Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SLV-SX100K del fabbricante Sony
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3-868-344- 11 (1 ) Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating Instructions SL V -SE100K SL V -SX100K SL V -SE400K SL V -SE450K © 2000 Sony Cor poration P AL NTSC 4.
2 W ARNING W ARNING T o pre v ent f ire o r shoc k hazard , do no t exp os e the unit to rain or moisture. T o avoid elec trical shock, do not ope n the c abinet. Refer servicing to qualif ied personnel only . Mains lead must only be changed at a qualif ied service shop.
3 T able of contents Getting Started T able o f co ntents Getting Started 4 Step 1 : Unpac king 5 Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander 8 Step 3 : Connecting the VCR 11 Step 4 : T un ing your TV to.
4 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac ki ng Check that yo u ha ve recei ved the follo wing items with t he VCR: • Remote com mander • Aerial cabl e • R6 (siz e AA) batter ies Check y our model na m e The instruc tio ns in this ma nu a l are fo r the 4 mo dels: SL V -SE100 K, SX1 00 K, SE4 00 K a nd SE450 K.
Getting Started 5 Setting up the remot e commander Step 2 : S etting up th e remote co mmander Inserting the batt eries Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries by ma tc hin g the + and – on the batteries to the diag ram inside the battery c ompartment.
6 Setting up the remot e commander TV contr ol b uttons T o Press Set the TV to sta ndb y mode ? / 1 Sele ct an in put source : aeri al in or line in t TV/V IDEO Select the TV ’ s progra mm e posi t.
Getting Started 7 Setting up the remot e commander Notes • W it h normal use , the bat teries sh ould last a bout thre e to six months. • If you do not use t he remote com mander for an extende d period of ti me, remove the batteries to avoid possib le dam age from ba ttery leakage.
8 Connecting the VCR Step 3 : Connecting the VCR If you r TV ha s a Sca rt (EU R O-A V) co nnector , see page 9. If y our TV does not have a Scar t (EURO-A V) connector Note • When you co nnect the V CR and your T V only wit h an aerial c able, you h a ve to tune your TV to the VCR (see page 11) .
Getting Started 9 Connecting the VCR If y our TV has a Scar t (EUR O-A V) connector Note • If the TV is conn e cted to the LIN E -1 (TV ) c onnec tor, setting th e RF chann el to OF F is recom m end ed . In the OFF position , onl y th e sig na l from the aerial is ou tput through th e AERI AL O U T co nnector (see pa ge 13).
10 Connecting the VCR About the SMARTLI NK features (SL V -SE450K onl y) If the connect ed TV complies with SMAR TLINK, MEGALOGIC* 1 , EASYLINK* 2 , Q-Link* 3 , EUR O VIEW LINK* 4 , or T -V LINK* 5 , .
Getting Started 11 T uning your TV to the VCR Step 4 : T uning y our TV to the VCR If your TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) con nec tor , see page 13. If y our TV does not have a Scart (EURO-A V) connector Follo w the steps below so that your TV will properly recei v e the video signals from your V CR .
12 T uning your TV to the VCR T o c hec k to see if th e TV tuning is correct Set the TV to th e vi deo channel and press PR OGRAM +/– on the VCR. If the TV screen chan ges to a different programme each tim e you press PR OGRAM +/–, the TV tuni ng is cor r ect.
Getting Started 13 T uning your TV to the VCR If y our TV has a Scar t (EUR O-A V) connector 1 Press ? / 1 ON/ST ANDBY to turn on the VCR. 2 Press RF CHANNEL on the VCR lightly . The factory-preset RF channel appears in the display window . The VCR signal is output through this c hannel to t he TV .
14 Setting up the VCR wi th the Aut o Set Up function Step 5 : Setting up the VCR with the A uto Set Up fu ncti on Before using the VCR for the first ti me, set up the VCR using the Auto Set Up function.
Getting Started 15 Setting up the VCR with the Auto Set Up function The abbre viation s of the coun tries and lang uages ar e as f ollow s: T o canc el the A uto Set Up function Press A UT O SET UP . Tip • If you want to ch an ge the langua ge for the on -scre en display from th e one preset in t he Auto Set Up functi on, see page 21.
16 Setting the cloc k Step 6 : Setting the c loc k Y ou must set th e time and date on the VCR to use the timer feat ure s properly . The Auto Clock Set functio n (SL V -SE450K only) w orks only if a station in you r area is broadc astin g a tim e sign al.
Getting Started 17 Setting the cloc k 3 Press M / m to highlig ht MANU AL ADJUST , then press OK. 4 Press M / m to set the day . 5 Press , to highl ight the mon th and set th e month pre ssing M / m . 6 Set th e year , hour , and minutes in sequence, pres sing , to hi ghlight the item to b e set, and p ress M / m to se lect the digits .
18 Setting the cloc k Tips • T o change the digits while setti ng, press < to ret urn to t he it em to b e cha nged, an d sele ct the digits by pressing M / m .
Getting Started 19 Setting the cloc k Changing the st ation f or the A uto Cloc k Set functio n (SL V -SE450K onl y) Before you start … • T urn on th e VCR and the TV . • Set the T V to the vide o cha nnel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlight SETTINGS and pr ess OK.
20 Setting the cloc k Tips • If you set A UTO ADJUST to ON, the Auto Clock Set function is acti vated whene ver th e VCR is turne d of f. The t ime is adjuste d aut omati ca lly b y maki ng ref ere nce to the ti me signal from the stat io n w hose prog ramme position is di splayed in the “C LO C K PR OGRAM” row .
Getting Started 21 Selecting a language Sele cting a lang uage Y ou can change the on-sc reen displ ay languag e from the o ne you select ed with the Auto Set Up functio n. Before you start … • T urn on th e VCR and the TV . • Set the T V to the vide o cha nnel.
22 Selecting a language Tip • If you want to return to th e pr e vious me nu, hi ghl ight RETURN and press OK. Note • The me nu disappe ars autom atically if you don’t p roceed for more th an a f e w mi nutes. 3 Press M / m to high light th e des ired la nguage, then p ress OK .
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels Presetting c hannels If so me ch annels coul d not be pr eset using the Auto Set Up func tion, y ou can pre set them manu ally . Before you start … • T urn on th e VCR and the TV . • Set the T V to the vide o cha nnel.
24 Presetting channels 2 Pre ss M / m to high light TUNE R, then pr ess OK. 3 Press M / m to highlig ht NORMAL/CA TV , then press OK. 4 Press M / m to highlig ht NORMAL, th en press OK. T o preset CA TV (Cable T ele vision ) channels, se le ct CA T V .
Getting Started 25 Presetting channels 7 Press M / m repeate dly until the c hannel yo u want is displa yed. The channels app ear in the following order : If you kn o w t he num b er of the ch an nel you w a n t, pres s the pr o gra mme number buttons.
26 Presetting channels If the picture is not c lear Normally , the Au to Fine T unin g (AFT) func tion automa tically tu nes in channe ls clear l y . Ho wever , i f the picture is not clear, you may also use t he manual tuni ng functio n. Tip • If you want to return to th e pr e vious me nu, hi ghl ight RETURN and press OK.
Getting Started 27 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Changi ng/dis ab l ing pr ogramme positi ons After setting the channe ls, yo u can chan ge the prog ramme pos iti ons as you li ke. If any programm e positions are unuse d or contai n unwanted channels, yo u can disable th em.
28 Changing/disabling prog r amme positions Tip • If you want to return to th e pr e vious me nu, hi ghl ight RETURN and press OK. Note • The me nu disappe ars autom atically if you don’t p roceed for more th an a f e w mi nutes. 3 Press M / m to high light the ro w which you want to chang e the pro gramme po sition, then press , .
Getting Started 29 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Disabli ng unwanted prog ramme positions After pre setting ch an nels, you can disable unused pro gramme po sitions. Th e disabled positions will be skipp ed later when you press th e PR OG +/– b utton s.
30 Changing/disabling prog r amme positions Tip • If you want to return to th e pr e vious me nu, hi ghl ight RETURN and press OK. Notes • The me nu disappe ars autom atically if you don’t p roceed for more th an a f e w mi nutes. • B e sure to se lect the progr amme posi tion y ou w ant t o di sabl e corr ectl y .
Getting Started 31 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Changing the st ation names (SL V -SE450K onl y) Y ou can chan ge or enter the stati on names (up to 5 characters ). The VCR must receiv e channel infor matio n (for instan c e, SMAR TLINK information) for station names to appear a utomatica lly .
32 Changing/disabling prog r amme positions Tip • If you want to return to th e pr e vious me nu, hi ghl ight RETURN and press OK. Notes • The me nu disappe ars autom atically if you don’t p roceed for more th an a f e w mi nutes. • I f you e nter a symbol in s tep 5, it wi ll app ear as a blan k sp ace in the di splay w indo w .
33 Pla ying a tape Basi c Opera tions Basic O perations Pla ying a tape 1 T urn on you r TV and set it to the video c hannel. 2 Insert a tape. The VCR turns on and st art s playing automatica lly if you in sert a tape wi th its safety tab remo ved.
34 Play ing a tape Additional tasks T o set the colour sys tem If the pla yback pic ture has no col our , or streaks appear du r ing playba ck, set COLOUR SYSTEM in the OPTIONS -1 menu to c onfo rm to the syste m tha t th e tap e was recorded in (see page 59).
35 Pla ying a tape Basi c Opera tions Notes • The counte r rese ts to “ 0: 00: 00 ” whenever a tape is re in serted . • The cou nt er sto ps co unting when it com e s to a por tion with no rec ord ing. • The tim e coun ter doe s not a ppear o n the TV screen when u sing a n NTSC-r ecorde d tape .
36 Recording TV programmes Recording TV pr ogram m e s 1 T urn on your TV and set it to the vi deo chann el. 2 Insert a tap e with its safety tab in pla ce.
37 Recording TV programmes Basi c Opera tions T o stop recor ding Press x STOP. T o c heck the remainin g time Press DISPLA Y . W ith th e display on, press COUNT ER/REMAIN to chec k the remaining time. Each time you press COUNTER/REMAIN, the time coun ter and the remaining ti me appea r alternatel y .
38 Recording TV programmes T o watc h another TV p ro gramme while rec ording T o sa ve a recor ding T o prev ent accide ntal erasure, break off t he safety tab as i llustrated. T o reco rd on the same tape again, cov er the tab hole with adhesi v e tape.
39 Recording TV programmes Basi c Opera tions Recordi ng what y o u are watching on the TV (TV Direct Rec) (SL V -SE450K onl y) If you use th e SM AR TLINK connec tion, you can easi l y record what you are watching on the T V (other th an tapes be ing play ed on the VCR).
40 Recording TV progr ammes us ing the ShowView system (SL V -SE450K only) Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us ing the Sho wVi e w system (SL V -SE450K only) The ShowV iew system i s the fe ature that simplifies prog rammin g the VCR to ma ke timer record ings.
41 Recording TV programmes using the ShowView system (SL V -SE450K only) Basi c Opera tions 1 Press TIMER. • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to V A RIABLE: The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen. Pres s M / m to se lect SHO WVIEW , then press OK.
42 Recording TV progr ammes us ing the ShowView system (SL V -SE450K only) T o stop recor ding T o stop t he V CR w hile reco rd ing, pre ss x ST OP. Daily/w eekl y recor ding In step 4 ab ov e, press m to se lect the reco rding pattern . Each ti me you press m , th e indica tion ch ange s a s sho wn below .
43 Recording TV programmes using the ShowView system (SL V -SE450K only) Basi c Opera tions T o use the VCR after settin g the timer T o use the V CR be f ore a r e c ord ing be g ins, jus t pre s s ? / 1 . The indicato r turns off and the VCR switc hes on.
44 Recording TV progr ammes using the t imer Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using t he time r Y ou can preset a total of eight pr og rammes, including settings mad e with othe r timer method s. Before you sta r t … • Check that th e VCR clock is set t o the correct tim e and date.
45 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basi c Opera tions 1 Pre ss TIMER. F or SL V -SE100K/S X 10 0K an d SE4 00K: The TIMER men u appears on the TV screen. For SL V -SE450K: • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to V A RIABLE: The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen.
46 Recording TV progr ammes using the t imer T o stop recor ding T o stop t he V CR w hile reco rd ing, pre ss x ST OP. Daily/w eekl y recor ding In step 2 ab ov e, press m to se lect the reco rding pattern . Each ti me you press m , th e indica tion ch ange s a s sho wn below .
47 Recording TV programmes using the timer Basi c Opera tions Tips • T o set the pro gramme position, you can also use the PROG +/ – or progra mme numb er but to ns. • T o set the pro gramme position w i th a two digi t nu m ber, press – / – – (ten ’ s digit) but ton followed by the progra m m e nu mber buttons.
48 Play ing/searching at v ar ious speeds Additional Operations Pla ying/sear chin g at v arious spee ds Pla ybac k opt ions Operati on V ie w the pic tur e dur ing fast- forw ard or re win d During fast-fo rward, hold down M FF/ M . Duri n g re win d, hold d o wn m REW/ m .
49 Play ing/searching at v arious speeds Additional Operations T o resum e normal pla ybac k Press H PLA Y. Tip • Adjus t th e pi cture usi ng the TRA CKING +/ – b uttons if: – Strea ks ap p ear while pl aying in sl o w moti o n. – Bands ap pear at th e to p or bot tom while pa using.
50 Setting the recording dur ation time Settin g the reco r din g du ra tio n tim e T o ex tend the duratio n Press z REC repeatedly to se t a new duration ti me. T o cancel the dur atio n Press z REC repea tedly unti l th e indic ato r di sappears and th e VCR retu rn s to the normal recording mode.
51 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additional Operations Chec king/c hangin g/cancel ling ti mer settings Before you start … • T urn o n your TV a nd set it to the video channel . 1 Press ? / 1 to turn on the VCR. 2 Press MENU, then pre ss M / m to high light LIST S and p ress OK .
52 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings When the tim er settings o verlap The program me that start s fi rst has priority and the second p rogramme starts recording only after the f irst programme has fi nished. If the programmes start at the same time, the progra mme listed f irst in the menu h as priority .
53 Searching using the Smar t Search function Additional Operations Sear ching usi ng the Smar t Sear c h funct ion If you record multiple program mes on a tape, use the Sm art Search func tion to see what has been record ed on your tape. Y ou can see informatio n such as d ate, time, an d prog ramme positi on of program mes recorded on a tape .
54 Searching using th e Smar t Search function T o stop sear c hing Press x STOP. T o exit th e SMA R T SEAR CH s creen Press SMA R T SEARCH. T o re cor d in a b lank sp ace Blank space on the tape will appear as a blank ro w in the SMAR T SEARCH screen.
55 Searching using the Smar t Search function Additional Operations Tips • Y ou can store informa tion fo r up to 24 programm e s on a sin gle li st. • While re cording, you ca n display the SMA R T SE ARCH scree n using the SMAR T SEARC H button.
56 Adjusting the picture Adjusting the pi cture Adjusting t he trac king Although th e VCR automatic ally adjusts th e tracking when playing a t ape (t he indicator flashes in the displa y windo w , then turns of f), distorti on may o ccur if the re cording is in poor condition .
57 Adjusting the picture Additional Operations Tip • T o set trac king to the c entre position , press the TRACKING + an d – butt ons at the same tim e. Notes • Y ou can a djust the tr acking for an NTS C-recor ded tap e b ut th e track ing me ter wo n ’ t be disp laye d.
58 Changing menu options Changing men u opt ions Men u choic es Initial settin gs are indic ated in bold p rint. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, then selec t OPTIONS and press OK. 2 Press M / m to highlight OPTIONS-1 or OPTIONS-2, then press OK. 3 Press M / m to select t he option, then press OK.
59 Changing menu options Additional Operations OPT IONS -2 Note • Whe n you set a time r rec ording , the indic ators in t he dis play w indow re main on, even t hough POWER S A V E i s set to ON . * 1 not available on SL V -SE 10 0K/SX100 K * 2 SL V -SE45 0K only COLOUR SYSTEM • AU T O to se t the col our system automatic ally .
60 Editing with another VCR Editin g with a nother V CR How to connect to recor d on this VCR Conne ct the line ou tputs of th e other VCR to t he L INE IN connect or or jacks of t his VCR.
61 Editing with another VCR Additional Operations Operation (when recor ding on this VCR) Bef ore y ou start editing • T urn o n your TV a nd set it to th e vide o ch a nn e l. • Press INPUT SELECT to d isplay the conn ected li ne in th e displa y windo w .
62 T roubleshooting Additional Inform ation T r oub lesh ooti ng If you have any questi ons or prob lems not covered below , pl ease consul t your neare st Sony service f acility . Symptom Re medy Po w e r The ? / 1 ON/ST ANDBY switch does no t function.
63 T roubleshooting Additional Inf ormation Recording No TV progr amme appe ars on the TV sc re en. • M ake sure th e TV is set to the video cha nne l. If you are using a monitor , set it to video input. • If your TV is conne ct ed to the V C R with bo th S c art and ae ria l cables , mak e sure the RF chann el is set to OFF (s ee page 13).
64 T roubleshooting Other s A tape cannot b e inserted . • Check that a ta pe is n ’ t already in the tap e co mpa rtment . The re mote co m mand e r does not function. • Make sure you a re po inting the re m ote comma nd er at the remote sensor on the VCR.
65 Specifications Additional Inf ormation Specification s System Channel cover age P AL (B/G, D/K) VHF E2 – E12, R 1 – R12 UHF E21 – E69, R 21 – R69 CA TV S1 – S41, S01 – S05 RF output signal UHF channels 21 – 69 Aerial out 75-ohm asymmetrical aerial socket T ape speed SP: P AL/MESECAM 23.
66 Inde x to par ts and controls Inde x to pa r ts and cont r ols Refer to the pages ind icated in parentheses ( ) for details. Fr ont panel A ? / 1 ON/ST AN DBY switch (11) B A EJECT butt on (34) C T.
67 Inde x to par t s and controls Additional Inf ormation Displa y window A T imer indicator (42) ( 46) B T ape speed in di cators* 1 (37) C VIDEO indicator (9) (38) D VPS (V ideo Programme System)/P .
68 Inde x to par ts and controls Rear panel A Mains lead (8) (9) B AERIAL IN ANTENNE ENTREE connector (8) (9) C AERIAL OUT ANTENNE SOR TIE c onnector (8) (9) D i LINE-1 (TV) i LIGNE-1 (TV) connector (.
69 Inde x to par t s and controls Additional Inf ormation Remote commander A Z EJEC T button (34) B COUNTER/REMAIN b utton (37) C CLEA R b utt on ( 34) (41 ) (52) D SP (Standar d Play) /LP (Long Play).
70 Inde x to par ts and controls L [TV] / [VIDEO ] remote contro l switch (5) M ? / 1 (on/standby ) switch (6) (42) N INPUT SELECT bu tton (38) (45) (61) O t TV/VIDEO b utton (6) (9 ) (38) P DISPLA Y .
71 Inde x to par t s and controls Additional Inf ormation.
Sony Corporation Inde x A Adju stin g picture 26 , 56 tracking 56 Aerial hookup 8 AFT (Auto Fin e Tuning) 26 Auto Cloc k Set 19 Auto Long Play 58 Auto S e t Up 14 C Chan gi ng th e program m e positio.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony SLV-SX100K è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony SLV-SX100K - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony SLV-SX100K imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony SLV-SX100K ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony SLV-SX100K, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony SLV-SX100K.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony SLV-SX100K. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony SLV-SX100K insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.