Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SLV-SE310G/I del fabbricante Sony
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filename[010cov .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) G B] Master P age : Right 3-065-672- 11 (1) GB Video Cassette Recor der Operatin g Inst r uc tion s SL V -SE310G/I © 2001 Sony Cor .
2 W ARNING Mast er P age : Left filename[010W] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] W ARNING T o preven t fire or s hock ha zar d, do not ex po se th e unit to r ain or moistu re. T o avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet.
3 T ab le of co ntents Getting Started Master P age : Right filename[010CO VTOC .fm] model name1[ SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) G B] T able of c ontent s Ge tting S tar t ed 4 Inde x to parts and.
4 Inde x to par t s and controls Mast er P age : Left (T OP) filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Getting Started Inde x to par ts and con tro ls Refe r to the pa ges ind icat ed in par ent hes es ( ) for deta ils.
Getting Started 5 Index t o par ts and controls Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Dis play window A T imer indicator (43) (47) (51 ) B T ape .
6 Inde x to par t s and controls Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Rear panel A Mains lead (13) (14) B AERIAL IN ANTENNE ENTREE connector (1 .
Getting Started 7 Index t o par ts and controls Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Remo te comma nder A Z EJECT b utton (36) B COUNTER/REMAIN .
8 Inde x to par t s and controls Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] L [TV] / [VIDEO] remote contr ol switch (10 ) M ? / 1 (on/ sta ndby) swit .
Getting Started 9 Unpacking Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Step 1 : Unpac kin g Check that you have recei ved the following items with the.
10 Setting up the r emote commander Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Step 2 : Setting up the remote comman der Inserting the batteries Insert tw o R6 (size AA) batteries b y matching the + and – on the batteries to the diagram insi de the battery compartment.
Getting Started 11 Setting up the r emote commander Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] TV contr ol buttons To Press Set the T V to st andby .
12 Setting up the r emote commander Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Notes • W i th norm al use, t he batte rie s shoul d last abo ut three to six mon ths.
Getting Started 13 Connecting the VCR Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Step 3 : Connecting the VCR If your TV has a Scart ( EURO- A V) connector , see page 14.
14 Connecting the VCR Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] If y our TV has a Scar t (EURO-A V) connector Note • If the TV is connected t o t he LINE-1 (TV) connect or, se tting the RF channel to OFF is reco mmende d.
Getting Started 15 Connecting the VCR Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] About the SMAR TLINK featu res If the connected TV complies with SM.
16 Connecting the VCR Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Additio nal connection T o a set top box with Line Throu gh Using the Line Through func tion , yo u can watc h programmes from a set top box connected to this VCR o n t h eT Ve v e nw h e nt h eV C Ri s turned of f.
Getting Started 17 Setting up the VCR with t he Auto Set Up function Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] S t e p 4: S e t t i n gu pt h eV C Rw i t ht h eA u t o Set Up fun ction Before using the VCR for the first time, se t up the V CR us ing the A uto Set Up function .
18 Setting up the VCR with the A uto Set Up function Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o cancel the A uto Set Up function Pre ss A UTO SE T UP . Notes • I f y o us t o pt h eA u t oS e tU pf u n c t i o nd u r i n gs t e p3 ,y o um u s tr e p e a ts e tu pf r o m step 1.
Getting Started 19 T uning your TV to the V CR Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Step 5 : T uning y ou r TV to the VCR If your TV has a Scart ( EURO- A V) connector , see page 20.
20 T uning your TV to the VCR Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T oc h e c kt os e ei ft h eT Vt u n i n gi sc o r r e c t Set the TV to the video channel and press PR OGRAM +/– o n the VCR.
Getting Started 21 Selecting a language Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Sel ecting a lang uag e If you prefer an on-scre en language ot her t han English , use the on- s creen display t o select another language.
22 Presetting channels Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Presetting c hannels If some chan nels could not be pr es et using the Auto Set Up fu n ction, you can preset them manu ally . Before yo u star t … • T urn on the VCR an d the TV .
Getting Started 23 Presetting channels Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] 5 Press PROG +/– to select the progr amm e posit ion. 6 Press M / m to highlight CHANNEL SET , then press OK. 7 Press M / m repeatedly until the chann el you want is displayed.
24 Presetting channels Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] If the picture is not c lear Normally , the Auto Fine T unin g (AFT) functio n automatically tunes in channels clearly . Howe ver , if the picture is not clear , you may also use the manual tunin g function.
Getting Started 25 Changing/disabling progr a mme positions Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Changi ng/disab ling pr ogramme positi ons After setting the channels, you can change the programme positions as you l ike.
26 Changing/disabling progr amm e positions Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tip • If you w ant to return to the pre vious menu, hi ghlight RETURN an d press OK. Note • The menu d isappears a utomat ically if y ou don’t proceed for more than a few minutes.
Getting Started 27 Changing/disabling progr a mme positions Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tip • If you w ant to return to the pre vious menu, hi ghlight RETURN an d press OK. Notes • The menu disappears a utomat ically i f you don’t pro ceed for mor e than a f ew minutes.
28 Changing/disabling progr amm e positions Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Changing the station names Y ou can change or enter the station names (up to 5 characters ).
Getting Started 29 Changing/disabling progr a mme positions Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tip • If you w ant to return to the pre vious menu, hi ghlight RETURN an d press OK. Notes • The menu disappears a utomat ically i f you don’t pro ceed for mor e than a f ew minutes.
30 Setting the clock Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Set ting the clock Y ou must set the time and date on the V C R to use the timer features prop erly . If the VCR clock was not set in the Auto Set Up procedure, you need to set it manually .
Getting Started 31 Setting the clock Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tips • T o chang e the digits while setting, pre ss < to return to the item to be c hanged, and select the digits b y pressing M / m .
32 Setting the clock Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Note • The menu d isappears a utomat ically if y ou don’t proceed for more than a few minutes. Changing the s tation for the A uto Clock S et function Before yo u star t … • T urn on the VCR an d the TV .
Getting Started 33 Setting the clock Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tips • If you set A UTO ADJUST to ON, the Au to Clock Set fun ction is activated whene ver the VCR is turn ed off.
34 Setting your personal code Mast er P age : Left filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Set ting your personal code For identif icati on, you can enter a personal code into the VCR. Once you enter your personal code, you can confirm i t any time but can never cha nge i t .
Getting Started 35 Setting your personal code Master P age : Right filename[010GET .fm] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o confirm y our personal code While th e VCR is tu rned off and there is no tape in the VC R, hold down X (pause) and ? / 1 (on/s tandby) on the VCR simu ltaneously for more than three seconds.
36 Play ing a t ape Mast er P age : Left (T OP) filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Basic Ope r ations Pla ying a tape Before you start .
37 Play ing a t ape Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Notes • The cou nter resets to “0:00:00” w henever a tape is rein serted. • The co unter stops co unting when it co mes to a portion with n o recording .
38 Recording TV programmes Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Recor ding TV pr ogrammes Before you start ... • Refe r to “Index to parts an d controls” for b utton locations. T o stop recording Pre ss x STOP .
39 Recording TV programmes Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o check the remaining time Press DISP LA Y . With the display on, press COUNTER/R EMAIN to check the remaining time.
40 Recording TV programmes Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Notes • The DISP LA Y informatio n does not appear du ring still (pause ) mode or slow - motio n playba ck. • The DISPLA Y informatio n will not appear while playin g a n NTSC-record e d tape.
41 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Recor ding TV pr ogrammes usi ng the Dial Timer The Dial T imer function allows you to make tim er re co rdin gs of pro gra mme s without turn ing on your TV .
42 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] 3 Press DIAL TIMER. “ST AR T” and the current time ap p ear alternately in the display window . 4 T urn DIAL TIMER to set the recording start time.
43 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o return to the previous step T o return to the pre vious step, pres s t he PR OGRAM + and – but t ons on the VCR at the same time durin g any of the Dial T imer settings.
44 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o set the cloc k Tips • T o canc el a Dial T imer setting, press x (sto p) on th e VC R whil e you are mak ing the sett ing.
45 Recording TV programmes using the Dial Timer Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] About the Demonstration Mode The Dial T i.
46 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Recording TV program mes u sing the VIDEO Plus + system The VIDEO Plus+ system is the feature that simplifies programming the VCR to make ti mer re cord ings .
47 Recording TV programmes using the V IDEO Plus+ syste m Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] 3 Press OK. The date, start and stop times , progr amm e posi tion or st atio n name, tape speed, and VPS /PDC setting appear on th e TV screen.
48 Recording TV programmes using the VIDEO Plus+ system Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o stop recording T o stop the VCR while recordin g, press x ST OP . Daily/weekly recording In step 4 abo ve, press m to select the record ing pattern.
49 Recording TV programmes using the V IDEO Plus+ syste m Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o use th e VCR after setting t he timer T o use the VCR before a reco rding begins, just pr ess ? / 1 .
50 Setting the timer man ually Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Setti ng the timer man uall y If the VIDEO Plus+ system is not available in your area, follow the instructions below to set the timer to record programmes.
51 Setting the timer m anually Basic Operation s Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] To s t o p r e c o r d i n g T o stop the VCR while recordin g, press x ST OP . Daily/weekly recording In step 2 abo ve, pr ess m to select the recording pattern.
52 Setting the timer man ually Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/ I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tips • T o set the programm e position, you can also use the PR OG +/– or progra m me number b uttons.
53 Pla y ing/searching at various speeds Master P age : Right(T OP) Additio nal Operations filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Additio nal Operations Pla ying/s earc hing at v arious speeds Before you start ... • Ref er to “Inde x to parts and co ntrols” for b utton locat ions.
54 Setting the recording duration time Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] S e t t i n gt h er e c o r d i n gd u r a t i o nt i m e After you hav e started recording in the normal way , you can have the VCR stop recording automatically after a specified dur at ion.
55 Synchronized Recording Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Sync hr onized Recor ding Y ou can set the VCR to automatically record programmes from equip ment such as a set top box by connecting the equipment to the LINE-2 IN connector .
56 Synchronized Recording Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o cancel the Sync hronized Recording func tion Press SYNCHR O R EC. The SYNCHRO R EC button turns off. T o stop recording Pre ss x STOP while r ecording.
57 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Chec king/ changin g/cancellin g timer settings Before you start … • T urn on your TV and set it to the video chan nel.
58 Checking/changing/cancelling timer settings Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] When th e timer se ttings overlap The programme that starts f irst has priority and the second pro g ramme starts recording only after th e first programm e h as f inished.
59 Searching using t he Smar t S earch function Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Sear ch ing using the Smar t Sear ch funct ion If you recor d multiple programmes on a tape, use t he Smart Search function to see what has been recorded on your tape.
60 Searching using th e Smar t Sea rch function Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] T o record in a blank spac e Blank space on the tap e wil l appear as a blank ro w in the SMAR T SEARCH screen.
61 Searching using t he Smar t S earch function Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Notes • Y ou cannot use this funct ion unless the clock is set. • Dependi ng on the t ape, th e total or remaining ti me may no t appear correctly .
62 Adjusting the picture Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Adjus ting the pictu re Adj ustin g the tra cking Although t he VCR automatically .
63 Adjusting th e picture Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Tip • T o set tracking to the ce ntre position, press the P ROGRAM + a n d – bu ttons on the VCR at the same tim e.
64 Reducing the VCR ’ s power consumption Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Reducing t he VCR ’ s power con sumption Y ou c an t urn off the in dica tors i n th e dis pla y wind ow when t he VC R is o ff (stand by) mode to r educe the VCR ’ s power c onsumption.
65 Changing menu options Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Changi ng menu o ptions Menu choices Initial settings are indicated in bold print. OPTIONS-1 1 Press MENU, t hen select OPTIONS and press OK.
66 Changing menu options Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] OPTIONS -2 Note • When the VC R stands b y for recordi ng, the indicato rs in the display w indow remain lit e ven when PO WER SA VE is set to ON.
67 Editing with another VCR Additio nal Operations Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Editin g with an other V CR How to connect to recor d on this VCR Connect the line outputs of the other VCR to the LINE IN connector or jacks of this VCR.
68 Editing with another VCR Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Notes • If you con nect th is VCR t o both t he LINE IN an d LINE OU T jacks of the other VCR, select the input corre ctly to prevent a hu mming noise.
69 T roubleshooting Addition al Informatio n Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -S E310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Additio nal Information T r oubleshooti ng If you hav e any questions o r problems not co vered belo w , please consult your near es t Sony service facility .
70 T roubleshooting Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -S E310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Pl ay ba ck The pictur e rolls vertically du ring p icture search. • Adjust the v ertical hold contro l on the TV or monitor . The pic ture has no sound.
71 T roubleshooting Addition al Informatio n Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -S E310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Timer re cording T h eV I D E OP l u s +m e n u or the TI MER m enu does not ap pear . • Check that TIMER OPTIONS in the OPTIONS-2 menu is set corr ectly (se e page 66).
72 T roubleshooting Mast er P age : Left filename[] model name1[SL V -S E310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Others A tape can not be inse rt ed. • Ch eck that a tape isn ’ t alr eady in the t ape com par tmen t. T h er e m o t ec o m m a n d e r does not fun cti on.
73 Specifications Addition al Informatio n Master P age : Right filename[] model name1[SL V -S E310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Specification s System Ch a nn el c ove r ag e P AL (I) VHF IA .
74 Inde x Mast er P age : Left filename[010CO] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB] Inde x A Adju stin g picture 24 , 62 tracking 6 2 Aerial h ookup 13 AFT (Aut o Fine Tuning) 24.
Master P age : n o page right filename[010CO] mode l name1[SL V -SE310G/I] [3-065-672- 11 (1) GB].
Sony Corpor ation Quick Start Guide 1 Connecting the VCR 1 ... Connec t the aerial t o A ERIA L IN of the VCR. 2 . . . C o n n e c tA E R I A LO U Tt ot h e a e r i a li n p u to f your TV using the supplied aerial cabl e .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Sony SLV-SE310G/I è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Sony SLV-SE310G/I - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Sony SLV-SE310G/I imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Sony SLV-SE310G/I ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Sony SLV-SE310G/I, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Sony SLV-SE310G/I.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Sony SLV-SE310G/I. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Sony SLV-SE310G/I insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.