Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto VAIO Digital Studio del fabbricante Sony
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V AIO Dig ita l Stu dio ™ Computer User Guide.
3 Contents Wel come .. ..... .... .. .... .... .. ..... .... .. .... .... ..... .. .... ..5 Loc a t ing Controls An d Conne c t ors ..... .. .. .. 7 Fron t P anel O vervi ew .... ..... .... ..... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... . 7 Bac k Pa ne l Overv i ew .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 4 Co nf ig u rin g Yo ur V A IO C om pu t e r .. .. .. ... .. 59 Hard Disk Driv e Partiti on ............ ............ ............. . ... 59 i.LINK ( IEEE139 4) Compa tibility ... . ............. ..........
5 We l c o m e Thank y ou for pur chasing y our Sony V AIO® comput er! Y our n ew computer is a supe rb blend of high technol ogy and e asy -to-use funct ionality . T he i nformation pr ov ided he r e is design e d to help you to become fami liar with the har d war e and softwar e appli cations include d with your sys tem.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 6.
7 Locati ng Control s And Connector s F r ont P ane l Over vi e w The front panel of you r V AIO Co mputer a llows access to t he opt ical a nd flo ppy dis k drive s. It also i nclude s Univer sal S erial B us (USB) an d i.LI NK® ports to conne ct compatibl e periphe ral device s.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 8 Fro nt panel ✍ Y our co m put er ma y not be supp li ed wit h al l of the f eatu res list ed , dep endin g on the syst em con figur at ion you pur c has ed. 1 Optical drive 1 See Spec ifi catio ns she et f or op tical d rive info rma tion.
Locat ing Contr ol s And Connector s 9 4 Floppy disk drive access indicator light Ligh ts in green whil e reading and writ ing data fr om and to a flop py dis k. 5 Optical drive a c cess indicator light Ligh ts in amber while readi ng an d writing dat a from and to th e optical dr ives.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 10 Back P ane l Over view The back pa nel of your comput er contains the ports for suppli ed and opti onal acc ess ories. The ic ons on the back panel loc ate and ident ify the ports and jacks on your compute r .
Locat ing Contr ol s And Connector s 11 3 Ethernet port 1 0BAS E-T / 1 00BAS E- TX Fas t Et h e r net i n te r fa ce . (The port marke d with (Network) is for LAN connecti ons only .) 4 Uni versal Ser ial Bus (USB) ports (2) Conne ction for co mpa ti ble USB devic es.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 12.
13 V AIO A c ti on Se tu p V AI O Action Se tup manages the sett ings for y our computer ’ s Shortcut keys (S Keys). Sho r tcut K eys The pro gram m abl e S Ke ys are linke d wi th the foll owing ap.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 14 3 Clic k t he S Key you want to change . 4 From th e Selec t Appli cati on di alog box, cli ck the o pti on for the de si red type of fun c tion. The c orrespondi ng appl icat ions ap pear i n the list box on t he right.
15 V AIO A V Applicat ions Y our V AIO® computer has a pr einst alled colle ction of audio and vide o (A V) appli cations that make it easy t o use advanced multimedia technolo gy .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 16 Over view o f Prein stal led S oftw are Digital Print Sony El ec tr onics Inc. This image managem ent soft ware ma kes it fun and easy t o edit, impor t, a nd or ganize your d igi tal pic tures in a photo albu m for rich digita l prin ting t o any standa rd color la ser or inkjet pr inter .
Ov erview of Prei nstalle d Soft ware 17 Smart Capture Sony El ec tr onics Inc. Smart C apture i s a fun new way to send mult imedi a mes sa ge s via e-ma il. Smart Capt ure manages the i.LINK® conne ct ion between your not ebook and a Sony Digit al Handy cam® Camcorde r that supports t he i.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 18.
Digi talPrint So ftware 19 Digi tal P ri nt So ftware Digit alPr int is designe d to cre ative ly m ana ge your digi ta l picture s. W i th its easy-t o-use feat ure s, you can quickly load images fro.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 20 2 Clic k the c amera i con to open the E nter Phot o Fold er Name di alog bo x. Y ou can ente r a name for a new folder or click Select Photo Fol der to im port your pict ures to an exist ing folder . Cl ick OK.
Digi talPrint So ftware 21 3 Clic k Capture t o capture st ill im age s . Y ou ca n prev iew a thumbnai l version of your p ictures in t he sel ection view wi ndow . 4 Sele ct th e desired pic tures , and click Get P ictu res. The PhotoCap ture pict ure edit or window appea r s .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 22 Using Phot oCollection Y ou can selec t and print your fa vorite d igita l pic tures, using your c omput er and home print er .
Digi talPrint So ftware 23 6 Clic k Print All to prin t all page s, or cl ick “Prin t the se lecte d pag e only ” to pr int a speci fic p age of photos . Using Phot oDecor Y ou can decorat e your favori te photos with cl ip art, sta mps, or your own dra wing tal ent.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 24 2 Sel ect th e desi r ed f o l der . From t he th umbn ai l view , cl ick t o sele ct t h e pict ures you want to de cora te.
Digi talPrint So ftware 25 2 Clic k Create New Album. Th e Sel ect Photo wind ow a ppears. 3 Sele ct th e phot os yo u want to i nclude in y our al bum fro m the ava ilabl e folde rs displa yed. Cli ck L is t to select ind ividual p icture s fro m each folder .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 26 2 Clic k a n icon to s el ect a media type . A n ew window opens. 3 Clic k the pape r layo ut ic on. The Selec t Desi gn window appea rs. 4 Selec t a design temp late. Use the de corat ion an d c usto mi za tion feature s on the right by clicking an i con a nd dra gging it onto yo ur templ ate.
D Vgate So ftwar e 27 D Vgat e Soft ware Connecting a digital video camcorder T urn of f the powe r to your dig ital vi deo camcord er bef ore connect ing it to your com pute r . Aft er conne ct ing the dev ice, turn it s power back on. Y ou do not need to turn of f the compute r when conne ct ing the camc orde r .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 28 T o us e D Vgate softwar e t o reco rd A VI files to t ape ❑ Do not use DVgate™ s oftware when t he conne cted digi tal vide o device i s in T imer R ecordi ng mode, as this c ould produce a mal functio n in the de vice .
Mo vieShaker So ftware 29 MovieS hake r Soft wa r e Movie Shaker™ softwa re can be used to create fun and innova ti ve movies withou t any previo us knowle dge of fil m editing. In a few simple steps , video file s ca n be made fr om st ill im ages wit h ad ded speci al ef fect s and mus ic.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 30 Cre at ing mov ies wi th M o vieS hak er sof twa re Using your importe d clips , you can cr e ate a sh ort m ovie usin g the S hak e feature . The Shak e f eat ure se lect s clips from t he Sto ry B oard tr ay , a dd s effec ts, an d combine s them ra ndomly in to a 3 0-sec ond movie .
Mo vieShaker So ftware 31 Usi ng the S hak e feature 1 Cli ck t he S hake tab . Th e Sh ake tray app ears 2 Se lect a mood by cl icking a face in the S hake pa ttern t ray . 3 Clic k the Sha ke! bu tton. A 30-s econd movie i s a utomatic ally gener ated.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 32 Addi ng eff ects to a sc ene or a cl ip 1 Double -clic k or drag the desir ed clip or s ce ne to move it to the Sto ry Boar d tra y . 2 Clic k t he Ef fect button on the Effe ct tray . 3 Drag the Ef fect icon you want t o add from the Ef fec t tr a y to th e Effect pale tte on the Edit tra y .
Mo vieShaker So ftware 33 Addi ng tex t ef fects to a scene or c lip 1 Dou ble -cl i c k or drag the clip or sc ene to mo ve it to the Stor y Board tray . 2 Clic k the T ext butt on on the Edit ing t ray . 3 Clic k the T ext Sett ing but ton to c reate custo mized t ext.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 34 Saving a mo vie 1 V e ri fy that the movi e or cl ips you want to save are lo cated on the S tory Bo ar d tr ay . 2 Clic k the Export butt on on the Stor y Board t ray . 3 Selec t th e format in wh ich yo u want th e movie to be save d.
Mo vieShaker So ftware 35 Using I mag eStation onl ine service with Mov ieShaker softw a re Imag eSta tio n SM is an online s er vice tha t allows you to s tor e your pictu res and movi es on the I nt erne t to s har e with f ami ly and fri end s. ImageS tati on requ ir es an Inter net connect ion and regi s tra tion for the W eb-based servi ce.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 36 6 When the ImageS t ation a pplica ti on on your compute r connects wit h Imag eSta tion o nline, your files are up loaded to t he W eb si te. The Image Upload er window appe ars and di splays t he Internet co nnection and up load statu s.
PictureGear Soft ware 37 Pict ureG ear So ftwa re Pi ctu reGe ar ™ soft ware is a di gital i mage m anagement appli cation t hat allows you t o view a ll t he imag es st ored in a ny directory on your c omputer . T humbnail views provi de quick reminde rs of your picture s.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 38 Creating a photo albu m 1 Clic k the Folder ta b in the main wind ow and browse to loca te your pictur es. 2 Selec t th e pic tures y ou want to i nclude in y our al bum. 3 From t he Ut ili ties menu, s elect Album Maker .
PictureGear Soft ware 39 6 Clic k the “ Cu st om iz e th e d es ig n ” butto n to add pi ctures, f rames, t ext, and effe cts. 7 Clic k Save to design ate the loca ti on wher e you want to save your album. 8 Ente r a nam e for th e ta r get fo lder an d cl ic k OK.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 40 Smart Capt ure Smart Ca pture is a S ony ap plica tion that ma nage s the i.L I NK ® conn ectio n betwe en your compute r and a c omp ati ble i.
Smar t Ca pture 41 The Smart C apt ure main window ope ns with a blue s creen im ag e, ind icati ng t hat there is no d ata input from a di gital came ra or camcorder . Whe n you connec t your digi ta l camera or camcorde r to your syste m with an i.L INK cable a nd tu rn it on, a n image appear s in t he main wind ow .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 42 5 Clic k t he Options but ton to view the ava ilabl e opt ions for your sti ll image capt ure. The St ill Ima ge Opt ions windo w appea rs . The S till Im age Option s window has four ta bs: ❑ Capturing M ode — Y ou can choose betwe en Normal, Self-ti mer , or Panorama Capt ure modes .
Smar t Ca pture 43 T o c apture a p icture in Still m ode 1 Use you r digi tal camera or camcorde r to locat e the image you want to capt ure. Whe n you se e the d esired i mage in t he Smart Ca pture wind ow , clic k the Ca pture butt on. The S ti ll V iewer windo w appears.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 44 Using Ne t Mo vie Mode 1 From the S tart button in the Wi ndows taskb ar , s el ect All Prog rams, sele c t Smart Capture, and then clic k Smart Cap ture. Th e Sma r t Ca ptur e main window appe ars. 2 Connec t your compat ible i.
Smar t Ca pture 45 ❑ Destinati on — Select a file desti natio n for y our movie s when rec ording vide o cli ps. ❑ Capture Button — Set the c harac ter is tics of the sof twar e ’ s on -screen Capt ure button. Y ou can st art a nd stop rec ording by cl icking the Captur e butto n (this is the d efault c haracte risti c).
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 46 3 Y ou can revie w your m ovie from the Movie Playe r window by us ing th e play , p ause, an d st op butt ons. C lick the arro ws or drag the sc roll bar to view your movi e. E a ch frame is displa yed with an ident ifying num ber in t he queue .
Smar t Ca pture 47 T o upload with Movi e Playe r 1 Clic k the Upload Bu tton i n Movie Playe r to begin transfe r of yo ur movi e to t h e I mage St at i o n W e b si te . Th e Imag e Uplo ader windo w a ppe ar s and dis plays the Int ernet conne ction and uploa d status .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 48 3 From the S till V iewer window , c lick th e Upload button to tra nsfe r y our pi ctu r es or mo vie s to th e I mage St at io n W e b si te . Th e Image Upl o ad er window dis plays your Int ernet co nnec ti on and uploa d s t atus .
So nic Stag e So ftwar e 49 Soni cS tage Sof twar e Soni cSta ge software is a ne w jukebox appli catio n th at adds a host of ne w featur es t o i t s pred ec es so r , Ope nMG ™ Juk ebox. Sonic S ta g e softwa re le ts you play and reco rd fr om aud io CDs and i mport digi tal audi o f iles while mai ntaini ng c opyr ight inform ation .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 50 Soni cSt age feat ure ta bs (Main wi ndow) ❑ CD tab — The co nte nts of your inse rted audi o CD are di spla yed, en ab ling fu n ct ions su ch as r e cord ing to the co mpu t er ’ s hard disk driv e.
So nic Stag e So ftwar e 51 Recor ding fr om a CD Y ou can recor d song s from audio CDs and import t hem to playli sts in Soni cSta ge. 1 Inse rt a n a udio CD into your system ’ s opti ca l disc drive . 2 Clic k the CD tab. 3 Use the dro p-down l ist s to se le ct the A T RAC 3 bit ra te , CD dri ve, a nd Reco rd To d e s t i n a t i o n .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 52 4 Y ou can ident ify s pecif ic tr acks on your C D by cleari ng the check marks from the tra cks you don ’ t wan t to r eco r d. Y ou c an cl ear all s e lect ed tr acks b y sel ecti ng the empt y chec kbox next t o Se lect All , and then s ele ct ing the t racks you want to re cord.
So nic Stag e So ftwar e 53 Check- Out 1 Conne ct the ext ern al device or in sert th e media into your comput er . 2 Clic k the T rans fer t ab to di splay t he T ransfer win dow .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 54 Chec k In 1 Connec t the ext ern al device or ins e rt the media i nto your comput er . 2 Clic k the T r a nsfer t ab to disp la y the T rans fer win dow .
So nic Stag e So ftwar e 55 Addit ional fe atures ❑ Soni cS tage T u torial — Son icS ta ge fe at u res ar e d es c r ib e d in th e T uto r i al .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 56 Visu alFlow Sof tware Vi s u a l F l o w ™ soft ware is a Sony s tate-of-t he-art mult imedia bro wser desig ned spe cif ic ally f or Memory S tick ® medi a. It displ ays any still pi cture, mov ie or sound file s sto red in a Memor y Sti ck m edia in a vi sual ly ple asing, arti stic mann er .
Vi s u al F l ow S of tw a r e 57 4 Clic k an icon in th e S o rt sec tio n on the main tool bar to selec t a sorting method. 5 Pl ac ing your curs or on the l eft end of the main tool bar act iva tes the cu rren t Me m ory Stic k pr op e r ti e s.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 58 Additio nal Soft wa re Inf o rma tio n V AIO E dit Components VA I O ® Edi t Compone nts is a s of t war e plug-in for Adobe ® Premiere ® that provide s maximum compa ti bilit y and video qua li ty for captu ring video fro m your S ony d igital c amcorder .
59 Configu r ing Y our V AIO Computer This sect ion pr ovide s informat ion about maint ainin g your computer ’ s har d disk drive performanc e and c o nnecting a compati ble i.LINK ® device . Hard Disk Drive P a rtiti o n T o ma intai n opti mum syst em perfor mance, you s hould defragmen t your comp ut er ’ s D partit ion regul arly .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 60 i.LINK ( IEEE1394 ) Comp a tibil ity Y our V AIO compute r ma y i nclude ei ther 4-pi n or 6-pin, or both t ypes, of i .LINK por ts. A 6-pi n i.L INK port can: ❑ suppl y power from the comput er to the con nected devi ce if the devic e is equip ped with a 6-pi n conne ctor .
i.LINK ( IEEE1394) Compati bility 61 Connecting an i.LINK (IEEE1394) de vice 1 Use th e symb ol to lo cate the i. LINK port o n your com p a tib le i.LINK devi ce and on yo ur comput er . Plug the i .LINK ca ble con nector i nto this port. 2 Pl ug the ot her end of the cabl e in to the corres ponding 4- or 6-pin i .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 62.
63 System, Appl icat ion, And Dr iv er Reco v er y CD(s) Sy stem Reco ve ry CD (s ) Sony El ec tr onics Inc. The Sy st em Recov ery CD utili ty ena ble s you t o restore the ope rat ing s ys tem and sof t ware tha t sh ip ped with y ou r co mpu ter if th ey b eco me corr u pte d or a re e ras e d.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 64 T o Use th e Sy stem R ecover y CD( s) The Syste m Recovery ut ili ty forma ts your hard disk drive and rest ores all the origin al s oftware a pplic ations. Y o ur comput er is ret urned to the origi nal fa ctory se ttin gs.
T o Use the System Recov e r y CD(s ) 65 Usin g the S ystem Rec ove r y C D (s ) Y our syst em may take a few minutes t o load nec essary fi les. A blue screen appe ars during t he do w nloa ding pr ocess. 1 Inse rt th e System Recove ry CD in your computer ’ s opt ic al drive.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 66 T o Use th e A pplicati on R ecover y CD( s) The Appl icati on Rec ove ry CD ut ili ty enabl es you t o rein stal l indi vid ual s oft ware app l ic atio n s if th ey be co m e co r rup t ed or are er a sed.
T o Use the Driv er Re cov er y CD 67 T o Use th e Driv er Re co v ery C D The Dri ver Re covery CD uti li ty enabl es you to rei nstall i ndiv idua l drivers and re pair s oftwa re app lica tio ns i f t hey beco m e c orru pte d o r a re er ased .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 68.
69 T roub leshooti ng This sec tion desc ribes how to solv e common pr oble ms you may encounter when using your c ompute r . Many pr oblems have simple solutions, so try these sugge stions bef or e you c all Sony Custome r Support. To p i c s My compu te r does not star t.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 70 My driv ers ar e cor ru pted or de lete d. I want to r ecover dr ivers tha t came w ith my comput er . See “ T o Use the Driv er Recove ry CD ” in the on line User G uide, fo r m ore inform at ion.
T roubl eshooti ng 71 Why doe s t he W indows ® op erat ing syste m st op r espondin g dur ing s hutdown? The W indows ope rating sys te m m a y not shut down prope rly for many re asons, incl uding inc ompatibl e or conflic ti ng driv ers , damaged file s, or non-r es pons ive hardwa re.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 72 My optical drive tr ay does not open. Ther e are t wo method s for openin g your opti ca l dri ve tray: ❑ Us e th e Ejec t b u t t on 1 Ma k e s ure t he com put er is tu rned on. 2 Pre ss the Eject butt on on the drive .
T roubl eshooti ng 73 I cannot pl ay a DVD. If a regio n code warni ng appears when yo u ar e usi ng the DVD pla yer appl icati on, it may be that th e reg ion code of the DVD you are tryi ng to pl ay is inco mpatible wi th the regi on code sett ing of your opti cal driv e.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 74 When I click an applica tion icon , a mess age such as “ Y ou mu st insert the appli cation CD int o your driv e ” appears and t he softwar e does not sta rt. ❑ Some softwa re appli ca ti ons requi re specif ic files th at are locat ed on the app lic atio n ’ s CD-ROM.
T roubl eshooti ng 75 Why is ther e no sound in a ny applicati on? ❑ Chec k tha t the speake rs are plugge d int o the Headph ones ja ck. ❑ If your speak ers have a mute button, verify that it is turned off . ❑ If your spe akers are powered b y bat teries, verify that the batte ries ar e i n s ert ed prop erly and th at they ar e char ged .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 76 My modem connec ti on is slow . Many fac tors inf l ue nce modem conne ct ion speed: ❑ T el epho ne line noi s e ❑ Incom patibili ty wit h othe r tel ephone e quipment such as fax ma chines or other mode m s.
T roubl eshooti ng 77 ❑ If it appe ar s that your mode m is not fun ctioni ng properly , che ck the device status . 1 Clic k S tart in t he W i ndows ta skbar , then cli ck Cont rol P anel. 2 Click Pr inters and Other Hardware and then sele ct Phone and Modem Option s.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 78 3 From the Audio ta b, loc ate the Sound recording se ction and clic k t he V olume butto n. The Recordi ng Control dialog box app ears. 4 Selec t the Opti ons menu and clic k P ro pe rt ies . Th e P r oper tie s dialog box appe ars.
T roubl eshooti ng 79 My mouse ne eds to be set u p for left-ha nd use. 1 Clic k S tart in t he W i ndows ta skbar , then cli ck Cont rol P anel. 2 Clic k Print ers an d Ot her Hardware, t hen cli ck Mouse . The Mouse Pro pertie s dial og box appear s .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 80 How do I inst all a prin ter ? ❑ If your pr int er has a USB, IEEE1394 , or infr ared conn ec tio n, conta ct the printe r manufa cturer for informat ion or updates that may be required for pro per in st alla ti on.
T roubl eshooti ng 81 T o contact Son y f or techn ical support For furthe r technical assistance , c all 1-888- 4-S ONY -PC (1-8 88-476 -6972) or acc ess t he Sony Co m putin g Supp ort W e b sit e a t: http: //www.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 82.
Notes on Use 83 Notes on Us e The informat ion in t his se ction provide s b asic p rocedures to f ollow whe n handl ing your compute r , co mponents, and a cc essori es. The po wer sour ce ❑ Y our computer ope rates on 100 – 12 0 V AC 50/6 0 Hz on ly .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 84 Disposal of the lithium battery Dispo se of t he l ith ium batt ery pr oper ly . In some areas, t he di spos al of lithi um batt eries in household or busines s tra sh may be p rohibite d.
Notes on Use 85 ❑ Shou ld any solid obj ect or liq uid fall in to the cabine t, keybo ard, or mouse , shut down y our com puter and t hen u nplug i t. Y ou may want to ha ve th e compute r checked by qual ified personne l before opera ting it any fu rther .
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 86 Upgrading the computer syste m ❑ The upg radi ng procedu res describe d in the onli ne manual, as s ume famili arity wi th the general ter mi nolo gy a.
Notes on Use 87 Using the har d disk driv e ❑ Do not plac e th e computer in a l ocati on that is su bje ct to vibra ti on or shock. ❑ Do not move the compute r during op eration. ❑ Do not subj ec t the comput er to sudden cha nges in tempe rature.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 88 Res ources Sony provide s several s upport opti ons for your Sony comput er . When you have ques tions abo ut you r computer a nd t he prein stalle d sof.
Resourc es 89 Sony Fax-on -De mand Thi s service provi des you with ans wers to c ommonly as ked questi ons . Y ou c an use this auto mated se rvic e to r equest a li st o f ava ilabl e topi cs . Se le ct the top ics that you w ant to v iew . T o contac t the Sony f a x-on-de m and se rvic e, call 1-8 88-4-SONY -PC ( 1-888-476-69 72).
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 90.
91 Inde x A AC Input port 11 air circu lation 84 App licat ion Re co very CD( s) ARCDs 66 audi o file formats 55 audi o pr oblems 75 B Back Panel 10 Browse r secur ity 49 C cau tio n lith iu m ba tt e.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 92 E ele ctronic equi pment 84 Ele ct ronic Mus ic Distribu tio n servic e 49 ele ctros ta tic dis char ge 86 EMD serv i ce 49 encry ption 49 Eth ernet por .
I ndex 93 op tical drive reco rding spe ed 74 tra y ej ect 72 P para llel port chan ging t ype 71 parti tioni ng your har d disk d rive 5 9 party line s 85 PBX ( P riv ate Br anch Ex change ) 85 Pictu.
V AIO Di gital Studio Compu ter Us er Guide 94 CD/DVD pl ayback p roblem s 72 CD-R W recording 74 chan ging paralle l port type 71 comp uter st opped r espond ing 70 DVD playback probl ems 73 DVD-R W .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony VAIO Digital Studio è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony VAIO Digital Studio - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony VAIO Digital Studio imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony VAIO Digital Studio ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony VAIO Digital Studio, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony VAIO Digital Studio.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony VAIO Digital Studio. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony VAIO Digital Studio insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.