Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SLV-SX700B del fabbricante Sony
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3-868-352- E1 (1) Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating In structions SL V -SE600B SL V -SE700B SL V -SX700B SL V -SE800B © 2000 Sony Cor poration P AL SECAM NTSC4.
2 W A RNING W ARNING T o pr e vent f ire or shoc k hazard , do no t exp os e the unit to rain or moisture. T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only . Mains lead must only be changed at a qualified service shop.
3 T able of contents Getting Started T able of conten ts Gett ing S tar t ed 4 Step 1 : Unpac king 5 Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander 9 Step 3 : Connecting the VCR 13 Step 4 : T uning your TV .
4 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the following items with the VCR: • Remote com mander • Aerial cabl e • R6 (siz e AA) bat te rie s Check y our mo del name The instr u ctio ns in thi s ma nual are for th e 4 model s: SL V -SE60 0B, SE 70 0B, SX7 00B, SE800 B.
Getting Started 5 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : S etting up th e remote co mmander Inserting the batteries Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries by matchi ng the + and – on t he batteries to the diagra m inside th e battery c ompartment.
6 Setting up the remot e commander TV contr ol b uttons T o Press Set the TV to sta ndb y mo de ? / 1 Sele ct an in put source : aeri al in or line in t TV/M AGN Select the TV ’ s progra mme po siti.
Getting Started 7 Setting up the remot e commander Notes • W i th normal use , the ba t te ries sh oul d last a bou t three to six mont hs. • If you do not use the rem ote com mander for an extende d period of time, rem ove the batteries to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery le ak age.
8 Setting up the remot e commander Code n umbers o f contr ollab le TVs If more than one code nu m ber is listed , try ente rin g them on e at a tim e until you f ind the one that works with yo ur TV . T o switch to wide m ode, see th e footnotes b elow t his table for th e applicable c ode numbe rs.
Getting Started 9 Connecting the VCR Step 3 : C onnecting the VCR If your TV ha s a PERITEL co nnector , see page 1 0. If y our TV does not ha ve a PERITEL connector Note • When you c onnec t the VCR a nd your TV only wit h an aeria l cable, you have to tune your T V to th e V C R (see p ag e 13).
10 Connecting the VCR If y our TV has a PERITEL connector Note • If the TV is co nne ct ed to t he L IG NE -1 ( T V) c o n n ecto r, settin g th e RF c han ne l to OF F is recom me nd ed. In the O FF posi ti on, onl y th e signal from th e a erial is out pu t throug h th e ANTENNE SORTIE connec tor (see p age 15 ).
Getting Started 11 Connecting the VCR About t he SMAR TLINK feat u res (not available on SL V -SE60 0B) If the connect ed TV complies with SMAR TLINK, MEGALOGIC* 1 , EASYLINK* 2 , Q-Li nk* 3 , EUR O V.
12 Connecting the VCR Additio nal connections T o a stereo syst em (not av ail ab le on SL V -SE600B) Y ou can improv e s ound qua lity by connectin g a stereo system to the SOR TIE A UDIO R/L jacks as sh o wn on t he right.
Getting Started 13 T uning your TV to the V CR Step 4 : T uning y our TV to the VC R If your TV ha s a PERITEL co nnector , see page 1 5. If y our TV does not ha ve a PERITEL connector Follow the steps below so that your TV will prop erly receive the video signals from your V CR .
14 T uning your TV to the VCR T o chec k to see if the TV tuning i s correct Set the TV to th e vi deo chann el and press CHAINE +/ – on the VCR. If the TV screen chan ges to a different program me each tim e you press CHA IN E +/ – , the TV tuning is co rrect.
Getting Started 15 T uning your TV to the V CR If y our TV has a PERITEL connector 1 Press ? / 1 MARCHE/VEILLE to turn on the VCR. 2 Press REGL CAN AL on the VCR lightly . The factory- preset R F channel ap pears in the displa y window . The VCR signal is output through this cha nnel to t he TV .
16 Setting up the VCR wi th the Auto Set Up function Step 5 : Setting up the VCR with the A uto Set Up function Before using the VCR for the first time , set up th e VCR using the Auto Set Up function. W ith this functi on, you ca n set the T V channels, g uide ch annels for t he Sho wV iew system*, and VCR clock * automatic a lly .
Getting Started 17 Setting up the VCR with t he Auto Set Up function T o cancel the A uto Set Up function Press REGLA GE A UTO. Tip • If you want to ch ange the lan gua ge for the on -scre en displa y from the on e pre s e t in the Auto Set Up functi on, see page 18.
18 Selecting a language Sele cting a lan gu age If you pr efer an on-s cr een la nguag e ot her than Fre nch , use the on -scree n displ ay to selec t an ot her language . Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and th e TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel.
Getting Started 19 Selecting a language Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , high light RETOUR and press OK . Note • The menu disappear s aut omatical l y if yo u don ’ t proc e ed fo r mo re t ha n a few minutes. 3 Press M / m to high light the desir ed langu age, the n pres s OK.
20 Presetting channels Presetting c h annels If som e chan nels could not be preset us ing the Auto S et Up func tion, you can pr eset them manu ally . Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and th e TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlig ht REGLA GES and press OK.
Getting Started 21 Presetting channels 2 Pre ss M / m to hi ghli ght REGL A GE DES CHAINES, then press OK. 3 Press M / m to high light NORME, th en press O K. 4 Press M / m to high light L or B/G, then press O K. • T o receive broadca sts in France, highl ig ht L.
22 Presetting channels 7 Press CHAINE +/ – to se lect the programm e posi tion. 8 Press M / m to high light REGLA GE CAN AL, then press OK. 9 Press M / m repeatedl y until t he channel y ou want is display ed. The channels app ear in the following order : If yo u kno w the n umber of the chan nel yo u want , press the progr amme number but tons.
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels If the p icture is not c lear Normally , the Auto Fine T uning (AFT) funct ion automa tically tun es in channels clear ly . However , if t he pict ure is no t clear, you may also use the ma nual tu ning functi on.
24 Presetting channels T uning the French CA TV channels This VCR can scan th e CA TV chann els B to Q and the HYPER frequ ency channels S21 to S41. On th e REGLA GE DES CHAINES menu , the ch annels are in dicated b y S01 to S44 REGLAGE CAN AL nu mbers respe ct iv ely .
Getting Started 25 Changing/disabling programme positions Changi ng/dis ab ling p r ogramme positi ons After setting the channe ls, yo u can chan ge the program me positio ns as you lik e . If an y programm e positions are unuse d or contain unwanted channe ls, yo u can disab le th em.
26 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , highlight RETO U R and press OK. Note • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed for mo re th an a few minute s. 3 Press M / m to high light th e ro w which yo u want to c hang e the program m e positio n, then press , .
Getting Started 27 Changing/disabling programme positions Disablin g unwanted progr amme positions After pre settin g channel s, you can disable unused pro gramme po sitions. The disabled positions will be skipp ed later when you press the CHAINE +/ – buttons.
28 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , highlight RETO U R and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed for mo re th an a few minute s. • Be sure to sel ect t he prog ramm e positio n you want to disable corre ctly .
Getting Started 29 Changing/disabling programme positions Changing the st ation names (not a va ilable on SL V -SE600B) Y o u can change o r enter the stati on names (up to 5 characters ). The VCR must rece ive channel infor matio n (for instan c e, SMAR TLINK information) fo r station names to appear a utomatica lly .
30 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , highlight RETO U R and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed for mo re th an a few minute s. • If y ou enter a symb ol i n step 5, it w ill a ppear as a bl ank s pace i n the display windo w .
Getting Started 31 Setting the clock Sett in g the cloc k Y ou must set the time a nd date on th e VCR to use the timer featu res properly . If the VCR clock was n ot set in the Auto Set Up procedu re, you need to set it manua lly .
32 Setting the cloc k 3 Press M / m to high light REGLA GE MANUEL, then press OK. 4 Press M / m to set the day . 5 Press , to highlig ht the mon th and set the month pres sing M / m . 6 Set the yea r , hour , and minutes in sequence, press ing , to high light the item to be set, and press M / m to select the digits .
Getting Started 33 Setting the clock Tips • T o chan ge the dig its while setting, press < to return t o th e it em t o be chan ged , a nd se le ct th e digits by pressing M / m . • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , high light RETOUR and press OK .
34 Setting the cloc k Changing the s tation f or the A uto Clock Set functi on (not a vai lable on SL V -SE600B) Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and th e TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlig ht REGLA GES and press OK.
Getting Started 35 Setting the clock Tips • If you se t REGLA GE A UT O to OUI, th e Auto Cl ock Set function i s acti vated wh ene ver t he VCR is tur ned of f .
36 Setting the Canal Plus decoder Setti ng the Ca nal P lus de coder Y ou can watch or re cord the Cana l Plus p rogra mme if you co nnec t a deco der (n ot supplied) to th e VCR.
Getting Started 37 Setting the Canal Plus dec oder Setting t he Canal Plus channel T o watch or r ecor d the Ca nal Plu s progra mme , set your VCR to receive the channel usi ng the o n-scre en di splay . In order to set the chann el correctly , be sure to follo w all of the step s belo w .
38 Setting the Canal Plus decoder 4 Press M / m to highlight DECODEUR, then press OK. 5 Press MENU to e xit the me nu. The menu disa pp ears from the TV scre en. 6 Press MENU again . Then press M / m to highl ig ht REGLAGES and pr ess OK. 7 Press M / m to high light REGLA GE DES CHAINES, then press OK.
Getting Started 39 Setting the Canal Plus dec oder 9 Press M / m to high light L or B/G, then press O K. • T o receive broadca sts in France, highl ig ht L. • T o receive broadca sts using th e P AL system (for example, in Germany or Switzer land), high light B/G.
40 Setting the Canal Plus decoder Tip • If you want to retur n to the previous menu , highlight RETO U R and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed for mo re th an a few minute s.
41 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Basic O perations Playing a tape 1 T urn on your TV and set it to the vide o channel. 2 Insert a tape. The VCR turns on and st art s playing automatica lly if you in sert a tape wi th its safety tab remo ved.
42 Play ing a tape Additio nal task s T o play an NTSC-rec orded ta pe Set NTSC P B at the rear of the VCR acc ording to the colour system of your T V .
43 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Notes • The counte r rese ts to “ 0: 00: 00 ” when ever a tape i s re inser ted . • The cou nt er sto ps co unting w hen it comes to a por tion wi th no rec ord ing. • The tim e coun ter doe s not a ppear o n the TV screen when u sing a n NTSC-re corde d tape.
44 Recording TV programmes Recor ding TV pr ogrammes 1 T urn on yo ur TV a nd set i t to the video channel . T o reco rd from a decod er , turn it on. 2 Insert a tap e with its safety tab in pla ce.
45 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations T o stop recor ding Press x STOP. T o chec k the remain ing time Press AFF ICH. W ith the displa y on, p ress COMPT/D UREE REST t o check the remaining ti me. Each t ime you p ress COMPT/DUREE REST , the t ime counte r and the remain ing t ime appear al terna tel y .
46 Recording TV programmes T o save a r ec ording T o p rev ent accid ental erasur e, break off the safety tab as i llustrated. T o record on the same tape again, cov er the tab h ole with ad hesiv e tape. Tips • T o select a pr ogra mme po si tion , you can use the progr am m e nu mber buttons on the rem ot e commande r .
47 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations Recordi ng what y ou are watching on the TV (TV Direct Rec) (not a va ilable on SL V -SE600B) If you use th e SM ART LINK conn ection, you ca n easily record what you are watching on the TV (other tha n tapes be ing play ed on the VCR).
48 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800B only) Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us in g the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800B only) The Dial Timer functi on allows you to ma ke timer rec ordings of pr ogrammes with out turn i ng on yo ur TV .
49 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V - SE800B only) Basic Oper ations 2 T urn PROG to set the recording date. 3 Pre s s PROG. “ ST AR T ” and th e cu rrent time app ear alternat ely in the displ ay window . 4 T urn PR OG to set th e recording start ti me.
50 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800B only) T o return to the previ ous step T o return to the p revio us step, press the CHAINE + and – buttons on the VCR at the same time duri ng any o f the Dial T imer settings. T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while rec ording, press x STOP.
51 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V - SE800B only) Basic Oper ations T o use the VCR after setting the timer T o use the V C R be f o r e a r e c ord in g be gi ns, just pre ss ? / 1 . Th e indicator t urns of f and the VCR switc hes on.
52 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800B only) About the Demonstration Mod e The Dial Timer function has a Demon s t r ation Mode that allows the user , such as a salesperson, to enter more th an eight e xamples o f timer setti ngs when dem onstrating the use o f the Dial T imer .
53 Recording TV programmes using the Sh owView system (not availab le on SL V -SE600B) Basic Oper ations Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using th e Sho wVie w system (not a v ailabl e on SL V -SE600B) The Sho wV ie w sy stem is t he f eatu re th at simplif ies prog ra mming the VCR to make timer record ings.
54 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w system (not av ailable on SL V -SE600B) 1 Press MINUTERIE. • When you set OPTIONS PR OGRAMM. to MIXTE: The METHODE DE PR OGRAM MA TION menu ap pears on the TV screen. Press M / m to select SHO WVIEW , then press OK.
55 Recording TV programmes using the Sh owView system (not availab le on SL V -SE600B) Basic Oper ations T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while rec ording, press x STOP. Daily /w eek l y recor ding In s te p 4 ab ove , p r e ss m to select th e reco rding patt ern.
56 Recording TV programmes using the ShowVie w system (not av ailable on SL V -SE600B) T o recor d satellite b roadcas ts If you conn ect a satellite tuner and the VCR, you can record satellite programmes . T o use the VCR after settin g the timer T o use the VCR before a rec ording beg ins, just press ? / 1 .
57 Setting the timer m anually Basic Oper ations Setting the timer manually If the Sho wV iew system is n ot av ailable in your area, fo llow the inst ructions belo w to set the timer to record programm es. Bef ore y ou start … • Check th at the VCR cloc k is set to th e correct time and date.
58 Setting the timer manually 1 Pre ss MINUTERIE. F or SL V -SE600B : The M INU TERI E me nu ap pea rs on the TV screen. For SL V -SE7 00B, SX70 0B, a nd S E80 0B: • When you set OPTIONS PR OGRAMM. to MIXTE: The METHODE DE PR OGRAM MA TION menu ap pears on the TV screen.
59 Setting the timer m anually Basic Oper ations T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while rec ording, press x STOP. Daily /w eek l y recor ding In s te p 2 ab ove , p r e ss m to select th e reco rding patt ern. Each time y ou press m , t h e indicatio n change s as sho wn belo w .
60 Setting the timer manually Tips • T o set the progr amme po sit ion , yo u ca n also use the CHA IN E +/ – or progra m m e num b er but to ns . • T o set the prog ramme position with a two di git number, press - (ten ’ s digit) b utt on foll o we d by the pr o gr a mme number b u tton s .
61 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations Additio nal Ope ratio ns Pla ying/sear ching at v arious speed s Pla ybac k opt ions Operatio n V iew the pict ure during fast- forward or rewind During fast-forwar d, hold d own M AV / M .
62 Play ing/searching at various speeds T o resume normal playb ack Press H LECTURE. Using the shuttle ri ng (SL V -SE800B only) W ith the shut tle ring, you can operate a variety of playb ack option s. There are two ways fo r using the shu ttle ring, n ormal mode and jog mode.
63 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations T o use the shuttle ring in jog mo de Use this mode for frame-by-frame playback. Press J OG to e nter th e jo g m o de. The J OG b utto n lig hts up . If y o u ch ange t o the jo g mode du ring any pl ayback mod e, play back p auses so you can see a still p icture.
64 Setting the recording duration time Setting the recording duration ti me T o extend the du ration Press z ENR repeatedly to set a ne w duration tim e. T o cancel the d uration Press z ENR repeated ly until the indicator disappea rs and the VCR return s to the normal recording mode.
65 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800B only) Additiona l Operations Sync hron ized Rec or ding (SL V -SE800B only) Y o u can set th e VCR to autom atically record pro grammes from equip ment su ch as a satellite tune r by c onnecting the equ ipment to the DECODEUR/ENTREE LIGNE-3 connect o r .
66 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800B only) T o cancel the Sync hr onized Recor ding functio n Press ENR SYNCHR O. The ENR SYNCHR O button turns off. T o stop recor ding Press x STOP while record ing. Recordi ng programmes using the Sync hro nized Recor ding functi on Bef ore y ou start.
67 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800B only) Additiona l Operations Notes • Thi s f uncti on may no t wo rk w ith so me typ es o f sa tell ite tun ers . • Some TV s or other e quipmen t with tim er functions w ill auto matically turn off if no opera tion is perform e d within a ce rt ai n amou nt of time .
68 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Checking/cha nging/ can celli ng ti mer settings Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on you r TV an d set it to th e vide o channel . 1 Press ? / 1 to turn on th e VCR. 2 Press MENU, the n pres s M / m to hi ghlight LISTES an d press OK.
69 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additiona l Operations When the time r settings o verlap The prog ramm e th at star t s first has prio rity and t he seco nd progr a mme start s recording only after the fi rst programme has finished. If th e programmes start at the same time, t he programme li sted f irst in the menu has priority .
70 Recording stereo and bilingual progr am mes Recor ding stereo and bilin gual pr ogrammes In ZWEIT ON (German stereo) system This VCR autom aticall y receives and records stere o and bilin gual prog rammes ba sed on the ZWEITON sy stem. When a stereo or bilingual pr ogramme is received, the STEREO indi cator appear s in the d isplay windo w .
71 Recording stereo and bilingual programmes Additiona l Operations * Usually the main so und (mona ura l) Selecting t he sound during pla yback Press CHOIX SON to select the so un d you want. How sound i s recor ded on a vi deo tape The VCR record s sound on to two separ ate tracks.
72 Searching using th e Acces Sm ar t function Sear ching us ing the Acces Smart function If you record multiple programmes o n a tape, use the Acc es Smar t function to see what has been rec orded on your ta pe. Y ou ca n see informatio n such as date, ti me, and prog ramme pos ition of progra mmes rec orded on a tape.
73 Searching using the Acces Smar t function Additiona l Operations T o sto p se a rching Press x STOP. T o exit the A CCES SMART screen Press A CCES SMAR T . T o record in a bla nk space Blank space on the tape will appear as a blank ro w in the A CCES SMAR T screen.
74 Searching using th e Acces Sm ar t function Tips • Y ou c an store informat ion for up t o 24 program mes on a sing le list. • While rec ord ing, you ca n di spl ay t he ACCES SMAR T screen using the ACCES SMART button. If you decide to stop recording , press A CCES SMAR T to make the ACCES SMAR T screen disap pear first.
75 Searching using the index f unction Additiona l Operations Sear chin g using th e inde x funct ion T o sto p se a rching Press x STOP. Note • No index signa l wil l be ad de d when record ing starts fro m recordi ng pause. However , an index signal wil l be marke d if you chang e th e pro gramme posi ti on du ring recor ding pause .
76 Adjusting the picture Adjusting the pi cture Adjusting t he tracki ng Although th e VCR automatic ally adjusts th e tracking when playin g a tape (the indicator flashes in the displa y windo w , then turns of f), distorti on may o ccur if the re cording is in poor condition .
77 Adjusting the picture Additiona l Operations T o deactivate the OPC function Set OPC to NON in the OPTIONS-1 menu. The OPC indicator in the display win dow t ur ns off. Tip • T o set tr a cki ng to th e cent re pos it io n, pr es s th e AL IG N E MEN T + and – butt ons a t th e s am e time.
78 Changing menu options Changing men u opti ons Men u choice s Initial settin gs are indic ated in bold p rint. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, then selec t OPTIONS and press OK. 2 Press M / m to highlight OPTIONS-1 or OPTIONS-2, then press OK. 3 Press M / m to select t he option, then press OK.
79 Changing menu options Additiona l Operations OPT IONS -2 VITESSE A UTO. • OUI to c hange the timer re cording t ape speed automat ically to the LP mode when the re mai ning tape len gt h beco mes shorter tha n th e rec or din g ti m e. No te tha t for VITE SS E A UTO.
80 Changing menu options Notes • When you set a time r recordi ng, the indica tors in the displa y window rem ain on , even though VEILLE ECO is se t to OUI.
81 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Editing Editing Connecti ng to a VCR or stereo system How to co n n e c t to reco rd on th i s VC R Connect t he line outpu ts of the o ther VCR to the ENTREE LIGNE con nector or jacks of this VCR. Refer to the e xamples A through C and cho ose th e co nne c tion th a t be st suits yo ur VC R.
82 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Example C How to connect to a stereo syste m (SL V -SE800B only) Connect the ENTREE LIGNE-2 A UDIO G/D jacks on this VCR to the au dio output jacks on the stereo syst em, usin g t he RK-C51 0HG audio c abl e. (not supplie d) .
83 Basic editing Editing Basi c edit ing (when recor ding on this VCR) Bef ore yo u start editing • T u rn o n your TV and se t it to the vide o channel . • Press CHOIX ENTREE to display the connect ed line in th e di splay wind ow . • Press SP/LP to select th e tape speed, SP or LP .
84 A udio dubbing (SL V -SE800B only) A u di o du bbin g (SL V -SE800B only) This featu re let s you re cord over the norma l audio track . The mona ural sound pr eviously recorded is repla ced while the orig inal hi-f i sound r emai ns un chan ged. Use this feat ure to add co mmen tary to a ta p e that yo u have recorded with a camc order .
85 Audi o dubbing (SL V -SE800B only) Editing T o stop editing Press x STOP on this VCR and the stereo system (or other VCR). T o listen to both th e hi-fi and norm al audio Set MIX A UDIO to OUI in the OPTIO NS-1 menu (pag e 78). Use this feature to listen to dubbe d audio o ver the original hi-f i aud io.
86 T roubleshooting Additional Inf ormation T r oub leshoo ting If you have any questi on s or pro blems not covered below , ple ase consu lt your n earest S ony service f acility . Symptom Re medy Po w e r The ? / 1 MARCHE/ VEILLE switch do es not function.
87 T roubleshooting Additio nal Inf ormation Recording No TV progr amm e a ppe ars on the TV sc re en. • Make sure t he TV is set to the v ideo channel. If you ar e usin g a monitor, set it to video input. • If y our TV is conn ecte d to th e VCR with both PERI TEL a nd aeri al cables, mak e sure the RF chan ne l is set to OFF (see page 15).
88 T roubleshooting Synchronized Recor ding The ENR SYNCHR O button turns off while recordin g or doe s not go back to record ing standby mode. • The tape ha s rea ched it s end. Insert a new tape and press ENR SYNCHRO a gain. The Synchr onize d Recordi ng function does n ot work .
89 T roubleshooting Additio nal Inf ormation Other s A tape can not be inserte d. • Check that a tape isn ’ t already in th e tape co mp ar tmen t. The rem ote co mma nde r does not function. • Make sur e you are po in t ing the remo te comma nder at the remot e sensor on the VCR.
90 Specifications Specification s System Channel cover age SECAM (L ): VHF F2 to F1 0 UHF F21 to F69 CA TV B to Q HYPER S21 to S41 PA L ( B / G ) : VHF E2 to E 12 VHF Italian channel A to H UHF E21 to.
91 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation Inde x to par ts and con t r ols Refer to the pages indicated in parentheses ( ) for details.
92 Inde x to par t s and controls SL V -SE600B, SE700B, SX7 00B A ? / 1 MARCHE/VEILLE switch (13) B T ap e compartme nt C Remote sensor (5) D A EJECT butt on (42) E H LECTURE (play) b utton (42) (62) .
93 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation Displa y window A T imer indicator (50) (55) (5 9) B NICAM indicator (70) C STEREO indic ator (70) D T ape speed i ndicat or s ( 45) E MA GN (.
94 Inde x to par t s and controls Rear panel A Mains lead (9) (10) B DECODER/ t LINE-2 IN DECODEUR/ t ENTREE L IGNE-2 connect or* 1 (1 2) (36) ( 82) DECODER/ t LINE-3 IN DECODEUR/ t ENTREE L IGNE-3 co.
95 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation Remo t e comman der A Z EJEC T butto n (42) B WIDE bu tton ( for TV ) (7) C CHOI X SON bu t t o n (70 ) D × 2 b utton* 1 (6 2) E y RALENTI (s.
96 Inde x to par t s and controls M [TV] / [MAGN] (TV/ video) remot e co ntrol switch (5) N ? / 1 (on/standby ) switch (6) (55) O COMPT/DUREE REST (counter/ remain) b utton (45 ) / (T eletext) b utton* 2 ( for TV ) (7) P a TV power on/TV mo de sele ct but t on * 2 ( for TV ) (6 ) Q .
97 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation.
98 Inde x to par t s and controls.
99 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation.
Sony Corp oration Inde x A Acces Smart 72 Adju stin g picture 23 , 76 tracking 76 Aerial hook up 9 AFT (Aut o Fin e Tuning) 23 Audio d ubbing 84 Audio t rack 71 Auto Cloc k Set 34 Auto Long Play 79 Au.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony SLV-SX700B è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony SLV-SX700B - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony SLV-SX700B imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony SLV-SX700B ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony SLV-SX700B, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony SLV-SX700B.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony SLV-SX700B. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony SLV-SX700B insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.