy operation.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–185 specifies that limit testing of waveforms is in effect. returns either or , indicating whether limit testing of waveforms is in effect.
Command Descriptions 2–186 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–187 LIMIT:TEMPLate:SOUrce CH2 specifies that the template waveform for limit tests is the waveform currently acquired using channel 2.
Command Descriptions 2–188 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual LIMit:TEMPLate:T OLerance:VERT ical Sets or queries the amount, in units of vertical divisions, by which the source waveform is varied vertically when creating the destination waveform.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–189 disables all front panel controls. enables all front panel controls.
Command Descriptions 2–190 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual NOTE . The *LRN? query always r eturns a string including command headers, r egar dless of the setting of the HEADer command. This is because the returned string is intended to be sent back to the digitizing oscilloscope as a command string.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–191 0.0E+0,0.0E+0;:MASK:MASK8:POINTSP 0.0E+0,0.0E+0;:MASK:STAN OC1;DIS 1;COUN:STATE 0;:MASK:FILT ENA;AUTOS:OFFSETA 1;MOD MAN;:MASK:SOU CH1;TBP 0.
Command Descriptions 2–192 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual following standards, offset will not be adjusted if this feature is OFF: T1.102, DS–0, E2, E2, and E3. For all other standards, offset will be adjusted regardless of how this feature is set.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–193 clears the mask counts. MASK:COUNt:ST A TE TDS 500C & 700C Only Controls whether or not mask counting is being done.
Command Descriptions 2–194 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual COUNt ? MASK : TOTal <NR1> MASK:COUNt:W A VEFORMS? (Query Only) TDS 500C & 700C Only Returns the number of waveforms that have contributed to mask counting.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–195 or = 0 removes the masks from the display . or 0 displays the masks on the display .
Command Descriptions 2–196 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MASK:FILTer { ENAbled | DISAbled } MASK:FILTER? <Space> ? ENAbled DISAbled FILTer MASK : ENAbled enables the digital filter . This is the default value. DISAbled disables the digital filter .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–197 Mask MASK:MASK<NR1> DELEte MASK <NR1> MASK : DELEte <NR1> is 1 to 8. MASK:MASK3 DELETE deletes the points in mask 3. MASK:MASK<n>:COUNt? (Query Only) TDS 500C & 700C Only Returns the number of hits in the specified mask.
Command Descriptions 2–198 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MASK ? <NR1> MASK : NR_Pt : <NR1> is 1 to 8. The default is 0. MASK:MASK3:NR_PT? might return: MASK:MASK:NR_PT 5 MASK:MASK<n>:POINTS TDS 500C & 700C Only Defines points in the specified mask, in user coordinates.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–199 pair is input then they are ignored and the mask is marked as undefined. The default is no points in the mask. MASK:MASK7:POINTS -2.3e-9, 44e-3, -2.5e-9, 47e-3, 1.2e-9, 40e-3 defines the points in mask 7.
Command Descriptions 2–200 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MASK:MASK7:POINTSPCNT 20.4, 10.5, 90, 10.5, 50, 80 defines the points in mask 7. MASK:SOUrce TDS 500C & 700C Only Selects which trace will be compared against the mask(s) when counting is turned on.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–201 : MASK <Space> FDDI ? NONe D1 STANdard D2 FC1063E FC531E FC266E FC133E FC1063 FC531 STS3_Max STS3 STS1Eye MS4NA DS3 DS2 DS1.
Command Descriptions 2–202 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DS0Double means delete any user defined masks and then create masks 1 .. 2 as specified by the DS–0 Double Pulse standard (64 kb/s). DS0Contra means delete any user defined masks and then create masks 1 .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–203 means delete any user defined masks and then create masks 1 .. 2 as specified by the DS3 standard (44.736 Mb/s). means delete any user defined masks and then create masks 1 .
Command Descriptions 2–204 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual FDDI means delete any user defined masks and then create masks 1 .. 2 as implied by the FDDI standard (125 Mb/s). NONe causes all masks to be deleted. This even includes user masks.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–205 ) MA TH<x>:DEFINE Allows the user to define new waveforms using mathematical expressions. This is equivalent to selecting Change Math waveform definition in the Math<x> side menu.
Command Descriptions 2–206 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <source> refers to a signal channel. V alid choices are: CH1 , CH2 , CH3 , CH4 , REF1 , REF2 , REF3 , or REF4 . (The TDS 410A does not include CH3 and CH4 .) <window> refers to an FFT window .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–207 ! ! �.
Command Descriptions 2–208 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual OFF turns off waveform averaging. AVErage turns on waveform averaging. MATH1:PROCESSING OFF ensures that waveform averaging is not in use on math waveform 1. MATH1:PROCESSING AVERAGE turns on waveform averaging on math waveform 1.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–209 Measurement "$!# $ !# $ &.
Command Descriptions 2–210 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:IMMed? (Query Only) Returns all immediate measurement setup parameters.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–21 1 IMMed : : MEASUrement DELay : DIREction <Space> ? BACKWards FORWards BACKWards means that the search starts at the end of the waveform and looks for the last rising or falling edge in the waveform.
Command Descriptions 2–212 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual specifies the falling edge.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–213 RISe specifies the rising edge. MEASUREMENT:IMMED:DELAY:EDGE2 RISE specifies that the rising edge be used for the immediate delay measurement.
Command Descriptions 2–214 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:IMMed:SOURCE2 Specifies the source to measure “to” when taking an immediate delay measure- ment or phase measurement.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–215 500C and 700C) | EXTINCTRATIO (TDS 500C and 700C) | FALL | FREQuency | HIGH | HITs (TDS 500C and 700C) | LOW | MAXimum | MEAN | M.
Command Descriptions 2–216 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual AREa is the area between the curve and ground over the entire waveform. BURst is the time from the first MidRef crossing to the last MidRef crossing. CARea (cycle area) is the area between the curve and ground over one cycle.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–217 ' is the distance (time) between MidRef (usually 50%) amplitude points of a negative pulse. ') is the ratio of the positive pulse width to the signal period expressed as a percentage.
Command Descriptions 2–218 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:IMMed:UNITS? (Query Only) Returns the units for the immediate measurement.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–219 MEASUrement:MEAS<x>? (Query Only) Returns all measurement parameters for the displayed measurement specified by <x>.
Command Descriptions 2–220 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Measurement & " #()* & " #( �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–221 might return for the search direction.
Command Descriptions 2–222 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE2 { FALL | RISe } MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:DELay:EDGE2? MEAS : : MEASUrement DELay : EDGE2 <x> <Space> ? FALL RISe FALL specifies the falling edge.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–223 MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:MEAN? (Query Only) TDS 500C & 700C Only Returns the mean value accumulated for this measurement since the last statistical reset.
Command Descriptions 2–224 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:SOURCE[1] Sets or queries the source for all single channel measurements and specifies the source to measure “from” when taking a delay measurement or phase measure- ment.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–225 �.
Command Descriptions 2–226 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual OFF or <NR1> = 0 turns measurements off. Y ou can also turn the state off by deselecting the source. ON or <NR1> 0 turns measurements on. MEASUREMENT:MEAS1:STATE ON turns measurement defined as MEAS1 on.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–227 MAXimum | MEAN | MEANDBM (TDS 500C and 700C) | MEDian (TDS 500C and 700C) | MINImum | NDUty | NOVershoot | NWIdth | PDUty | PEAKH.
Command Descriptions 2–228 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual BURst is the time from the first MidRef crossing to the last MidRef crossing. CARea (cycle area) is the area between the curve and ground over one cycle. CMEan is the arithmetic mean over one cycle.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–229 %' is the ratio of the positive pulse width to the signal period expressed as a percentage.
Command Descriptions 2–230 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:MEAS<x>:UNITS? (Query Only) Returns the units for the measurement specified by MEASUre- ment:MEAS<x>:TYPe.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–231 MEASUrement:METHod Sets or queries the method used to calculate the 0% and 100% reference level.
Command Descriptions 2–232 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:HIGH Sets or queries the high reference level, and is the 100% reference level when MEASUrement:REFLevel:METHod is set to ABSolute. This command is equivalent to setting the Reference Levels in the Measure menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–233 LOW ? <Space> <NR3> MEASUrement : REFLevel : ABSolute : <NR3> is the low reference level, in volts. The default is 0.0 V . MEASUREMENT:REFLEVEL:ABSOLUTE:LOW? might return 0.
Command Descriptions 2–234 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute:MID2 Sets or queries the mid reference level for the “to” waveform when taking a delay measurement, and is the 50% reference level when MEASUrement:RE- FLevel:METHod is set to ABSolute.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–235 "&% specifies that the reference levels are set explicitly using the MEASUrement:REFLevel:ABSolute commands. This method is useful when precise values are required.
Command Descriptions 2–236 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:REFLevel:PERCent:LOW Sets or queries the percent, where 100% is equal to HIGH, that is used to calculate the low reference level when MEASUrement:REFLevel:METHod is set to PERCent.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–237 MID ? <Space> <NR3> MEASUrement : REFLevel : PERCent : <NR3> ranges from 0 to 100 percent, and is the mid reference level. The default is 50%. MEASUREMENT:REFLEVEL:PERCENT:MID 60 specifies that the mid reference level is set to 60% of HIGH.
Command Descriptions 2–238 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MEASUrement:SNAPShot Displays the measurement snapshot. Measurement MEASUrement:SNAPShot SNAPShot MEASUrement : MEASUREMENT:SNAPSHOT MEASUrement:ST A TIstics:MODE TDS 500C & 700C Only Controls the operation and display of measurement statistics.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–239 MEASUrement:ST A TIstics:WEIghting TDS 500C & 700C Only Controls the responsiveness of mean and standard deviation to waveform changes.
Command Descriptions 2–240 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual clears the message from the window . MESSage:BOX Defines the size and position of the message window . This command does not display the window unless MESSage:ST A TE is ON.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–241 0 34 84 480 134 184 234 284 334 384 434 0 24 74 124 174 224 274 324 374 424 474 524 640 Figure 2–5: Message Window Coordinates MESSage:SHOW Clears the contents of the message window and displays the new message in the window .
Command Descriptions 2–242 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual The message is left-justified, and is displayed on a single line starting with the top most line in the window . A line feed character can be embedded in the string to position the message on multiple lines.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–243 # $ $ % �.
Command Descriptions 2–244 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual complete discussion of the use of these registers and the output queue, see page 3–1.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–245 *OPT? OPT? Might return: 13:Rs232/cent,1M:extended record length, 2F:math pack,05:video trigger,0,CD:color display . P ASSWord (No Query Form) Enables the *PUD and NEWpass set commands.
Command Descriptions 2–246 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual *PSC Sets and queries the power-on status flag that controls the automatic power -on handling of the DESER, SRER, and ESER registers. When *PSC is true, the DESER register is set to 255 and the SRER and ESER registers are set to 0 at power-on.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–247 Miscellaneous P ASSW ord *PUD <Block> *PUD? *PUD ? <Space> <Block> <Block> is a string containing up to 100 characters. *PUD #229This instrument belongs to me stores the string “This instrument belongs to me” in the user protected data area.
Command Descriptions 2–248 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual *RCL 3 restores the digitizing oscilloscope from a copy of the settings stored in memory location 3. RECAll:ACQDA T A (No Query Form) TDS 500C & 700C Only Replaces the indicated channel’ s live acquisition data with that saved in the indicated file.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–249 DELEte:SETUp, F ACtory , *RCL, *RST , *SA V , SA V e:SETUp RECAll:SETUp { FACtory | <NR1> | <file path> } <file path> <Space> RECAll : FACtory SETUp <NR1> FACtory selects the factory setup.
Command Descriptions 2–250 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual RECAll:WAVEform <file path>,REF<x> RECAll : WAVEform <file path> REF <x> , <Space> REF<x> is the location in internal reference memory where the waveform is recalled from.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–251 Status and Error F ACtory , *PSC, *RCL, RECAll:SETUp, *SA V , SA V e:SETUp *RST returns the instrument settings to the factory defaults (see Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings ).
Command Descriptions 2–252 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual BAUd : <Space> ? RS232 <NR1> <NR1> where <NR1> can be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–253 RS232:P ARity RS-232/Centronics Hardcopy Interface Only Sets or queries the parity used for all RS-232-C data transfers.
Command Descriptions 2–254 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual RS232:SOFTFlagging { ON | OFF | <NR1> } RS232:SOFTFlagging? : RS232 SOFTFlagging <Space> ON ? OFF <NR1> ON or <NR1> 0 turn on softflagging. OFF or <NR1> = 0 turn off softflagging.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–255 RS232? (Query Only) RS-232/Centronics Hardcopy Interface Only Queries the RS232 settings.
Command Descriptions 2–256 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual *SAV 2 saves the current settings in memory location 2. SA V e:ACQDA T A (No Query Form) TDS 500C & 700C Only W rites out the acquisition data and its characteristics to the indicated file.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–257 Save and Recall DELEte:SETUp, RECAll:SETUp, *RCL, *SA V SAVe:SETUp { <NR1> | <file path> } <NR1> SAVe : SETUp <Space> <file path> <NR1> is a value in the range from 1 to 10 and specifies a location.
Command Descriptions 2–258 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual DELEte:W A VEform, SA VE:W A VEform:FILEFormat SAVe:WAVEform <wfm>,{ REF<x> | <file path> } <file path> &.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–259 SAVe:WAVEform:FILEFormat{ INTERNal | SPREADSheet | MATHCad } SAVe:WAVEform:FILEFormat? SPREADSheet <Space> ? INTERNal MATHCad FILEFormat SAVe : WAVEform : INTERNal specifies the internal format.
Command Descriptions 2–260 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual SELect? (Query Only) Returns the selected waveform and the display status of all waveforms.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–261 turns the channel 2 display on and selects channel 2. returns either or , indicating whether the REF1 waveform is selected.
Command Descriptions 2–262 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual SET ? NOTE . The SET? query always r eturns a string with command headers, r egar dless of the setting of the HEADer command. This is because the returned string is intended to be able to be sent back to the digitizing oscilloscope as a command string.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–263 The power-on default for SRER is 0 if is 1. If is 0, the SRER maintains its value through a power cycle. sets the bits in the SRER to 001 10000 binary .
Command Descriptions 2–264 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Miscellaneous TEKSecure TEKSecure TIMe Sets or queries the time that the digitizing oscilloscope can display . Miscellaneous DA TE, DISplay: CLOCk TIMe <QString> TIMe? <QString> TIMe <Space> ? <QString> is a date in the form hh:mm:ss" .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–265 T rigger TRIGger FORCe TRIGger? TRIGger FORCe ? <Space> FORCe creates a trigger event. If TRIGger:ST A TE is REAdy , the acquisition will complete, otherwise this command will be ignored.
Command Descriptions 2–266 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger : DELay SETLevel ? <Space> SETLevel sets the delayed trigger level to half way between the MIN and MAX amplitudes of the trigger source input. This is equivalent to selecting Set to 50% in the Delayed Edge Level side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–267 sets the delayed trigger to occur after a set number of trigger events after the main trigger . The number of events is specified by TRIGger:DELay:EVENTS:COUNt. sets the delayed trigger to be ready to occur a set time after the main trigger event.
Command Descriptions 2–268 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual "# $ (TDS 400A, 510A) % % �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–269 ! " # .
Command Descriptions 2–270 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual specifies one of the input channels. selects channel 1 as the input source for the delayed trigger .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–271 TRIGGER:DELAY:EVENTS:COUNT 4 specifies that the delayed trigger will occur four trigger events after the main trigger . TRIGGER:DELAY:EVENTS:COUNT? might return 2 , indicating that two events must occur after the main trigger before the delayed trigger can occur .
Command Descriptions 2–272 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T rigger HORizontal:DELay:MODe, HORizontal:DELay:TIME:RUNSAfter , HORizontal:DELay:TIME:TRIGAfter TRIGger:DELay:TIMe <NR3> TRIGger:DELay:TIMe? TRIGger : : DELay ? <Space> <NR3> TIMe <NR3> is the delay time, in seconds.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–273 TRIGger:MAIn Sets the main trigger level and returns the current main trigger parameters.
Command Descriptions 2–274 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual % " $ " " �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–275 TRIGger:MAIn:COMMunication:AMI:THReshold:LOW TDS 500C & 700C Only Sets or queries the AMI communication trigger ’ s low threshold value in volts.
Command Descriptions 2–276 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger : : MAIn : <Space> ? COMMunication BITRate <NR3> <NR3> is the bit rate in bits per second. The default is 1.544e+6. TRIGGER:MAIN:COMM:BITRATE 1.053 E+8 sets the bit rate to 105.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–277 TRIGGER:MAIN:COMM:CMI:PULSEFORM PLUSONE selects a trigger on a positive mark. TRIGger:MAIn:COMMunication:CODe TDS 500C & 700C Only Sets or queries the communication trigger signal code.
Command Descriptions 2–278 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual PATTERN5 | PATTERN6 | PATTERN7 | P0 | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 | P6 |P 7} TRIGger:MAIn:COMMunication:NRZ:PULSEForm? TRIGger : : MAI.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–279 PATTERN4 causes a trigger on Pattern4 x 100 1. PATTERN5 causes a trigger on Pattern5 x 101 x. PATTERN6 causes a trigger on Pattern6 0 1 10 x. PATTERN7 causes a trigger on Pattern7 0 1 1 1 0.
Command Descriptions 2–280 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CH<x> specifies one of the input channels. TRIGGER:MAIN:COMMUNICATION:SOURCE CH2 selects Channel 2 as the source for the main communication trigger .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–281 TRIGger : : MAIn : <Space> D1 ? D2 FDDI STANdard COMMunication FC1063 FC531 FC266 FC133 STM1E OC12 OC3 OC1 STS3 STS1 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 DS4NA DS3 DS2 DS1C DS1A DS1 CUSTom DS1 refers to DS1 (1.
Command Descriptions 2–282 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual E1 refers to E1 (2.048 Mb/s) AMI standard. E2 refers to E2 (8.44 Mb/s) AMI standard. E3 refers to E3 (34.368 Mb/s) AMI standard. E4 refers to E4 (139.26 Mb/s) CMI standard. E5 refers to E5 or CEPT (565 Mb/s) NRZ standard.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–283 " might return �.
Command Descriptions 2–284 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:EDGE:SLOpe Selects a rising or falling slope for the main edge trigger .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–285 LINE : MAIn TRIGger EDGE : : SOUrce <Space> ? AUXiliary CH <x> AUXiliary specifies an external trigger using the Auxiliary T rigger Input connector located on the rear panel of the oscilloscope.
Command Descriptions 2–286 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:HOLDOff:ACTUal? (Query Only) TDS 500C, 600B and 700C Only Returns the main trigger holdoff value in seconds.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–287 1 msec/division then the default holdoff will be 1 msec/division × 25 divs = 25 msec. sets the holdoff to the by time setting.
Command Descriptions 2–288 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual " # "�.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–289 TRIGGER:MAIN:LEVEL 0.5 sets the main trigger level to 0.5 V . TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc? (Query Only) Not on TDS 400A Returns all main logic trigger parameters.
Command Descriptions 2–290 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ! .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–291 $ " % &!#" specifies that the instrument will trigger if all the conditions are true.
Command Descriptions 2–292 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:INPut:CH<x> Not on TDS 400A Sets or queries the main logic trigger input for the specified channel. The channel is specified by <x> and is 1, 2, or 3.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–293 ! "! # $ �.
Command Descriptions 2–294 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual MOREThan LESSThan FALSe <Space> ? TRUe : MAIn TRIGger LOGIc : : PATtern WHEn : TRUe specifies the trigger to occur when the pattern becomes true. FALSe specifies the trigger to occur when the pattern becomes false.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–295 % ! $ %$! ! # time to hold pattern true.
Command Descriptions 2–296 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual " .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–297 TRIGGER:MAIN:LOGIC:SETHOLD:CLOCK:LEVEL 1.4 sets the main logic trigger setup/hold clock level to 1.4 volts. TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:SETHold:CLOCk:SOUrce TDS 500C, 600B & 700C Only Sets or queries the source for the clock for the main logic trigger setup/hold input.
Command Descriptions 2–298 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:SETHold:DATa:LEVel? <NR3> <Space> ECL ? TTL TRIGger : : LOGIc MAIn : : SETHold DATa LEVel : ECL specifies a preset ECL level of –1.3 V . TTL specifies a preset TTL level of 1.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–299 TRIGGER:MAIN:LOGIC:SETHOLD:DATA:SOURCE CH2 selects Channel 2 as the source for the main logic trigger set/hold. TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:SETHold:HOLDT ime TDS 500C, 600B & 700C only Sets or queries the main logic trigger hold time.
Command Descriptions 2–300 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger : : LOGIc MAIn : : ? <Space> <NR3> SETTime SETHold <NR3> specifies the setup time setting in seconds. Positive values occur before the clock edge. Negative values occur after the clock edge.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–301 TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:ST A TE:WHEn Not on TDS 400A Sets or queries the main logic state trigger .
Command Descriptions 2–302 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:LOGIc:THReshold:CH<x> Not on TDS 400A Sets or queries the main logic trigger threshold voltage for the channel specified by <x>. This is equivalent to setting the thresholds in the Logic State Threshold and Logic Pattern Threshold side menus.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–303 �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–305 ger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT :THReshold:HIGH commands. The crossing can be either positive or negative as specified by TRIGger:MAIn:PULse: RUNT :PO- Larity .
Command Descriptions 2–306 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:GLItch:FILTer { ACCept | REJect } TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:GLItch:FILTer? ACCept TRIGger : : PULse MAIn : : FILTer G.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–307 <Space> EITher ? POSITIVe NEGAtive TRIGger : MAIn POLarity : PULse : : GLItch TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:GLITCH:POLARITY EITHER specifies that the polarity of the glitch can be either positive or negative.
Command Descriptions 2–308 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T rigger TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT? TRIGger : : PULse MAIn RUNT ? : TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:RUNT? might return :TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:RUNT:POLARITY POSITIVE;THRESHĆ OLD:HIGH 2.00E+0;LOW 800.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–309 TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT :THReshold? (Query Only) Not on TDS 400A Returns the upper and lower thresholds for the main pulse runt trigger .
Command Descriptions 2–310 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT :THReshold:HIGH TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Sets or queries the upper limit for the main pulse runt trigger . This command is equivalent to setting the threshold in the Pulse Runt Threshold side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–31 1 THReshold TRIGger : : PULse MAIn RUNT : : ? <Space> <NR3> LOW <NR3> is the threshold, in volts. TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:RUNT:THRESHOLD:LOW 50E-3 sets the lower limit of the pulse runt trigger to 50 mV .
Command Descriptions 2–312 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:RUNT :WIDth TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Sets or queries the minimum width for a valid main pulse runt trigger . This command is equivalent to entering a value in the T rigger menu’ s Wider Than side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–313 TRIGger : : PULse MAIn SLEWRate : : ? <Space> <NR3> DELTATime <NR3> is the delta time in seconds. TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:SLEWRATE:DELTATIME 15E-6 sets the slew rate trigger ’ s delta time to 15 m s.
Command Descriptions 2–314 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:SLEWRate:SLEWRate? (Query Only) TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Returns the slew rate value. This is the ((Upper Threshold – Lower Threshold) / Delta T ime) The value is limited to the three most significant digits.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–315 TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:SLEWRATE:THRESHOLD:BOTH TTL sets the trigger threshold to TTL.
Command Descriptions 2–316 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:SLEWRate:THReshold:LOW? THReshold TRIGger : : PULse MAIn : : ? <Space> <NR3> LOW SLEWRate <NR3> is the threshold, in volts. TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:SLEWRATE:THRESHOLD:LOW 50E-3 sets the lower limit of the pulse slew rate trigger to 50 mV .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–317 sets the slew rate trigger to work when the slew is faster than the set volts/second rate.
Command Descriptions 2–318 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <Space> EITher ? STAYSHigh STAYSLow TRIGger : MAIn POLarity : PULse : : TIMEOut STAYSLow (or NEGAtive ) indicates that a pulse edge must stay low the required time period for timeout triggering to occur .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–319 TRIGGER:MAIN:PULSE:TIMEOUT:TIME 3.134E-6 sets the timeout time to 3.134 m s. TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:WIDth? (Query Only) TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Returns the width parameters for the main pulse width trigger .
Command Descriptions 2–320 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:WIDth:LOWLimit TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Sets or queries the lower limit for the main pulse width trigger . This is equiva- lent to setting Lower Limit in the Pulse W idth Trig When side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–321 POSITIVe specifies a positive pulse. TRIGger:MAIn:PULse:WIDth:WHEn TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Selects the condition when the trigger occurs. This is equivalent to selecting the condition in the Pulse W idth T rig When side menu.
Command Descriptions 2–322 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:TYPe { EDGE | LOGIc | PULse | COMMunication (TDS 500C & 700C) | VIDeo } (Only the TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C use the LOGIc and PULse argu- ments. Only the TDS 500C and 700C use the COMMunication argument.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–323 TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo? (Query Only) Option 05 Only Returns the main video trigger parameters. T rigger TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo? TRIGger : : VIDeo MAIn ? TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO? might return: NTS;CH1;NEGA;NUMER;2;1;COLO;COLO;787; 59.
Command Descriptions 2–324 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual this argument, it will convert it to LINE. The TDS 400A will not output this argument in response to a query . LINE specifies a delay by a number of video lines. TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO:BY TIME specifies a delay by time.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–325 argument, it will convert it to EVEN. The TDS 400A will not output this argument in response to a query . FIELDEither specifies alternating both video field 1 and video field 2. For the TDS 400A, this argument is available only for backward compatibility .
Command Descriptions 2–326 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:FIELDT ype TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Option 05 Only Sets or queries the field the video trigger acts on. This is equivalent to pressing Field in the video main menu and then Field , Odd , Even or All in the side menu.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–327 TRIGger : : VIDeo MAIn ? FLEXformat : TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO:FLEXFORMAT? might return: 59.94E+0;1050;2;890.0E-9;3.56E-6;15.00E-6;11.56E-6; 15.89E-6 as the flexible-format video trigger parameters.
Command Descriptions 2–328 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ! �.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–329 TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:FLEXformat:NEGSyncwidth TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Option 05 Only Sets or queries the flexible-format negative sync width. The HDTV horizontal sync is a tri-level sync.
Command Descriptions 2–330 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual " "#"## .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–331 TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:FLEXformat:V2ST Arttime TDS 510A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Option 05 Only Sets or queries the time from the positive edge of the tri-sync pulse for the last line in the selected field (t 0 ) to the leading edge (positive) of the second vertical sync pulse.
Command Descriptions 2–332 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual V2STOptime ? <Space> <NR3> TRIGger : : VIDeo MAIn : FLEXformat : <NR3> the v2 stoptime. TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO:FLEXFORMAT:V2STOPTIME? returns the specified v2 stoptime.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–333 TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:HOLdoff? (Query Only) TDS 400A Option 05 Only Returns the video trigger holdoff value.
Command Descriptions 2–334 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:INTERLAce TDS 400A Option 05 Only Sets or queries the video trigger interlace format. This is equivalent to setting Interlace in the Scan Rate and Interlace main menu of the video trigger menu when Class is set to Custom .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–335 specifies a number of lines to delay by .
Command Descriptions 2–336 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:NTSc { MONo | COLOr } TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:NTSc? <Space> ? TRIGger : : MONo COLOr VIDeo MAIn NTSc : MONo specifies mode for noncolor signals. COLOr specifies mode for color field triggering and enables numeric triggering.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–337 SECAm specifies mode for SECAM signals. TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO:PAL MONO specifies non-color P AL signals. TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:SCAN TDS 400A Option 05 Only Sets or queries the video trigger scan parameters.
Command Descriptions 2–338 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T rigger TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:SCANPeriod <NR3> TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:SCANPeriod? TRIGger:MAIn:VIDeo:SOUrce Option 05 Only Sets or queries the source for the main video trigger .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–339 $!"$ ' ( ( & (.
Command Descriptions 2–340 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <Space> ? TRIGger : : POSITIVe NEGAtive VIDeo MAIn SYNc : POSITIVe specifies a positive going voltage. NEGAtive specifies a negative going voltage. TRIGGER:MAIN:VIDEO:SYNC POSITIVE selects a positive going voltage for the desired synchronization pulse.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–341 CUST om selects a condition that adheres to the frequency range of the video signal as you have defined them from the available ranges. TRIGGER:MAIN:SYSTEM NTSC selects triggering to occur on an NTSC compatible signal.
Command Descriptions 2–342 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ARMed indicates that the instrument is acquiring pretrigger information. All triggers are ignored when TRIGger:ST A TE is ARMING. AUTO indicates that the digitizing oscilloscope is in auto mode and acquires data even in the absence of a trigger .
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–343 immediately executes all commands that have been defined by *DDT . *TST? (Query Only) (Self-T est) T ests the GPIB interface and returns a 0. Miscellaneous and is always 0.
Command Descriptions 2–344 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual VERBose Sets and queries the V erbose State that controls the length of keywords on query responses. Keywords can be both headers and arguments. This command does not affect IEEE Std 488.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–345 BUSY?, *OPC W A VFrm? (Query Only) Returns WFMPre? and CUR V e? data for the waveform or waveforms as specified by the DA T a:SOUrce command.
Command Descriptions 2–346 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPre ? The format of the response is: BYT_Nr <NR1>;BIT_Nr <NR1>;ENCdg { ASC | BIN }; BN_Fmt { RI | RP };BYT_Or { LS.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–347 might return , indicating that there are 8 bits per waveform point. WFMPre:BN_Fmt Sets or queries the format of binary data for the first ordered waveform as specified by the DA T a:SOUrce command.
Command Descriptions 2–348 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPre:BYT_Nr <NR1> WFMPre:BYT_Nr? ? <Space> <NR1> WFMPre : BYT_Nr <NR1> is the number of bytes per point and can be 1 or 2. WFMPRE:BYT_NR 2 specifies that there are 2 bytes per waveform data point.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–349 WFMPre:ENCdg Sets or queries the type of encoding for waveform data transferred with the CUR V e command.
Command Descriptions 2–350 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual specifies that the waveform is transmitted as maximum and minimum point pairs. Only y values are explicitly transmitted.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–351 WFMPre:XINcr (No Query Form) Specifies the horizontal sampling interval for the reference waveform specified by the DA T a:DEST ination command.
Command Descriptions 2–352 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual <NR3> is the vertical offset in digitizing levels. WFMPre:YZEro (No Query Form) Specifies the offset voltage for the reference waveform specified by the DA T a:DEST ination command.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–353 NOTE . When r eturning WFMPRE:<wfm> information fr om the oscilloscope, <wfm> specifies the waveform sour ce (CH<x>, MA TH<x>, or REF<x>). The sour ce must also be set using the DAta:SOUr ce command.
Command Descriptions 2–354 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPre:<wfm>:NR_Pt Sets or queries the number of points that are in the transmitted waveform record. This value is ignored on input. In extended-acquisition-length mode, it will set or query the number of points that are in the transmitted the acquisition record.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–355 WFMPre:<wfm>:PT_Fmt? <Space> ? ENV PT_Fmt Y WFMPre : : <wfm> ENV specifies that the waveform is transmitted as minimum and maximum point pairs. Only y values are explicitly transmitted.
Command Descriptions 2–356 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ? <Space> <NR1> WFMPre : <wfm> : PT_Off <NR1> is the position of the trigger point relative to DA T a:ST ARt when queried. In extended-acquisition-length mode, <NR1> refers to the acquistion length.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–357 W aveform !$! !$! ! $ ! is the sampling interval.
Command Descriptions 2–358 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPre:<wfm>:XZEro TDS 500C, 600B, & 700C Only Sets or queries the horizontal (X-axis) origin offset. On input <wfm> always defaults to the reference location specified by DA T a:DEST ination regardless of what is sent.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–359 WFMPre:<wfm>:YOFf Sets or queries the vertical position of the waveform. On input <wfm> always defaults to the reference location specified by DA T a:DEST ination regardless of what is sent.
Command Descriptions 2–360 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPre:<wfm>:YZEro Sets or queries the vertical (Y -axis) offset voltage. On input <wfm> always defaults to the reference location specified by DA T a:DEST ination regardless of what is sent.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–361 ZOOM? might return :ZOOM:STATE OFF;HORIZONTAL:SCALE 2.00E+0;POSITION 500.0E-3;LOCK LIVE;:ZOOM:VERTICAL:SCALE 2.0E+0;POSITION 0.0E+0 . ZOOm:DUAl TDS 400A, 500C, 600B, & 700C Only T urns Dual Zoom mode on and off.
Command Descriptions 2–362 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ZOOm:DUAl:OFFSet? ? <Space> <NR3> ZOOm : : DUAl OFFSet <NR3> is the offset time in seconds. ZOOM:DUAL:OFFSET 100.0E-6 adjusts the offset time in seconds between the centers of the main and second zoom boxes.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–363 ZOOm:HORizontal:LOCk Specifies the waveforms that the horizontal zoom parameters affect.
Command Descriptions 2–364 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Zoom ZOOm:HORizontal:POSition <NR3> ZOOm:HORizontal:POSition? ? <Space> <NR3> ZOOm : : HORizontal POSition <NR3> is from 0 to 100, and is the percent of the waveform or extended acquisition that is to the left of graticule.
Command Descriptions TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 2–365 ZOOm:ST A TE T urns Zoom mode on and off. When Zoom mode is on, the horizontal and vertical position and scale commands affect the waveform display , not the acquisition. This is the only way to position and scale math and reference waveforms.
Command Descriptions 2–366 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual ZOOm:VERT ical:POSition Sets or queries the vertical position of waveforms. Zoom ZOOm:VERTical:POSition <NR3> ZOOm:VERTical:POSition? ? <Space> <NR3> ZOOm : : VERTical POSition <NR3> is the vertical position in divisions.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–1 Status and Events The digitizing oscilloscope provides a status and event reporting system for the GPIB interface. This system informs you of certain significant events that occur within the digitizing oscilloscope.
Status and Events 3–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual PON URQ CME EXE DDE QYE RQC OPC 76543210 Figure 3–1: The Standard Event Status Register (SESR) T able 3–1: SESR Bit Functions Bit Function 7 (MSB) PON (Power On). Shows that the digitizing oscilloscope was powered on.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–3 T able 3–2: SBR Bit Functions Bit Function 7 (MSB) Not used. 6 RQS (Request Service), obtained from a serial poll. Shows that the digitizing oscilloscope requests service from the GPIB controller .
Status and Events 3–4 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual PON URQ CME EXE DDE QYE RQC OPC 76543210 Figure 3–4: The Event Status Enable Register (ESER) The Service Request Enable Register (SRER) — is shown in Figure 3–5.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–5 Queues The digitizing oscilloscope status and event reporting system contains two queues: the Output Queue and the Event Queue. The digitizing oscilloscope stores query responses in the Output Queue.
Status and Events 3–6 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Event Handling Sequence Figure 3–6, on page 3–6, shows how to use the status and event handling system. In the explanation that follows, numbers in parentheses refer to numbers in Figure 3–6.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–7 When output is sent to the Output Queue, the MA V bit in the SBR is set to one (5). When a bit in the SBR is set to one and the corresponding bit in the SRER is enabled (6), the MSS bit in the SBR is set to one and a service request is generated (7).
Status and Events 3–8 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Processing Time Acquiring W aveform Data �.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–9 /* T ake amplitude measurement on acquired data */ Though *W AI is one of the easiest ways to achieve synchronization, it is also the most costly .
Status and Events 3–10 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Serial Poll Method. Enable the OPC bit in the Device Event Status Enable Register (DESER) and the Event Status Enable Register (ESER) using the DESE and *ESE commands.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–1 1 *ESE 1 *SRE 32 /* Acquire waveform data */ ACQUIRE:STATE ON /* Set up the measurement parameters */ MEASUREMENT:IMMED:TYPE AMPLITUDE.
Status and Events 3–12 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Messages T ables 3–3 through 3–9 list all the programming interface messages the digitizing oscilloscope generates in response to commands and queries.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–13 T able 3–4: Command Error Messages – CME Bit 5 (Cont.) Code Message 111 Header separator error 11 2 Program mnemonic too long 11 .
Status and Events 3–14 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 3–5 lists the execution errors that are detected during execution of a command.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–15 T able 3–5: Execution Error Messages – EXE Bit 4 (Cont.) Code Message 2203 Measurement error , No period, second waveform 2204 Me.
Status and Events 3–16 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 3–5: Execution Error Messages – EXE Bit 4 (Cont.) Code Message 2239 EAL turned off (EAL = extended-acquisition-length mode.
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–17 T able 3–5: Execution Error Messages – EXE Bit 4 (Cont.) Code Message 2301 Cursor error , Off-screen 2302 Cursor error , cursors .
Status and Events 3–18 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able 3–7: System Event Messages (Cont.) Code Message 440 Query UNTERMINA TED after indefinite response (QYE bit 2 set) 450 Right .
Status and Events TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 3–19 T able 3–8: Execution W arning Messages – EXE Bit 4 (Cont.) Code Message 544 Measurement warning, Uncertain edge 545 Measurement .
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 4–1 Programming Examples The example programs illustrate methods you can use to control the digitizing oscilloscope from the GPIB interface. The disk that comes with this manual contains listings for these programs written in Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.
Programming Examples 4–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual H GETWFM : reads a waveform from an oscilloscope and stores it in a file. H CURSOR : uses cursors to measure waveform parameters. H TL : a talker-listener program. Compiling the Example Programs The example programs diskette contains programs written in Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.
Programming Examples TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 4–3 1'*&- )*2 +/#% 4. For this installation, you will also want to copy �.
Programming Examples 4–4 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual hard disk C, you want to store the examples in drive C, and the examples diskette is in drive B, you might type: mkdir examples cd examples copy b:q-basic*.* . 4. For this installation, you will also want to copy QBDECL.
Programming Examples TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual 4–5 is a collection of input/output routines used by the other programs and is included for proper file compilation. 6. Run the program by simply typing the program name.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual A–1 Appendix A: Character Charts The characters in T able A–1 are available for the digitizing oscilloscope.
Appendix A: Character Charts A–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able A–2: ASCII & GPIB Code Chart B7 B6 B5 T 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 BI T S B4 B3 B2 B1 CON.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual B–1 Appendix B: Reserved W ords The following is a list of the reserved words of the digitizing oscilloscope.
Appendix B: Reserved W ords B–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual F ALL F ALSe F ASTERthan F ASTframe FFT FIELD FIELD1 FIELD2 FIELDEither FIELDRA TE FIELDS FIELDT ype FIFty FILEName FILESyst.
Appendix B: Reserved W ords TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual B–3 REName REPEt RESET RESET All RESUltRI RIBinary RIGHT1 RIGHT2 RIGHT3 RIGHT4 RIGHT5 RISe RLE RMDir RMS ROLL RP RPBinary RS232 .
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual C–1 Appendix C: Interface Specifications This appendix describes details of the GPIB remote interface of the digitizing oscilloscope. Normally , you will not need this information to use the digitizing oscilloscope, but the information is useful when connecting to controllers of unusual configuration.
Appendix C: Interface Specifications C–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual H DT1 (Device T rigger). When acting as a listener , the digitizing oscilloscope responds to the GET (Group Execute T rigger) interface message. H C0 (Controller). The digitizing oscilloscope cannot control other devices.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual D–1 Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings The factory initialization settings provide you a known state for the digitizing oscilloscope.
Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings D–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.) Control Changed by Factory Init to Delayed edge trigge.
Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual D–3 T able D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.) Control Changed by Factory Init to Display trigger bar style Short Display trigger “T” On Display variable persistence 500 ms Edge trigger coupling DC Edge trigger level 0.
Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings D–4 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.) Control Changed by Factory Init to Logic trigger class.
Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual D–5 T able D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.) Control Changed by Factory Init to Measure gating Of f.
Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings D–6 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T able D–1: Factory Initialization Settings (Cont.) Control Changed by Factory Init to Saved waveforms No .
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Glossary–1 Glossary ASCII Acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Controllers transmit commands to the digitizing oscilloscope using ASCII character encoding. Address A 7-bit code that identifies an instrument on the communication bus.
Glossary Glossary–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Real-time sampling A sampling mode where the digitizing oscilloscope samples fast enough to completely fill a waveform record from a single trigger event. Use real-time sampling to capture single-shot or transient events.
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Index–1 Index Numbers 2 + 2 channel operation, viii A Abbreviating, command, 2–4 ACQUIRE?, 2–47 ACQUIRE:AUT OSA VE, 2–47 ACQUIRE:MODE, 2–48 ACQUIRE:.
Index Index–2 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual CH<x>:PROBE?, 2–75 CH<x>:PROBECAL?, 2–75 CH<x>:PROBEFUNC:EXT A TTEN, 2–76 CH<x>:PROBEFUNC:EXTDBA TTEN, 2–76 CH.
Index TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Index–3 CURSOR:FUNCTION, 2–80 CURSOR:HBARS?, 2–80 CURSOR:HBARS:DEL T A?, 2–81 CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION<x>, 2–81 CURSOR:HBARS:POSITION<x&.
Index TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Index–5 HARDCOPY :P ALETTE, 2–151 HARDCOPY :POR T , 2–152 HARDCOPY :FILENAME, 2–147 HARDCOPY :FORMA T , 2–148 HARDCOPY :LA YOUT , 2–151 HARD.
Index Index–6 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual L Limit test command group, 2–22 Limit T est commands LIMIT :BELL, 2–181 LIMIT :COMP ARE:CH<x>, 2–181 LIMIT :COMP ARE:MA TH<x&g.
Index TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Index–7 MEASUREMENT :MEAS<x>: DELA Y :EDGE2, 2–221 MEASUREMENT :MEAS<x>: DELA Y :SOURCE1, 2–224 MEASUREMENT :MEAS<x>: DELA Y :SO.
Index Index–8 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Messages, Status and error , 1–2 Miscellaneous, LOCK, 2–188 Miscellaneous command group, 2–26 Miscellaneous commands AUTOSET , 2–67 BE.
Index TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual Index–9 RS232:HARDFLAGGING, 2–252 RS232:P ARITY , 2–253 RS232:SOFTFLAGGING, 2–253 RS232:STOPBITS, 2–254 *RST , 2–250 Rules, command forming,.
Index Index–10 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual T erminator , command message, 2–6 TIME, 2–264 T ime base, Manual trigger simulation, 2–342 T imeout trigger , 2–317 , 2–318 *TRG, .
Index Index–14 TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual WFMPRE:ZZERO, 2–352 W A VFRM?, 2–345 <wfm>, command mnemonic, 2–7 WFMPRE?, 2–345 WFMPRE:<wfm>?, 2–353 WFMPRE:<wfm>.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Tektronix TDS510A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Tektronix TDS510A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Tektronix TDS510A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Tektronix TDS510A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Tektronix TDS510A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Tektronix TDS510A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Tektronix TDS510A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Tektronix TDS510A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.