Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SLV-SE700I del fabbricante Sony
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3-868-272- 11 (1 ) Video Cassette Recor der Oper ating In structions SL V -SE700G SL V -SE700I SL V -SE800G SL V -SE800I © 2000 Sony Cor poration P AL NTSC4.
2 W A RNING W ARNING T o pr e vent f ire or shoc k hazard , do no t exp os e the unit to rain or moisture. T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only . Mains lead must only be changed at a qualified service shop.
3 T able of contents Getting Started T able of conten ts Gett ing S tart ed 4 Step 1 : Unpac king 5 Step 2 : Setting up the remote commander 9 Step 3 : Connecting the VCR 13 Step 4 : Setting up the VC.
4 Unpacking Getting Started Step 1 : Unpac king Check that you have recei ved the following items with the VCR: • Remote com mander • Aerial cabl e • R6 (siz e AA) batter ies Check y our mo del na me The instr u ctions in this manu al are for th e 4 models: S E700G, SE 700I, SE80 0G and SE800 I.
Setting up the remot e commander Getting Started 5 Step 2 : S etting up th e remote co mmander Inserting the batteries Insert two R6 (size AA) batteries by matchi ng the + and – on the batteries to the diagra m inside th e battery c ompartment.
6 Setting up the remot e commander TV contr ol b uttons T o Press Set the TV to sta ndb y mo de ? / 1 Sele ct an in put source : aeri al in or line in t TV/V IDEO Select the TV ’ s progra mme positi.
Setting up the remot e commander Getting Started 7 Notes • W i th normal use, the bat teries should last abou t three to six mont hs. • If you do not use the remot e commander for an extended pe riod of time, re move the batteries to avoid possible dam age from ba ttery leak age.
8 Setting up the remot e commander Code n umbers o f contr ollab le TVs If more than one code nu m ber is listed , try ente rin g them on e at a tim e until you f ind the one that works with yo ur TV . T o switch to wide m ode, see th e footnotes be low t his table for th e applicable c ode numbe rs.
Connecting the VCR Getting Started 9 Step 3 : C onnecting the VCR If your TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) conn ector , see page 10. If y our TV does not ha ve a Scart (EURO-A V) connector Note • When you c onnect the VCR and your T V only with an aerial cable , you have to tune your T V to th e V C R (see pag e 14).
10 Connecting the VCR If y our TV has a Scart (EUR O -A V) connector Note • If the TV is conn e cted to t h e L INE- 1 ( T V) con ne ctor, settin g the RF ch anne l to OFF i s recom me nd ed. In the OFF positi on, onl y th e signal from th e a eri al is out put throug h th e AERIAL OUT connector (see page 16).
Connecting the VCR Getting Started 11 Abou t the SMA R TLINK features If the connect ed TV complies with SMAR TLINK, MEGALOGIC* 1 , EASYLINK* 2 , Q-Li nk* 3 , EUR O VIE W LINK* 4 , or T -V LINK* 5 , t.
12 Connecting the VCR Additio nal connections T o a stereo syst em Y ou can improv e sound quality by connectin g a stereo system to the A UDI O OU T R/L jacks as sho wn on th e r igh t.
Setting up the VCR with t he Auto Set Up function Getting Started 13 Step 4 : S etting up th e VCR with the A uto Set Up func tion Before using th e VCR for the f irst time, set u p the VCR usin g the Auto Se t Up function.
14 T uning your TV to the VCR Step 5 : T un ing y our TV to th e VCR If your TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) conn ect or , see p age 16. If y our TV does not ha ve a Scart (EURO-A V) connector Follow the steps below so that your TV will p rope rly receive the video signal s from your VCR.
T uning your TV to the V CR Getting Started 15 T o check to see if the T V tuning is correct Set the TV to th e vi d eo channel and press PR OGRAM +/ – on th e VCR. If th e TV screen chan ges to a different programme each t i me yo u press PR OGRAM +/ – , the TV tuni ng is co rrect.
16 T uning your TV to the VCR If y our TV has a Scart (EURO-A V) connector 1 Press RF CHANNEL on the VCR lightly . The factory-preset RF ch ann el appears in the displ ay window . The VCR sign al is output through this c hannel to the TV . 2 Press PR OGRAM +/ – to set the RF channel to OFF , and press RF CHANNEL again.
Selecting a language Getting Started 17 Sel ecting a lang uage If you pr efer an on -screen l anguage ot her than Engl ish, use th e on-screen d isplay to sele ct anoth er lang uage. Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to the v ideo ch annel.
18 Selecting a language Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr evious menu, highlight RETU R N and press OK. Note • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed fo r more th an a few minutes. 3 Press M / m / < / , to highlig ht the des ired lang uage, th en press OK.
Presetting channels Getting Started 19 Presetting c h annels If so me ch annels coul d not be pre set us ing the Auto Set Up func tion, y ou can pre set them manu ally . Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn o n the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to the v ideo ch annel.
20 Presetting channels 2 Pre ss M / m to high light TUNE R, then pr ess OK. 3 SL V - SE700I and SE800I only: Press M / m to highlig ht NORMAL/CA TV , then press OK. 4 SL V - SE700I and SE800I only: Press M / m to highlig ht NORMAL, th en press OK. T o pre set C A TV (Cab le T elev ision ) channels, se le ct CA TV .
Presetting channels Getting Started 21 7 Press M / m repeatedly until the channel y ou want is displayed. The channels app ear in the following order : • VHF IA - IJ, SA10 - SA13 (SL V -SE700I and S.
22 Presetting channels If the picture is not c lear Normally , the Auto Fine T uning (AFT) func tion autom atically tu nes in channe ls clearly . Howe ver, if the picture is not clear , you ma y also use the manua l tuning functio n. Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr evious menu, highlight RETU R N and press OK.
Changing/disabling programme positions Getting Started 23 Changi ng/dis ab ling p r ogramme positi ons After setting the channe ls, yo u can chan ge the program me positio ns as you lik e . If any programm e positions are unuse d or contain unwanted channels, you can di sab le them.
24 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr evious menu, highlight RETU R N and press OK. Note • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed fo r more th an a few minutes. 3 Press M / m to high light th e ro w which yo u want to c hang e the program m e positio n, then press , .
Changing/disabling programme positions Getting Started 25 Disablin g unwanted progr amme positions After pre setting ch an nels, you can disable unused pro gramme po sitions. The disabled positions will be skipp ed later when you press the PROG +/ – b uttons.
26 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr evious menu, highlight RETU R N and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed fo r more th an a few minutes. • Be sure to sele ct the p rogramme position you want to disable correctly .
Changing/disabling programme positions Getting Started 27 Changing the st ation names Y ou can chan ge o r enter the station name s (up to 5 characters ). The VCR must receive channel infor matio n (for instan c e, SMAR TLINK information) fo r station names to appear a utomatica lly .
28 Changing/disabling prog ramme positions Tip • If you want to retur n to t he pr evious menu, highlight RETU R N and press OK. Notes • The men u disappea rs aut omatica lly if y ou don ’ t proc eed fo r more th an a few minutes. • If y ou enter a symb ol i n step 5, it w ill a ppear as a bl ank s pace i n the display windo w .
Setting the clock Getting Started 29 Sett in g the cloc k Y o u mu st set the time a nd date on th e VCR to use the timer featu res properly . If the VCR clock was n ot set in the Auto Set Up procedu re, you need to set it manua lly . The Auto Clock Set functio n wo rks on ly if a station in y our area is broadcastin g a tim e signal.
30 Setting the cloc k 3 Press M / m to highlig ht MANU AL ADJUST , then press OK. 4 Press M / m to set the day . 5 Press , to highlig ht the mon th and set the month pres sing M / m . 6 Set the yea r , hour , and minutes in sequence, press ing , to hi ghlight the item to be set, and press M / m to select the digits .
Setting the clock Getting Started 31 Tips • T o chan ge the digits while setting, pre ss < to r etu rn t o th e it em t o be chan ged , a nd se lect th e digits by pressing M / m . • If you want to retur n to the previous menu, high li ght RE TU R N and press OK.
32 Setting the cloc k Changing the s tation f or the A uto Clock Set functi on Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on the VCR and the TV . • Set the TV to th e video ch annel. 1 Press MENU, then press M / m to highlig ht SETTINGS and press OK. 2 Press M / m to high light CLOCK, the n press OK.
Setting the clock Getting Started 33 Tips • If you se t A UTO ADJUST to ON, the Auto Clo ck Set func tion is a cti vate d whene ver the VCR is tur ned of f . The ti me i s adju sted au toma tica ll y by ma king r efer ence to th e time sig nal from the stati on whose progra mme position is displayed i n the “ C LO CK PROGRAM ” row .
34 Setting your personal code Setti ng y our per sona l co de For identification, you ca n enter a personal code into the VCR. On ce you enter your personal cod e, you can confirm it any tim e but can never change it. Please make a no te of the code to q uote to the police if your VCR is stolen.
Setting your personal code Getting Started 35 T o confirm you r pers onal code While the VCR is tu rned of f and there is no tape in the VCR, hold do wn X (pause) and ? / 1 ON/ST ANDBY on the VCR simultaneously for mo re than three seconds. The entered personal code appe ars on the TV screen.
36 Play ing a tape Basi c Oper ations Playing a tape 1 T urn on yo ur TV a nd set i t to the video channel . 2 Insert a tape. The VCR turns on and start s playing automatic ally if you in sert a tape with its safety tab remo ved.
37 Play ing a tape Basic Oper ations Additional ta sks T o play an NTSC-rec orded ta pe Set NTSC PB at the rear of the VCR acco rding to the colour sys tem of your TV . T o use the time c ounter Press CLEAR at th e point on the tape that you w ant to fin d later .
38 Play ing a tape Notes • The coun t er resets to “ 0:00:00 ” wh enever a ta pe is re inserte d. • The co unter stops counti ng w hen it co mes t o a port ion wi th no record ing. • The ti me coun ter d oes no t appe ar on th e TV sc reen when us ing a n NTSC-r ecor ded ta pe.
39 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations Recor ding TV pr ogrammes 1 T urn on your TV and set it to the vide o channel. 2 Insert a tape with its safety t ab in place.
40 Recording TV programmes T o stop recor ding Press x STOP . T o chec k the remai ning time Press DISPLA Y . Wi th the display on, press COUNTER/REMAIN to check the remaining time . Each time you pre ss COUNTER/REMAIN, the ti me counter and the remaining tim e appear alterna te ly .
41 Recording TV programmes Basic Oper ations T o save a reco rdi ng T o prev ent accid ental erasure, brea k off the safety tab as il lustrated. T o record on the same ta pe again, cover the t ab hole with adhesiv e tap e. Tips • T o select a progr amme position , yo u ca n use the program m e number buttons on the remot e comman der .
42 Recording TV programmes Recordi ng what y ou are watching on the TV (TV Direct Rec) If you use the SM AR TLINK co nne ction, you can easily record what you are watching on the T V (other th an tapes bein g play ed on the VCR) .
43 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE8 00I only) Basic Oper ations Recor ding TV pr ogrammes using th e Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE800I onl y) The Dial T imer functio n allo ws you to mak e timer record ings of p rogrammes withou t turning on your TV .
44 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE800I only) 2 T urn DIAL TIMER to set the recording date. 3 Press DIAL TIMER. “ ST AR T ” and the current time app ear alternate l y in the display wi nd o w . 4 T urn DIAL TIMER to set the recording start t ime.
45 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE8 00I only) Basic Oper ations T o return to the previ ous step T o return to the previous step, pre ss the PR OGRAM + and – button s on the VCR at the same tim e during any of the Dial T imer settings .
46 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE800I only) T o use the VCR after settin g the timer T o use the V C R be f o r e a r e c o rdin g be gins , jus t p r e s s ? / 1 . The indicat or turns off and the VCR switche s on. Remember to press ? / 1 to reset the VCR to recording standby aft er using the VCR.
47 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer (SL V -SE800G and SE8 00I only) Basic Oper ations About the Demonstration Mode The Dial Timer function has a Demonstration M ode that allows the user , such as a salesperson, to enter more th an eight e xamples o f timer settings when demon strating the use of the Dial T i mer .
48 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Recor ding TV pr ogrammes us ing the VIDEO Plus + system The VIDEO Plus+ syst em i s th e feat ure that simplif ie s prog ra mmin g the VCR to mak e timer record ings. Just en ter the PlusCod e listed in the TV program me guide.
49 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus + system Basic Oper ations 1 Press TIMER. • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to VA R I A B L E : The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen. Pres s M / m to se lect VIDEO Plus+, then press OK. • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to VIDEO Plus+: The VIDEO Plus+ men u appears on the TV screen.
50 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while record ing, press x STOP. Dail y/weekly recor ding In step 4 above, press m to select the recording pattern. E ach time you press m , the indicat i on changes a s shown be l o w .
51 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus + system Basic Oper ations T o record a p rogramm e fr om y our set top bo x If you connect a set top box a nd the VC R, you c an record a programme f rom your se t top bo x. T o use the VCR after setting the timer T o use the VCR before a rec ording be gins, ju st press ? / 1 .
52 Setting the timer manually Setti ng the ti mer man uall y If the VIDEO Plus+ sy stem is not a vailable in your area, follo w the instructions belo w to set the time r to record prog rammes. Bef ore y ou start … • Check that th e VCR clock is set t o the correct tim e and date.
53 Setting the timer m anually Basic Oper ations 1 Pre ss TIMER. • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to VA R I A B L E : The TIMER METHOD menu appears on the TV screen. Pres s M / m to se lect ST AND ARD, then press OK. • When yo u set TIME R OPT IO NS to ST AND ARD: The TIMER men u app ears on the TV screen.
54 Setting the timer manually T o stop recor ding T o stop the VCR while record ing, press x STOP. Dail y/weekly recor ding In step 2 above, press m to select the recording pattern. E ach time you press m , the indicat i on changes a s shown be l o w .
55 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations Additio nal Ope ratio ns Pla ying/sear ching at v arious speed s Pla ybac k opt ions Operatio n V iew the pict ure during fast- forward or rewi nd During fast-fo rward, hold down M FF/ M .
56 Play ing/searching at various speeds T o resume normal playb ack Press H PLA Y. Using the shuttle ri ng (SL V -SE800G and SE800I onl y) W ith the shut tle ring, you can operate a variety of playback opt i on s. There are two ways fo r using the shu ttle ring, n ormal mode and jog mode.
57 Pla ying/searching at various speeds Additiona l Operations T o use the shuttle ring in jog mo de Use this mode for frame-by-frame playback. Press J OG to e nter th e jo g m o de. The J OG b utto n lig hts up . If y o u ch ange t o the jo g mode du ring any playb ack mode, play back paus es so you can see a still pic ture.
58 Setting the recording duration time Setting the recor d ing duration time T o extend the du ration Press z RE C re peatedly t o set a new duration t i me. T o cancel the dur ation Press z REC repea tedly unti l th e indica to r di sap pear s and the VCR re turn s to the normal recording mode.
59 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800G and SE8 00I only) Additiona l Operations Sync hron ized Rec or ding (SL V -SE800G and SE800I onl y) Y ou can set the VCR to aut omatically record program mes from equi pment such as a set top box by connec ting the eq uipment to the LINE-3 IN co nnecto r .
60 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800G and SE800I only) T o cancel the Sync hronized Recor ding functio n Press SYNCHRO RE C. The SYNCHR O REC b utton turns off. T o stop recor ding Press x STOP while record ing. Recordi ng programmes using the Sync hro nized Recor ding functi on Bef ore y ou start.
61 Synchronized Recording (SL V -SE800G and SE8 00I only) Additiona l Operations Notes • This function m ay not work with some types of se t top boxes. • Some TV s or other equipm ent with tim er functions wi ll automatic ally turn off if no opera tion is perform e d within a certai n amount of time .
62 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Checking/cha nging/c ancelli ng tim er settings Bef ore y ou start … • T u rn on your TV and set it to the video channel . 1 Press ? / 1 to turn on th e VCR. 2 Press MENU, the n pres s M / m to highlight LISTS and pr ess OK.
63 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additiona l Operations When the time r settings o verlap The prog ramme th at starts first has pri ority and t he second pr ogramme start s recording only after the fi rst programme has finished. If th e programmes start at the same time, t he programme li sted f irst in the menu has priority .
64 Recording stereo and bilingual progr am mes Recor ding stereo and bilin gual pr ogrammes In NICAM system This VCR receives and records stereo and bilingual programme s based on the NICAM system (Th e NICAM indicato r appears). W hen a stereo or bilingual programme is receiv ed, the STEREO in dicator appe ars in the d isplay windo w .
65 Recording stereo and bilingual programmes Additiona l Operations How sound i s recor ded on a vi deo tape The VCR records soun d onto two separ ate trac ks. Hi-fi audio is recorde d onto th e main tra ck along with t he picture. Monau ral sound i s recorded onto the no rmal audio track al ong the edge of the tape.
66 Searching using the Smar t Sea rch function Sear ching us ing the Sma rt Searc h function If you record multiple programmes o n a tape, use the Smart Search funct ion to see wha t has been rec orded on you r tape. Y o u ca n see informatio n such as date, ti me, and prog ramme pos ition of progra mmes rec orded on a tape.
67 Searching using t he Smar t Search function Additiona l Operations T o sto p sea r chi ng Press x STOP. T o exit the SMART SEARCH screen Press SMA R T SEARCH. T o record in a bla nk space Blank space on the tape will appear as a blank ro w in the S MAR T SEARCH screen.
68 Searching using the Smar t Sea rch function Tips • Y ou can store i nformation for up t o 24 progr ammes on a single l ist. • While re cording, you ca n display the SMAR T SEARC H screen using t he SMAR T SEARCH button. If you decide to stop record ing, press SMAR T SEARC H to make the SMA R T SEARCH screen d isappear first.
69 Searching using the index f unction Additiona l Operations Sear chin g using th e inde x fu nction T o sto p sea r chi ng Press x STOP. Notes • No index signa l wil l be ad de d when recordin g starts from reco rdi ng pa use. Howe ver, an index signal wil l be marke d if you change the pro gramme posi tion du ring recor din g pa use .
70 Adjusting the picture Adjusting the pi cture Adjusting t he tracki ng Although th e VCR automatic ally adjusts th e tracking when playing a t ape (t he indicator flashes in the displa y windo w , then turns of f), distorti on may o ccur if the re cording is in poor condition .
71 Adjusting the picture Additiona l Operations T o deactivate the OPC function Set OPC to OFF in th e OPTIONS-1 menu. The OPC indic ator in the display wind o w turns of f. Tip • T o set tr ac ki ng t o the cen t re positi on, press t he TRA CKING + and – b u ttons at t he same tim e.
72 Changing menu options Changing men u opti ons Men u choice s Initial settin gs are indic ated in bold p rint. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, then selec t OPTIONS and press OK. 2 Press M / m to highlight OPTIONS-1 or OPTIONS-2, then press OK. 3 Press M / m to select t he option, then press OK.
73 Changing menu options Additiona l Operations OPT IONS -2 Notes • When you set a ti mer recor din g, th e indica tor s in the displ ay windo w remain on, e v e n though PO WER SA VE is set to ON. • W ith the EDI T option ON, the O P C fun ction does not work.
74 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Editing Connecting to a VCR or stereo system How to con n e c t to re c ord on thi s VC R Conne ct the line ou tputs of th e other VCR to t he L INE IN connect or or jacks of t his VCR. Ref er to the examples A t hr o ugh C and c hoo se the conn ect ion that bes t suits your VCR.
75 Connecting to a VCR or stereo system Editing Example C How to c onnect to a stereo system (SL V -SE800G and SE800I onl y) Connect t he L I NE-2 IN A UDIO L/R jacks on thi s VCR to the aud io output jack s on the ster eo sy stem, usin g t he RK-C510HG au di o cable (not supplied).
76 Basic editing Basic edit ing (when recor ding on this VCR) Bef ore y ou start editing • T u rn on your TV and set it to the video channel . • Press INPUT SE LECT to disp lay the connect ed line i n the display window . • Press SP/LP to selec t the ta pe speed , SP or LP .
77 A udio dubbing (SL V -SE800 G and SE8 00I only) Editing A u di o du bbing (SL V -SE800G and SE800I onl y) This feature le ts you reco rd ov er the no rmal audio track. The monaural sound previously recorded is re placed whi le the origin al hi-f i sound r emains un changed.
78 A udio dubbing (SL V -SE800G and SE800I only) T o stop editing Press x STOP on this VCR and the stereo system (or o ther VCR). T o listen to both the hi -fi and no rmal audio Set A UDIO MIX to ON in the OPTIONS-1 menu (pa ge 72). Use this feature to liste n to dubbed audi o o v er the origin al hi -f i aud io.
79 T r oub leshooting Additio nal Inf ormation Additio nal Inf o r mati on T ro ubl eshooting If you ha ve any question s or p roblems not c ov ered belo w , pl ease c onsult yo ur ne arest Son y service facilit y . Symptom Remedy Pow e r The ? / 1 ON/ST AND BY swi tch does n ot f uncti on.
80 T r oub leshooting Playba c k The soun d from a t ape recorded with the VCR i s not in ster eo or the STEREO indic ator i n the d i spla y window is f lashing.
81 T r oub leshooting Additio nal Inf ormation Synchronized Recor ding The SYNCHR O REC button turns off while recordin g or doe s not go back to record ing standby mode. • The tape has re ac he d it s end. Inser t a new tape and press SYNCHRO REC aga in.
82 T r oub leshooting Symptoms caused by contamina ted video heads • Normal picture • Rough pic ture initial contamination • Unclear picture • No picture (or blac k & white screen appears .
83 Specifications Additio nal Inf ormation Specification s System Channel cover age PA L ( I ) VHF IA to IJ, SA10 to S A13 (SL V - SE700I and SE800I o nly) UHF B21 to B69 CA TV S01 to S05, S1 to S20 (.
84 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Inde x to par ts an d con tr ols Refer to the pages indicated in parentheses ( ) for details. Front panel SL V -SE800G, SE800I A ? / 1 ON/ST AND BY switch (34) B T ap.
85 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation SL V -SE700G, SE700I A ? / 1 ON/ST ANDBY switch (34) B T ape compartme nt C Remote sensor (5) D A EJECT butt on (37) E H PLA Y button (37 ) (5.
86 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Displa y window A T imer indicator (45) (50) (5 3) B NICAM indicator (64) C STEREO indic ator (64) D T ape speed i ndicators (4 0) E VIDEO indicator (10) (40) F VPS (.
87 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation Rear panel A Mains lead (9) (10) B t LINE-2 IN conn ector* 1 (12) (75 ) t LINE-3 IN conn ector* 2 (12) (59 ) (75) C AERIAL IN ANTENNE ENTREE c.
88 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols Remo t e comman der A Z EJEC T button (37) B WIDE bu tton ( for TV ) (7) C A UDI O MON IT OR b utton ( 64) D × 2 b utton* (56) E y SLOW button* (56) F SP (Standar d .
89 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation M [TV] / [VIDEO ] remote contro l switch (5) N ? / 1 (on/standby ) switch (6) (50) O COUNTER/REMAIN bu tton (40) / (T e lete xt) b utton ( for TV ) (7) P a TV power on/TV mo de select b utto n ( for TV ) (6) Q .
90 Inde x to par ts and c ontrols.
91 Index t o par ts and controls Additio nal Inf ormation.
Sony Corp orati on Print ed in F ran c e Inde x A Adju stin g picture 22 , 70 tracking 70 Aerial hookup 9 AFT (Aut o Fin e Tuning) 22 Audio d ubbing 77 Audio t rack 65 Auto Cloc k Set 32 Auto Long Pla.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony SLV-SE700I è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony SLV-SE700I - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony SLV-SE700I imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony SLV-SE700I ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony SLV-SE700I, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony SLV-SE700I.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony SLV-SE700I. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony SLV-SE700I insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.