Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto TDS1000- and TDS2000- del fabbricante Tektronix
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Us er Man u a l TDS 1000- and T DS2000-Serie s Digital Stor age Osc illoscope 071-1064- 00 Thi s doc ume nt s uppor t s f i r mwa r e ve r s i on FV : v1.
Copyright © T ekt ronix, Inc . All right s reserve d. T e ktroni x product s are c overe d by U.S. and fore ign pa te nts, i ss ued a nd pendi ng. Inform at ion i n thi s public at ion superc ede s that in a ll previ ously publi shed m at eri al . S pec ifi ca ti ons and price cha nge privil ege s reserve d.
W ARRANTY SUMMAR Y (TDS1000 - and TDS2000 -Series Di gital Storage Osci ll oscope) T ek tro n ix warran ts th at th e p ro d u cts th at it m an u factu res an d sells will b e free fro m defects in m.
W ARRANTY SUMMAR Y (P2200 Pr obe) T ek tro n ix w arran ts th at th e p ro d u cts th at it m an u factu res an d sells w ill b e free fro m d efects in m aterials an d w o rk m an sh ip fo r a p erio d o f o n e (1 ) y ear fro m th e d ate o f sh ip m en t.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual i T able of Conte nts Gen eral S af ety S um ma ry v ............................ Pr efa ce vii ............................................ H elp S ys tem ix ...............................
T a ble of Conte nts ii TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Acquiri ng Signal s 17 ................................... A cqu is ition M odes 17 ................................ T ime Bas e 18 ..................................
T a ble of Conte nts TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual iii Triggeri ng on a Speci fic Pulse W i dth 60 .................... Triggeri ng on a V ide o Signal 62 ........................... Triggeri ng on V ideo Fie lds 63 ....
T a ble of Conte nts iv TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual TDS 2CMA Commu nicati ons Modu le 127 .................. In s talling an d Remo vin g an Exten s ion M odul e 127 ............ Chec king Module Instal la ti on 130 ..
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual v General Safet y Sum mary Revi ew the foll owing safet y prec aut ions to a void i njury a nd preve nt dam age to t his product or any produc ts conne ct ed t o it . T o avoi d po tential hazard s , us e this pr oduct only a s speci fie d.
G ener al Saf ety S ummar y vi TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Do N ot Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions. Do N ot Operate in an Explosive A tmosphere. Keep Product Surfaces C lean and Dry . Safety T erms and Sym bols T erms in This Manual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual vii Preface Thi s ma nual cont ai ns opera ti ng i nforma ti on for the TDS 1000-Serie s and TDS 2000-Serie s Digit al Storage Osc illos copes .
Pre f a c e viii TDS 1000/2000-Seri es Digi ta l O sc illos cope U s er M anu al H The M ath FFT cha pte r cont ai ns deta il ed i nforma ti on about how to use t he Mat h FF T func ti on.
P ref ace TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual ix Help S yst em The o s cillos cope h as a Help sy s tem w ith top ics that co ver all the featu res of th e os cillos cope.
Pre f a c e x TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Hyperlinks Mos t of t he he lp t opic s conta in phra ses marke d with a ngle brac ket s, such as <Autoset >. The se are li nks to othe r topi cs. Turn the HELP SCRO LL knob to m ove t he hi ghli ght from one l ink t o anot her .
P ref ace TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual xi Conv entions Thi s ma nual uses the foll owing c onvent ions: H Front-pane l buttons, knobs and c onnec tors a ppea r i n a ll upperc ase le tt ers. For exa mpl e: HEL P , PRIN T .
Pre f a c e xii T DS 1000/2000-Seri es Digi ta l O sc illos cope U s er M anu al Pr oduct End - of - Li f e Handl i ng Components that C ontain Mercury . T he col d cat hode fluore scent t ube loc at ed i n the li quid c rystal displa y bac kli ght c onta ins tra ce am ounts of me rcury .
P ref ace TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual xiii Conta cting T e ktronix Phone 1-800-833-9200 * Address T ekt ronix, Inc . Depart me nt or na me (if known) 14200 SW Karl Bra un Drive P .O. Box 500 Bea vert on, OR 97077 USA Web s i te ww w .
Pre f a c e xiv T DS 1000/2000-Seri es Digi ta l O sc illos cope U s er M anu al.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 1 G etti ng Sta rte d TDS1000-S eri es a nd T DS 2000-Serie s Digit al Storage Osc illos copes are s mall, lightw eight, ben chto p pack ages that yo u can us e to tak e ground-refe renc ed m ea sureme nts.
G etting S tarted 2 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Gene ral Fea tures The n ext tab le and bulleted list d es crib e the g ener al featu res . Model Channels B andwidth Sample rate Dis pl ay TDS1002 2 60 MHz 1.0 GS/s Monoc hrome TDS1012 2 100 MHz 1.
G etting S tarted TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 3 H D ual time b as e H Math Fast F ourie r T ransform (FF T) H P uls e W idth trig ger cap ability H V ideo trig ger cap.
G etting S tarted 4 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Insta llation Power Cord Us e onl y power cords designe d for your osc illos cope. U se a po wer source t hat del ive rs 90 to 264 V AC RM S , 45 to 66 Hz. If you have a 400 Hz power source, it must de li ver 90 t o 132 V AC RM S , 360 to 440 Hz.
G etting S tarted TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 5 Functiona l Che ck Perform t his quic k funct iona l c hec k to ve rify t hat your osc illos c op e is op eratin g corr ectly . PASSED ON / OFF bu tton 1. P ow er on the os cillos cop e.
G etting S tarted 6 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Pr obe Safety A guard around t he probe body provide s a finge r barri er for prote ct ion from el ec tri c shock. Finger guard W ARNI NG. T o avoid electr ic s hock wh en us ing the pr o be, keep fing er s behi nd the guar d on t he pr obe body .
G etting S tarted TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 7 Pr obe Che ck Wiza rd Y ou ca n use the Probe Chec k W i za rd to qui ckl y veri fy that your probe i s operat ing prope rly .
G etting S tarted 8 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Manual Pr obe Com pens ation As a n al te rnat ive me thod t o Probe Chec k, you c an m anua ll y perform thi s adjustm ent to m at ch your probe to t he i nput c hanne l.
G etting S tarted TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 9 Pr obe Atte nuation Setting Probes are ava il abl e w it h va rious a tt enua ti on fa ct ors which af fec t the vert ic al sca le of the signa l. T he Probe Check funct ion veri fie s tha t the P rob e attenu ation optio n match es the attenu ation of the p rob e.
G etting S tarted 10 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Self Ca libration The s elf calibr ation rou tine lets yo u o ptimize th e os cillos cop e s ign al path f or max imum meas ur ement accur acy .
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 11 Understanding Oscilloscope Functions Thi s chapt er c onta ins inform at ion on what you nee d to unde rstand bef or e you u s e an os cillos cope.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 12 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Setting Up the Osc illosc ope Y ou should bec ome fa miliar with th ree fu nctio ns that yo u may us e ofte n when opera ti ng your osc illos cope: A utos et, sav ing a setu p, an d recallin g a setu p.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 13 Default Setup The os cillos cop e is s et up fo r no rmal op eratio n w hen it is s hipp ed fr om the factor y . This is the defau lt setu p.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 14 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Whe n you push the RUN/ST OP or SING LE SEQ buttons to sta rt a n acqu is ition , the o s cillos cope g oes thr ough the fol lowing ste ps: 1.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 15 T ypes The o s cillos cope p ro vid es three ty pes of trigg ers : Edge, V ideo , and P uls e W idth.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 16 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Position The h or izon tal po s ition contr ol es tablis hes the time b etw een the trig ger an d the s creen cen ter .
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 17 Ac quiring S ignals When you acquir e a s ign al, the o s cillos cope c onvert s it int o a digi ta l fo rm an d d is play s a wav efo rm.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 18 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T ime Bas e The o s cillos cope d igitizes w avef or ms by acq uir ing th e value o f an input signa l at di scret e point s. The time bas e allow s y ou to co ntr ol how ofte n the val ues are digi ti ze d.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 19 Horizontal Scal e and Position; Pretr igger I nfor mation Y o u c a n a dj u st t he HORI Z ONT AL POSI T ION c on t ro l t o v i e w w avef or m data b efo re th e trig ger , after the trig ger , or so me of each.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 20 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T ime Domain A liasing. A lias ing occu rs w hen the oscillo scop e do es not sampl e t he signa l fa st enough t o construc t a n ac cura te waveform reco rd .
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 21 O s cillos cope mod els w ith 60 M H z or 10 0 M Hz ban dwid th sample at rates up to 1 G S/s . M odels w ith 20 0 M Hz ban dwid th sample at rates up to 2 G S/s .
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 22 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual The n ext tab le lis ts the time bas es th at yo u s houl d use to a void al ia sing at vari ous freque nci es and the respec ti ve sampl e rat e.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 23 Settings to avoid aliasing in Sample mode (Cont.) T ime base (SEC/D IV) Samples per second Maximum frequency component 1.0 ms 250.0 kS/s 125.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 24 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T aki ng M easu r ement s The o s cillos cope d is play s grap hs of voltage v ers us time and can help you to m ea sure the displa yed wave form.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F un ctions TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 25 Cursor s This metho d allow s yo u to take meas ur ements by mo vin g the cursors, which a lways appe ar i n pai rs, and re adi ng the ir num eri c val ues from the displa y readout s.
U nd ers tandin g O s cillos cope F unctio ns 26 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 27 Operatin g Basics The front pa nel i s divi ded int o easy-to-use funct iona l are as. Thi s cha pte r provide s you w it h a qui ck ove rvie w of the c ontrol s and the inform at ion displa yed on the scree n.
O per ating B as ics 28 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Dis play A rea In ad ditio n to dis playin g w avef or ms , the dis play is filled w ith many det ai ls about the wave form and the osc illos cop e contr ol settin gs.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 29 2. T rig ger s tatus in dicates th e follo w ing: Armed. The o s cillos cope is acqu irin g p retr igg er d ata. A ll tri ggers a re ignored in t his sta te . R Ready .
O per ating B as ics 30 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 7. A n arro w icon ind icates that the wav efo rm is inver ted. 8. Rea douts s how the ve rti ca l scal e fac tors of the c hanne ls. 9. AB W icon ind icates that the chann el is band wid th limited.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 31 Message Area The o s cillos cope d is play s a mess age area ( item nu mber 15 in the previ ous figure ) at the bot.
O per ating B as ics 32 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Us ing the Menu Sys tem The user int erfa ce of TDS1000- and TDS2000-s eri es osc illos cop es w as d es ign ed fo r eas y acces s to s pecialized fu nctio ns thr ough the me nu struct ure.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 33 H A ction : The o s cillos cope d is play s the typ e of action that w ill immediately o ccur w hen yo u pu s h an A ction o ptio n bu tton .
O per ating B as ics 34 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual V ertical C ontrols All m odels CH 1, CH 2, CH 3 , CH 4 , CURS OR 1 a nd CURSOR 2 P OSI TI ON.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 35 Horizontal C ontrols 2-channel models 4-channel model s POSITIO N. Ad jus ts th e ho rizo ntal p os ition o f all ch ann el and math w avef or ms . The r es olu tion of th is contr ol var ies w ith the time b as e sett ing.
O per ating B as ics 36 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual HORIZ M ENU. Displays t he H oriz onta l M enu. SET T O ZER O. Sets the ho rizo ntal po s ition to zer o. SEC/D IV . S elects the ho rizo ntal time/d iv ( s cale facto r) for the main o r the window time bas e.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 37 USER SELEC T Description Holdof f Sets the am ount of tim e before another trigger ev ent can be acc epted; refer t.
O per ating B as ics 38 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Menu and C ontrol Buttons All m odels SA VE/R ECA LL. D is play s the Sav e/Recall Men u for s etup s and waveform s. M EAS URE. D ispla ys the aut oma te d m ea sureme nts m enu.
O per ating B as ics TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 39 Conne ctors 2-channel models 4-channel models PROBE COM P . V ol ta ge probe com pensat ion output a nd ground. U se to electrically match the p ro be to the os cillos cop e i nput ci rcui t.
O per ating B as ics 40 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 41 App licatio n Examp les This s ection pres ents a ser ies of app lication examp les . Thes e s implif ied ex amples hig hlig ht th e featur es of the os cillos cope and give you ide as for using it to solve your own test probl em s.
A pp lication Ex amples 42 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T aki ng S imp le M easu r ement s Y ou nee d to see a signa l i n a c irc uit , but you do not know the am pli tude or freque ncy of t he signa l.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 43 3. Connec t the c hanne l 1 probe to the signal . 4. Push t h e AUTO SET but ton. The o s cillos cope s ets th e ver tical, ho rizo ntal, an d tr igg er co ntr ols auto matically .
A pp lication Ex amples 44 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 3. Push t h e Ty p e optio n bu tton an d s elect Freq . The Va l u e re adout di splays the me asurem ent a nd update s.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 45 11 . P us h the seco nd o ptio n bu tton f ro m the bottom; the M easur e 4 Menu appe ars. 12. Push t h e Ty p e optio n bu tton an d s elect Ri se Ti me . The Va l u e re adout di splays the me asurem ent a nd update s.
A pp lication Ex amples 46 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Measuring T wo Si gnals Y ou are te sting a pie ce of equi pme nt a nd nee d to m ea sure the gai n of the aud io amplif ier . Y ou h ave an aud io gen erato r that can inject a test signal a t the a mpl ifi er input .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 47 T o a ct iva te and di splay t he signa ls conne ct ed t o cha nnel 1 and t o cha nnel 2, follow t hese s te ps: 1. If the cha nnel s are not di splaye d, push the CH 1 M ENU and CH 2 M E NU butt ons.
A pp lication Ex amples 48 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T aki ng Cu r sor M easu r ement s Y ou can us e th e curs ors to qu ickly tak e time an d vo ltage measu re- me nts on a wave form. Measuring Ri ng Frequency T o me asure the ri ng frequenc y at the ri sing edge of a s igna l, fol low thes e step s : 1.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 49 Measuring Ri ng Ampl itude Y ou me asured t he ri ng freque ncy i n the previ ous exam ple . Now you want to me asure the a mpl it ude of the ringi ng. T o me asure the am pli tude , follow t hese s te ps: 1.
A pp lication Ex amples 50 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Measuring Pul se Wi dth Y ou are ana lyz ing a pulse wave form, and you want to know the w idth of th e pu ls e. T o meas ure th e wid th of a puls e usin g the time c ur sor s, fo l l ow t h e se st e ps: 1.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 51 NOTE . T he Po s itive W idth m eas ur em ent is availa ble a s an a uto ma tic measur ement in t he Me asur e Me nu, de scribed on page 94.
A pp lication Ex amples 52 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 2. Tur n t he VO L T S / D I V and VERTICAL P O SIT IO N knobs to s et the wave form am pli tude t o about five di visions. 3. Push t h e CH 1 M ENU butto n to s ee the CH 1 M enu if it is n ot displa yed.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 53 10. Tur n t he CURSO R 2 knob to pl ac e t he sec ond cursor at the point where the wave form crosses the sec ond grati cul e li ne above ce nte r scree n. T his is the 90% le vel of the waveform .
A pp lication Ex amples 54 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Ana lyzing Signal D eta il Y ou hav e a n ois y sig nal dis played o n the os cillos cop e and yo u need to know more a bout it . Y ou s uspect t hat t he signal c onta ins much more det ai l t han you c an now see i n the displa y .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 55 Separat ing the Signal from Noise Now you want to ana lyz e the signa l shape and ignore t he noise. T o reduc e random noi se in the osc illos cope d is play , follo w thes e s teps : 1.
A pp lication Ex amples 56 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Ca pturing a Single - Shot S ignal The reliab ility of a reed r elay in a piece of equ ipmen t has b een poor and you ne ed t o inve stiga te the proble m. Y ou sus pec t t hat the rel ay cont ac ts arc when the rel ay ope ns.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 57 Op t imizin g t he A cq uis it ion The initial acqu is ition s how s the relay co ntact beg inn ing to o pen at the t rigge r point. T his is foll owed by a la r ge spike tha t indi ca te s cont ac t bounce a nd induct anc e in the c irc uit .
A pp lication Ex amples 58 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Measur ing P ropagation Delay Y ou s us pect that the memory timin g in a microp ro ces s or cir cuit is mar ginal.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 59 T o set up to m ea sure propaga ti on del ay , foll ow these ste ps: 1. If the cha nnel s are not di splaye d, push the CH 1 M ENU a nd the n CH 2 M E NU butt ons.
A pp lication Ex amples 60 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T riggering on a Spec ific Pulse Width Y ou are te sting the pul se w idt hs of a s igna l in a ci rcui t. It i s cri ti ca l that the pu ls es all be a sp ecific w idth an d yo u need to v erif y that they are .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 61 6. Push t h e So urc e op tion b utto n to s elect CH 1 . 7. Tur n t he TRIGGER LEVEL knob t o set the t rigge r leve l ne ar the bot tom of the signa l. 8. Push t h e When optio n bu tton to s elect = (equal ).
A pp lication Ex amples 62 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T riggering on a Vide o Signal Y ou are te sting t he vi deo c irc uit in a pie ce of me dic al equi pme nt a nd nee d to di splay t he vi deo out put signa l. The vide o output is an NTSC standa rd signal .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 63 NOTE . Mos t vid eo s ys tem s u s e 75 ohm cab ling. Th e os cillos c op e input s do not pr operly t erminate l ow impedance c abli ng.
A pp lication Ex amples 64 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T riggering on V ideo Li nes Automatic. Y ou can als o look at the vid eo lines in the field . T o trigg er on th e video lin es , follo w th es e step s : 1. Push t h e AUTO SET but ton.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 65 CH 1 Incom ing video signal 75 Ω term inator.
A pp lication Ex amples 66 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Using the Wi ndow Function to See W avefor m Detail s Y ou ca n use the window functi on to e xam ine a spec ifi c port ion of a waveform without cha nging t he m ai n displa y .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 67 5. Push t h e Wi nd o w opti on butt on to see the expa nded port ion of the w avefo rm. 6. Tur n t he SE C/ DIV knob to op timize view ing the exp and ed waveform .
A pp lication Ex amples 68 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Ana lyzing a Diffe rential C omm unica tion Signal Y ou are hav ing in termitten t pro blems w ith a ser ial data commun ica- ti on li nk, a nd you sus pec t poor signa l qua lity .
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 69 NOTE . Be s ur e to firs t co m pen s ate bo th pr o bes . D iffer ences in pr obe compensati on appe ar as err ors in the d iffer en tial s i gnal . T o a ct iva te the different ia l signa ls conne ct ed t o cha nnel 1 and cha nnel 2, follow t hese s te ps: 1.
A pp lication Ex amples 70 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual For a more sta ble di splay , push the SING LE SE Q but ton t o cont rol the acqu is ition o f the w avef or m. Each time y ou p us h the SINGL E SEQ butto n, th e os cillos cop e acqu ires a sn apsh ot of th e digital data s tream.
A pp lication Ex amples TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 71 CH 1 CH 2 Circuit In O ut.
A pp lication Ex amples 72 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T o vi ew the input and out put of t he c irc uit in a n XY di splay , foll ow thes e step s : 1. Push t h e CH 1 M ENU but ton a nd set t he P rob e op tion attenu ation to 10X .
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 73 Referen ce This ch apter des cribes th e menus an d oper ating details as so ciated with each fr on t-p anel menu b utto n or co ntr ol.
Refe renc e 74 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Ac quire P us h the AC Q U IR E butto n to s et acquis ition par ameters . Options Settings Comments Sa mple U se to ac quir.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 75 Sample. U s e S ample acq uis ition mo de to acquir e 2500 poi nts a nd dis play th em at the S EC/D IV s etting . S ample mo de is the d efau lt mode . 12 3456 789 1 0 Sample acquisit ion intervals (2500) Sample m ode acquires a single sample point in each int erval.
Refe renc e 76 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Peak Detect. Us e P eak Detect acqu is ition mo de to detect glitch es as nar ro w as 10 n s an d to limit the pos sib ility of alias ing. This mode is ef fective w hen at the S EC/D IV s etting of 5 s/d i v or sl o we r .
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 77 Whe n the re i s enough waveform noise, a t ypic al pea k det ec t di splay show s large bla ck a rea s. The TDS1000- and TDS2000-s eri es os cillos cop es dis play this area with dia gonal line s to improve displa y perform anc e.
Refe renc e 78 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Acquisition mode SING LE SEQ button Sa mple , P ea k D et ect Sequence i s c ompl ete when one acquis iti on is ac quired A verage Sequenc e is compl ete when the defined number of acqui si tions is reac hed (refer to page 74) Scan Mode Display .
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 79 Autos et When y ou p us h the AU TO SET bu tton , the os cillos cope iden tifies the type of waveform a nd adjusts control s to produce a usabl e displa y of the i nput signal .
Refe renc e 80 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual The Autoset functi on e xam ine s al l channe ls for s igna ls a nd di splays corre sponding waveform s.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 81 Sine Wave When y ou u s e the Au tos et f unctio n and the os cillosco pe determines that th e s ign al is similar to a s in.
Refe renc e 82 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Square W ave or Pulse When y ou u s e the Au tos et f un ction an d the os cillos cope deter mines that th e s ign al is sim.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 83 V ideo Si gnal When y ou u s e the Au tos et f unctio n and the os cillosco pe determines that th e s ign al is a video sig .
Refe renc e 84 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Cursors P us h the CU RS OR b utto n to dis play the meas ur ement cur s or s an d Cursor M enu.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 85 NOTE . T he o s cillos cope m us t dis play a wavefo rm for the cu rs ors an d cursor r eadout s to appear . Key Points Cursor Movement. Us e t he CURSO R 1 and CURSO R 2 knobs to move cursors 1 and 2.
Refe renc e 86 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Dis play Pus h the DIS PLA Y button t o choose how waveform s are pre sente d and to cha nge the a ppea ranc e of the ent ire di splay .
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 87 Dependi ng on the type , wave forms will be di splaye d in t hree dif fer ent s tyles : s olid , dimmed , and bro ken . 1 2 3 1. A solid waveform i ndic at es a channe l (li ve) waveform di splay .
Refe renc e 88 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 2. For the T DS 1000-serie s (monoc hrome m onit or), a d immed waveform indi ca te s refe renc e w ave forms or w ave forms wit h persiste nce a ppli ed.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 89 NOTE . Th e os cillos cope can ca ptu r e a wavefo r m in n or ma l YT mo de at any sam pli ng rate. Y ou can v ie w the sam e wav ef orm i n XY mode. T o do s o, s top th e acqu is ition a nd c hange the display f orm at to XY .
Refe renc e 90 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Horizontal Y ou can use the horiz onta l cont rols to change the hori zont al sca le and p os ition of w avefo rms . Th e hor izon tal pos ition rea dout show s the time r epr es ented by th e center of th e s creen , us ing th e time of the tri gger as zero.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 91 NOTE . Y ou c an push the horizontal opti on butt ons to switch be twe en an ent ir e wav ef orm di splay and an e nlar ged, mor e de tai le d part of i t. The a xis for vert ic al sca le i s the ground le vel .
Refe renc e 92 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Scan Mode Display (Roll Mode). When the S EC/D IV co ntro l is s et to 100 ms/di v or slower and t he t rigge r mode is set t o Auto, t he os cillos cop e enters the s can acqu is ition mo de.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 93 Ma th P us h the MA TH M ENU bu tton to d is play th e wav efo rm math opera ti ons. Pus h the MA T H M ENU button a gai n to re move the ma th waveform di splay . Re fer to page 1 12 for verti ca l sys te m descri pti ons.
Refe renc e 94 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual M easur e P us h the MEA SU RE butto n to acces s au tomatic meas ur ements . Ther e are eleven typ es o f meas ur ements availab le. Y ou can d is play up to f ive at a time.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 95 Measurement type Definition Mean C alc ulates the arithmeti c m ean vol tage over the entire rec ord Pk-Pk Calc ulates the a.
Refe renc e 96 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Pr int Pus h the PRIN T but ton t o send the scree n dat a t o a pri nte r or comp uter . The pri nt funct ion requi res the opti onal T DS 2CMA Com muni ca ti ons Ext ension Module.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 97 S ave/Recal l P us h the SA V E/REC A LL butto n to s ave or r ecall os cillos cope s etup s or waveform s.
Refe renc e 98 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Wavef orms Options Settings Comments Wa ve f o r m s Highli ghting W aveform s dis play s the men u fo r sto rin g or r eca .
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 99 T rigger Controls Y ou ca n defi ne t he t rigge r through t he Trigge r Menu and front -pane l cont rols. T rigger T ypes Thre e t ypes of tri ggeri ng are ava il abl e: Edge , V ide o, a nd Pulse W i dth.
Refe renc e 100 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Edge T rigger U s e Edg e trig ger ing to trig ger o n the edg e of the o scillos cope i nput signal a t the t rigge r threshold.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 101 T rigger Frequency Readout The o s cillos cope c ounts the rat e at which t rigge r e vent s occ ur t o det erm ine tri gger fre quenc y and di splays the freque ncy i n the lower right corne r of the scree n.
Refe renc e 102 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Source Options. Source option D etails Numbered chan- nels T riggers on a channel whether or not the waveform i s disp laye.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 103 Coupling. Cou plin g allow s yo u to filter th e trigg er s ignal us ed to tri gger a n ac quisit ion.
Refe renc e 104 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual V ideo T rigger Options Settings Comments V ideo Wi th V ideo hi ghli ghted, triggeri ng occurs on an NTSC , P AL, or SECAM.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 105 Pu lse Wid t h T rig ge r Us e Pulse W idt h tri ggeri ng to t rigge r on abe rrant pulses.
Refe renc e 106 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual T rigger Frequency Readout The o s cillos cope c ounts the rat e at which t rigge r e vent s occ ur t o det erm ine tri gger fre quenc y and di splays the freque ncy i n the lower rig ht cor ner o f the s creen .
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 107 Knobs and Butt ons LEVEL or USER SELEC T Knob. U se to cont rol the Trigge r Leve l, Trigger Holdoff, V ideo L ine Number or Pulse W idt h. T he pri ma ry funct ion of t his knob is to set the tri gger l eve l.
Refe renc e 108 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual FOR CE TR IG B utton. Us e the FORCE TRIG butt on to compl et e the cur ren t w avef or m acqu is ition wh ether o r no t the os cillos cope detects a trigge r . This i s useful for SIN GLE SEQ acqui siti ons and Normal trig ger mo de.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 109 Holdoff. Y ou c an use t he Trigge r Holdof f funct ion t o produce a sta ble displa y of com ple x waveform s, such as pulse t rai ns. Holdof f is the time betw een w hen th e os cillos cope detects one trig ger and w hen it is ready to detect an oth er .
Refe renc e 11 0 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Utility P us h the UTI LITY bu tton to d is play th e Utility M enu. The U tility M enu ch ang es w ith the additio n of a TD S 2C M A ex tens ion m odule . Refe r to t he ne xt sec ti on for inform at ion on t he e xte nsion modul e.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 111 Key Points Self Calibration. The s elf calib ratio n r ou tine o ptimizes the os cillos cope accur acy fo r the ambien t temperatu re. F or max imum accur acy , yo u should perform a self ca l if the a mbi ent t em pera ture c hange s by 5 ° C or more.
Refe renc e 11 2 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual V er ti cal Y ou ca n use the vert ic al cont rols to di splay wave forms, a djust vert ic al sca le a nd pos it ion, a nd s et i nput para me te rs. Refer to page 93 for the vert ic al ma th de script ions.
Refe renc e TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 11 3 NOTE . T he o s cillos cope ver tical r es ponse r oll s off slowl y above i ts bandwidt h (60 MHz , 100 MHz, or 200 MH z, depe nding on t he model , or 20 MH z when the Bandwi dth Limit opti on is set t o On).
Refe renc e 11 4 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual U in Level and D elta Readouts. V ertical s ens itivity s hould m at ch on waveform s us ed for m at h opera ti ons.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 11 5 Ma th FFT Thi s chapt er c onta ins det ai le d inform at ion on how to use t he Mat h FF T (Fast Fourie r Transform). Y ou c an use t he FFT Math m ode t o conve rt a time-d omain ( Y T) s ignal into its fr equency co m ponent s (spect rum).
Ma t h FFT 11 6 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Setting Up the T ime -D omain W avefor m Bef or e you u s e FF T mo de, yo u need to s et u p the time-do main (Y T) waveform . T o do so, foll ow these ste ps: 1. Push AUTO SET t o displa y a YT wave form.
Ma t h FFT TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 11 7 T o se t u p t he FFT d i spl a y , f ol l o w th e se st e p s: 1. Pus h t he M A TH MENU butt on. 2. S et the Op eratio n op tion to F FT . 3. Se l e c t t he Ma t h FFT Sou rc e c h a nn e l .
Ma t h FFT 11 8 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Normal ly , the displa y com presses the FFT spect rum hori zont al ly i nto 250 point s, but you c an use t he FFT Zoom funct ion t o expa nd the FF T spec trum to m ore c le arl y see t he fre quenc y com ponent s at each of the 1024 data poi nts in the FF T spect rum.
Ma t h FFT TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 11 9 Math FFT option Settings Comments Source CH1 CH2 CH3 * CH4 * Selec ts the c hannel us ed as the FFT sourc e Window Hanning .
Ma t h FFT 120 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Selec ting an FFT Window W i ndows re duce spec tra l le aka ge in the FFT s pec trum . The FFT assumes t hat the YT wave form repea ts fore ver . W i th an i nte gral nu mber of cy cles (1, 2 , 3, .
Ma t h FFT TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 121 Applying a window to the YT waveform c hange s the wave form so that the s tart and s top valu es ar e clos e to each other , redu cing th e dis contin uities .
Ma t h FFT 122 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual The Mat h F FT functi on incl udes three FFT W indow options. The re is a trade- of f betw een freq uen cy res olutio n and amp litud e accuracy w ith each typ e of w i ndow .
Ma t h FFT TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 123 Nyquist frequency (one-half sample rate) Frequency Am plitude Aliased frequencies Actual frequencies Elimin at ing Ali ases T o eliminate alias es , try the fo llow ing remed ies : H Turn the SEC/ DIV knob to set the sam ple ra te t o a faster se tting.
Ma t h FFT 124 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual H If you do not ne ed t o vie w frequenc ie s compone nts above 20 M H z, set the Ban dw idth Limit optio n to O n. H P ut an exter nal filter o n the s ou rce s ign al to band w idth limit the source waveform t o frequenc ie s bel ow tha t of the Nyquist freque ncy .
Ma t h FFT TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 125 Whe n you cha nge the z oom fac tor , t he FF T spect rum is magni fie d about the ce nte r grat ic ule li ne. In othe r words , t he a xis of horiz onta l magn ificatio n is the cen ter g raticu le line.
Ma t h FFT 126 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual M easur i ng an F FT S p ectr u m Using Cu r sor s Y ou ca n ta ke t wo mea sureme nts on FF T spec trum s: magni tude (in dB) a nd freque ncy (i n Hz). Magni tude is refe renc ed t o 0 dB, where 0 dB e qual s 1 V RMS .
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 127 TDS 2C MA C ommunic ati ons Modul e Thi s cha pte r de scribe s how to us e the TDS 2CMA Communi ca ti ons Ext ension Module (opti onal ) with a TDS1000- or TDS 2000-serie s os cillos cop e.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 128 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual CAUTION. E le ct r ostat ic di schar ge (E SD) can damage components in the module and the osc illos cop e. T o pr even t ESD , follow the next lis t of pr ec auti ons when instal li ng, r emovi ng, or handli ng an module.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 129 Removi ng an Extension Modul e T o re move an e xte nsion modul e, refe r to t he ne xt illus tration an d foll ow the previ ous prec aut ions.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 130 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Che ck ing M odule Insta llation T o c hec k tha t t he m odule is corre ct ly i nstal le d, power on t he os cillos cop e. The pow er -o n s creen s houl d l ist the TDS2CM A m odule and inc lude t he me ss age “ Po we r-up T e st s Pa sse d.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 131 Sending Screen D ata to an Exte rnal De vic e The TDS2CM A module le ts you send scree n dat a t o an e xte rnal devi ce , such as a cont roll er , pri nte r , or comput er .
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 132 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Opt io n Settings Comments Layout Portrai t, Landsc ape Printer output ori entation Format Thi nkj et.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 133 T esting the Printer Port T o tes t the pr inter por t, fo llow thes e step s : 1. If you have al rea dy conne ct ed t he osc illosco pe to a pr inter , go to st e p 4.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 134 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Setting Up a nd T es ting the R S -2 32 Interfac e Y ou ma y nee d to set up and t est t he m odule RS-232 inte rfac e.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 135 Connecting an Exter nal Devi ce Whe n you conne ct the modul e t o an e xte rnal RS-232 devic e, foll ow the se guidel ine s: H Us e the c orrec t ca ble (re fer to the t abl e on page 134).
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 136 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual RS-232 Set tings T o s et up the os cillos cop e RS -2 32 in terf ace, follo w th es e step s: 1. Push UT ILIT Y " Options " RS -232 . 2. Pus h the opti on butt ons to ma tc h the sett ings of your ext erna l devi ce .
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 137 T esting the RS- 232 Interf ace T o tes t the os cillos cop e RS -23 2 in terf ace, fo llow thes e step s : 1. Co nn ect the o s cillos cope to a pers onal co mpu ter ( P C) us ing an appropri at e RS-232 ca ble (re fer to the t abl e on page 134).
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 138 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual CH 1 PR OBE C OM P 6. O n the os cillos cop e, pus h UT ILIT Y " Options " RS-232 . 7. Ch eck that the menu s ettings match tho s e listed in th e table on page 137.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 139 NOTE . F or br ie f i nformation on c omm and ent ry , r ef er to page 150. For c omplet e comm and i nformation, r e fe r to the pr ogram mer manual that came wi th y our ext ension module .
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 140 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 2. Ch eck that yo u are us ing the cor rect RS -23 2 cable. D etermin e whethe r your ext erna l de vic e re quire s a null -mode m or a strai ght-t hrough conne ct ion.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 141 7. If y ou r eceive on ly par t of the pr inter f ile, try thes e r emedies : a. Leng then the timeou t fo r th e exter nal d evice b. M ake s ure th e pr inter is s et to receiv e a bin ary file, no t a text f ile.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 142 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Checking Com mand Status If you want t o che ck t he sta tus of ea ch c omm and sent , you c an appe nd an *STB? query a fte r eve ry com ma nd and re ad t he re spons e string.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 143 1 No connection 2 Receive data (RxD) (input) 3 Transmit dat a (T xD) (output ) 4 Data term inal ready.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 144 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual H Connec t the osc illos cop e to th e G P IB netwo rk. U se an ap prop ri- at e GPIB cabl e. Y ou ca n stac k ca ble conne ct ors. The next ta ble li sts cabl es tha t you c an orde r to c onnec t t he osc illos cop e to the GP IB net work.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 145 2. O n the os cillos cop e, pus h UT ILIT Y " Options " GPI B Set up . 3. Push t h e Addre ss opt ion but ton t o assign a uni que a ddress to the os cillos cop e.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 146 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual The fo llow ing pr oced ur e verif ies co mmun ication w ith the os cillo- scope by a cqui ring a signal and re turni ng a vol ta ge m ea sureme nt.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 147 2. In th e contr oller s oftw are, sen d the ID ? command to the os cillos cop e. The o s cillos cope s houl d send bac k it s ident ifi ca ti on string whic h looks s imilar to th e follo w ing : ID TEK/TDS 1002,CF:91.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 148 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual GPIB Network Convent ions T o ac hie ve a high dat a tra nsfer rate , the physic al di stanc e bet ween dev ices and the numb er of devices o n the bus ar e limited.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 149 H A max imum s epar ation o f 13 .2 feet (4 meter s ) betw een any tw o devi ce s and an a vera ge sepa rat ion of 6. 6 fee t (2 m et ers) over t he ent ire bus.
TDS2CM A Comm unic at ions Module 150 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Comman d E nt r y When y ou en ter os cillos cop e command s o ver th e RS- 232 or G P IB bus, fol low t hese genera l rules: H Y ou ca n ent er c omm ands in uppe r or lower c ase.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 151 Appe ndix A : Spec ifi ca tions All spec ifi ca ti ons apply t o the TDS1000- and TDS2000-s eri es os cillos cop es . P 2200 probe spec ifi ca ti ons appea r at the end of t his chap ter .
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 152 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Inputs Input Coupling DC, AC, o r GND Input Impedanc e, D.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 153 Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Inputs Channel - to - Channel C ommo n Mod e R j i i l TD.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 154 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) V ertical Analog Bandwidth i n Sampl e and A verage modes.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 155 Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) V ertical D C G a in Accu ra cy ± 3% for Sampl e or A ve.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 156 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Horizontal Sampl e Rate R ange TDS1002, TD S1012, TDS2002.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 157 Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) T rigger T rigger Sens iti vi ty , E d T i T Coupling Sen sitivit y g g y , Edge T rigger T ype DC CH1 , CH2, CH3, CH4 1 div from DC to 10 MHz * , 1.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 158 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) T rigger T rigger Level Ac curac y , i l Acc uraci es are for s ignal s hav ing ri se and fal l tim es ≥ 20 ns g g y , typi cal Sourc e Accu ra cy Internal ± 0.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 159 Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Pulse Width T rigger Puls e Width T rigger modes T rigger.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 160 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) T rigger Frequency Counter Readout R esol ution 6 dig its.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 161 Os cillo sc op e Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Measurements Cur s or s V oltage di f ference between cur.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 162 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Os cillo sc op e Ge ne r al Sp ec if ica t ion s ( Cont.) Environmental T emperature Operating 32 ° F - 122 ° F (0 ° Ct o+ 5 0 ° C) Nonoperating -- 4 0 ° F - 159.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 163 Oscilloscope EMC C ertifications and Compliances European Union Meets the intent of D irec tiv e 89/336/EEC for Elec tromagneti c Compatib ility .
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 164 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Oscilloscope EMC C ertifications and Compliances (C ont.) Au str alia /N e w Zealand Meets the intent of Austral ian EM C Framework as dem onstrated to the foll owing spec ifi cati on: AS/NZS 2064.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 165 P2200 Probe Specifications Electrical characteristics 10X position 1X position Bandwidth DC to 200 MHz D.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 166 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual P2200 Probe Specifications (Cont.) Cert ifications and Com pli ances EC D ecl aration of Conformity Comp.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 167 P2200 Probe Specifications (Cont.) E nvironmental charact eristics T emperature Operating 32 ° F - 122 ° F (0 ° Ct o+ 5 0 ° C) Nonoperating -- 4 0 ° F - 159.
Appendix A: Spec ifi ca ti ons 168 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 169 App end ix B: Accessories A ll access ories (s tandar d and o ptio nal) ar e available by co ntactin g your loc al T e ktroni x fie ld office . Standar d Accessories P2200 1X, 10X Passi ve Probes.
Appendix B: Acce ss orie s 170 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Optional Accessories (Cont.) 2-channel 4-channel TDS200-, TDS1000- and TDS2000-Ser ies Digi tal Os cillo sc op e Pr og r amme r Man ua l. The programmer m anual (071 - 1075 - XX Engli sh) prov ides command and s yntax inform ation.
Appendix B: Acce ss orie s TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 171 Optional Accessories (Cont.) Internat ional Power Cords. In additi on to the power cord shi pped with your i.
Appendix B: Acce ss orie s 172 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 173 App end ix C: General Care an d Clean ing Gene ral Ca re Do not store or lea ve the i nstrume nt where the L CD displa y w il l be exposed t o dire ct sunlight for long pe riods of time.
A pp end ix C: G ener al Care and C leanin g 174 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 175 Appe ndix D: De faul t Se tup Thi s appe ndix describe s the opti ons, but tons a nd c ontrol s tha t change sett ings when you push the DEF AU L T SETUP button. For a li st of sett ings tha t do not cha nge, refe r to pa ge 178.
Appendix D: D efa ult Set up 176 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual Default setup (C ont.) Menu or control Opti on Default setting MA T H Operation CH1 - - CH2 FFT operation:.
Appendix D: D efa ult Set up TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 177 Default setup (C ont.) Menu or control Opti on Default setting TRI GGER ( Pu l s e) Ty p e Pulse Source CH1 When = Set Puls e Width 1.
Appendix D: D efa ult Set up 178 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual The DEF A UL T SETUP button doe s not reset the foll owing sett ings: H La nguage opt ion H Saved set up f.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 179 App end ix E: GPIB and RS -232 Interf aces The next ta ble provide s an in-de pth c ompa rison of the GP IB and RS-232 inte rfac es. Y ou should sel ec t the i nte rfac e t hat be st me et s your requi rem ent s.
A pp end ix E: GP IB and R S -2 32 I nter faces 180 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual GPIB and R S - 232 interface comparison (Cont.
TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 181 Inde x ? in V alue readout, 44 A Abbreviating, commands, 150 AC coupling, 112 Access ories, 169–172 Acquire, menu, 74 ACQUIRE button,.
Index 182 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual B Bandwidth, limit, 112 Bandwidth limited, readout, 30 Bezel button, xi Binary data, RS - - 232 transfer , 141 Break signals , RS.
Index TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 183 type, 86 DISPL A Y button, 38, 86 Display s tyle of wavef orms, 87 Do Self Cal option, 10 Dots, 86 Dual time base, 36, 90 E Edge tr igger , 100 Er ror L og, 110 EXT T RIG connector , 39 Extension module.
Index 184 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual HOLDOFF contr ol, 36 access , push HOR IZ M ENU button, 109 HORIZ MENU button, 36 Horizontal aliasing, time domain, 20 how to mak.
Index TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 185 O Option button, xi Options A c t i o nt y p e ,3 3 Circular List type, 32 Page Selection type, 32 Radio type, 33 Oscillos cope e.
Index 186 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual RS - - 232 protocol Break signals , 142 compared to GPI B s tandard, 179 conventions, 141 I/O e rrors , 1 41 setup options , 136 .
Index TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual 187 T ime domain , waveform, 1 16 T ransient waveforms, 1 17 T ransit cas e, order ing, 171 TRIG MENU button, 37 TRIG VI EW button, 3.
Index 188 TDS1000/2000-Serie s Digit al Os c illos cop e Us er Man ual scanning, 78 take measurements, 24 time domain, 1 16 transient, 1 17 W eb site address , T ektr onix, xiii W indow time base, 36,.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000-, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000-.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000-. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Tektronix TDS1000- and TDS2000- insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.