Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VPL-FX41/FX41L del fabbricante Sony
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4-178-728- 11 (1) Data Projector Opera ting Instru ctions VPL-FE40/FE40L VPL-FX40/FX40L VPL-FX41/FX41L VPL-FW41/FW41 L © 2006 Sony Cor poration Not all models are available in all countries and area. Please check with your local Sony Authorized Dealer.
2 W ARNING T o reduce the risk of fi re or elec tric shoc k, do not expose this apparatu s to rain or moisture. T o av oid elect rical shoc k, do n ot open the cabinet . Refer servicing to qualified pe rson nel only . WARNING THIS APP ARA TUS MUST BE EARTHED .
3 this device must ac cept any interference received, including interference that may caus e undesired operatio n. For the State of Ca lifornia, USA only Perchlorat e Mat erial - special handli ng may appl y , See www .dtsc. hazardou swaste/ perchlor ate Perchlorat e Material: L ithium batte ry con tains pe rchlora te.
4 T able of Contents Precautions .......... ................. .............. 5 Notes on Inst allation and Usage ........ 6 Unsuitable Installation ... .............. 6 Usage in High Altitude ................. 7 Unsuitable Conditions ............... ..
5 Precautions Precautions Wa r n i n g The Instal lation Man ual contai ned in the CD-R OM is for dealers. If customers perfor m the insta llation describ ed in this manu al, an accid ent may occur, causing seriou s injury . Nev er install it by yourse lf.
6 Notes on Inst allation and Usage On LCD projector The LC D proj ector is manuf actured us ing high -precis ion tec hnolo gy . Y ou may , howev er, see ti ny black po ints a nd/or brig ht points (red, blue, or gree n) tha t cont inuousl y appear on the LCD proj e ctor .
7 Notes on Inst allation and Usage Subject to direct coo l or warm air from an air-conditioner Installing in such a locatio n may cause malfunction of the un it due to mo isture conde nsatio n or rise in temp erat ure. Near a heat or smoke sensor Malfunc tion of t he sensor m ay be c a use d.
8 About the Supplied Manuals / F eatures B Over view About th e Supplied Manuals The following manuals and softwares are supp lied with the proje cto r . On Macin tosh syst em, you ca n read only th e Operating Instructions and Insta llation Manual for Dealers.
9 Feat ures Overview * The opti onal le ns VPLL -1008 can adj ust the focus ma nually . Also, optio nal lenses are a vailabl e for the proj ector, depend ing o n your set up condition . * The option al lenses are av ailable for VPL- FE40, VPL-FX 40, VPL-FX 41 and VP L- FW41 e quippe d wi th a s tandard lens only .
10 Location and Funct ion of Controls • Kensington is a registered tr ademark of Kensington T echno logy Gro up. • Macintosh i s a registered tradem ark of Apple Inc. • VESA is a registered trade mark of the V ideo Electron ics Standa rd Ass ociation.
11 Location and Function of Controls Overview f Air filter cove rs The air filter of V PL-FX41 /FW41 ca n be set on one side on ly . T o maintain optimal performance, cl ean the air filter when ever y ou rep lace the lam p . F or de tails, see “Clea ning the A ir F i lter” o n page 44.
12 Location and Funct ion of Controls – Flashes in re d when th e internal temperatu re is h igh or the el ectrical system has failed. – Lights in green when the proj ector is turned on, and when it is ready to oper ate. – Flashes in g reen from th e time when the pro jector is turn ed on u ntil the projecto r is ready to o perate.
13 Location and Function of Controls Overview A UDIO input L (MO NO)/R (phono type) Connect t o the audio output of vide o equipme nt. For stereo e quipment u se both the L an d R jack s; for mona ural equipment use the L (MONO) jack only .
14 Location and Funct ion of Controls The k eys th at hav e the s ame n a me s as th ose on the c ontrol pane l function identically . a ? / 1 (On/Standby) key b INPUT A/B/C/D/E keys Selects t he inpu t signal output from th e connect or of t he same name as th ose of the Remot e Comman der .
15 Location and Function of Controls Overview m MUTING keys Cut off the picture and sound. • PIC : Cuts o ff the picture . Press again to restore the pict ure. • A UDIO: Press to temporarily cut the audio out put from t he speaker or audio signal from the A UDIO jack of OUTP UT .
16 Installing the Projector B Pr ojecting the Pic ture Installing t he Pr o jector The f ollowing ta ble gives an exampl e of i nstalli ng th e standa rd len s supp lied wi th VPL- FE40/ FX40/ FX41/FW4 1.
17 Connecting the Projector Proj ecting the Pict ure Connecting the Projector When you connect the projector , make sure to: • T urn of f all equi pment bef ore ma king an y connectio ns.
18 Connecting the Projector appear proper ly . Set y our com puter t o output the sign al to only t he extern al monitor . F or deta ils, refe r to the op erating instructio ns supplied with your comput e r .
19 Connecting the Projector Proj ecting the Pict ure This se ction describe s ho w to conn ect th e proj ec tor to a VC R. For more information, refer to the instru ction ma nuals of the equipm ent you are con necting.
20 Projecting Pr o jecting 1 Plug the A C power cord into a wall outlet, then connect all equipment. The ON/ST ANDBY indi cator lights in red and the proje ctor goes int o standby mode. 2 Press the ? / 1 key . The ON/ST ANDBY indicato r flashes in green, an d then light s in green.
21 Projecting Proj ecting the Pict ure F or deta ils, see “Auto Input Sea r ch” in the F unct ion menu on page 36. • The Sm art A P A featu re is effective for the input (ana log) sign al fr om a comput er only . (It is not ef fecti ve for digital computer signal .
22 T urning Off th e P ow er Tu r n i n g O f f t h e Po w e r 1 Press the ? / 1 key . “POWER OFF? Please press ? / 1 key again. ” app ears to con firm that you want to turn of f the po wer . The m ess age di sappea rs if you press any ke y other than the ? / 1 k ey , or if you do not press any key for appr oxima tely fiv e second s.
23 Selecting the Menu Language Convenient Functions B Convenie nt Functi o ns Selecting th e Menu Lang uage Y ou can select one of sixt een lang uages for displa ying the m enu and o ther on -scree n displays . The f actory setting is Englis h. T o chan ge th e menu la nguage, proc eed a s follo ws: 1 Plug the A C power cord into a wall outlet.
24 Secu rity Lock The menu changes to the selecte d langua ge. T o clear th e menu Press the MENU key . The m enu d isappears aut omatic ally if a key is not p ressed f or one minut e. Security Lock The projec tor is equipped with a security lock func tion.
25 Sec uri ty L ock Convenient Functions Enter the password on this screen. 3 Enter the password again to confirm. When “Securi ty Lock Enabl ed!” is displa yed on the menu s creen , the setting fo r security lock i s completed. If “ In vali d Pa sswor d!” is displaye d on the menu scr een, pe rform thi s procedur e again from ste p 1.
26 Other Functions Other Fun ctions If you will be using a circuit breaker to turn the power for the entire sy stem on and off, set the dire ct po w er on func tion to “O n. ” Y ou can turn the po w er on/of f without pressing the po wer ke y on the proje ctor .
27 Using a MENU Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu B Adjust ments and Settings Us ing a Me nu Usin g a MENU The projector is equip ped with an on-s creen menu f or making variou s adjustment s and settings.
28 Using a MENU 4 Make the setting or adjustment of an item. • When changing t he adj ustme nt lev el: T o i ncrease the n umber , press th e M or , key . T o decrease the numb er , press t he m or < key . Press the ENTER key to restore the pre vious scr een.
29 The Picture Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu The Picture Menu The Pictu re menu is used for adjus ting the pictur e. Items that can be adjusted o r set depend on the kind of input sign als. F or deta ils, see “Input sign als and ad justabl e/setti ng items” on page 40.
30 The Picture M enu DDE (Dynamic Detail Enhanc er) Acco rding t o the film sou rce you have sele cted, make a sett ing for pl ayba ck. • Fil m: N orm ally , se lect this op tion. Repr oduces the 2-3 Pull-Do wn film s o urces wit h smooth pictu re move ment.
31 The Screen Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu The Screen Menu The Screen me nu is used t o adjust the i nput signal . Y ou can also adju st the aspect ratio of the picture. Items that can be adjusted o r set depend on the kind of inp ut signals.
32 The Screen Menu • Note that if the proj ector is used for profit or fo r public vie w ing, modif ying the origi nal picture b y switching t o the aspect mode may constitute an infrin gement of the rig hts of autho rs or produce rs, which are le gally prot ecte d.
33 The Screen Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu • Fo r Aspe ct, “ Aspe ct” i tsel f or a p art of the setting items canno t be displa yed on th e scre en accordi ng to the in put sig nal. Also , “Full 1 ” and “Fu ll 2, ” or “Ful l 1” and “4 :3” ma y becom e the same image s.
34 The Setup Menu The Setup Menu The Setu p menu is used for changing the settin gs of the pr ojector . Setting items Functions Initial setting Stat us Sets wheth er o r not the on -screen displ ay i s dis playe d.
35 The Setup Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu • If you tu rn on “High Altit u de Mode” t o “On” at a n altitude less than 1 ,500 m (4,921 f eet), the project or may reduce th e reliabi lity of th e lamp.
36 The Function Menu The Funct ion Menu The Function men u is used for changing the settin gs of the v arious functions o f the proje ctor . Setting items Functions Initial setting Smart AP A The AP A.
37 The Function Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu • Pre ss the AP A key when the full image is displ ayed o n the sc reen . If the pr oject ed image includ es a black p ortion aroun d it, the AP A func tion will not work prope rly and some par ts of the image may not be displaye d on t he screen.
38 The Installation Menu The Installation Menu The Installa tion menu is used for cha nging the se ttings of the proje ctor . Lamp Mode Standard All ID Mode Illumination Direct Po wer On Setting items Functions Initial set ting V Keystone C orre cts the vertical trap ezoi dal disto rtion o f the pic ture.
39 The Installation Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu • Since the V k eystone function is an electro nic correc tion, sometime s the image wil l be dete rior ated.
40 The Information Menu The Information Menu The Inform ation me nu display s the model name, serial number , the h orizonta l and v ertical frequencies of t he input sig nal and the cumul ated ho urs of usage of the la mp.
41 The Information Menu Adjus tments an d Settings Using a Menu z : Ad just abl e/ca n be set – : N ot ad just ab le/c ann ot b e set *1 : E xcept B & W *2 : NTSC 3.58 and NTSC 4.43 only , except B & W *3 : P reset memor y No. 3, 4 only *4 : P reset memor y No.
42 Replacing the Lamp B Maint enanc e Replacing th e Lamp The lamp use d as a light source i s a consumab le prod uct. Th us repla ce this la mp with a ne w one in the fo llo wing cases. • When t he lamp has burnt out or dims • “Please repl ace the Lamp and cl ean the Filter .
43 Replacing the Lamp Main tenance • Be c aref ul not to touch the gla ss su rface of the lamp. • The power will not turn on if the lamp is not secu red prop erly . 6 Restore th e lamp co ver to th e original position and t ighten the three scre ws with the phillips scre wdriver .
44 Cleaning the Air Filter Cleaning th e Air Filter The air f ilter should be cleaned whe nev er you repl ace the lamp. Remov e the air f ilter , and then remov e the dust with a vacuum cleaner. The time ne eded to cle an the air f ilter will vary dependin g on the environment or how the projector is used.
45 T roubleshooting Others B Others T r ouble shoot ing If the projector appe ars to be operat ing erratically , try to diagnose and correct the proble m using the follo wing instructions . If the prob lem pers ists, consult with qualif ied Sony personnel.
46 T roubl eshooting Sound “Ple ase chec k Input- C Signal Sel. ” appear s in spite of inputting th e correct sig nal from INPUT C. The setting of “Input-C Sign al Sel. ” in t he Setup menu is incorrect. c Select “Com puter, ” “V id eo G BR” o r “C ompone nt” c orrect ly accord ing to th e input s ignal (se e page 3 5).
47 T roubleshooting Others Remot e Commander Other s Indicators Symp tom Cause an d Remed y The Remote Commander does no t work. • T he R emote C omma nder batt eries ar e d ead. c Replac e them wi th ne w batt eries ( see pa ge 15). • The COMMAND ON/OFF switch is set to OFF .
48 T roubl eshooting W arning Messages Use the li st below to check t he meanin g of the messages disp layed on the scree n. Caution Messages Use the li st below to check t he meanin g of the messages disp layed on the scree n. Messa ges List Messa ge Meanin g and Rem edy High temp.
49 Specifications Others Specification s Optical characteristics Projec tion system 3 LCD pane ls, 1 lens, 3 primary colo r sh utte r sy ste m LCD pa nel VPL-FE4 0: 0.79 -inch (20. 1 mm) SXGA+ panel, 4 ,410,000 pix els (1400 × 1050 × 3) VPL-FX4 0/FX41: 0 .
50 Specifications 1) Set th e res oluti on a nd the fr equ ency of the signal of th e connec ted com puter with in the range of ac ceptable pre set signals of the projector.
51 Specifications Others Heat dissipat ion 1365 BTU Oper atin g tem perature 0°C to 35°C (3 2°F to 95°F) Oper atin g humidity 35% to 85% (n o condensa tion) Stor age temp erature –20°C to +60°.
52 Specifications 100 inch es (2,540 m m): 48 40 to 6630 mm 200 inch es (5,080 m m): 97 70 to 13350 mm 300 inches (7 ,620 mm): 14 700 to 20060 mm VPL-FW41: 100 inch es (2,540 m m): 50 80 to 6960 mm 20.
53 Specifications Others Preset signals Memor y No. Prese t signal fH (kHz) fV (Hz) Sync Analo g sign als Digital signal s 1 V ide o 60 Hz V i deo 60 H z 15.734 59.940 – z 2 V ide o 50 Hz V i deo 50 H z 15.625 50.000 – z 3 480/6 0i DTV 480/60i 15.
54 Specifications 31 800 × 600 VESA 56 35. 156 56. 250 H -pos, V- p o s z 32 V ESA 60 37.879 60.317 H-p os, V- p o s zz 33 V ESA 72 48.077 72.188 H-p os, V- p o s z 34 V ESA 75 ( IBM M5) 46.875 75. 000 H-p os, V- p o s z 35 V ESA 85 53.674 85.061 H-p os, V- p o s z 36 832 × 624 Mac 16 49.
55 Specifications Others Preset memor y No. at the input signal Analog sig nals Digital sig nals • Wh en a sign al othe r than t he pres et sign als shown a bove is input, the pictur e may n ot be d isplay ed properl y .
56 Dimensions Dimensions Fr ont To p Unit: mm (inches) Center of the le ns 532 (21) 497 (19 5 / 8 ) 133 (5 1 / 4 ) 65.4 (2 5 / 8 ) 65.4 (2 5 / 8 ) 133 (5 1 / 4 ) 116 (4 5 / 8 ) 29.5 (1 3 / 16 ) 145 (5 3 / 4 ) 87.5 (3 1 / 2 ) 47.5 (1 7 / 8 ) 27.5 (1 1 / 8 ) 71 (2 7 / 8 ) 26 (1 1 / 16 ) 100 (4) 7.
57 Dimensions Others Side Unit: mm (inches ) 82 (3 1 / 4 ) 41.6 (1 11 / 16 ) 34.7 (1 3 / 8 ) 55 (2 1 / 4 ) 112 (4 1 / 2 ) 133 (5 1 / 4 ) 34 (1 3 / 8 ) 298 (11 3 / 4 ) 279 (11) 112 (4 1 / 2 ) 16.5 ( 21 / 32 ) 9.5 ( 3 / 8 ) 27 (1 1 / 8 ) 352 (13 7 / 8 ) 330 (13) 77 ( 3 1 / 32 ) 95 (3 3 / 4 ) 80 (3 1 / 4 ) 145 (5 3 / 4 ) 89 (3 1 / 2 ) 24.
58 Dimensions Rea r Bottom Unit: mm (inches ) 40 (1 5 / 8 ) 120 (4 3 / 4 ) 82 (3 1 / 4 ) 33.6 (1 3 / 8 ) 25 (1) 25 (1) 71 (2 7 / 8 ) 40 (1 5 / 8 ) 90 (3 5 / 8 ) 96 (3 7 / 8 ) 24.3 ( 31 / 32 ) 10 ( 13 / 32 ) 15 ( 19 / 32 ) V entilat ion holes (Exhaust ) Speak ers 16.
59 Inde x Others Index A Adju st Sign al AP A ....... ........... .......... ............... .......... 32 Phase .. ........... ........... .............. ........... ... 32 Pitch ... ........... ........... .............. ........... ... 32 Shift ...
60 Ind ex Po wer turn of f ............. .............. ........... ........... 22 Precautions ...... .... .......... ................... ......... 5 Projecting ............... ............... ........... ....... 20 R Remote Co mmander ............. .
Sony Corporation.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony VPL-FX41/FX41L insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.