Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto STR-DA2000ES del fabbricante Sony
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©2003 Sony Cor poration 4-247-241- 16 (1) FM Ster eo FM/AM Receiver Oper a ti ng Inst ructions Owner’ s Record The model and seria l numbers are located o n the r ear of the unit. Record the ser ial number in th e spac e pr ovid ed below. Ref er to th em w he neve r you ca ll up on your Sony de al er re gard ing t hi s pr od uct.
2 GB To preven t fire or shoc k haz ard, do not expose th e unit to ra in or m oi st ur e. To prevent fir e , do not cover the ven til ation of the apparatus with ne ws papers, table-clo ths, curta ins, e tc. And don’t pla c e li ghte d c an dle s on the appa r at us.
3 GB About This M anual • The instr uct ions in thi s manual a re for mode l S T R- DA2000ES and STR-DB20 00. Chec k your mode l number by looking at the lower r ight co rner of t he front pa nel. In t his m anual, S TR-DB200 0 (area code CEL) is used for ill u s tra tion pur poses unl ess stat ed otherwise .
4 GB Getting Started 1: Check ho w to hooku p your compon ents ............. ....... ........ ....... .... 6 1a: Co nnec ting comp onen ts wit h digita l audio output jacks ... ........ 8 1b: Conn ecting components with multi c hannel outpu t jack s..
5 GB.
6 GB Steps 1a t hr oug h 1c beg inning on pa ge 8 descr i be how to ho ok up yo ur comp onents to this rec ei ve r. Befor e yo u begi n, refer t o “Con nec table comp one nts” belo w for the p age s whic h de scri be h ow to connec t each com pon en t.
Getting Started 7 GB Requir ed cord s The hoo ku p diag ra ms on th e su bseq uent pag es ass um e th e us e of the fo l lo wing op tion al co nnect i on cords ( A to H ) ( not su pp lied ).
8 GB . Hookin g up a DV D playe r, TV monito r, or sa tellit e tun er For details on th e requi red cord s ( A – H ), see page 7. 1 Connect the audio jacks. * Connect to either the COAXIAL DVD IN or the OPTICAL DVD IN jack. We re commend making connections to the COAXIAL DVD IN j ack.
Getting Started 9 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The follo wing illust ration shows how to c onnect a TV or s atellit e tuner a nd a DVD player wit h COMPONENT VIDEO (Y, P B /C B /B-Y , P R /C R /R -Y) ou tput ja cks. Co nnecti ng a TV w ith co mpone nt video inpu t jacks allow s yo u t o en joy high er qua li t y vi de o.
10 GB Hookin g up an MD/DAT deck For details on th e requi red cord s ( A – H ), see page 7. If you want to connect several digital components, but cannot find an unused input See “A ss igning the au di o inpu t ” (pag e 37). Tips • All the digi ta l a udio jacks ar e comp atibl e wit h 32 kH z , 44.
Getting Started 11 GB 1 Connect the audio jacks. If y o ur D VD or Supe r A udio CD p l a yer is eq ui pp ed wi t h mul t i channel outp ut j a cks, you can conn ec t it to this r ecei ver’s MULTI CHANNEL INPUT jacks to enjoy the multi channel sou nd.
12 GB 2 Connect the video jacks. The following illustrati on shows ho w to connect a DVD player with COMP ONENT VIDEO (Y, P B / C B /B-Y, P R /C R /R-Y) output jacks. Connecti ng a TV with component video inpu t jack s al lo ws you to enjo y hi gher qua lit y vi deo.
Getting Started 13 GB Hooki ng up audi o com ponent s For d e ta il s on t he r e q ui re d co rds ( A – H ), se e page 7. Note If your turnt a ble has a ground wi re, connect it to the U SIGNAL GND terminal.
14 GB Hookin g up v ideo c ompone nts If you co nn ect yo ur TV to the M ONIT O R j acks, yo u can w at c h the vide o fro m the se lected input (page 2 4). You can also display the SP. SET UP, LEVEL, EQUALIZER, CUSTOMIZE and TUN ER menu s et t in gs and sound fi el ds on yo ur TV by pr e ssing O N SCR EEN o n th e re mote .
Getting Started 15 GB Connect th e supplied AM lo op antenna and F M wire antenna. * The shape of th e conne c tor va ries dep end ing on the area code. Notes • To prev ent no ise p ickup, keep th e AM loop ante nna away f rom the r eceiver and ot her com ponents.
16 GB Conne ct y our sp eake rs to the rece iver . Th is re ceiver a llow s you t o use a 7 .1 c hanne l s ystem (STR- DA200 0ES) or 6. 1 ch anne l (STR-DB2 000) .
Getting Started 17 GB Required cords A Speaker cords (no t supplied) (+) B Monaural audio cord ( not supplie d ) Black (–) STR-DA2000ES * If you connect only one surround back speaker, connect it to the SURROUND BACK SPEAKE RS L terminal. **You can sel ect the fr ont speake rs you wan t to use wi th SPEAKER S.
18 GB STR-DB2000 * You can se lect the fr ont speakers y ou want to use with SPEAKERS. Fo r details, see “Selecting the speake r system” (page 46).
Getting Started 19 GB Connect th e AC power cord to a wall ou tlet. Performing initial se tup oper ations Before using the recei ver fo r the f irst time, initia liz e th e rece iver by perfo rmin g the follow ing proc edure . This pro ce dure c an a lso be use d to re t u r n set t i n gs yo u hav e m a de to t h eir fa ctory def ault s .
20 GB You ca n use the SP. SET U P menu to se t the siz e and dis ta n c e of the sp eaker s connec ted to t hi s system. 1 Press ?/1 to turn on the system. 2 Press MAIN MENU to select “SP. SET UP”. 3 Rotate MENU to select the menu item you want. For more informatio n, see “Speaker s etup paramete rs”.
Getting Started 21 GB x SURR SP (Surround speakers) The surr oun d back speak er s are set to the same setting. • LARGE If you connect large spea kers that will effe ctiv ely rep roduc e bas s freque ncie s, sel ect “LARGE”. Normally, selec t “LARGE”.
22 GB When placing two surround bac k spe ak ers (The angle B s hould b e the same) x CTR X.X meter * (Center speaker distance) Initia l se tt ing: 3.0 m et er ( 10 fee t) Lets yo u set t he d istance from your lis tening p osition to the c enter s peaker.
Getting Started 23 GB Adjust the spea ke r leve ls and balance while list ening the t est t one from you r liste ning positio n. Use th e remote f or the op eration. For det ails on the remot e operati on, ref er to t he operati ng instru ctions sup plied wit h the remote .
24 GB 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. The sel ecte d in pu t appe ar s in the d isplay . 2 Turn on the component and start playback. 3 Rotate MASTER V OLUME –/+ to adj ust the volum e.
25 GB Amplifier Operati on You can se lect th e audio dir ectly fro m the compon ents conne cted to the MULTI CHANNEL INPUT jacks. This enables yo u to enjoy high quality analog inputs lik e DVD or Supe r Audio CD . Surroun d ef fects are not ac tivat ed when using this inp u t.
26 GB Direct t uning Enter a frequenc y of the stat ion dire ctly by usi ng the numeric buttons on the remote. For details on the s upplied remote, ref er to t he operating instr uctions supp lie d with the remot e. 1 STR-DA2000ES : Move the easy scroll key to select “TUNER”, then press th e key repeatedly to select “FM” or “ AM”.
27 GB Amplifier Operati on You can pres et up t o 30 F M or AM st ati ons . Then you ca n easi l y tu ne in the stati ons yo u often liste n t o. Preset ting r adio statio ns 1 Rotate INPU T SELECT OR to select “FM” or “AM”. 2 Tune in the sta t ion th a t you wa nt to preset using Automatic Tuning (page 25) or Direct Tuning (page 26).
28 GB (Mod els of ar ea co de C EL onl y) This receiver als o allows you to use RDS (Radio Data Sys t em ), wh ic h en able s rad io st at io ns to sen d add i ti on a l info rm a tio n al on g wi th th e regul a r prog ram si gn al . You ca n di splay RDS informatio n.
29 GB Amplifier Operati on Changing the i nformation in the display You can c heck the so und f ield etc. b y cha ngin g the in fo rma tio n in th e di spl ay. Press DISPL AY repeatedly. Each time you pres s DISPLAY, the display will change as foll ow s .
30 GB A SW: L ights u p w hen su b woof er sele ction is set t o “YES” (pag e 20). While this indic ator lights up, th e re ceiver ou tputs th e L F E si gna l recorde d on t he disc or gen erates a lo w frequen cy signal for out put to the sub woof er.
31 GB Amplifier Operati on (Surround B ack (the sur round back compone nts o btained by 6.1 ch annel decoding )) Example: Recordi ng forma t (Fron t /S ur ro und): 3/2 Output c hanne l: Sur round sp eakers absent Soun d Fi el d : A .F. D . AU TO R L.F.
32 GB In this mo de, the re ceiver o utputs th e sound from th e fr ont L/R s pea kers only. Th er e is no sound f rom th e su b woo fer. Listen ing to 2 ch annel stereo sources (2CH STEREO) Standa rd.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sou nd 33 GB Enjoy ing stere o sound in multi chann el (2 chan nel deco ding mode) This mode lets you spec ify the type of decoding for 2 ch an nel au di o s ourc es .
34 GB science -fi c tion or action movie s wi th lot s of sound effects . x CINEMA STUDIO EX C DCS Reproduc es the sound charac teristic s of the Son y Pictu res Ente rtainment sc oring stag e. This mode is ideal fo r watc hing mus icals or fil ms where o rchestr a music is fe atured i n the s oundtr ack.
Enjoy ing Surr ound Sou nd 35 GB This fun ction let s you se lect th e deco ding m ode for th e surr ound back signal s of th e multi chan n el in pu t str ea m . By decodi ng the su rrou nd b ack si gnal of DV D software (etc.) recorded in Dolby Di gital EX, DTS-ES Matrix, DTS-ES Discrete 6 .
36 GB How to se lect t he s urround back decodi ng mode You ca n se lect th e sur ro und back m od e you w a nt acc or ding to the in put str ea m. When you select “AUTO” When the input s tream con tains the 6.1 channel decode flag a) , the appr opri ate deco der i s ap pli ed t o deco de the su rr ound b ack si gn al.
Adv anced Adjustmen ts and Settings 37 GB You can assi gn t he digi ta l a udio inp ut fo r othe r input. Thi s fun ction i s co nv enie nt in the foll ow in g ca ses. (Example) When you have two DVD players and no digital audio input jack is available for the second DVD player.
38 GB You ca n sw i tch th e au dio inpu t mode f or components for which this re ce iv er has digi tal audio i np ut jack s. 1 Rotate INPUT SE LECTOR to select the input. 2 Press INPUT MODE repeatedly to select the audio i nput mode. The sel ect ed au di o inpu t mo de app ears in the displa y.
Adv anced Adjustmen ts and Settings 39 GB x CENT ER XX X.X dB (Center speaker level) x SURR L XXX.X dB (Surround speaker (L) level) x SURR R X XX.X dB (Surround speaker (R) level) x SB XXX .X dB (Surround back speaker level) * x SB LE FT XXX. X dB (Surround back (L) level) ** x SB RIGHT XX X.
40 GB You ca n adju st th e tona l qu a lity (b ass, tr eb le level) of each speaker using the EQUALIZER menu. 1 Start playing a source enc oded with multi ch an ne l s ur r o und effects (DVD, etc.). 2 Press MAIN MENU to select “EQUALIZER”. 3 Rotate MENU to select the parameter.
Adv anced Adjustmen ts and Settings 41 GB x SB DEC (Surround back decoding mode) You can use the CUSTOM I ZE me nu to set the surround ba ck de coding m ode. Se e page 3 5. •O F F • AUTO •M A T R I X Note This para me ter is va lid only in th e A.
42 GB All SP. SET UP menu parameters a) Adjustable only when “EASY SET UP ” is set to “NO”. b) Default unit is “ feet” for STR-DA2 000ES. Default unit is “meter ” for STR- DB 2000 . c) Adjusta b l e only whe n “ME N U EX P .” is se t to “ON”.
Adv anced Adjustmen ts and Settings 43 GB Therefore , alth ough it may re su lt in a settin g contra ry to th e above explanat ion, we recommend that y ou playback m ulti channe l surroun d encode d s.
44 GB (Models of ar ea co de U, CA on ly) This re ceiv er fe atur es the cu st om insta ll mod es descr ibed bel ow. Dep ending on how you in tend to u se th ese feat ures , us e of t hese mode s may requi r e additiona l eq ui pment (avail able separate ly) or modificati on of yo ur liste ning envir onm ent.
Other Operations 45 GB You can enter a na me of up t o 8 char ac ter s fo r preset s tati ons and in puts s elect ed wi th I NPUT SELECTOR, and disp lay it i n the recei ver’s displa y. T o index a preset s tation 1 Rotate INPU T SELECT OR to select “FM” or “AM”.
46 GB You can set th e receiv er to turn off aut omatically at a spec ified time by usi ng the re mote. For details , refer to the o perating in structi ons supplied wit h the r emote.
Other Operations 47 GB Before yo u be gin, m ak e sure you hav e connected all components properly. Rec ordin g on an a udi o tape or MiniD isc You can re cord on a Mini Disc or ca ssett e tape usi ng th e recei ver . See the oper ating inst ructions of your ca ssett e de ck or M D deck if y ou n eed help.
48 GB (Models of ar ea co de U, CA on ly) You ca n selec t analog audi o sign als for ou tput to the 2n d zo ne. 1 On the remote, press ?/ 1 while holding down USE MO DE. 2 Press v/V on the remote t o select “2ND”. The remote switche s to the 2nd zone mode.
Other Operations 49 GB The CONTRO L A1 II Control System was design ed t o si m p lify th e op erati on of au di o system s compos ed of separ at e So ny compon ents.
50 GB Usin g CON TROL S Cont rol System (Models of area code U, CA only) If you ha ve a CO N TR OL S- co mpatibl e So ny TV, satellite tuner, mo nitor, DVD pla yer or VCR, us e a co nt rol S cord (not su ppli ed) to connect the CONTROL S IN (for TV, satellite tuner, or mo nitor) or CONTROL S OUT (for VCR, et c.
Additiona l Inf ormation 51 GB On safety Should any sol id obj ect or liquid fall in to the cabi ne t, unplug the receiver and have it checked by qualified personnel bef or e oper a tin g it any further. On po wer so urce s • Befo re oper ating t he un it, ch eck th at th e oper ating voltage is identi cal with your loc a l power suppl y.
52 GB If you ex peri en ce any of the foll owing difficult ies while using the receiver , use this trou bles hooting guid e t o hel p y ou rem edy the problem. Shou ld any proble m persist, consult your nea rest So ny deale r. There is no sound no matter which component is sele c t ed .
Additiona l Inf ormation 53 GB • Adjust the s peaker level (p age 38). • Make sure t he cent er s pe ak er is set to eit he r “SMALL” or “LARGE” (page 20). There is no sound from the surround back speake rs. • Some discs have no Dolby Digital EX flag eve n though the pack ag es have Dolby Digital EX logos.
54 GB the receiv er and the rem ote is diffe rent , you cannot opera te the recei ve r with the rem ote . For the co mmand mode of t he re mote, refe r to the operati ng ins tructio ns supplie d wit h the remo te . To switc h the comm a nd mode of the re c ei ve r, press ?/ 1 while pressi ng INP UT MO DE.
Additiona l Inf ormation 55 GB AUDIO POWER SPECIFIC ATIONS POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIO N: (STR-DA2000ES mod els of a rea code U onl y) With 8 ohm lo ads, both ch annels driv en, from 20 – 20,000 Hz; rat ed 120 w at ts pe r chan nel minimum RMS power, wit h no mor e than 0.
56 GB Sepa ratio n 45 dB at 1 kHz Frequency respon se 30 Hz – 15 kHz, +0.5/–2 dB Selectivi ty 60 dB at 400 kHz AM t uner se ctio n Tuning range STR-DA2000E S: 530 – 1 ,710 k Hz 4) (With 10-kHz t.
Additiona l Inf ormation 57 GB.
58 GB Main unit A.F.D. qd (32, 33, 3 4, 41) DISPLAY 7 (29) Display 5 (30) INPUT MODE 8 (38) INPUT SELECTOR 0 (24, 25, 27, 38, 41, 45) IR recept or 1 MAI N MEN U 3 (20, 38, 45 ) MASTER VOLUME –/+ 9 (.
Additiona l Inf ormation 59 GB P U S H 28 9 6 5 3 4 7 1 ql ws wa w; qk qj qh qg qf qd qs qa q; To remove the cover Press PUS H to re move th e cov er. Whe n you remove the cov er , k eep th e co ver ou t of re ac h of th e ch ildre n.
Sony Cor poration Printed in Malaysia A Adju stin g CIS p ara meter s 44 CUSTOMIZ E para m eter s 40 EQUALIZER para meter 40 LEV EL pa ra me ter 38 , 43 SP.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony STR-DA2000ES è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony STR-DA2000ES - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony STR-DA2000ES imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony STR-DA2000ES ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony STR-DA2000ES, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony STR-DA2000ES.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony STR-DA2000ES. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony STR-DA2000ES insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.